HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-09-29, Page 63.by.U.41pp., t:9i1.L $'..G.7, 1✓.T4— .1 Vela t lolly 1 lelei lei VA VIUM-Vbeure.eiivir OF INTEREST : TO YOU ANOM', Good times may be just around the •corner, as we seemto have heard somebody remark. There is talk of women using eight :or ten yards of material to make a dress :again. w v - .' If those races in India would only .eontinue in .agreeinent'leritaiu might he able. to make the advances and ibtrocluce the reforms which she would really like to introduce in that country. t. + • Judging by the revelations in Mani- toba and in Ontario recently it would seem: that those responsible for the ' handling of trust and public funds should he checked up a bit more 'strictly. Locally the coming bye -election has so far 'caused very little stir, but that the pegple of South Huron are actually. interested in the result was, evidenced on Monday by' -the large number attending the nomination ._ meeting in Hensall, when Mr. W. IL Golding, Liberal, and Mr: L. 11, Rad- er, Conservative, were officially nam- ed to contest the riding, Mr. W. W. Cooper, Independent -Liberal, who had .announced his intention of running, decided the day previously to with- draw and'the contest is now between ' the two straight party representa- tiyes. South Huron:is a rural riding and for many years has been represented 'by a fanner and this is one of the pleas put forward by the Conserva-1 tive representative, Mr. Rader, that he can represent his fellow -farmers !. 'more effectively than a non -farmer Mr. Golding, on the other hand, claims that he was brought up on a farm and that he has never gotten - very far away from the farm, so • 'there you are. The sympathy of his newspaper as- sociates will go out to Mr. Lorne Eedy of the St, Marys Jour- 'naI-Argus in the death of his father, John W. Eedy, for many years editor • and publisher of that journal, eito died at noon on Monday df heart • trouble. Mr. Eedy, who Was in his seventy-eighth year, 'retired about seven years ago leaving the business to his 'son and since that time had been living retired. He usually spent his winters in the South and while ,on these trips he often cont tributed interesting letters describ- ing his impressions of places and people whom hg met. 'He was a newspaper man first, last and always and under his guidance the journal- Argus was built up into one of On- tario's leading weeklies. JIe.was al- sd- interested in everything'. which was for the betterment of the town in, which he lived. He was an active worker in the United, formerly Me- thodist' Church. A minister of the former Methodist Church once told the writer that Mr. J. W. Eedy war the only newspaper roan during his career as a minister, and Methodist ministers used to move often and he would have more experience than some, wha was really active in church work. This interest he kept up all his life and he also !brought up his son so that he is following in his footsteps. Weekly journalism in On., tario is the poorer for the passing of, such a ratan as John W. Eedy. PROMINENT ONTARIO NEWS- .. itAPERMAN PASSES WHEN ' J. W. BED' DIES John Wolfe Eedy, retired publialo er, died at his home in St. Marys on Monday of a heart ailment. Mr. Eedy, who was in his seventy-eighth year, had been enjoying good health up to three days ago, Mr. Eedy was born at Elginfield, Ont, being the eldest son of the late Richard and Ellen Eecly, early set- tlers of that district. In early life he "taught school for a number of years before joining the staff of the St. Thomas Times in 1884. For some 'Years he was Managing Director of that paper. In 1895 he purchased the St. Marys Journal, which he de- veloped to the front rank of Cana- dian weekly newspapers. In 192( he bought the et. Marys Argus, am- algamating the two papers. He re- tired about seven years ago, being III®tCC " i, to # a t We Wish to Announce to the Citizens of -Clinton and Community that we are the .Sole