HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-09-22, Page 8PAGE 8 CAMBRIDGE CLOTHES STYLED TO 'SUIT THE ,' MOST D'ISCRIM;INATING MR. R. E. MA C'I{ENZIE, Special •Representative of Cambridge Clothes will be at our 'store on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th with a 'complete line of Cambridge Styles and Fabrics which •repre- sent the newest ,and smartest designsfor the coining. season in Made -to -Measure Clothing. INVESTIGATE OUR REMARKABLE CAMBRIDGE VALUES YOU WILL BE WANTING A NEW HAT to match the New Suit or Topcoat. We have them in ?all the newest liStyles and Colorsof the season and at most attractive prices. Coins m and let us show you some real values. Owing to early buying and the fact that we deal directly with the Manufacturers, we are able to offer our customers the benefit of most exceptional values in 'MEN'S, LADIES' and •CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR FOR FALL AND WINTER. WEAR, These are smart New Snappy Styles that cannot possibly be equalled at to -day's Wholesale Prices. , BUY NOW BEFORE THE PRICES ADVANCE iumsee1 , ros ats CHOICE CHICKENS AND • DUCKS HOME-MADE HEAD CHEESE, per lb. 10c .SCHNEIDE•R'S WEINERS, per lb. . , j 15c PICKLED TONGUES, per lb. ,.14c DRY SALT PORK, 2 abs. for 25q HAMBURG STEAK, 2 lbs. for . 25c HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, per lb. 10e .SCHNEIDER'S BOLOGNA, per 1'b. 150 RIB AND SHOULDER ROASTS OF LAMB, per lb. 150 .LAMB AND VEAL STEWS, per ib - .100 CMN aLtd TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street fr---.-=03=10====01=101====013=40=03C00 0 u Lifetime Guarantee NOW IS THE TIME TO LOOK AFTER YOUR S 1 OVES and FURNACES 11 AND HAVE TIIEII EQUIPPED WITII IL m D 0 p PUT INTO YOUR STOVE OR FURNACE WITHOUT TROUBLE— SAVES FUEL BILLS—NO ASHES --QUICK HEAT—ANO DIRT— AND A LIFE -TIME GUARANTEE Do Not Leave Your Heating till a Chilly Day—LOOK AFTER IT NOW.—Be Prepared and learn about this wonderful new easy way to heat your home, at New Low Prices. WATCH OUR WINDOWS Hardware Furniture 9 PEflUilP? & AKEfl Funeral Directors Plumbing Phone 147w Electric Wiring 0 0 11 NOW IN STOCK HATS; $2.25 TO $5.00 SUITS, CUSTOM MADE, 828.00 TO $45.00 SPECIAL ORDER, 822.50 TO 1827.50 OVERCOATS, 815.00 TO 845.00 SUITS OR OVERCOATS DRY-CLEANED AND PRESSED $1.25. AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES DAVISHERMAN CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTH NEW ISSUE $4,000,000 Province of Manitoba 51/2% SINKING FUND DEBENTURES (Non -Callable - Dated October 1st, 1932 Due October 1st, 1955 Principal and half -yearly interest (October 1st and April 1st) payable in lawful money of Canada at The Royal Bank of Canada. Denom- inations: $500 and $1,000. Debentures may be registered as to principal. These Debentures are a direct obligation of the Province of Manitoba and are payable, principal and interest, from the Consohdated Re- venue Fund of the Province. Proceeds of this issue will be used to refund maturing Treasury Notes which, in turn, refunded deben- tures issued for good roads, telephones and public buildings. An annual Sinking Fund of 3/2 of 1% will be established against this issue. Price: 90.75 and accrued interest to yield over 5,75% 1..1 We advise immediate action as indications are that this issue will be heavily oversold.' H. B. MANNING Bank of Montreal Bldg. Phones 29 or 18. Clinton, Ont. sc THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD OOL Text Books and Supplies The o , co veniences and The esse t ills WATERMAN Taught the world how to carry ink in the pocket, ready for immediate writing. His Fountain Pen has been imitated and emulated but we douist that it has ever been duplicated. Tim W. a Fair Co. Often the Cbeapest—Always the Best r=j r a r Ilil�.. k€ lu MN' uuunn" I 11KRI II ,.... ,. o�an , • IUB Mr. hill of Kitchener visited in town on Sunday. Mrs, C. H. Bartliff visited with Sea - forth friends last week -end. Mr, and Mrs. C. Proctor 'and Mrs. J. K Wise were in London this week. Miss Murray of Toronto has been visiting Miss Maizie Murdoch of town. Miss Hanna McKenzie, who has been spending some time at Bay- field, has returned to town. Miss Wallace, now of Cleveland, Oh- io, formerly of Clinton, visited Clinton friends the past week. Miss Helen Nediger spent a week of her vacation with Hamilton vela - lives, returning home Sunday. Mrs. Smith of Druid, Sask., is visit- ing this week with her cousins, Mrs. Mary Snyder and Miss Ag- new. Miss Bessie Slonan, Reg. N., who has been spending a vacation at her home here, has returned to New York. Dr. P. Hearn returned Monday after spending a week in Toronto taking a post -graduate course at St. Mich- ael's Hospital Mrs. Mary Snyder visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snyder