HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-12-08, Page 8a^XL"Ll✓ViLL, 4 pity CHOICD FOWL ON HAND S'CH iEIDER'S BULK LARD, per lb DUFF'S AND, COLEMAN'S PRINT'S, per lb. MINCEMEAT, 2 lbs. for CHOICE RIB ROASTS OF BEEF, per Ib. CHOICE SHOULDER ROASTS OF BEES, per lb. CHOICE CHUCK ROASTS OF BEEF, per 1b. FRONT QUA•RTER's, ROAST OF BEEF, per lb. HOME-1PIADE SAUSAGE, per lb. ROASTED. SIAM WITH DRESSING, per lb. 11c 10e ic25c 12c 12c 10c 7c 10e 30c C, IVNELL 4J. Tr,,DALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 .Albert Street 0 A Fortunate Purchase 0 l enables us to offer you a 1933 RADIO AT $69.40 (Manufacturers name withheld by request) It has been your privilege to pur- chase obsolete and out of date radios at very low prices, but now through special arrangements with the man- ufacturer we can offer a 1933 Radio with 1933 tubes. 1933 Radio With 1933 Tubes only a limited quantity to be had at this price, phone for demonstration. Get Yours Now SUTTEE}, PERfflJE & ; EEO Hardware Furniture Funeral Directors Phone 147w Only 2 More WE ARE SUPPLIED HIES, 33c to $1.25 SCARVES, beautiful SILK SCARVES SHIRTS, separate or Plumbing Electric Wiring. Weeks to d© that Christmas Shopping TO MEET ANY NEED IN SOCKS, 23c to $1.25 patterns in wool scarves ....$1.00 and $1.60 $1.0O to $3.60 attached collars $1.00 to $3.60 GARTERS, SUSPENDERS, DRESSING GOWNS and other gifts too numerous to mention to meet all needs and prices DA \ IS & HERMAN CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTH ezeseasseseeeasseniseemzsayszseactzessisuemeSseseseessessiemeseemmeeseeremeseeezteme AUBURN work in the near futurel Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Thompson were • The Ladies' . Aid of the Baptist church held their mo visitors with their son g at Tillsonbur monthly meeting last Thursday at the home of A2rs, a couple of days last week. W. C. Robertson, with a good atten- A play entitled, "Valley Farm," was presented in the ball on Wed- nesday night of this week by the Ebenezer young people. Dr, Mortimore and Mr. Wine Straughan attended the Presbytery meeting in Egmondville on Tuesday last. Rev. Mr. Pocock of Blyth addres- sed the Y.P.S. of I{nox United Church on Tuesday evening last. His subject was "Canadian Poets." Next Tuesday evening, Dec. 13th, election off officers will tale place. Everyone is cordially invited to at- tend, There will be special -=mil and the meeting will be in charge of Mr. Charles Scott. On Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. in the Orange Hall, Mr. R. J. Scott of Belgrave will address the Farmers in this district. All interested are urged to attend. Mr. J. J. Wilson is very critically ilI at time of writing. • Mr. Ed. Helwig was found dead in his bed this morning, (Wednesday morning.) At a service held in the Baptist church on Sunday evening John Raithby gave an address on "The Your Gardens." Mr. Joseph Carter is able to be a- bout again after his recent illness., The latest club to be organized is one by Miss Margaret Small, known as the Junior Sunshine Club and consists of a anenibership. of 23 pre. teen age girls. They meet each Sat- urday afternoon and take as their study tho names of the books of the Bible and memorize verses from the Scriptm°e. Favorite hymns' are sung and: the biography of the different writers is taken up. Added'ta this an interesting lesson in sewing is given. The members take turns in eondueting the meetings. It is -Miss Small's intention to.. have the class give a public presentation of their. dance present. The president, Mrs. C. A. Howson, presided over the meeting. A splendid program was given, including a talk on St. Paid, by Miss Margaret Small, after which a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs W. C. Robertson and Mrs. A. Aa with. BRUCEIFIEI,v The weekly meeting of the Y.P.S. was held on Monday evening with Mr. Fred Boyce, the devotional con venor, in charge. The meeting was opened by singing hymn, "The Church's One Foundation," followed by scripture reading by Mr. Bill Pepper. Mr. Walter Snarey then led in prayer, after Lehi eh the hymn, "Je- sus Lover of My Soul," was sung. The topic, "How to Share Christ with Individuals" was ably taken by Miss G. Addison. The young people