HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-07-28, Page 5THURS., JULY 28, 1932 ' ' THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD OF .INTEREST TO YOU AND ME` While other parts of the British :s Empire are trying to• get tugether and scale down tariff walls Southern Ireland seems to be building up the walls: a .r• Americans listened to. the broad- cast the opening meeting of the Imperial Conference. It, was a good lesson'in history, geography ,and 'es- ononiic,5•.—The London Free Press. And might .we not add in the use cf correct and dignified English? ' Canadians also might take a lesson from their English relatives in this • regard. day. Mr. Parker and family of Sarnia are spending a week at the home of Mrs: Parker's parents, Rev. J. C. incl' Mrs. Forster. • Miss Maud Lyon arrived last week from Calgary, to spend a month with her mother here. Miss 'Irene Cockerline and Nils. (Dr.) Haines of Detroit spent the week -end' with Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Cockerline. Miss Annie Garrett arrived. home last week to spend the remainder of her holidays with her father and sister here. , Misses Laura and Norma .!Snell left this week by motor for 'an ex- tended trip to the Western Coast. Mr. and )bfrs. Ernest R.obe>tsen of Toronto spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. WNW. Lyon. The meeting of the Y.P.S. of the UnitedChurch was held Tuesday night for the purpose of electing of, .fivers, resulting as follows: Presi- dent, Morita Snell; 1st vice, .Gordon Snell, 2nd vice: Mamie Shaddick; Secretary: Gladys Fairservice; Treas- urer: Jinn Ivicorea press' reporter: Elsie Manning; pianist: Gladys Mountain'; assistant pianist: Helen Youngblutt. Conveners of committees: Mission., ary: Beth Arnott; Literary and Rei creation: Jim McCrea; Christian En- deavour Alice Fingland; Citizenship: Mrs. Harold Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Eekmier of Pine River visited relatives and friends here over the week -end. Miss Marjorie Lyon, Reg. N., Ot- tawa; is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyon. Mrs.° (Dr.) Kirke Lyon and son Bobbie and Mrs. Lyon's sister, Miss Myra Love of Leamington are also guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyon. Master Bruce Lyon, who was run over by a tractor at the farm of Mr. Emmerson Hesk recently and had his leg injured, has been taken to his home in Detroit. Bruce escaped for- tunately in that he was not mora seriously injured. The members of the Community Hall Board of Londesboro desire to express to the public in general and in particular to those who by their labor and skill made such a splendid success of the program and,especial- ly of the parade on July lst. Also to the public in general who by their presence and contributions made the The Stratford Beacon -Herald came o. out yesterday with an eighty-page •edition in honour of the Centennial 'Celebration -which opens there on. Saturday.,; It ,was a very reditable ••lproduction, carrying interesting stor- ies and pictures of early days in the -hainlet which grew into the smart little city it now is. Amongst other • -congratulations received by the may- or on this -occasion was a letter from the mayor and mayoress of Strut., ford -upon -aeon, England, Sir Archin bald - and Lady Fowler, whose por- '•traits are reproduced in this special edition. 9: * * Now that John Bull and all his family are• gathered for a weal fan, ily conclave, in the home of the eld- est son, ' we feel sure . something worthwhile will result. The Bull family have been feeling the depres- sion,•like everybody else. But they are a 'very practical, matter-of-fact family. 'They do not !believe in sit- ting do'. n andwaitingfor "something to turn irp," they decided that they - would try and turn something up • and that perhaps a family conference would be a good way to begin. The neighbors, we feel sure, are looking on and hoping that they may be able to get an idea or so from the way *this conference turns out and:the re- sults which will follow. R * F T One -of the things which makes it • difficult for people of independent and just minds to stick to political parties is' the way extreme partisans can give a completely wrong impres- sion if it suits them to do so. Foy instance, an editorial in last weer: s GODERICU TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs..W. 17.. Robertson ancl. son, Mel., of Brantford, spent Sun- day as guests of jtI'r. and Mrs. Ar- thur r•t ur Welsh. On their return they were accompanied by their slaughter, Isabel and Miss Norma Welsh, who will be their guest for a few weeks., Miss Marion Middleton has been attending the Chautauqua at Gode- rich. Miss Helen, and Robert Welsh are visiting at Hensall. Miss Gladys Steep is visiting her grandmother; 1frs. Alair of Hensall. Mr. and • Mrs. Oliver Welsh spen' Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. Mark Drysdale of Henson. . The Goderich township Men's Club are planning to have a municipal celebration on Monday, 'Sept. 5th, Labor Day, on the club grounds. A parade, baseball and other games and contests of all kinds are being plan- ned anda big day is anticipated. The Smiles 'n Chuckles Club held a very successful picnic last Friday on Mr. Hopkins' flats. The location preyed to be the only depression in evidence. The various games and contests were very heartily entered into and proved winners and losers good sports. In the soft ball game married men vs. the boys, it took nine innings be- fore the boys would admit they were defeated. But in the men's line-up it appeared that the wish must be father to the thought. But hero's; hoping they may realize their aril- bition. As to the score we will br silent. It wasn't a walk over but the score keeper got excited and by some oversight seemed to forget which side was which. The tug of war proved a very hilarious combin- ation of pulling and shoving with a win to the boys and one to the !nen, with the latter refusing another pull. These contests tools so much time that the adult aquatic events which had been inaugurated at the Weiner roast the previous week by a spec- tacular solo performance by one of the charter members, had to be with- drawn. But the children seemed to have a whale of a time, at any rate from time to time sonic one came up to blow. As usual the lunch was all that could be desired. As was the girl's ball game after lunch which brought a happy event to a close. Goderich Signal would give the urn- holiday a day that will not soon be ' liression to anyone who was depend.. ' ing upon it for information that two thousand farmers journeyed to Ot- tawa a week ago Saturday to put -their case before the government, prior to the Imperial Coiference, and that they were. entirely ignored; that neither Premier 'Bennett or any of his cabinet met them or paid the slightest attention to their claims. The fact of the matter was, of • course, that Premier Bennett met a. '•deputation of the farmers, As he had arranged to do, listened to what they ;had to say and received their writ- ten suggestions. What he did not do • was go to the hall where 'they were ' assembled and talk to the whole as sembly, giving as a reason that he was too pressed for time. The News -Record has no brief for Premier Bennett, but this we can say, that had the farmers wanted to • spend a day in speech -making in (A- - with the Premier and members • of 'his cabinet in attendance, they should have chosen a less busy sea- son, several weeks earlier, rather than on the eve of the arrival of the delegates from overseas. But, be that as it may, and wheth- er or not the Premier should have gone over and addressed the farmers. w1t we object to is the endeavor to forgotten. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson of Toron- to visited recently at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyon. They were fernier teachers -at S. S. No. 8. Mr. and Mrs. R. Townshend and Miss Dorothy Little have returned from an enjoyable motor trip to Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Troop, who have spent the past two weeks with the latter's mother, have returned to their home in Chicago. Misses Mary and Olive Moon and Carman spent Sunday at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. E. Acranius and Lloyd spent last Friday with friends jn Goderich. Mr. Geo. and Miss Barr spent last Wednesday in Bayfield. Quite a number from here