of Colborne and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finnigan of Dungannon last week. Mrs. R. Armstrong, who ]las been visiting in Clinton and vicinity, re- turned to Toronto on Sunday with her grandson, Mr, Percy Wheatley, Mr. and Mrs. Rees Jenkins of Wood- Iands Farm and Mrs. 0. E Erratt spent the week -end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jenkins of Lon- don, Mr. F. Lucas, Toronto, and his moth- er, Mrs, Win. Lucas, of Mark dale, visited the latter's daughter, Mrs. J. E. Hovey, over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. James Maieolm and lit- tle daughter and Mr. and. Mrs. Is- aac Jewell of Mitchell were guest - of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crooks and Miss Mary. Mr. Fred Warning, Delhi, and Mr. Clarence Warning of Buf- falo were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Leonard. Mrs. Claire Elliott and Miss Kath- leen and Mr. and Mrs. W. Lindsay and Miss Evelyn of Toronto spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hawke visited friends at Northwood, 1a former charge of Mrs .Hawke's for a ween, or so, Mr. Hawke taking Sunday ,services there and assisting at the funeral services• of an old _parish. boner. While there the North- wood people, who have no settled pastor, offered Mr.4pawke the post. with free parsonage, but having so recently returned to rnaice their home in Clinton they decided to remain here. Mr. It. B. Foster of Toronto was in town on Tuesday and made a call in The News -Record office, as he usually does. on his visits to town. Mr. Foster says he looks for The News -Record every week and reads it from front to back, ads. and all. thus keeping in touch with the old town. Mr. Foster was accompan- ied by his wife and her brother and sister:, Mr. 'Gunn and Mrs, Biette of Chatham, at whose home they had been visiting. Ile stopped off here, the other members of hi$ party. going on to 1Stratford, where he joined them on Wednesday and 'motored to Toronto. THURS., SEPT 22, 1932 RED AND WHITE STORE 0,44.000„„,001,1.qa...,-0041..44. r�..K norm mzummazosawnsagE Aylmer Pink Salmon, for 25c Chocolate Buds, lb., 4 for 25c Aylmer Soup, 3 for 25c Breakfast Bacon, 11-2 lbs. for 25c Jelly Powder, 5 pkgs. for 25c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. for 25c Rubber Rings, 4 for 25c Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. for -25c Red and White Matches,,3 boxes for 25c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. for 25c Rice, 4 lbs.. for 25c Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. for 25c Tapioca, 2 pkgs. for. 25e Yellow Sugar, 4 lbs. for 25g a`m,®ma�m,,,,,,r, I' . : w. ,re,.:w.,_ :>" a an.. r v .,r•w. , We , , , SEE OUR SPECIAL BILLS FOR OTHER LEADERS 'ft.000 .atzav_. „ 0•,iw,a:z..e. ,wrarxev...v,, .wnro.»-r-s. ..,.nmwa,run• 0,40,404 01040 41,M11.00,11000M1i.01014. WE ARE SELLING LARGE QUANTITIES OF PEACHES FOR CANNING lraire Meals Back Bacon, Peameal, per 1b. 23c Fresh Picnic Hams, per lb. 11c - FI'esh Sausage, per lb. 19c lansuarferromme Breakfast Bacon, sliced, per Ib. 25c Cooked Ham, per lb. 30c A Free Spoon with C. & B. Marmalade 25c Five Point Marmalade SPECIAL—Monday September 26th only, Soap Chips 4 lbs 25c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails 119c CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 'Ra•m9..vR W lmwm euLe.00•39=aeomsm HAYFIELD Mrs. A. Clarke and two children and Mr. Sanways of London are oc- cupying Mrs. John Pearson's cottage this week. Mrs. F. V. Martin and two little daughters returned to their hone in Detroit on Monday atter spending, the season at their cottage, Boulder Lodge. Rev. 3. Thompson took charge of the service in Trinity Church an Sun- day evening in the absence of Rev, M. B. Parker of Hensall who is ill in the hospital. The service on Sunday will be at 11 a.m. when the Rector will again have charge. Mrs. W. G. Livingston and family returned to their home in Palmer Woods, Detroit, on Monday after having spent the season at the Bay- field Highlands. Miss Josephine Stirling left on Saturday to be with her niece in Bay City who is ill. Mr's. R. Seotebmer returned hone on Wednesday of last week after vis- iting friends in Ingersoll. Mr. Scot- chmee motored to Ingersoll for her and they spent a day at the Western Fair on the way home. Rev. and Mrs, R. M. Gale, Miss Gladys Gale and Miss Annie Dewar returned hone on Thursday of last week after spending a fortnight at Inverhuron. Mr, and. Mrs. Gale and Miss Gladys left the following day to spend the remainder of their vacation at Waterloo and other points. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Kilty and two children left on Monde;; for their hone in Toronto, after spending the summer in Doig's cottage. Miss Dorothy Hart, who graduat- ed from Harper Hospital, Detroit, this year is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. N. Hart at their cottage. Mr. Peter Morley. ,of Toronto is the guest of Prof. Lloyd Hodginshis cottage. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson and so11 have returned to their home in. Kit- chener after having spent the season in Jowett's Grove Dr. and Mrs. Newton -Brady left on Tuesday to spend a few days at To- ronto and Williamsburg. Mrs. D. G. Higgins and three chil- dren, who have spent' the season in Jowett's Grove, returned to Torontq with Mr. Higgins who was here over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Will, Bob and Agnes 'Will, of London were at their cottage over the week -end. Mr. C. L. Jackson of Seaforthhas been transferred to the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mr, and Mrs.- Wm. Pease of London are visiting their son, John Pease. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner and Miss Betty returned' from Toronto on Fri- day last. Miss Betty is recuperating after an operation on her leg. ' Miss Eileen Armstrong and Miss Marjorie Diehl of the Sandwich High School staff :sport the week -end with Mr. and Mas. Ernie Diehl. 'Mr. Wilf. Lockhart, Emmanuel College, and M'r. Walter Mann, Trinity, also mot- ored up from Toronto,' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jowett left Tuesday on a motor trip to W arroad, Minn., their former home. They go through Michigan, calling at Duluth and several 'points euroute and will probably cover 3,000 miles or more before their return.' Mrs, F. McKenzie and little laugh, ter returned to their, home in Lon.i don on Sunday after spending the summer in her another's cottage.; Mrs. -11,1, Brown and son 'Jack, who iiII0ci „"l` t. PI"""%Ri„GSI :aatl -,tl• tt yd' yp -War�'�wcr.,.t€rzr••'mU:.' ��^.�w:,""yam m ..� "M11.0.08006=0/0'1MCM0l aMlaYmcsnNammLLlza."."._.__ M.IRSMOi.o[i have resided in Varna for the past few years, have moved into Mr. L. Elliott's house, Main street Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mustard, and family, who have been camping since sealing their hone and business in August, left Wednesday for Flor- ida. Miss Isabel Mustard, who he4 been spending her vacation with them, accompany them as far as Baltimore, where she is in training in the Johns Hopkins Hospital. The advertisements are printed for your convenience. They inform and save your time, energy and money. :0•V LOWERS "7.or� Any-, J ciai Purpofe' BR"' M7 FROM CONGRATULATIONS TO "REGRETS" and FROM "HELLOES" TO "GOOD-BYES" YQU CAN fling hange 31orz j - GREENHOUSE PHONE 176. FLOWER SHOP PHONE3I IS GOING BE PREPARED FOR COLD WEATHER BY HAVING YOUR FURNACE AND STOVES READY We repair all makes of stoves or furnaces or will install) a hew HRCLA for you ata real price for a real furnace. Call in and let us show you the Ranges and Heaters we have. IT IS A PLEASURE TO SHOW THEM. T. llv'kins( HARDWARE and PLUMBING r Phone 244 Your Chance to Save Good Money WE HAVE A LOT OF BARGAINS IN THE HARDWARE DE- PARTMENT AND IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE1%I THE LIST INCLUDES:— Coal Oil Stoves, Rangettes, Screen Doors, and Windows, Fly Spray. Granite Ware of All Kinds This is a good time to think of Repairing that leaky roof as we have a real line of Asphalt Roofing, Paint and Cement. Or Get Your Furnace Overhauled. REMEMBER WE DO PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING 11111 0i', ALL & ZAPFE "Store With the Stock" Phone 105 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110, J. 3, Zapfe, Phone 103. •�r SU E" OR CHAIN STcnmEs FOLLOW THE ROAD TO ECONOMY AND JS'AT1SI+ ACTION — SHOP AT SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS I'rys Cocoa, (Save labels and get Cash Prize), per tin..1De Hillcrest Shortening, per lb, 110 Clover Leaf Rod Salmon, 1-2's 14c 1's for 25c McCormick's Jersey Cream Sodas, per lb. 15c Bulk Soap Chips, 3 lbs, for 250 Olives, large, unassortecl, 32'4 ez. for 27e Life Buoy Soap, 2 cakes for 13c Comfort Soap, 4 bars for 10c Superior Stores Tea, lead pkg., per lb. 39c Superior Baking Powder, S oz. , , ..15e. 16 oz. for 23c Swansdown Flour, per pkg. 31e Creamery Butter, No. 1, per lb. 26e New Cheese, per Ib. 150 2 lbs. for 25c O'RD'ER YOUR PEACHES NOW -Extra GOod Quality at a Low Price here. PER BUSHEL„., ... . Jo T. c NIGHT & SON PHONE 111.' (Mro.rsrae -^ BRICK ICE CREAM, DELIVERED } any time .of Day or Night AT 'ONLY. 30e.• Ask For • Year Favorite Bread" ,Vholewheat, Sun -Ray, Potato, Brick, Scone Loaf, Cottage' or Steam • • FRESH. CANDIES including H0'MEMAADE "BUTTER' 'SCOTCH". DON'T MISS THIS` TREAT"' Wendorf�'Confectionery Bakery an i Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" ' Bread