HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-08-11, Page 5•'
'THURS., AUGIIST 11,1932
.. . . . ,
. corded were various, but it is note- ' ' DEATHS
• ,
WISE --In Clinton, on Aug. 9th, Ed-
ward II. Wise, in his 12nd year,
The Welland ship \canal," newest
the greatest of all inland wat-
,erways, an all -Canadian ertterprio)e
both in 'conception and in construe -
tion, was opened at Welland "to the
conmierce of the world" on Saturday
by Ea71.) Bessborough.
ThiCnew canal, which has been-
,builtling for the past nineteen years,
• and has taken a toll of 115 builders'
• lives, is twenty-five statute miles in
length and is capable of -acoonnnoda-
,ting ocean-going vessels of 800400t
length and is'destined to ilonn a link
in the great waterway scheme, the
•deeperting of the St. Laweenee, treaty
for which wasrecently signed be-
•; tween Canada and the United States
'The opening of the canal was
.made as ewas to be exepeted,
,brilliant social event and Several of
the delegates to the Empire Confer-
..ence were pvesent
Two weeks ago The News -Record
• cominented on an editiorial appearing
in The Goderich Signal in reference to
the farmer's excursion to Ottawa and
in which it was made bo appear that
the farmers journeyed to the capital
'purposely to .see the prime minister,
- Who refused, to see then or allow any
member of his cabinet to see them.
We thought The Signal wasmisrepre-
, seating the case in that it did. not
even Mention ;the fagot that the Preen-
••ier did receive a delegation, as he
had promised to do, and that he had
-had from the leaders their written
recommendations, as he had requested,
• to be submitted to the Imperial Con -
Terence. But it may be that the Signal
•--did not know these facts, as last week
an article of nearly two "columns
in Which it copies a report of the
• procedings from the Farmer's Sun, it
repudiates any desire to suppress
• .anything. If The Signal was unaware
of the true facts of the case of
• course it was net guilty of the fault
-•of telling half-truths.
The special report, copied by- the
Signal, appeared in the Fannee's Sun'
which no doubt many of our readers
and The Signal's readers subscribe to
but is too long for insertion here, but
we shall quote a shorter article, an
editorial, also from the Sun. After
expressing yegret ,that the- n,ews-
papers generally had taken so much
• space in reporting the refusal of the'
sorime minister to address the large
gethering and so little in actually re-
• -perting the work accomplished by the
'meeting the San editor said:
"In justice to the prime minister
it must be stated that he never prons,-
. ised to meet a large delegation. He
• did undertake to receive a 'delegatior
of net more than six, although the
hope remained to the last that he
would change his mind and address
the main meeting for a few teinntes
or at least allow bre or more of his
-cabinet to clo so. Actually the farrnerr
did not go to Ottawa from the express
purpose, ef meeting Mr. Bennett.
Their object was to convene for the
purpose of preparing a memorandum
for subtnission to the Government ane
naming a small delegation be present
it in person to the prime minister.",
The News -Record has no fault te
''find with newspapers opposed to the
governeinnt making what polithal
capital they can out of the event, that
is inevitable.and would he done by the
other party were the 'situations re-
versed. What we ;ebjected to was time
The Signal's comment gave the im-
pression that the prime mihistee and
his cabinet quite ignored the gather-
ing, which had journeyed to Ottawa
to meet them, and we leave it to read.
ers as to whether this is not the Mt -
pression that would be given as the
following is the clitoral we com-
plained' of, which The Signal vepro-
i" &teed in part lest week:
"A deputation of 2,000 farmers
gathaVed at Ottawa on Saturday to
present to Prime Minister .Bennett the
claims of Canadian • agriculture for
consideraton at the Imperial Emmett,
ic Conference that meets this week.
Mr. Bennett refused to meet thorn;
he said he was busy, She Tarmacs
the asked if he would not send one
-of his Ministers to meet them. NO:
they were busy, too—was the Prirnc
itlinister's reply. So the farmers pass.
led some resolutions and reNrned
• home, feeling that they had been de-
liberately snubbed.
• Mr. Bennett no doubt is a busy man
but his refusal to give ten minutes to
meet two theusand farmers. who had
• journeyed at considerable expense to
• the capital to meet him can hardly be
• described in polite language.