Dealers for a^ar l933 Let'Us Give You •a Demonstration Suitable Suitable Terms May be Arranged to Suit Purchaser Clinton Electric Sales G. S. 11IcFARLANE, CLINTON, ONTARIO succeeded by his son, Lorne. Mr. Eedy was widely known and was held in esteem by hisconfreres of the press throughout the Domin- ion. He served for several years as director of the Canadian Press As- ecnation. He was singularly gifted as a writer, and his letters from Cal ifor'nia, whichhave been appearing. for a number of years under the pen, name "Journal Rambler," have been widely read. Lately they have been collected in a volume, "Southern Sketches!' Under hiseditorial direction: the Journal -Argus attained wide influ- ence. Throughout his life he had beer: a member of the United, formerly Methodist Church, • and for many years was a member of the Trustee Official Board. Mr. Eedy was married in 1.879 to Sarah Ellen Walden, daughter of the Iate Thomas and Mary 'Malden of Elginfield. Mrs. Eedy died ten years ago. Surviving are his only son, Lorne, publisher of the St. Marys Journal -Argus, and one daughter. Mrs. Archie Gillies, of Timmins. Charles Eedy of. Elginfield and Wil- liam Eedy of London are . broth- ers, Mrs. Elizabeth Ireland, St. Marys, is an only sister. BAYFIELD DOCTOR VISITS HOME OF MANY WONDERFUL CURES Dr. Newton -Brady of Bayfield, re- turned on Sunday from a visit to Dr. Locke of Williamsburg, who seems to have been performing wonderful cures of all kinds of dis- eases by treating patients'' feet. We asked Dr. Newton -Brady what he thought of it. "It is wonderful," he declared. Patients had told hint of some almost miraculous results. We suggested that hypnotism :night come into such treatment but be scoffed at the idea. He saw five thousand patients treated and talk- ed with many of then: and, 'having studied the art, he intends using it in his practise, Dr. Lecke. he says. must go and rest and relax for ten minutes ev- ery so often during the day, which lasts usually from about eight in rhe morning until late at night. Dr. Newton -Brady says he saw during his visit cars from every state in the American union, as well as from nearly ,every province of Canada, people suffering *me ar- thritis, neuritis and all forms of painful trouble of limbs, back and arnis,'eoming in the hope of finding relief, and he believes the treatment will prove beneficial, BIRTHS WILLIA'MSON—In Clinton Public Hospital on Sept. 24th, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Williamson, the gift of a son.—Robert Bruce. MARRIAGES DALE-FLYNN—In St Josephs church, Clinton, on Sept. 2Sth, by , the Rev. Father M. N. Sullivan, Margaret E., daughter of Mr. An- drew Flynn, to Arnold James Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Dale, all of Hullett township. IN MEMORIAM STEPHENSON—In memory of milt beloved nephew, Frederick Warren, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Stephenson of London, who died September 28th, 1931. —Inserted by Aunt Emma and Aunt Doreen. Member of Florist Telegeaph Delivery Association Flowers and Floral Designs for all Occasions „�ou"ru:dvi -7� r Chas. V. o ke FLORST Phones: 66w and 66j Rido Cafe Meals at al1-hours, Special Dinner 40e from 11 axe to 2 pen. Supper, 5 to 8 pan. Lunch, at all, hours. Try our Neilson Tee Cream, Ice Cream Bricks, and Eskimo Pies, Cigars, Cigarettes; Candy. Charlie Koo 'Proprietor. 53-e. Out Time Dance An old time dance will be given in the firemen's hall on Friday even- ing, Oct. '7th, under auspices of the Clinton Fire Company. Popular or- chestra. Dancing at 9 p.m. Admis- sion fee 25c. 90-2. For Sale Bred -to -lay Plymouth Barred Rock Pallets, laying; yearling Leghorn hens, also good Green Mountain Po= tatoes. Apply to Roy Tyndall, 607r3, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. 