HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-10-06, Page 5VF INTEREST TO YOIJ AND ME Monday next, October 70th, 'Chiinks;,iving Day. Remembrance Pay, November nth, comes on Fri - -slay this year, rt * rt .l:.istetung to some people tail: one, ,jf+s`forced to the conclusion that in, 'stead of language it is slanguage 'they use. Now that the election and the ]'all fairs are over we can settle down to .'work, getting in the late roots, .drinking, up the outbuildings, and ,-:generally malting ready for winter. . 4 «.a Even a casual look at orchard and field as one takes an occasional drive through the country is enough to. chow that Old 1V/ether Nature has ,,dene her ;best for us this year. There is no scarcity of food for man and, beest. .All that is necessary to !take •everybody, happy is a propr diotri.' ' bution. • • . « Who was it said that you never could tell how a home race or an •election was going to turn out? Neither side was quite prepared for the result of the South Iluron by-el- ection on Monday. Perhaps both 'sides were prepared for the seat to be retained by the Liberals, as it Is conceded to be a Liberal riding, but 'neither side 'expected such a sweep- ing majority. The Liberal candidate had the largest majority ever piled -no in the riding. In times of depres- eion 'Governments are always in dis- favor and this no doubt had P. good deal to do with the, result. The re- -tire .ef the Liberal candidate will 'make no difference to the standing of either party in the house.. On another page of this issue is • an article warning fruit growers; especially peach growers, that if 'they wish to retain the home ,market they must cease marketing green immature 'fruit, We have heard more about this trouble this year than ever before and we have also samp- led some of these green peaches. A basket of green peaches, which rot before they ripen, do more to dis- courage the ready buying of peaches by householders than almost any thing else. The gaining and keeping of a market for fresh fruit is an im- portant natter to fruit growers unci •it depends very largely on satisfied customers. A hard, sour, green peach "is a nighty poor sop to catch cus- tomers with. If you want a hearty welcome move to Toronto, says the Finan- •rcial Pest: "In the city there is an organ, iration known as the• Welcome Wagon Service. Wihenever any family moves from out of town to take up residence in Toron- to, thee Vi oma Lady of the service calls upon the house- wife and assures her of the de- sire of the merchants of the city to be of service. Then she presents a loaf of bread with ' the compliments of one of the bakeries; a sack of flonr_from a nulling company; three jars of salad dressing; a half pound of bacon and a. package of shorten- ing; a pound of tea and a cou- pon for exchange on a pound of coffee at the nearest branch of a large chain store organization, a laundry bag from a laundry; a cover for the teelphone book; a bottle of stone ginger ale; a oup and saucer; passes to a mot- ion picture theatre; and invita- tions for two to a local lunch- room. With the parcels comes a neat card of welcome with the names. and addresses of the lon- ers of the various gifts," And there you are. Now how, I *ask you, are the small towns, villag- -es and rural conrinunitiee to compete -with this sort of thing? Those cit- ies want us—,when times are good and they are not• afraid of us corn- 'Mg "on the city," that is—and they •are willing to make some sacrifice:, to get us. It used to be that people would flock to the cities, young peal •ple, old people, middle-aged people, we all thought that everybedyeii t the • city was rich .and all that was need- ed was to go in, hang up one's hat -and start raking' -in money. The world is growing wises, however, and we have learned that five dol- lars.goes twice as far in the country as it does in the city; that you can- not have any fun in the .city