The Clinton News Record, 1932-12-15, Page 81111.1J 7.y £JJ 4 , le), 17004 Bai*,ain Sale CONTINUED THROUGH CHRISTMAS, SEASON CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE AT SALE PRICES 05000.00 NEEDED AT ONCE NO RESERVE, EVERYTHING GOES FOR CASH Men's Ties in Fancy Christmas Box . • • • • • •39e to 950 Mn'es. Fancy .Sox, all wool or silk and wool at Sale Price, 25e to 790 Men's Silk Scarves, white and colored, beautiful new goods at Special Sale Prices . . • 29e up • Itten's White and Fancy Stripe Broadcloth Shirts, some in Fancy Christmas Boxes. Sale Prices 79e up Mar's Sweaters, Pyjamas, Bedroom Slippers, Bath Robes.. Ladies' Bose in all new shades, full-fashioned in thread silk,to 980 (chiffon or service weight . . • • • $1.00 Rayon Silk Hese, a special. bargain, 35e, 3 pairs for Ladies' Underwear, Silk; Wlool, Cotton, all at Special 'Clearing Prices Ladies' Boudoir Shippers at Reduced Prices (boxed Handkerchiefs in a large assortment at pto ces in chebel ox w former years lumsteel 110, POS. lity 1ats CHOICE FOWL ON HAND FRONT QUARTER OF CHOICE BEEF, per 1b. 7c I•IALF QUARTER, any size you wish, per lb. Tc DRESSED HOG, per lb. 100 A'S&IOIXED BREAIK.FAST BACON, big piece 14c SAUER KRAUT;in bulk, per lb. 50 HAMBURG STEAK, per ib. 10c Let us have your Christmas Fowl Order Now. If you haven't received our Calendar, please ask for it. HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, per lb. C A N LL & TYNDAL.L• "CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET s Street Phone 102 Sure There is a SANTA CLAUS RED AND WHITE STORE 11 TIIIS YEAR. Same frugal folk suggest cutting down their list of gifts, but let us remember the Christmas season is here and let us hope the Christmas, spirit is here as well. Let us not forget ,that the seasons cheer means a better New Year. Our "Warwick Gifts. Worth- while" deserve your, inspection. they are a little different and may help to solve- time knotty problem, each gift is boxed in a black and gold box and has a suitable card inclos- ed. A year's subscription to some Magazine is a gift that will last all the year. Now. is the time to renew. or subscribe for the conning year. Two specials in the toy department are a Kiddie Car at 79c and a Cro- kioole Board at $2.25. We appreciate the urge to be practical but surely we will not let the spirit of Christmas slip away. Might it not be that when life is harder than usual for many people it is proof enough that we need its magic. Perhaps the most beautiful things in life are the unseen things fantasy, faith, hope, ,love, romance and Santa Claus, is compacted sof all of them. 1 • `I• --.....—:=0=0=Z." ...,...' 3©S.'3©it.-:==1C 01=10=0== 11 A Fortunate Pureil :lase enables us to offer you a 1933 RADIO 'AT $ 69.40 (Manufacturers name withheld by request) It has been your privilege to pur- chase obsolete and out of date radios at very low prices, but now through special arrangements with the man- ufacturer we can offer a 1933 Radio with 1938 tubes. 1933 Radio With 1933 Tubes only a limited quantity to be had at this priee, phone for demonstration. Get Yours Now O ppW1II UGHardwire , FuneNALtu ral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring . - -. Cs O£;.'v.•.:M:....; eJr, ea—.M o3> 'acar_ . e3 Zai ' - Only 2 More Weeks to do that Christmas Shopping WE ARE SUPPLIED TO MEET ANY NEED IN TIES, 35c to $1.25 SOCKS, 25c to $1.25 SCARVES, beautiful patterns in wool scarves 01.00 and $1.50 SILK SCARVES $1.00 to $3.50 SHIRTS, separate of attached collars $1.00 to $3.50 GARTERS, SUSPENDERS, DRESSING GOWNS and other gifts too nnmercams to mention to meet all needs and prices DAVIS ',HERMAN A CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTE area= =.7:51r='}rz = a': ta +a" s,•v mrz„ + mat T eW,11.FairCoe Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 1 Oyster Cocktail, Roast Turkey, Mashed Potatoes Olives Baked Squash Pickles, Tomato Jelly and Linn Cranberry Jelly Plasm Pudding, Foamy Saucs, Coffee, •Tea Nuts Raisins. Li C en „ vrt MOM. 4z lila MIL ily nn 3 cups Cranberries, crushed; add, 1 cup fin Granulated Sugar, cover for fifteen min- utes; 1-2 cup shelled walnuts; 1eup diced celery, add one Lille Jelly, disolved inn b 2 cups of Hot Water I+-- :M „n=ee, 52;Fs A CHRISTMAS GIFT to our Everyone buying. a Ib. Red and White Tea for 49c a Beautiful Chip Proof Cream Jug or Sugar Bowl, or one lb. Red & hite Coffee 456 on,.,. .ro.WnT, NrW MO evneeea,.. .. Christmas Nuts all ue w (No Peanuts) 2 lb. 29c. ..YmveXeM1 -Meeh.! OMMOlFMOMM..a Rami Layer Raisins 30c. Figs 10 SPECIAL Christmas Candy, all Prices ---Note our Satin Mixture per lb. 15c ORANGES ---We are getting a large shipment this week prices from 20c to 49c Japanese Oranges in Boraces of 5 doz. for $1.15 Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 IIffI P^. li3iIIm'ti"i Ii 011 n hI Miss Grace Venner spent the weel • end with London friends. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of London vis, ited friends in Clinton on Tuesday, Mr. Spencer of .Toronto is visiting his daughter, Mrs. G. 5. McFar- lane. • Miss Jean Plumsteel of Elora High School ,staff was home over the week -end, Mrs. D. E. Foster is visiting he's• parents in Trenton, her mother not being in good health. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stevenson of Brockville are guests at the home of the former's brother, Mr. W. J. Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs. James Steel and daugh- ter, Mrs. T. Blair of Kincardine wore here for the funeral of Mrs. Egan on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson of lilill street spent Tuesday in Goderieh. They were accompanied by the latter's mother, Mrs. McDonald. Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Johnson and son of Crediton, formerly of Lon- desboro visited with Mr. 01. Brig- ham and Miss Brigham of town last week. Miss Anna Walker has gone to spend a holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Walker of Ottawa. She will visit friends in Kitchener, Galt and Toronto en route. Misses Louise and Marjorie Beaton of Toronto and Katherine Beaton of Harrow were in town last week, coming to attend the funer- al of their aunt, the late Mrs. Eg- an. Mr. Stewart Scott, who is recovering from a very severe illness, is now at his hone in town. Stewart's manyfriends in town trust that his recovery, although it is prov- ing to be slow, may be complete, Mr. and Mrs. Langlands of Katrine, who came to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Egan, are guests of the latter's sister, Mrs, A. D. Bea- ton. Before leaving home this fall Mr. Lanelondo sed '•°'I shot a fine Meek 1ir's+' , ' • , m, 1 been roaming the nc'ml• mo. m;.:l for some months. Miss Edna Turner, who has been spending the summer with her parents at Consul,: Sask., is visit- ing relatives in Clinton and vicin- ity. Miss Turner, who is a member of the research staff of the Toronto University, got leave of absence to go 'home owing to the illness of her mother, who is now somewhat improved. She will resume her university work after the Christmas holidays. OYSTERS NEW FRESH PEANUTS, 15c F SEH ArtE CANDY FOR CHRISTMAS a.ATTN FRUIT FILLED .MIX, i,er lb., 'only 190 19e 15e GIFT PACKAGES—Neilsen's 1, 2 and 3' lb., at 500 Ib. NGSE SOFT CREAMY CREAMS, "Fruit" only, per lb. ;SPECIAL "CRUNCHY" MIX, per lb. only GA.NO ' TRA QUALITY 50c and $1.00 BOOMER'S, will have their Hand -Rolled Chocolates Arrive Daily • 500 a lb. SPECIAL—Several Fruit Cakes, at 85c each. FOR SATURDAY --CREAM DROPS AND PUFFS • end®rf's Bakery and Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake". Bread Minstrel Show PLAY AND DANCE FORRESTER'S HALL, CONSTANCE on the evening of Friday December 16th at 8:15 Come and. Have 5 Hours of Fun ' Admission, 25c. United Church on Monday evening, December 12th, was well attended% due partly to the keen membership contest which is proving a great success bcth from a membership and loyalty standpoint. 