HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-01-12, Page 5THURS„'JAN. ,12,:1933 • r IF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME Tomorrow is Friday, the thin- teonth. 'But who's superstitious? Who says' Clinton is not prosper - cue, why even the cemetery is self- sustaining!, Calvin Coolidge, oolidge, r the silent,, ex; president of the United States,' died as he lived, alone. , .. , . -One of the results of the influence of the ,Oxford Movement is all to the good, •anyway, that is the way it sends folk paying up old debts. Thompson,- school census to I.P.S.; $2.50; . II. G. Thompson, special re- perts, $9.00; Harry L. iSalkeld, Pos- tage, etc., $18.00; Supt. Pay Vouch- er No. 1, $2'71.2'7. The council then adjourned tc meet Feb.7th, at 1.30 p.m. Robert Johnston, pioneer resident of Goderich Township, died on Fri- day at the home of his son, Coun- cilor J. Ernest Johnston, fourth con- cession of -Goderich township; in his 85th year, after only a few days' illness. He was born on a farm on the Bayfield Toad, now occupied by William Jennings, which was home- steaded by his father who came out, from 'Northern Ireland in the early part of the 19th century. Besides J. E. Johnston, well known in political life, George Wildman Johnston and a daughter, Mrs. John, Porter, all ,of Goderich township, survive. Deceased was 'a Presbyterian, lat- terly a United church man, a staunch Conservative and an Orangeman feel 50 years, He was a very successful farmer. Interment was made on Sunday in l years. Maitland Cemetery, Goderich, after d JOHNSON --it° Goderich township, service at his ,son's home, conducted on Jan. 6th, Robert Johnson, in his by Rev. F. W. 'Graik, of Victoria 85th year. The 1.933 council at Arthur is said to weigh over half a ton. That may be all right of course, but that's just 'gross” weight. What ' about mental powers? One might suppose, not being sure • what sort of a winter may yet blow up, and the economic depression, that inmates, of penitentaries might be very glad, to have a roof over their - heads and the certainty of three meals a day. What better, if any, • would they be if at liberty? BIRTIS McGR> GOR --'In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Jan. 2nd; to Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGregor; of Stanley town- ship, a son. DEATHS * * • So far owe have not suffered any- thing very fierce in the way of wea • they. Perhaps Phis will be like last -winter, try to crowd a whole winter into a few weeks in March. (The above was written day before yesterday, when it seemed that spring, like prosperity, was just •around the corner. But 'we , shall leave it, just as a reminder of the foolishness of weather forecasting.) FLYNN-4n Stratford, on Jan. 11th, Dominic Flynn of Hullet township, aged 7 6' years. Funeral service in St. Joseph's church, Clinton, at 9.30 Friday morning; Jan. 13th. Interment in the R. C. cemetery,' Hullett.. McCLINGH•RY—In Stanley township on Jan, 7th, William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClincley, in his 28th year. WALKER,_' .t Brucefield, on Jan. 7th, Roy McQueen Walker, young- est son of Mr. sand Mrs. Jamey Walker, in his 28th year. BEATTY-In Stanley township, on Jan. 7th,John Beatty, aged '74 years. SW ITZER—In . Goderich township, ori Jan. 10th, 'Susanna C. Powell, orifi• of Mr. James B. Switzer, aged '74 THE CLINTON'' NEWS.R.Luutcai' THE BEST MARKET FOR Poultry, Eggs, Cream ALL THE YEAR ROUND FOR CASH AT TIIE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE N. W. Trewnrartha' Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w street United church, 'Goderich.. • • • • Romance s not dead by any means, even in this jazzy age. A young To- -Tonto couple eloped and, after elud- ing the police on their trail and drill • wing through three states, were mar- ried at four o'clock in the morning after an all night drive. The bride is sixteen, the bridegroom twenty- one. Perhaps in ten years, they will - wish they had waited a bit, but again, perhaps not. Good luck to them any- ' way. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Whitmore and. son, Harold, of Hamilton, were guest: df the former's parents over the week -end. The death occurred on Tuesday of Susanna C. Powell, wife of Mr. Jas,. B. Switzer of the. Bayfield line, aged seventy-four years. The funeral takes place from the family residence this afternoon to Bayfield cemetery -• • • • Referring to,the publication of "church news" ilocal newspapers, the Fergus News -Record says: „It is indeed the bane of sonic editors' existence if they worry over such - things. The whole front page Might be full of local church news but if one item of it:were put on page -five. the members • `of that church would feel mad about it. The societies and the ministers may work in all kind of free advertising about themselevs but the members of every chprch,in town probably have an idea that some other church in town gets more stuff printed in the papers than they • do, It's a great life." One minister was almost abusive to the editor of The News -Record be, cause we refused to change th1 mode of making up the paper and put his church news just the way he wanted it. But ordinarily the min- isters and church officials are appro- . dative. en .by Rev. Mr. Bremner. Following the business period, a lively "Spelling Match" was, held which' was enjoyed by all participating. Mr. Bremner certainly seemed able to find words which some, of us had never even heard of which added to the interest, .There passed away in Tuckersrnith on January 7th, Mr. Rioy Walker, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.' James Walker, in his twenty-eighth year Roy had been ill for the past three years but bore his illness with Chris- tion resignation and without com- plaint. He was a member of Bruce- field United church. His pastor, the Rev. W. A. Bremner, conducted the funeral service on Monday, January 9th, taking for his text Romans 8-18' "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time ars not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." He leaves to mourn his loss besides his -parents, two brothers, James and Norman. and one sister, Mrs. Mary Brown. In- terment was made in Baird's ceme- tery. The pallbearers were, Mr. Wnm Scott, Mr. C. Taylor, Mr.C.Jrm- strong, 'pis. W. Hough, Messrs. ohn and Scott Davidson. The sympathy of the entire com- munity is extended to his parents and family. Friends who attended the funeral from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Swan of Mitchell; Messrs. Black - lock of Monroe; Mr. John McQueen of Flint, Mich.; Mr. George Walker, Hensel( and Mr. and Mrs. George Watts of Clinton. The regular monthly meeting of the Brucefield United church Wo- men's Association was held on Wed- nesday of last week at the home of Mrs. Wellington Elliott. When an automobile skidded on the icy road at Brucefield Wednes- day evening. of last week, Marie, 2, year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Graham, St. Thomas, was in- jured. The baby was attended by Dr, Shaw of Clinton and three stit- ches were required to close a head wound. LONDESBORO On Sunday, on his way from his home to the Crediton United Church, of which he is the pastor, Rev. J. W. Johnston, formerly of Londesboro, slipped on the pavement and fell, striking his face on the cement walk. Mr. Johnston has , not been in good. health for the past two months and he had to have medical attention. The congregation assembled and con- tributed their weekly offering, after which the members adjourned and worshipped at the Evangelical church. Londesboro friends will regret to hear that word has since been note re- ceived that Mr. Johnson will be able to take his work for six weeks or so. The annual congregational meet- ing of the United church will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 17th, at 2.3Q o'clock in the, basement of the church. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held in J the 'Conuinunity hall attendance. ton daylintle 5th, with a good absence of the president, the firs' vice-president, Mrs. F. hall, took the chair. Meeting opened by sing- ing the opening ode and the Lord's prayer was repeated in unison. Min- utes were read by the secretary and business dealt with. The roll call, to be answered by sing, do, play, o i pay, was responded to in various ways, which made it quite interest- ing. ' Mrs. T' Pickett rendered a pleasing instrumental. Mrs. F. Hall gave a paper on Do's and Dent's for Institute Workers, in which sound advice was given. It is the intention to have a summer speaker for the June meeting and invite other bran- ches of Institutes to meet with them at that time. A lovely lunch was served at the close of the meeting by seven of the members and enjoy- ed by all. The work of bridge building over the river just south of the village has come to a stand still and will probably not be resumed till spring, This makes it very inconvenient for traffic, especially in the winter time. However a swing bridge has been erected on which foot passengers may travel which no doubt will be handy for the few who travel that way. Mrs. John •Scruton of Clintonthis the guest of Mrs. D. Heggart s week. The annual meeting of the Public Library will be held in the ommunn- ity Hall on Friday, Jan. 13th, Elk 2,30 o'clock, all 'who are interested in the work are invited to attend. The W. M. S. of the United church met yesterday afternoon in the church lecture room. The Friendly Class held a social evening yesterday. The Hullett township council am pointed Mr: James McCool of Len• desboro clerk and treasurer, to suc- ceed Mr. John Fingland, who has been obliged to resign owing to ill - health. Mr. and Mrs. Fingland entertainer the members of the council and township officials to dinner the other evening as a little farewell, as Mr, Fingland has. resigned the positior of clerk .and treasurer after seven- teen year' aeryico. Ride Cafe Meals at ail hours. Special, Dinner 40c from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m'. ' Supper, 5 to 8 p.m. Lunch at all hours. Try our Neilson 'Ice. Cream, Ice Cream Bricks, and Eskimo Pies, Cigars, Ciga)rettes, „Candy. Charlie Koo Proprietor. 53-c. Member of Florist 'Telegraph Delivery 6u Association fi pry"1,y.71r •, Flowers' and Plants in Season Chas,, V. Cooke. F L' 0 IR ..a Phones: 66w and 66j Euchre,and Dance L.O.L. No. 1035 are holding a euch- re and dance in the township hall, on . Wednesday, January 18th. Euchre to be played from 8.30 to 10.30 and the lunch will be provided. Admission 25c. Every- body welcome. 05-1. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Council Meeting: The council met on Monday as per statute. After the usual declarations of office the mem- hers gave brief inaugural addresses, advocating economy with efficiency. Each expressed his desire to mea- sure up to his duty in spite of ftime • difficulties caused by the present montetary ' stringency. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. A lettez front the War Memorial Children's Hospital, asking a grant was read the third time. By-law No. Municipal Association and the 'Good Roads Association each solicited membership fees. I'yled. Mr. Daniel Glidden, 'Sr., was re. appointed' School Atttendanee officer Mr. T. M. Falconer was also re- appointed to his office of Weed In specter. The clerk was instructed to order the usual number of copies • of the Municipal World. By -lay No. 1, setting the salaries of officials the same as last year was read :the third time. By-law No. 2, appointing the' same officials as last year was also passed. By-law No. 3, to borrow money from the Royal' Bank for current expenditures was passed. Mr. John Mulhollarid's 'offer 'to rent the hall at the same price. 'as 'last year was accepted. The Collector's time was extended —to Feb. 18th to collect some un -paid taxes. The reward for shooting dogs while worrying sheep was lowered from $15.00 to $5.00. . A slight ad- justment in the pay for men and • teams was: ;made, being placed at 20o per hear for men and 40c per hour for teams. ' All were agreed that the price 'of gravel be 12e ' per yard to ,all owners keeping their pits hi proper shape. The following accounts were order ed paid: Ther N;eyas=Record; .printing 97.14 "'Town of G1 nton•, OUP portion of Di- vision 'Court, $5.66; T. T. Murphy; "Division Ciciurt Clerk,' '$12.00:, 'Os. •t' `nmn, Divi ion' Court Bailiff, $12.00 ,x Geo. Mair )sheep claim, MOO; e' L amphrcheep claim, $5300;Ge , g., Sturdy, ,,ing 'sheep, $7:20; ' Wes. 'Stevens, 4 tax error, $2.00; Jas doSw� tax error,o.