Our own George Spotton was pres-
. • eat to pick up any crumbs of credit
• that anig•ht fall from the table; but
•• there wasn't a crumb. Mr. Bretton no
doubt wished to be helpful, but the
Price Minister brushed him: aside as
of no mon impoetapee than the two
• •thousand farmers who were not 1nel/1-
•' hers of Parliament."
According to the records of the
' Motor Vehicles Branch of file
trio Department of Highways mot-
or vehicle accidents during the man-
• go •of August, 1931, averaged; more
• than 83 per day. Included in this num
bey there vere 77 fatalities and 1025
persons injured. This record, be it
•understood, is for the province -of Ont-
• ario alone, and not for the whole
• country as one might imagine from
the aize of the figure.
The causes of the accidents ree
. -
worthy that more than ono fourth of
the motorists involved came to grief
while 'driving on the wrong side of
the road and almost as many were
driving too fast for traffic and rotted
Miss Anna, Scotchmer has,,returnee
home „after spending a week as the
guest of her con*, Anna Townshend.
Mr. Win, Scotehmer and son Tom
spent the week -end with friends in
-Miss Nora- Brown of Petrolea and
Miss Jean Neilans af Clinton are vis-
iting their aunt, -Mrs. W: Shaddiek,•
this week. -
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Taylor, spent
the week -end vieitng friends at For -
Dr. Vir.m. Aikenhead, Mrs. Aiken -
head and daughter Ruth of Toronto
visited his sister Mrs. Thos. B. Baird
and ether friends this week.
, Mrs, Carrion and Marguerite of
Torbrito, are vieitng at the home of
Mr. J. A. Moffat 'and Mr 'Thos
Campbell and other friends.
es C.
Miss Jean M. Woods, nurse -in -
training at the Toronto General Hos-
pital, is spending her vacation with
har parents, Dr. and Mrs. N. W.
Rev. and Mrs. it G. E. Crosby and
three children of Holton Landing N.
Y. spent Sunday and 'Monday with
Mrs ,Crasby's mother, Mrs G. W.
Woods. •
Mts. Chas Plater and three child-
ren -of Detroit are visiting her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLeod.
Miss Fern Patterson and Mr. Weir
Erwood have returned to Toronto af-
ter having spent a vermtion with
the latter's mother, Ales. J. Castle.
•Chas Mustard 'of Toronto
Preached an inspiring sermon at St.
Andrews United Church on Sunday
morning last. He took for his text,
"Remember Lot's wife." Anniversary
services will be held on Sundey, July
21, when the preacher will be Rev.
James Anthony, of Thames Road.
Mrs. E. A. Sauder, Miss Betty,end
Master Bobby Sauder of Kitchener
are visiting the former's aunt, Mrs.
F. A. Edwards, this week,
Mrs. R. C. Pitts, Douglas and Al-
bert Pitts of Haysville and Rev. C
Hallowell of Breetford are tamping
on their property south of the vil-
Miss Christine Sitwell oe Toronto
is the guest of Mrs. Jeslc Castle this
Rev. Jas. A. Gale 'cf etonkton is
spending a few days with his par-
ents Rev. nett Mrs. R. M. Gale,
Mrs. H. Baker and,little daughter
returned to London on Sunday after
having spent a week with Mr. and
Mrs. P. W. Baker.
1)r and Mrs. E. P. Lewis accom-
panied by Miss Horatio Lee of Toron-
to are the guests of 1)r. and Mrs. N.
W. Woods.
Mrs. Victor Burt tinct three child-
ren of London and Miss Agnes Kerr
of Pert Whitby are visiting the fornt-
er's parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. W.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dixon and Bliss
Carrie Dixon of London are the
guests of Rev, and Mrs, P. II. Paull
at the Rectory.
jack McLeod and E. Hoffman of
Wroxeter are spending a vacation at
the McLeod home on Ann Street.
Dr. and Mrs. II. Smith of Detroit
spent Stituvday with the latter'
mether, Mrs. 1'. V. Martin. Bud
Brown of Detroit also spent Sanday
with his, mother. •
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. E.eycs, Miss
Dorothy and Mr. Charles Keyes left
on Tuesday for their home in Nash-
ville, Tenn.; after having spent a
holiday in Jowett's Grove. .
Mr. atiel.IYIrs. J. V. Field and fam-
ily of Tavistock are at their -cottage
this month. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Field
rammed to TavistOck last week.
Mrs. R. W. Delgaty is with her,
datighter, Mrs. Thos Westlake, Stan-
ley township.