without 'the expenditure of cash; that in or: •'der to live anything like so well as :the average person in the small town does you've oat to have a much larg- er income. So the city business men -aro trying the above scheme, Now, let us see! How does this compare with the reception that a 'town like Clinton gives an incom- ing fninily? First of all when a -view family moves in the neighbors on each side the house are or. the watch to see what sort of furniture they have, as they art indeed to some extent by that. Then they 'ar'e "jealous that the, movi•ig van doesn't snake marks on their lawns as it turns in and out and if it dose they go out and raise cain about it. ,Tf the new people have eh-•icken.3 {they -give warning that they must he kept shut no; if they have a dog Total 825 ' they express the devout wish . that it' 'Majority for does not bark ,at !tight and''Cacnelly „ HAa' remark that of coursehe must be 1. G9 ;dept tied up', as dogs'" ore hard on 2 , . t1' ' , 96 'gardens, and' the 'town merchants '3 . .48 'may'nntie't 'on, ,cash ''With "arier, -put,- 9 . ... r. , chase until the new family demon- strates its ability and willingness to meet its obligations. Of course the °city stores usually insist upon cash with every purchase too, delivering C.O,D, when the•mo l- ey does not accompany the order, and we have heard of purchasers going into local stores' to malie a purchase, which they had booked, artlessly' explaining, that they wild have "sent to the city for the article only they didn't have the money' handy," or that'the reason they have not the money just now was because they had .just sent a "large order to .a . city store, If these people who ano've to the city and get all these attentions are wise they will vee member that these favors ate just so much advertising on the part of the merchants concerned and goyern themselves 4accordingly, You don't get anything in the city, only what you pay for. These merchants are angling for trade. MONDAY'S BYE -ELECTION RESULTS The following is the returns in Monday's by-election by sub -divisions as nearly correct as we can seoure them at time of going to press. The official count will be - made today but not in time for this issue: CLINTON Sub -Div. Golding Rader 1 • 111 141 2a . 64 103 2b . 92 84 3a 60 77 3b . . ........ ... 73 87 4 . • 89 155 Total . . 489. 647 Majority for Rader -158. HULLETT 1 . 158 50 2 . 66 61 3 83 44 4 . .....154 82 6.. ' 24 37 6 .. 95 , 51 7.. 91 50 Total 671 381 Majority for Golding --290. McKILLO-P 1 r, 174 41 2 211 69 3I 168e, 75 4 . . 134 90 Total . 687 275 Majority for Golding ---412. SEAFORTH 1.. 161 2 136- 3 , 189 4 . ,, 96 5 . 68 6.. 107 Total . . 707 Majority for Golding -350. STANLEY 1 . 62 2 .. ,..,...,.. 96 3 ........... 80 4 .. 61 5,. 27 6 . 96 .... 48 8 ....•59 Total,.. 529 Majority for Golding -24. GODERICII T.A. 7 59 2.. 56. 8 ..,60 4 365 . . 5., 51 Total .. 337 ldfajority for Rader -139. 'PUCKERSMITH 1 144 2 . ....11.9 3.. 113 4 . 188 5.. 115 Cr . 118 Total . 747 Majority for Golding -478, USBORNT 1 . 54 ,44 . 72 4^r 3.. 105 2$ 4 , 93 37 8 . 67 78 R - 34 46 7 . 51. 86 Total .. ..,...... 476 361 Majority for Golding, --115. EXETER 1 76 179 2 145 165 3 ....... .... :146 135 4 .. 87 54 533 MARRIAGES W.1'„IGHT-iJOSLING -, At Ontario Street United Church parsonage, Clinton, on September 28th by the Rav, F. G. Farrell, Ida Louise, daughter:' of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Josling, Ilullett, to -Norman Foster Wright, soon of M+s. Weight and the late David Wright, of Goder- ich township., WALTER-1fAAC'KE—At the home rof the 'bride's parents, on Sept. 28th, by ,the. Rev. W. T. Bunt 02 Goderich; Muriel Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,Vq;'ilinot ifascke, to Barrie Courtiee Walter, son of Mrs, Waiter and the late S. T. Walton, all of •Goderich township. / BIRTHS COOPER—In Goderich township, on September, 29th, to Mr and Mrs, Charlie