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The Clinton News Record, 1932-12-15, Page 1
`Jie News -Record Eat',• 1878 WITIr WHICH IS INCORP'OIIAT ED THE CLINTON NEW ERA .•1 NO. 5301 -54th YEAR CLINTON. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, 1 3 Wore Jheppircg Dap Jhe,t V itristmas Our Stock: of .Watches, Dings, Jewelery, China and. Cut Glass is Worthy of Your Consideration Study your interests and visit our store before sel- ecting Your Christmas Gifts Prices are lower than for years back See the newest here before you buy Store open Evenings. Ya Iei! r Headquarters for Watch and Jewelery Repairs Jeweler and Optometrist Phone 174w and 174j Your Gift Prob1ars Eoolloi!ioaIIy Si�d ace Prkes elia-13 Ladies' and Cent's Handkerchiefs Ladies' and Gent's Scarfs Ladies' and Gent's Hose Cups and Saucers Brass Novelties Linen Towels Luncheon Sets Damask Table Linen Wool Blankets Down Comforters Glove Silk Lingerie Silk Crepe Lingerie " CLINTON'S LEA lit 1 ING STYLE SHOPPE " A $25.00 Bruner ger Master Bilt titT vir nil RPA '6' DI 1U3wy YOU MAY BE THE LUCKY WINNER With every purchase of Ono Dollar you are given a ticket. Date of drawing of tickets announced later. Bruiser Master-Bilt Time -Pieces are the beat you can buy, be- sides, knocks and shocks cannot harm their perfect time -keeping qualities. When you wear a "Bruner" you wear the ultimate in a wrist watch. 1 NSON Jeweller and Optician. 100-2. CHRISTMAS SMOKE,S Why worry about what to give "Him" for Christmas this . year, Just drop in and choose his favorite smokes from our large, com- • plete stock; all put up in attractiveChristmas wrappings. We also have a most complete stock of Pipes, Lighters and all so complete. Come in and have us lay aside your choice while the selection is smokers' sundries, Wising you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. COUNTER EROS. CLINTON RBCR.EATI'©N CLUB. •^'Bowlin g, ``Billiards; Tbbaceos THE MARKETS Wheat, 45e. Barley, 40c. Oats, 32c. Butter, 18c. Eggs, 27c to 26c. Live Hogs, $3.26. GIVE MEN A JOB, A citizen theother day, remark- ing on the number of transients who stop in town for meals, said he thought it would be a good idea for the town fathers to get some cords wood and when a man came alohg and wanted a meal, ask him to saw up some wood, A self-respecting tnan would rather do something to pay his way and anyone who doesn't want to do a small amount of work is not badly in need of a meal. The woodcould ou d ibe supplied as needed ded to needy families in town, or sold to citizens needing fuel. FUNERAL OF MRS. EGAN The funeral of the late Mrs. Mar- garet J. Egan took place on Friday afternoon last. After a short ser- vice at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. D. Beaton, the remains were taken to St. Paul's church, where a ' public service was held, conducted by the rector, Rev. K. McGoon. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Fred Lobb, J. B. Relines, Geo. Iienderson, Lorne Jervis, Morgan Jones and Wilber Wallis. Interment was made in Clinton cemetery. ' Amongst the relatives who were present for the funeral were a sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Langlands of Katrine; Mis- ses Louise and Marjorie Beaton; To- ronto; Miss E. Beaton. Harrow, and Mr, and Mrs. Steele and Mrs. T. Blair, Kincardine. AMONG THE CHURCHES Presbyterian Church The minister's Sunday morning sermon subject will be: "The Pro- phet of Reconstruction." Ontario Street United Church Sunday morning sermon subject: "The ratan whosmade a fine Recov- ery." Evening: "Avenues of tine Spirit." The Girls' Club have elected the following officers: Hon. -President: Mrs. C. .S Ilawke, President: Mrs. George ltfardoeh, 1st Vice: airs. E. A. Fines. 2nd Vice: Mrs. Shobbrook. Cot•,-Seeretary: Miss H. Cour•tiee. Ren -Secretary: Mrs. A. idol{night, Treasurer: Miss Rena Pickett. Pianist: Miss Gladys Crich. Convenors of Committees: Devo- tional, Mrs. iiawke; membership, Mrs. Farnham; social, Miss Bricken) den; program, Miss Margaret Ball; flowers, Miss C. Cornish; work, Mise Carter, Wesley=Wilhis United Church The minister's morning sermon subject on Sunday will be: "The Rank and File." Evening: "Under tected Losses." Rev, D. E. Foster gave a very in- teresting lantern tails on several famous Christmas paintings at the Monday evening meeting of the Y. P.S. The stormy evening prevented Inany tvho would have been glad to hear