HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-01-12, Page 7T11U1tS., JAN. 12, `1933' ., to moaarwmin Health, Cooking Care of Children ppp1ialiUI7 ' tlh A Column Prepared Especially for Women-- But Not Forbidden to Men THE PATCHWORK QUILT `I have always thought it rather essill y ' stuff, then cut it up ands r carefus• uidman, for atony together, again into qui p aid by, g. a' day'. 1 But in every household there are al- ee' Jack's first tar-; ways pieces of print and'other pieces.. here a :piece o tan kilt. left over from the manufacture of ear ad' our pride and stay! garments, whioh can: be and are be- ing worked up into quite respectable y sued, mild • quilt! to buy ' it itches. his blue, borne spun,looking bed spreads. Some of the as cut Erse frock o' our lost hair 'old patterns are being used while pie Jane some of thepatterns are quite new hires, He abune will warm its wi' and altogether different. And the ' His sun,. '1 s, chill:. us wi' His raim n' here' an' there s bit that minds o' slays beyond the sea, hen -we were young all' snod at kirk or fair . y Bonnie banks o' Dee. ur lives are patchwork, a' patterns planned, heir pieces glad an' was thegither wrought y ae great 'skilfu' Hand. e Kathryn Pocklington in The Farm- er's Advocate. a No doubt many will say that I am old-fashioned when I declare myself pleased' to note the trend amongst our young girls back to the old-fash- ioned, homecrafts of knitting, sew- ing, ete. Well, I'm not ashamed to confess that I am a bit old-fashioned. I am conservative.to the extent of wishing to preserve everything worth while in the past, while I think I am also quite ready to step forward tc enjoy and use everything that is worthwhile and for the benefit of "humanity which has been discovered in modern times. And the discover- ies of modern times have been such es to inspire a certain feeling of awe and wonder as to what man may yet be able to accomplish in the marvel- ous universe in which we find our- selves. 'Tis a wonderful age, my masters, and we are the locicy folic to be living in it. I often regret that my father passed on just lest than a score of years ago, as no moan I have ever met would have so enjoyed and appreciated some of the inventions which have been complet- ed since that time, In fact, some of Clem he had anticipated years be - their tuntraigiemueolmaiimialatize TRE CLINTON NEWS.RECO1W yym,m„en®nrrmm+nd„xvnuecwraaaf�rwumR' __.__._suWa�tlmixrux,nnu• .mw fvmolar o veaarxds.mrtn, mw,v�mnava � EDEST LY Edited By Lebam Bakebei Kralc Young girls seen to be as interested in them as their mothers, somnetinies more so, as some of the mothers had their innings at that sort 'of +Work when children and, having had their young hearts. surfeited with it then, do not take to it now. Why do I like to see the girls do- ing this sort of work? Well, I'm not just sure, except that it is nice,fenm- inine work and I like feminine girls. I like a girl who is interested in pret- ty dresses, in pretty china, in the ar- rangements of the home. But, somee one is sure to ask if I think a girl should sit "sewing a fine seam” all the time? Oh, near, no! I like to see a girl go out and play a suite strenuous game; I like to see her glowing with healthy, outdoor exer- cise; I like to see her able to walk and skate and do all the things whicil the modern gill can do so well. What I do not like to see is the girl who cannot amuse herself for an evening in her own home; who feels dull and depressed if she is not going to r movie or a dance every evening of her life. Such living is not 'healthy living and if kept up unduly unfits a girl for the serious duties of life, tc wlmieh she comes sooner or Iater Nothing so soon makes life dull and drab as to be always running after some amusement. The girl who can play a game, read a book, turn her hand to some useful household task and take an occasional evening off for pure pleasure is the girl wind is nest likely to find life most sat- isfying and Also is best fitted to take up more serious duties later. I like the modern girl, she's bright and interesting.