Cooper, a daughter: — 131orence Shirley. - • DEATHS LUCAS ---In Clinton, on Oct. 2nd. Maria Davis, wife of Mr. Alfred T. N. Lucas, aged 60 years and 2 months, BROMLEY—In Londesboro, on Get. 1st, Elizabeth 'Bembridge, wife of Me. William Bromley, aged 82 yeaes. FCRSTEB--In iiuffald, N.Y., on Sept. 26th, Edwin Harold Foister, son of the late 1Sr'illiam Forster of 'Colborne township. IN MEMORIAM WESTON In Ioving memory of our dearwife and mother, Elizabeth Looby, wife. !of Richard Weston, who departed this life three years ago, Oct. 2nd. Dear mother you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you are with us As you always -were before: —Sadly missed by husband, sons and daughters, • 5 , 85 G. 7. 8. 98 54 115 Total . . 942 Majority for Golding—?500. HEI\°SALT. 1 . 116 92 2 . • 124 75 Total . ,240 167 'Majority for Golding: 73, Total majority for. Golding: 2008. 43 ' 123 20 31 442 VOTE IN 1930 McMillan Trewarthe Clinton . 490 623 50 Goderich Township , 314 560 Hullett 635 474 77 Soaforth .. ,,.588 439 41 Stanley • 476 577 61 McICillp .. 536 404 65 Exeter 349 626 Tuckersmith .. ..,658 348 63 SteUsbphen orne , . . 731 8413 .,403 484 -- 357 Hensel' . . 221 195 Hay . 776 455 43 29 40 138 81 41 7 123' 505 112 70 109 75 51 50 476 61 61 23' 35 35 269 Total ......404 131'ajorityfor Rader -129. STEPHhN 153 2 31 3 . 120 4 . ...,146 6 . 96 6 99 84 8' . 68 Total . 6176 5827 Majority for McMillan -349, TRAMPS ARE OUTFITTED FROM STORE AT I'I,ENSALL • Two fastidious and nattily -attired tramps are sought by police of Hu- ron county. • Dropping .off a freight train at Hensell they entered the general store of T. C. Joynt by re- moving the entire frame of the front door. From the racks, they selected suits to their Iiking, and dragged natty shirts, ties, sox and sport ex, feeds from the shelves. Grey fell lints completed the ensembles, Then folding their own tattered Tags, they placed them on a chair, left the place and haven't been weal since. Al- though Mr. Anent resides above the store he was net aware of the rob- bery until Monday morning. --.Exeter Times -Advocate.' CARD. OF TRANI{S Mr. Henry Deer and sons, Clarence and Roy, desire to express their sin- 0er•e appreciation of "the sympathy extended to them by friends and neighbors in their recent bereave, merit. They also 'wish to thank those who so kindly 'loaned cars for the funeral. Ten Cent Talent Tea A ten cent talent tea for the Bap- tist Ladies' Aid, will be given at the home of Mrs. W. G. Cochrane, Mary street, on. Friday afternoon, Oct. 7th, from 3.45 to 6 o'clock. Maes. Coch- eane and Mrs. G. W, Sherman, hos- tesses. For Sale Purehred Oxford ram lambs for sale. Prices reasonable. Apply to Frank Weekes, Varna, Phone 622r31, Clinton .centra]. 91-2. Leicesters~For Sale �^ 100 A• few purebred Leicester ram lambs for sale. Apply to Reuben 47 Grigg, R. R, No. 3. Phone 606r12, 58 Clinton. . 91-2. 76 87 143 81 80, 6331 Apples and Potatoes for Sale A quantity of hand-picked apples, Kings, Northern Spies and , Green legs, also fonte potatoes for sale. Ape ply to R, 13.: Cole, R. R. No: -8, phone. 60644, Clinton central, 01-2. Milk -Fed' Nesters For Sale enantitv,, of milk -fed roosters da+ foY:, tai r Thanksgiving,. Will deliver Fri - 8 •clay evening ;if desired. , Apply to i{ot (lnddwrn S ndlr, 1t, F; 'No. 1, Phone, 75! d 8r2, Ctintou. 91 -1 -.psi eP Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers and Floral Designs for all Occasions C{•/M-S!ke Phones: G6w and 66j Ride Cafe itfoals at all hours: Special Dinner 400. from 11 a.m. to 2 pan. Supper, 5 to 8 pan. Lunch at, all hours. Try our Neilson Ice Cream, Ice Cream Bricks, and Eskimo Pies, Cigars, 'Cigarettes, . Candy.' Charlie Koo Proprietor. 01d Time Dance An old time dance will be, given in the firemen's hall on Friday even- ing, Oct. 7th, under auspices of the Clinton Fire Company. Popular or- chestra. Danciug at 9 'p.tn. Admis- sion fee 25e, 90-2.