HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-11-10, Page 5THURS.,: NOV."10, 1832 THE CLINTON NEWb.K.i inlet etezersessmestassreszwenterereereeterseweesumeenswasexesswasienesettersetzesseeesssessmemesecclussumum OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME This is Poppy Day in Clinton. :have you bought your poppy yet? "Our editorials ' apparently, are read," remarks the Hanover Post. "We notice then in many exchanges • —tin cre dit ed." Sir Henry Thornton is likely to enter parliament, it is said. If they '• won't let hits ' vim the Canadian National Railways he thinks'he'd"lile to tvy his hand at running the coo- ` try. , i • • • hidebound Liberals in'South Hu- - ron, if there are any such, may not -be so pleased with the idea that the very first vote cast by the newly - elected representative was cast a- gainst hisl Bader and with the Gov- ,, ernment.• Mayor Trewartha has proclaimed Nov, lltb, Remembrance Day, a pub - holiday ub- holiday or day of remembrance in Clinton and has called on all citi- -zens to so observe it, The council at `its regular meeting on Monday evening unanimously passed a reso- lution urging the mayor to tide action, and the probability is that ' it will be pretty generally observed. A public service has been arranged for 10.15 A.M., which will be' in charge of the Rev. Dr. Deegan. Last year the hall was crowded for thie service, many coming in from the country and the surrounding centres. * * • The Democrats made an almost ••clean sweep in Tuesday's election in • the United States, thirty-four states egoing over to the Democrat camp • while the Republicans only carried eight. Franklin 11 Roosevelt, Governor of New York State, will be the next - president of the United States, al- though he is not yet elected, Tues- • day's election only deciding the mem- - bers of the electoral college, which Will later meet and elect the presi- •-dent. But, , as each candidate is pledged to support either one or other of the presidents.). candidates, --the result is a foregone conclusion. Had a majority of Hoover sup- porters been returned he might have been placed in a very %embarrassing `position, as he would have had. Demr- •ocratic majorities in both the House -id Representatives and the Senate. But the new president will have slnnpathetic' supporters in both ''houses. Canada has always felt that a -Demoncratic government in the 59 -United States was favorable to this •country, as the Republican party has been considered the high tariff par- ' ty. However, Mr. Roosevelt, during his campaign, declared that he would 'not reduce but might increase the tariff against the importation of .agricultural commodities, so Cana- dian farmers, it would appeal., need • not expect any aid from that quar- ter, BRUCEFIELJ) Dr. Swan of Hamilton visited at his home in the village last Sunday. Mrs. A. T. Scott is visiting at the • home of her sister, Mrs. Yellowlees • of Bowmanviile, at present. The many friends of Mrs. George Hill will regrot to hear that she has. been confined to her room for the past two weeks, She had a visit from her son, Mrs. Jas. Hill of • Stratford, last Sunday. The annual Thankoffering meet- ' ing of the Women's Missionary So- ciety was held in the auditorium of 'the United church on Tuesday even• ing, the speaker for the evening be- . • ing Miss Evelyn Mitchell, travelling secretary of the W.11LS. Miss Mit- chell has been through the Peace River district during the past sum- - mer and gave an interesting account of the 'work there. The November sleeting of the 'Woman's Association was held at the church on Thursday lest, with the president. Mrs. A. Aikenhead in the chair. The meeting opened with hymn "Onward, Christian Soldiers.." 'Mrs. Steverson read the scriptule lesson, Peelle 67. and Mrs. McQueen 'led in prayer. Mrs. Robert Howson then gave the topic, "Remembrance Day," and also repeated a poem written by Miss Lavine Carrick of 'Whitechurch, "In Memory of the -Dead" The roll call was responded to by some thirty-five members. `'l he meeting closed with singing 'Tenting on the old Camp Ground." 