HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-07-21, Page 5THURS., JULY 21, 1932 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD HAYFIELD The Bayfielcl Golf and 'Country 5Club's invitation Tournament on Wed-' nesday, July 13, was', a !big -.success Irons every angle. Fifty players ,par-; tici.pated. The weather was ideal and; 'the course in wonderful ecUndition. Visiting' players reported' the -course the best they had.played in this part of the ebuntry. The fairways were - an excellent condition and with wet- - eyed greens, the top pIayers were aha le to pitch shots to greens with grat- ifying results. Credit is due to the greensnan, Brown "Higgnis, and "'helper,.. Among 'the distinguished visitors • and players from out of town were:, "Seriatim Rankin of Stratford,' Hon. President of the Bayfield Club, Judge 'Killoran of Stratford, Judge Costello of Goderich, Dr. Reid of Detroit, '•'Crown Attorney Judd of London. Magistrate Reid of Goderich ' and Marty Burke, 'Star defense man of 'the Montreal Canncliens. The ladies of the club served a delicious tea to the guests. and play- ' ers, Mrs. C. R.' Will was convenor of the committeein charge of the "refreshments. The Bayfield Cup presented by the businese men of Bayfielcl for players -with best net score was won by J. W. Jowett, President of the Club, with a ••net of 60, Dr. Newton -Brady was winner of a pair of Golf Shoes, pre- -sented by C. R. Will of London for • the best gross, 18 holes, with a score of 75. Other prizes were as follows; Best gross, let 9, 18 and under, H. A. Bruce, Stratford, 37, prize by J. H. -Reid, Bayfield; Best net, 1st 9, 18 and - under, W. Southgate, Seaforth, 30, prize by Lloyd and Sons, Stratford Best gross 2nd 9, 18 and under, C. Naftel, 'Goderich, 37, prize by the • Club; Best net 2nd 9, 18 and under, J. McLean, Seaforth, 28, prize by ' Mustard's, Bayfield; Best gross, 18 and over, L. Pritbhart, Gaderich, 84 prize by F. A. Edwards, Bayfield; Best net 18 and over, Dr. Graham, Goderich, 67, prize by the Club; Best net 1st 9, 18 and over, J. A. Keat- ing, Seaforth, 29, prize by the Club; Best gross, let 9, 18 and over, R. S. Whitman, London, 42, prize by G. W. Elliott, Bayfield; Best gross 2nd 9, 18 and over, Judge Costello, Goderich prize by the club; Best net 2nd 9, 18 ' and over, 0. Johnston, Listowel, 307 prize by' Scales and Roberts. Handicap 18 and under 11. Williams, Goderich 43 30 83 14 69 J, Parks, Goderich 44-41 85 14 71 Marty Burke, Goderich 40 43 83 16 67 W.. Southgate, Seaforth 3739 76 14 62 J. Hincbiey, Owen Sound 43 6 8914 75 J. McLean, Seaforth 42 35 77 14 63 Roy Lloyd, Goderich 38 48 81 14 67 W. Christian, Bayfield 38 38 70 16 60 W. Christian, Detroit 44 44 88 14 74 3. Jowett, 'Bayfield, 38 38 70 16 60 Vie. Elliott, Goderich 43 40 83 13 70 C. Naftel, Goderich 41 37 78 14 64 W. Stevenson, Summit 44 42 86 14 72 'G. Cogden London hunt 40 42 82 12 70 C. A. Reid, Goderich 45 43 88 16 12 J. B. Reynolds, Maitland 43 41 84 18 6C W. Gordon, Lend. Hunt 40 39 79 12 61 J Raukin, Stratford 4140 8118-62 J. Shinebine, Listowel 4140 81'14 67 A. Newton -Brady, Bay. 36 39 75 12 03 IT. A. Bruce, Stratford 37 39 70 6 70 C. 0. Lloyd, Stratford 38 41 79 11 68 Dr. Aberhardt, Mitchell 41 89 80 14 66 D. G. Higgins, Summit 44 40 84 14 70 'ill. R. Haye, Listowel 44 45 89 16 73 W. A. 'Kibler, Listowel 45.46 9118 7e Handicap 18 and over R. Whitman, Lon. Hunt 42 45 87 24 03 Judge Killoran, Stratfd. 