'Miss Gladys Addison's team is as yet undefeated although MacLeod's team is rumoring a close second. The meeting opened with a short devotional period conducted by Fred Boyce, assisted by Gordon Elliott and 1 Jesse Freeman. Mr. Wallace Haugh gave an interesting paper on "The expansion of our missionary work in India." Mr. Bremner spoke briefly on Isis own personal interest in this work, stating that one of his former classmates was principal of the col- lege at Indore, while others that he engaged knows personally areb g d in missionary work in India. After the business period during which plans were made for holding, a Watch Night Service en December 31st, a lively contest was enjoyed. This is a regular feature 'of the meetings. The annual meeting of the Wo- man's Association was held at the church on Thursday afternoon. The meeting opened with hymn 360, Mrs, Jameison being in charge of the de- votional exercises. Rev. Mr. Brem- ner gave a finaneial report showing that 1932 has been a very successful year. Mr. Brenner presided over the el- ection of officers for 1933, which 1 resulted as follows: President: Mrs. J. Addison.. lst Vice: Mrs. R. Allen. • 2nd Vice: Mrs. B. McKay Rec.-Secretary: Mrs. Ross Scott. Cor.-Secretary6 Mrs. Jas. Thcnp. son.. Financial Secretary: Mrs. Alex. Broadfoot. Treasurer: Miss Helen Tough. Organist. Mrs. Alton Johnston. Dov -Committee: Mrs• Rattenbury, Visiting Committee: Mrs. Jas. Mc- Queen. Manse Committee: Mrs. T. B. Baird Flower Committee:.Mrs. H. F. Ber- ry. Mrs. Aikenhead; the retiring pre- sident, in a few well-chosen words. thanked the ladies far their 'kind co- operation during her term of offices. The meeting closed with repeating the Mizpah benediction. ERUC +'FIEW The annual Sunday. school Christ- mas tree entertainment will be held in the school room of the United Church on Dec. 22nd. • Mrs. W. Stevens returned to her home in the village last week after spending, the past few weeks at the home of her daughter •Mrs. Thoinp- sen of Sarnia. Miss May !Simpson of Detroit vis- ited 'friends in the village recently. Mrs. George Swan and daughter. Miss Dorothy, visited friends in "Toronto last weelc. , The .meeting of the X.P.S. of the der the L. C. A. He was not, asked to plead or elect and was remand- ed to county jail for a week by Magistrate Reid. AN ARREST FOLLOWS INQUEST • INTO DEATH OF.BLYTH MAN The arrest was made at Blyth on Tuesday of Clark Stanley after an investigation into circumstances ar- ising out pf the death of James.Tam- an by alcoholic poisoning last week. The prisoner was taken to Goderich icy,, Provincial Constable McCoy and' formally charged with "selling" un- Phone 244 Say Merry Christmas with Flowers SEE OUR STOCK OF AZALEAS, CYCLAMEN, BEGONIAS, CHERRIES, BASKETS OF FLOWERS, PRIMULAS, FERNS, ETC• our Telegraph Service for Far -Away friends. Use Attractive prices on Cut Flower Christmas For C s l vamingbartme I I FLORIST Christmas as only a Short Ways Away Make it Bright by Buying an 6sdi2 or a KNEW ange ,;r ? eater Call in and see what we have for presents before Buying. Veia HARDWARE and PLUMBING This Tear a COHIEFIZEI SAYS --"Give Something Useful!" We have mule a careful study of useful as well as decorative gifts with special attention to costs, in order to make our prices as light as possible for you. kinds: ' u•e allkn Children's Furniture, We have a well asserted steel: of Chi Lamps galore, Smokers, at wonderful bargains, Cedar Chests, Chesterfield and End Tables.—They are beauties. A.real assortment of Occasional Chairs, Ferneries, Fibre Chairs, also a new stock of Pictures and Mirrors at any price you wish to pay. HARDWARE DEPT. We have just received a brand new stock of the very latest Rogers Cutlery, direct from their Factory in England. Our Electrical Goods include: Irons, Toasters, Heaters, Curling Tong... A good assortment of sleighs, wagons, kiddie cars and trieyeles—,and remember we are sole agents for the famous C. C. M. Skates and we carry the Stock. ALL & ZA F E "Store With the Stock" Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers - N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103, SUPERIIOR CHAIN 57ogE'.`s ,The C] nistrnas Special has arrived at Superior Stores Santa Claus has sent word to -day he will be here sharp at 3 o'clock Saturday, don't forget -your rhyme ROBINHOOD OATS WITH CHINA .............29c McLAREN'S JELLY POWDER, .5 pkgs. for • 25c MANY FLOWERS SOAP, 5 bars for 250 NEW GOLDEN MIXED NUTS, NO PEANUTS, 2 lbs. for • 28o BETTY CHERRY JAM, 40 oz. jar 29e NATIONAL PEA ,SOUP, tali per tin 10 FRESH'"PIONIC HAM, per i1. 08c NEW OHRISTMAS ORANGES, per dozen... 21c, 29c, 35c, 39c, 499c LEMONS, per dozen - OHRISTMA.S CANDY, all prices, per lb. 150 to 35c' LEAVE YOUR SANTA CLAUS ORDER HERE J.T. c I' °' T& S^. N • You can be sure of getting everything -.fresh'here:- PHONE 111: