HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-06-30, Page 7'111 U U . JUNE 30, 1932 Health, Cooking Care of Children 6 THE ULAN 1'U1V • V L',W ti-1LL telLHIU Edited By Lebam• Haleber Kralc ;Huniinatioi A Column Prepared Especially for Women -- But Not Forbidden to Men THE WOMAN AND THE THRUSH The Woman If yol:ir days were as full as mine, You'd not have time to sing. Your face would be ate puckered lino And cross as anything, With beds to make, and'.mealseto get, , And knives and beets to clean, With smoky fires and washing wet, "''Tis hurryeflurry, flare and fret,' • ' Ancl not one single chance: to get A breathing space between. The Thrush • It takes me nearly all my time ' To find my meals 'and things. ••My bed is in yon -leafless line - Its drippings wet my wings, 'And still ahead are snowy days And.hours of icy chill. Yet something in my being says That He who brought me to my place, Who gave me life, and power ter fly, • IIe who can hid me live or die, ICo manns me still, • And who am I' ' To' say my frame was only macre For nesting in a summer glade, Or lilting in a leafy tree, "`For kindly paths and easy. ways, :,And not far grim adversity? —Fay Inchfawn. A womanls organization the other week had a local banker give. a little -talk to its members • about women awl finances. • • Now it is very generally conceded •'that women are ,good managers of weekly • or monthly allowances given • them- for housekeeping or the de.' • fraying of domestic expenses. very frequently getting far more out of a dollar than would he passible for a male to do. The yeas n for this ia. of course, that sate sees her nerds - and she knows the anima to be sent; upon them and governs herself are rdinaly. But from Iack •ef ex- perienee, 'whet' a '1caITItii1 'comes' into i' ,ilargo sem of money. such as the centre] ne her dr. a, ";d husband's Err fn.hrr's life insurance -cl' Iega vise le't her site may not uee_ I'1e 4x111( 1'41141 an 1 discretion in_ lenndlina tted In so many ens. 'a Meth •prepssci salrs- 11e11 041110 el.55 'r and reryndde bee is; mut'NM) the ;teeter i'•,rt of her erpi- t,tl. leaVin5e her With a wertaleas 711, n1a„ n °1 r \. nl lei 111 :/s .1, It 1,•4‘.. 11 e- 11 1' is t, :•'ty 7004 sllrcnnnn 101i tl ^v 41 r 'ir ly nn!mnrn. 1»,•1`0'7. the 1 its•, !'n 1 ., r yeomen t-, • kar't a '`til.. hit :=hutit fin:nice: 1+or1 ,?1i, i(,'• l'.3-11+ ';t financial man i, r a' env t'. -`l la the (- ,r.ttIrity !rive ri rxh,c' 111' woult'n a 'rte 7,ahit- c't,• i: 011 1,...!:.•01b,114.. r'1,r end mi tht be eat, netted with n girt. Ono • f the t dn' , u-1,ieh this t barking roan te?d the n'mnan to do r was to rgo to their own 'banker and consult hien before consenting to in- vest in any financial deal with a stranger, or even with an agent known to them but ` 'representing. a financial concern .with. which they were not. familiar. It waa' good ad vice. A reputable,`banicer' will not advise , his clients to invest in any prbject whidh' he does not consider safe but he will not try to. a cliant making ' safe and worthwhile investments. I heard not so very long 'ago of, a financial man, 3.not a banker this time, but a man who dealt in finan- cial bands, saving a chant, a man, by the'way, ,from making a. foolish in- vestment. The man had agreed to buy some stock of some sort' and sent the salesmen to leis financial adviser to have hifn band over some govern- ment bonds fie' held. The financial man made some inquiries of the salesmen, put them off until the next clay then went to his client and told him how foolish it would be to make this deal, The upshot was that the sales- men did not get the good government bonds the next .day but accepted some consideration to declare the deal off. But it is better to be on guard and not commit oneself. A geed rule is to keep in mind the fact that- there are no perfectly safe investments offering an abnormally high rate of interest. When the rate of interest premised is abnormally high it is not an investment, it is a speculation and people with limited means cannot af. fere.' to speculate. It looks alluring to have one's income premise to .trouble itself by the simple process of changing one sheet of paper for en - ether, and in this way many an in- experienced wcnian. not to mentior sane men; have thrown away their rapitati and left themselves crryiitutc in their old age. The evemen Wl'.o bas come money te: invest chid who has little •el:per- 1'•llce in such limiter.; eeeeld 11 11:ult her bnlil(cr berme inveeti11' ant if. she I1^s carne Bernie, pr :erinnint er• titun,c11551, and cnteeb„dv 050110 altn,•y mid cif_r:e 'to tithe 1bnm over ant' give her erne,. i e h 11.e't1+1' i ip (111'eaSIT' certain( ,e,+nd h:li1 it her +. tiulte r. ns:tl:ii1' the i" 1'11"•e entire- ly tl ,'ru''•h frim ant 754 .ling • he h:,- r:lvic(' in the matter: Women $1,•1'1,7 1 net P' 11 e such a financial deal with the leer Rct;,ttf110 c't: 1!"v contttnny it ,+. r" t '• r a r'• + •'1.1'11 r 1^.e^; .t r;nlc,l (i n!1 c=5151 n -:Its. n, Few 5:11 tr; hut could tell of some 15,ro 1 prri•tirat.e 50504 rf i''' 1111 1111.• t.,'i51 itttf, part in •r with o: 55-.51e'. f,•;• w, ,1n1ee.;-• stook 119 r0,t11 :c it Tale re -men's e r .Hili?;:time arc; acing ,a good work' if they edu- cate women, ' to 'beware : al smooth-, tongued sa1 osmen who prey upon the inexperience .of 'we -mon who are man aging their own finances. It as a good thing to keep in mind that the smoother the tongue' of the sales(itan the more wary one should be in, dealing'with 'hint; The RIpennag of Tomatoes with Ethy lene Gas (Experimental Farms Note) During recent years the cealsulnp- ticu of tomatoes' has incr•eased amaz- ingly, owing largely to the desire on the part' of the housewife to include this vitamin -containing fruit in het daily menu over as largo a part of the year as possible. This ,has resulted heavy ilnpal•tations of tomatoes from 'the South' during the winter months. These are piciced green, shipped, and ripened 'usually by sub- jecting them to warm tempratures. Everyone is acquainted with the lack of flavour of such- tomatoes;, which in addition, are frequently deficient in red colour. At all titres, suck fruit is markedly inferior to that ripened naturally on the vine, and until re - ,cent years, no system of artificial ripening had been:devolbped•-eapablc of even approaching the effectiveness of natural ripening. Owing to. favourable reports from other investigators as :to .the effect- iveness of ethylene gas as a means of artificially ripening tomatoes, ex- periments were initiated at the Ea- perinental Station Fredereton, N. B. in the spring of 1930 to test its vain as a means of ripening tomatoes, and several outer fruits and vegetables as well. Experiments over a period of two years have demonstrated fairly ecnclusivcly that ethylene ,gas is an effective means of ripening tr anatoes. And more important still, the quality of the artificially ripened fruit is equal in flavrut' to that of the fruit ripened under natural conditions, pro- vidittg stature green fruits nee need. The (glom. i' perhaps eentethems net quite so deep a red, elfheu 1t it fete Malin 1.50 strength and losses to the plants reduced, '. This treatment 1 ii • aero of the les spading' g t o soil' to t depth of ten inches 'anti thorough wetting with the solution It should then be covered i'dth sa%1cs which have been soaked in 'the formalinr solution, and left for a clay. After treatment the soil must be spaded overthree or four times and not planted for. a. week. Whenever pos sibl'e; practise a lbng .rotation and avoid using the sante soil year •after 'Certain 02 the asters are resistant 'to wilt disease and the seed of such plants, alae possesses this :quality. By • selecting seed from plants showing this resistance and by developing new varieties from such selections considerable satisfaction in the cul-. tune of asters, May be obtained, Finally, if the disease appears, Bait contamination anti' . further spread may be reduced by prompt at- tention tosanitary • measures, the pulling and burning of diseased plants as they appeal.' ' The above information relative to aster wilt disease is a result 'af in- vestigations carried on by the Expee- iinental Farms Branch at the Domin- ion Laboratory of . Plant Pathology, St. Catharines, Ontario. FRESH EMPIRE -GROWN' PEARS REACH CANADA FROM AUSTRALIA, Historians will be shocked. Sever- al thousand. Napoleans accompanied by several thousand Jcsephines re- cently disembarked at Montreal from: the Canadian National freighter, Canadian Conqueror, after a voyage half way round the world, 10,009 miles, 72 days, from Australia. Apart from their names, the new- comers are remarkable because they are fresh, not eanned.ar. dried. They aro pears. fresh, E•''pire-grown pears, the first to enter Canada from such a distance. The shipment totals go non pears in oil, Other near van ictie ieclud- t 1 are: betnre beim, a familiar 11111115 here; Packlla(n's triumph, resembling' the bartlett power; ;'fadano Cole; Lawreree and Keiffer. The shin. mint. travelled in n '•ef^is•era{ rel chandler 11,51. to aiet re lie e marl ed :tdv:'ttee in nro::ern ford tr all u'i tl ern. en advantage in that tho st;'n en(, t N*,':il%rs'r NOrTifERN O.";T ?•'.7!i SF POPT so •iregtlent.l" green 1155101• natilral, r'n,liti(it:' of 'irllne•, is usually lamest i'ultr ee,h u'ed. The kn••:h „1' treotmen` nt es:age i, elmeet. ul dteeet. proper; ion to 1?! s nt' pi' , 111i1Is'I i I. hate ;•/fttlre,d 1105;leen5.5'2'' , "1,, 'WY th 1,,11^. ,1': l,n ,- 1%11 I/:5—tic/1i. 1101'11.: PI't, Will 115(511 in 1'r ,1!1 f5,.111• 1 , 5'', •1 ds1, ;'stall immettl 541 f, i' "ill 1 i ', t, 1.n, 'be seeente .10.11 ere- 1,;. a, eel t ] 11151 ,•f OW' flrsd r1,-21 21 e1 rr• (1, Prone ii1!; til 0' i'))'- i, er':r1,1 • t 111'' r.not. t• ..1:1', 11 1 nu'litr i• .:11 an lo, (1: ;:'rel, Y '; tmie•ne, rrtrlettr^ i': Rt ne R.,-1 a1 11 b1 a to r.l„111, 1'' 11lrtho(1 1-• .soy .'11(1'111••+,9al 1 ,ti ^tion 5'' 51' f5"dr,t151 ei ly 151,.. 