through their Christian experience are under obligations to others. A few remarks en the topic were given by Rev. Mr. Bremner, Miss Eva Stackhouse and Mr. George I{nights. The minutes of the Iast meeting were read and adopted, followed by the roll call. The group of whieh Miss Gladys Addison is captain leads by, seventeen points. Miss Kathleen El- liott's groap then put .on a very en- teresting national contest, The meeting was closed by singing "Near- er 1VTy God to Thee," and the repeat- ing of. the Mizpah benediction. A quiet wedding took place at the manse on Wednesday evening, Nov. 30th, when Viola May, only daughter of Mr. and M,rs. Thomas 13. Wheeler, Brucefield, was united in marriage to Mr. Charles R. Hal- stead of Stratford, son lof Mrs. John Iialstead and the late John Ralsteed of Clinton, The Rev: W. A, Bremner, pastor of ••the lirucefield United church, performed the cereniony. @ 0 0 1 The Arm of Gold By Ralph Connor "Ralph Connor" has scored again with• another fine dramatic novel. The sale of his books have run into the millions and this, his latest, will still add to his enviable reputa- tion. It is a magnificent story of love, ambition, faith, duty, passion, greed -a colorful, dramatic, virile novel. Foot-loose'1id India This one by Gordon Sinclair. An authority on books says "It is pos- sible that this book will find more readers in Canada than any book since "David Hamm." for like this masterpiece, it is not literature but life. Ma Cinderella By Harold Bell Wright , Here is the long awaited novel, at last a real Harold Bell Wright novel, in the lovely setting of his early ,stories, The Shepherd of the Hills, and The Calling of Dan Matt- hews. In Ma Cinderella you will find those same qualities, the inter- play of human passions, the vim of inspiring spiritual bonging and the touch of mystery that gave those early novels their enormous popular- ity. ,11 Fair GEL Often the Cheapest -Always the Best IIM 4flii0itisoonp1 Rev. L. 0. and Mrs. Harrison of Lu - can were in town ion Saturday. Miss Margaret Plumsteel of the Western was home over the week- end. Miss Clara Gould, Reg, N., Stratford, is spending a holiday at her home in town, Rev, A, A. Holmes left for Toronto on Tuesday after spending a week in town. Misses Hamra of Toronto have been visiting their sister, Miss Hanna of town. Mr. Edward Rorke of Huron College, London, spent the week -end at his home in town. Mrs. J. Emmerson of Kincardine vis- ited her cousin, Mus. R. 3. Olnff of Clinton, this week. Miss Janet McTaggart of Macdonald Hall, Guelph, spent the week -end at her hone in town. Mr. and Mus. Chas. Rath of Mossley were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rath last week -end. Mr. Roy Arlin ,ef London carne up to be present at the Commencement exercises on Friday evening. Mrs, A, D. Beaton and son Holmes returned on Saturday after spend- ing about three weeks in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Hall and family of Cayuga spent the week- end as guests of relatives in town. Mrs. G. A. Crooks of Delhi visited with her aunt, Mrs, F. Leonard, and other friends in town last week- end. Miss R. Brydone of the University of Toronto spent the week -end as the guest of her sister, Miss Bry- done of the Collegiate staff. Miss Harriet Hawkins and Miss Cam - even of Stratford .were week -end guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Haw- kins. Mr. and Mrs, Willie Grigg and little son of Detroit visited at the home of the former's grandmother, Mrs. Chas. Cook. Rattenbury street, ov- er the week -end. Mr. Frank Bawden and Mrs. Cal. Streets were in Exeter on Monday attending the funeral of their un- cle, the late J. E. McDonnell, who died in London on Saturday. Mrs. McConnell of Guelph spent a few days at the home of he moth- er, Misr. Chas. Cook of Rattenbury street. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook of Hulled were in on Sunday also, visiting their mother. Miss Evelyn Ricker of the United Church Training School Toronto, a former popular member of the ICellegiate staff, was the guest of Dr. P. and Mrs. Hearn over the week -end, 'coming up to. be pre- sent at the cornrneneement exec- cises on Friday evening. LONDESBOEO lttrs. Jones of Islington is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fingland, her father bane confined to his home through illness. Mis. A. Kunkle of Niagara Falls is helping nurse her father, Mr. E. Crawford, who IS . very ill. There is no improvement in his condition. Christmas practise has started for thti annual Christmas tree of the RED AND WHITE STORE Wants to See eery Boy and 'Girl in Cli- ton and Surrounding Country on his reception throne S tot* 9 If there is Sleighing he will co;,;e down from Wioghan, and arrive at the store about 2 o'clock, But he will be here anyway. ,/ u• t,ndkl�e't�NY�ll4. ALL SANTA'S CANDIES AND NUTS NOW ON DIWLAY Salta Claus Candy, 2 lbs. for macounemmusa 29c Mixed Nuts, (All New), 2 lbs. for .29c Creams, Chocolates and Gum Drops, lb. 19e Special Mixture . 19c Large two -pound Boxes of Chocolates 63c Shelled Walnuts, per lb. 39c Shelled Ahnonds, per 1b. , 39c Blanched Almonds, 1-4 lb. 20c Pecans, 1-4 lb. 20c Christies Christmas Cake, per lb. 40c Tested Finan Pudding PLUM PUDDING TESTED AND APPROVED BY CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL 1-2 cup suet chopped fine 1 tbsp, chopped candied 1-2 cup Red and White molasses Red and White orange 1-2 cup bottled milk or peel 1-4 cup Red and White evapor- S c. all-purpose Red and ated milk and 1-4c, - white flour water • 1-2 tsp. Red and White .salt 2 eggs. a 1-2 tsp. Red and White soda 3-4 eup .Red and White seeded 1.2 tsp. Red and White cinna- raisins mon 1-2 cup Red and White currants 1-2 tsp. Red and White nutmeg 1-4 cup' blanched, chopped 1-4 tsp. Red and White allspice Red and White almonds 2 tsp. Red and White tartrate 1-4 cup Red and White citron or phosphate baking thinly sliced powder 1-4 e. candied Red & White cherries, cut in quarters. Mix together thea uet, molasses, and milk. Add the well beater. eggs. Prepare the fruit and mix with one-half cupful of the flour. Measure and sift together the remaining flour and, the dry ingred- FRIGIDAIRE AND FRESH FISH ients. Add to the suet mixture, and last add the floured' fruit. TEXAS GRAPE FRUIT 5 for Pour into a large, greased mold and steam for three hours. Serve GRAPES, 3 lbs. for 25e with any desired sauce. Serves 6 to 8. Farther instructions for making Saturday afternoon Our Free Wheeling "Calender" with each Order (one to a family) +w. err..,xa,.,w ue..+.-e,,.,,,v.w±�.. van &auramroaamazn .a.•u, tO,- Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails United church Sunday school, which will be held on Dee. 23rd. Manning Bros. recently sold three fine Shorthorn animals from their accredited herd to Me. McBurney, near Belgrave. Miss E. Lyon has returned froma pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. T. Sampson of Palmerston. The Woman's Association of the United church are holding a bazaar in the Community hail on Friday, Dec. 9th, consisting of needlework, both fancy and otherwise, hone made baking and farm produce, A tea will also be served in connection. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrison 0f Toronto were guests of Mr. George McVittie last week. Mr. and Mrs. Woods and Miss Phyllis of Stratford visited at the home of Mr, J. G. Cartwright Iast week, CONSTANCE' i42r. and Mr's. Joe Riley spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoggarth. Mr. H. Glazier and son, Gordon, of Stratford spent Saturday at the home of their, aunt, Mrs. Thos. Pol. lard. Mrs. Pollard returned home with him and spent the week -end visiting relatives in Stratford. Mrs. Frank Riley is spending a couple of days this week visiting her sisters in Clinton, Mrs. Thos. Riley and Mrs. Ernest Ellwood. HOLMESVILLE Messrs. Les. Jervis, Wm. Johnson, John Dempsey and D. Glidden were in London on Sunday and .called on Mr. Ernie Ellwood. Miss R. MacDonald spent Satur-. day in -Stratford. Rev. 3. W. I-Ierbert and Mr. W. H. Lobb attended the Presbytery on Tuesday, which met in the the United church at Egmondville. ,14Ir. and Mrs, Laurie Biggins of Stratford spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Biggins. Mao. Arthur Fisher of Colborne township is visiting with her daugh- ter, Mrs, Irvine Tebbutt. While working on his farm one day last week, Wire Irvine Tebbutt was fortunate enough to see at close range three deer, passing his