HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-09-15, Page 5THURS., SEPT. 15, 1932 -THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD 01 nrir OF ' INTER.Ii ST TO YOU AND ME The village of Brussels is in the happy position of being without de- benture debt, according to The Post. It is a good position to have, espec- ially just now when money is hard to "lay hold of. a • a a . Qneet A.rote's lace, or `wild cprrot is a beadt'iu1 study in blossom but it is a very bad weed. We often wonder •why farmers allow it to ripen in fields and along highways, to bring forth a more abundant crop next year. Thieves entered the Lucan hotel the other morning and dragged out a heavyof l s e,oa dad it into a car and drove off right under the nose of 'the proprietor. The safe contained gvet•. two hundred dollars. ' Robbers are getting pretty bold, But it wouldn't pay th'etit to hire a truck to remove our safe. COUNTY NEWS GODERICH: Two students here, William and James Sutherland, bro- thers, figure prominently in the uni • wersity ;college proficiency scholar- ships, just announced. William re- ceives the Maurice Cody scholarship ($125 and four year's tuition), and James the first alumni scholarship ($100 cash and four years' tuition). William Sutherland also qualified for a scholarship in classics. Other a- wards to Williattt Sutherland, are the Hugh Innis Strang memorial (scholar ship ($125 and four year's tuition) and the Robert MacKay 'memorial scholarship ($200 cash). James Sutherland also receives the Strang -memorial sdholarship ($125 and four year's tuition), which was not a- warded last year. The total value of the scholarships won by the brothers makes a 'substantial amount and they are in Tine for others not yet an- nounced. Both will enter •Toronto University this fall. They are the grandsons of the late Registrar Wm. Coats. William Black Now Out of the Running , William Black, a Progressive can- -didate in South Huron, has withi drawn from the field, leaving th. Liberal, Mr. Golding of Seaforth, the Iib. Conservative, Mr. L. Rader, of tray, and Mr. W. W.. Cooper, of Kippen, a former Liberal who is en- tering as an independent. Mr. Black does not give any par, titular reason for his withdrawal but probably some arrangement has been reached by the Liberal; and the Progressives, Or it may be that he saw little chance of winning, though with so many in the field it is any- body's race. All work done so far has been done. very quietly. But the opening gun is being fired tonight when the Lib. -Conservatives are holding a meeting at Exeter, which will be ad- dressed by Hon, Dr. Manion, Minster of Raileaps. 0n Tuesday 1 -Ion. 1-1. 1-1 Stevens, Minister -of 'Made and Clonn- nxerce, will acidness a meeting in Sea- i•orth. Mrs. IT. Fa11is of. Peterboiro will also be a speaker at this meeting, The Liberals will no doubt have party leaders address the vol'ers at different. points, During the last week of- the cam- paign Ilon. Robert W9ir, Premier Bennett's itIinisl',or of Agriculture, will ,be in the riding. He will speak at Clinton. on Friday, 'September 30, while arrangements are .now being` made for other Meetings. Mr. Weir is an all around practical farmer,. is a native of Huron County who has farmed here and in Western Canada, As Minister of Agriculture, he was instrumental. in obtaining for Cana- dian fanners impozta nt concessions on the British market which Will mean store dollars in their pockets. On nomination • day, September 2pth, official nominations will be posted at Hensel' at 2 o'clorlc• in the afternoon. At this meeting, there will be speeches by all candidates and their representativies. Mr. Rader will be supported by Col. the Hon. Dr. Donald M. Sutherland, M.P.,. far North Oxford, and Minister of Nati ional Defence in Mr. Bennett's cab- inet HULLETT To NSHI " A quiet wedding was solemnized on Sept. 3rd at The Little Flower Church, Chicago, when Helen Agnes, younger daughter of Mr. Richard Morrison, of Hulled, was united in marriage to Mr. C. J'. Price of Chic- ago. Rev. Fr. Berneau 'officiated. The bride was gowned in brown velvet and was attended by her con - sin, Miss Sadie McGowan, who also ware brown velvet. The bride's bro- ther, Richard, acted as best man. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the bridal par? ty at the Terrace Gardens of the ltforrison 'hatch Mr. and Mrs. Price later left on a honeymoon trip to "The Del,." Misc. Mrs. Price was well-known in her home township and in Clinton, hav- ing graduated from the Clinton Col- legiate. Her many friends waft good wishes to her for a happy future. Mr. W. Marquis had. word the other day of a motor accident in which his sister, Mise Janet Marquis, and his brother-in-law, Mr. A. Jervie of Napanee, Ind., figured. Mt'; Jer- vis was driving his ear when he was run into by another'. and. Miss Mar- quis had her collar 'bone broken and received several cuts and bruises. Mr. Jervis escaped unhurt. It was a narrow escape, The Tebbutt Family Picnic A Pleasant Autumn Outing The annual Tebbutt fancily picnic held at Cona2ralo on Labor Day prov- ed to be a great success, those in at- tendance enjoying the day in the op- en air, in company with members of the family in its different branches. The following report in rhyme has been contributed by a member of the fancily who does not wish to sign .net name: The Tebbutt Reunion Picnic Which took place on labor Day, at Conadale Resort, Each one there asciemlbled a good time did 'report; As you know it was an ideal day, Wo enjoyed ourselves in every way Sotim of us went for a row on the water, Since we had outgrown the teeter. . totter; The lady bowlers took their places, And played the game with smiling faces. A game of soft -ball followed then, Betwixt the ladies and the men;. A. few enjoyed the checker game, To the majority was much' too tame, I have not listed all the games, Nor have T told .you the winner': names; • In so much as we were able, We excelled ourselves at the supper- table. After-dinner speeches were listened to then, We all felt proud of our talented men The Pink Lady Contest caused mucl' fust, In which Mr. Henry Tebbutt wen. Two bouquets of flowers were given away, To the two oldest present on that day Which was Mr. Geo. Tebbutt and 14irs. Agnes Jervis, We were pleased to reward for long life service. Our Picnic is held as an annual affair Five entered last year, the land bright and fair; Mats. James Wilson, who died in the West, In Regina, Sask., was laid to rest. Mrs. F. McCartney and Mrs. Alf. Jervis, Each rendered the world a faithful service; Mrs. Thos. Potter a true mother ane wife, Iiad lived a long and useful life. Miss Ida Tebbutt whom all did love, God called her to His home above; Our picnic came to a happy close, Will we all meet next year? God only knows. MARRIAGES PRICE-MORRISON At the little Flower Church, Chicago, on Sept. 3rd, by the Rev. Father Berneau, Helen' Agnes, younger daughter of bIr. Richard Morrison of Huliett, to C. J. Price of Chicago. WEBSTEII NOTT--At the home of the bride's parents, by the Rev. James Elford of Part Perry, uncle of the bride, Evelene. Florence, only daughter of 14 Tr, and Mrs. W. J. Nott, Rgntondville, to Thomas Keith Webster, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Webster of Tucicersmith. BIRTHS BIGGIN--In Stratford, on Sept, Stitt to Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Riggin, a daughter. Head Office Montreal 1ti erm nent Character There is iron and rock in the veins of Canada, as well as gold and silver. The stern and heroic qualities that con-; quered a wilderness and built a Dominion, united from' Ocean to Ocean, still predominate in Canadian character.) There is a permanency in this country that grows out of that character. It is expressed in institutions as well as individual craftsmanship and frugal industry. -_. The Bank of Montreal was the first permanent Bank in Canada. living successfully cooperated with this country's , people and business