191'1,' ('51,11 .ran ,,t•t • thn 1(lar1: at en .1'1'h!+"(' (1^1•, 1,,.( 'rl >hcr• 1, • ^•via i:, 1•:t1.( � ��, k✓ Fd i` F +`tea lite , r ye C c' t to i ,}' for t7 i, ";,d1 ,t••rt 1a '„^ t Ott 1a.. fill e'P t ' 154.lied. '1'h" 11 "t rex,, h,l 1: r.: t. 15 't: In -1•13- ,s- iS re ,10 amo, f ,• 11-; 1•15r('a- ,'.r. ' 52e , ' t,t,f`. :!11;1 5hsrf: t.,c-;,c'}>le.- i•',tnn1tert tontat .5' c•a11' h•• _natty 1 i'n lav:,or 15y el5pc, .x"e to pass in a properly ennsii n;t- r (1 (Innate/. Coca' Tta. a, Jul rell(ed'Uq • • GRANT FLEL'l(r30, M.D. AS5©C(ATe SeCRETARV -srmxc.;r:..,,. aa,.,'m5, .tc.x..-.r_..a_rx+.�-c•*r..._ ... ,. ;x:r.�>r-,n...a- •a1 CIi:Ll➢'S Preen the hclilrlting• of life, the hem t 115151; continue to function . if life i to be set,,at.lsed. The exr }:cute o teeny p121 of the II. av den cri,a 1±r, • il7 ° 1;7..555 whish t brou th1 to it. h • the nuns (n: (t51len „f the , :\1 ,.541 t11.,t all mut., of the 154 •'1- r%ill 471't;f the be.: it rails 1.1),! jolt 115 111,ily. The heeith oe the eed+ s11 •.;51n)t= 1' cls ' • meat''' to the 01'1,411/T r the 11(15.1. l;;molt 1!" child i, barn 1,e may ne: have -a ('u1 ! 115 .t`,. Th re 11180 5( '1':1110 (101.001: i•s its s:t1'nctltre. The (,11'1(1;11•5 1111 :1,11 51S "blue 'babied” 1. dun to d'Fre+iv(-• r555 trture of the heal'`, I.ahie's with poorly 1•( ,'1(1 hc„ rte do ret ars et rale culvive, e d 1g len they rlo they recite -A. ^-' 1 coal' care. Among the childrenborn 11 11x1 .'••12' Termed hearts, there at•e 501110 vein laic)/ devrinno or rr, quire seine sib,lrrutal heart conditions Disease of the. ]heart in children ' 1ar'arulntly ::^15ie10. It seems a -a )f.. the tintlevoliTed heart (11 the, r11ijd is not able to withstand the stresses and strain, which ran 1m.lnet by the ;nature e155lt heart. It is' also to he rrmenthered tht't clhildhor,cl rapid mt(15'1:'1 5.11(1( e'1 end. this Makes an extra :demand' laln- en the heart. At thee -sante time the heart; itself is developing pito the larger.' adult organ.. For these roe - Bens it 1.4 t:bvious that during chili!) h rd the heart nec(1 to hn 51,05(11"5,' 1(1 01 those. col ,ditions N.1 1:411 may ds - n r. 1514 '' ; 1 (1. art. C1 1c 1 verb 1.03'et 1 . ea 1• west be eedsled :to „rt their 7 eee 2 111 11- 0.100 /11..44,41 vi ?1 lucre e then I,. f It -11 n ,f ,, ilei• 11,;,1 .Hill. (31.5 i.rr' 50 11111:, b- 45.1 -e:7 .s re,t'arde r1.3 1, fi.P.5h ail a+.,•:1 illi,:' 11111,':,. tJ, 11 15'-ce 511^t i inf.,. 11 154 5 tem tr , • '1l'1 i.1^'1 1, ('115. '1n . r 55111 hr.ie. 'i=rn r. ',• e nut.'t o'lelisv:a aa. r, (1,5 nditl:ns v•151,51) 1(111 1(1 t a 1.1eunsr ,. ^fever is t" e 5:_145'nl,d -i< r"tt-e irf ,hr2.t, h,cctae ill (1111d'•1" s1 rat 11(05„0oos in the prw'3ntin” ; i• hr -i•e (•isen e t etild 1,1,1111t.. -i,1? 511e 0251101, et , ":1011 i0. r:. -•`T. n' morin ti the treatments of el...eased ton- sils, teeth or ntnee parts, Attention roast be given to general health 'hes-lett prrn'?m ft:rd. ;,! 'i'v rf fent'' , 1'ne1 snnsbine and r55ii r ,t11` ret 1:5•1355 hujlrlinm 111. . 