• She tan sew a fine seam, knit an intricate pattern which her grandmother never even fore. thought of, can hold her own with But to return to the trend of the her brother in many of the modern modern maid to the old-fashioned games, can assist her mother in any household crafts. Have you noticed household task going, hold down a time fascinating sweaters which the business position, and in the girls are knitting for themselves? It 'delights my heart to see their lithe, young figures clothed in these beautifully executed garments, and they take such pride in them: Then there is the recurring fad for patchwork quilts. Now, ordinarily, Po .rndation Planting (Experimental Farms Note) Foundation planting is the plant- ing Of shrubs, 'vines, annuals or per- eeniale around the base or wall of a building. Many people do not seem to. real ize the value of foundation planting. While plants will not take the place of paint or repairs, nevertheless they serve to hide and'beaufify buildings that would otherwise be drab or ugly. Hundreds of homes, both old and new throughout town and' country, could be improved by the careful planting of a few shrubs' or vines around them to hide large expanses of wall, soften sharp angles and accentuate desir- able features. Naturalness should be the keynote of all planting. In most cases, plant- ings, irregular both in width and height, are most pleasing. Do not plant in a solid line as . in a hedge. Grcup the plants in natural clumps and allow the geese to come up to the foundation . in a number of places. Make sure that the taller growing plants will not interfere with windows, hatches, low growing plants or special architectural feat; ures. However, if a mistake be made, it can be easily rectified. Plants can be moved at any time in spring or fall, and placed where re- sited. - Shrubs are the most useful and permanent, and should snake un the hulk sof the planting material. While too great a eariety is not desirable, there should be sufficient to insure bloom throughout the flowering sea- son. Mixed plantings of evergreens and deciduous shrubs are excellent, particula''ty whero year-round effect is wanted. The• following ie a list of desirable shrubs that have proven to be hard,/ at Charlottetown. arranged in melee of blooming: Spirea arguta, Japanese barberry. Snirea Vanbouttei, bush honeysuckle (Lonicera tatarica, gran- (liflera and rubra varieties) and Li hrorrowi, Lilacs, Mad, Lemoine, Con- go and Rothomagensis varieties, Red. leaf rose. Japanese rose, mock orange (Philedelnhus coronaries aurea and Philadelphus Lemoinei Mont Blanc), Sorbaria sorbifolia„ Aitohesoni var- iety, Hydrangea orboreseens and pan- iculata, pyramidal cedar, globular' cedar, Retinosper'a eisifera filifer'a and Pinus cenmbt'a. The lost named is a very slow growing. Specinmeno of Pinus eombra planted et theChar- lottetown Experimental Station in 1910 are only 12 or 13 feet in hei' ht. In exposed or shaded position plant lilacs, honeysuckle, hydrangeas, mooch oranges and barberry. The most desirable vines are: Dut- chman's nipe, selffastetming Virginia Creeper, Jackman's clematis and bit- ter:ewoet. Perennials, annuals and bulbs are often useful and help brighten un hare or sombre places. These are to be had in great variety but should be chosen to suit the specific purpose for which they are required. back of her mind, cherish ambitions quite original to herself, My best bet is on the modern girl: I find her very stimulating and I think the future of the race is safe in her hands. —RIOBEHAH. teal fit Service 6attuttltttt and Life i 1, OF TILE Pillai A1 , I1 i1#i1'1t Insurance Companies in Canada. Edited by GRANT FLEMING, M.D., Associate Secretary A BAD GAP There are some gaps which can ' be crossed if we are willing to take the time and if we have the strength to struggle down one side and up the other. Other gaps must be bridged if they are to be crossed. The engieeering'skill which has made possible the bridging of such chasms as exist in the Rocky Mountains is one df the marvels of our age. ' There are other kinds of gaps "which are serious impediments to "life's progress. One such gap is `the one whieh exists between know- ledge and practice in disease proven- tion. On the one side is knowledge; on the other, disease and ignoranee, The gap must be bridged if disease is to be overcome by knowledge. Too often it is presumed that ' knowledge is, in itself, sufficient, but such is not the ease. Knowledge is • power in that it makes effective practice possible, but it is the appli- Cation of knowledge which seoures •'xosults. Water power has always existed at Niagara Falls, 'but it was not until recent years that this power