$2 00: 74liller „ rr, aK„r,rnyrr • , Saturday S pedals PECAN ROLLS BUTTER HORNE DOUGHNUTS Annual Meeting' The annual meeting of the Bay- field Agricultural Society will be held in the town hall, Bayfield, en Wednesday afternoon, , Jan. 18th, when the financial report will be presented, officers elected and other business transacted. A full atten- dance of members is requested. ' • 05-1. Made By Tenders for Wood Tenders will be received for 10 cords of beech and maple body wood, 16" long, for U.S:S. No. 12, Goderich and Hullett, to be delivered by Ap- ril 1st. Tenders to be in• the hands of the secretary on or before Friday, Jan. 20th. Robt. G. Smith, See.- Treasurer, ec:Treasurer, Londesboro, •Ont. Phone 640r34, Clinton central. ' 05-1. i�t,e Tea y� (scuts OH SO GOOD! EAT MORE WHOLE-WHEAT BREAD MADE OF THE BEST INGREDIENTS • FRESH OYSTERS NEW MINCE MEAT BARTLIFF & CRICK Vita is boat jI:teIcat o1ks Home,' sweet home is home, warm home, where th&.:Heat Folks have the run of the fire. If you have these happyyoung- sters inyour coal bin there is no need of'hanging up. "There's no place like' home"—for you'll know it just as soon as you step inside. They keep ` the household warm ;and care -free. They save frequent trips to, thecellar and numerous fire- building jobs. You can trust them' to keep the fires going no matter how late you're out. So adopt these Heat Folks and put more joy. in your .life. Call the , ny, 111 PHONE '74 '1,12/I ' ii''5tj ; CLINTON, ONTARIO 4 J/4,55, K11S*, 5 J l0I..415,41 4H 4h 1Y,:y,,Nl *M. ,51 A,m nrnhsee' 30 and 60 �.'' a Sc $1.00 Watt �l^.:,. 7 f PRODUCT OF CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC Phone Us Ce H. VE NNEL W o Deliver Funeral Baer a 1 S env ice Phone 7 ' Makers of Dainty Maid and Whole Wheat Bread Phone 1, Clinton" " For Sale Several pieces of 'household fur- niture, cooking utensils and other small articles for quick sale. Apply to Miss Edith Stewart, Clinton. 04-1. regular monthly meeting at the homy of Mrs. S. T. Walter, on Tuesday af- ternoon. The presidentof the W.M. S., Mrs. Wm. Yeo, presided. Mrs. Wilfred Jervis and Mrs. Leslie Jer- vis sang a duet which was very much appreciated. Mrs. Bdrt Trewartha presented. the 3rd chapter of The Study Book and Mrs. Lorne Jervis contributed a reading on "Steward- ship." A letter from Miss Mustard of Gypsumville, was read, expressing appreciation and pleasure in receiv- ing the bale of clothing, quilts and Christmas Gifts from the Holmes - Ville ladies. After singing the dos- ing hymn, Mrs. Walter took charge of the Ladies' Association and planr were made to have a Valentine Par- ty, to be held in the church on Tues- day evening, Feb. 14th. Arrange- ments were also made for a social evening at the home of Mrs. Geo. Mair, the end of January. The annyal meeting of the Beef - ring was held on Tuesday afternoon in Mr. Mulholland's Halt The farmers of our community are enjoying the unique pleasure of plowing during these beautiful days. Mrs. Wtn. Finlay plucked a pansy from her garden recently. The Iiolmesville Cheese and But. ter Company holds its annual meet. ing on Thursday next, Jan. 19th. Miss Grace Robinson of Zurich spent ,the week -end as the guest of Miss Edna Huller. Mr. Harry Ford, who has been appointed local representative of The Confederation Life Association, attended their convention held at Hotel London, on Tuesday and Wed- nesday of this week.• PORTER'S HILL GET HIS PHOTOGRAPH That boy of yours is on the high- way to manhood—is changing ever y day. Photographs of him will never grow up, so be sure you have them made often. It's the only way to keep him a.boy. THE BURGESS STUDIOS Clinton and Mitchell Developing and Printing COLBORtNE • Mr. Ernest Crawford of Port Al- bert spent the week -end with Mr. Rey Errington, .Mrs. Robert Mcllwain visited with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Carter of Au- burn, on Monday. The W.M.S. held their regular meeting on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wo. Mcllwain. in the absence of the president the meeting was taken by Miss H. Clark. The election of officers was conduct- ed by Rev. W. J. Patton. The offi; cors for 1033 are: Honorary President: Mrs. A. Hen- derson. President: Miss H. 'Clark. 1st Vice: Mrs. W Walter. 2nd Vice: Mrs. Thos, Wilson. 3rd Vice: Mrs. 