HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-10-06, Page 8CAMBRIDGE CLOTHES STYLED TO SHIT TI -U MOST DISCRIMINATING MR. R. E. MACKENZIE, Special Representative of Cambridge Clothes will be at our store on TIT + S DA's, SEPTEMBER 27th with a complete line of Cambridge Styles and. Fabrics which relire- sent the newest and smartest designs for the coining season in Made -to -Measure 'Clothing. INVESTIGATE OUR REMARKAI3LE CAMBRIDGE VALUES YOU WILL BE WANTING A NEW HAT to match the New Suit or Topcoat. We have them in all the newest Styles and Cblors of the season and at most attractive prices. Colne in and let us show you some real values. Owing to early, buying and the fact that we deal directly with the ,Manufacturers, we are able to offer our customers the benefit of mast exceptional values in MEN'S, L4DIES' and CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR FOR PALL AND WINTER WEAR. These are smart New Snappy Styles that cannot possibly be equalled at to day's Wholesale Prices. • BUY NOW BEFORE THE PRICES 'ADVANCE Plurnsteel . ros. CHICKEN AND VEAL LOAF, per Ib. SCHNEIDER'S WEINRRS, per 111'. HOMEMADE SAUSAGE MEAT, per Ib. HOME-MADE LINKED SAUSAGE, 2 Ibs. for FRESH PICNIC HAMS, per lb. SMOKED PICNICS, per ib. CHOICE RIB ROASTS OF BEEF, per ib. 25c 15e 10c ,25e 10c 12c and 13e .,14c CHOICE GEESE, DUCKS AND CHICKENS FOR THANKSGIVING DINNER " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 182 Albert Street Lifeti e Guarantee • 0 NOW IS THE 'TIME TO LOOK AFTER YOUR o STOVES nd FURNACES AND HAVE THEM EQUIPPED WITH ILA pPUT INTO E 11 tl E 011.4 E YOUR STOVE OR FURNACE WITHOUT TROUBLE— SAVES FUEL BILLS—NO ASHES—:QUICK HEAT—NO DIRT— AND A LIFE-TI•ME GUARANTEE Do Not Leave Your Heating till a Chilly Day—LOOK AFTER IT NOW. Be Prepared and Learn about this wonderful new easy way to heat your home, at New Low Prices. WATCH OUR WINDOWS SUTTEE, PEflEHJE fiLKEH Hardware FuneralD'rectors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w • Electric Wiring q a D p O Now is the Time to Pick Out Y;i.ur For the Fall and Winter PULLOVERS. FROM 95c TO 54.00 A NICE LINE OF BOYS' FALL PANTS AT $1.25 to $1.75 SWEATER OATS from $1.50 to $6.00 BOYS' TWEED LONG PANTS FROM $1.50 TO $3.00 MEN'S WORK PANTS FROM $1.50 TO $5,00 DAVISHERMAN. CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTH ValinainaleaalnIDIZ, G E JONTEEL OREAM 50e JONTEEL FACE POWDER 50c GARDENIA CREAM , .. ...'.50e GAE 3•ENIA FACE POWDER ..$1.00 JASMINE CREAM .....50e JASMINE FACE POWDER.. —$1.00 50c BOTH FOR , , , $1..00 Born FOR $1.00 BOTH FOR . ABOVE OFFERS WILL NOT BE REPEATED THIS .YEAR WS.R. Holmes Phm. B arr.,e.1ca,PJliS PHONE 51 CLINTON, ONT. Text r;o ks ntl Supplies The 0 conveniences and The essentials WATERMAN Taught the world how to carry ink in the pocket, ready for inniediate writing•, His Fountain Pen has been imitated and emulated but we doubt that. it •has ever been duplicated. T1l W. a Fair Geo Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Miss R. V. Irwin made a business trip to Toronto last week, Miss Evelyn Halt was up from To- ronto over the week -end. Mr. D. Centelon left this morning on a business trip to North Bay. Miss Baster of Mitchell 'was a week- end guest with Mrs. E. Wiltse. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ambler returned to Pontiac, Mich., on Saturday. itiiss Dorothy Cantelon has returned after a visit in Orillia and Toron- to. Mr. Leslie Hanly of Toronto spent the week -enol with his fancily .in town, Miss Emma Pluntsteel has returned from a visit with friends in To- ronto. Miss Jean Hogg of Milverton ea/led on a few old friends in Clinton on Saturday Inst, Miss F. Brydone of the Collegiate staff was at her home at Milver- ton for Sunday. Miss Isabel Chow= spent the week- end as the guest of Miss Grace Scott of Seaforth, Mrs. H. B. Fife of Toronto has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. W. Herman. Misses Lindsay of Lucknow are this week the guests of Mrs. J. C. and Miss Marjorie McMath. Miss Esther Lyon of Londesboro was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hiles over tiro week -end, Miss Florence Cuninghaine left yes- terday with friends from Pullarton on a motor trip through Michigan. iVlr. ]Edgar Maguire has returned home after a months' holidays in New York, Allegany Mts, Pa„ and Buffalo. Miss Margaret Plutnsteel and Miss Georgina Munro of the Western University spent the week -end at the home :of the former's parents in town. Miss Eleanor Plumsteel of Seaforth and Miss Jean of Elora were home over the week -end and on Saturday attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Joel McLeod at London. Mr. Everett Crich of Saskatoon, Sask., left for his home last week- end, after a visit with his father, Councillor Crich, whose condition remains very critical. Mr. and brrs, Ernest Crich and daughter, Mrs. Brown, and her two children of Pontiac, Mich., have been in town, corning to see the former's father, 'Councillor H. Crich. VARNA Mis, Wm. Colciough has returned to the village after spending a num- ber of years in Woodstock. Her many friends are glad to have her back. Mrs, Robt. Armstrong spent the week -end in Brussels. The W. A. of the Anglican church met at the home of Mrs, Morton 151- liott last Friday. .A very large crowd attended and was enjoyed by all. - The W.ILS. of the United church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Robt. Webster •of Clinton. A number of the ladies went over and a veru enjoyable afternoon was spent by all. Miss Muriel Elliott is spending her vaeatioil- in Kitchener. The Harvest Thanksciving service Will be,..held in St. John's Anglican ;church` on' Sunday evening, Oct. 9th, at 4 o''cbeek. Mr. »Cecil Wilee cspent the, week- end in Flint, Mjehigan. Head Lettuce �+eM1 Alii .'aly�teg, �n,. r•s xi..: 1 J%.i"`� N 1''ii'Lad i� +m t,lry, ra v. ,e, 3131.. 3131, RED AND WHITE STORE,.}! '•T.rere Heart Lettuce, Ls, .Potatoes, Cranberriesrn bbard Squash, Turnii s, Grape Fruits ;,nd Turkeys aid fucks w .�.r„�.k�,tr• Duff's Sausage, 2 lbs. Schneider's Sausage, lb. Swift's Sausage, lb: Spare Ribs, 2 lbs. Tenderloin, lb. Veal Roll, lb. Beef Plate, lb. Lamb Roll, lb. -r e„ t ry} ufit° Fri i tll ajre 25c Breakfast Bacon, lb. 19c Sliced Bacon, lb. 19c Picnic Hants, fresh lb. 25c Pickled '.olls, fresh lb. 40c Midget Steaks fresh lb. 15c Pearneal Bacon, lb. 10c Pork Loin 'Roast, lb. 20c Veal Cutlet , lb. strati 1311 et, F, 17c 23c 10c 15c 18e 23c 20c 25c tMraraMEMMOULVala====gZEMMEnnalmsaammeS3MMEMIZN =ELMS _.ra:, v- .+w+: an:an>,... •3131.,.rn. •eernw �-n .en NEW GREEN GLASSWARE WITH FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER FOR 23c to .. FREE CIRCUS TOY WITH POUND OF CREAM FILLED: COOKIES FOR 29e Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails o .3.3 ,,, „31.3„3,-,3 :,.,13,,.... ,:A,,,.4 11r3031A X ,,31.31., 313343 33.1 x * ", CLINTON'S PIG CORNER GROCETER,IA Phone 48 mrY eggr sect ax ti* r q': "� 't« 'I' 3 4 i GODERICI-I TOWNSHIP --- _ Following is the report of Goderich S. S. No. 9 for the month ,of Septem- ber: Honours, 75; pass 60 per cent. Sr. 4th --Muriel Miller, 93; Eugene Cole, 85; Violet Cole, 84; Donald Harris, 83; Fern Beacom, 66. Jr. 4th—,Daphne Colciough, 7c; Howard 11IcCullough, 70; Bernice the person holding the lucky number Grigg, 07. at this game. Tickets can be obtain - Jr. 3rd—Betty Harris, 86; Donald ed from any of the players. Coiclough„ 52". Sr. 2nd --Kenneth Steepe, 05. Jr. 2nd—Gueudolyn Miller, 87; Ed- na McCullough, 60; Ruth Harris, 53; Gordon Gilbert, 24"' Sr. Pr.: possible, 316: Edward Wise, 233; Muriel Wise, 211; Jessie McCullough, 181; Beta, Yeo, 100. Those marked asterisk were absent for exams. Perfect attendance for month: Violet Cole, Eugene Cole, Howard 11IeCuliough, Betty Harris. —Isabel M. Johnston, teacher. Softball, Clinton TORONTO FORDS (Mr. Mike Cook, Manager) VS. CLINTON WEAR WELL IQ/Iend gp,, October 10 at 3.30 p.m. Admission, Adults, 25e, Children, l0c A $5.00 gold -piece will be given to A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents: Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Ilaacite, Gode- rich