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Lets have a Picnic on lst of July
or any other day.
Cooper provides you with Accessories to
Picnic in Comfort,
A. e • COOPER.
The Store With the Stock. Leaders in Low' Prices.
Continilal User
lather is• a comfort to tender
0 St/ Fie
Every Purchaser is a Converted
It's pleasant odor and smooth
skins—young or. old.
W.S.R. Holmes,
CLINTON, ONT. esese,yrl
Phr.B ..
t. Stern PHONE 51
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Because T e Bondholder
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Investment Service, to be of value, must be depaJklable, must
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Fortunate the investor who has found this type of service. He
has a sense of seeurity foreign to the holder of nondescript invest-
ments of which as little is Iceown as the house filonn whom they were
In what class are your investments?
Ie what class is your service?
We have built an organization "to serve" but we offer its
complete service only to the investor who is not satisfied with a
Service that stops with the delivery of a bond.
E. A. Siegrist & Co., Limited
Telephone—Metcalf 3370.
New Bank of Toronto Building, London, Ontario
oe apply to
LLocal Offices: Bank of Montreal Bldg., Phone 97
Sunday was Communion and re-
:option of members in Turner's
thttrch, eighteen being rereived into
he church: Mr. and Mrs. G. McGregor
(ugh Ball, Mrs. Herold Crich, Les -,
ie, Clifford and Norman Pepper,
idon Crich, Margaret Crich, Sara
Nhitmore, Florence Whitmore, Mar-
caret, hazel and Velma Ashton)
?rank, Bert, Irene and Erma Garrett,
)orothy Walters.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Townsend
,nd Mr. and Mrs. L. Teb-
putt spent . Tuesday with Goderich
elatives, the occasion being the
ighth anniversary of the former's
wedding day.
League at Turner's Church was
old Monday evening, with the vice-
resident, Mi. S.'' Whitmore, in the
hair, The debate on "Resolved that
he Slums of our Cities Offer a Great -
r Challenge to the United Church
hat do Foreign Missions," took place
etween the Auburn Young People
nd Turner's. The affirmative was
pheld by Mr. E. Johns and Mr. H,
of Turners and the negative by
Sturdy and Miss Straughan of
The negative side won km -
ceding to the decision of the judged,
G. H. Jefferson, R. Allen and
I. L. Atkinson of .Clinton.
While the judges were making their
ecision a short program was given
onsisting of a violin solo by Warren
a duet by Mrs Crich and
Ball; guitar music by _Misses
and Little of Loridesbora;'
ole by Erlin Whitmore; short atldres-
os by.Rev, Dr. Mortimore of Auburn
nd Rev. F. G. Farrill of: Clinton.
lolin :soles by Messrs. Bill ,and Les-
Pepper. i .
Tho. meeting closed with "Blest
e the Tie: that Binds," and the.bene-
ietioti, after which' refreshments
ere served by the Turner's young
'The League meetings.:.ane 'being•'trea,surea
iscon'tinuedifdi' the months bti Jaiy
ed August. ''. ,,;..:
The annual Cartel re -union and
picnic held at Harbor Park, Goderich
on Saturday was enjoyed by a large
number of the connections and
Although the morning was any- ,
thing but ideal for a picnic yet by
, noon a large number had gathered r
' and all sat clown to enjoy the dinner
!'provided by the ladies under the con -
venorship of Mrs, N, Carter.
After dinner a happy .time was
spent on the recreation grounds play- i
ing softball, which was much enjoyed .c
by the players. Then the games and t
sports under the leadership of 'Mr. J
Norman Carter and Mrs. W1. Jamieson
were keenly contested and enjoyed by a
all. h
The winners of the various racer d
as follows: p
Girls, 6 and under, Joyce Carter; b
boys, 3 and under, George Carter t
]lorry Oakes; young men's hopping t
race, A. H. Carter; young ladies race. h
Beth Shobbrook; married ladles', 5
Mrs: N. Carter, Mrs, H. Oakes; mar -
-reel men, N. Carter; letter contest, P
Jenkins; kicking slipper, Miss b
Richardson; kicking 'slipper, men t
IL Jenkins; Ladies, long step, Alba b
Carter; young men's race, Ivan Car- t
ter; nail driving, ladies, Alba Carter;
nail driving, men, Leonard Shobbrook p
time race, W. Jamieson; potato race, a
D Carter; magazine rase, Mrs. S n
Carter, C. Carter. coat race, Mo. i
D. Curter, N. 'Carter; hoop contest, .
Leonard Shobbroolc• musical. biscuits J
H 'Oakes, overhead hustle, Leonard P
ShGbbrook. y
After the games ' were concluded P
supper was called and all sat'tlown
and thoroughly enjoyed 'the s4raw- h'
berries and.cream and.all the other h
good things provided, alter which the a?
following. officers were appointed for u
angther yeaer: • '
President N. Carter; Sect!etary J'
Mrn.11 J skins;. Convener C
of yegorta Mrs..N. Oaeter. 'Con:eerier.. :
of Social.•i s,>W. Jamieson,'•,.:'t : ti
'Rev. Bruce and Mrs. Cameron;,
with their children, Ruth, Frank and
Jean, from Manila, Philippine I's
land, also Mr.Camerons niece, Mrs.
Kehoe an•cl.:her brother, Robert Cam -
erect, „of Easton; New Jersey,. visited
Mat week with, MI•S. Cameron's un-
cle, 'Mir. William Campbell. They
left on Saturday for Winnipeg, via
Detroit and Chicago. Mr. Cameron
is not returning to Manila but will
have charge of the work of the Am-
erican Bible - Society -in the Central
United .States with Cincinnati as his
headquarters. •
'The Y. P. S. of Knox United
Chureh sprung a real surprise onn
their pastor and �hls wife on Monday
when a number of thein gathered at
the Manse, and after an address had
been read by Miss Beth Arnett, Miss
Mabel Harvey presented a very beau-
tiful silver set. oonsisting of. tray;
sugar bowl and cream pitcher, .•to
Mr. and Mrs. Forster, both of wham
replied feelingly, thanking the young
people for their lovely gift and the
kindly feeling that prompted it, and
assuring t'heid of the enioyment anal
enonnragement, the Y. 1'. S. bac! af-
forded them, and wished then con-
tinued and even greater blessing h
their new associations.
' The following is the address:
"Londesboro, June 27th, 1932,
Dear Me. and .Mrs. Forster; The
Young Peoples' Society of. Knox
Church would like to express to' you
their appreciation of the interest you
have always taken in the Young
People of the congregation, and the
great help and encouragement you
have been to the Society on every
occasion. '
It is -with regret that we sever
these connections. As we go forward
in our new relations, the help and
advice you have so generously given,
will ever be a source of strength and
courage in our lives. We wish you,
Mi•. and Mrs. Forster, health, happi-
ness and many opportunities of
service in your chosen week.
Will you accept this little gift, as
a tangible expression of our appre-
ciation of your work, during the
three years you have been with us.
Signed on behalf of the Y.P.S,
Beth Arnett, President; Gladys Fair -
service, Secretary; Eupbame Little,
Mr. and Mrs. Forster were also re-
cipients from the Ladies' Aid Society
on behalf of the congregation, of a
very generous gift of money, which
was gratefully received and acicnow
Miss Isabel Watt of Detroit visit-
ed with tate Scott fancily last weelc
Miss Watt sails from Montreal. On
•W'adnesday for Scotland• where she
will spend the summer with friends.
Rev. J, C. and Mrs. Forster are
visiting this week in Sarnia.
The regular meeting of the Wo-
man's Institute will be held at the
hone of Miss . L. Brigham, Clinton,
On Thursclay, July 7th. Roll call will
b answered by suggestions for pack-
ing the picnic basket, reading, Mrs.
F. McGregor; guitar duet, Miss Dor-
othy Little and Miss Elsie Manning;
community singing. hostesses: Mrs.
T. Miller, Mrs. C. Ruddell, Mrs, R.
Shaddick, Mrs. Geo. Moon, Mrs,
Janes Fairservice and Mfrs. Robt,
Caldwell. Meeting to commence at
2.30 sharp.
Mr, and Mrs. Guiileaut of Gow-
ganni and Mr. Driver of Woodstock
were visitors with Mrs, A. Allen on
bits. Fred Wallace of Sault Ste.
nIerie visited with Mrs, Elizabeth
(yon and other friends en Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, Win, Tamblyn, Joan
tnr] John of Toronto, were week -end
visitors with Mr. Tamblyn's pother
pied brother, Frank, leaving for a two •
months' trip to California on Mon-
ey. They went by motor taking
their• equipment with them consisting
of a complete kitchenette and sleep -
ng compartment in the cabin trailers
A large congregation assembled
n the United, former Methodist,
lurch on 'Sunday morning, it beim;
he last Sunday for the pastor, Rev.