the address from being present, but those who were there enjoyed it, The music used during the meeting was chosen to accord with the theme. The W, M. S. met in the Sunday school room en Thursday afternoon last when interesting reports were received of the work of the year, also from the C.G.T.T, and Mission Band. The financial secretary reported the allocation of 8700 in hand. Tho{ chapter of the study book was given b 111'r5, Gordon Cuninghamo and Mrs. Ilearn ,contributed' a solo. Mrs Fowler took the chair for the elect - tion of officers, which resulted as felines: Honorary President; Mrs. (Rev.) A. A. Holmes. President: Mrs. W. Pickard, Vice -Presidents: Mrs. (Dr.) Pow, ler, Mia. Jas. Scott, Mrs. F. Venner, Mrs. (Rev,) D. E. Foster, . Treasurer Mrs. J. A. Sutter. Recording secretary: Mrs. (Dr.) Gandier, Corresponding secretary: Mrs, N. W. Trewartha. Press-seeret:ley: Mrs, (Dr.) Hearn. Associate helper secretary: Miss Keane, Christian stewardship and finance, Mrs. R. B. Manning. Strangers, Mrs. ;Saville, Mrs. T. J. Watt, Mrs. McMath. 'Supply: Mrs. Van Horne; Mrs. Chambers, Missionary monthly: Mrs. T. J. Watts. C.G.LT.: Mrs. N. W. Trewartha. Mission Circle, Miss M. Rudd, Baby ' band: Mbs F. R. Cuning- hatne. Temperance: Mrs. A. T. Cooper. • Birthday'bore Mrs. 1V7cKinley:' Pianist: Mrs. Cooper.. The New Era Est. 1861+ DECEMBER 15, 1932 THE HOME PAPER CLINTON CONIES .FIFTH Clinton came fifth in the cigarette wrapper contest which has been run- ning for some • weeks •past which means that the Legion, which has been conducting the campaign, will have seventy-five Christmas gifts, valued at $2 apiece, together with as many bags of• candies and nuts. for distribution to needy children at Christimas time, The intention is to care for the needs .of veterans' children first, distributing the re- mainder to the children of others who are in need of Christmas cheer. I.0.0.1s. HEARS ABOUT RUSSIA .An .open meeting of the I,0,0.F. was held after the regular meeting on Tuesday evening, when a pleas- ing program was given and an in- teresting address heard from Rev. Capt. Patterson of Bluevale, on "Rus- sia." Gapt, Pateersoii, who has travelled extensively,!' has visited Russia and saw something of condi- tions there. People„ here have little idea of the condi- tion of the Russian: peasant,lie says, who has been ground down by centuries of toil and hardship. Con-' ditions are such as Canadians have no realization of. The fivey ear plan, he felt, was a complete failure and he did not see anything to indi- cate ,that the condition of the com- mon people had, been improved. There is no individual freedom, all belongs to the state. Mr. H. K. Calver s4ng a solo and Mr. Fred llfutch contributed a cnu- pie of bagpipe selecti6ns during the evening and Mr. G. H. Jefferson gave a reading. A number of non- members were present for the soc- ial part of the gathering. THIRD BAND CONCERT The third benefit band concert will be given in the town hall at 8.30 on Sunday evening, when the following program. will be given: 0 Canada, Clinton Kiltie Band. Where Glory Leads, march, Clin- ton '{fide Band. Lustspiel Overture, Clinton Kittle Band. Solo, selected,' Mrs, H. Lawson. Mss. E. 'Wended at the piano. Saxophone Duet, Messrs. J. Per- due and R. Hale, Mrs. W. Perdue at the piano. Public Scheel Chen's, Miss Viola Fraser, Director. Daughter of Love Valet', Band. Solo, selected, Alec. Pudwell, Esq. lefrs. M. Agnew at the piano. ca):ophnne Sextette: Jt.ninr Bard. Male Quartette: C. K. B. Quartette Throw out the Life Line, Sacred selection, Clintrn Kilda Band. Abide With Me. The King. Anyone wishing to contribute to the Welfare Fund, in aid of whirls the above concerts are being given. may hand same to T. W. Herman at Davis and Herman's, or to F. Mutcli at Bell and 7apfe's. As the time is getting short the committee woul like to knnry how -much money the will have to spend, so early contri butions will be appreciated. OUR. NEW SERIAL A new story is started in Th News -Record this week, "The Othe a story which will grip th readers' attention from the fir page. Do net' miss any of it. APPLE MEN 1VI:17F.