90.3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Malcolm Douglas McTaggart, Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all Persons having claims against the estate of Malcolm Douglas MeTag- gart, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Private Bank- er, deceased, who (lied on or about the 14th day of July, A.D., 1932, are required to deliver to Canada Trusts Corporation, London, Ontario, George D: McTaggart, Edith L. MeTaggart, the Executors of the said estate or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or before the 17th day of Ocbober, A.D., 1982, a full statement of their claims to- gether with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any; held by them all duly verified by of- f idavit. AND TARE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said cicecased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have received doe notice and in aecorclance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontorio, this 22nd day of September, A.D., 1932. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said estate. 90-3. Auction Sale Pure-bred Dual Purpose cS►tovt- horns, registered, of good type, splen- did blood lines and creditable miik procluetien, Wednesday, October 12th, at 1 pen., Moffatt Farm, Varna, Ont. three utiles west of Brimfield, on Number 4 concrete Highway. "Kean Lancaster No. 220806, Serv- ed April 17th," Doily Lorne No. 220809, Served June 15th," "Village Cemet No. 233273, Served August, 21st," "Patsy Lou, Roan Heifer, Dant Roan Lancaster, Sire Lymnore Lancaster, also one Red Grade with heifer calf by side, and one Roan Grade, Served May 14th. Pure -Bred Shropshire Sheep, all pedigreed, including any foundation breeding ewes, rich in the best im- ported 'blood, and many with show records, which may be left and bred to any show ram without charge, Ewe lambs, Ram lambs, and one four year :old show ram of imported But. tar blood. YORKSHIRE SOWS, well-bred, select bacon type, regular breeders, litter of 16 pigs, eighteen months old, in excellent condition, one soot winning five firsts, and a special at five Fairs last fall, sired by O.A.C., Glory No. 128526, also weaning pigs of exceptional quality. HORSES --,Heavy draft grey. Per- cheron team of show quality, mare and gelding. 6 years old, and a well- bred' General Purpo:so team, splendid disposition and in good condition. POULTRY—Laying hens and bred to lay Wlnite Wyandotte pullets. FARM IMPLEMENTS — Manure spreader, side rake, hayloader, Deer- ing mower, bean harvester, walking plow, riding plow. cultivator, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE --- the .Estate of Mrs. Agnes Moffatt, in good condition, as follows: Williams pieno, as good as new, hall rack, hall settee, solid walnut peeler suite, large leather -rockers, 'fancy tables, oak ex- tension table, solid walnut extension table, dining room chairs, walnut sideboard, mission library table, leather couch wood, white enamel and brass 'beds, springs, and mattresses: dressers, wash stands, bevel plate mirrors, curtains, drapes, and curtain reds, rugs and carpets, dishes, :pic- tures, stoves, etc. Grain, Pure Alfalfa Hay, lst and 2nd cutting, :Straw, Mangels and Tur- nips. • House Doors, and Glazed Window Sath Tile and. Brick. ale under cover in case of rain. Lloyd A. Moffatt, Proprietor, Georgo' ltil tett, Auctioneer. 90-2,1 We ave ' : e SPRING CHICKENS FQIt SUNDAY DINNER • Also. BOILING FOWL & CHIPPED EGGS FOR GOOD IHEALTH EAT MORE EGGS AND POULTRY WE ARE CASH BUYERS OF EGGS. AND POULTRY THE YEAR ROUND N. W. Trewa, 9'$.ha. Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w - Who are the €¢ {gym `V k.,,, s Be here at 9 o'clock Sharp Saturday Night when the winners of the Big Bean Contest WILL BE ANNOUNCED BARTLIFF & CRJCH Makers of Dainty Maid and Whole Wheat Bread Phone 1, Clinton. CAPI FAL THEATRE Northern Electric Sound System Gaderich, Phone 47 low Playing—A double bill: Will Rogers in `Ambassador Bill," and George O'Brien in "Mystery Ranch." MON., TUES., WED. "Chuckling" Charlie Ruggles. Roland Young and Lily Datnite offer a great rib -tickling even- ing of humor, romance and adventure. "This is the Night" THURS„ FRI., SAT. ANOTHER DOUBLE BILL Sally Eilers and James Dunn a great team in a pleasing romance "Dance Team" On the same Program Doris Kenyon, Spencer Tracy and Tonuny Conlon in a Frank , Borzage Production. "Young America" Mat: Weer. and Set. at 3 pan. Coming: "When a Feller Neecls a Friend." ATTENTION All users of coal are invited to inspect our car of "Scotch Anthea. cite" which is the first shipment to Clinton. It has a very high heat power and low ash, for particulars call A. D. McCartney . Dealer in Coal and Wood. Phone 256. 