Mr, Jas. A. Cameron is holidaying
with his brother after having taken
a Sunnier course at O.A.C. Guelph
Miss Ethel Cameron of Detroit is
visiting her aunt, Miss E. .dmeron.
Miss Mildred Cameron left the .end of
the week to spend some time in De-
Mr, H. K. King of Sarnia and
• Mr. L. Smith of London spent the
week -men with Mr. and Mrs. Chas
Parker Mrs. King and Koster Harold
Atwond and Mrs. Smith and Master
Glen returned to their home after
having spent the week with their
Mr. W. C. Stirling of Hanna, Alta.
is visiting his sister Miss J. Stirling
and other relatives in this district.
Mr. and Mrs. 4. W. Schmidt of
Buffalo are occupying one of the Box
Miss Doris • Featherston was the
guest of Miss Kathleen Seotchraev
ever the week -end.
Miss Zepil McLeod is visiting re-
lativeg in Toledo Ohio. '
Mr. and lo/re. D. A. Diehl, their
daughter Muriel Alan Deihl, Miss
,Maeskethur and 'Mae Andrew Coch- 1
"rano of Toronth; were holiday gnestr
;with Mr. and etre. -Ernie Diehl al;
n• i.oCottage.lst• '
formerly Miss JeM •
Me Hamner has been renewingold
eequaintances allcut here.. .
Rev. C. D. arid Mrs, Coot:left: for
their home on Friday accompanied by
Miss •Reva Elliott of Porter's 'Hill
who Will be their guest for sometime
at the •manse, Nippising.
• • Misses Maegay ' end Eleanor Rath -
well returned home Sunday after a
week's Visit with Stratford relatives
They were neeompained by their cou-
sins, lelieses Dorothy and •Christine
iSayers, who will visit them for a
Miss Mary R.!,Stewart visited her
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Taylor,
;one duty last week.
Mrs. C. H. Middleton and son Hugh
have returned; home .after a visit with
Cleveland friends'. -
• Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson
and family er.Hyde Park spent Slane
day 14th Mr. and "Virg. Oliver Welsh:
Mies June is remaining for the next
few weeks to visit friends and rela-
tives in the vicinity.
Mes. John Cluff of 'Cline:se and
her sister, Mom. Elliott, spent San:
day with the former's son, Mr. Robert
Chef of the Bayfield Line.
Miss Madeline Watson of Hamilton
and Mr. Joe Weir of Dunnville.have
returnees lo 'Clinton Miter visiting
their friends Robert and -Helen Welsh
of the Hayfield Line.
Misses Phyllis and Margaret and
blaster Tad Middleton have all been
ill with the Imes:1es.!
' Miss Margaret ;Schoenhals is being
clengratulated on passing her exam on
5th class work. ' Margaret was the
only pupil in S. S. No. 10 of a class of
four to he successful.
MTS: Carl Illckannson and daughter
returned on Saturady to their home
in London having spent the formel
week as guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Williamson, of the Bayfield
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Cox, Nip-
issing, Ontario, spent the past week
visiting friends and relatives in this
. The Sunday afternoon service isi
Ebenezer church will be conducted by
the Rey. W. A. Townshend, Anglican
rechoe, London, and a former •Gode-
vich township boy, whe is spending
his vacation at Hayfield. Service is
at half past two.
Mrs. Linnie Herr and her (laugh-
ter, Miss Dorothy, of Toronto have
been visiting amongst old friends;
about the Ebenezer community this
Mrs. Roy Demean of Varna spent
a few clays last week with her sister
Mrs. Fred McCullough.
Masters Willard and Arthur Aiken
returned to their home in Clinton
on Saturday after spending a few
days at Conodale.
Master 'Weldon Tyndall spent a
few days with his grandparents, Mr.
and Meg. W. D. Connell, at Conodale
Clarence Swan, Ernest Mittel' and
Juror Rozell of Clinton are camping
at Conodale this week.
At the regular meeting of the
Men's Club 00 Tuesday a municipal
night was put on and was addressed
by Mr. R. G. Thompson, clerk of the
townehip, who gave some very val-
uable information in regard to town-
ship bylaws and the duties of town-
ship offieials. Mr Je Sowerby, Mr.