•T A. meeting of. apple growers this locality was held in the offie of the agricultural representative Clinton, yesterday when the estab lishment of a cold storage plant i Huron was discussed. Mr. J. A. Goldie of the Experimental Statin at Vinelands, addressed the gather ing. He will speak at Godesic'h thi afternoon. SEND ALONG TIIE NAME .It might be supposed that it ha been stated so often that newspa per s must have the name of ceratin butors before an item could be pub lished that no one would send in an unsigned article. But occasionally they do. Last week we received a demmunication signed "Onlooker,' accompanying which were two ar titles for publication, each signed by a name, but not in either case by the sender. This makes it doubly impossible for us to publish. The editor of a newspaper must know just where to lay a hand upon any - ens contributing matter for publica- tion, not necessarily for publication., certainly not in this case, but we rapist know who is responsible for sending in the staff for publication. Send along the name, friend, or the matter will not be used. e •• Paid to The News -Record for a- er bove fund: et I. Afriend . • NEW HATCHERY I1 TOWN $2.°0 The Pletsch Hatchery of Stratford of is opening up a branch in I -L Chac- o lesworth's Feed Store, next door to The News -Record and is this week -!installing a sixteen thousand egg ca- ll, pacity incubator. Mr. Russell hr. vis, son of Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Jer; n ; vis of the Base Line, who has been 4 !connected with this firm for the s ' past three years, has been appointed manager. Mr. Jervis has proved himself a capable and trustworthy man and d ' should make a success of this - branch, Bu tf t th e• wi g aro n and - i cackling disturb the quiet of- this edi- - torial sanctum, we may have to res quest the removal of the plant, or I the application of silences. • ,IA 0001) PLAY - i A full house geode(' the company of Goderich players on Thursday ev- I ening last, who nut en the play. "On= I ly a Stepchild," in the town hall nn - I der the auspices of the Clinton Fire. Company, t y the proceeds P ., erre d to given p s be g von t to the Welfare Fund. And it was e f well -satisfied audience who left the hell at the conelu=ion of the enter - I tainment, as the play was nut en • with great skill by the company, ?Twelve actors took part. the hes v- iiest part, the title role, being taken 1 by Mies Delight Mutch. who pinned i her nest with excentional ability; though all did well. Several instru- mentel selections were given between acts. 1Ser, A. S. S. Pudwell being ac - I comnanist during the evening. 1 The firemen had a nice little sun to itanci over to the Ilome and Scheel Welfare committee as a result of the entertainment. the play comnnny accepting thirty-five per cent. of the Proceeds Rtes pcl of their usual t charge of fifty. HOCKEY SCHEDULE W'ELFARFI FUND HOME AND SCHOOL A few members braved the cold on Tuesday evening to attend the meeting of the Horne and School Club in the Public School, The en- tire meeting Was of a business na- ture, The Welfare committee ret ported that they supply of old cloth- ing on hand is net adequate for the demand. The society would be very grateful to all who would donate cast-off clothing that could be re- made, Arrangements will be made for collecting same if they will call telephone 220. NEW CALENDARS The News -Record calendars are ready and subscribers who have re- newed their subscrlrticns are asked to call and receive their copy. Our calendar this year has two outetand- ing features, it has an artistic scgnr, rue mite pretty enough to hang in any home, and the calendar pad 1'1 iarge and has ve' y clear letterhase. Realizing that the majority of our calendars go into the homes of th• farmers in the rurt•ounding commun- ity, where they are not used for cr- nement sa tench as for use, we stip- ulated that the pad must be of i' eenci size and we have it. But we else chose beauty in the scene. Yew will like our calendar next yet' while you use it and when the yens is nut and it is no leneer a thing all utility, you will ere -mere the scene Ter framing, Call and get yours ON d seen 55 you can, Everyone wlro?e subscription is naid up to the end of. 10e3 is entitled to one. We are not sending them. to all subscribers at a distance, as some- times people get more calendars than they knew what to de with, but will t be pleased to mail one to any sub • - s , scriber who expresses a wish for u- one. I, f f DESERVESCREDIT The following front The Guelpl Mercury of Friday last containe the following, which refers to a ge ileman well-known in Clinton. D Fowler has ever been a lover o horses: "There is no