attend- ed the veteran's picnic at Bayfield last week. - - Miss Olivetta Brigham of Ciintor agent a few days with her sister. Mrs. E. Adams. • Miss Palma flunking of Clinton is visiting Miss Alma Carter. Mrs. Lillian Hunking of Clinton is the guest of Mrs. A. McCool. Miss Mary Jamieson of Toronto is home for her summer vacation. to cast reflections on a political oppon- ent by misrepresentation; by stet- ' ing a half-truth. It seems, to be the y,accented method of partisans. but it isnot honest. to say the least. Tel- ling half truths with the idea of gin- ' ing a wrong impression is the worst kind of falsehcod, and it is not ne- cessary and should not be indulged in. no matter how much one is opposed • to another. wAtat 0751/Araw. 1 �dllxle+ J Meniber of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers and Floral. Designs for all Occasions �i�na-W77Qry Chas. V. Cocke •F' i -,r O R I S 'I` Phones: 66w and 66j o Cafe Meals at all hours. Special Dinner 40c from 11 awn. to 2 p.m: Supper, 5 to 8 p.m. Lunch at all hours.' Try' our Neilson Ice Cream, Ice Cream Bricks, and .Eskimo Pies, Cigars, Cigarettes, . Candy. Charlie. Koo Proprietor. 53-c. PORTER'S HILL Grace' church congregation put on a fine supper and entertainment •yes- terdsty evening, when they held a raspberry festival. Strawberries" are fine fruit but raspberries come a, good second, and when served with plenty of cream and sugar make a dish fit for a prince. That's the sort of a supper the ladies of Grace church served to their guests last evening it was fit for a prince. And it was rnjeyed by a large number of people. The day was somewhat threatening, especially in the forenoon, but the afternoon cleared up nicely and, al- though it turned a bit cool, the even- ing 'vas fine and the supper served in the open was much enjoyed. After the supper a grogram was put on in the shed, the main feature being a play put on by the young people of Victoria street church. God- each. 'This play, "Just a' Sten -Child," has been given several times jty these young people, who presented it in a very cxeditablg ;manner.' The committee in charge of the of fair was ouitn well -pleased withthe result of their efforts: the proceed' amounting to over $100. Befero the supper was served- a 'softball game was played between the Porters' Hill team ,and the Hol- mesville team, resulting in a win 'for the homes'ters, the score being 16-6. Clinton Civic . Holiday Having been petitioned to do so by a number of citizens I hereby pro= claim Mon. August 1st. We Have Them . SIRING CHICKENS FOR SUNDAY DINNER: Also BOILING FOWL & CHIPPED EGGS. FOR GOOD HEALTH EAT MORE EGGS AND POULTRY WE ARE CASH BUYERS OF EGGS AND POULTRY TI•IE YEAR ROUND CIVIC HOLIDAY For the Town of Clinton and call upon all citizens to observe it as such. N. W. TREWARTHA MAYOR. 80-2. N. W. Trewartha Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w WHEN IT COKES 1'O HAPPY HEAT GIVE` THE 130X OFCIG TO THE HEAT SOLI FOR ► toy `d Angel, Spice, Vi -Tone, Chocolate, Chocolate Mallow, Orange Cake, Jel- ly Roll, Oatmeal ,and Date, Oatmeal, Peanut, Fruit Bars, Pecan, Rob Roys, and Lemon Cookies. FRESH RASPBERRY AND BLUE- BERRY PIES, Also AP1'LE, RAISIN AND LEMON FRUIT BREAD AND BUNS BIRTHS LANGFORD--In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on July 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Langford, formerly Mary Edna Dickson, the gift of a Baugh, ter.—Betty Lorene. DEATHS SCRUTON—In Clinton, on July 25th Marion Kathleen, only daughter of Mrs. Scruton and the late John Scruton of Clinton, aged 21 years. WIRIGHT In Brucefield, on July 21, Jeanie F. Wright, daughter of the late Charles Wright and Mrs. Wright, Brucefield, in her 02nd year. VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Welch and daughter of Flint, Mich., has returned home after visiting their daughter, Mrs. Fred Austin, the past couple of weeks. Mr. Ralph Hammen of Winghanl is spending a few days as the guest of Mr. Geo. Poulter. Miss Irene.Chuter of London spent the week -end with her parents. Misses Gladys and Einily Beatty of London are spending their vaca- tion at their hone. (Received too late for last week) Mr. Ilaman of Wbnghant visited Toni Chutes over the week -end. Very sorry to report that Mrs. Lorne Epps has not been feeling the very best. Miss Hazel Pickard of Windsor called on friends in the village„over the week -end. Mrs. W. McDonald, while visiting at the home of her aunt, bars: F. Weeks. was token very sick. Hope she will 'soon be herself again. Miss Jean Moseep of Windsor spent the week -end at her home here. LONDESBORO The annual picnic under the aus- pices of the W. L will be held in , Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Thurs- ' day, August 4th. All cars are asked; to meet in Londesboro at 12.30'. o'clock. A truck will also be at the • corner. Anyone who has no way of • going and also those who have room. • in their cars are asked to communi- cate with the committee. There win be a program of sports posted 'up"in.. the stores. Come and bring a well-; '"fir , d led basket "also a cup; fork and . .,spoon for yourself and friends. Sup- - per will be sen ed'at 5 o'clock, sharp,; after inrush the sports will be run . off: All are welcome. Committee -in charge: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ball, Mr. and Mrs., Bert Brundson. Mr. Abe. Kunkle and family ore holidaying at the home of Mrs. Rin-, ire's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Craw:, ' ford. • Mrs. Josie Tambiyn is visiting,' at- Lille ti„ the home of Mr. Ben Tyumen, Sea-' forth, Mr. and Mrs,' Parker and children: sof Sarnia were callers at the home:' of Manning Bros.; on Sunday. Mrs. E. Bell, Mrs. 'A. Allen ' and Mr. ;and Mrs. A. Vodden visited at °;the home ,'of 'Nir.1X15,• Ball on":Burn;' CARD OF THIANKS Mrs. J. Scrtuon and family wish to express their sincere thanks for the many kindnesses shown them in their bereavement. They especially ap- preciated the kindly offices of the rector and choir of St. Paul's church who returned from their annual pie- Mc ianuc to attend the service, and to all who loaned cars, sent flowers or ex- tended any kindly courtesy, they ex- press thanks. BARTLIFF & CRICH Phone 1, Clinton. InX 16_4 MEN! Step up and place your bets on the Ifeat Folks. If yon want ' to win the main heat next winter, order this thoroughbred coal now. Here is coal that starts frownscratch and wihs in a walk. You have an inside bet and can win by odds if you stable the Heat Folks in your cellar now. Here is a stu•e tip. Call the %I ''°C peimv 0 CLINTON, ONTA i'; IO TO SURRENDER CHARTER Under the provisions of The Com- panies Act, Doherty Pianos, Limited hereby gives notice that it will make application to the Secretary of State of Canada under Section 30, 1 (a) and (c) of the said Act for ac- ceptance of the surrender of its Charter on and from a date to be fix- ed by the Secretary of State. Dated at London this Twenty-fifth day of July,. A.D., 1932. "R, G. IVEY'," Secretary. AUBURN Mrs, J. H. Johnston was with friends in Detroit over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. A. 3. Ferguson and family visited with Mrs. Ferguson's mother, Mrs. J Stewart, iltingham, during the past week, • Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylor were visitors with Dr. and Mrs, Raynor, Palgrave last week -end. The epidemic of measles has ap- parently run its full course here. Gordon Dobie, the last to be stricken, has fully recovered and no new cases are reported. Miss Dorothy Craig has returned home after attending the United. Church Summer School, in Goderich: There will be no service during the next three weeks in the Anghi- Mrs. A. Asquith. can Chureh as the rector, Rev. L. V. F. Rogerson, lineman for the Blyth Municipal Telephone System spent several days here improving the working of the line serving the Maitland Block and pair of the Base Line. The trouble was overcame by t a for- mer several bad splices lives a p mer testing point. west of the C.P.R. station. COUNTY COrNSTABL RI WHITE - SIDES GOING TO KITCHENER- Iligh Constable P. E. McCoy, of Waterloo .County will be transferred to Goderich on September 1, to be- come High Constable for Huron, it has been announced. and High Cat- ty Constable Whitesides of Huron, will go to Kitchener, as H}gh Con- stable for Waterloo. CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich, Phone 47 Northern Electric Sound System Now Playing: Buck Jones in "THE DAWN TRAIL". MON., TUES, WED. RUTH CHATTERTON a fine dramatic actress in a screen triumph TOMORROW & TOMORROW TIHURS., PRI., SAT. EDGAR ALLEN POE wrote the vivid story which is now a super -thrill talkie MURDER in the RUE MORGUE Coming: "The Yellow 'Picket" Mat.: Mon. and Sat. at 3 p.m. ...il sc sid Y.A, i. 55 1 C. t, '. VENNIE , Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and' other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 1113.001•111.X.Maralf 91.