90-2. For Sale or For Rent A double house, Victoria street, seven rooms in each side, electric lights, water, furnace, gardens, wir- ed for electric range, garage, 1-4 ac- re of land, good cement cellar. Ap- ply to C. B. hale, Clinton, Ont., or Mrs. R. B. Carter, 50 Scott St, Kit- chener, 85-tf. Hats Remodelled Hats designed, blocked and remod- elled. Y' ue own materials used. C. Akam, milliner, Princess street, Clinton, The Vogue Have you seen the exclusive hats and dresses at the Vogue? 90-1, Bulbs For Sale lladottna Lily bulbs, large, heal- thy bulbs, and now is the time to plant for early summer blooming. Apply to A. Seeley. 89-2. 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being lot 22, con. 7, Hallett, le offered for sale, cheap for quick sale, and on easy terms of pay- ment. This place is in a high state of cultivation and well adapted for mixed farming. Phcssession given e once if desired. If not sold will be offered for :rental for a term of years. For particulars apply to J. P. McIntosh, Clinton, Ont. 90-1-p, Choice Potatoes for Sale Very Choice Potatoes, Grown From Government Certified Extra No. 1 Seed. Free from Disease of any Kind Colne and see these' Potatoes or call. 606-13, Clinton Central, for prices. or leave orders with J. P. Sheppard and Co., Clinton. CanSuppy Any Quantity, Large or Sarah. S. FLEWITT R. R. No. 3, Clinton. CIO 'AWAY YOU CLINKER YOU CAtl1I' PLAY IN OUR YARD CD 1 3 last PHONE 74 - Ar PGE 5 temaermagemessoieummuseausedmestio The rules rules- of our yards are rigid. Every load of coal that enters must give the counter- sign—"14 kt. Solid Coal. and Clinker -free." We know what the Heat Folks will do for you, because what can't come in, can't go out. ' The Heat Folks are a set of jolly elves that trim Old Winter's claws. r They spare your purse and disposition. They will turn a winter cold as ice into a sum- mer warm and nice. Call the IIPOPOIR.1 CLINTON, ONTARIO 30 and 00 Watt Phone Us We Deliver 1 15c 7 for $1.00 PRODUCT OF CANADIANgGGEGENERALELECTRIC Il ENl`�1 ER, nk; Phone 7 How Long Has It Been Since you Were Photographed? Put away those old fashioned pictures To the roan of affairs, lack of a recent portrait is often a source of embarrassment. BURGESS' STUDIOS CLINTON AND MITCHELL Quality Developing and Printing Have You Seen the New Velvet Edge ANGLE RAZOR? Smooth, Cool, Comfortable SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER, Velvet Edge Angle Razor, reg. $1.09 Lge. Tube Lifebuoy Shay. Cream 35c One Velvet Edge Angle Blade .. 100 ALL FOR 50 CENTS Now on Display at R. H. JOHNSTON'S .iewelery Store Sole Agency—Clinton, Ont. Furnished IIouse For Rent For rent for 6 months from No- vember first, moderato sized furnish- ed house, all modern conveniences. Apply on premises to Mr's. McMath, Mary street, Clinton, Phone 304. 90-3. Horticultural Society Meeting A meeting of the Clinton Horti- eulturat Society will be held in the Agricultural office on Thursday. October Oth to arrange for dates for 1933 Show and prise list and gener- al business. A good attendance re•, quested. H. E. Rorke, Secretary 89-2. Douse For Sale Iffy commodious home on the cor- ner of Orange and Joseph streets. Terms and price are tight for a quick sale. J. G. Medd, Clinton. 09-tf For Sale A woodshed, 20 ft. by 30 ft. all tongue and groove fine lumber. In good repair. Would take cattle m - it. W. .1. Colelough, Varma. Phone No. 4-629. 