through rhe ups and downs of 115 years, the Bank today faces the future firm ire its faith in the permanency of Canada's progress and the character, and resourcefulness of the Canadian people. BANK OF MONTREAL. Established 1817 ,,TOTAL ASsETS IN EXCESS OF $700,000,000 Clinton Branch: H., R. SHARP, Managet. Lonzlceboroiigh (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and 'Thursdae rre yrs Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery' Association Flowers and Floral Designs fon•all Occasions Chas. V. COQ 1 FL'QD` RIS T Phones:' 66w; and, 66j .f Meals at all hours. Special Dinner 40c. from 11 a.rn. to 2 p.m. ... Sapper, 5 . to 8 p,ni. Lunch at all hours. Try our Neilson Ice' :Cream, Ice Cream Bricks,' and Eskimo Pies, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candy. Charlie Koo Proprietor. 53-e. Permanent ,Wave $2.95 REGULAR $6.50 WAVE FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY Lucille Jones Beauty Saloon MITCHELL Open Evenings. For Appointment Phone 78. 88-1-p. The Lord's Day ALLIANCE OP CANADA will be making its ANNUAL APPEAL to the citizens of CLINTON very shortly. Please be as IiberaI as possible. 88-1, GODERICH -FAIR NEXT WEEK Big district fair nt 'Goderich Sep- tember 20 and 21. Afternoon pro- gram on Wednesday ineiudes four track events: 2.28 trot or pace, 2,17 trot or pace, running race and relay running race. Softball tournament by Clinton, Seaforth, Grand Bend and Goderieh teams. other attra- tions. Special exhibits. Admission 25e. VARNA The Varna United church will hold its anniversary services en Sunday, Oct. lath. SIJMMERHILL Miss Marion Mason left this week for Stratford to attend Normal, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cotton and Mr. and .Mrs. I1. C. Josiing of Detroit who had been visiting Mr. anti Mrs. T. E. Mason for a couple of weeks, returned home on Sunday. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Misses Pearl and Gertrude Easotn visited with Mt'. and Mrs. Tiles. Mil- ler Of Brussels on Sunday last. Ebenezer church will hold its annit versary services on Sunday next, Sept, 18th. A Sunday School Rally will be held at half past two in the afternoon, when the Rev. Mr. Watts of North street United church will be the speaker, and at seven -thirty in the evenings service will be held, the Rev. F. G. Farrill of Ontario street United church, Clinton, to preach, Mrs. Henderson ,of Gode- rich and the Lobb Male Quartette will assist in the mtt.ieal part of the set'Vices. A report has been circulated that Mr. J. Tebbutt has been malting a charge to those who use ,his proper- ty near the river for picnic purposes Mr. Tebbutt says he has not nor doe, he intend making any charge for suet privileges. All he aslts is that thosr who make such use of his property tape care to leave things just as they find them. This is a Hien spot for small parties to go for picnics ant the privilege should be appreciated. Congratulations are in order fon WI'. and 14Irs. Laurie Biggin, to whom a young daughter was !bor'n. on Tues. day. Mr. and Mre. Guy •Hielct spent the eeic-end with Mr, and Mrs. Oliver W'elrh, . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham and Mrs, Annie Hicks spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Welsh, Mrs, C. W. Thompson and Miss Marion and Mrs. R. Armstrong and Miss Myrtle of Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs, R. Pearson the other even- ing on the 16th. • Mrs; James Johnston' has returned to her home in Goder ch after 'a vis- it with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Mid, .dleton. During her visit Mr, and Mrs. Middleton, Margaret, Kathleen. and Ted and Mrs. Johnston enjoyed a very pleasant motor trip to the Ni agara District, ., 1Ne Piave Them' SPRING CHICKEN'S FOR SUNDAY DINNER Also BOILING FOWL & CHIPPED EGGS FOR GOOD HEALTH EAT MORE EGGS AND POULTRY WE ARE CASH,BUYERS OF EGGS - AND POULTRY THE YEAR ROUND. N. W. Trewa11'•th&t Phones -Office, - 214j Residence, 214w 011't Forget Next week's