'G. McPhee. Secretary: Mrs. A. Stoll. Treasurer: Miss Ruby Young." Assistant: Miss Amelia . McIlwain. Missionary Monthly Secretary: Miss Ruby Young. Stranger's Secretary: Mrs. W. Raymond. Press Secretary: Mrs. Henderson. Secretary of Finance: Miss H. Clark, Flower Committee: Mrs. 3. Young, Mrs, Treble, Mrs. Wm. McIlwaiie Supply Committee' Mrs.,. Wm Dwain. Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs'. Mor- ris, Mrs. J. ,Young, Mrs. Treble and Miss Clark. Organist: Mrs. Robt. Mcllwain: Assistant: Mrs. A. Henderson. Watch Tower: Mrs, Henderson Mrs. Patton, Mrs. T. Wilson, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. G. McPhee, Mist. J. Ir ea an. g orscormarsaralumraercrosatzes CAPITALTIIEATRE Northern Electric Sound System Goderich, Phone 47 Now Playing: A feature length comedy: "Unexpected Father.” MON., TUES., WED. The widely Discovered Story II on the screen at last in full realism Impatient Maiden With LEW AYRES Mae Clarke, Una Merkle and Andy Devine BRUCEFIELD Tho keen, ;rivalry between." the membership teams of the Y.P.S. was. shown 'by the large attendance at the meeting on Monday evening. As yet Miss Gladys Addison'steamihas been undefeated. although Mi. Me= Len's, team: is. stilj; a. close second.; •, After the devotional period, under the leadership of Mr. liter•'Snary; a Splendid tells on, "Six Ways of Tc'hng R ght frown $rong' was giv.. u Oka :, .. ...,.a.:., ..avu!1(17 s . HOLMESVILLE We were pleased to see such a splendid turn out ,to ome andgular service on Sunday. wor- ship with us at Grace church. You will . bo helped and we will be glad to welcome you. Glad to report an improvement in all our sick ones. Mr. Allen Betties is able to be up again after quite a severe attack of flu. Our Young Peoples" Society has been reorganized and will hold their first, meeting Friday evening, Jan. 13th. Our young folk need all the help we can give them, let each one do their mart and make their meeting a success. Mr. and Mrs• J. Locicliart and son Glen, were called • to Dundalk last Wednesday to attend the funeral of a friend. They motored up. Not often does the. weather .and roads permit metering north in January. We are sorry to 'know, there , is very little improvement in' Mr, herb. Bu"k's condition. of " At the the Men"s Cluk, nlegtinei on Tuesday evening Mr. Fred Elliott was again electdd'1iresrdent,'Althbuph he' tried; 115rd, to, gut, Put of,tak}lig the honour. ,Mn H. C.'COX :was.,eleeted vice; ai3 i4ent and Mr J, G. Stirling, secretary:41sKilretkon; THURS., FRI., SAT. WILLIAM FOX presents a grand treat for all you adventure lovers I "Robber's Roost" with a popular cast Coming: "Lady Pannifo'd's Folly" i Mat.: Wed. and. Sat., 3 p.m. j Annual Meetling Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w The annual meeting of the Clinton Horticultural Society will be held hn the Agricultural Department office on Thursday, Jan. 12th, at 8 p.m. A full attendance of directors and members is requested. Ian MacLeod, Agr. Rep., President; H. E. Rorke, Sec. -Treasurer. 04-2. Radio Lienes MAY BE OBTAINED AT G.S. McFarlane's Office kbarei uT. /,�•'P1M1tAM.�,i,' WANTED Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid. A. E. FINCH Phone 231. CLINTON District Supervisor of Radios for South Huron 04-2 Roomers and Boarders Wanted Comfortable home with bath, rea- sonable terms, convenient to business section. Apply to Mrs. H. Castle, the Inkley house, Victoria street. t2-tf. Wood Wanted . For S. S. No. 11, Goderich town- ship. About 10 cords of 12" maple wood. Tenders accepted up to Mon- day, Jan. 23rd by the undersigned. Roy Tyndall, Sec. -Treasurer, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 607 r3, Clin- ton ton central. Wanted A quantity of good feed wheal wanted by undersigned. Roy Tyn- dall, R. R. No, 3, Clinton. Phone607r8, Clinton central. For Sale Modern six -room house and also business for suitable man. Billiard parlor and tobacco store, furniture repairing and upholstering andan- tique dealer business. Apply to R. Tacker, Clinton. Mrs. Ross is visiting with her son Mr. Keith Bass. Mrs. P. Walters spent Sunday 'with •'M �. `and' Mrs. Leslie Jervis. sec Thelma Bennett 'of Goderiehl re- is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Edgar .. wan fiha,;::rh .•:;:. Mrs. Eldrid Yeo has been ill, hav- ing suffered from flu The MMS anal W,A;-•`hold their , 05-3-p. D. H. McINNES, Chiropractor. , Electro Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Street. (Few Doors west of Rpyal Bank) Hours: Wed. and Sat. and by • appointment. FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment Phone 207 NORMAN W. MILLER OF CAR LICENSES ISSUER Agent for E. D. Smith Nursery Stock Office Isaac Street, Clinton. Pohne 62w. Cottage For Sale or Rent Comfortable cottage, Rattenbury street, East. Electric lights, town water, soft water cistern. Apply to Mrs. George Wheatley, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, phone 233 r 12, Seaforth central, or to Fred Rogerson, Cling ton. 02-5-p. Tenders For Wood Tenders for supplying 12 cords, 14" body wood to S. S. No. 10, God- erich township, half beech and half maple, to be delivered on or before March 1st. Tenders to be sent not later than 6 o'clock p.m., Jan 14th, to Brown Stewort, secretary, R. R: No. 2, Bayfield. Phone 609r25, Clinton central. 04_2. Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Huron Central Agricultural Society will be held in the Agricultural Office, Clinton, on Saturday afternoon, January 14th at 2.00 p.m. The fin- ancial report of 1932 will be presents ed. officers and directors elected for 1933 and other necessary business transacted. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend. Wm, McEwen, Geo. H. Elliott, President. Secretary. 05-1. Work Wanted Young married man wants work, by day or month. Will try hand at any kind of work. Inquire at News. Record. 05-1-p, Wood For, Sale A quantity of green hard maple, body wood for sale. Apply to Ernie Oriel. Phone 616r23, Clinton Ocen- tral. se - tral. Wood For Sale Quantity of, Hard body stove wood, and cord wood. All orders;.promptly attended to. Victor Falconer, R. R. No. 1, Brucefield. Phone 629-12, Clinton central. 98-tf-d. House for Sale 8 -room house with modern conven- iences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 lots in garden, barn, woodshed, good ceI- lar under house. Apply on premises to Hiram Hill. 66-tf. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Farm Property Under and by virtue of the pow- ers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offer- ed for sale by public auction, sub- ject to a reserve bid, on Saturdayt the 28th day of January, A.D., 1933, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after - Notice noon, at the Rattenbury Hotel, Olin - That all taxes unpaid by January ton, the following property, Lot num- 17th b subject to a penalty of 1 peri her 22, in the o e centhcontainingss 80, on, e per • Township of G d cent. for January and an extra 1 p cent be added onthe first day of acres of land more or less. ' +• � Upon the property there is said to be erected a first class, barn. TERMS: Ten per cent. of the purchase money'to ;be paid down at Wile of the sale and balance to be paid within thirty days. For further particulars and condi- tions of ,salo''apply to the undersign' ed. Solicitor. t day at Clinton, this 4th f January, A.D., 1938.' th Township bf Tuckersirr •e H. Elliott,, A,ucgtioneer, .F: t :.. MacGregor, Clerk of the :Tan.... , Pe:P,?•S, • F m , pn tan , Ciinton;..tOtario, Solicitor, of Tuel{er�smith; .Se4fprtl?d.i �i rs i��,he�Idiortgagee. 04-'4.. 8- '�. House For Sale or Rent Comfortable 8 -room house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late) Peter Cantelon, For particular's ap- ply ix, George Cantelon, Rattenbury ' street, Clinton. Phone 272. 85-tf. E. G. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 18 -ti. Coal, Coke & Wood Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthracite( (foal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal Scotch Aithracite, range 'size Hamilton and American Coke Also Bitiminous Coal Prompt and careful delivery from,, my sheds on Queen street. • A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St. Phone 256o each` month thereafter until the firs day of .May.. D. F. MacGregor, Clerk of the Township of Tucker, smith, Seaforth,. Ont. 05-2. NOTICE „Township of . Tucicersmith Applications will be received. until, January 26th for\the ;office of asses;, sot . er. e th • All Cleaning and Pressing at Reduced Prices W. J• JAGO If not open, work ,may b,e left 'at Beard's Barber Shop.