89-2. For Sale or Rent Desirable house. Princess street, town water, electric lights, 3 min- utes from Collegiate, 10 minutes fron down town. 1-2 acre garden, with fruit trees. Good locality. Apply E. M. Akam, or Dr. Shaw, Clinton. 88-tf. Spirella Corsetiere Have you a Spirilla requiring . al- teration or repair.'? It will pay you to give it attention now. Mrs. J. Sil- cock, Telephone 265W. 88-5-2p. Wanted Living apartments far 3 adults. 6 months rental. Write John Robert- son, Londesboro, Ont. 90-1-p, Farm For Sale Farm is situated on Cut Line, one quarter or a mile froth Holmesville, consisting of eighty-eight acres of good farming land. Has been in pasture for several yeaes. Good shade for cattle and never failing spring water. Apply Elizabeth Ford, Ontario St., Clinton. Phone 31'7. 88-tf. Boarders Wanted Accommodation for boarders and roomers. Comfortable situa tion, modern conveniences, home privileges. Mrs. E. Nielcle, Clinton. Phone 23w. 84-tf. Pullets A number of Bred -to -lay Barred Rock pullets, laying, hatched in March G. R. Lindsay, 'Hedge Row Farm R. R. No. 3 Clinton, Ontario. 82—tf. Comb and Extracted Honey Call and taste the delicious clover and mint blend Ino buokwlteat) at 65c per 10 lb. pail. T. G. Scribbins, Victoria Street, Phone 815. 86-5-8p, Wanted, Boarders or Roomers House, eenti'ally located, two doors west of the Baptist Church on Huron Istreet. All modern conveniences. Terms, Reasonable.: Apply to Mrs. 80-tf, W. H,. Cale. Phone number 133. 85-tf. tr Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w W N Yl ,ti=e ° ;s Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid, A. E. FINCH Phone 231. MATTRESSES Special prices for re -malting your old felt mattresses over like new in- cluding new cover, $4.50. Feather beds cleaned and remade into Sani- tary mattresses, 13.50. All work kept separate, we cal] anywhere, with no extra cost an above week. MODERN FEATHER MATTRESS CO. 4,1 P. 0. Box, 378, Goderich Wanted - Laciy roomer for up -town apart- ment. Modern conveniences. Terme reasonable. Also 2 rooms, centrally ocated for light housekeeping. White to Drafter C., Clinton, 89-1f. Wood For Sale Dry wood for sale, either at pile or delivered. Apply to Victor Fal - caner, R. R. No. 1, Brueefield. Phone 629112, Clinton. 68-tf-100-p. House for Sale 8 -room house with modern conven- iences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 lots in garden,. barn, woodshed, good eel - lar under house. Apply on premises to Iliratn Hill. 66-tf. House For Sale or Rent Comfortable 8 -room house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply 4o George Cantelon, Rattenbury street, Clinton, Phone 272: 85,-tf. E. C. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 13-tf, Coal, Coke & Wood Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthea - cite Coal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal. Hamilton -made Coke as well as Am- erican, also Bitiminus coal at my sheds, Queen St. Prompt and careful delivery. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St, Phone 250 All Cleaning and Pressing at Reduced Prices W. J. JAGO If not open work may be left at Heard's Barber Shop °i Tre' } -formerly k: as y•• ti° .;y• K tr � Q '"' Minister of Justice, r 0 1 IN + � .amu S. Nadi �, 1 will 9 tl y:._Fr ,. • tk�, tk �NJ � �iri4�. � � address a CllielliCia ,, ..tib+,, n. i 1 ". �� 74 r �E6. meeting in tYi br, " . -a • yt , , n !: tti ..,u d s}I i b t, i'�1e ee f'' J.Ait . . :at 8 p.m. on behalf of J1y., 55�,ilh At. '.• � a � 4hr, �cV � Wilk � •"5,���1�1 'j'�' :l l Liberal Candidate A r. iib g for South Huron. . t e i'Ls' c a , an Old. Huron Boy now of Ottawa will also address the Meeting as a Farrier. aVVIREfii This will be Mr. Golding's first appearance before a Clinton audience. , Come and Hear Him ; Everybody Welcome H. D. CAMERON, Chairman for Clinton. Member of Florist Telegeaph Delivery Association Flowers and Floral Designs for all Occasions „�ou"ru:dvi -7� r Chas. V. o ke FLORST Phones: 66w and 66j Rido Cafe Meals at al1-hours, Special Dinner 40e from 11 axe to 2 pen. Supper, 5 to 8 pan. Lunch, at all, hours. Try our Neilson Tee Cream, Ice Cream Bricks, and Eskimo Pies, Cigars, Cigarettes; Candy. Charlie Koo 'Proprietor. 