HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-01-12, Page 4Sr
6114 Now and
assortment of':Season's
New Felt Hats in pretty shades
'of•,brown, ,green, wine and
Save Monet,
Fur-tmimried and fully inter-,.
lined. Only a few : left, Jan-
, nary S.,ecials. 'Choice $6,95
Wool' Bonnets, 39c. Booties, 35e
FlaWool Sweater;,, tOe, Mitts, 59c
Short etre Clowns ... 'Et c
Short Coats 25c, Etc., Etc,
Ladies'' two-piece knit suits.
Made of wool : also silk and
wool in 'shades. sof
s green, brown
apricote and blue.
REDUCED TO .. ..:•$3.59
Extra Values in
Smart Styles, in blue nap and
MEN'S ,.................$9.95
LITTLE BOYS 3:00 . $
with , fur -lined ear lugs
Boys' Chrome Leather
Priced to Clear.... $3.50 each
Boys'. or Men's
Men's or 'Boys'
Sand or Blue
14Ien's' ..'98c; Boys, ..89c
ie Mottled Coiprss.... 49c each
• . • . COOPER
Phone 36w (Main Store) ; 36j (Ready-to-wear Dept, 2nd floor)
The Store With the Stock. Leaders in Low Prices.
Last week we told you about
ticle yet prcduced for GAS ANT)
When we tell you this 'toilet
at anywhere near its price, we
The Two
it. Let us repeat its the best ar-
soap is the best soap on the market
are not exaggerating. q.
.4 for 25c. ,a
for S0c
ed Sty PHONE 61
Special Sale of Flour
• Beaver g
bt� lour ,
This is a BlendeeFlour, guaranteed for Bread or Pastry, if not
satisfactory your money cheerfully refunded,
IRULB..ETT 'to WNstile
Miss Helen Quigley, Beg. N., re-
turned to Windsor Friday, after
'pending the Christmas holidays
,vith her parents, Mr. and'Mrs. P.
At the inaugural meeting of the
ifunicipal Council of the Township,
if Hallett, held on Monday, January
stns Mr. John Fingland, having ten,
lered his resignation as clerk and
,reasurer of the, Municipality, was
!resented with the following ad-
"Dear Mr. Fingland: We the d-
icers, ex -Reeves, . and members of,
he Municipal Council of the Town-
hip of Hullett, at this, our first
neeting of the year 1933, unite in
vishing you and your family a happy
nd prosperous New Year..
Although you do not feel able to
e with us as our clerk and treasur-
r we will not forget you. We will
miss your genial and courteous co-
pi ration in our discussions, and ix
his your time of disability our sync-
achy goes out to you with the wish
oat your health may be restored,
rad that you may be able to take
orate part in the work in which you
ave been interested for the past
years. We wish also to
epics our apprecation of the abil-
y you have displayed in- the lis-
of your many duties, and for
efficient services you have ren-
:red during these years of your of-
me. •
We ask you to accept this cane, as"
to remind you of our good.
ill and wishes for your future wel-
May the years to come always
ing to you pleasant recollections
the years we have spent together
our Township Council Board. We
that you will always have , a
arm place in our hearts," -'welded
the wish . in,
we may, see you
ten. •. :.,,
To Mrs. Fingland: ,
We ask you to accept this eaeser-
e -for your kindness to us on many
visions 'while 'attending Council
cetings, and we hope, God willing,
at you and Mr, Fingland• may be
many years to -enjoy the est
these small tokens we have pre-
sited to you,
Signed •on behalf of the'inembere
officers of council.
ed in, Stratford, Toronto and Baden,
and the last eleven years with her
daughter, Mrs. Brigham in Hullett.
She is also survived 'byone brother,
Matthew Wilson of Vancouver.
t The funeral on Saturday after-lI
noon was in charge of Rev. Geo. 011-
ver of St. Andrew's United church,
Blyth, interment being made in
Blyth cemetery. The pailbeaierr -
were neighbors, Fred Shobbrook, Tore
Brown, Nelson Lear, Simon 1MoVittie,
Andrew Hoggart and A. W. Beacom,
When you are dunned for a debt v
you do not owe or cannot pay what s
do you do? The question seems per-
tinont, for we suppose more people
than ever before in the history of a
Toronto are being subjected to such t
demands. 'Perhaps you tear up the P
annoying letter and try to forget it.
hoping that the creditor will show
equal sportsmanship. Alas, it is
rarely he does! On the contrary, you a
receive another demand, couched In 'il
terms of increased asperity, and pre-
sently you are bombarded with what G
you may properly term insults and a
threats, t,
That is the natural fate of the de- m
unguent debtor, if"he takes the na- ,,
rural course of ignoring the letters, sc
but there is a simple way, of avoid -
lug this annoyance, One should ens- PC
wen the first letter either by another th
letter or by a visit to the creditor. th
One should then point out that the ne
alleged debt was never contracted.
and if this can 'be proved, the Mat-
ter ends. Or he should say that he
admits the debt and wishes to do
what lie reasonably can to extinguish
it. He will find his creditor glad rte
enough to make any decent eenrpro-
mise. , If he cannot pay ten dollars a at.