'The hostess, Mrs. Walter MCBeath, and assisting hostesses, Mrs. John' 'Pepper, Mrs. Ratenbury, Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Rathwell served a very r,dainey lunch. —4-- ' GODERICH: A carload of fruit -and vegetablesfrom the orchards '1 and fields of Huron County left here Tuesday for relief distribution et Kin- •caid, Sask. Itewas donated by/ church people of all denominations in the -rural sections about here. Over 200 barrels of apples were in the ship - 'meet, also generous supplies of. beans, carrots, beets, turnips, onions, as well as honey, maple syrup, dried --tipples and preserved fruit. There were cabbages and pmnplrin s galore gg i}C • and threebags of 'walnuts. It is proposed to ship another car ,with- '.in three weeks. TOWN COUNCIL (Continued from page 1) Councillor Livermore Councillor O' L. Paisley was appointed a member of the Court of Revision, in place of the late Councillor Crich. On motion of Councillors Cook and Churchill a new lease for bank , de- posit boxes is to be signed by - ,the town clerk, who is tohold the key of same. 'Chairman Paisley of the finance committee. read the following report for the month: Street Account Paysheet $41.20 P.U. Com., 3 tanks' water. .75 'W. J. Miller, coal....... , . 3.10 J. Flynn, grate and labor . 2.75 Electric Light Account P. U. Com.,.st, lighting....` 161.71 Property Account P. U. Coon., light, town hall 10.34 P. U. Com., light., rest room 1,00 P. U. Corn., 3 lamps .75 Mrs. Brown, care rest room1.00 D. E. 'Closet Account A. Fulford, salary for Oct65, 00. .Cesnetery Account M. McEwan, salary for' Oct. 50.00 A. Seeley, repairs, etc. 3.90 'Salaries Account R. E. Manning 58.33 L. 'Stong . '70.83 E. Grealis . 58.33 • Grants Account P. U. Com., light, X -Ray hos. 41.11 Park Account Paysheet . 30.50 Fire and Water Account G. Hanley, gasoline and oil2,52 Charity Account C. ICoo, meals for tramps4.25 Insurance Account London Lancshire, Prem. Town Hall . 21.82 Economical, Prem. Town Hall 14.10 Printing Account Municipal World, forms 1.40 Postage Aecount Revenue Stamps . 5.00 Incidental Account Safety Deposit Box 10.00 Typewriting . 3.GC Mayor, Clerk, Assessor, sel- ecting jurors 9.00 C. V. Cook, wreath 10.00 Sell Tel. Co., rent, acct10.70 RECEIPTS L. STONG-- Market Scales ...$10.70 Hall rent 13.00 23.70 7L Mc8IWAN— Wiork , 5,00 Care of lots 21.00 Care in perp 60.00 86.00 Building Permit 1.00 E. Grealis, stock scales 9.70 BAYFIELD Miss Martha Rothwell left on Saturday to spend the winter with her niece in Windsor. Mrs. Mavia Elliott and son, Les- lie, returned home, on 'Tuesday after having motored to Mount Clemens where they spent the week -end. Messrs. Jack Jowett, Bob. Penhale, Brown Iliggins iatkd Walter West- lake left on Sunday for a week's hunting at Silver Water, Manitoulin Island. They motored via North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mallett and babe of London spent the week -end with their mother, Mrs. Kate Davison. Miss Marion Davison, whb visited in London for a fortnight returned home with them. Mr. E. Petchell spent the weeks end with the former's brother, Fi Sectchmer, in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. George Whiteside of Guelph were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Paull over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and little son, Ronald ai'e visiting Mrs Knight's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gemeinhardt, this 'week. Miss Doris Gemeinhardt who was visiting her sister in Toronto is also home. Miss Annie McLeod left on Sun- day for London 'where she has tak- en is position in Woolworth's store. Miss Nitta' Heard is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. Porter, in Goderich this week. Miss Ruth Fisher, Jimmy Fisher• and Walter- Grierson of Waterloo were the geusts of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Edward ever the week -end, Miss Ruth Fisher remained to spend the week with her aunt. Mr'. M. Ferguson returned home on Thursday after having spent a fortnight with her son, Jas. P. Fer- guson, in London. Mrs. J. Wiseman of Clinton is a guest at the Albion Hotel. The A.Y.P.A. • ofthe three cher- elms of Bayfield Parish will meet in the Orange Hall, Bayfield, on Fri- day evening when the A.Y.P.A. of Blyth and Clinton will be the guests. Harold Scotcluner of 0. A. C., Guelph