53-e. Out Time Dance An old time dance will be given in the firemen's hall on Friday even- ing, Oct. '7th, under auspices of the Clinton Fire Company. Popular or- chestra. Dancing at 9 p.m. Admis- sion fee 25c. 90-2. For Sale Bred -to -lay Plymouth Barred Rock Pallets, laying; yearling Leghorn hens, also good Green Mountain Po= tatoes. Apply to Roy Tyndall, 607r3, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. 90.3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Malcolm Douglas McTaggart, Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all Persons having claims against the estate of Malcolm Douglas MeTag- gart, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Private Bank- er, deceased, who (lied on or about the 14th day of July, A.D., 1932, are required to deliver to Canada Trusts Corporation, London, Ontario, George D: McTaggart, Edith L. MeTaggart, the Executors of the said estate or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or before the 17th day of Ocbober, A.D., 1982, a full statement of their claims to- gether with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any; held by them all duly verified by of- f idavit. AND TARE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said cicecased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have received doe notice and in aecorclance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontorio, this 22nd day of September, A.D., 1932. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said estate. 90-3. Auction Sale Pure-bred Dual Purpose cS►tovt- horns, registered, of good type, splen- did blood lines and creditable miik procluetien, Wednesday, October 12th, at 1 pen., Moffatt Farm, Varna, Ont. three utiles west of Brimfield, on Number 4 concrete Highway. "Kean Lancaster No. 220806, Serv- ed April 17th," Doily Lorne No. 220809, Served June 15th," "Village Cemet No. 233273, Served August, 21st," "Patsy Lou, Roan Heifer, Dant Roan Lancaster, Sire Lymnore Lancaster, also one Red Grade with heifer calf by side, and one Roan Grade, Served May 14th. Pure -Bred Shropshire Sheep, all pedigreed, including any foundation breeding ewes, rich in the best im- ported 'blood, and many with show records, which may be left and bred to any show ram without charge, Ewe lambs, Ram lambs, and one four year :old show ram of imported But. tar blood. YORKSHIRE SOWS, well-bred, select bacon type, regular breeders, litter of 16 pigs, eighteen months old, in excellent condition, one soot winning five firsts, and a special at five Fairs last fall, sired by O.A.C., Glory No. 128526, also weaning pigs of exceptional quality. HORSES --,Heavy draft grey. Per- cheron team of show quality, mare and gelding. 6 years old, and a well- bred' General Purpo:so team, splendid disposition and in good condition. POULTRY—Laying hens and bred to lay Wlnite Wyandotte pullets. FARM IMPLEMENTS — Manure spreader, side rake, hayloader, Deer- ing mower, bean harvester, walking plow, riding plow. cultivator, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE --- the .Estate of Mrs. Agnes Moffatt, in good condition, as follows: Williams pieno, as good as new, hall rack, hall settee, solid walnut peeler suite, large leather -rockers, 'fancy tables, oak ex- tension table, solid walnut extension table, dining room chairs, walnut sideboard, mission library table, leather couch wood, white enamel and brass 'beds, springs, and mattresses: dressers, wash stands, bevel plate mirrors, curtains, drapes, and curtain reds, rugs and carpets, dishes, :pic- tures, stoves, etc. Grain, Pure Alfalfa Hay, lst and 2nd cutting, :Straw, Mangels and Tur- nips. • House Doors, and Glazed Window Sath Tile and. Brick. ale under cover in case of rain. Lloyd A. Moffatt, Proprietor, Georgo' ltil tett, Auctioneer. 