W. ,Johnson, who for the past four
S' ears has reiulered' excellent service
nd a very happy and profitable time
as been spent together, It is with
eep regret that .his congregation
art with him and 'family. The very
est wishes of one and all go with
hem to their new charge in Crech-
on. A baptismal service was also.
old in connection with the morning
ervice, when three young children
were baptized, the sacrament was
artalcen by an unusually large num-
r. At the evening service the his•i
-ti of this church was given .dating
aek'for sixty years, which was lis-
ened to with great interest to all.
The Rev. Mr. Gardner is the new
astor 'of the United congregation
nd was inducted on Wednesday
fight, the two charges having united
nto one.
A tbig day is looked' for here on
uty 1st, and a great crowd is -ex-
eeted. iia the village tomorrow. If
ou do not join the procession you'll
robably bp sorry afterwards.
Rev. J. W. Johnson had his house,
rId effects moved to Crediton on
edneoday. Mr, and Mrs.. Johnson
as iboward.lent the same day to take
their new ;field of labor,.
Mrs Mons, Miss Maips.and Mrs.
her Taylor: spent last Thursday in
•Mrs:. John 'Nett, is spending pope i
ane !at • the acme . of , er „•�Qa th r
THURS., JUNE 30, 1932
Youngblut near Auburn, who we are
sorry to 'state is'.critically ill,
Mr. and, Mrs J. McCool were called
to Clinton last 'week owing ,to the
sudden illness of the former's amnt,
Miss McCool. •
Mrs, Radford, who enjoyed a pleas-
ant week's visit with her niece, Mrs.
Howard Shobbrook, returned to, tier.
home in Clinton Sunday.
At eleven o'clock on Tuesday, June
28th, at Lonclesboro .United chs eh
Parsonage, the Rev. J. W, Johnston
united Iris marriage Clara Irene, only
daughter of Mr, and 1VIrs, Frank
Longman and John 'Charles Way,
mouth, 'youngest son of Mr. Albert
Weymouth, and the late Mrs. Way -
mouth, all of Kellett.
The bride leaked charming in a
dress . of pink flat crepe with hand
embroidery trimming, pink picture
hat, white gloves, • white kid shoes
with stockings to snatch and carried
a large Blush white rose bud. M'r.
Harold Longman, brother • of the
bride, and Miss Ida L. Lyon were the
After the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was daintily served at the
home of the bride's parents, by two
of the bride's girl friends, Misses
Bessie Crawford and Hazel Freeman.
Only the immediate relatives were
h e was beaut'leul7y decorat-
ed with pink and white roses and pe-
onies and the bride's casco was strewn
with , pink and white rose buds 'and
placed on a plate wh:ch was a. gift
to the groom's 'grandparents, the
late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wlaynrouth,
en their 50th wedding anniversary.
The bride and groom later left by
purer for Brampton and Toronto. the
bride travelling in a poudre blue
dress with nratehine• acc•essorios and
carrvinn a black kid purse, the gift
of the bridegroom.
Their many friends wish them s
very happy and prosperous wedded
Miss Hazel Freeman of Clinton
and Miss Bessie Crawford of Carlow
visited at the home of Mrs. Herman
Saundereock, the latter's aunt, also
attended the Longman and Wey-
mouth wedding this week.
Mr. and Mr. Herbert Tiplady and
children have returned to Toronto
after spending a week's holiday with
!lir. anti Mrs. Glen Cornish.
.Miss Ruth Rotel] anti Misses Jean
and Margaret Cornish spent a cou-
ple of days with Miss Kathleen Cmn.
inghaine at Bayfield.
The following is the report of 5.
S. No. 8, Hulled, for the month of
Sr. 4th Irene Fothergill, 91; Fern
Watson, 90.
Jr. 4th—Gladys Webster, 86; Lil-
lian Bromley, 80; Edwin Fothergill;,
79; Brace Riley, J75; !kerion Hunking,
74; Wallace Riley, 70 Milton Little,
69; Pearl Griffiths, 68.
Sr. 3rd—Ferne Hunking, 31; Mar-
garet Fothergill, 74.
Jr. 3rd -Hazel Hunking, Oji Clif-
ford Saundercock, 91; Charlie Brom-
ley, 38.
2nd—Dorothy Griffiths,,. 05. Mel-
vyn Brunsdon, 86; Jack Webster, 84.
Sr. Pr.—Phyllis Manning, Eileen '
Millar, Louisa Little, Harold Brom-
Jr, Pr.—Donald Ilunking, Audrey
Little.- it. Stalker, teacher.
of. Ripley, has been engaged fon the
coming t tern.
