HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-09-08, Page 1Thr News -Record Ewe 1878
The 'New Era' Ede, 1-354
NO 5287 -54th YEAR
atces are Ike eGple
• The time to start the doctoring is rightaway after it is,discov-
erod that doctoring is needed,
If your watch isn't feeling quid as well as it should let us give
it a diem of our treatment.
It likely would work wonders with it.
That depends upon how sit'k your watch is -but the charge will
be as small as we or anybody else can make it. -That's sure.
Now is the time to get your PHONOGRAPH put in order for
Fall or Winter. We can 80 it for you.
X. yet!
Headquarters for Watch and Jewelery Repairs
Jeweler and Optometrist Phone 174w and 174j
Misses' and Women's
In the New Fall Tones of
Brown, Beetroot' Green, >• hue
and also Black, made' with long
sleeves and trimmed with con-
trasting materials, at a New Low
Misses' Sizes 14 to 20 $3.85
Women's Sizes 36 to 44 $4.50
New Chamoisette Gloves
In Pull -On Style, Shades Grey,
Sand, Beige, Brown and Black
Sizes 62 8.
Special 49e pair
Pure Silk Hose at 49c pir
Some of these are full-fash-
and all are good shades for fall.
Former prices ranged from 75c
to $1.00.
All to Clear at 49c
• Monday being a holiday the town
council met on Tuesday evening, all
members present with the exception
ofCouncillor Crich, who was absent
awing to illness.
After the reading of the minutes
of last meeting a communication was
read from the Bell Telephone Coin-
, asking ,permission to place two
poles on Beech street, On motion of
Councillors Cook and Churchill this
request was granted, the work to be
done under the eupervision of the
street committee. '
The Horticultural Society wrote
asking a rebate of hall rent for the
flower show recently held. The So;
(tidy pointed tout that a fee had not
been charged on this occasion and
that it was not a money -making af-
fair. On motion of Gouncillons Liv-
ermore and "Cook a grant of half the,
.amount was given.
Mr. W. Muteh applied for permit to
reshingle his house and build a porch
and Mr. E. Ward asked permission
for repairing and resltingling house.
oth were granted. '
'Councillor Paisley, in the absence
of Chairman Crich, reported for the
street committee, reporting various
Tepairs and "recommending that re-
tread be laid on johns street from:AI-
beet to Shipley and also ton part of
lieare street, the council to decide up-
on the length. Councillor Paisley
thought. Mary street should be done
neo. Reeve Elliott thought it might
also be laid on Orange from Mary to
Huron, snaking a belt line of good
roads. lie said he would like to see
all streets so treated, if the town
finances would stand it. ` But as the
town was getting a larger rebate on
street account than was expected
from the county and the county rate
was somewhat reduced there was r
larger amount to spend than was
counted on and it would be made go
as far as possible. -Councillor Liv,.
ertnore thought that if Orange street
wee not resurfaced' it should ,have a
coating of crushed stone.
On motion el Reeve Elliott ' and
Councillor Langford a no parking
sign is to be placed at the east side
of Ontario street church.
On motion of Councillors Langford
and Livermore. it was decided to ask
for tenders for painting the town
hall, according to specifications, ten
ders to be opened at call of the chair.
On motion of 'Gotincillors 'Paisley
and Langford the Kiitie Band is to
be paid $apo for their summer con-
On motion of Reeve Elliott and
Councillor Paisley 42500 is to be .bor-
rowed 1or _ the Public Utilities capital
account. This is to replace a pump
which is almost -out of commission.
Mr. R. B. Smyth addressed the,
council regarding waste which flow",
down near his residence, causing, a
nuisance, in his estimation. . Mayo-
ore Orange to the Normandie cor- Trewartha said the Medical, Health. lighting 128;68
Wheat, 55c,
Barley, 40e.
Oats, 32e.
Butter; 19e to 20c.
Eg,s, 1.5c to 200.
Live Hogs,, $4.40.
The many Mends- of 1VIr, and Mrs.
C. H. Epps will regret to learn that
their highland Inn, on No. 2 High-
way, three miles east of Bownianville
was .completely destroyed by fire on.