47 40 93 22 71 • G`. Killoran, Stratford 53 50 103 30 73 Ted Canes, Listowel 47 47 94 19 75 B. McKenzie, •Seaforth 47 47 941975 J. Keating, Seaforth 39,46 8519 66 • Judge Costello, Goderich 44 43 87 22 65 W. J. Reid, Detroit 44 46 00 20 70 B,M. Gordon, London 61 54 115 30 85 L. Pritchard, Goderich 43 41 84 24 60 Dr. Graham, Goderich 40 45 91 24 67 D.' Mooney, Goderich 49 44 93 24 09 L. P. Walden, London 51 47 08 20 72 11. Johnston, ,Goderieh 49 40 98 28 70 C. JVliddletoe, Clinton 52 48 100 20 80 H. R. Sharp, Clinton 52 50 102 20 82 'W. B. Biggart, Clinton 49 48 97 26 71 C. Vanhcrne, Clinton 49 51 100 28 72 W. Easson, Clinton 45 47.92 22 70 It. Bender, Listowel 48 52 100 28 72 "0. Johnston, Listowel 46 44 90 28 62 'I. G. Rankin, Stratfd 51 55 106 20 86 'D. C. Higgins, Summit 47 44 01 24 07 ` T. McCurdy, Bayfield 51 54 105 30 7e In the Tournament on Saturday for the cup presented by the Canadian Bank of Commerce for members of the club only, the President 3. W. -Jowett,-again came in with the best score, 36, 43 gross 79, 'handicap 12, -net 67. The runner up was Billy ' Manness, son of Mr, and Mrs, W E. Manness, London, who made the fol- lowing score, 59, gross 98, handl. -cap, 30, net 68. Mrs. Dalton .Smith of West Lorne was theguest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Higgins :last week. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and sou, Ronald, of. Toronto are spending -two weeks with. -Mrs. Knight's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Gemeinhardt, Miss Evelyn Gemeirshardt, who has, beenvisiting with thein in Toronto -returned home with then: Mr. and Mrs. A. Furter arid little son loft on Monday for their home'in Huntsville after having spent a week with ,141rs.' I'urter's parents; 'Mr. and Mrs: W. S. Stinson. Mrs.D. Prentiec of Toronto' was the' guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, J: Stinson, over the `week -end.' Misses' Elva • Erwoodg'Erva'Barrett, Dorothy Ward and Hr. Billy Lan' of Toronto are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. J. R. Castle, 1VIessee. Bob' Pettie, Toni Cox and Weir Er wood of Toronto were also her guests over the week -end. Mr: and Mrs. Robert Howard, Miss Muriel and Borden Reward of Smith's Falls left for their home on'Ttieeday morning after having sepnt the week- end with the-former's 'sister, Mrs. F. W. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bak- er and babe and Victor Bure of Lon- don were also the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker over the week -end.:' On their return to London they were accompanied by Mrs, Burt and three children who spent the past two weeks with her parents. Mr. Wm. Paull of London was. the guest of his brother on Sunday. Mise Rubio Fisher of Kitchener and little Miss Miriare Fisher of Wat- erloo returned to their homes on Mon- day after having spent a week with Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Miss Marion McLaren of .Port El- gin is the guest of her aunt, Mist, Josephine Stirling. Members of the Y.P.S. of Holmes; vi11e United Church presented an amusing comedy, "Jimmy Be 'Care - fill" in the Town -Hell on Thersclay of last week under the auspices of the Choir of St. Andrews United Church. The plot is wound around the selfishness of Mrs. Blakeee elder daughter, Verna, 'who has two suitors- Jimmy uitorrJimmy Fisher, who is drilling for oil and has taken as partners, Mrs Blake's son, Wiill, her brother-in-law, Chris Mean, and the Italian garden- er, Petro, and Herb Clark who is rich. She finally marries Herb and makes his life miserable until the Swedish maid, Tillie, makes her see that happiness comes from making others happy. In the meantime Jimmy Fisher discovers the sterling qualities of her sister Emily who promises to be his wife. The oil wells played a great part in the play When Jimmy didn't get a gusher, Verna decided to marry Herb. and Mrs. Blake was greatly upset while Aunt EIlen and Chris Mean had a quarrel. But the men all have great faith in Jimmy and at the last he gets a "gusher" and to please Emily sells Herb Clark a share so that her sister will be happy, too. The play- ers all took their -parts well. The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrews United Church held a very success- ful baking sale on Friday last at the home of Mrs. R. Seotchmer. Messrs, F, Gemeinhardt, Chas. Gemeinhardt and , Gilbert Knight motored to Saginaw, Mich., on Sun- day, returning home on Tuesday. Miss Nina Beard is visiting rela- tives in Kitchener this rveelc. Mr. and Mrs. Halbert and fancily of Toronto are occupying W. In Jow- ett's cottage near the south pier. Guests at Miss Norah Ferguson's include Mrs. C. Aveyard, Mrs. A. Gardner, H. H. Groves, Mrs. T. B. Mullen, Mrs. Kaeng of Detroit, Mrc T. B. Mullen, Mrs. Xeissers and Miss Gribble of Detroit were also guests over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. N. Lands and family of London are oecupying one of the Box Cottages. Mrs. F. V. Martin and two children of Detroit are at their cottage, "Boulder Lodge" for the summer. Rev. IVI. B. Parker of Hensall was a guest at Miss Norah Ferguson's on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Welch of To- ronto spent the week -end in the vil- lage. Mrs. Fanny Young and Mrs. le. S. Harmer of Port Stanley visited Mrs. N. W. Woods on Sunday. Miss Tsaebl Cameron spent last week with Miss Marion ,McLaren in Port Elgin. There pass4d to his Eternal Honor on Sunday. Jtily 17th, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. .The Barton. Goderich, one of Bayfield's oldest and most highly respected citizens in the person of John Falconer. The deceased matt was the son o the late Margaret Clarkson and Alex- ander Falconer and was been in Stan, ley Township -in 1849. Over sixty; years ago he was married to Miss Mary Macleid, and with the exception of a few years spent in California scene fifty years ago, they spent,theil' married life iu Bayfield. To thiel happy union were : born two sons and three daughters, One son, Har- ry, died in 1925 and Mrs. Falconer predeceased her husband In 1927. Mr. Falconer, who was a kindly, genial soul, was a Presbyterian in re. ligion and a Liberal in politics. Ho took an active interest in the affairs of the village' and for many gears was a worker in the Agricultural So: ciety. In his younger -days be sailed the Great Lakes but for a number of years past he has lived quietly at bi'1 home on Louisa Street. At Christ) mas time he went to visit his daugh- ter, Mrs. Win: ;Green, Colborne town- ship, and while' there in the earl's spring he was taken ill but apparent - recovered and, was able to be 'a- bout again until a few weeks ago when he again 'became ill. For the past month he was with his (laugh- ter, Mrs J 'Barton, in Goderich, Surviving' him are 'one son, Char - let, at homo, .Margaret, (Mrs. W. Green), Colborne Township; Eliza, beth, (Mrs.. W?n., Westen), Bayfield; Edith (Mrs; J: Bernie), Goderich. The funeral, which was 1areely it. tended,. was' held • from' Ms ]rate Eerie here on Tuesday' arfternoon. Rev, MARRIAGES LAWSON—WILSON—iAt the home of the bride's mother. on July 14th, by the Rev. R, C. i4facDermid, St: Paul"s; Presbyterian church, To- ronto, Marg•ar'et • Dunelda, Robb Wilson, daughter of- Mrs. George MacDonald, Bluevale, to Harrold. Clark Lawson, son of Mr. Luke Lawson and the late Mrs. Lawson, Clinton. BIRTHS SOREL--:In . St. Joseph's' . Hospital, Port Arthur, on July 16th, to Mr. and Mss. John Sorel of Fort Wil- liam, a son. DEATHS McTAIGGART In 'Clinton, on Jnly 14th, Major Malcolm Douglas Me - Taggart, in his 00th year. CHRRISTIAN--In Clinton on July 20th, Elsie Reid . Christian, daughe ter of` the late William and Har- riott Christian of Oil City, Ontar. io, and sister of Mrs. J. C. Gaudier, Clinton, Funeral, private, from the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Gan- dier on Friday. Service at 2.80. COLLYEER—'At his home in the Lalce- view Mansions, Toronto, on July 15th, Wilfred Water -worth Collyer formerly of Clinton, MENNELL—In Stanley township on July 18th, Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. •George Mennell, of Harpur- hey, aged 27 years. Mr. Lane of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderieh, had charge of the service and was assisted by Rev, R. M. Gale" of St. Andrew's United church, Bayfielcl. Interment was made in Bayfield Cemetery. The pallbearers were three sons-in-law, Wm. Weston, Win. Green, Joe Bar- ton, and Wm. J. Jowett, Will Fer- guson and Hugh Gilmore. Friende and relatives were present from the surrounding towns. The sympathy of the community is with the bereav- ed sou and 'daughters. Mrs. Percy Dyment and Iwo daughters of Fordson, Mich., are vis- iting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Mustard. Dr. Chas. Logan,. left on Wednes- day for his homy in Trout Lake, Miele„ after having visited his sis- ter, Mas. S. Cleave, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gingrich and two children of lead Axe, btieh., are vis- iting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Si Cleave. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Heflin of Sea - forth are at their cottage. Mrs.R. B. Carter and Miss Eva Carter of Clinton are occupying a cottage in Deer Lodge Park. Mr. P. Morley of Toronto is the guest of L. Hodgins, HOLMESVILLE The Sunday School session was held at 10.80 *leek, last Sabbath morning with eupt. Bariie Walter in charge, teachers and officers in their respective places. After the lesson period a missionary playlet was put on by, Misses D. Cox, X. huller, Jean Miller, members of the Helping Hand Class. After the report the service closed with the blizpah bene- dietion. On Sunday morning, Mr, and Mrs. J, Mulholland motored their daugh- ter, aughter, Mrs. Birch, and little Joanna to Sarnia, where the latter met her hus- band and returned to Detroit. Masters Harold and Russell Bi'uetzke of near Kitchener have been guests the past ten days of Mrs. Wilfrid Jervis. The play 'Jimmie 'Be Careful," was given in Bayfield town hall on Thurs- day evening last, to an appreciative audience. As the plot unfolded itself showing that balminess did net come from either poverty or riches, but that it is made from little things that dcn't seem to count at first glance and springs from the heart, it was roundly applauded. The play was put en under the auspices of the United Church choir of Bayfield. Proceeds amounted to twenty-five dollars. ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whithatn and son, Reid, of Galt, are spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Whitham's mother, Mrs. R. J. Wends. - The Young Peoples Bible. Class held a very successful picnic up at the Maitland river on Friday. A good time was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. England of Lucknow spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John Swan. Mr. Chas. IVPsQuiliian is taking ar Agricultural Short Course at 0.A.C., Guelph. Mrs. John McPherson of Morriston is the guest- of her brothers, D. C. and Colin. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doig and chil- dren of Mitchell were rodent visitors with, Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron. Miss Edith Hyslop. of Hamilton visited her cousin, Mrs. •Geo, Phil- lips, lately. • Mr. Schlyuker of Kitchener spent the week -end at the home of Robin- son Woods. ' Mrs, Neil 'Stuart and'son,'Mr. John Stuart, of. Evanston, 711,, who have• been visiting at the Meme of Mrs,' T. R. Rutherford, left oh Sunday for their home, • Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers and Floral Designs ter all Occasions Chas. V. Cooke F L 0. RI' S T Phones: 66w and 66j Rt,,,o Cafe MVleals at all hours. Special Dinner 400 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Supper, a to 8 p.m. Lunch at all hours. Try our Neilson Ice Cream, Ice Cream Bricks, and Eskimo Pies, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candy. Charlie Koo Proprietor. 