We wiS,)i our £creno-
teacher, Miss Morrison of McKil-
lop', uncle success hi her undertak-
ings as she is about to leave us.
I Mr', John Moore returned to his
workat the Canadian Bank of Coin-
' merce, Toronto, last Wednesday af-
ter spending a two weeks' vacation
Iwith his mother and 'brother here,
The sixth annual Huron County
Live Stock and Household Science
Judging Competition was conducted
in Clinton on Saturday, June 25th
under the supervision of the local
branch of the Ontario Department of
The girls competition, in which 26
contestants took part, was held. 'in
the Fireman's Hall, Clinton, and was
in .charge of Miss Flora Durnin, Dun-
gannon, Domestic Science Gooch for
the County. The judges supplied by
the Women's Institute Branch in To-
ronto were Miss Florence P. Eadie,
Toronto, Miss Verna Bainbridge, Dut-
ton, and 1Vliss Helen McKercher, Sea -
The judging of live stock tools
place on the following fames in Stan-
ley township: Dairy Cattle, on the
farm of William Sparks; Percheron
horses and Bacon hogs, at Colin
Campbell's; Shorthorns, on the prem-
ises of R. M. Peek, Clydesdale horses,
and Yorkshire sows, at, John H. Mc-
Ewen's with both W. McEwen and
Alex McEwen supplying animals to
"round out these classes. Leicester
sheep were ,judged on Roy Pepper's
farm in Tuekersmith.
The iucleas were as follows:
Heavy horses: W. G. Michael, Do-
minion SOed Branch, Harriston.
Dairy Cittie: V. Langton, Meek -
dale. Assistant Agricultural Repre,
sentative in Grey County.
Beef Cattle: Fred Forsyth, Walker-
ton, Agricnitura] Representative in
Bence Gou ntv.
Swine: Harold Guile. Walkerton
Assictapt Agricultural Representa-
tive in Bruce County.
Sheep: W. J. Howard, Dominion
Live Stock Branch, Paris.
The trophies and money prizes
were presented to the winning con-
testants in bath eonnetitians ata the
Fireman's Hall at 6.30 p.m.
The prize winters were as follows:
Domestic Science
Trophy for highest score, Miss El-
sie Anderson, Lucknow.
Group 1, Senior Girls, First Prize,
Nutrition, Miss Verna Birk, Dash-
wood; First prize, Clothing: Miss
Catherine Crawford, Dungannon.
Group 2, Junior Girls—]First prize,
Nutrition, Miss Marjorie Baker,
Wroxeter; First prize, Clothing:
Miss Gladys Gross, Auburn.
The following girls will represent
Huron County in the Inter -County
judging competition at the C.N.E.
Toronto: Miss Elsie Anderson, Luck -
now; Miss Catherine Crawford, Dun-
gannon; Miss .Annie Straughan, Au-
, burn; Spare, Miss Eva Musgrove;
Miss Elsie Anderson, Lueknow, and
Miss Annie Straughan, Auburn, were
the winners of the Free Tt'ip to the
Royal Winter: Fair.
The team demonstration in Table
Setting and Service was won by Miss
Eva Musgrcve and !Mise Marjorie
Baker of Wroxeter. Loretta McClure
and Margaret Durnin, Dungannon,
won second place while Beatrice Fer-
guson and 1Vlildred Baker, Fordwieh,
and Ruth Brown, 'and Leota Cardiff,
Brussels, tied for third place.
The prize awarded to any girl an -
der 30 coaching the three highest
junior teams, teats to consist of
three members who have never com-
peted in a County Judging Competi-
tion, hnd who are under 24 years of
age, was won by Miss Margaret Duo -
pin, Auburn,
Live Stock
The Silver Cup and Silver Medal t
donated by C. A. Robertson, M.L.A.,
Goderich and W. G. Medd, M.L.A.„
Exeter, were won as follows;
Highest score: Silver Cup, won by t
Ed. Johns, Seaforth.
Second Highest, Silver Medal, won 1
by Geo. Mundell, Glenannan.
The shield given by the C.N.E. to'
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Riley, Mrs.
Thos. Pollard and Miss Phoebe
Wakefield spent Sunday in London.
ilir. and Mrs. R..Grimoldby and
daughter, Olive and Mr. B. Riley
spent Sunday at • Cromarty at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, F. Harburn.
Mrs, W. McArthur and three chil-
dren of Goderich spent the week -end
at the home of 3D. and Mrs. Adana
Mr. and Mrs. F. Riley and Mrs,
Geo. Riley spent Sunday at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Cook of Gode-
rich township, and at Bayfield.
Five pupils of S. S. No, 3 aro this
week writing their entrance exam-
inations • at Seaforth. We wish
them all success.
Tuesday, June 29th was the last day
of school until the fall term in Sep-
tember.' A new teacher, Miss Gauley
I the highest .point winner in the no-
vice class was won by Kenneth Jack-
son, Wlaltoti.:,
Senior Boys
Heavy Horses: Alf, Patterson,
Lucicnow, Horace Delbridge, Wood-
ham; George 1VIunclell, Glenannan.
• Beef Cattle: 1Vlervyil Lobb, Clinton;
Gordon Reynolds, Seaforth; Douglas
1lenuningway, Brussels.
Dairy Cattle: Dob Archibald, Sea-
forth; Alex. Carrigan, Glenannan;
Clifford Crozier, Dungannon.
Sheep: Bert McWih;nney, Dungan-
non; Frank Reynolds, Seaforth;
Frank Weight, Kippen.
Swine: Ed. Johns, Seaforth; Wlalter
Woods, Wingham; George 1Vlundell,'
Glenannan. •
Junior Boys
Heavy horses: Thos. Hern, Wood-
ham; John Patterson, Lucknow;
Frank Archibald, Seaforth.
Beef Cattle; Delmer Skinner, Cen-
tralia; Kenneth Jackson, Walton;
Wilson Thornton, Bluevale.
Dairy Cattle: Ward Bern, Wood-
ham, Donald Thompson, Auburn; Toni
Turner, Clinton.
Sheep; Win. Stanlalce, Exeter;
Howard Johns, Wioosham; Harry
Mulvey, Wroxeter.
Swine: Gilbert Johns, Exeter; El-
mer Arintsrong, Ethel; Earl Witmer,
TORONTO, June 26. -Col. W. H.
Price, attorney -general, on Saturday
announced the appointment of Alex-
ander Neeb, former reeve of Stephen
Township, as registrar of deeds for
Huron County, to succeed the late W.
Coats. r 1"..99
Mr. Neeb is one of the foremost
residents of the county. ITe was born
in Stephen Township 52 years ago, a
member of one of the pioneer £amiliee
of the district, his grandfather mov-
there from the County of Water-
loo. From early manhood the new
registrar has taken an active interest
in public affairs. His ability was
early recognized by his neighbors by
his election to the Township Council
and later to the reeveship, which
position he held for several years. On
the County Council he was regarded
as a valuable member and was
selected to serve on important com-
mittees. In 1926 he was chosen Con-
servative candidate for the Legisla-
ture, but was not elected.
Mr. Neeb, who is the father of
eight children, is a member of and
an active worker in the Evangelical
Chu/ph in Stephen Township.
Let us pass your worn Apparel:
through our rejuvenating, Dry 4
Cleaning,•proeess. Yon will find /'
yourself with a wardrobe renew-
ed in attractiveness at a tithe of
what a 'single, new garment would
cost! It is good business to in-
vest in a good^ appearance. Send
us your Clothesas a business in-
EAMES The Cleaner
Phone 194,
Our furnace wort(co.
will cut youir bill
An& bring you. heat
that gives atbr'i 11 !
f l g your coal bin
investigate the Miller Coal Bur -
per. We will save you 50 to 75%
of your fuel cost, give you 25%
nacre heat and 50% less work.
No ashes to handle, therefore no
Wee install this ;burner in your
present Heating Plant.
If we don't do as we claim the
t burner will cost you nothing.
Heating, Plumbing Tinsmithing
iii rr•.,,•..) .
In One ° irection
fir over 60 ye
TYIE record of Canada is like
the course of a'mighty river
—interrupted at times by
twists and turns of difficulty,
but making across the map of
the last 60 years a line
of progress so strong
and sure that its direction is
The Royal Bank of
Canada is typical of
this progress, Starting
as a small local bank in
Halifax, it has moved
steadily forward
through booms and de-
pressions since 1869,
With 881 branch offices,
it is today one of the
great banking institu-
tions of the world.
We Thank the Citizens of this Ltcality and Far Beyond for the HEARTY
Reception we have received at their hands.
Their Appreciation of the BARGAINS could Hardly be Surpassed.
We REGRET we cannot remain to Enjoy your Kind Hospitality Longer
than this week for BUSINESS purposes.
There are still Quantities of Clothing especially --
i to
Oi b 1Sh'S 9'1d Stand, Cl;anlpn, .Ona.
,1P S. --Spine Good Trades offered in .fixtures. Everyone must be Satisfied