has been made use of. Now it is being developed and, converted into elee- '"trie energy, it puts machinery in motion and produces light; it se - cares results because it is being made • use of. In the field of disease prevention, ' the greatest and meat urgent peob- which is available. Wo know that typhoid fever can be controlled through the safeguarding of water and food supplies, but this know- ledge does not cause typhoid fever to disappear. Typhoid fever becomes a rare disease in those communities where this knowledge is applied so as to secure for the citizens a pure and safe water supply, and where the fdod is safeguarded. The only reason why diphtheria continues to menace children is be- cause full use is not being made of the knowledge which is available concerning the prevention of this disease. We know how to prevent diphtheria by a simple, safe proced- ure—diphtheria immunization. A number of communities have suc- ceeded in banishing diphtheria by making use of this means; other/• have made no effort in this conned tion, and so diphtheria continues its E wNi Household Economics THIS MODEST CORNER IS DEDICATED. TO 'THE POETS .Here TlY �'Sing They Will You Their Songs—Sonietinies Gay, Sometimes Sad— :nt: Always Helpful and fins piling. THE COURTSHIP OF. gene wistfully gazed on the landscape, STANDISH Washed with a cold gray mist, the MILDS vapory breath ofthe east -wind, It may be a long time since You Forest and meadow and hill, and the ( y read this simple story of a Puritan steel -blue rim of the ocean, Courtship read it and recall your Lying silent and sad, in the afternoon youth,—Ed.) shadows and sunshine. / - Over his countenance flitted a shad - 1 ow like thoee on the landscape; Miles Standish Gloom intermingled with light; and his voice was subdued with eneo- In the Old Colony days, in Plymouth tion, the land of the Pilgrims, Tenderness, pity, regret, as after a To and fro in a room of his simple and primitive dwelling; Clad in doublet and hose, and bents of Cordovan leather, Strode, with a martial air, Miles Standish the Puritan Captain. Buried in thought he seemed, with his hands behind him, and pausing Ever and anon to behold his glitter- ing weapons of 'warrare, Hanging in shining array -along the walls of the chamber, Cutlass and corslet of .steel, and his trusty sword of Damascus, Curved at the point and inscribed with its mystical Arabic sentence, While underneath, in a corner, were fowling -piece, musket, and match- lock. (MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council will meet in the County Council Chain - hers, Court House. Goderich, on Tuesday the 24th day of January, 1983, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for its first or Statutory Meeting f the year. All notices of deputations or oth- er important matters to be brought to the attenti•rn of the Council must be in the hands of the Clerk on or before the Monday previous. Local Municipal Clerks will please send in by mail previous to the meet- ing of. County Council notices of the election of their respective Reeve: duly made out in enemer form. GEO. W. HOLM•AN, Dated at Goderiell County. Clerk. this 9th day of January, 1988. 05-2 ravages. All this is trite for the individna' just as it ie true for the community. , You will only secure ee.otection from ' disease and keep yourself ie a'heal- ;thy condition to the extent that yor. apply the knpwledgo which you have 'concerning these matters. Increase your . knowledge by all - means,` but above all, make use of what know., ledge you hay's"- Questions concerning Health, ad dressed to the Canadian Medical As sociation, 184 College Street, 'Torun' to, will be answered personally by Short of stature he was, but strong- ly built and athletic, Broad in the shoulders, deep -chested) with muscles and 'sinews of iron; Brown as a nut was his face, but his russet beard was already Flaked with patches of snow, as hedges sometimes in November. Near him was seated John Alden, his friend and household companion Writing with diligent speed at a table of pine by the window; Fair-haired, azure -eyed, with delicate plans, Saxon complexion, Or the Artillery practice, designed Having the clew of his youth, and for belligerent Christians. the beauty thereof, as the captives Finally down from its shelf.he drag- ged the ponderous Roman, Seated himself at the window, and opened time book, and in