was home over the week -end. There died at the home of D. H. Leitch, one who was -widely kaowe se a prominent auctioneer and horst man of Zurich hi the person of Ed- watzL Bossenbury. The deceased man, who was, eighty-five years and five months of age, wan born in New. Hamburg but spent the greater part, of his life in Zurich. His wife pre- deceased him some eight years ago and sincA Haat timehe has spot part of his time in Bayfield had !been in failing health for sever- al years and came to the home of D, 11. Leitch two weeks ago hoping that the change would benefit him. but he became worse and, passed Quietly to sect early Tuesday*, awen- ing, The frit rci.toolc place on Wed- nesday afternoon at two ':'block MARRIAGES FORBDS— CIIURCI-IILL — In St. Paul's church, Clinton, on - Nov. 5th, by the Rev. K. McGoun,Grace Viola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ''B. W. Churchill, Goderich town- ship, to Walter J. Forbes of Wind- sor, SOD of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Forbes of Heilett. RiEID—DALE—At the old Wesley parsonage, Clinton, on Nov. 5th, Myrtle, daughter of Mr. and Mss. Sheppard Dale, of Hullett, tc Joseph Harry • Reid of -*London, formerly of Clinton. BIRTHS SHANAHAN In Clinton Public Hospital, on Nov. 2nd; to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Shanahan, a son, DEATHS JOHNS—In Tuckersmith, on Nov. 6th, Ira W. Johns, in his 64th year. STODDART—In Goderich township, on Nov. 6th, Caroline Oakes, wife of Mr. James Stoddart, in her 69th year. WH'ITMORE—In North York, on Nov. 7th, Sarah Catherine Elsie, wife o'1 Mr. Edgar William Whit-, more of North Yoik, formerly of Tuckersmith, aged 41 years. from the residence of D. H. Leitch! A very pleasant evening was spent in St. Andrew's Church, on Thursday November 3, when the Young Peo- ple's Department held a Hallowe'en Social. While the people were gath- ering games were • played. The meet- ing was opened with Community singing. The programme consisted of vocal numbers by Mrs. Moor - house, Mr. Poulter of Varna, E. Mien; and instrumentals by Miss Gale. After ,a social period under the convenership of Miss Gale, a lunch. in keeping with the spirit •o£ Hallowe'en, was served. PORTER'S HILL Several of the farmers hereabouts are busy putting gravel on the roads ready for the fall traffic. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Johnston of Toronto were week -end guests of friends in this community. Mr. Peter Harrison had the mis- fortune to have the small bone in his arm broken the other day while cranking a car. At the regular meeting of the Men's Club on Tuesday evening Rev, Father Sullivan of Clinton gave an interesting talk on the division of taxes to separate schools, which seemed to be very enlightening.Sev- eral remarked Iater that they had not understood the question and had given it little thought. Mr. Lorne Elliott contributed a reading and Rev. R. M. Gale and Mr. Peter Young gave several violin selections. Father Sullivan also gave a violin number and a whistling number. The next meeting of the Club will be an open, meeting, when everyone will be welcome and a part of the program will consist of an old-fash- lened fiddlers' contest. Prizes will be awarded and a good time is as- sured. Bring along your fiddle and join in the fun, or come prepared to enjoy it, GODERICH TOWNSHIP After an illness of two years Caro- line Oakes, wife of James Stociclart of the MVlaitland concession, passed a- way on Sunday in her sixty-ninth year, her death occurring oe the same farm on which she was born. Mrs. Stoddart was a daughter of the late George Oakes and his wife, Matilda, of the Maitland and she spent her entire life in this township with the exception of sixteen years spent in Chicago early in her mite - vied life, Twenty-five years ago Mr. and Mrs. Stoddart i'eturnecl to Gode- rich township. She is survived by her husband, one son and one slaugh- ter. •The sort, Herbert Stoddart, is sailing and at time of writing word had not been got to him, Ris boat titres between port Colborne and Fort William. The daughter, Olive, Mrs. Perham of Detroit, had been with her mother for some months. Anoth- er sten died in 1025 in his twenty- third year. One brother, Herbert Oakes, also of Goderich township. survives and there are twelve grand- children. Mrs. Stoddart was ; member of Ebenezer church but she had not been able to be out for some years. She had a eift for song, however, and in earlier years was a valued mem- ber of the choir. The funeral took plate yesterday afternoon from the family residence, the Maitland concession, to Maitland cemetery, Goderich. The service: at house and graveside were conducted by the Rev. J. W. Herbert and the pallbearers were: N. W. and H. 3. Trewartha, L Jones, H. 