Township, on Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 12 o'clock, when Muriel Grace, their only daughter, was united in marriage to Barrie Courtice Walter, younger son of Mrs. Walter and the late Mr. S. T. Walter. The bride, who was given away by her father, was becomingly gowned in brown georgette and lace and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Rev. W. T. Butt performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate relatives. The bridal party stood ibeueath an arch of ,cedars and white asters. Af- ter the ceremony a wedding dinner was served, the table being decorat- ed in pink and white and the decora- tions of the house were carried out in the same colors. The bride's go- ing -away.. costume was a fur -trim- med suit of black, with gloves and shoes to match, with which she wore a hat of burgundy. Mr. and Mrs. Walter left for a motor trip to North Bay, Ottawa and other cities. On their return they will reside on the bridegroom's farm, Huron Road. Mr. Brown Stewart has disposed of his fine farm on the Bayfield Line to Mr. Lawrence Stephenson of Hyde Park, the latter to get possession the first of January. My. Randal Cole spent the week- end at his home ' on the Bayfield Line, returning to Western Univac- sity, London, the beginning of the week. ST. HELENS (Too late for last week) Mt•, and Mrs. Roy MeGee, Wing - ham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Phillips. • Mr, Harvey Anderson, Ashfield, called on his friends, Mr. Wilson Woods and Mr. Lorne Webb one -day lately., Miss Vera W'oiods, Toronto, and Mrs, Arthur Whetham, Galt,' spent the week -end with• their mother, Mr's. R. J. Woods. i • Mr. ,Duncan McKenzie is tinder the doctor's care at present. FLOWERS \\'1or-± ny— .f"oCioi Purpord FROM CONGRATULATIONS TO "REGRETS" and PROM "HELLOES" TO "GOOD-BYES" YQU CAN :fa :e0,4g07.ter ning halve he 3lorist OiREEPfHOUSE PHONEl76 FLOWER SHOP PH0NE31 IS COMING BE PREPARED FOR COLD WEATHER BY HAVING YOUR FURNACE AND STOVES READY We repair all , makes of stoves or furnaces or will install a new HE,OLA for you at a real price for a real furnace. Call in and let us show you the Ranges and Heaters we have. IT IS A PLEASURE TO SHOW THEM. T. llawldns HARDWARE and PLUMBING none 244 3 You Will Find Great Values All Over Our Store This Fall Our New Stock of BEDROOM. SUITES. CEDAR CHESTS FIBRE FURNITURE, 111116100.... MIRRORS, LAMPS', AND NOVELTIES --IN FACT Everything in • Up -To -Date Furniture IS HERE, Also a nice line of LINOLEUM, CONGOLEUM, OIL -CLOTHS, RUGS, ETC. A fine large stock of Springs and Mattresses of all kinds. It certainly will pay you to buy now as Furniture prices will never be lower. IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have our usual stock of Reliable Stoves and Ranges, and you ought to see them for Style and Finish. An Electric heater• would take the chill off until you get your furnace going. Some Bargains in Gas Lanterns, also some special prices on Shot -Guns and Rifles, WATCH OUR WINDOWS. BALL & ZAPPE "Store With the Stock" Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument DealersHall, N. Ball, Phone 110. J. 3'. Zapfe, Phone 103. SUPEF2,6OR CHAHN STOFZES e,'aren 111 r ,y Thursday, Friday and Saturday Specials P. 41 G. SOAP, 5 bars for •19e MINCE MEAT, 2 lbs. for CAMPBELL'S' TOMATO SOUP, 2 tins for 150 15e PASTRY FLOUR, 7 lbs. for 17c. 12 lbs. 27c. 24 lbs. 47c PURE LARD, per lb. .10c BLUE BOY TEA, per Ib. 29c FRESH SAUSAGE, 2 Ibs, for 25c FRESH PICNIC HAMS, per lb. THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF OUR MANY SPECIALS See our hand bills for your :needs this week or telephone us 111 11c I McKNIGHTJ.T. S PHONE 111. Boomers London OLD TYKE CHOCOLATEp, 1 LB, BOX FOR 50s OUR JELLY ROLL IS A REAL DELIGHT 'AT"20c RING DOUGHNUTS, CLINTON MADE, Makes Them Better; Than 3131 the Best NEW CHOCOLATE BA RS AND TAFFIES AT' WendOrf'S Bakerj and COnireetionerg Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread ;ax 1,1