53-c. Fruits and Vegetables Red and Black Currants, Red Raspberries, New Potatoes and Fresh Vegetables Also Fresh Eggs 4 E. L. Mittel' Clinton, Phone 213. 79-tf. Clinton Civic Holiday Having been petitioned to do so by a number of citizens I hereby pro- claim Moi. August 1st. CIVIC HOLIDAY For the Town of Clinton and call upon all citizens to observe it as such. N. W. TREWARTHA IVIA.YOR. 80-2. PORTER'S HILL Ladies' Aid mot in Grace Church on Thursday, about thirty present. Mrs. M. Woods took charge of the opening exercises, singing and prayer ;followed ;by reading of Scripture les- son, by Mrs. Lowden, Mrs. Proctor gave a short reading, Mrs. ,Gardner and Mrs: Pickard sang a duet, Miss Dora Harrison a solo after which Miss Sinclair of Clinton gave a short sketch of her work at GypsonvilIe, Man, relating some of her exper- iences in the work, which all listened to with interest. Miss Sinclair is al- ways a welcome visitor. The presi- dent, Mrs. Proctor, then took charge of the business part, chiefly the ar- rangements for the raspberry social to be held on the 27th of July, also a quilt which is for sale. Miss Hazel Pickard of Riverside spent the week -end at her home on the cut line. The regular meeting of the Gode- rich township Men's Club on Tuesday evening next will be witeclrawn on account of the raspberry festival to be held the following evening, as ars rangements and preparations will have to be made around the church. The junior baseball team played a game with HolmesvilIe team the other night which was keenly contested and resulted in a tie. They also played Ebenezer team on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Fred Elliott visited friends in Seaforth last week. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston McEIt'oy of Seaforth visited friends in this vi- cinity on Sunday last. BRUCEFIELLi Mr. Maurice Hill, son of Mr. John Hill of Moose Jaw, Sask., is spending his holidays with friends in the vil- lage and vicinity. Mr. C. Wilson of Toronto is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. George Swan, this week. Mr. Hugh McGiegor of Detroit in spending a few days at his home in the village. Mrs. Carr, sister of; Rev. W. A. Bremner, and her husband of London visited at the Manse last week. Mt•. and Mrs. H. McLaehlin, Mr. C. Clifton and Mr. A. McQueen motored to Toronto last week and. then took the- train' to Ottawa. They returned hone the beginning of the week af- ter having a very pleasant, outing. The annual Sunday School and congregational picnic will be held in ;the afternoon of Friday, July 20th,' at Bayfield. MISSIONARIES WILL BENEFIT BY WILL OF REV. DR. A. GANDIER . Toronto, July 14.—The late Rev. De. Alfred Gandier, once moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Can- ada, Principal of Knox College for years and since 1925 Principal of Ent- manuel College, left an estate worth $19,349, it was learned Wednesday. A service of silver presented by'' Fort Massey Church, Halifax -was loft to Mrs. Gandier. Alter her death itr'farm les 'Chaffey Township, will be `used as a resort forforeign mission- aries .of the United Church on fur- lough. PAGE 5 ampatimstsops'etaneosins?,,wzoomiagstutins Clinton's New aid Egg And Poultry y Hoiuse Eggs bought according to Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for our prices of eggs. You will always find our prices 'par- allel with the city markets, Fat hens and wolf -finished chicks always wanted—Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketing produce. N. W. Trewairtha Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w Try Our Cookies. WE HAVE A WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT OATMEAL AND DATE OATMEAL AND PEANUT • OATMEAL LEMON COOKIES FRUIT BARS HERMITS 8013 ROYS PECAN COOKIES BUTTER CREAMS WHY NOT GET A DOZEN OFF OUR WAGON? I1' CALLS YOUR WAY. BARTLIFF & CRICH Phone 