Frank Powell, Mr N. W. Trewartim
and the secretary took part in a dis-
cussion on municipal affairs
On the 23rd Mr. Fred Sioman will
address the meeting on his work as
teacher on the school ear in North-
ern Ontario,
Mr, and Mrs. Jno Ditzel of Buffalo
have been visiting at the home of
pry, avid Mrs, Alex Young, They re-
turn to their home today, accompan-
ied by Mrs. Young and three child -
sen, Madeline, Dorothy and Rota,
who, will 'spend a couple of weeks
in Briffalo and with relatives at oth-
er points.
Miss Marion Forbes, Hullett bar
returned home after spending a
couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs,
Norman Tyndall.
Mrs. GrieVes, London,. accompan-
ied by Miss Hamilton and Miss Rol-
and spent the weolc-end at the' home
of Mrs, M. Wiltse. Miss Roland vis-
ited Sunday at her home in Walton.
Miss Norma Grieves returned to
London with them, after ependieg
a week with her cousins', Misses Lois
and Mildred Wiltse. •
Miss Margaret Taylor, Clinton, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. Hanley.
The community Club will hold
August meeting oe Wed., Aug. 17th
at the home of Mo.s. Will Falconer.
Me and Mrs, Elton Rozell and
danghter lel-aryl% are spending a
few dayat the home of IVIr. and Mrs,
Roy Plemsteel. Mr. Rozell is also
visiting other friends in Clinton and
Mr. and Mrs. W. Swinba.nk at-
tended the funeral of Mvs. Arnold
Dame in Wingham oh Wednesday of
est week.
glee reerssele preoonald has re-
terned •attiet• ;spending a'• „pleas—
ant holiday with Leamington fviends.
Mn' Charles •Woolven, -Toronto.
bailee ott friends,. on the road last
Week, - '
Member of Florist Telegraph
Delivery Meociation
Flowers and Floral
Designs for all
• Occasions
Chas. V. Cooke
Phones: 06w and 661
Ride Cafe
Meals at all hours. Special Dinner 40c
from 11 a.m. to 2 pen.
Supper, 5 to -8 p.m. Lunch at all
Try our Neilson Ice Cream, Ice
Cream Bricks; and Eskimo Pies,
Cigars, agaeettes, Candy.
Charlie Koo
Proprietor. 53-c.
Anniversary Servaces
; •
. Sunday, August 21
Reit. James Anthony, M. A., of
Thames Road United Church
Will preach in the morning at 11
o'clock and in the evening at 7.30.
Special Music by Choir and those
Liberal Thankoffering is esked foe
Mon. Evening, Aug. 22
A Sacred Concert will be put on in
the church, by the "Yokefedlows
Band" of Stratford. Consisting of
Quartettes, Duets, and Solos, with
music by "String Quartette."
Admission 25 and 15 cents
R. M. Gale, Minister R. G. Reid,
Chairman of Board of Stewards,
' The August meeting of the Tuck-
ersmith Ladies' Club was held at the
home of Mrs. Giffurd Crich. There
were eighten members, five visitors
and twenty children present. The roll
call was answered by "Amusing say-
ings of Childreu." The interesting
Childrens' Day program consisted of
readings by Mises Viola Pepper, Bea-
trice Walter, Erma Garrett Irene Gar-
rett and Eileen Walter and a solo by
Miss Margaret Crick Piano duets
were played by Miss Florence and
Miss S. Whitmore and also by Miss
Hazel Pepper and Miss Reta Fear.
The program closed with .community
singing and the remainder of the af-
ternoon was spent in sewing.
Tho September meeting will be held
at the home ef Miss Sadie Ball. The
roll call is to be answered by "Helpful
Hints en Herne Sewing."
Mrs. Samuel Rathwell Lueknow
has been visiting her sister, Miss
Annie Keys, for the past week.
Miss Jean Clark oe London has
been visiting with Mrs. E. Epps for
P feW days: '
Mr. George Pilgrim of Palmerston
has been spending his holidays with
his father, Mr. Chas C. Pilgrim
municipal elm*,
Mrs. G. W. Shore and daughters
Mildred and Enid and son Kelvin, of
Woodbridge, accompanied by Misr
Miller of Toronto motored np to visit
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jervis. Miss
Thelma Shore, who had spent the
week with her cousin, Mrs. Jervis, re-
turned home with them the following
Thursday, •
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jervis and little
Audrey spent the *Fmk end with
friends at Zurich, Miss Audrey re-
maining with her grandparents for a
few days.