the time for Preserving Peaches GIVE US A CALL FOR QUALITY FRUIT AT RIGHT PRICES BARTLJFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty Maid and Whole Wheat Bread Phone 1, Clinton. CAPITAL THEATRE Northern Electric Sound System Goderich, Phone 47 • Now Playing: 'The Mouthpiece' with Warren William and Sidney Fox. MON., TUES., WED. JOHN AND LIONEL BARRYMORE in "ARSENE LUPIN" included in the excellent cast are Karen Morley and Jahn Miijan. Sound News and other Features THURS., FRI., SAT. Charlie Murray and George Sidney in another rib -tickling ylddish- er Trish mixup. The Cohens & Kellys in Hollywood Mat.: Wecl. and Sat. at 3 pan. Conning: "The Man from Yes- terday." Farmers oxes We. have some 200 Veneer Boxes size d0x35x35. Good for seeds, These boxes cost nt least $1.50 each to snake. Wb are offering then: for sale at 40c each, Clinton Knitting Co. Limited 88.1. Annual Bazaar The Women's Association of Wes- ley -Willis church 'will hold its annual bazaar and tea in the council cham- ber on Saturday aftor'noort, Nov. 19th. Further particulars later. 88-1. Girl Wanted To learn Permanent Waving and Finger Waving. Fee $20. Give ad- dress and phone. Box 5, Clinton. 88-1. Ewe Lambs for Sale 12 well-bred Leicester ewe lambs. Apply to Oliver Cole, 13th concession Goderieh township or phone 11 on 605, Clinton. 88.2, For Sale or Rent Resirable house, Princess street, town water, electric lights, 3 min- utes from Collegiate, 10 minutes from dawn town, 1-2 acre garden, with fruit trees. Good locality. Apply 13. M. Akam, or Dr. •Shaw, Clinton.. 88-2. Cottage to Rent In Victoria street, Also Oak Side board for sale cheap. Apply to Thos. Herman, Phone 210, Clinton. 88-2. Spirella Corsetiere Have you a Spirilla requiring al- teration of repair? It will pay you to give it attention now. Mrs. J. Sil- cock, Telephone 265w. 88-2-p. District Agents Wanted Ambitious men with :canvassing. experience 'can make good money handling our frill line Toilet Pieper- ations and side lines, Canadian Cos- metic and Chemical Laboratories, 346 Ridout St., London. 88-1-p. Farm For Sale. Farm is situated on Cut Line, one quarter or a mile from Holmesville, consisting of eighty-eight acres of good farming land. Has been in pasture for (several years, Good shade for cattle and never :failing spring' water. Apply Elizabeth Ford, i Ontario •St., Clinton. Phone 317. PAGE 5 eleememsammeatessmassursiestaim veressemettwessorteswemseessEattsramew wrong, just shiverr down to breakfast the first snappy cold morning and face the wife with. the astounding admission that you have neglected to lay in your Winter's supply of Heat Folks. She'll doubtless make it hot for you, but in a way that won't arouse any warm feelings in the heart of either. ,Yet, it', coming to you, old roan. You knew you'd need coal. You meant to order. But you, put it off. If you get caught this way, instead of going in to breakfast, you'd better sneak out the back door, and NE. DIDPlt$. ORDER NEAT RUGS Sri®' Tin FROST WAS °Mille COR A SADDER AND A WISER MIEN Ha ROSE ThiE MORROW MOIZN 1 Iyou want £ to try the one surest way to start the day JL b s PHONE 74 Call the an Pan Co C CLINTON, ONTARIO III i.,.»fllv&i: St*10!'JGht''., 30 and 60 Watt PRODUCT OF CANADIAN GENERAL 1 Phone Us C. H. VE Wo Deliver How Lang Inas It Been Since you Were Photographed? Put array those old f shioned pictures To the man of affairs, lack Of a recent portrait is often a source of embarrassment. BURGESS' STUDIOS CLINTON AND MITCHELL Quality Developing and Printing house and Barn For Rent • Friante house and barn for rent, 2nd concession of Hallett townships 13-4 miles from Clinton. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Mann, Jr., phone 6361:24, Clinton central. 87-2-p. For Sale 6 -room house with all modern eon- venlences and good garage. Apply to J. A. Sutter, Clinton. 87-2. For Sale Kitchen range, burns wood, good baker in good condition, sell reason- able. Apply Mr.;. J. Vincent, Dunlop and Frederick Street, Clinton. 