¢.1.1111110.1.0 Children Grow Whether children grow faster in summer, or only seem to, you will note a great change before the sea- son's end. A new portrait of your child, made now will be a priceless record in years to come. BURGESS' STUDIOS CLINTON AND MITCHELL High Class Studio Portraits Superior Developing, Printing Enlarging. morning at Chalmers United Church, Ottawa, and attended by Right Hon. R. B. Bennett, Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Hon. Walter and Mrs. Runciman and other delegates to the Imperial Conference, were con ducted by the assistant minister, Rev. W. R. Alp, B.A., a former pas- tor of the United Church, Auburn. The Rev, lir. Alp carie ]Fere in 1922 shortly after his graduation, as pas- tor of Knox Presbyterian Church and remained until the end of 1929 when he left Knox United to take up his Present position. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson "of Toronto have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. 13. C. Weir. Mies, A. Iiling of Goderich is visit- ing at the home of her son, Mr. Rus- sell ussell King. Mr. F. O. Mcllveen, manager of the Bank of Montreal, Bowmanville, motored up to join his wife and fano-' ily who have been spending the sum- mer with the lady's parents, Mr. and Pocock and Mrs. Pocock and baby, Margaret. are on a vacation to Mr. Po::cek's hcme town, Brockville. Among those who visited here during the week -end were: Marshall Fae. ran Goderich at the home of J. H. Johnston; Miss Lola Church, Goderich; with her sister, Madge. Services in Knox Chureb on Sun- day were conducted by Rev. Dr. Ashdown of Toronto. Misses T. E, and E. Dobie, Port- land, Oregon, are spendingtheir vacation et -the old homestead now owned by their brother, W. J. Dobie. Mr. Harry Beadle; Detroit, has ar, rived home, accompanied by .Mrs. Bei+dle and children. Marjorie and Ruth Arthur are spending part of their vacation at the home of their cousin, Mrs. Clarence Walden, Hullett, Mrs. ,F. 0.. Mcllveen sad. T?onald: Gilbert and Eric, are with Mrs, A. 111cliveen, Clinton.. The services, .,held • on Sunday GODERICH DANNER ACES AT AGRICULTURAL PARK Monday,Aug. tst CIVIC HOLIDAY, at 2 o'clock 83300 in PURSES Free-for-all Blue Water Stake pace or trot $1000 2.18 Golden Gate Stake pace or trot 2.22 Goderich Stake, pace or trot 31000 2.28 Class Race $500 Auspices Long Branch Driving Club New Covered Grandstand. Good Track Betting Privileges Allowed General Admission 50c (Tax Extra) Covered Grand Stand 50e; Open Grand Stand, 25c. 3. B. Whitely, M. D., E. R. Wigle, President, Treasurer. W. F. Clark, V.S., Secretary. 81-1. 51000 I. W. Charlesworth; Agent for McCormick -Deering Repairs And Machinery Telephone 199 77-18.t The Weed Control Act JULY 21st, 1932 To the citizens of the town of Clinton You are advised that under the a- bove act you are required to cut the noxiols weeds on your property with- in the next five clays of the above date, otherwise I will be required to employ Wren t0 do sane, the cost of which will be charged to you. L. STONG, Weed Inspector ENGLISHMEN AND THEIR SHIRTS. England has a population of forty million people, about ten million . of thein being adults who wear shirts that they pull on over their heads,. It takes abort fifteen seconds longer to put a shirt over your head. than it does to put on the open -front style. They lose something like four years' time each day putting their shirts on over their heads ---but they are ` their own shirts and they have the right to put them 'on any way they like— and they' will. -,Exchange; Farm Help Boys and young men from 15 to 21 years of lige, experienced and partly experienced, for farm work. May be secured through The Hostel, Norval, Ont. Yearly engagements only, wages reasonable and according to ability and experience. 