90-2,1 We ave ' : e SPRING CHICKENS FQIt SUNDAY DINNER • Also. BOILING FOWL & CHIPPED EGGS FOR GOOD IHEALTH EAT MORE EGGS AND POULTRY WE ARE CASH BUYERS OF EGGS. AND POULTRY THE YEAR ROUND N. W. Trewa, 9'$.ha. Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w - Who are the €¢ {gym `V k.,,, s Be here at 9 o'clock Sharp Saturday Night when the winners of the Big Bean Contest WILL BE ANNOUNCED BARTLIFF & CRJCH Makers of Dainty Maid and Whole Wheat Bread Phone 1, Clinton. CAPI FAL THEATRE Northern Electric Sound System Gaderich, Phone 47 low Playing—A double bill: Will Rogers in `Ambassador Bill," and George O'Brien in "Mystery Ranch." MON., TUES., WED. "Chuckling" Charlie Ruggles. Roland Young and Lily Datnite offer a great rib -tickling even- ing of humor, romance and adventure. "This is the Night" THURS„ FRI., SAT. ANOTHER DOUBLE BILL Sally Eilers and James Dunn a great team in a pleasing romance "Dance Team" On the same Program Doris Kenyon, Spencer Tracy and Tonuny Conlon in a Frank , Borzage Production. "Young America" Mat: Weer. and Set. at 3 pan. Coming: "When a Feller Neecls a Friend." ATTENTION All users of coal are invited to inspect our car of "Scotch Anthea. cite" which is the first shipment to Clinton. It has a very high heat power and low ash, for particulars call A. D. McCartney . Dealer in Coal and Wood. Phone 256. 90-2. For Sale or For Rent A double house, Victoria street, seven rooms in each side, electric lights, water, furnace, gardens, wir- ed for electric range, garage, 1-4 ac- re of land, good cement cellar. Ap- ply to C. B. hale, Clinton, Ont., or Mrs. R. B. Carter, 50 Scott St, Kit- chener, 85-tf. Hats Remodelled Hats designed, blocked and remod- elled. Y' ue own materials used. C. Akam, milliner, Princess street, Clinton, The Vogue Have you seen the exclusive hats and dresses at the Vogue? 90-1, Bulbs For Sale lladottna Lily bulbs, large, heal- thy bulbs, and now is the time to plant for early summer blooming. Apply to A. Seeley. 89-2. 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being lot 22, con. 7, Hallett, le offered for sale, cheap for quick sale, and on easy terms of pay- ment. This place is in a high state of cultivation and well adapted for mixed farming. Phcssession given e once if desired. If not sold will be offered for :rental for a term of years. For particulars apply to J. P. McIntosh, Clinton, Ont. 90-1-p, Choice Potatoes for Sale Very Choice Potatoes, Grown From Government Certified Extra No. 1 Seed. Free from Disease of any Kind Colne and see these' Potatoes or call. 606-13, Clinton Central, for prices. or leave orders with J. P. Sheppard and Co., Clinton. CanSuppy Any Quantity, Large or Sarah. S. FLEWITT R. R. No. 3, Clinton. CIO 'AWAY YOU CLINKER YOU CAtl1I' PLAY IN OUR YARD CD 1 3 last PHONE 74 - Ar PGE 5 temaermagemessoieummuseausedmestio The rules rules- of our yards are rigid. Every load of coal that enters must give the counter- sign—"14 kt. Solid Coal. and Clinker -free." We know what the Heat Folks will do for you, because what can't come in, can't go out. ' The Heat Folks are a set of jolly elves that trim Old Winter's claws. r They spare your purse and disposition. They will turn a winter cold as ice into a sum- mer warm and nice. Call the IIPOPOIR.1 CLINTON, ONTARIO 30 and 00 Watt Phone Us We Deliver 1 15c 7 for $1.00 PRODUCT OF CANADIANgGGEGENERALELECTRIC Il ENl`�1 ER, nk; Phone 7 How Long Has It Been Since you Were Photographed? Put away those old fashioned pictures To the roan of affairs, lack of a recent portrait is often a source of embarrassment. BURGESS' STUDIOS CLINTON AND MITCHELL Quality Developing and Printing Have You Seen the New Velvet Edge ANGLE RAZOR? Smooth, Cool, Comfortable SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER, Velvet Edge Angle Razor, reg. $1.09 Lge. Tube Lifebuoy Shay. Cream 35c One Velvet Edge Angle Blade .. 