1' 11(1rrFn' berltby bony and '1'y ^'ving pi••1'11311 al+enticn to any ahnrrnlal 00(1(11t1.1^ which may arise that, we star: mi=le 1•o nrife-vent disci"e in chihn,oe51 -ad 15,ri'ln,• t5sn child ink; rcitilt life with 4C'imd body, Cliiestions oncernin' TeaU:h d c ., I ,7, n rh'®!,se( to the Canadian Medical As. societinns 184 College 0treet. Toren, tn. will he answered personally . by le tfer, (t1( TP q v 4 'at jt)isse"' Chmiz Aster { 1"'•tn,'l'11'1e•I11711 roving Yelp), I're ("'dist; '' ''+r"• i' (tie or 1110 h 51 0,7;50 1'1c5'' 1-11„ late PIP, ,i:(5' 1'!1d (!:171.5, : rlt1.5111 5t5as'.11, r,f it • 'rrn;t1ivb'y wi'-it , •tl'dnn- •, 1 W. :7, 1 - 1,.,5(5 1 in, .. to t11 e1'9(5111t ( l'1!l:I..e,l i11 77 -.- 11115 ak•a-inc'' it.: vice.difii(nity i:; 1s 'Ill0 1.1 a dices=e• lrnnwn as -rter \1115 rr1i(11 i, (55555,,•.5 by a soil !'t= , attar15!'1 • the punto ihrol+!rh tho 5 •ot ,system and evrnlally (11500- 111+'• t'1s.1552 to wilt and die. TI .1:1;e of 11115 elis51„e aster!' To^:r h^ r ewe^ c'1 1 nrtrt i1v when proper I F t+ iil',tn iv ;r, 5e1 to , e0r1: s' -(l end 1(1- tntien, -"•'he 1'nnr111's nay he 'arrie(1 rn the serf' and trlerrfri'e only e•ae(1 from hratt1y ph -Ws ,lt'•111d ha used on ;Inn r"crl dj"i11 r `lull ninni'ieed ., `181,1110, in 1ner11 io'chlnl•ide I: 1000 e'r•enpt'5 .fee one /tn1P holm', The 5.•/.41 swhcre the niters ate to ri'. , n, n in most- 11 important. t : {lust! • sail has "e,":? asterit which dovel5nod v'511 it hs'semes eclil:alnlnalril ('11(1 the -- dis- crisp-mush prrsists.in.that:'spit -ler a iit;t11.' S,1r11 soil is molten of as beins, `este' nitro" and ehoelri be 21 - withal -vest al fol• tl ' 11511 5154 of 1111(1es. in ene51 of: bode.. et' limited size aster•- 4ie1(• soil niph1 bo treated withfor- '511' 3151y 15.57,-10 7,: ';.lt. r'1;u1- 575cly I e thus+!. t1' Pad '' n I ,ty (ter ,. ) 1, a u i wa ell 11170 1' 1' .1 111, 1,' it ger 'service will be. inaugurated from Cochrane, which will mean a 'though service 1 c it v e w h sleepingaccommoda- tion 'e - cal a ontnloda tion from Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and outer points. The official open - Mg of the line is expected to take place' about the middle of July, when the station and other terminal build,: Wings will';lre completed. ,The hotel, itis expected, will be ready for oc- cupancy early in August, ; POLICE NOW CLAIM WOMAN. ICILLED BY,HIT AND,RUN ' MOTORIST Provineiiel police investigating the fatality ,at',Cromarty -on Wednesday evening of last week when Mrs. I+ ranla ,Stagg'; ” aged' twenty-six, ,was found dead on the road, are 110w positive that 'she was killed. by • a. ruthless hit-and-run ;motorist, who dashed away after striking her: There was some doubt in the minds of the police arid physicians investigating the death, but it has been learned -that a post moi?tem per- formed 011 Thursday by Dr. S. Mc- Gregor of Duhlia showed that the deceased young woman had received a broken neck, although there were 110 outward marks of violence on the body, 'other than a slight cut en the leg, just below the right knee. The inquest into the death opened. on Thursday morning but .was ad- journed until Thursday; July 16. The jury viewed the remains and the scene of the accident but it was not known at the time that Mrs. Stagg suffered a fractured neck, which is believed to have caused her death. These facts, however, will be decided when the jury meets again to fully inves- tigate the accident. lairs. Stagg 'had been ie