- 58-c. For Sale Bred -to -lay Plymouth Barred RockPullets, laying; yearling Leghorn hens, also good Green Mountain Po- tatoes. Apply to Roy Tyndall, 607r8, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. 90-3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Malcolm Douglas I3;IcTaggart, Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all Persons having claims against the estate of Malcolm Douglas 14IcTag- gart, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Private Bann- er, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of July, A.D., 1932, are required to deliver to Canada Trusts Corporation, London, Ontario, George D. McTaggart, Edith L. McTaggart, the Executors of the said estate or F. Pingland, Solicitor, on or before the 17th day of October, A.D., 1932, a fuII statement of their claims to- gether with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by af- fidavit, AND TARE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith.•• ' DATED at Clinton,' Ontorio, this 22nel day of September, A.D., 1932. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario; Solicitor for the said estate, 90-3. Auction Sale Pure-bred Dual Purpose Short- horns, registered, of good type, splen- did blood Iines and creditable milk Production, Wednesday, October 12th, at 1 pm., Moffatt Farm, Varna, 0115. three miles west of Brucefield, on Number 4 concrete Highway. "Roan Lancaster No. 220806, Serv- ed April 17th," Doily Lorne No. 220809, Served June lath," "Village Comet No. 233273, Served August, 21st," "Patsy Lou. Roan Heifer, Dom Roan Lancaster, Sire Lymnove Lancaster, also one Red Grade with heifer calf by side, and one Roan Grade, Served May 14th. Pure -Bred Shropshire Sheep. all pedigreed, including my foundation breediirg ewes, rich in the beat im- ported blood, and malty with show records, which may be left and bred to my show ram without charge. Ewe lembs, Ram lambs, and one four year 'old show ram of imported But- ter blood, YORKSHIRE SOWS, well-bred, egular breeders select bacon type, v , eighteen month litter of 16 pigs, s old, in one 501 in excellent oo ) and a special a winniu4 five firsts, t five Fairs last- fall, sired by O.A;Cs0 weaning pig Glory No, 128526, a] s of exoeptional quality. HORSES' d•Ieavy draft grey Per cheron tears of shot quality, mare and gelding, 6 yeare bred General Purpos disposition and in goo POULTRY—Laying hens and bred to lay Wihite Wyand FARM IMPLDMEAFTS -- Manure spreader, side rake, i ing mower, bean harvester!, walking plow. riding plow. cu HOUSEHOLD FU the Estate of Mrs. At good condition, es fol nian0, as good as' new settee, solid .walnut pa leather „rockers, lenity table, solid sv,}nut extensiO3 table, dining room. sideboard, mission. leather couch woof], wl brass beds,' springs, and mattressosi ciressera, wash stands, mirrors,,curtains, drap rods, mugs and carpet tures, stoves, etc, •Grab, Pure Alfadfs 2nd cutting3„Straw, 1VIa v old, and a well - e team, splendid od condition, otte pullets. rayloacler, Deer- spreader, RNITURE — o£ mss Moffatt, in I�eWS. Williams bail rack, hall riot• suite, large tablet, oak ex - chairs, .walnut library table, rite enamel and bevel plate es, and curtain s, dishes, pic- IIay, 1st and ngels and `i'ur• House Deeee. and Glazed Window Sri'+lt Tile and, Erick, Salo ,ulirler,.,cover in case of rai r. '`. Tloyd A, Moffatt; proprietor, George! Ei]nott, Auctioneer. 90.2.' We Have Them SPRING CIIICKENS FOR SUNDAY DINNER - Also BOILING FOWL Si CHIPPED EGGS FOR GOOD HEALTH EAT MORE EGGS :AND POULTRY WE ARE CASH BUYERS OF EGGS AND POULTRY TII;E YEAR ROUND N. W. Tll'ewaarth Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w Winners of Bean Contest 11,831 Beans in Jar let., Mr. C. B. Hale -11829, 2nd,, Mrs. 13, B. Manning -11837, 34, Mrs. N. Counter -11825, 4th, Miss E. MCKenaie--11320. 5111, Mrs. E. Smith—i11800. 6511, Mr. W, Mitch -11795.. 7th, Miss I. E. 'Carter, (Landesboro) 11774. 81-1, 153r. W. P. McGi11-11881. 