1, Clinton, CAPI rALTHEATRE Now Playing: hoot Gibson in "TRIGGER TRICKS" MON., TUES., WED. Another Big Double Bill! Marian Marsh, Anita Page and Warren William in a successful and entertaining hit "UNDER EIGHTEEN" Walter Ruston and Loretta Young will thrill you with the 1highty drama "PRE RULING VOICE" During all double ,feature pro- grams the second performance starts at 8.45 p.nt. each night. THURS. and FRI. Miriam Hopkins, whose pic- tures are always an event brings another treat to the Capital "TWO KINDS OF WOMEN" with Phillips Holmes SATURDAY ONLY Buck Jones, ace of the western stars in a roaring riot of ad- venturous daring "SELECTED" Mat.: Wed. and Sat. at 3 p.m. Coming: "Murders in the Rue Morgue."M._ RASPBERRY FESTIVAL will be held at Grace Church, Por- ter's Hill, on the evening of WEDNESDAY, JULY 271:1) Supper will be served from 6 to 8 o'block, followed by a program eon- sisting of the play "JUST A STEP -CHILD" presented by the Y.P.S. el Victoria St. Church, 'Goderich. By request this play was given a third time in Goderich and is very highly spoken of A game of baseball played at 6.3C Admission: Adults 35c, Children, 25e Rev. R. M. Gale, Pastor. 80-1. CARD OF THANKS Me. Alexander Parsons wishes to extend to his neighbors and friends his sincere thanks for the kindness and sympathy shown during the ill- ness and death of his wife, for flow- ers sent and all the kindness shown him in his bereavement. Raspberries Red raspberries, for table use or canning, can be procured from E Trick, Bayfield road. Phone 6071'5, Clinton central 80-2-p. To Rent A large sized tent, in good condi.• 'tion. Terms reasonable. Apply to Box 811, Clinton. 78-3, MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Farm Property Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort- gage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction!, subject to a reserve bid, on Saturday, the 6th day of August, A.D., 1932, at the hour of one -thirty o'clock in the afternoon. at Lot 35, First Concession of the Huron .Road Survey, of the Township of Tuekersmith, the following pro- perty namely The said Lot 35, on the First Con- cession of the Huron Read Survey, of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron. The above lands of 100 acres are a a good grass farm • with a plentiful. supply of running• water and about five acres 'of bush. TBRIVIS: Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of the sale and balance to be paid within thirty days. For further particulars and condi. tions • of sale apply toe the under- signed solicitor. Dated at. Clinton, this 18th day. of July,' A,D.. 1932. • G. 31. Elliott, Auctioneer.. • p'; ring-, land, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for. the Mortgagee. 80-3, •{ ;+iYlp .e 'He' ll`. •U-,', eec ti:Y L'1, alb, f. ',o',ea .,, a„r„a vq ,.a. EARLY TO ORDER. EARLY TO BUY HELPS YOU SAVE MONe.Y WHEN WINTER. COMES NIGH IAA?? ;! OE Si PHONE 74 values r.,r e Opportunity is knocking' at your teepee' door. Now is the time to get your coal in. There is no need to pay storage on your next winter's coal when you have space in your cellar that's going to waste. Call the Heat Folks and they will hustle to your home and pack away your winter - comfort. You save worry, hurry and dollars. Call the 9`1 !`'stn rd C C CLINTON, ONTARIO t>si:sarauesexccmN C. H. VEN E 9 Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 SURPRISE DAD WITH BABY'S PHOTOGRAPH Why not have another photograph of Baby made this very week. Babies just will grow up, you know, and you mustn't put off until too late that photograph you've been planning. Photographs Live Forever BURGESS' STUDIOS CLINTON AND MITCHELL Quality 'Developing and Printing for Amateurs. . W. Charlesworth Agent for M0C4orntick-Deering Repairs And Machinery ' Telephone 109 77-18 The Weed Control Act JULY 21st, 1932 To the citizens