'Oakes, G: McVittio and J. Baker. . Miss E. Hicks of Goderich . spent a +'reW claws last week with her 'niece, Mia. Oliver Welsh. Messrs. Robert Welsh and Ross, Middleton,;• students of the C.C.I., Were et :home last week -end with Measles, "' Miss> E. Hicks of Goderich spent a :few days with her niece, Mrs. Barry Grs:hstni. last weak. • wee, snct''Mee. Arthur Welsh 'and Mr, and Mrs.' Robert Clttff motored to London on Thur,dty of last week The A.Y.P•A. of Varna,' Bayfield 00 m M , We Have Them SPRING CI•IICICENS FOR SUNDAY DINNER, Also BOILING FOWL & CHIPPED EGGS FOR GOOD HEALTH EAT MORE EGGS AND POTJLTRY WE ARE CASH' BUYERS OF EGGS AND POULTRY THE YEAR ROUND OUR LAST WEEK FOR 1' UL S of All Binds PLANT NOW. sesFse-tee , Chas• N. Co ke F L RBS T. Phones: 66w and 66j faido Cafe Meals at all hours. Special Dinner 40e from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Supper, 5 to 8 p.rn. Lunch at all hours. Tay our Neilson Ice Cream, Ice Cream Bricks, and Eskimo Pies, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candy. Charlie , Koo Proprietor. 53-e. and Middleton churches are enter- taining the A.Y.P.A.'s of 'Clinton and Blyth in the Orange Hall in Bayfield on Friday evening, Nov. 11th. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cole and son Bob, motored to London one day last week. Mr. Randal Cole of Western U., London, spent the week -end at his home. Miss Helen Beacom of the Bayfield Line spent the week -end as guest of Miss Marion Forbes of Hullett. The following is the report of S. S. No. 8, Goderich, for the months of September and October: 5th: Harold Johnston, 69; Eliza4 beth Thiel, 63. Jr. 4th: Jean Johnston, 68; Sylvia Lowden, 63. Sr. 3rd: Irene Leitch, 75; Grant Stirling, 72; Betty Stirling, 67; Glaris Ys Clark, 66; Elmer Johnston, 46; Thelma Johnston, 38. 2nd: Elsie Leitch, 69; Mildred Westlake, 65; Douglas Stirling, 53; Kenneth Stirling, 25. 1st: Harold Warner, 62. Pr.: Keith Stirling, 28. Elsie Leitch had least mistakes in spelling both months. Number on roll, 16; average attendance, 13.75. —61. Douglas, teacher. The following is the report of S. S. No. 11, for the months of Sep- tember and October: Sr. 4th: John Lindsay, '72; Macle- liene Tyndall, 62; Olive Pickett, 57; Margaret Farquhar, x`37; Eddie Deeves, 'Sr. 3rd: Jeanne Vodden, 76; Pearl McGee c'70; Camiel Hendrick and Lorne Tyndall, equal, 58; Harold Ilackett, 48. Jr. 3rd: Willa Potter, 71; Harold Wise, 62; Donna Pickett, 56; Verna Hackett, ". 2nd: Frank Potter, 75; Lula Tyn- dall, 54. 1st Class: Glenn Wise. Sr, Pr.: Ray Potter, 87; Norma Pickett and Jackie Tyndall, equal, 67. Jr. Pr.: Fred Gibson, Jean Hen- drick. Alvin Wise. Best spellers for October: Sr. 4th, Olive Pickett and John Lindsay, e- qual; Sr. 3rd: Jeanne Vodden, per- fect; Jr, 3rd: Harold Wise; 2nd class: Frank Potter. Number on roll, 23; average attendance for October, 16.3 Those (narked with an asterisk missed one or more tests. —I M. Thomson, teacher. GODS -RICA: An eminent Cana- dian divine, Dr. T. Wardlaw Taylor, clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, is to take up residence in Goderich, it is announced. Dr. Taylor is re- moving front St. Andrews, N.B. He visited here recently and, impressed by the beauty of the town, decided to take up residence. He has select• ed a home and some of his house- hold effects are already here. Dr. Taylor, his wife and daughter are expected shortly. Advertisements are your pocket book editorials. They interpret the merchandise news. For Sale A number of white Leghorn pul- lets, also a bunch of young York pigs, and some chunks. Apply to John Hyde, Kippen. Phone 86r11, Hensall. 