Thursday morning last, together with
the contents, household, effects, cloth-
ing, etc. The 'loss is heavy •on the'
young people, - who were making a
success of their venture. Mrs. Epps
is spending a few days with her moth-
er, Mrs. Argent of town.
St. Paul's Church
The W. A. will meet on Tuesday
afternoon at three o'clock for tho
packing of a bale for Fred Slomitn.
All donations for this bale should be
sent in early Tuesday.
Presbyterian Church
Anniversary services will be ob-
served on -Sunday'. The Rev. F.
Vesey of Parkdale Presbyterian
church will preach at broth morning
and evening services. Sunday shcool
will meet at 10 o'clock.
Ontario Street United Church
Regular service at 11 a.m. and the
evening service withdrawn owing to
anniversary services in the Presby-
terian church.
The members of the choir are hav,
ing their annual picnic to -day, in the
form of a chicken dinner and after-
wards are going to enjoy the movies,
Wesley -Willis United Church
The potato", the Rev. D. E. Foster,
will take as his morning sermon sub-
ject on Sunday; "Taking Things on
Again," The evening service will be
withdrawn owing to the anniversary
services in the Presbyterian elntrch,.
The Sunday School will meet at
two -thirty Sunday afterhroon.
The Y.P.S. was re -organized on
Monday evening for the fall term,
0fi'. Brenton Hellyar being elected
president, Miss Wilhelmina Trewar-
tha,• secretary -treasurer.
The Giri's Club will meet on Tues-
day evening, Sept. lath, in the church
hall, at ,half -past six for supper, serve
ed in cafeteria style, At eight o'-
clock they wilt hold their regulars
meeting, Mrs. Pickard will take
charge and Mrs. Jefferson will take
the topic. A cordial invitation is
extended to all new -comers to town.
Officer was the than to see about
On motion of Councillors C•cak and
Churchill the clerk was instructed to
send a letter of sympathy to Coun-
cillor Crich in his illness.
Chairman Paisle
y read the follow-
ing financial report for the month:
Street Account
Payslteet . $70.00
County of Huron 20.72
H. Brunsden, repairs for •
mower .75
II, D. Cameron, repairs for da
mower . 2,60 ba
Sutter, Perdue, oil, etc. 1,90 so
Electric Light Accnuot - - sti
P. U. Com st. lighting . , . 161,1. sit
Property Account to
P. U. Coin., light, town hall7,69 St
P. U. Con, light, rest room1.00
gra. Brown, care reot room ..1.0t the
A. McCartney, coal - 95.25 Af
E. Johnson, wood 7.50 thi
W. J. -Mustard, coal 89.7t th
W, Millet, coal .. 89.3n' an
Sutter, Perdue, troughing, etc. 61.00 one
D. E. Closet Account
A. Fulford, salary for Aug... 65.00 the
Cemetery Account l one
M. MclOwan, salary for A.ng..116.6e' in
3. M. Elliott, . gas, oil, etc..... '4.27
Salaries Account
R. Manning, salary for Aug..: 58.33
L. Stong, salary for August..- 70.83
E. Grealis, salary for August 58.82
R. Hunter, 10 nights 25.00
Park Account
Payshect , . - 10.05
Charity Account
C. Koo, 15 meals for tramps3.75
Grants Account
P. U. Cott,., light, X -Ray,
' Hospital . . .... 25.98
Incidental Account
Bell Telephone Co., rent, acct. 10.69
A. number of Clinton Bowlers went
to Goderich on Friday to take part
in an Irish Treble Tournament, when
a rink =mewed of-. Messrs. Zapfe,
Livermore and Pennebaker won third
prize. At Seaforth on Monday Mr.
Pennebaker again skipped a winning
rink when N. Miller; E. A. Fines and
himself carried off first prize in the
second event.
The local Club is putting on an op-
en Twilight Irish Treble on Fridap
evening of this week.
A COUSIN` PASSESMrs. Seines Tummy of Blyth passed
away last week after an illness of
some duration. Mrs. Tanney was
formerly Mary Ann Bali, being a
daughter of the late henry Ball of
Goderich township. 'She -was a cou-
sin of Mrs. J. T. Crich of Clinton and
spent a couple of weeks as her guest
in July last, but was then in poor
'health and failed rapidly wince that,
She is survived by a family of three
daughters: Mrs. Herrington, Mrs,
Ketchnie and Mrs. Walter Cook, all
of Blyth. The funeral was held on
Thursday last. Mrs. Crich; who had
visited her previously, also attended
`n a al
George X. Lucas, a young Toronto
lawyer and son of Han. I. B. Lucas,
formerly attorney -general and pro-
vincial treasurer, . was drowned in
the Georgian Bay, Point au Heti, on
Monday while attempting to save 'tie
little three-year-old daughter, who
had fallen from the launch in which
the family were cruising. The crier
of Mrs. Lucas attracted the attention
Mf the occupants of another launch
and they 'nailed to the scene and
took the child from her father's arms
but before they could save him he
Tho unfortunate young man was a
enu,in Mr
of M. J. E. Hovey of Clin-
ton. He leaves his young wife and
a family of three small children.
Yesterday the Ladies Aid of Cli
ton and Auburn Baptist churches n
with the Goderich Baptist ladies
Goderich and enjoyed a most d
lightful picnic, held in the chumground:. .After the opening hymn
a short devotional service was at-
tended by all. The gathering the
adjourned to the grounds where a
very successful sports program was
carried out. A prize was won by the
Goderich ladies for the best yell (des
veloped in five minutes); Other
prize winners were 08 follows: Miss
WaIper, Auburn; Mrs. W, Cochrane.
Clinton; Mrs. Youngblut, Auburn;
Mrs, Griffe, Goderieb; Mrs. Hewson,
Mrs. Webster•, Auburn; Mrs, Kette,
Hamilton, At the conclusion of rho
sports a most delightful supper was
served in the church basement. At
the termination of the supper leers.
Sherman of Clinton extended a vote
of thanks to the Goderich ladies for
the enjoyable time spent by all.
Before a large crowd here on Fri -
y evening the Clinton Girls' Soft -
11 Team handed Strathroy girls a
and 14 to 2 defeat. reeling the
ng of a defeat earlier in the sea
n the Clinton team took the field
repay the defeat given them by
rathroy -at Grand Bench,
Credit must be given every girl on
team for the class of ball played.
ter getting away to a slow start
s season' the girls showed that
the • certainly have found themselves
d are playing a brand of ball any-
in Clinton should be proud of.
Norma Streets. the left hand nig
✓ for the Clinton ,team, pitched
of the finest games ever seen
Strathroy, and had her apponente
'baffled by her fast breaking curves.
Clinton started in with a vengeance
giving the fans a wonderful display
Of hitting, fielding and base running,
To pick a star of the team would be
unfair as every girl played a spark-
ling game.
trathroy, feeling the defeat badly
owing to each team having wor.
, game, requested that a de -
ng game should be played, on
toss of the eoin Clinton won and
game will be played in -Clinton
Friday evening of this week,
ting at 6.15 p.m.
ditse. Fred Leonard had -the mis-
fortune to fall down the steps at her
back door the other day, sustaining
a serious injury , 110 her leg., Al-
though no bones were broken the
injury will necessitate her staying in
bed for some time.
Two weeps ago Mr. H. 3. Thomp-
son brought us some of last years
apples, which were still in good con-
diiion. Last Thursday afternoon,
Rev. K. MaGonn brought ns two
Baldwins which were just as good as
one Would wish for a winter apple.
Mr. MoGoun said that he had kept
thein himself in his own cellar. It
would appear that residents of this
district understand the cold storage
of apples.
A meeting or the Ladies' Auxiliary
of the Canadian Legg;on will be held
in the Firemen's Hall on Monday
evening next, Sept. 15th, at eight
c;cloeis. Worsen eligible for member-
ship are those .who served with forces
of the British Empire or her allies;
mothers, sisters and daughter; of
such and widows, wives and daugh-
ters of war veterans, also grand-
daughters and grandmothers. Mrs.
Green, provincial president, will br
present to explain the w'isle of the
organization and to complete a local
organization. ,
On Wednesday, August 31.st, the
officers of Huron Regiment enter-
tained the former officers of the
regiment to a banquet in the Sunset
Hotel. Lieutenant Sturdy, C.C., was
toastmaster. A. silent toast to those
members of the - Regiment who had
Passed on and tho toast to the King
and then the toast to the Regiment,
which was eesponciecl to by tho
guests who reviewed the history of
the Regiment, 'Pilose who attended
from Clinton were Col, Rance, Col.
Combe, Lieut. -Col. Shaw, Thos. Mor-
gan, Fred Ford, Dr. McIntyre and
n- I Owen Combe.
S. R. Hart and Co., ledger. . . . 6.38 7,
}larding Bros, Clock dials8.57
Postage , - 5.00 sol
1.75 spar
whohe girls will give softball fans
Market Scales , $8.50
Dog tax . .. ,17,00
Hall Rent . , , 20.00 40.50
Sale of lots . 48.00
Care ire Perp 165,00
Work . r 88.50 285.50
El Grealis, stock scales ' 15.75
13'. es. Com., rebate on street
to talk about . with the
klieg brand of ball played. So
all get behind them and show ape
dation . for the effort in clean,
Iesome sport.
The Clinton lino'tip on Friday watt
as follows;
Muriel Mulholland, catcher; Norma
Streets, pitcher; Ruth Picket, 1st
base; Helen Laweon, 2nd base; Ira-
heI Holmes, 3rd base;. Marion Smith'
short stop; Dorothy Watts, L. field;
Claire Brundson, centre field; Marg
Rose. R. Field.
School reopened on Thursday last,
Sept. lst.
The weekly half holiday is a thing
of the past as far as Clinton is con-
cerned. We shall not have another
holiday until Thanksgiving Day,
Oct. 10th.
Mr. Lock Gree is hobbling aboul
on a crutch this week, having broker
a hone in his ankle an Friday last
when his foot slipped as he stepped
from the curb.
There will be a big lacrosse prat.
tise in tie rink on Monday. This
will be the last practise before the
team goes to London, so the boys will
do well to be present.
Commencing on Monday, Sept. 12,
winter hours will be resumed at the
Pu:bIic Library, which will remain
open until nine o'clock each evening,
Children's story honr each Saturday,
afternoon I?etweentwo and three.
Master Novitiate Fitzsimons
brought a queer shaped potato into
this office this morning, It has a
head and tail and if properly dressed
up, might do for a 'street musician's
monkey. In the middle is a good
sized potato, large enough for a
healthy man's dinner.
- Mrs. Lewis Bailey and two -ehil-
dren'of Amherstburg and Miss Grace
Stirling of Toronto were visiting at
the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. R. Stirling, the past week,
Mr. Bailey coming up, and all return-
ed on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schlutter who
have been visiting the latter's par-
ent,, Mr. and Mrs. Joliet •Cartwrighe
left on Saturday for their home it
Col. Lawson and wife of Ottawa
was visiting his brother, Mr, Colin
Miss Helen Cox of London spent
the holiday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Cox.
-There will be no service in. St.
James' church, Middleton, for the
next two Sundays. ' Service will be
.resumed on Sunday, Sept. 25th, at
three o'clock in the afternoon,
Billy Holland, the eleven -year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Noble :Holland,
had the misfortune to have his arni
broken while cranking a truck on
Saturday. Ile and hits sister had
gone out to the field to bring in some
roots and the truck stalled and had spa
to be cranited, fri
Mr. 3. b'. Warman was renewing ac-
quaintances in townlast week,
Mr. James Vincent was in -Taranto
and Montreal over the week -end,
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Fowler spent
the weekend and holiday in Toren
Miss Alice Simian was home from
,Stratford over the week -end and
Miss Irene Layton spent the week-
end and holiday with relatives in
Hensel]. -
Mrs. Will Brunsdon of Lonclesboro
has been visiting Mrs. Alice Mason
of town. '
Miss Burke of St. Thomas spent the
week -end with Miss Hattie Cour=
Lice of town.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Cook of Toronto
were week -end and holiday gueste
in town.
Mils Rudd returned Monday even-
ing after a visit with her sister tr
Flint, Mich.
131. C. Castle of Hamilton visited In
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Castle
over the holiday,
Miss Mary R. Stewart returned last
week to resume her teaching dut-
ies at 011 Springs.
Mrs. Ross Forrester and Miss Isabe
Pickett have returned after spend
-ding a week at Bayfield.
Mrs. ?McCool of Albert street street
spent the week -end -with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Garrett of Blyth.
Miss Mary 'Matheson of Goderich
spent Labor Day as the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Manning.
Mrs. Carroll of Kingston has been
visiting in town with Mrs. R. Mar-
shall and Mrs. Geo. McFarlane,
Dr. J., C. and Mrs. Gaudier and fam-
ily, returned this week from their
sunnier cottage at Southhampton,
Miss Elizabeth Ford, who has been
holidaying in town, has returne l
to her teaching duties at Oshawa,
Mr. Benson Corless of the Royal
Bank staff, Hamilton, .spent the
week -end and holiday at his home
in town,
1121•. and Mrs. Frank Layton spent a
few days last weep visiting rola-
' tives in Toronto and taking in the
big fair.
Mrs, 3. T. Crieh attended the funeea`
of her cousin; the late Mrs. James
Tanney of Blyth, which took place
to Ball's cemetery on Thursday
Miss Kathleen Mckinnon returned
last week -end to Napanee to re-
sume her teaching duties after
spending a holiday here and at
Me. and Mrs,. G. E. Hall and Miss
Evelyn, motored to Cayuga and
Toronto last week -end, Miss Eve-
lyn remaining with a friend in
Toronto for the week.
hiss Jean Scott is home after a trip
out west. She also stayed in To-
ronto for a throe to be near het;
brother, Stewart, who wa.e quite ill
but is now recovering.
leliss 0. Brigham, of the Windsor
teaching' staff, who spent her holi.
"lays at the hove of her -father hi
town, has returned to resume her
duties. -
Mr, Prank E. Walker and son, Ro-
bert, of Ottawa, motored up and
visited the former's father, Mr. Ro-
beet Walker, for a few hors en
'Miss 1Vfaud Lyon of Calgary has
returned to her duties after spending
the past two months at the home of
her mother, Mrs. H. Lyon.
' The August meeting of the W.A.
of the United :Church was held in the
basement of the church on Wednes-
day last, Mrs. Allen in charge. The
minutes of the last meeting were
read by the Secretary after which'
the business was taken up followed
by a fine program consisting of
piano solo by Mrs. Harold Adams's
vocal solo by Miss Eleanor Sprung;
a reading by Mrs. H. Riley and a
mouth -organ and guitar duet by Mrs
J. Scott and Mrs. Geo. McCall At the
close of the meeting a dainty lunch
was served by four of the members.
Mr. Will Tamblyn, 13.A., with Mrs.
Tamblyn, Joan and John, also ,1 0•a
iVfildreci Hall of Toronto are spending:
a few days ,with Mr. Tamblyn's ratt-
er, ylra, J. tit•. Tomblin. During the
past two months they have been
_entering through the Western
State; and Canada: having teavelled
nearly twelve thousand miles. While
in Pa.,. Frnneieee Mr. Tamblyn at-
teedod the cenve ii'n el' the Optimist
Tr teenatieral, a service club inter-
ested in b, es work. Mr. Tamblyn
we; ,gain lien-rby re -appointment
11 to their he -s troth in Toronto,
yrs, 3. D. Ainslie of Leamington
to a guest at the here of her•sise
lees, !ties, Janee 'El;Iey and 1Irs.
l,Tre,. H. Teem is er"ntlins a time at
the hone of her iewehter, Mrs, E.
Gaunt cf St. Helene, -
Mr, and 'elms, Bert Boundson 'have
returners having spent the past fort-
night with friends at. Ottawa.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Hiles of Mel-
ton visited friends in the village this
Mr. Writ. Lyon spent a few slays
with Toronto friends and also attend-
ed the C.N.E.
A large number attended the In-
stitute meeting which was held its
the Community Mall last week. In
the absence of the president, lire.
Robt. Fairservice, 2nd vice, tont the
,.hair, and dealt with the bmniess
part of the meeting very succesful-
ly. The secretary was not present
and Mrs. R. Townsend was asked to
take the minutes. After the business
was concluded the meeting was left
to the hands of the Grandmothers
with bit's, Wm. Lyon in charge. The
1 Maple Lebf was sung, followed by
f -Mrs. E. Crawford with her sunbonnet
i and shawl, read the little old wnnranl
Then came some Community singing,
after which Mrs. Brunsdon gave .a
'reading, "How to Treat a Husband."
then the two little grand -daughters
- of Mrs. J. Rapson sang quite nicely,
I"Can I Sleep in Your Barn," Mrs.
3. Tamblyn read, "The Runaway
' Grandmother." Mrs. Gordon Bissltr
District President of Goderich, was'
present and gave a splendid address
touching 00 pioneer want, etc.. whirr"
was fully enjoyed. A pantomine
"Grandmother Sat in Her ?:)paint
Arm Chair," was taken by Mrs, K.
Bell, with white hair, busily knitting•
sitting in the old rocking chair, with
iter little valid/Mild Lydia Bell with
her dolls by her side, while Mrs, J.
Nott read the poem. Next came all
the gi'andntothers in a circle and
sang, "We're the Happy, happy'
Grandma's," which was enjoyed.
Mr's. W, Lyon, 1VIra.:1, Rapson and
Mrs. Sampson eang "Long, Long
Ago." The last 01, the program was
a dialogue by 181i't. Brunsdon anti
Mrs. Manning "When Two ohs.
Friends Meet." They talked of their
happy school clays, also of their fam-
ily troubles, etc., and sang "When
you and I were young Maggie," also
"In the Sweet Bye and Bye." whlcitb
was enjoyed by the large audience.
Meeting closed by singing tate Na-
tional Anthem, when all repaired to
the basement where a most satisfy-
ing tea was prepared by the grand-
mothers. over 90 being present,
Mr. Howard Shobhrook who fore
the past two weeks has been in the
Goderich Hospital, having suffered
Pram a fall from a load of grain from
tvhfch he taws injured internally bas
o far recoveredre
to be able to tarts
o his home.
On Tuesday evening, August 21115,
quite a gathering of the "Win Mll-
es" Sunday school class of the •inti
ed church met at the home of their
eacher, Mrs. Wan. Lyon, for a socia!'
time. The evening' was spent he -
ames and singing, after which. the '
ass presented Miss Mary Wood: and
r. Win E. Manning, prior to their
arriage, with an Electric Toaster
nd a ,China plate, with the geed
ishes for a happy and joyous snar
ed life, which the couple entered'
to on ,September 1st. -IVIr. Manning'
sulked the class for their Medi:
ft and all had a jolly time together.:
'Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams anti
oyd, who enjoyed a week's endue
1p around ' the Bruce•Peninsele,
ave returned home. They were ac.- .
mpanied by Messrs. William andf
. Brigham, of. Clinton
Misses Ruth and Winnie MeMath of
Torontd and Mrs. J. C. Mclitath and
Miss Marjorie of Clinton have tak-
en a cottage at Bruce Beach for a
couple of weeps.
Mrs. Edgar Cross and dhiidren, who
have been spending the sunnier at
their summer hone, the residence
of her father, the late Dr. Gunn,
left Monday for their home in To-
Mrs. D. B. White and family of Ni-
agara Falls and Mr. G. Biggart of
Buffalo spent the week -end es the
guests sof their brother and sister-
in-law, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Biggart
of town,
Mrs. Ogle Cooper•, of To-
ronto, her daughter; Miss
Phyllis, and sister, Mrs. H. J. Mar- s
quis of Lefroy, visited in town last t
week -end. Miss Clark, who had
been visiting in Toronto,accom-
panied thein home. They motored e
around by Flesherton, Heathcote t
and Owen Sound. - ' t
IVlrs. Sampson returned home on M
Friday after visiting her sister, Mist in
E. Lyon, and other friends for the a
past two weeks. w
Mr. and Mrs, Mantle Lyon and li
family spenttheweek-end with their in
parents, Mr. and Mrs: Tom, Lyon. , th
Mr. Wm. Lyon is sending a few gi
days with Toronto friends.
Mr. Art. ,Lyon has returned to Kit- LI
chener to resume his duties. tr
Mr, and Mrs. Jaime .Risley is
nding a few days wi.tin Seaforth