HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-09-15, Page 8PAGE 8 TIIE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD 5 DOZEN PILLOW SLIPS; 42 'inch width, good even cotton and hemstitched. Special.. ... ......... ... 19c I DOZEN ONLY, REVERSIBLE MATS, 24x48, -inches Nice assortment of patterns a good serviceable bedroom rug at a Bargain Price 75e 3 DOZEN PRINT APRONS, /strap around reek and. bound all round, good quality, tub -fast print Bargain Price at 25e MEN'S FANCY SILK AND LISLE SOX, a bargain at 25e a pair. While they Last. 5 Pairs for $1.00 MEN'S AND BOYS' REAL LEATHER BELTS, new goods bought ata special price and passed on to you at Special Prices' 85e and 50c MEN'S WORK. BOOTS, re -tan leather bootPancho sole, Solid leather insole, bought at quantity price direct from manufacturer. Special at LADIES' WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS,' crepe rubber soles, a good sport shoe, to clear at '70c REMNANTS AND CLEARING LINES' ALWAYS ON SALE AT • REDUCED PRICES. lu life s eel B PICKLED TONGUE, per Ib. 14c BONELESS CORNED BEEF, per lb. 12e HEAD CHEESE, per. M. 10c LAMB STEWS, per ib. ........ 10c VEAL STEWS, per Ib. 10e PICNIC HAMS, per Ib. .12e P. M. COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. 14c SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. 160 SCHNEIDER'S WEINERS, per lb. 15c CHOICE CHICKENS AND DUCKS • ON .,LL TYNDALL, " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street 11 Lfelie grantee 0 NOW IS THE TIME TO LOOK AFTER YOUR STOVES and FURNACES 0 D u 0 0 A AND HAVE THEM EQUIPPED WITH E OIL •U.R E1 PUT INTO YOUR STOVE OR FURNACE WITHOUT TROUBLE -- SAVES FUEL BILLS—NO ASHES—QUICK HEAT—NO DIRT— AND A LIFE -TIME GUARANTEE Do Not Leave Your Heating till a Chilly Day—LOOK AFTER IT NOW,—,Be Prepared and learn about this wonderful new easy way o to heat your home, at New Low Prices. WATCH OUR WINDOWS 0 0 sirTn, PHDUE INALKEfl Hardware Furniture Funeral Directors Plumbing Phone 147w Electric Wiring UE.:x691:=7--'•=00=01CR0 F llts gs au OTcrc; is NOW 1N STOCK HATS, 82.25 TO 55.00 SUITS. CUSTOM MADE, S28.00 TO $45.00 SPECIAL ORDER, S22.50 TO 1127.50 OVERCOATS. 815.00 TO $45.00 SUITS OR OVERCOATS DRY-CLEANED AND PRESSED $1.25. AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES DAVISE MAN CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTH LONG LIMIT BA " GAIN FARES to TOR.ONTO Saturday, Sept. 17 Only TICKETS HONORED ,GOING: All trains Saturday, Sept, 17th. RETURNING: ' All trains from Toronto up to and in- cluding Monday, Sept. 19th. Tickets good in coaches only. No baggage checked, Reduced rates at Toronto hotels. 'Secure time table, tickets, ete., ;from nearest Agent. (T-181). 230 Return CANADIAN NATIONAL THURS., SEPT. 15, 1932' ..• RED AND WHITE STORE Text hooks and Supplies The commences end The essentials WATERMAN Taught the world how to carry ink in the pocket,'ready for immediate writing. His Fountain Pen has been. imitated and emulated but we doubt that it has ever been duplicated. TDB W,1. Fair 80 Often the Cheapest—Always the Best O 1,DAY--BIG FLOUR 4PAY TUESDAY-BUTTER....DAY CollhinigMWEDNESDAY--BAKING POWDER DAY" ALL DAY MONDAY 24 lbs. Snow Flake 39c '7 lbs. Pastry 16c 24 lbs. Maple Leaf 55c 24 lbs. North Star 60c Tea Bisk 33c (The New Biscuit Flour) TUESDAY, ALL DAY BUTTER SALE Favorite, per lb. 24e Clinton Creamery 25c Peanut Butter 19c Peanut Butter, jar 15c Peanut Butter (2 lbs.) 23c 4. WEDNESDAY SPECIALS' IN BAKING POWDER Our Own 190 Forest City - 25c (Free Glass) Bowes Eakin P d ' 25 We are Trying to handle our own Flour, Butter and Cheese (oiiily) made in Clinton and Holmesville, and always handled by us. New Cheese, per Ib. ..M. w..,,aeu,M,n,.aa, mu5.,,,,y:.nnnM. 0W»a », U+ BIG SOAP WEEK SOAP FLAKES, 2 lbs. for 19c SOAP GRANULES (fine ' as Lux) per pkg. 19c AMMONIA, 4 pkgs. for 25c .11 15c FRIGIDAIRE AND FRUITS BREAKFAST BACON, per lb. 17c FRESH SAUSAGE, per lb. 19c PEA MEAL BACON, per lb. 25c PICKLED ROLL, per ib. - 15c FREE—with 2 pkgs. Lavoline, One Batb Salts FREE—with C.B. Marmalade, One