question that one o the most important features in con nection with the Guelph Winter Fail i the light fight horse show, at least ipso far as Guelph people are concerned Annually, the hunting :saddle, ant harness events which snake up the brilliant evening program bring to this .city scores cf exhibitors who otherwise would never come and they add an attraction to the show which is possibly the greatest from a standpoint of color and picturesque; Hess. The horse show 'is a com.petratively new development, but it has proven an overwhelming success. This fact is almost entirely due to the efforts of Dr. W. J. R. Fowler of this city. Dr. Fowler, who is a member of the board of directors, and superinten; dent of the horse ring, shicceeded in initiating the light horse programs and he has been the' moving spirit in it ever since. He has worked in- defatigably to ensure its success., and not always has he received the co- operation which he .might expect. He has developed the evening pro- grams, and conceived a series of special "stunts" which have- won popular approval. The saddle sporting tandem, which is eneettalled even' among :the per- formance events for thrills,, can br- seo)i nowhere in Canada except at the Guelph Fair, and Dr. Fowler is the man who introduced it here, The horse OWNowes its very. ex- istence to him, and citizens should appreciate the fact." • OWL WINS BY BIG MAJORITY . Mr. J. J. Allen has just been el- ected mayor of Ottawa fee the third time, obtaining it larger vote than his two opponents combined, The Ottawa. Citizen comments Haus editorially: "There is little to find fault with in the results of the elec- tion yesterday for the ,1283 City Council. So far as the Mayoral- 1 ty and Board of Control are concerned, the choice of the citi- zens is satisfactory to a de- gree, They chose about the best city executive available. There were a few surprising aspects of i race, but the final outcome was largely as was hoped and ex- • s peeted. Mayor Allen's return by a zea- c jority over his two opponents is a a' matter for gratification, Evi- g densly his two years in the office •is of chief magistrate have per- t suadod the taxpayers that his ad- t ministration has been sound and e hopeful. His triumphant ra- i c turn assures the continuation of policies inaugurated in 1030, t and should embolden the mayor I o to go forward with greater ag- gressiveness in the future with the process ;of building up. an ef- I s ficient permanent administra • Clinton opens the season here on December 27th, Mitchell being tike visiting team. The Clinton team Itas been on the ice since Monday and the boys are gradually getting into shape. A double schedule will be played in Grime 12, intermediate series of the Ontario Hockey Association. terTeas renretentinn Mitchell, Clin- ton, Seaforth and Goderich have ell - The schedule follows: Dee. 27-••-,Goderich at Seaforth, Mit- ehell at Clinton. Dec. 30 ---Clinton at Gndet•ich, Sea - forth. at Mitchell. ,Tan. 8—MYitchell at tkcafcrth. .Tarr. 4—Clinton rat Seaforth. ,Tan. fl—Mitchell at Goderich. .Tan. 10—Mitchell at Seaforth, Gode- rich at Clinton. Jan, 13—Seaforth at Gotlerioh, Clin- • ton at Mitchell. Jan. 17-•-•Goderich at Mitchell, Sea - feet h at Cli Jan, 20—Goderich at Clinton, Sea - forth at Mitchell. Jan. 24•--Goderich at Seaforth, Mit- chell at Clinton, Jan, 27—C1inton at liitchell; See - forth at Goderich. ,Tan. 80—Clinton at Goderich. Feb. 1—'Goderich at Mitchell, Seas forth at Clinton. Feb. 3• --Mitchell at Goderich, Clin- ton at Seaforth, THE GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Club of Wesley -Willis church held its annual meeting on Tuesday evening in the church hall, with a good attendance. The fol- lowing officers were elected: President: Mrs. P. Hearn, Secretary: Miss M. Sniith. Treasurer: Mrs. 0. L. Paisley. Group Leaders: Mrs, J. G. Chow - en, Miss R. V. Irwin. Miss M. A. Stone, Miss 13. F. Ward. Viewer Committee: Miss I,. Ken - seder, Mies B. 