:weeke perhaps he can- pay a dollar, on
Everybodyeknows how things are, p•m
Thnigs' are this way, that blood is the
thicker than water. Or rather we hen
should say that you cannot get blood sin
out of a stone. If a man hasn't the er
means' of paying he cannot pay, and Mr
nobody can force''him to pay. But it lira
is' only regeonable that he Should in- spo
form his creditor of ' his inability, of.
To do' so, will' save the debtor fiance five
embarrassment and needless worry;ommuthe —Adams'Poi
{then read. The president sug
ted that the 'society take as its'
tto' "'God, First"" It Was decided
hold a bazaar and supper in the
r 1 and have an apron shower for
rB month of ` February. Two "'•cap-
rs •'Mrs M,eClymlos t and"Ntrs.'
rite'-• theb''chose sides •dividing
Deceased � s a daughter. th '
s {5 eT,, es,lA.ts
t h thp•' seclet
W>1. and: rs Wslgon, io eer o£ , There's• sdii4 s'. •,' '•i'': „ y `Each side is e" heat'
is • n..n .,. ,r„ seta' /Mg il� ,the ',dyier?r chsil
.Moris 'tow 1 -' t rge of %$e''mneeting 'alternately.
o % nship, where she was tlsetnents toda to".imi rii:st • ': i J
y to ou l�eail' rs. E; ,4 m '1
vise' theti
M p..
n '''''"Li`'''
, dc.,
., y,, .rv to her
Iboi�n ; s;, , ,,., ,. , s
m:7tllia, Tn later �,,, . s'S'l'it', , n,wH ^t.e i s.-•,.•
�da]`'s'.shd'lrt�t them.s , r . , +C , ,
�mont� f'bti taib..:mon ]at...lo F. � v,
t . . £ .Februaryn,.
THURS., JAN. 12, 1933
At the close of the meeting the` hes,
fess served a delicious afternoon tea
and a',social'hour, •was enjoyed 'by
Beginning Sunday, January 1st,
Rev. Mr. Peulter'has ` been holding
a series of services at 'G,oshen and
Blake in the; afternoon and at Var-
na in the ,evening'., The subject of
his inspiring addresses, has been
Mrs. Seeley of Detroit and son,
Mr, Frank Seeley of Kenioka visited
this week with Mr. and Mrs, A. Aus-
tin, :and attended the funeral of Mr.
John Beatty on Tuesday.
Nlrs. A. Austin and son, Alvin were
in' Blyth yesterday,
Mr. and Mrs, Filmic Weeks and
Harold'ConneIl were in Listowel' re-
cently visiting. Mrs. Weeks' sister,
who is quite,
Citizens of Varna and the sue -
rounding coniinunity were shocked
by news of the sudden death of MT.
John Beatty 'on Saturday morning,
Also by the unexpected death of Will
M'cLinchey of the Goshen
Mrs. Howard ;Brunsdon was in Blyth
last week attending the funeral of
the late Mt's.-Stackhouse.
Messrs .Gordon-Cudmore and Francis
Powell are taking the short course
in bee -keeping at the O.A.C.,
Verily, newspaper editors are ex-
pected to have almost supernatural
powers and if they knew as much as
some folk seem to expect they
wouldn't be fit for this world.
For instance, a clipping from a
newspaper is dropped into our letter
box. There is nothing to show when
or where this clipping comes from
but perhaps something about ii
gives the impression that the news
contained Wray, be of interest tc
some of our readers. But we are
not sure and it may take three or
four telephone Mills, after we have
raked our brains fore and aft to
puzzle. the thing out, before we fin-
ally discover what interest this par
titular clipping has for anyone in
this secticn and where it cane from.
We are always grateful to our
friends who endeavour to assist us
in the gathering of news, but when
sending in a clipping we should be
so much more grateful if they would
state where the clipping is taken
from, date of publication and what
significance the item has to auyonc
in this vicinity. In short:,state the
"What, 'im re
R e h n
e n
, 'pV anti Why.