silence Turned o'er the well-worn leaves, where thumb -marks thick on the margin, Like the trample of feet, proclaimed the battle was hottest. Nothing was heard in the room but the hurrying pen of the stripling, Busily writing epistles important, to go by the Mayflower, Ready to sail on the morrow, oe next day at latest, God willing' Homeward bound with the tidings of all that terrible winter, Letters written by Alden, and full of the name .of Priscilla, Full, of the name and the fame of the Puritan maiden Priscilla! pause he proceeded: "Yonder. there, on the hill by the sea,elies buried Rose Standish; Beautiful rose of love, that 'bloomed for me by the wayside! She was the first to die of all who came in the Mayflower! Green above her is growing the field of: wheat we have sown there, Better to hide from the Indian scouts the graves of our people, Lest they should count them and see how many already have Perished;" Sadly his face he averted, and strode up and down, and was thoughtful. Fixed to the opposite wall was a shelf of books, and among them Prominent three, distinguished alike for bulk and for binding; Bariffo's Artillery Guide, and the Commentaries .of Caesar, Out of th,e Latin translated by Ar- thur Goldinge of London, And, as if guarded by these, between therm was standing the Bible. Musing a moment before them, Miles Standish paused as if doubtful Which of the throe he 'should choose for his consolation and comfort, Whether the wars of the Hebrews the famous campaigns of the Ro- Whom Saint Gregory saw, and exi claimed, "Not Angles but Angels." Youngest of all was he of the men who came in the Mayflower. ACCIDENTS AND CQMPENSAT ION UNDER TIME WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT The Summary of figures for The Workmen's Compensation Board of Ontario for the year 1932 show a total of 41,470 accidents reported dar- ing the' year, a decroese of 11,424 from the number during the prior Suddenly breaking the silence, the diligent scribe interrupting, Spike, in the pride of his heart, Miles Standish the Captain of Ply- mouth, "Loolc at these arms," he said, "the warlike weapons that hang here Burnished and bright and clean, as if 2017 parade or inspection! Timis is time sword of Damascus I fought with in Flanders; this breastplate, Well I remember the day! once saved my life in a skirmish; Here in front you can see the very dint of the bullet Fired point-blank at my heart by a Spanish arcabucero. Had it not been of sheer steel, the forgotten hones of Miles Standish 'Meant at this moment be mould, in their grave in the Flemish moras- ses." Thereupon answered John Alden, but looked. not up from his writing: "Truly the breath of the Lord hath slackened the speed of the bulletl He in his mercy preserved you, to be :our shield and our weapon!" Still the Captain continued, unheed- ing the word; of the stripling: "See, how bright they are bureish- ed, as if in an arsenal hanging; That is because i have done it my- self, and not left it to others, Serve yourself, would you be well served, is an excellent adage; So I take care of my arms, as you of your pens and your inkhorn. Then, too, there 'are my soldiers, my great invincible army, Twelve mein, all caulpped, having each his rest and his matchlock, Eighteen shillings a month, togeth- er with diet' and pillage, And, like Caesar, I know the name of each of my soldiers!" This he said with a simile, that dances ed in his eyes, as the sunbeams Dance' on the waves of the sea, and' vanish again in a moment. Alden laughed as he wrote, and still the Captain continued: "Look! you can see from this win-, dew my brazen howitzer planted. High on the roof of the church, a preacher who speaks to the pur- pose, Steedv, strnie•htforward, and strong, with irresistible loam, + Orthodox, flashing conviction right into the hearts tof the heathen. Now we are ready; I think, for any assault of the ,Indian's: Let them come, if they like, and the sooner they try it the better.',* Let them come if they like, be it sagainore, sachem, or pow -wow, yea., The fatal accidents numbered 247, as smnnared with 339 during 1931. The total benefits awarded during the year were S5.125.195.56 as com- mared with 36,021.392.10 during 1981. the 1932 figures being made Litt of 34.307,955,18 compensation and 3817,- 240 35 medical aid: Talcinm to basis of 300 wetting days this 'would show average daily ben - awarded of 17.084, i'eoui•ing en nerags of Re chennes r,er day. There was a decrease in the average number of new claims reported daily from1761881 t 138 'n 1702 his troops, and commanded the captains, Calling on each by'his' name, to older forward the ensigns; Then toiwiden the ranks, and give more room for their weapons; So he wen the day, the battle of something -or -other. That's why I always say; if you wish e, thing to be well, done, You must do it yourself, you must not leave it to +others!" A11 was silent again; the Captain continued his reading. Nothing was heard in the room but the hurrying pen of the stripling Writing epistles .important to go next day by the Mayflower, Filled with the name and the false of the Puritan maiden Priscilla; Every sentence !Vegan or closed with the name of Priscilla, Till the treacherous pen, to which he confided the secret, 'Strove to betray it by singing and shouting the name of Pricillal Finally closing his book, with a bang of the ponderous cover, Sudden and loud as the sound of a soldier grounding his musket, Thus to the young man spice Miles Standish the Captain of Plymouth: "When you have finished your work. I have something important to tell But with the air of a man whom nothing can turn from his purpose, •Gravely shaking his head, made ans- wer the Captain of Plymouth: "Truly the maxim is good, and I do not mean to gainsay it; But we must use it discreetly, and not waste powder for nothing. Now, as I said before, I was never a Maker of phrases. I can march up to a fortress and summon the place to surrender, But march up to a woman with such a proposal, I dare not. I'm not afraid of bullets, nor shot from the mouth of a oonnon, But of a thundering 'Not' point-blank from the mouth of a veotnan„ That I confess I'm afraid of, nor am I ashamed to confess it! !So you must . grant my request, for you are •an elegant scholar, Having the graces of speech, and skill in.the turning of phrases." Taking the hand of his friend, who still was reluctant and doubtful, Holding it long in itis own, and pres- sing it kindly, he added: "Though I hove spoken thus lightly, yet , deep is the feeling that prompts ole; •Sure]y you cannot refuse what I ask in the name of our friendship!" Then made answer John Alden: "The name of friendship is sacred: What you demand in that name, I have not the power to• deny you!" So the strong vvilI prevailed, subdu- ing and moulding the gentler, Friendship prevailed over love, and Alden went on his errand. (To be contnued next week.) ,you. Be not however in haste; I can wait; I shall not be impatient!" Straightway Alden replied, as he folded the last ef his letters, Pushing his papers aside, and giv- ing ining respectful attention: "Speak; for whenever you speak, I ams always ready to listen, Thereupon answered the Captain, embarrassed, and culling his phrases: "'Tis not good for a man to be a- -lone, say the +Scriptures. This I have said before, and again and again I repeat it; Every hour in the day, I think it, and feel it, and say it. Since Rose Standish died, my life has been weary and dreary; • Sick at heart have I been, beyond the healing of friendship. Oft in my lonely hours have I thought of the maiden Priscilla.. She is alone in time world; her fath- er and smother and brother Died in the winter together; I saw her going and coming, Now to the grave of the dead, and now to the bed of the dying, Patient, courageous, and strong, and said to myself, that if ever There were angels: on earth, as there are angels in heaven Two have I seen and known; and the angel whose name is Priscilla Holds in my desolate life the place which the other abandoned. Long have I cherished the thought but never have dared to reveal it. Being a covvarcl in this, though val- iant enough for the most part. II Love and Friendship Nothing was heard in the roomp but the hurrying pen of the stripling, Or an occasional sigh from the lab- oring heart of the Captain, Reading the marvellous words and -achievements of Julius Caesar. After a while he exclaimed, as he smote with his hand, palm down- wards, Heavily on the page: "A wonderful 111a11 Wa$ this Caesar! You are a Writer, and I am a fighter, but hers is a fellow Who could both write and fight, and in both was equally skilful." Straightway answered and spike John Alden, the comply, the youth- ful "'Yes, he was equally skilled, as.you say, with his