87-2-p. Liberal -Conservatives To Meet A meeting of the Lib. -Conserva- tives of Clinton and surrounding community will be held in the local combuttee booms on Friday evening, Sept. 16th, to meet the candidate in the coming bye-eleetion in South Iluron, Mr. L. Rader, and to 'tear ad- dresses by Hon. Frank White and i1fr. A. R. Ford of London, Mrs. Howard Faille of Petorboro will be present to address the ladies. 87-2. Plats Remodelled Hats designed, blocked and remod- elled, Your own materials used. 0. Akam, milliner, Princess street, Clinton. 84-4. Ten and Candy Sate Afternoon tett and sale of home- made candy will be held by the com- mittee in charge of the produce booth of St. Paul's annual bazaar, on Tues day afternoon, Sept. 20th, commenc- ing at 3 o'clock; at the home of the Misses Thompson, Isaac street. 87-2. Boarders Wanted Accotttmodatiott for boarders and roomers. Comfortable situa tion, modern conveniences, bonne privileges, Mrs, E. Niclile, Clinton, Phone 23w. 84-tf. Pullets A number of Bred -to -lay Barred Rock pullets, laying, hatched in March G. R. Lindsay, hedge Row Farm R. R. No. 3 Clinton, Ontario. 82-tf. Comb and Extracted Honey Gall and taste the delicious clover and mint blend (no buckwheat) at 65c per 10 lb. pail. T. G. Seribbins, Victoria Street, Phone 815. 86-3-p. Wanted, Boarders or Roomers House, centrally' located, two doors west of the Baptist Church on Huron street, All modern conveniences. Terms, Reasonable. Apply to, Mrs. W. H. Cole. Phone number 183. 85-tf. AUCTION SALE On Saturday, September 24th, at the residence, Princess Street, of 1 ousehold goods including bedroom suite, iron bed, Simmons bed and child's cot (walnut finish), dresser, enpart, bed, leather rocker, wicker chair, other easy chairs, small table, oak dining table and sideboard, 6 dining chairs, desk sewing machine, 2 kitchen tables, 4 chairs, stool, Quebec heater, electric radio, range- ette, lamps and iron, leather couch, spring cot, 'rugs, con'goleum, feather 1 illows, washing machine, and writtg• er, lawn mower, garden tools, fire extinguishes., step Ladder, boiler, vac- uum cleaner, mops, trunks, set of dishes, kitchen utensils. etc. -Termer Cash, Goods on display day before sale for anyone wishing to examine them,. Mrs. E. Rodaway, Proprietress, G. 1-1.. Elliott, Auctioneer. 88--2 voupirommorammerlt 15c 7 for $1.00 ELECTRIC Phone 7 ,..,.w<..:, ,1,•.1.,,,, <.,,g., ,, .CrOr�w Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALI{ER Day or Night Phone 147w WANTED Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Priees Paid. A. E. FINCH Phone 231. Chpping AFTER SEPTEMBER 16tit- CIIOPPING EVERY DAY Clinton Chopping Mill 87-1-p. For Sale or For Rent A double house, Victoria street, seven rooms in each side, electric lights, water, furnace, gardens, wir- ed for electric range, garage, 1-4 ac- re of Iand, good cement cellar. A.p- ply to i'drs, R. B. Carter. 85-4, Wood For Sale Dry wood for sale, either at pile or delivered. Apply to Victor Fal. coner, R. R. No. 1, Brucefield. Phone 620x12, Clinton. 63-11400-p. House for Sale 8 -room house with modern conven- iences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 lots in garden, barn, woodshed, good cel- lar under house. Apply on premises to Hiram Hill. 66-tf, House For Sale or Rent Comfortable 8 -room house in Prin. cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply 4a George Cantelon, Rattenbury street, Clinton. Phone 272. 35-tf. E. G. HOWES Electriean and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repaint Phone 53w. 13-tf. Coal, Coke dc Wood Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthra- cite Coal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal. Hamilton -made Coro as well as Am- erican, also Bitimrinus coal at my sheds, Queen St; Prompt and careful delivery. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St. Phone 250 ,.• All Cleaning and Pressing at Reduced Prices W. J. JAGO If not open work may be left at Heard's Barber Shop