Mr. R. H. Johnson picked up a live
earth worm in his yard yester-
day. Pretty good that, far January
Mrs. Wesley Nott of Tuckersmitl-
is in the Clinton Hospital suffering
front the results of a motor accident
which occurred last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Bird, lately of the
west, have taken up their abode in
Miss Mahaffy's residence, Isaac
street. We welcome them to Clin-
Representative Ian MacLeod and
his assistant are busy just now with
a short course at Brussels. Twenty-
five girls and over that number of
boys are taking the course this year.
The News -Record is in receipt of
an invitation to the thirty-third an-
nual at-home of Toronto Huron Old
Boys' Association to be held at the Ar-
eadian Court, R.obt. Simpson Com-
pany, Toronto, -. on Friday evenings
Clinton's second nomination will
be held in -the council chamber ,on
Monday evening next, between half
past seven and half past eight. If atm
election is necessary to provide two
councillors the election will be held
the following Mon. day,
The members of the Presbyterian
congregation are planning to send a
shipment of clothing,' bedding, etc..
to' a needy section of the west and
army ono wishing to assist are asked
ttt leave articles at . Miss MecDon-
al''d's not later than Jan. 10th.
'Mr. A. D. D. Pudwell, who hal
been 'organist in :St. Joseph's church
for several. months past, is leaving
this week to go into retreat for nine
months prior to entering University tc
train" for the ,priesthood. Mr. •Pud
well will be missed in musical circles
in. town,
Miss A. $.. Sinclair, a graduate of
Cl)nton hospital, has been appointed
night stupervisor• at the hospital, Miss
Sinclair has_ had several years' exner-
ience,,,having recently' returned from
the west, where she had been asses
mated with Miss M. Mustard in
charge of a .n'tiss$onary hospital.
' Mr.. W. H. 'Hodgeon of 'Long
Branch," a former alderman; And .
school' trustee and brominent in edu-
cational circles in Toronto, died'MMon-
da+ in hi; eighty-ninth year. He rr
'survived by his wife, who was for
m?sly Miss' Kate' M.' Musgrove of
Clinton, who was his second''(vife.
and' two sons and five dhuihters.
ri+ .'.ec ;
The fb11dw1irg kd�iort oC, a iSedding
is from .the o hocton, Micli paper,
anirltnefers tothe daughetr of'Q'forin
er resident, Mt. John''' offs$ ;``• the
bride being a grand -daughter of
Mrs. Annie Moffatt. and a niece of
lltr. W. G. Moffatt now o'f the Lon-
don roads
"Grace M. E. church, with its
Christmas decorations of evergreens
and candles,' formed a beautiful set-
ting for' the wedding of Miss Eula
Moffatt, , 'dauglter of Mr, and Mrs,
John Moffatt, 536 South Seventh St..
and Carlton S. Rumbaugh, son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Ruinbatcgh, Polk,.
which was solemnized Sunday after;
noon at 3 o'clock, with Rev.•Oscar. M.
Adam officiating in the ,presence of
a number of relatives and close
friends of the principals.
Preceding the ceremony Miss Lena
Miller sang sweetly "I love You 'Tru-
ly," 'accompanied by Miss Lois Brad-
ford, organist, who also played the
wedding' march' from. "Lchengrin."
Mrs. Danny Kropp Hffel-
finger), °Athens, as matron(Ruth e
of hon
or, wore a gray crepe skirt, and wins
velvet blouse. With this she wore
a wine velvet turban and carried
yellow rosebuds.
Miss Helen Moffatt, sister of 'the
bride, who served as maid of honor.
wore an attractive' bronze -green
crepe frock trimmed in brown vel-
vet. Her turban was of brown vel-
vet and yellow rose buds formed her
The 'bride, who was given in mar-
riage by her father, was charming
in a powder blue velvet gown, with
which she wore 'a turban of ivory
velvet, tenanted with a gold lace
veil, The bridal bouquet was of
pink rose buds.
The bride's mother was attired in
black velvet and carried a corsage of
pink roses.
Danny ,Knapp, Athens, served Mr.
Rumbaugh as best man.
Miss Moffatt was graduated from
the Coshocton high school in 1932
and attended Ohio university, Ath-
ens, for two years, where she war
affiliated with Lambda Omega soror-
ity. She is an attractive young wo-
man and the news of her marriage
cones with much interest.
Mr. Rumbaugh was graduated
fisnn (!hie university, Athens, in
1932 where he became a member of
Tau Kappa Episilon fraternity. He
is affiliated with a finance company
in Huntington, W. Va.
An informal reception woos held
at the church immediately following
the 'ceremony, after which Mr. and
Mrs. Rumbaugh left for Huntington
to reside."