pen and his weapons. Somewhere have I read, but where I forget, he coupe dictate Seven letters at once, at the sae time writing his memoirs" "Truly," continued the Captain, not heeding or healing the other, • `Truly a wonderful man was Gains Julius Caesar! Better be first, he said, in a little Iberian village, Than be.second in Rome, and I think he was right when he said it, Twice was he married before he was twenty, and many - times after; Battles floe hundred he fought, and a thousand cities he conquered: He, too, fought in Flanders, as he himself has recorded; Fish Cookery Talks Reach Wide Audience 'Way up in a remote settlement of Northern Ontorio, where, as it hap- pened, there was no mail in or out this year between early ,November and early December, housewives have listened eagerly to radio talks en fish cookery by ,Mrs. Evelene Spencer, cookery specialist of the Dominion Department of Fisheries, and havo applied her hints in their own cooking. A belated letter from .cne of the women has told the story, which is of interest as indicating how snide a territory s being covered by the program instituted by the Fisheries Department to presbnt authoritive information on fish cookery to Cana- dian women and thus to help to in- crease the use of Canada's fine fish foods. Consunmtpion of film cannot be greatly increased in one small settlement, of course, no matter how excellent the cooking, but multiply this Northern Ontario community by many other's here and there in the Dominion which are also being teeth- ed. by the Spencer broadcasts and the results may mean a good deal to the fishing industry in the way of expanded demand for its products. At present Mrs. Spencer is in British Columbia, where, at the out- set of 1933, she began another series of demonstrations, broad- casts, and addresses before various organizations. Her first British Col- umbia work was done in Van- couver, where plans for her program have been mapped out at conferences which she and departmental officers have had with representatives of the fishing industry, and subsequently she will go to Victoria and a number of other Pacific coast centres. She will be in British Columbia for aE mm�nber of weeks. The British Columbia program follows upon world in Manitoba, where demonstrations were held in Winnipeg and Brandon and radio ed - dresses were given at both places. Previously Mrs. Spencer had been in various centres in Ontario and Rue•' bet. It had also been intended to have her visit several places in Man- itoba in addition to Winnipeg and Brandon but unavoidable circum- stances made it impossible to carry out this plan. Go to the damsel Priscilla, the love- liest maiden of Plymouth, Say that a blunt old Captain, 'a man not of words but of actions, Offers his hand and his heart, the hand and heart of a soldier. Not in these words, you know, but this in short is my meaning; I am a maker of war, and net a maker of phrases. You, who are bred as a scholar, can say it in elegant language. Such as you read in your books of the pleadings and woo]ngs of lov- ers, Such as you think best adapted to win the heart of a maiden." When he had spoken, John Alden, the fair-haired, taciturn strip- ling, All aghast at his words, surprised, embarrassed, bewildered, Trying to mask his dismay by treat- ing the subject with lightness, Trying to senile, and yet feeling his heart stand still in his bosom, Just as a timepiece stops in a house that is stricken by lightning, Thus made answer and spaice, or rather stammered than answered: 'SSueh a message as that, I am sure I should mangle and mar it; 1f you would have it well done.—I ams only repeating your maxim.— You must 'do it yourself, you roust not leave it to others!" Finally he was stabbed by his friend, the orator. Brutusl Now, do you know' whet he did on certain occasion in Flanders, When the rear -guard of his army retreated, the front giving wan' too, And the immortal Twelfth Legion in o r was crowded so closely together The accidents reported dtirincr Dec There was no room for their swords? Aspinet, Samoset, `(lorbitant, Squat- Whv, he seized a shield .from a ember numbered 2;860, as compared to, or Tokamahamonl" soldier, «l i! 1 with 4,088 in December the. prior ong a to window e ear `-lent is to put to use the knowledge letter. Y • Convertepression Prosperity L ° t tl dow h stood and Put himself straight at the head of