attendance et a strawberry festival' which was being held at the Presbyterian Church at Cromarty. She had left her two-year-old son at the Monte of her father, William Houghton, be- cause the lad had not been feeling well. Mrs. Stagg Ieft the festival t see her son and was returning to the church wihen she was struck down and killed. The b,tiy was: 'found lying in the centre of the road, the disrove)", be - 1110, male by Leonard Ilmehtan, tiler of the clreea,ed wcnian. She 211.10 removed to this 1lane ee peewee McKellar 1112,1 !looters (15511(2,1. lilt 11fi was extinct. llie'1 Cs unty C'lwtahlcr P. .T. Bent- tv, who i, ime tirettinp;' tile: f•tt.r-liiv ,.,ice they had no elan• wheeeeevez- te the idcr,tity of the drie''v . f tit. (lee* ren', t '.tee' -1.e1 11... \1'7 51.'l 1' , .•t .1 it '1''54 .1 5' 11 ,^ t c :",'' r 1t111rh 11 a i'• t len. :t 14<•1<.. 1 t i'.•( )' fr,5. n1, nt11.55.7h.-) " taerelo is „f 5 755; 1, 11 r ,.._ i t', i.'55 ' 1 , f1 ... ,,., t th5 1;F : ( (".tr•reh;11 S-i„r.. (111.oi" :elater,el 511;4• (i., l 1`', 1 ...( Household Economics Y , THIS '� ODES�� CORNER IS. DEDICATED TO THE POETS Here They Will Sing You Their , Songs—Sometimes Gay, Sometimes Sad- But Always Helpful, and Itis pirillg `meLord, give e courage that I may T'acelife's stern iproblemms, clayrby day Give 1110 full strength to-do, my pati; Bring peace and comfort to my hetet; Let one a little kinder be; - 'r'titnk less of self, and more of Thee." -Carleton.E•verett Knox. t, WHEN YOIi'LUI AWAY. When you're away the fire won't light, When you're . away the pump sticks tight, When you're away the children fight, It seems: that nothing goes just right. Then, you're away the hired man's cross, When you're away the farm's a loss, When you're away I' never say That any one but youris boss. —Elsa Steward Clark, in The Miehi- gan Farmer. cezeito MY ROSARY The nun within the convent walls Ifneels in her narrow cell to pray; Her blessed beads she tolleth o'er: A prayer for each at close of clay, 1, too, must pray; but, ah, for rue There is a different rosary. I keep it close about my .heart; Not precious stone or carved bead Linked each to each,—nut such a elle Demands of me my simple creed: But. for each hemi. in place 1 00e A dear loved fare --•may mewl,. Dear faces carved in living thought; Si']r;i71 melt etall nir'itt I ]meet tc pruy, 0" \0115411 lily heart. all silently. :i?llratnl•? its Newels th ntell,:,ut the day. T tell ray beide. an a h th•.lt 5Ie ,. -cast. one its ant Try'. --K4.111 11 1'4it.,11. TIl1.5 11-9.4"i (alTILD l 1,' day : a , . t -lee:, . ,..5. • , : t !,. • Feet lel ea. I.1;•_ the ,. '.: . 5 . i eel 1h„ 59 lik, :eels it N 1154._.• 115. , 5ts_ I h.11i ' 11 (1 : II neee. ree. 1,5 11,..110111111,'” 10 1 iv 1.115 •12 - ail •fa, tot 1 1 Plalr:.- 11; . .1,11,1 'i : f 55. '1 e',te,l t i 5 !1!-- r ;It rut -O... x:.z! s -s, hr, :.:a 1'. 55.711 ( ntp" a t!+ 51 e e•1d far -1 cad (151' mrntic•vct1(5 at :1'l,,o 1' a('olt ^. ".t. .1t:.._ f1•(••n .li'a'rs 571^ (i(51• ihzt5 the 11,,\s tiii11i rig-, t4 -e sad th„n trrr, ca. ,5411(1 5 t Illi' Pi+y, 5t,•^(•wd'. h• 10r.:'5 111:' 1'4'12 a^x)1111•t cf 12 1151.'„ 0e- 1'. e- -:. or, ;11e. 'ii:•'.” 1•rrllt.' _ •' ,1 112,s'r, 15 ,13h, er,. 1.11,1 ! troll 1.11" ...- 14 ' ,;t;: ., t. :,` 't 11' It 5' :,i 1: -111, ._ t.5 tar• 111"..1i110•:: (' v,' ., •.. - is:� ':1:;' e '1. 01"/1 ., n.., -. i 11 1, .,. ,->11 .. C . , . 11 :. •.!,'1. 11. ,•Pt'1, 1 ` , "11.1 7'' 51' h. .. 111 "+c" of N'n- f 0, ",t':1 ti—ere .t l'i'.it..tll�. -.. • _,t s ,t 1:5(5:15111 lir , which s -.n- 5 I 1 • 111E , 1 Y 1. r .: .,, 101: 1• .•(' • the (:,...(?-,'t ?"•e!1 '1 '• .', ..... ? Ds;' :.. ,. 1. .. ,. , 1t: , -n \111e/1ti nl /t. !.'k':, 1 'I;1c 7.11' 0' 1 ' T310?,•:•,' , i;nrp- S ma d'0 w;ra 1d • Iitter(1 i ll'•1 51•11-5,155.5. 'Wer i'-- 1•, 511,' -1' :1'.-1 ,i111:, 11, lieu 111(11:1, 1 410 '1'11 1'0111 .he (1ry., "wr. (1591 511t5)54 ;,all i1'5.51 m5555." Ul' 7 \ _p rut:- /01 11' 11•;:1,p;,•(15 ,:''t:'). 1•-e 11t :.• !tit:,nel 1 i11int, •;•ted plans v111iett p i•l11 0,.7. 0,1.1 ^-•1ot't:c :finh5. - 1 c5(1' ii •, i 1.'. �. rrc: r•[ll 1,? ttpp'15 1 Fr ^n c:,... •.11 (1-'11:. The 000 41014. -been will lit' nit the re rtheam she,, of the eteesc rive'•, eel will stet -telt 1'o • tee :met r 11111' olerip. the share. Thr town. .iter will 1•e the twinned of the line , rel will serve 1 1r•mse fm• dev•1"p` tent al ort the comet of 51Ttt:lcon boy ,reit .: 'l hinm ,p ration:. the fur- {51415, attr1 d.' and the pnllr ifidu=ary 1'54:' years - e•al ''ts i'on"n 1•i, dr.. .1 1 1, !blr:ht, 154;-ain.(ihl t 1111.117;r,F,. mit,,,al•) 1115atre 5, the T5ay were sen( w7'1, 15,5.5. prospect' of :311 aesthete, eetre"t tele un r'Is cf 4h^ rivr"s, Nov: tier• 1eek..breeltie or 1 "a(7 in;•' rind nolinn• of rano(',: 1/11 ihn 17.1111(14, 4111,1 th^ lalimt• c 01111'virtr;• '10111515 e ha"'s and unto• ryrr the 11rrta,^,•rc :has been rendered 1 ee,:Y.14'11 V. 11'0 len",';' wee) the rima• err: of 141ee 001150eo he •harmed /L5' the 1111,1155111• E r a Inborit:nv t urni p -rhe. "Iron 1Tcjse" 11x9 ,nlve"1 the 511'near y, The. r-gtelision 'ef •th10 (ane „•in �Nn-.r. rt'17111r11t teemed rill"•i1V- 111(5 111) ;'rine "Dry. attractive new 5h-1 in,r s5(00. Many of gime slunlb,r '"trranlF tet .i'i,ia new section abound witis, brenir trrut tiro hi tonne, of the byre,. "r^_rl12 even sturgeon may be beck- oA, A nen her 'cf'rtlans 000 hFillr' eoil- rlrlarerl toward the accommodation t:f. r:ritrm;,, but i+, is en;;'rtestei1 that et lresent. eseeeially if ladies be in the 11^1.15', ,lcfinfiri erran,gelriento r'egar'd- 'tq' e-erilnncclatieme 130 merle with' f5„> rnsht•ny .fficials'5'1ther a1; Nerth Pay 54) C^chr'ane, before proceeding nert:'1nvsrd'from Cochrane,., On ..lune 1.24s a trinveelily passon- i ” 1. 11. i:, '• il:t I. ill, i,. t. ;'TTI IIAle (5,- r(.;1>t>l' 'r:) ii . -1 ;'1- :lee' 11i'1.5'f ON 'l'l:l'i? 13. 50015451154 515'.' IN 'r ,.i . , e t,',,1 re..,e'-(19(11'? ' 1 ,fl ire; is :(rant of the 1 ant• 5',111:1,1i:l ,,, . n `"t1't. Ice(• ( - ,,r ;,, !, h � 1L :,,,,1 in th 1''..i: h 1 U ,ir,', It , ,,, ilia' - sin ['10 w 11(ir54 - t,_ i r., in the ' .,tt :,',.:,'"515..1"11'1,5,.:;:i..5:: ,, y. l,tile ?l:•,. '•,,71: ti ill, i • 15 1:'.0.11,11' 'h,9:' •.. i:. ,P.':1 , ... t• ,'952(155' a' nr\,, r'. p,• hue 'i, l 1' 1': ht Pr: i-:. v'r! i.. 't'ar't. ria''•t', 5.111e, 1:11.: r,'. i} ll t.11 t1 e 111!,:, , • .i ,,,,,.-,50.. 11 12 a; 1,...;,;,,,..:T ';1 it .a, ,. 1(4 top 548 the !elle. After scmai':155 01. 