Silver "Spoon FREE --One -One Dust Pan with a Broom 29c Big PEACH WEEK Now on ---Get Our Price by the Basket and Bushel Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 II9,tJn'+;a{!.. , `'§4'4i44,,AA r..:. .445 Dr. Hearn is in Toronto this week. Miss Helen Manning has been visit- ing relatives in London, Miss Freda Wallis was home from Guelph over the week -end. lir. Russell McCaig of Simcoe called on Clinton friends on Thursday last. . '4lisses Bessie, Lottie and Sara Shy - man were in Toronto for some days last week. Miss Maud Livermore of Toronto has been spending her holidays with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Leonard of El- mire spent the week -end with the former's parents in town, Mrs. Raymond Bristol of Washing- ton, D.C., was the guest last wed - of Misses Ward and Stone. Mr. Will Appleby has returned to . Toronto after spending his holi- days at his home in+town, HIr. and Mrs. Oscar Blanchard of Detroit are visiting the lady's •mother, Mrs. Margaret Pickett. Miss Carrie Eberhardt of Benton Harbor, Mich., has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Appleby of town. Mrs. E. Babb arid Misses Jean and Margaret of Teeswater visited Mr, and Mrs. F. Fingland on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wise and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Proctor spent last week in Toronto, Niagara Falls and Thorold. Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Taylor and Miss Dello Taylor of Toronto vis- ited in town for ;several days dur- ing the past week. Mr. J. B. Lobb, accompanied by his niece, Miss Viola Holland, visite(' last week with friends hiToronto and tools in the Ex. Afternoon Tea and Sale of IIENSALL: Large congregation; were present at Carmel Presbyterian Baking and Candy church on Sunday, the occasion be- ing the harvest home services, which were conducted by the minister, Rev. W. A. Young, who delivered splendid discourses well in keeping with the day. The church was beautifully de, corated. I•IENSALL: Mrs, Robert D. Bell has sold her neat dwelling situate at the east end of Main street to 3. W. Ortwein. Mrs. Bell being in poor health for some time past has found it much more restful and mare con- ducive to her health to live with her. sisters. .IN WESLEY-WILLIS LECTURE. 11001I ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th under auspices of the W. M. S. Tea served from 3.30 to 6.30 88-1. ST. HELENS Airs. Wm. Rathwell of Stanley is visiting her sister, Mr.?, R• J. Woods. Mrs. 12. K. Miller and Mr, Gordon McIntyre spent Saturday in Gode- rich. Schools ro-epened last week wie the following teachers again an duty: Mr. McIntyre and Miss McQuillan at St. Helens; Miss Lockart at Fodryee. Miss Hackett at No. 3 and Mr. Dav- is at Belfast. Mr. Harold Hyde and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cranston spent the week -end at Strathroy. , i\Ir. and Mrs. Ed. Smith and chil- dren of Toronto spent a few days recently with lir. and Airs. John Webster. Dr. Alvin Woods of Dundass spent a few days at his home here. Mrs. D. Todd and Nelly motored to Pigeon, Mich., and spent a few days there. TUCKERSMITH The September meeting of the Tuekersmith Ladies' Club was held at the home of Miss Sadie Ball.Air, and and Mrs. J. R. Ruuball and Mas- teen members. and five visitors were ter John and friss Mary Ellen or present. The roll call was answered Toronto were the guests of Miss by hints on home sewing. Readings M. G. Redd from Friday until Mon- day. were given by Mrs. H. Johns, Mrs. G. day McGregor and Mrs. F. Walters. In Mr. Roy Cook, ofter spending a short strmnentale were played by Mist vacation with his parents in town, Retau Fear and Mrs. E. Crich. The returned yesterday to•resume his program closed with community sing - duties as pastor of Tabernacle ing and the remainder of the after - Baptist church, Sandwich. noon was spent in sewing. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Giddings have The Grandmother's meeting will be returned to their 'home in Detroit held in October at the home of Mrs. after a holiday spent at the home Howard Johns. The roll call is to• be of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. answered by "Something we have to Harvey Mei3rien. While here they be thankful for." took a motor tripto the Toronto (Turner's Community) exhibition and to Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. McBrien accompany- Miss Edith Gibbings of Clinton ing them. has .been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webster o2 her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton and Mr.' and Mrs. Watson Ira Johns.Webster of Varna returned this Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pepper and • week after a trip to T.hornloe . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fear were visiting where they visited friends. They' friends in Brussels on Sunday. 'motored as far• as Elk Lake and enjoyed the trip very much. Crops are reported good in the north but harvesting has been delayed by wet weather. The land was so soft that: it was impossible to take a binder on it and farmers were out - ting the high spots with cradles. The Webster party did not go pre- pared to camp but they report that camps are arranged conveniently along the highway so that travel, lers can be accommodated and if tents and sleeping accommodations are carried a comfortable trip can be enjoyed at small cost. Mr. •and Mrs. Allen Hope and son, Robert, of Leamington visited at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Verne Terry - berry for a few days, having just retailed from iSaaka'tcbewan affiler a months vacation out there, and be- fore they returned home to Leaming- ton. Quite a few teams around here are teaming gravel from Jim Allan's pit for road work. Mr. Roy Pepper and sons are in London attending the Fair, having taken stock down there for exhibi- tion. ( fiw Any— ✓ocial Purporru *MBS) FROM CONGRATULATIONS TO "REGRETS" and FROM "HELLOES" TO "GOOD-BYES" YQU CAN ningha"w e ". GREENHOUSE PH0NE176 FLOWER SHOP PHONE 31 1 IS COMING BE PREPARED FOR COLD WEATHER BY HAVING YOUR FURNACE AND STOVES READY' We repair all makes of stoves or furnaces or will install} a new HE,OLA for youat a real price for a real furnace. Call in and let vs show you the 13anges and Heaters we have. IT IS A PLEASURE TO SHOW THEM. T. llawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phony 244 i Your Chance to Save Codd Money WE HAVE A LOT OF BARGAINS IN THE HARDWIRE DE- PALITMENT AND IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMB IN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM THE LIST INCLUDES:— Coal Oil Stoves, Rangettes, Screen Doors, and Windows, Fly Spray, Granite Ware of All Kinds This is a good time to think of Repairing that leaky roof as we have a real line of Asphalt Roofing, Paint and Cement. Or Get Your Furnace Overhauled, REMEMBER WE DO PLUMBING AND TINSMITHiNG BALL & ZAPFE "Store With the Stock" Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. annenanswanuassu SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES WE INVITE YOU PO SHOP AT OUR MOST UP-TO-DATE Groceteria are Fruit y } Arket Extra Savings for the Week -end September 15-1647 SPECIAL SATURDAY—Butter Cup Short Bread, per lb. 25c P. & G. WHITE SOAP, 10 bars for 310 CANNED PINEAPPLE, sliced 12e FR.E'SH ROLLED OATS, 5 lbs. for 19e POST BRAN FLAKES, 2 pigs. for 23c SUPERIOR STORES TEA LEAD, pkg.. per ib. 3110 LILY CHICKEN H ADDIS, per tin 14c CROWN JARS, small, per dozen 99e CROWN JARS. med., per dozen $1.14 SODA BISCUITS, 2 lb. pkgs. 25c COTTAGE ROLL, per lb. . ..19c BREAKFAST BACON, per lb., sliced .. 20c SPECIAL MONDAY MORNING—Quick Naptha Soap Chips. 2 for 25c ti el o .A r aom -- •--- — BRICK ICE CREAM, DELIVERED cKN IGHT & SON PHONE 111. any time of Day or Night AT ONLY 30c. Ask For Your Favorite Bread Wholewheat,, Sun -Ray, Potato. Brick, Scone Leaf, Cottage or Steam. •• FRESH CANDIES including HOMEMADE "RUTTER BOOTOII".y DON"r MISS THIS TREAT $' WP ' Bakerij and endo Confectioner% Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread