The Clinton News Record, 1932-08-18, Page 5Funeral Service
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Cpmp rete Motor Equipment
24" Hour Service
Day or Night Phone 147w
'THURS., AUGUST 18, 1932
Perhaps police dogs are harmless,'
but they seem to be biting move
people; lately than perfectly harm-
less dogs usually do.
A Chicago youth*
his lath-
•er on learning that he had been
christened Bieno instead of Dino, the
name •,Uy nghich he ha•d ;always been
•called. ` At this -distance it really
doesn't seem to be en -adequate ex-
'ease, but We've always, favored the
• c1d-fashioned names, such as John;
James and Henry.
s T M •
' =lf Iron. Peter freeman, : Minister of
Liber in. the Mackenzie King govern-
ment, wbo:has returned to his form-
eroccupation aand is nowworking as
-an engineer &n a C.N.R. train, were
fin ,tho United States he could mob -
ably snake more money by going into
• the movies or appearing in vaude-
rtei.-i'It�" 1,4 :a e e �.,...•rn',..
'A little sari was born to Oa. and
"Mrs. Chas, A. Lindbergh the' other
slay and now the young fattier is
"pleading with the newspapers 10
-the United States to allow the child
to -grow up as normalechildren grow,
without the curse of publicity. We
reometimes boast about our advanced
'civilization, but after all, is it civil-
.k •, *
Ontario school teachers who do
not like conditions at present might
' take a look at how young instructora
are treated in the sister province of
-Quebec. The following is from
-Beauce Junction, Que.:
"School teachers here must
wear modest costumes of non -
transparent material, buttoned
to the neck with 'sleeves to the
wrist and the skirt not higher
than eight inches from the
_ ground, decrees a resolution pas-
sed by Beauce Junction school
commission. The commission
voted to continue the present
salary rate for female teachers
of • $225 per annum."
Three newspapers its Huron County
have changed hands within the past
- few months, the Wjngham Advance -
'Times, the Blyth Standard and the
Brussels Post, two of the sales, The
Wingltam Advance -Times and The
Post, being rendered necessary by
the death of the publishers. In the
case of the Post the paper had been
published for over fifty years by the
same family, the late W. II. Kerr
having purchased it from McGillicuddy
Bros. over fifty years ago, and on his
death it was continued by ]tis son, the
late J. L. Kerr, whose unexpected
death occurred in Agal. It has now
been purchased by A. R. Kennedy and
Son, Stratford, who aro already in
6 W *
People will rejoice with the Lind.
bombs in the birth of their little
son and will hope that he may grow
kind thrive and be a comfort to his
parents. The advent of this babe
•cannot but recall to minds of most
people, as it will. to the minds of the
parents, ie it is ever absent from
them, the tragic end to the life of
their eldest child. the little twenty -
months' old laddie, who was stolen
front the • home ,af hits parents and
brutally Murdered, his little body be-
ing found, after• weeks sof fruitlos e
sea;ehing .on two continents, within
a short distance of the horse farm
whieh he had been stolen. This chile
will not till the place of the other
and nothing can over make life seem
au fair again to these nstricicen
parents, but he will ,help to fill their
thoughts and interests and shake
life worth living again. Those who
sorrowed with this pair in their
grief, now rejoice with them in this
good fortune.
Council Meeting—it;otrcil met in
Iiohnesville for ilas August meeting.
Hydro Electric Pewee Commission
wrote consenting to an assessment
:of $100 on the rural sub -station
near Goderich, the CIerk was in-
structed to enter this on the coilec-
'tees roll. A communication from
Canadian Legion of British Empire
Service read and fyled on motion of
Councillors Powell and Jervis,
The Municipal Telephone System
asked for a temporary loan of $750.00
which was granted at -the prevailing.
• interest viz, 6 per cent.
The rates bylaw was then discus-
sed, the County rate is down six
tenths of - a mill team last year now
77-10 the Township rate was shear-
ed one mill, now 3 mills, the general
,school . rate remains the same, 4
mills, nearly all the schools were
lower, No. 6 not requiring any. The
penalty rate for unpaid taxes after
Dec. lith was cut to 3 per cent; Tho
bylaw was then read a third time
-:and passed. •
The ecoonnts passed for payment
were: Ralph Cantelon, •sheep claim
x5.00; Alf. Wlarner, sheep claim,
$23,50; Jas. Jewell, sheep claim, 42,00
'Fred Middleton, sheep claim, $5.00,'
Reg. Sturdy, valuing sheep, $3.60;
Wilmot-Iiaaeke, reward for shooting
sheep dog, $15.00; Supt. pay vouch-
. er No. 8, $349.60. •
'Council then adjourned to meet on
-Tuesday', .Sept. •6th, at 1.3.0. p.m.
-It. G. Thompson, Clerk.
Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur Welsh, •eec.
companied by their nephew, Mr. Re-
heat Welsh, motored Ito Brantford
and en their return were accompan-
ied by Miss Norma Welsh, who has
spent the' past three weeks with
Miss Isabel Robertpon of Brantford.
Miss June Stephenson of Iiyde
Park is spending a few clays with
her •cousin, Miss Norma. Welsh.
Tho eighth annual reunion: of the
hooverfamily was held in Queen
Victoria Park Niagara Falls last Sat-
urdaylefterncon, With members, fore -
sent from Toronto and dist'r'ict, Rilige
way, , Dunnville and points in the
United, States. - The family includes
President Herbert Hoover. The fam-
ily. •carne originally from Holland.
The Canadian branch came. here with
the United Empire Loyalists. .
Mrs, George Alair of Huila ' was
before her marriage • Ma' Ann,
Hoosier and Mrs. Adam Steep of the
Bayfield Line is her daughter, Mrs.
Alair has usually attended this an-
nual family gathering. '
This is said to, be the age «e
youth but sometimes old age springs
a surprise. The other clay Mr. H.
C. Cox had a team hitched to a
wagon in the- barn yard and, as . one
.of the team is. 27 and the -other not
much his junior, when he wanted a
Piece of rope which was in the been
be thought it quite sate to leave his
horses while he went for it. He had
only gotten into the barn, however,
when he heard the wagon start and
when he got out the horses had
jumped the fence into a field and
were rasing about it at top speed
After a smart run the wagon caught
in a corner of the fence and the fiery
steeds were soon captured, no da-
mage being done. herb. is quite
proud of the speed shown by these
racers of his and is thinking of en-
tering the 27 -year-old in the fall ,cir-
cuit. Ire thinloe by the way the old
boy sprinted around that ten acre
field that he night be able to show
his heels to some of the youngest
and speediest of them. There was
no disernable reason for the spurt of
'peed, the horses just wanted to have
a fling at personal freedom.
At the regular meeting of the
Goderich Township Metals Club on
Tuesday evening next 'Mr. Fred!
Sioman, teacher of one of the C.N.R.
car schools in New Ontario, will
give the address of the evening, tel-
ling something of his experiences in
the north country. Mr. Sioman has
had 'some interesting ones and, being
more observant than many, it is an-
ticipated his address will be very in-
The funeral of Isabella
Morgan, aged 90, relict of the
late Join Morgan, whose death oc-
curred on Saturday, took place Mon-
day afternoon from the residence of
her son, John Morgan, Jr., Widcler
,street, Goderiole, interment in
Maitland Cemetery. Rev. D. J.
Lane, of Knox Prelrbyteriau Church,
of which deceased was a member, of-
ficiated at the house and grave. The
late Mrs. Morgan was born et Scotch
parents in Goderich Township,
where she lived until 23 years ago,
and hail sines resided in Goderich,
For the past eight years !she was an
invalid.. Four sons survive. They
are John, of Goderich; Thomas, of
Port Stanley; Fred, of Kincardine,
and James, of Detroit; also four
daughters, Mrs. J. Hyndman, Rich.
mend, Mich,; Mrs. Thomas Betties!
Pbrter')e Hill; Mrs, Benson Yeo, De-
troit; Mrs. M, A. McDougall, Goder-
ich. Six grandson's acted as pall-
bearers. •Deceased's husband. died in
1894. J
. Rev, W. A. Townshend and fam-
ily of London have been spending
the summer at the old homestead.
Mrs. Townsend is now in Clinton
Public Hehpital, where she gave
birth to a little daeightae oil Sunday.
Mother and child doing well.
Mr. J. R. Townshend, principal of
the Vocational and Technical school,.
Fort Francis, has been holidaying
An. Irishman was digging a well.
The boss Mame along and promised
Mai a man to help aim, The Irish-
man sat down to smoke a pipe and
wait for the man. The boss' bulldog
just then happened along and' stuck
his face 'over the side of the well.
Pat :got up and put his pipe'in his
pocket. "I have worked wid Austrians
and Italians," said, be; "I have work-
ed wid triggers and Chinese, but when
a mail wicl a face like that comes
down, I goes up."
Mrs. Margaret •Cunningham, widow
of Andrew (Dan) Cunningham, of
Blyth, clied ion, Thursday at the horse
of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Agnes
Crawford, '14 Miles street, London.
She had been in the city for a few
weeks only after visiting relatives in
Detroit. Surviving are two sons,
Charles and John Cunningham, of
Ldndon, two daugthers, Mrs. E. L.
Pullman and 1VIrs. Earl Slavick, of
Detroit; five sisters, Ma's. Collison
and Mrs. L, Denholm, of Blyth; M•rs,
Elizabeth Nichols of Seaforth; Mrs.
George Cunningham, .of St., Paul,
Minn., and Mas. Sarah Legg, of .Lon-
don, and two .brothers James Barr, of
E;dmonten, and John Baer,' of Blyth.
The remains were forwarded fnenin the
George T. Logan funeral home by
motor, for Initial ;n Blyth.
CARTER--•RE;LD--A.t the home of
the bride's father,' 'Gocleaich, on
August 17th, by the Rev, D. J.
Lane, ' Mary Evelyn, daughter of
blr. Richard L. Reed, and the •late
Mrs. Reed, to B. Raymond Carter,
Toronto, younger son of Mi. and
Mi s. Thomas T. Carter, of Clin-
BURKE Ii '!,iCHLEK•—At St. Pet-
en's church, Goderich, on Aug.
15th, by the Rev. Philip 'Pocock,
Elizabeth Aileen, eldest daughter
of Mr. and Ma's. J. E. Baechler,
Goderich, to Vernon • J. Burke,
M.A., St,: Louis, Mo., son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Burke of North',
• home of. the bride, Blyth, on Aug..
102h, by the Rev; D. J. Lane of.
Goderich, Annie Taylor, to Rev.
M, Ashdown, formerly of Prilncq
Edward Island; ,• • _
TOWNSIIEND—In Clinton Public
Hospital, on Aug. 1428, to Rev. W.
A. •and Mrs. Townshend, Church of
the Redeemer Rectory, London,
the gift of a daughter: Barbara
STONG—In Sarnia, on August 15th,
Frank Stong, brother of Chief L.
Stong, of Clinton, aged 62 years.
The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist
Church held their August meeting at
the home of Mr's. J. aleBrien with a
good attendance present. The presi-
dent, Mrs. C. A. Howson, presided
over the meeting and the ladies of
the Clinton congregation were enter-
tained. The vistiors gave the pro-
gramme as follows, a solo by Mrs.
Johnston and reading by Miss Akam
were much enjoyed and an instru-
mental selection by Mrs. (Rev.) Sher-
man. Three Auburn ladies assisted
with the programme, after which a
dahity lunch was served on the lawn.
The gath'er'ing was most enjoyable.
Owing to the absenee.of the pastor
the Rev. G. W. Sherman, Mr. Bryant
of Stratford conducted service in
the Baptist church on Sunday. He
was accompanied by a male quar-
tette which assisted in 'the service of
song. Mr. Bryant will again have
charge next Sunday, when the as-
sisting musicians will also be pre-
Dorothy and Margaret Farrow of
Mitchell are 4;.pencling part of their
vacation with their grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Johnston.
112r. and Mrs. John Raithby, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Reithby and Mr's.
Stanley Johnston left on a trip
through the Bruce Peninsula.
The exterior woodwork of the
Baptist Church is being painted.
Bert and Ilene Full, who spent
last week with their cousins, Mr. and
'Mrs. J. H. Sheppard, motored with
then to Sarnia where they intend
staying another week •before return-
ing to Allendale.
Auburn people enjoyed the pleas-
ure .cf a visit from Rev. W. It. Alp,
assistant pastor .of Chalmers United
Church, Ottawa, during the week-
end. Mr, Alp accompanied by Don-
ald, motored up from his home town
of Granton on Saturday Midi return
ed on Monslay.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson have as
their guest, Mrs. Lawson°e niece,
Miss Jean Sclater of Regina, who is
cn the teaching staff .of that city.
1ifr. and Mrs. Roy Stalker of
Flint, Mich., are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. M. Allem.
Master Stewart Ferggton returned
home after visiting with his grand-
mother, Mrs. J. Stewart,
Mr. Jas. Dawson and son, Harvey
of Detroit spent the week -end with
friends here and in Goderich.
A number of the Masonic breth-
ren attended the funeral of the late
Nathan Johns at the home of Mr.
Aloin, Arlin on 'Saturday last.
14Irni. G, Thompson ,of London is
visiting with her parents this' week.
Mr. Frank Washington, •who has
been teaching at Ignace, is home for
the remainder of the holidays.
Mrs. Jos, Ewing motored to South-
hampton with friends and spent the
week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Joncns of
London were visitors here on Sun-
day last at the home of Mi. S. Law,
Miss Mamie Salkeld and Mase
Jenner of Goderich called on friends
here one da•y last week,
M°r. John Salkeld of Saskatchewan
visited at the home of Mr. Jos. Wnlslt-
ington on Monday.
Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Miller of Tup-
perville spent last week visiting
old acquaintances in phis ,district•.
The farrnerir are busy these days
making use of the . fine weather.
Most all the grain is cut and stook -
ed and now threshing is in order.
Reports of wheat as high as 40 to 60
bushels to the acre is quite' common
with oats from • 30 to 40 bushels.
Othoe crops in this district lose;
splendicl and even if we have e hard•
winter it looks as though the barns
and, cellars would bo s fn
well filled, .,cl, Soe.
which.wo are very thanleful.
Member of Florist Telegraph
Delivery Association •
Flowers and Floral'
Designs for alit
Chas. V. Co ki
Phoned; 66w wed 60j
Rid° Cafe
Meals at all hours. Special Dinner 4Qe
from 11 a1n
, to 2
Supper, 5, to 8 p,t i, Lulled al all
• hours,
Tr; 'fair Neilson Ice Cream, Ise
Creani Bricks, and Eskitne Pies,
Cigars, Cigarettes, Candy,
Charlie Koo
Proprietor. 53-e,
Anniversary Services
Sunday, August 21
Rev. James Anthony, M. A., of
Thames Road United Church
will preach in the morning at 11
o'clock and in the evening at 7.30.
Special Music by Choir and those
Liberal Thankoffering is asked for
Mon. Evening, Aug. 22
A Sacred Concert will be put on in
the church, by the "YokefeIlows
Band" of Stratford. Consisting of
Quartettes, Duets, and Solos, with
music by "String Quartette."
Admission 25 and 15 cents
R. M. Gale, Minister R. G. Reid,
Chairman of Board of Stewards,
The Editor, Clinton News -Record,
Dear Sim In your issue of Aug-
ust 11th, we noticed the following
items regarding the Town Council,
It stated that Councillor Livermore
thought that Mary Street should be
the street to be improved, but Reeve
Elliott maintained that Shipley
Street, leading to the hospital,
should be the one to be improved.
Last Spring several of the btini-
11055 mets of the town approached'
the Town Council with the idea of
having some permanent improvement
done to our side streets. I had the
honour of addressing the -Council on
that occasion, and I told them that
last year we were forced to carry
our goods to Counter's Corner to be
loaded on trucks, to be shipped to
different points. This was the near-
est the trucks could conte to us ow
ing to the frightful condition of
Mary Street.
We have four trucks a day visit
our mill looking for freight. Some
of our custanters drive to the mill
fry goods. Last winter they were
rinsed to park uptown and the
gecds had to be carried by hand to
the highway to be loaded.
The County Engineer visited Din
ton and trade the statement that
Mary Street was web drained and
could be finished in geed shape,
There is no question that the Clin-
ton Knitting Company pay out more
wages and support more families
than any other industry in Clinton
yet we are expected to flourish here
with streets that are impassable
during six months of the year.
I have ,bean approached twice this
year by larger towns than Clinton
with empty factories. I visited one
of these and the building is larger
and more up-to-date than our own
factory. The town owns: it and are
looking for manufacturers such eh
ours to locate there.
I just want to intimate • to Mr.
George Elliott, Reeve of Clinton.
that . if 'eve are forced to carry our
goods to the -highway next year, we
will move the Clinton Knitting Com-
pany elsewhere to some point where
we will be more up-to-date in our
Yours truly,
—H. B. COMM.
The' Clinton Knitting Co.
At Ailsa Gettig three acres of
wheat in the stook were destroyed by
fire, and twenty acres adjoining had
a narrow escape. Andrew Ross,
East Williams Township, while op-
erating the hinder, found that the
twine had become entangled on the
bill hook. Seeking a quick way out
of the difficulty he poured coal oil
over the twine and lit a match. The
machine and. the dry crops immed-
iately burst into flames., Fully a
hundred farmers from the surneuncl-
ing countryside came ay car, horse
and on foot and formed a volunteer'
bucket brigade. After a stren uouS
hour'li fighting they were able to
extinguish the amain blaze and save
the Stooks in the adjoining fields.
!'e Have `.
Also. ;
lg. . TrewaA"tha
Phones—Office;, 214j Residence, 214w
25c Cash
Makers of Dainty Maid and Whole
Wheat Bread
Phone 1, Clinton,
Northern Electric Sound System
Goderich, Phone 47
Now Playing: Tom Mix in;
"The Rider of Death Valley"
Another Double Feature
by Mary Roberts Rinehart
starring Joan Blondell and
George Brent and on the
sane bill Is
in a modern tale of pleasure-
"MANc01(axe�c}ljjts/o�cijeetty WANTED
One of Britain's outstanding
screen successes
"MAN of Mayfair"
all British -cast and production,
Coming; "Greta Garbo in:
Matinees Wed., Sat. at 3 p.m.
COLBORNE,: Word was received
Tuesday from Detroit by DIrs. Ed-
ward Millian that her icon, Wilbert,
had died suddenly in that city. No
particulars were given as to the
cause ar manner .of death. The de-
ceased was a native of Colborne,
son of the late Edward T. and 1111+;.
Millian. He was in his 42nd year-
earand Leaves a widosv and one daugh-
ter, aged 16. Surviving also are
his mother, three sisters and three
brothers, The sisteti'i are Mrs. Sid-
ney Love, Iron Mountain, Michigan;
Mrs. Arthur Clouthiet•, Detroit; Mrs.
John Millian, a half-sister', Toronto;
and brothers, Edward, of Colborne;
Wilson of Detroit, ani Thomas, 09
BRUSSELS: Jeannette Ritchie,
wife of the late Duncan Campbell,
ago 90 years, passed away after a
lengthy illness. The funeral was
held on Wednesday from the resi-
dence of her slaughter, Mrs. Charles
Drager, Walton, with service at 2
p.m. Interment in Brussels Ceme-
tery, i `"
Boarders Wanted
Accommodation for limited num-
ber of studenth. Comfortable situa-
tion, modern conveniences, home
privileges. Mrs. E. Nickle, Clinton.
Phone 23w. 84-1f.
A number of Bred -to -lay Barred
Rock pullets, laying, hatched in March
G. R. Lindsay, Hedge Row Farm
R. R. No. 3 Clinton, Ontario. 82—tf.
Cottages to Rent
Deer Lodge, Bayfield. Cottages
tennis, :bowling, near golf links, easy
terms. J. Fitzgerald, Bayfield.
. 81-tf.
Voters' List 1932, Municipality of the
Township of Goderich, County of
NOTICE is hereby given that f
have complied with Section 7 !of the
Voters' Lists- Act and that .I have
posted up at my office in Goderich
township on the 9th day of August
1932, the list of all persons entitled
to vote in the said Municipality at
Murniepal elections and that suers list
remains there nor inspection.
And I hereby Call• upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to have
any errors or omissions corrected en-
ameling ftp law.
Dated at my office this Oth day of
August, 1932.
83-3 • CIerlc
WE. Kl'40W
Add to your heating plant a
coal -bin full of Heat Fo1kls and,.
you multiply your heat Ilere -
is the way to subtract from
year usual trips to the cellar.
Here is the way to divide your
ordinary coal costs. There is
no "zero" in thea Heat Folks
multiplicartion table, but they
can spell "heat" and "cheer",
with their 'eyes shut.
If you want to multiply your
Whiter pleasures and take a-'
way its worries, you want the
Beat Folks in your bin,
Call the
‘ t reit .e'i
�y I#'
74 a.,.[.I:['1TOI , �D 7TAaiO
C. H. VENNEFI, Electrician
Electric Ranges, .Fixtures and Bulbs
Irons, Fans and other Appliances
Wiring and Repairs Phone 7
eacamoiscon,. 1111.
Children Grow
Whether children grow faster in
summer, or only seem to, you will
note a great change before the sea-
son's end. A new portrait of your
child made now will be a priceless
record in years to cone.
High Class Studio Portraits
Superior Developing, Printing
Fresh Eggs and Cream
We pay lc above market price for
eggs and cream delivered at
our store at
We carry a full line of groceries and
also Supertest Gas and motor
Purity Flour 100 ib. $2.75
Phone 638 ring 3 Clinton Central
Prof, Loadsbone, Well-known,
wield traveller, famous seer, will be
this Friday until Sunday night, see,
ask 21I1VI, He lsnoteit, At Park
House, West street, close to Beach,
Goderich. 84-1-p.
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned up to unci including Aug.
2421i, 1932, for the position of care-
taker for the school house in S. S.
No. 10, Goderich Township. For
full particulars of ditties apply to
Brown Stewart, Sec. Treasurer.
For Sale or Rent
Convenient brick cottage on Prin-
oess Street, East. Bathroom, wired
for stove. Apply to Mrs. Rodaway.
Of Farm Stocic and Implements
on Provincial Highway No. 8, five
miles east of Clinton, on Wednes-
day, Aug. 31st, 1932, at 1.89 pan.
HORSES; Grey mare, 8 years old;
grey horse, 9 years. This team extra
good workers and well matched;
brown general purpose mate, good
single or double; driving horse, 12
year's old, quiet and reliable.
CATTLE; Hereford cow, freshen-
ed in June, 8 yeah; old; white Dur-
ham cow, 6 years old, freshened in.
July; black cow, 5 years' old, with
calf by side; well-bred grey Durham
cow, 5 years old, with calf by side;
bine cow, 6 years old, due to freshen
last of October; red heifer, one year
HOGS: 3 young pigs, 2 shuttles
around 1-00 lbs. each.
IMPLEIVI,i;NTS: One 121.-H. bin-
der, '7 at. cut; mower, 6 ft.
cut; M. -H. cultivator; M, -Ii. 13 -hoe
peed drill; M: E steel roller; ltic-
Corinielc Deering rake, nearly new;
scuf£ler; set harrows; 2 wagons; 2
Verity No. 21 walking piows; 2 -fur-
rowed Fleury walking plow; Chatham
fanning mill, complete with bagger;
M. -H. root, pulper; 80 cedar posts;•
stone boat; -hand grass seeder; one
good cutter; Aninher Holt cream sep-
arator, nearly new; tap pan; 2 (oak
barrels; one chop box; set brass
mounted breeching harness, com-
plete with long straw collars and
high tops used one year; one set of
used harness; set of single harness;
175 feet of new hay rope; '7 pulleys;
one hay fork; neck yokes, whiffle -
trees, forks and other articles too
numerous to mention.
Mrs. Orval 'Phillips, Proprietress,
G. II, Elliptt, Auctioneer 84-2.
Fresh Eggs and Cream
Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh
Cream shipped regularly.
Good Prices Paid,
Phone 231.
Our agent is now in your district,
limited time only.
Feather beds remade into San-
itary Mattresses, Down Comforters,
Pillows, Cushions, we remake your
old Felt Matresses over like new.
All work called for and delivered
prices reasonable; --drop a card to
drawer 13. Clinton. 82-4
Choice Comb and Extracted Honey
Call 315 and insure prompt deliv-
ery or bring along your own contain-
ers. T, Gordon Scribbins, Victoria
Street, 79-6
Wood For Sale
Dry wood for sale, either at pile
or delivered. Apply to Victor Fal-
coner, R. R. No. 1, Bruoefield. Phone
628r12, Clinton. 68-tf-100-p.
House for Sale e.
8 -room house with modern convene
iences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 lots
in garden, barn, woodshed, good eel -
lar under house. Apply on premises
to IIiram Hill, 66-tf.
House For Sale or Rent • r
Comfortable 8 -room house in Prin•
cess street, residence of the late •
Peter Cantelon. For particular's ap-
ply la. George Cantelon, Rattenbury
street, Clinton. Phone 272. 85-21.
Elcctrican and Plumber
A Full Line of Electric Appliances
Plumbing Fixtures
Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs
Phone 58w. 13-tt.
Coag, Coke ;;. Woo,sl
Genuine "Lehig'h Valley Anthra-
cite Coai" of all sizes.
Alberta Coal.
Ilaneilton-made Coke as well as Ant-
erican, also Bitiminus coal at my
sheds, Queen St.
Prompt and careful delivery.
A. H. McCartney
Coal Dealer, Clinton.
Queen St. Phone 258
All Cleaning and
Reduced Prices
If not open work may be left
at Heard's Barber Shop