'Watt, Miss Walkins- haw, Mrs. Hearn and Miss Terrance ontributed nn instrumental duet, nil at the eonelnsio n of the pro - rem refreshments were sowed and social tints, enjoyed, the occasiou eking the form of a little farewell. e Aliss 1llotuifl'y, who leaves at the rick of the year to take a special °twee of training. During the ov- neing an appreciative address, in lee 'form of a poem,written by nor f the members, was rsad to Miss fahaify by Miss Watt and Miss Smith, on behalf of the Club, pre, se her with a purse and a foun= in pen. .Miss Mahaffy replied very approp- ately, thanking .her friends for .sir kind words, and for the gifts he said she would not forget her sociations with the Club and wank' £ten think of them in her, new en ronment. She wished the club the st of good success in future. tion." to Mr. Allen will bo remembered by I many here, as he is a former 'citizen -11of Clinton', and his wife is an old th Clinton girl,' being formerly Miss S M. Jackson: Clinton friends wile as haft congratulations to His Wor- o ship and wieh him continued sue- i vi 0855. be llinTairtteleialeeeeesseasseeseerseeseemsesee LITTLE LOCALS Nominations will be held in Clin ton on Monday evening, Dee. 26th, from seven -thirty to eight -thirty, Do not fail to read the advertise- ments in The News -Record, They - carry news and valuable intern -intim for everyone. Miss Margaret Mahaffy has rent- ed her house, partially furnished, Is- aac street, to Mr. and Mrs. Bird of 'Science Hill, formerly of the West, Glen Carter of Detroit, son of Mr, and Mrs. I. Carter. of Clinton. underwent an oporation for appendi- citis in the local hospital last weeks, Mrs. W. A. Grant has not been en- jeying the best of health for some, little time and has been confined to, bed for the past tveok but her friends are glad to krtcw she is improving; Mr. andMrs. rs. Herb. Castle aro• moving into the Inkley house, Vic- toria street, and leaving their own. comfortable home, King street, to their daughter and son-in-law, Mrs and Mrs. Vincent. The Clinton branch of the Cana- dian Legion and the Ladies' Auxil- iary held a euchre and dance in their rooms yesterday evening, when a pleasant evening was spent and' the Auxiliary rY was preeented with h its charter, Reuresentative Ian MacLeod goes to Landon town -rosy, Friday, with the four high boys for the grain - judging competition. The four• are; Jack Ferguson, Clifford; Mervyn Lobb. Goderich township; George Rundell. Glenannn and Clifford Cros- ier, Dungannon. VARNA We are glad to report Miss Edythe Mosses) is able to be home frein the hospital. We hope elle will soon be out and going around again. Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Dowson are all settled in their new home. The concert hold on Thursday night was very sucecssful, A good program was given and lunch served which was enjoyed by all. The pros ceeds amounting to 336,00. The Orangemen No. 1035 (held a very successful euchre and dance. There are a number of cases of measle, around the community now. L.O.L. No. 1036 helcl their annual meeting Thursday evening, Dec. 1st. After the business war finished the officers for 1033 were elected and installed by the Wer. Past County Master, J. B, Rathwell, who niway puts the snap to it on such occasions. After the closing of Lodge the mem- hers partook of a light lunch and spent a social hour together. Tin election of efficcrs resulted ns f Wee -Master: Bro. Chas. Stephen- Isom P. "ester: Bro. Elmer Webster. Chaplein: fire. 'i'ebster Turner. Ree. Secretary: Bro. Chas. C. P11. grins, Fin, -Secretary: Bre. Russell Con - silt. Treasurer: Bre. Co'. H. Totiesten D. rf C.: Bre, Rey Keys. 1st Lecturer: Bro. Percy Johnston. 2nd Lecturer; Bro, Watson Web- ster. Inside Tyler: Bro. Anson Celnmen Outside Tyler: Tarn, Arthur Payne, Committee: Bros. Trane Rathwell. II. Tray -ter. W. J. Johnston, Carl Diehl. N. Reid. Sick Committee: Bros. J. B. Il rthwell, Gen. Clark and the Wor. M, Chas. Stephenson. fI'IILLET' ° T WNSITi- Messrs, Roy Tyndall end Russell Jervis motored to Hamilton last week: to take in a Poultry and Hatchery Convention. They report a well at- tended and very enthusiastic meet- ing and some of the most -informed and hest speakers obtainable took part. * " " TIIE NEWS-RECORT) * * THE NEW -RECORD IS * • AN ALL-AROUND FAMILY * NEWSPAPER, WITH SOME - 0 O E * THING OF INTEREST FOR. * EVERY MEMBER OF THE 4= * FAMILY, * ARE YOU A REGULAR.. e " SUBSCRIBER. IF NOT, " * WHY NOT? * THE NEWS -RECORD VIS- * ITS Y 0 U REGULARLY * * EACH WEEK OF THE FIT'- * TY -TWO IN THE YEAR ° * AND COSTS: LESS THAN * P1RB.ia" CENTS PER WEER, '6• `" YOU CANNOT GET MORE * * FOP, YOUR TiijONPY ANY- 6,. 'WHERE. COME IN OR SEND *' * IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FOR THFI CT.TNTObT NEWS- r' * RECORD ONLY 31.50 FROM sr NOW TTNVTL THE END. OF * DECEMBER, .1633. a * sera