100 ALL FOR 50 CENTS Now on Display at R. H. JOHNSTON'S .iewelery Store Sole Agency—Clinton, Ont. Furnished IIouse For Rent For rent for 6 months from No- vember first, moderato sized furnish- ed house, all modern conveniences. Apply on premises to Mr's. McMath, Mary street, Clinton, Phone 304. 90-3. Horticultural Society Meeting A meeting of the Clinton Horti- eulturat Society will be held in the Agricultural office on Thursday. October Oth to arrange for dates for 1933 Show and prise list and gener- al business. A good attendance re•, quested. H. E. Rorke, Secretary 89-2. Douse For Sale Iffy commodious home on the cor- ner of Orange and Joseph streets. Terms and price are tight for a quick sale. J. G. Medd, Clinton. 09-tf For Sale A woodshed, 20 ft. by 30 ft. all tongue and groove fine lumber. In good repair. Would take cattle m - it. W. .1. Colelough, Varma. Phone No. 4-629. 89-2. For Sale or Rent Desirable house. Princess street, town water, electric lights, 3 min- utes from Collegiate, 10 minutes fron down town. 1-2 acre garden, with fruit trees. Good locality. Apply E. M. Akam, or Dr. Shaw, Clinton. 88-tf. Spirella Corsetiere Have you a Spirilla requiring . al- teration or repair.'? It will pay you to give it attention now. Mrs. J. Sil- cock, Telephone 265W. 88-5-2p. Wanted Living apartments far 3 adults. 6 months rental. Write John Robert- son, Londesboro, Ont. 90-1-p, Farm For Sale Farm is situated on Cut Line, one quarter or a mile froth Holmesville, consisting of eighty-eight acres of good farming land. Has been in pasture for several yeaes. Good shade for cattle and never failing spring water. Apply Elizabeth Ford, Ontario St., Clinton. Phone 31'7. 88-tf. Boarders Wanted Accommodation for boarders and roomers. Comfortable situa tion, modern conveniences, home privileges. Mrs. E. Nielcle, Clinton. Phone 23w. 84-tf. Pullets A number of Bred -to -lay Barred Rock pullets, laying, hatched in March G. R. Lindsay, 'Hedge Row Farm R. R. No. 3 Clinton, Ontario. 82—tf. Comb and Extracted Honey Call and taste the delicious clover and mint blend Ino buokwlteat) at 65c per 10 lb. pail. T. G. Scribbins, Victoria Street, Phone 815. 86-5-8p, Wanted, Boarders or Roomers House, eenti'ally located, two doors west of the Baptist Church on Huron Istreet. All modern conveniences. Terms, Reasonable.: Apply to Mrs. 80-tf, W. H,. Cale. Phone number 133. 85-tf. tr Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w W N Yl ,ti=e ° ;s Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid, A. E. FINCH Phone 231. MATTRESSES Special prices for re -malting your old felt mattresses over like new in- cluding new cover, $4.50. Feather beds cleaned and remade into Sani- tary mattresses, 13.50. All work kept separate, we cal] anywhere, with no extra cost an above week. MODERN FEATHER MATTRESS CO. 4,1 P. 0. Box, 378, Goderich Wanted - Laciy roomer for up -town apart- ment. Modern conveniences. Terme reasonable. Also 2 rooms, centrally ocated for light housekeeping. White to Drafter C., Clinton, 89-1f. Wood For Sale Dry wood for sale, either at pile or delivered. Apply to Victor Fal - caner, R. R. No. 1, Brueefield. Phone 629112, Clinton. 68-tf-100-p. House for Sale 8 -room house with modern conven- iences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 lots in garden,. barn, woodshed, good eel - lar under house. Apply on premises to Iliratn Hill. 66-tf. House For Sale or Rent Comfortable 8 -room house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply 4o George Cantelon, Rattenbury street, Clinton, Phone 272: 85,-tf. E. C. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 13-tf, Coal, Coke & Wood Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthea - cite Coal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal. Hamilton -made Coke as well as Am- erican, also Bitiminus coal at my sheds, Queen St. Prompt and careful delivery. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St, Phone 250 All Cleaning and Pressing at Reduced Prices W. J. JAGO If not open work may be left at Heard's Barber Shop