1 Who only takes and takes unceas- ing•Iy. God, let ante give, so that not just my Own, •Brit 'others' lives as well may rich- er be. Let me give out 'whatever I may hold, Of what material things life' may be heaping?; Let me give raiment, shelter, food or gold, If these are, through Thy bounty, in my keeping. . But greater than such, fleeting treas. , Imes, - May I give my faith and hope and cheerfulness, Belief and dreams arld joy and laughter gay Some lonely soul to bless, —Mary Carolyn Davies, <=zeiteze BREAD As in the days of old, Out of the earth cometh bread; Sowing and reaping and sharing do Ye; So shall your people be fed. Sunshine and ram are free; Earth still her increase yields: FIave ye not seen crow the fruits of the ground Spring in the bountiful fields? Why is there hunger hear? is it beyond your leen? 00502ng and reaping are date with the earth; Sharing is one with sten. Jlili-tone and lane and start lhrt'o their duties call: I?e:t: tins.' and Tabor end ha''ve,t Fong Shaving must be in nil. —J. (4. Ne„ dh!un in New Yuri( Times,. , TIItl'.ti(li kLNG-:°IRI➢ The me, elate-1,he[.4 511;,nt,.., tat+• rltr.1 111,fl-. r, F.. ..,.,.. 1'1 1,. 5. 5.5. 5. s' .. : I he • ;1I( ., } •,... '1' terege :5911,td 115 0(11115' time a n i11('l 1:07, i'rogl the. Dent' Cam -ellen ;a.tioral Steamship • "Nine: Robert;, `. •1'ic'., (')matt', On the alteeten 1 (1 _Inn( Vancouver in the eve easel', velum eta. ed (1:11 was awarded the task, lie 15ec1 not (male niers 51 ,e551•55 55s 1efr 1•^ 11e berrin to (t'eai c:, si:1•511t'm: and hv.the time be'rr,a half way in; tete pole thousands were e.r.rz'dcil ;t- eemed the Law. Gotn"te building 091,'' ing th,s human fly gradually we,- ! . nee- is Waris; the telt. iii: wet+ 11+ made nuts- diffi4vit Tt c:(use c f Ftirr wind cold he ye; che1 the teaa hc' 500.0 P11'cea himself "around the pole for slfety. Iris return to the gerund was ;iuet es dangerous ee the 0,1p 1211 beelveee of the wind 'hut the 11111(117+ yens„• sail/emelt was given a thunderous cheer by the titausande of watching spcctatnra. IIe said thatwhile he was at work at the tea reeving the roar. throrlgh the pulley, there was a tre- mendous 'sway and he Was mighty happy when he hadhis feet, on_ terra firma again. .. (l 3, ,. • !:,.-. tetc'13idc n. a a1,1.k1,'11 Seertee .- t ,,,tial,-'. F, (1':10'.11::, 11•1 ,'1 n,1 all ,he r Iniet-o 51, 1.'-1,1,:13. Tennyson, `;'hell i•' ;he server's 111'111 they wont alei:, x'1 1 (tri eltt sails in that mast lovely 11,,31' 1-i11:» the light gentles eel the mind 1. 2 ,t-•'; And leen iv in the leertet legeke like a flower. A11u1 then the night fell dark and. all night lana' ' pointed mountainpointed to the star's, • Pl'"zrn, alert, austere,. . . Silent. the finger of the summit stood Icy in pure thin air, glitteeing with snow, �Rlasefieltl, Biz A GIVER; Cod, let mo be a giver, and not ono 1 1; • 11;10 I11 e ••ht 'f • k MI , , .... I:.:. is , r,., , 1, 1' 111' ,,. ., (1t Asn 1h' ;1/.1i 1411 r ; 11 :Coen 111W 1 i i! 110at 1. /why ell 1 1 ht?" Ate; a with the 1•. , (071111; in, t out, 11', le i„ 11.0 ileus:,' (lege are 1,.'3h , elieet, 'S t to \154: +c1 er the 11 *5:,, 111 rho 75;15 11 a ha''e in tri, house 7':11 vein - r,. fh 5:1,' 511)110, yew- troubles. your Pleasure, t•l11(2 C'CP1tt1. 1'on forret many hatter,, inc•iluling yet-re;•I Ilut the wee, that you whistle, the way trial you tar!' O11! a babe in the house seems a pretty mood thing. DOUGLAS 31ALLOCK,, ESP c •