96-1-p. Please Note This The persons borrowing cement curbing from the undersigned are• asked to either return or settle for same not later than next week. HiramHill, Clinton. 96-1-p. Lost Between Bayfield ;and Londesboro; an Eaton tent. Finder kindly com- municate -with Westlake Garages Bayfield. 96-2. Barred Rocas Pullets For Sale Bred -to -lay Barred Rock pullets, also ten little pigs for . sale. Apply to Ed. Miller, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 617.1.6, Clinton Central. 95-2. Farm Position Wanted Experienced farm worker, 33, mar, vied, conscientious and reliable, seeks; position, with separate house. Write giving particulars and wages offer- ed. C. W. Shaw, 1'r.. R. No. 3, Dick - DOW. 92-5-p. N. W. Trewartha Phones—Office, 214j. Residence, 214w CAPITAL THEATRE Northern .Electric Sound System Goderich, Phone 47 Now Playing: Warner Baxter in "Amateur Daddy" and Thin mas Meighen in "Skyline." MON., TUES., WED. The FOUR MARX BROTHERS Ambassadors of mirth, melody and madness in their latest riot "Horseleathers" THURS., FRI., SAT. ALLISON SICIPWORTH Grand old artist of the stage in her first starring picture Madame Racketeer Mat,: Wed. and Sat. at 3 p.m. Coming: "Love Me Tonight," and "Movie Crazy." Our Special A Marvelous, Light, Fluffy VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE CAKE with the nicest whipped filling you ever tasted. THEY'RE DELICIOUS DON'T FORGET TO ORDER ONE FOR SATURDAY Cream Rolls, Cream Puffs and Tarts macre by BARTLIFF & CRICK Makers of Dainty Maid and Whole Wheat Bread Phone 3, Clinton. Norman W. Miller GENERAL INSURANCE Including Life, Fire, Sickness, Accident and Automobile Box 102, Isaac Street, Clinton 06-26. Proclamation According to an Act of Parliament passed last year and to a resolution introduced at the meeting of the Clinton Town Council by Councillors Paisley and Livermore and unenii mously carried, I hereby proclaim Friday, Nov. 11th, "Remembrance, Day," a Public Holiday in Clinton and call upon all citizens to observe it as a day of remembrance of those who gave their lives in the Great War, NELSON W. 'TREWARTIIA Mayor. O1 SCE GEORGE BOLTON has been appointed agent for Clut- ton and surrounding county for the Florence Spencer Oil Burners SPENCER FOUNDRY CO. LTD. Penetanguishene, Ont. 96-1-p. Liberal Allowance Will be allowed on YOUR SET OR PHONOGRAPH on n New 1933 P 1LCO A D , ( Clinton Electric Sales CROQUIGNOLE self setting PERMANENT WAVES $1, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 complete at the. RA'TTENBURY HOTEL private sample roosts FOR SATURDAY, NOV. 12th Operators of 5 years experience. Waves Guaranteed for 6 to 9 months Mr. W. Harry Grice, Stratford, Ont. ' Phone :from 0 :'•clock on for appointments. D WG CAREFULLY INSPECT EAC. LOT of09ALWG 13UY AND NOW MAY WE SELECT YOUR WIli T _r's COAL SUPPLY 2 1hst PHONE 74 If you ,had to go direct to the (nines every time you wanted coal— Wouldn't coal -buying be a task? Even after you got to the. mines, you possibly wouldn't know which coal to choose. That is the big thing we have ' done for you. We have carefully selected the proper coal for different kinds of furnaces, ranges and grates. All you have to do is to 'phone No. 74 for it. Call the IMAT MLitt rel C CLINTON, ONTARIO 30 and 60 Watt Phone Us We Deliver 15c 7 for $1.00' PRODUCT OF CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC C. H. VEN ER, Christmas Photographs Don't forget Grandma and Grandpa. What would please them moist this Christ- mas? Photographs of the children of course. We can do our best with children when we can give ample time to the sittings. That's why we suggest those Christmas pictures NOW! 1 THE BURGESS STUDIO Clinton and Mitchell. Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Implements at lot 22, con. 11, Stanley township, 31 miles south-west of Varna, on 'Tues- day, November 15th, at 1 o'clock, sharp, consisting of tite following: HORSES—(Grey mare, rising 5 years, agricultural; black horse, ris- ing 5 years, agricultural; black horse rising 7 years, agricultural, CATTLE—Roan cow, 7 years, due in February; roan cow, 8 years, due in April; grey cow, 8, milking; 2 heifers, rising 2 years old; 3 spring calves, PIGS—York sow, with 11 pigs, 5 weeks old; fat sow. SIIEEP-20 good breeding ewes. FOWL --50 Barred Rock pullets; 50 Barred Rock hens, 2 geese. IMPLEMENTS. — 7 -foot Deering binder; Deering side delivery rake, Bisset disk harrows; horse rake; spring tooth cultivator; sot 5 -section harrows; set 3 -section harrows; 2 three drum steel rollers; steel tire buggy; bean scuffles, puller combin- ed; hand scuflfer; walking plough; 2 furrow Cockshutt riding plow; 2 faint wagons; set sloop sleighs; hay rack; good double wagon box; gravel box; set wagon scales, 200 lb.; cut- ting box; 2 set double harness; ser single harness; Anchor -holt creast Seperator, DeLaval cream separator; quantity of household furniture, forks, chains, whiffletl'ees, neekyokes anti other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Hens and all suns of 510.00 and under, cash; over that a- mount 11 months credit will be given on furnishing good joint bankable paper, or a discount of 6 per cent. straight will be allowed for cash on credit amounts, Everything adver- tised will be sold as proprietor has disposed of his farm. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Charles Rathwell, Proprietor. 95-2. 100 Acre Farm For Sale or Rent 100 acres, being Lot 22, Con. 7, Hullett. This farm is offered for sale, cheap for quick sale and on reasonable terms of payment. It is well adapted for mixed farming. There is a frame house and a bank barn and good well with windmill. and a choice young orchard. This place is in a rich state of eultivation, being used as pasture for several years. It is situated three quarters of a mile from tate Provincial High- way. If not sold, it -will be offered for rent for a term of years. 'For Particulars apply to—J. P. McIntosh, Clinton. 04-3 Special Prices on Hairdressing For the winter Months rates for finger waving will be 35c for long bobs, 25c for short hair. Mrs, Maks ins, Bayfield. 95-3. TOWN OF CLINTON VOTER'S LIST Voter's List, 1932, Municipality of Clinton, County of Huron, Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of the Vet- ere' List Act and that I have posted up, at any office at 'Clinton, on the 1st day of November, 1982, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elec- tions, and that such list remains there fore inspection. And I hereby call upon all voter's to take immediate, proceedings to have any error's or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last clay of appeal being the twenty-second. day of November, 1932. Dated, Clinton, November lst, 1932. R. E. MANNING, Cleric of the Town of Clinton. 1 952: Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w AtirtarAN OW 4. WANTED Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid. A. E. FINCH Phone 231. For Sale or Rent Desirable house, Princess street, town water, electric lights, 3 min- utes from Collegiate, 10 minutes front clown town. 1-2 acre garden, with fruit trees. Good locality. Apply E. M. Akan(, or Dr, Shaw, Clinton, 88-11. For Rent ' Small cottage, in good condition, convenient to post office. Apply to P. Finglancl. 91-1f, Liccester Sheep Per Sale Ram lambs and shearling ram.;, all Government graded XXX. Also some ewe lambs. Apply to J. H. Quigley( R. R. No. 5. Phone 609x3, Clinton central. 9341, Wood For Sale Dry wood for sale, either at pile or delivered. Apply to Victor Fal- coner, R. R. No. 1, Brucefield. Phone 629r12, Clinton. 68-tf-100-p, House for Sale 8 -room house with modern converts iences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 lots in garden, barn, woodshed, good cel- lar under house. Apply on premises to Hiram Hill, 66-tf. House For Sale or Rent Comfortable 8-raom house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply to George Cantelon, Rattenbury street, Clinton. Phone 272. 35-1f. E. C. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 13-14 Coal, Coke & Wood Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthracite Cbal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal Scotch Aithracito, range size Ifamilton and American Coke Also Bitiminotts Coal Prompt and careful delivery from my sheds on Queen street. A. D. McCartney Ooal Dealer, Clinton. Phone 256 Queen St. .1 Cleaning and Pressing at Reduced Prices W. J. JAGO If not open work may be left at Heard's Barber Shop