of the town of Clinton You are advised that under the a- bove act you are required to cut the noxious weeds on your property with- in the next five days of the above date, otherwise I will be required to employ Wren to do sante, the cost of which will be charged to you. L. STONG, Weed Inspector NOTICE Voters' List 1932, Municipality of the Township of Stanley, County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with -Section 7 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Varna on the 18th day of July, 1932, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal elee- tions and that such list retrains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last day for appeal being the 9th day of August, 1932. CIIAS. C. PILGRIM, Clerk. 80-3. Spirella Corsetiere Spirella Mesh Garments, are cool and comfortable for summer wear, Mrs. J. •Silcock, telephone 265w. 79-2-p. New Season's Honey Call 315 and insure prompt deliv- ery or bring along your own contain- ers. T. Gordon Scribbins, Victoria Street. 79-3-p. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Annie Brown, Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Annie Brown late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, spinster, deceased, who died on or about the tenth day of March, A.D., 1932, are required to deliver to F, Fingland, Solicitor of the said es- tate on or 'before the 23rd day of July, A. D., 1932, a full statement of their claims together with parti- culars thereof, and the nature of the securities if held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAi{E NOTICI3 that after the said last mentioned date the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the estate of the said de- ceased' amongst the 'persons entitled thereto' having regard only to such. claims as shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. DATED at Clinton Ontario, this 6th day of July, A.D., 1982 e F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate., 78-3. Wood For Sale Dry wood for sale, either at ,pile Mr delivered. Apply to Victor Fal- coner, R. R. No. 1, Brumfield. Phone 629x12, Clinton. 68-tf-1(10ep. Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w Ifor '�'�l p't'r< r r'Jo Re WA fkirrtD Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Priees Paid, A. E. FINCH Phone 231. PASTUERIZED Rich wholesome milk Cream, Whip- ping Cream, Buttermilk. A. W. GROVES (Delivered Daily.) Phone 286 For Sale or Rent Desirable house, Princess street, 3 minutes from the Collegiate, 10 min- utes from down town. 1-2 acre of land. Garden, fruit trees, Ideal home in good locality. Water, elec- tric light. Apply to E. M, Alcem, or Dr. Shaw. 62-tf, House for Sale S -room house with modern convene fences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 lots in garden, barn, woodshed, good eel.- lar el.lar under house. Apply en premises to Hiram Hill. 66-tf. House For Sale or Rent Comfortable 3-rctom house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply eo George Cantelon„ Rattenbury street, Clinton. Phone 272. 35-tf. Pelham Nursery Stock Root -.pruned fruit trees, flowering shrubs, etc., Darwin tulips, narcissis and hyacinths for fall planting. Having been appointed representa- tive for Huron County for the above nursery I can suppy all your require. ments in the above line. W. IT. CUDMORE CLINTON. 76-6, E. G. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 18-tf. Coal! Coke! (So Woad Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthrae cite Coal” of all sizes. Alberta Goal. Hamilton -made Coke as well as Am- erican, merican, also Bitiminus coal at my sheds, Queen St. Prompt and careful delivery. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St. Phone 256 vasommtramasugionimustarmaSur All Cleaning and Pressing at Reduced Prices W. J. JAGO If not open work may be left at Heard's Barber Shop