The Huron W. M. S. Presbyterial
of the Presbyterian Church was held
in the Presbyterian church Tuesday.
Reports of the various officers and
committees were received and dis-
cussed occupying the morning session
after which the ladies of the local so-
ciety served dinner in the church
At the afternoon session, the elec-
tion of officers took place. Mrs. J.
C. 'Graig of Seaforth, the president
during 1032, was the presiding offi.
car. Following are the officers for
Lion. President; Mrs. Greig, Sea -
forth. ..
President: `Miss Jeckel, Exeter.
Vice-presidents, Mrs. (Rev.) W. P.
Lane of Goderich, Mrs, McDonald oQ
Goderich, Mrs. (Rev,), C. E• Brogan
of Clinton, Mrs. F. R.'I'edditt oY
Secretary: Mts. (Rev,) Rhodes,
Treasurer: Mrs. T. Swan Smith, of,
Seaforth, •
Home helpers secretary: Mrs. Ed-
wards, Hensall.
Y. W. auxiliary secretary: - Mrs,
Dun}op, Goderich.
C. G. I. T. Secretary: Mrs. (Rev)
I. B, Kaino, Seaforth.
Mission Band, Mrs. M. Reid, Sea -
Library and Literature: Miss L.
Herrington, Blyth,
Welcome and Welfare: Mrs. H.
Arnold, Ifensali.
Supply: Miss McDonald, Goderich,.
Glad Tidings, Mrs. E. Lawson, Au-
Life Membership: Miss McFarlane
of Clinton,
Press: Mrs.. Keith McLean, Sea -
Nominating committee, 1933: Mrs.
Walters, Goderich; Mrs. Greig, :Sea -
forth; Mrs. Larson, Auburn.
Reports from all departments
were encouraging, showing progress
An invitation was extended by the
Goderich W. M. S. to hold the Pres-
byterial there next year.
Miss Grace Jowett spent a day in
the village before leaving London on 1
Friday for Ft, Lauderdale, Fla.,
where she will join her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Jowett. She made
the entire trip by bus.
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner and Miss'
Betty returned home on Saturday
after having spent the Christmastide
with relatives in Chicago and__ Lake
Messrs. John and Ben Pearson and
E. A. Featherston left on Tuesday
morning to motor to Harbor Springs
Mr. E. Patchell snent the week-
end at his home in Chesley.
There will be a congregational
supper in the Orange Hall follower'
by the Annual Vestry meeting in
Trinity Church on Tuesday evening,
The annual meeting of the Bay-
field Public Library was held on
Monday afternoon Iast. The follow-
ing officers and directors were ap-
pointed for 1923. Chairman, Rev,
F. It Paul], Secretary -Treasurer,
Geo. E. Greenslade; Librarian, 'Miss
F. rewIie; Directors, Rev, F. H.
Paul], G. Greenslade, Rev. R. M.
Gale, Mrs. H. R. McKay, Mrs. R.
Scetehmer, A. Newton -Brady, Mrs.
R. H. F. Gairdner, Mrs. A. R. Seed.
The board of directors to be the book
selection committee and to meet at
the Library rooms Monday next at
2.30 p.m. The circulation showed a
small increase last year, being 3000
It was decided to hold a Euchre anti
Dance, Wednesday; Feb. ,1st in the
town haIl,, Mrs,. A. Newton -Brady,,
convener of the cownniit-tees
A public meeting of the ratepayers
was held at the school on Wednes
day, January 4th to select a 'school'
trustee, Mrs. A. R. Seeds term hav-
ing expired. Two were nominated,
Mrs. Seeds and John Parker. The
vote was :Mrs. Seeds, 38, John Par-
ker, 19, The Board for 1933 is John
Cameron, A, Blandon and Mrs; A. It.
Miss Mary Taylor, who has been
in Clinton Hospital for several•
weeks came home Monday and is be-
ing cared for by Mrs. Chas. Weston.
' money that- c90
Y 5pev►J for heat
ShouLd, rilca,ce your
Comfort quite complete!
These's a lot of money thrown
away each year on inefficient
heating. A lot of it is wasted on
coal that never performs its
heating function. We know
what's the matter with your heat-
er as soon as we inspect it.
Heating, Plumbing, Tinsmithing
will melte YOU a man well-dres-
sed. Let our expert presser play
the role •of valet to you by press*.
sing that suit that bags at the
knees and sags at the shoulders.
Our service is prompt; our works
manship is superior; our priced
are low enough to please the
moot thrifty,
I EAMES The Cleaner,.
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