Messrs. Neil and Orville Witiner
and Gladwin Millick of Zurich called
on friends in the village on Sunday.
Mr. Rey Allin, oe 'London, visited
friends here last Sunday.
Notwithstanding the electric storm
of Friday evening, a lavge number or
friends gathered at the home ef Mr.
J. Batkin, mn home of his recently
married son and his bride, Mr. arid
Mrs Will Batkin to convey to them
best wishes and congratulaeions and
as a tangible evidence of these senti.
merits they were presented with a
handsome chair. The presentatior
was made by Harold Yeo and the con-
gratulatory address was read by the
president of the Helping Hand Class
Mo's, W. Jervis.
Another member W. X. Yeo read a
humorous' adelress in verse. Mr. Will
Batkin replied with a few well chos-
en words of thanks arid a welcome tr
the guests of the evening and Mvs,
Batkin responded with the follovAng
verses which we give in part.
"It gives Bill and 1 the greatest de-
light" •
To welcome you with us tonight.
Accept our heartfelt thanks to you
For -the loving -gifts from heaete
so true. .
W Have till
r 4
N. W. Treweartha
Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w
Dr. Jackson s
The Natural Health Bread •
Eat Your, Way to Health
.Order a loaf to -day or have our cart
Sold only by
.Makerg of Dainty Maid and Whole
Wheat Bread
Phone 1, Clin ton.
Goderich, Phone 47
Northern Electric, Sound Systen‘
Now Playing — A marvelous
double hill "The Yellow Ticicet"
and "Charlie Chan's Chance."
The triumphant return of the
colossal spectacle
"BEiNn 11"
A picture that will live through
the ages with:\
Ramon Navarro — Francis X.
Bucluttan—May McAvoy and
. 5000 Othera
Kay Francis — Fredric Marsh
Stuart Erwin and Juliette
in a Paramount success
the never fading favorite in a
fast stepping yarn
with Lois Wilson
Matinees: Mon, Wed. and Sat.
al 0 Dan.
Leavitt's Theatre
Thursday to Saturday Aug. 11-13
Douglas Fairbanks Jr.
in "Its Tough to be Famous"
"Grea,t. ;Submarine ;Story"
Monday to Wednesday, Aug 10-17
"The Menace"
From an Edgar 'Wallace Thriller
(The Feathered Serpent)
Thursday to Saturday, Aug. 18-20
Greatest Musical Comedy of the
"Taxi" with James Cagney, "Canopus
Spirit" with Douglas Stanbury.
As long as our names are Dolls and
We'll' not forget our friends Of
Holmesvi Ile,
When we get moved to the other line
Wo invite you all with us ba dine.
We invite you to form one grand
And visit oul• home on the llth
In closing we repeat in language
These words "We thank you,
Please call again."
Rev. J. W. Herbert was chairman
for a well given program, there lt'aV
singing by all, music by orchestra
a vocal duet by Edna Huller acid
Norma Potter, a solo by Wilhemine
Trewartha, vocal numbers with gui•
tam acompanhnent by Thelma and
Rita Cudmore. and a piano solo by
Charlotte Trewartha, Afterward me-
freshments were served and Mr J.
Batkin had a surprige treat of ice
cream for all present.
It is indeed pleasant to know that
Ma and Mrs. Batkin are being, re-
tained in this community where they
have spent their entire lives. They
have been connected with the S, S.
since childhood,
A. game of ball between Porter's
RBI and Holmesville teams was play-
ed Monday night the score being 15-
14 in favor of Porter's Hill. '
The Y. P. S. will have charge of
the rimming service on Sunday in the
United Church, and the following
Sunday Aug. 21st will loe taken by
the W, M, 5,
Mrs, Bert Trewartha is holidaying
with her sigter Mvs. It McIlwain of
' Goderich township for a fell/ days,
nay. Fred Moore of Munro and Miss
M. Taber of Listowel are guests of
1V1r, and 1VIrs. J. Cox. , - '
etneeett eleagetreeee,S.ZerieSISMaallene
Get the Heat Follcs on the Joh
in August and they'll fic it up
whth the weather -men to give
you sPriug and summer in your
house all tem year around,
To be sure of getting the kind
of coal you want, at the price
you want to pay, call us now.
And we will give you prices
that. please, service that satis-
fies and coal :Without conee-
Call the vzio
ellinsterd Ci1 C
••01 • =Mak, 4at•t•••,,e•V" ,a.•••,•—•,eirV••• ••••••./o 00 00 0. H.04..
C. H. VENNE , Electrician,
Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs
Irons, Fans and other Appliances
Wiring and Repairs Phone 7
Children Grow
Whether children grow faster in
summer., or only seem to, nett will
note a great change before the see-
sen's end. A new portrait of your
child made now will be a priceless
record in years to come.
CLINTON Dirrcnpu
_ Ilig•h Class Studio Portraits
I Superior Developing, Pi -lusting '
W. Charlesworth
Agent for
McCormick -Deering Repairs
And Machinery
Telephone 199 77-18
Fresh Eggs and Cream
We pay lc above -market price for
eggs and cream delivered at
our store at
We carry a full line of groceries and
also Supertest Gas and motor
Purity Flom 100 lb. $2.75
Phone 038 ring 3 Clinton Central
el °TICE
Voters' List 1932, Municipality ee the
Township of Goderich, County of
NOTICE is hereby given that I
have complied with Section 7 ;of the
Voters' Lists Act and that I have
Posted up at my office in Goderich
township on the 9th day of August
1932, the list of all persons entitled
to vote in the said Municipality at
Muniepal elections and that suet list
remains there for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to have
any errors or omissions corrected ac-
cording to law:
Dated at my office this 9th day of
August, 1932.
83-3 Clerk
Mrs. Robert Delgaty and daughter
desire to express their sincere ap-
preciation te the Many friends of
Bayfield, -old neighbors and summer
visitors, for the kindness and sym-
pathy shown in their recent bereave-
ment; also for the floral tokens and
for the loan of ears.,
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned up to and including Aug.
24th, 1932, for the position of care-
taker for the school house in S. S.
No. 19, Goderich Township. Fos
fuul partietdare of duties apply to
Brown Stewart, Sec. Treasurer.
• For We or Rent
Convenient brick cottage on Prin-
cess. Street, East, Bathroom, wired
for stove. Apply to Mrs. Rodaway.
A number of Bred -to -law. Barred
Rock pullets, laying, hatched in Mat -ch
G. R. Lindsay, Hedge Row Farm
R. R. No. 3 Clinton, Ontario. 82—tf.
Cottages to Rent
Doer Lodge, Hayfield. Cottages
tennis, bowling, near golf links, easy
terms." -T. Fitzgerald, Hayfield.
81 -If.
Choice Comb and Extracted Honey
Call 315 and insure prompt deliv-
ery or bring along your own contain-
ers. T. Gordon Scribbins, Victoria
Street. 79-8
Funeral Service
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Complete Motor Equipment
24 Hour Service
Day or Night Phone 147w
Fresh Eggs and Cream
Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh
Cream shipped regularly.
Good Prices Paid.
Phone 231.
Our agent is now in your district,
limited time only.
Feather beds remade into San-
itary Mattresses, Down Comforters,
Pillows, Cushions, we remake your
old Felt Matresseg over like new.
All work called for and delivered
prices reasonablee—drop a seed to
drawer B. Clinton. 82-4
Rich wholesome milk Cream, Whip-
ping Cream, Buttermilk.
(Delivered Daily.) Phone 280
Wood For Sale
Dry wood for sale, either at pile
or delivered. Apply to Victor Fal-
coner, R. R. No. 1, Bruceflekl. Phone
629r12, Clinton. 68-tf-100-p,
House for Sale
8 -room house with modern convene
iences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 lots
in garden, barn, woodshed, good cel-
lar under house. Apply on premises
to Hiram 66-tf, Hill,
House For Sale or Rent
Comfortable 8-rnorn house in Prin-
cess street, residence of the late
Peter Cantelon. For particulate ap-
ply bo George Cantelon, Rattenbury
street, Clinton, Phone 272. 35-11.
Electrican and Plumber
A Full Line of Eleetric Appliances
Plumbing Fixtures
Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs
Phone 53w. 13-tfe
Coal, Coke a Wood
Genuine "Lehigh Valley Antinse
cite Coal" of all sizes.
Alberta Coal,
Hamilton -made Coke as well as Anes
erieen, also Bitiminus coal at my
sheds, Queen St.
?tempt and careful delivery.
A. D. McCartney
Coal Dealer, Clinton.
Queen St. Phone 250
All Cleaning and
Reduced Prices
W. 1. JAGO
If not open work may be left
st Heard's Barber Shop