9th, Mrs. S. Castle -11756. 10th, Miss, Grace Sterling -11727. (Toronto.) Lowest guess, 300. Highest guess, 5,000,100. BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty Maid and Whole Wheat Bread ' Phone 1; Clinton. m.. CAPITAL THEATRE Northern Electric Sound System Goderich, Phone 47 Now Playing: 'Young America' and "Dance Team.” MON., TUES, Chic Sale and Jackie Cooper in "When a Feller Needs a Friend" WED. and THUR. "Misleading Lady 77 with an all-star cast FRI. and SAT. Villiam Powell Sc ICay Francis in The Great Jewel Robbery" Mat:. Mon., Wed., Sat. at 3 p.m, Coming: "LETTY LYNTON." ATTENTION All users of coal are invited to inspect our car of "Scotch Anthra- cite" which is the first shipment to Clinton. It has a very high heat power and low ash, for particulars call A. D: McCartney Dealer in Coal and Wood. Phone 256. 90-2. For Rent Small cottage, in good condition, convenient to post office. Apply to P. Fingland. 91-tf, For Sale or For Rent A double house, Victoria street, seven rooms in each side, olectric lights, water, furnace, gardens, wir- ed for electric range, garage, 1-4 ac- re of land, good cement cellar. Ap- ply to C, B. Hale, Clinton, Ont,, or Mrr.'R. B. Carter, 50 Scott St,, Kit- chener. 85-tf. Furnished House For Rent For rent for 6 months from No- vember Bret, moderate sized furnish- ed house, all modern conveniences. Apply on premises to Mrs. McMath, Mary street, Clinton. Phone 304. 90-3, Anniversary and Fowl Supper Grace United church, Porter's Hill, will hold its anniversary services on Sunday, Oct. 18th, at eleven a.m., and seven thirty, p.m. Rev. E. A. Poulter, Varna, preacher. Special quartette music. Monday evening fowl supper- and play: "C,Iimbing Roses," by Westfield players, West- field orchestra. Admission 50,e and 25c. 91'2. Number 17, in the South of the Bay- field Road Concession, otherwise known as Lot Number 17, Bayfield Road South, in the Township of Steitdey, in the County of Huron. The said lands are in a good state of cultivation and erected thereon are first-class farm buildings. TE11163: Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of the sale and balance to be paid•within thirty days. F:crr further particulars and con- ditions! of Salo ,apply to the under-° sig+•ried solicitor ;; DATED_ at Glitter', this fifth day of October, A.D., 1932. +01.1016 :Ont]A' .'.0.t,, tiJ ., ,n .'''ny,,gyA 3e' «'•:t ,niVaL1, ,,1':61,4 SOME ARI» SIORN GREAT SOME ACHIEVE GREATNESS, AHD SOME HAVE GREATNC55 THRUST UPON THEM 13U1' WE HEAT FOLKS ARC THE GREATEST OF THE' GRATE - Money 112oney 'buys a lot of things, but it can't buy a place in the Hall of Fame. In the GRATE. -1a11• of : Farce, the Heat Folks hold the honored niche. They are placed there, not so much because off the reasonable price at which they enter your ser- vice, as -because ' of the SER- VICE they give for a little) price. The Heat Folks Special— ize on clean coal, chock frill of heat --no clinkers, and little ash. They are justly famous. Call the . 111 3.1 st PHONE- 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO 30 and 60 Watt Phony Us We Deliver 1c 7 for $1.00 PRODUCT OF CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC C. H. VENNER, Phone 7 How Long Ras It Been Since you Were Photographed? Put away those old fashioned pictures To the man of affairs, lack of a recent portrait is often a source of embarrassment. BURGESS' STUDIOS CLINTON AND MITCHELL Quality Developing and Printing Have You Seen the Nen, Velvet Edge ANGLE RAZOR? Smooth, Cool, Comfortable SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER, Velvet Edge Angle Razor, reg, 61.05) Lge. Tube Lifebuoy Shave Cream 85c Ono Velvet Edge Angle Blade ., 100 ALL FOR 50 CENTS Now on Display at R. 77, JOHNSTON'S Jetvelery Store Sole Agency—Clinton, Ont, 89-1f. Hats Remodelled Hats designed, blocked and remod- elled. Your own materials used. C. Akam, milliner, Princess Street, Clinton. 88-4-9. House For Sale My commodious home on the core nee of Orange and Joseph streets, Terms and price are right far a quick sale, J. G. Medd, Clinton. 89-tf For Sale A woodshed, 20 ft. by 30 ft, all tongue and groove fine lumber, In good repair. Would take cattle or it, W. J. Colelough, Varna. Phone No. 4-626. 89-4. For Sale or Rent Desirable house, Princess street, town water, electric lights, 3 min- utes front, Collegiate, 10 minutes from down town. 1-2 acre garden, with fruit trees. Good locality. Apply E. M. Allam, or Dr. Shaw, Clinton. 88-tf, Spirelia Corsetiere Have yon a Spirilla requiring al- teration or repair? It wi11 pay you to give it attention now. Mrs. J. Sil- eock, Teiephone 265w. 88-5-29. Farm For Sale Farm is situated on Cut Line, nue quarter or a mile from Hoheesville, consisting of eighty-eight acres of good farming land. Has 'been in pasture fur ,several years. Good shade for cattle and never failing spring water. Apply Elizabeth Ford; Ontario S1:., Clinton. Phone 317. 88 tf, Boarders Wanted Accommodation for boarders, and roomers. Comfortable situa tion, modern conveniences, hone privileges. Mrs. E. Niekley Clinton. Phony 23w. 84-tf. MORTGAGE SALE ., Of Valuable Farm Property Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort- gage which will be psodieeed at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, subject to a reserve bid, on Tuesday the lst day of November, A.D., 1932, at the hour of 1,30 o'clock in the afternoon at Lot 17, in the South of the Bayfield Road Concession, of the Township o+l Stanley, the following property, namely : The East eighty-nine acres of Lot Choice Potatoes for. Sale Very Choice Potatoes, Grown From Government Certified Extra No. I -L, Seed. Free from Disease of any Riad Colne and see these Potatoes or call 606-13, Clinton Central, for prices, oe leave orders With J. P. Sheppard and Co.,, Clinton. • Can Suppy Any'Quantity, Large o1' Srilali. S. FLEWITT G. TI. Elliott,, .A;uGtioneer, F. I'in g land, Clinton; Oiitario, $ojieitoe for. R. R. No, 3, Clinton. 80-1f. the Mortgagees. 91-4, +i1 Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER-PERDUE-.WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w WAIN A.E Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid. A. E. FINCH Phone 231. MATTRESSES Special prices for re -making your old felt mattresses over like new in- cluding new cover, 34,50. Feather beds cleaned and remade into Sani- tary mattresses, 03,50, All work kept separate, we call anywhere, with no extra cost on above work, MODERN FEATHER MATTRESS CO. P. 0. Box, 378, Goderich Wanted Lady roomer for up -town apart- ment. Modern conveniences, Terms reasonable, Also 2 rooms, centrally located for light housekeeping. Write to Drawer C., Clinton. 89.42. Wood For Sale Dry wood for sale, either at pile or delivered. Apply to Victor Fal- coner, R. R. No. 1, Brucefield. Phone 6291'12, Clinton, 68-tf-100-p. House for Sale 8 -room house with modern conven- iences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 lots in garden, barn, woodshed, good cel., Mt under house. Apply on premises to Hirain Hill. 60-tf. House For Sale or Rent Comfortable 8-rnont house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon, For particulate ap- ply bo George Cantelon, Rattenbury street, Clinton, Phone 272. 35.tf. E. G. HOWES* Electrican and Plumper A Full Line of Electric Appiianaee afro Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 13-tt, Coal, Coke rte( Wood Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthra- cite Coal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal. Hamilton -made Coke as well as Am- erican, also Bitiminus coal at my sheds, Queen St. Prompt and careful delivery. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St. Phone 256 nwentimitattereetuessamateatedifar All Cleaning and Pressing at Reduced ed sed Prices W. J. JAGO If not open work may be le at Heard's Barber Sbep