81-1. Cottages to Rent Deer Lodge, Bayfield. Cottages tennis, bowling, near golf links, easy terms. J. Fitzgerald, Bayfield. 81-tf. House to Rent 7. -room cottage, Mary -Street, Clin- ton, cellar, town water, electric lights, garage. Garden planted •'v ith vegetables. Apply to Miss E. Beck- er; Erie Street. 81-2-p, Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Iiour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w ANTE Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid., A. E. FINCH Phone 231. NOTICE Voters' List 1932, Municipality of the Township of Stanley, County of i-lm•on NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters" Lists Act and that I have pasted up itt my office at Varna on the 18th day of July, 1932, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal elec- tions and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last day for appeal being the 9th clay of August, 1082. CHAS. C. PILGRIM, Clerk. 80-3. Raspberries Red raspberries; for table use or canning, caro• be procured from E Trick, Bayfield road. . Phone 607r5, Clinton central. 80-2-p. To Rent A large sized tent, in good condi- tion. Terms reasonable. Apply to Box 311, Clinton. 78.3. Children's dancing 'contests will feature the 1932 Young Canada's Day prograntme of the Canadian Nation- al Exhibition, Toronto, August 29th. Spirella Corsetiere Spirolla Mesh Garments, are cool and comfortable for summer wear, Mrs, J. Silcock, telephone 265w. 79-.4-2p. PASTUERIZED Rich wholesome milk Cream, Whip- ping Cream, Buttermilk. A. W. GROVES (Delivered Daily.) Phone 286 Wood For Sale Dry wood for sale, either at pile or delivered. Apply to Victor Fal- coner, R. R. No. 1, Brucefield. Phone 629r12, Clinton. 6S-tf-100-p. New Season's honey Call 315 and insure prompt deliv- ery or bring along your own contaitr- ers. T. Gordon Scribbins, Victoria Street. 79-3-p. House for Sale 8 -room house with modern conven- iences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 lots in garden, barn, woodshed, good cel- lar tinder house. Apply on premises to Iliranm Hill. 66-tf. House For Sale or Rent Comfortable 8-raom house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply 4o George Cantelon, Rattenbury street, Clinton. Phone 272. 35-tf. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Farm Property Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort- gage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, subject to a reserve bid, on Saturday, the 6th day of August, A.D., 1932, at the hour of one -thirty o'clock in the afternoon, at Lot 35, First Concession of the Huron Road Survey, of the Township of Tuckersmith, the following pro- perty- namely: The said Lot 36, on the First Con- cession of the Huron Road Survey, of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron. The above lands of 100 acres are a a good grass farm with a plentiful supply of running water and about five acres of bush. TEIi11/5: Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down, at the time of the sale and balance to be paid within thirty days. For further : particulars and condi- tions of, sale apply to the under- signed solicitor. Dated at Clinton, this 18th day of July, A.D.. 1982. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. P. ring - land; Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. 80-3. Pelham Nursery Stock Root -pruned fruit trees, flowering shrubs, etc., Darwin tulips, narcissis and hyacinths for fall planting. Having been appointed representa- tive for Huron County for the above nursery I can suppy all your require- ments in the above line. W. H. CUDISIORE CLINTON. 76-6, E. G. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 13-tf. Coal! Coke! & Wood Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthra- cite Coal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal. Hamilton -made Coke as well as Am• erican, also Bitiminus coal at my sheds, Queen St. Prompt and careful delivery. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer, Clinton. Phone 250• Queen St. IAllCleaningancl Pressing at Reduced Prices W. J. JAGO If not open wogk may be left at Heard's Barber Shop