way, The leader of the trio was a particularly fine specimen, who car- ried his, massive antlers proudly a. loft and stamped his feet in defiance at what be evidently considered an intrusion on the part sof the land owner. A. quiet, but pretty wedding took. place at Hansell TTnited church par- sonage yesterday, Dec. 7th, at 10.30 a.m., when Ivadell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cox, of 'Godericix township, was united in marriage to Mr. Wen. E. Jervis, son of Mr. A, Jervis and the Iate Mrs. Jervis, of Hohnesville. Rev. A. E. Sinclair, a former pastor :of Halnuesville church, performed the'cereniony. The bride looked charming in a gown ,of white_ georgette: over satin and earried a bouquet sof white and pink mums and maiden hair fern. The young couple, who were unatten- ded, left immediately by motor for Toronto, Niagara, Detroit and other points, the bride travelling in a Queen Blue dress with silver metallic trimmings, blue • kid shoes, black hat with silver trinnning and acces- sories to match. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Jervis will reside in the groom's residence in Ifolmesville. They have the good wishes of their friends for a happy and prosperous future, Now at their Best YELLOW, BRONZE, FINK AND WHITE REASONABLY PRICED Special Robber Plants 50c each I J. Cuninghallie FLORIST Alladin La ' t p Sale Table Lamps Regular $12.50 for $7.95 Hanging Lamp Regular $17.00 for $9.00 Table La:=p with Vase Regular $15.50 for $10.00 A FEW ONLY AT THESE PRICES HARDWARE and PLUMBING • __. Phone 244 .s- CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 9t Leat SO YOU HAND BETTER HURRY AND GET YOUR ORDERS IN FOR SANTA CLAUS We have made a careful study of useful as well as decorative gifts with special attention to costs, in order to make our prices as light as possible for you. We have a well assorted 'stock of Children's Furniture all binds: Lamps galore, Smokers, at wonderful bargains, Cedar Chests, Chesterfield and End Tables. -They are beauties. • A real assortment of Occasional Chairs, also o. new stock 1of Pictures and Mirrors at any price you wish to pay. HARDWARE DEPT. We have just received a brand new stock of the very latest Rogers Cutlery, direct from their Factory in England. Our Electrical Goods include: Irons, Toasters, Heaters, Curling Tongs, A good assortment of sleighs, wagons, kiddie cars and tricycles -and remember we are sole agents for the famous C. C. M. Skates and we carry the Stock. ALL el ZAPFE "Store With the Stock" Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. atetweseseggaseseasemeeserresetzerseszeasoemszerresee SUPERIOR °AIN STORES YOU CAN'T HELP SAVING AT YOUR SUPERIOR HOME OWNED STORE SPECIAL VALUES, December 8-9-10 AYLMER PEAS, No. 4, 2 tins for 19c PURE LARD, 2 lbs. for 21c PINK SALMON, tall, 2 tins for .1.9c CHOCOLATE 'BISCUITS, 2 lbs. for 25c FINEST CANADIAN- CHEESE, 2 lbs. for 250 FINEST QUALITY MINCEMEAT, 2 lbs. for .. , 25c SCHNEIDER'S BACK BACON, sliced, ....30c, Piece .27e FRESFt SALMON FISH, per lb. 180 SMOKED FILLETS, per Ib. 180 STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! 'Santa Claus will arrive at this. store Saturday, December 17th at three o'clock. Something good for all the boys and gals,• awaits you. Make up a rhyme of not move than four lines about Santa ,Claus and hand it in to Santa on Saturday. The winner will receive a large box of Chocolates on Christmas Eve, J.T. ro# t cKN IG HT & SON You can be sure of getting everything fresh here. PHONE 111. Christmas Cake 50c a lb. Best Quality, with a Special Wrapper, Convenient size for a CHRISTMAS GIFT. SEE THESE NOW' Delicious Short Bread -Made in V -db. and 1 lb. cakes or by the las. CANDIES Again we are showing someof the Best .Ghocoiates, Hand Rol- led, filled with fruit, nuts, and .eombination pieces. Every box new mid fresh; at only 50c. Also cheaper lines law as 19a per lb. "JUST RIGHT" Peanuts, in the shell or salted, Roasted at "Home" every day, Deliciously Fresh at only 15c a Ib. DELXVERY SERVICE -Oa Bread Wagon is on every street each day, at regular hours, with Fresh "Clinton Made" Bread and Buns. STOP THE DRIVER OR PHONE 68e rl► ;nde'" '�Ba.kergConfectionerg and Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread