HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-06-16, Page 5THURS., JUNE 16, 1932 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ) .91'4 91' j TSV vmrt� OE INTEREST TO YOU AND ME Mitchell Hepburn, OntarioLiber- al lelader, says the Lindsay Post -swung buckets of water to help save a neighbor's ibarn, thus proving that his political enemies are wrong or he would have blown the `.fire out. Stratford Beacon -Herald. But isn't he lucky that they didn't ' blame him for starting it? • A to Col. °leek says ' that the glamor ,and romance' of war is gone forever. For this weshould be devoutly thank- ful, as there is not a doubt but diet the glamor and the romance which onlehew surrounded war down through the ages has done much to 'keep it to the fore as a m.et ed of settling national disputes. There is •eemething splen:clid about the sight 'of marching teen in 'trim unifarms, the sound, of drumbeat and music of military •.bands. But there is no ro- mance, no glamor' about the sight of ' mud -caked, weary and bedraggled • stragglers returning from the un- speakable trenches after days of hors ror. During the Great War there ' was many an act of thrilling ehiv- alry, of highest bravery, but it is not necessary to subject men to such • ordeals to bring out these qualities. ' Every day life sees them numberless -times. We do not just look for them in common circumstances. that is all. No war today is justifiable, except the war to defend the weals against attack, to defend the home and fire- side, The Huron County council voted last week against the abolition of the county council. That seems nat- total, of course. No body of men is likely to see itself as a useless or- ganization is which may as well as not be dispensed with. And per- - haps they are, right. The idea of ganization, which may as well as province in the legislative assembly at Toronto does not anneal. If the 'county •Council will guide its affairs with .diseretion, looking well to the interests of the people at large; re- sisting the temptation to waste time and the hard-earned money of the taxpayer, it will probably find itself ' backed up by the people. 'But care is necessary, the county council is right at hand and when trouble comes neaple are always ready to hit the head that shows itself the nearest The redilotion of the number of legislators is another economy sug- gesSed. But probably the members of the legislature will be just as un- willing to efface themselves as t?ie members of the county council. As • a matter of fact the people of this nrevince would probably be just as efficiently represented by half the number c'f legislators as they are st present and business is always put ' through more auickly by a small body than by a larger one. One lean could represent the county of 'Huron cr any other county. just as well as TWO. But the trouble would be to persuade the people that such was the •ease. Both north and south would imagine that something was being ' "nut aver them" if the suggestion were made that only one rnan be elected in I3uron. But something of the'cart will probably have to be done. Two much rf the respan's money is being used nip in governing them. A severe cut in the number of legislators and the retention of the county councils. whose members are directly respon- sible to the -steeple and are not sub- ject to the party whip, would seem to be a rational way of redueing pub- lic expense. • CONST AN CE Me. and Mxs. Geo. Westhrop and two children of Windsor called on Mr.: and Mrs. Frank Riley last Tues- day, Mr, and Mrs. Rcbt. Grin?noldby and slaughter, Olive and Mr. Bet Riley spent Sunday at Bi'usseis as the, guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Riley. Iltr. ancl Mrs. Lester McKay of De- troit spent the week -end at the hoine of the lady's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nicholson, Quito a largo number from the village paid their last respects to the memory of Thos. McMillan, M.P., Thursday, the funeral taking place from his late residence. It was the largest funeral ever held in these parts, a fitting tribute to a much be- layed meniiber of the community. Mr. Wnn..Ardell and Miss Mary Moore of Toronto and • Mr.; RobeMoore of Stratford motored from To, ronto to spend the week -end at the home of Mas, Wm. Moore here. Mr. 'Jack' Moore arrived on 'Mon.` day evening from Toronto to .spend a two weeks' vacation with his moth- er and brother. ' Mrs. Jas. Riley and Mrs. Frank Riley attended the funeral of a re- lative, IVIr. Colelough of Brussels, last Saturday. ' Mrs. Jas. 1VecFarlane and infant daughter returned home to Stanley Township on Sunday after spending a week or so with her mother, Mrs. George Riley, Sr. Mr. David Tudor of Toronto spent Moneday with his brother, Mr. Dun- can Tudor here. GODERICFT: ' The July sessions of the Huron County court opened here Tuesday afternoon with Judge T. M. Costello presiding. In the first case before the ,court ,Mrs. Hazel Coutts, MVTeKillop Township, was a- warded damages to the extent of $200 and costs in an action for $300 against Charles Bondi, Winghanl fruit dealer, Mrs. Coutts was injur- ed when her car was sideswiped by Bondi's truck on Octooer 13, 1931, an the road between Blyth and Walton, the accident resulting in the prema- ture birth of a baby boy to Mrs. Coutts in the hospital at ,Seaforth five hours after the accident. The baby died. The jury deliberated two hours. HAYFIELD Mrs. W. P. Millsap, Mrs. A. Mill - sap and babe of London and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dingman and Mrs. Smith of Stratford are occupying cottages at the Bayfield Highlands, Mrs. Jas. McMillan, Mrs. Allan McKenzie and little daughter of London are at their cottage for the season, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Martin of De- troit spent the week -end at their cottage, "Boulder Lodge." Miss Ruth Houston of London spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Houston. Miss Marion Davison left on Sun- day to be with her sister, Mrs. H. Lord, who is recuperating after a serious operation. Dr. and Mrs. M. Flock and two children of Windsor spent the week- end at their cottage. Mr. John Mitchell of London, Mr, and Mrs. F. Erwin, Mr. and Mrs.E. A. Snyder, Bobby and Betty Souder of Kitchener were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Edwards on Sun- day. hairs. G. W. Weeds and Miss Anna Weeds spent the week -end at Moore - town. They have as their guests this s G:0 G: /' /%%/%//%I//IIIJIIIIIII�IIprlltl/Iliib'�I' 101IIII► Belford the steel door ofourvault there is safety for your valueable pa- pers_bonds,deeds' certificates, contracfs,pollcies etc.. .i ess AVOID danger of loss by. fire, ,theft or misplacement— rent isplacementrent a;Safety Deposit'Box at this/Bank—the cost is small. Bank '4" lB "�"he-�I��ya .roar AO' Canada week the i'ormer's three grandchild- rlen, Paul, Patty, and David John Crosby of Bolton Landing, N.Y. •Mr, andMrs. J. Hamilton of Lon- .don are at their cottage. Misses C. P. and J. 13. Rankin` o,f Mount Pleasant, Mich., •arriyed last week to spend the summer at their cottage. Miss 'Laing of Wyoming is their guest. ilIr. Douglas G•emeinlrardt returned to Ofillia on Saturday after having'. visited his parents. The Annual A.Y,P.A. service' of the Parish oe St,, Jantes, Middleton, St. Johns, Varna, and Trinity church; Hayfield,- will be 'held at the latter church at 11 a.m. on Sunday. ldrs. W. Cotton, Mrs. Mellor, Mrs. Alway and Vies. ,Stone of London are at the former's cottage. dttisses Lorna Ashplant, .Ellen Gal- lagher; Mary Hutchison, 'Eno. Sea born, Lueille.Iiayman, Margaret Mole gan, Dorothea Laidlaw, Hilda Grant', Anna Grant, Ruth Secord, Margaret Gibitore, Eileen Gilmore, Grace Mc- Intosh and Lois Gidley of London are oceupying • Mrs. Hart's cottage for a fortnight. A very •eleven mock trial was pre- sented by the Porters Hill Men's Club, in the Basement of St. And- rew's Chureh,, under the auspices of the Young People's Dept., on Thurs- day evening of last week. Mr. Snooks (Fred Bell) calls on Mr, Foozle (Mr. Harris), manager of the Matrimonial Bureau, with the purpose of securing a wife. The re- porter (King Harris) writes out the advertisement, and in short order the following dames apply—Mrs. Heartbreaker, an actress (Fraser Stirling); Miss Eathimaline (Maur- ice Frame); 'Vries Talker (Jack Cox); Bridget O'Toole (Glen Lockart); Mrs. Hinkley (Jas. Stirling). Mr, Snooks immediately interviews the fair ladies but is not at all impress sed, so he demands his money back, Mr. Foozle refuses so Mr. Snooks takes the matter to court. Mr. George Elliott of Clinton acted as judge; Mr. •Fred Elliott and Mr. Lou- don as lawyers for Snooks and Fooz- le; Mr. Austin Harris as policeman. Mr. Snooks loses the case, and the women grab their victim. Between the acts violin and mouthorgan sel- ections were given by Mt. Young and Ray Cox; violin solo by Harold Scotchnner; vocal numbers by Mr. Rohn, and readings by Mr. Fred El, liott and, Mr. George Elliott of Clinl ton. A large audience was in at- tendance and the play was much ap- precited. Rev. and Mas. M. B. Johnston, and Master Bernard Johnston el London are occupying Doyle's cottage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and little son of Toronto spent the week- end with Mrs. Knight's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Geuneinhardt. Mr. and Mrs. Knucky of Toronto are at their Bente on the Blue Water Highway, south of the village. Mr. E. L. Featherston of Toronto, Mrs and Mrs. J. H. 1 °eathcrstor, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Bryant, Mr. and Ids. A. Lord, Bernice and Kenneth Lord of Hamilton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston over the week -end.. HULLETT IOWNSHfY At Meadow Lake, Sask., after an illness of four months and great suffering, Mrs. Craig, widow of Robert Craig, passed to her reward on May 27th. Mrs. Craig had not enjoyed gnod health for a number of years, having sustained a fractur- ed hip seven years ago and since that time had not been able to walk, Mrs. Craig was a daughter os the late Mr. and Mrs. H. Hessel- wood of Mullett and was- born in I{illham, Yorkshire, England, on June 30th, 1851. She carne with her par- ents to .Canada in 1852. Their first year in Canada was spent in Miens berg, then they moved to the Base- line. aseline. 'Grderich township, where most of her girlhood was spent. In 1873 she married Robert Craig of Goclerich township. Having lived ht different places they moved out to Macklin, Sask., in 1913, where they lived for several year's then went to Meadow Lake, Sask. Her husband died nine years ago. In religion she was a Presbyterian. She is survived by three sons 4nd two daughters: W. H. Craig and Russell Craig 'cf Meadow Lake, and James Craig of Windsor, Mrs, Fred Nott of the London Road and Mrs. Albert Jackson of Morris. Five- brothers and five sisters else survive: Thomas Hesselwood, Dauph- in, Man„; George., Matthew, James and John all of Hullett, Mrs. Robert Bean of Carlow, Mrs. Wan. Medd. Trowbridge,, Mrs. Jas. Collinson, Hal- lett and Mon. David Hoggart and Mrs. J. D. Melville of Londesboro. Mrs. Walter Habkirk of Tlensall visited, her :sister, Mrs. Robert Brown last Thursday. PORTER'S HILL Death came suddenly .of heart fail - me on Monday to John George Reed, father of Mrs. Howard Cox, at the age of 63. The deceased man was herding the cattle to the pasture after milking and expired, suddenly on the roadway. He was dis- covered by De. J. Es Evans of Clin- ton, as he was driving his :delight -a. to her school on Monday, morning. The late Mr. Reel was ,born in Scotland _and carne to Canada''a little over two years ago and had been fn 'So i, Ant Member of' Florist Telegraph Delivery 'Association Flowers and Floral Designs for all Occasions , Ly+7!!tro ROCK GARDEN PLANTS 20 Varieties ail Hardy PLANT NOW Chas. V. Coee F" 1 O R I S Phones: 66w and 60j Flie':ai Cafe Meals at all hours. Special Dinner 40c from 11 a.m.. 1;0 .2 p.m. Supper, 5 to 8 p.m. Lunch at all hours. Try our Neilson Ice Cream, Ice Crean Bricks, and Eskimo Pies, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candy. r Charlie Koo Proprietor. 53-c. 1. CARD OF THANKS .. , - 50e MEMORIAL YERSE PER LINE .. ....10e MARRIAGES THOMPSON—IPLYNN-At St. Jos- eph's church, Clinton, on June 14th, by the Rev. Fr. M. N, Sulli- van, Anna E., daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Dominic Flynn, Hullett town- ship, to Frederick Thompson, To- ronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thompson, Winnipeg, Man. COLE-ASIiEY--41n London, on May 28th, by the Rev. Mr. Ferris, Mar- jorie Askey of Lambeth to Charles W. Cole of London, only son of Mrs. Cole and the late W. H. Cole of Clinton. BIRTHS ELLIOTT—In Clinton, on June 9th, to Mr. and ?errs. William Elliott, a son, JACKSON—At Auburn, on June 14th, to Mi'. and Mrs. James Jack- son, a daughter. DEATHS CHURCHILL—In 'Godeiich town- ship, on June 9th, Elizabeth Burns widow of Thomas Churchill, in her 87th year. JONES—In Seaforth, on June 10th• Robert Jones, formerly of Clinton. GANDIER—At his residence, 62 St. George Street, Toronto, on Jnne 13th, Rev. Principal Gandicr•, of Emmanuel College, brother of Dr. J. C. Gaudier of Clinton, in his 71st year. IN MEMORIAM LOB•B—in loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Mrs. Wilbert R. Lobb, who passed away June 17th, 1931. "Cahn and peaceful she is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain. And we, who loved her, sadly miss her But trust in God to meet again." —Sadly, sadly missed by husband and children. living at the hone of his daughter, Mrs. Howard Cox. He appeared to be in good health, not having cam plained of any illness but was sud- denly stricken. Surviving are twn sans and two daughters in Scotland and his daughter, Mrs. H. Cox, Por- ter's Hill. The funeral was held yesterday af- ternoon from the home of his son-in- law and daughter. Rev. R. M. Gale. pastor of Grace United Chureh con- ducting service at the home and at the 'graveside. Interment was made i1n Maitland (C'enncteiy, Goderich. The pall -bearers were Milton Woods. Colin McDonald, Martin Lowden and II, C. Cox. I3RUCEFIEL11D Mrs. Bruce Berry ,silent a few days with friends in Stratford last week. Me. John McQueen of Flint, Michi- gan, intends spending a few months with friends in •Clinton, Brucefield, Tuekersmith and vicinity. IIis many friends are glad to see hint looking so well. Mr, A. Beattie and, daughter of London visited at the home of Mrs. A. T. Scott last week. Mas. G. Hill has gone to Stratford to spend a few 'months with he son, Mr. j. Hill and family, while Mrs. J. Ifill.visits her mother in England. Ides. Reid and Mrs. Moore of Lon- don, formerly Misses Lottie and Maud Robinson, natives of •Bruce- fie]d, visited friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. 3, Robb of Brussels visited friends in the village this week, • Mr. W. C. Landsboiough and liis son, DT. A. Landsborough of Ohio, were the guests of Mr. sand Mrs. Mc- Queen anti other friends this week. advs. Wrn. C.• Landsborough, Who was formerly Mary Dick, daughter of James Dick, Morris 'Township, died at Port 'credit, Ont., last Sat'm•clay evening, June 11th, and was buried. in M'aitlan]l bank ceineteyy on Mon- Clinton's on- Cli t n e aid X ® S NW L Egg And Poultry House Eggs bought according to Domin- ion Uovernment Egg Regulaticies. Inquire for our, prices of eggs. You will always find opr prices par- allel with the city markets. Fat hens and well -finished chicks. always wanted—Prices good. Always phone opr office for prides before marketing produi'e, N. W. Trewar°tita Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w Why Bake w It's Hot? n►e� We Carry a Big Variety of Cakes, Cookies, Pies, Buns and Fruit Bread BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty -Maid Bread and Cakes, Phone 1, Clinton, CAPI l'AILTIIEATRE Now Playing: Zane (Grey's "Rider's of the Purple Sage" AEON., TUES., W,ED. LIONEL BARRYMiORE PHILLIPS HOLMES in "Broken Lullaby" THURS., FRI., SAT. Charlie Ruggles, Peggy Shan- non, "Buddy" Rogers, Richard Bennett, Frances Dee. First class entertainment in a likeable modern dress This Reckless Age Coining: Maurice Chevalier and Jeannette MacDonald in "ONE HOUR WITH YOU" Matinees Wad,, Sat., 3,pan. day last. FtnreraI services were held in the First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, conducted by the Rev. Mr. G. P. Duncan of Stratford, as- sisted by Rev I. B, Baine, local minister. The music was supplied and beautifully rendered by Mr and Mrs. Rennie. A large number of friends and relatives were present in tribute to affectionate memories. Mrs. Lanclsborough was well and favor- ably known in Tuckersmith both as a teacher in Seaforth and other schools and as a devoted wife and mother. The sympathy of the en- tire community is extended to the bereaved husband and son and other friends, who survive her, also one sister, Miss Agnes Dick of Norwood. ',fan., Friends from Clinton and WVingham as well as other points were present. Pallbearers were Ira Johns, Geo. Turner, Howard Crieh, John Marton, Laverne Forrest and Arthur McQueen. "It is not death to die To leave this weary road And midst the brotherhood on high To he at home with God. It is not death to close The eye long dimmed with tears And wake in glorious repose To spend Eternal years," CARD OF THANKS Mr.' Ben. W. Churchill and family with to extend their thanks and ap- preciation for kindness of friends :during their recent bereavement, also for the floral tributes from the Na, sonic' order and St. Paul's Church. A Strawberry Festival and Program Will be held on the sawn of Frank Jones' 16th concession, ou Friday evening, June 24th, under the aus- pices of the Ebenezer W. A. Shaw - berries and cream, bread and butter, tarts, pies, cake and tea. Come and enjoy a good supper -followed by a program. Adults 35c, Children 20c. • 75-2. House to Rent House on Albert Street, lately oc- cupied by Mi. Howson, bath, fur- nace, lights, water and'wirecl for el- ectric stove. Garage will be 'built if wanted. Possession July lst. Apply to T. R. Wigginton. 75-tf. Pups For Sale German Shepherd Police Ptips. Pure bred, sired . by -Skipper Von Hindenburg. Price reasonable. Wm. Livingstone, Seaforth, Phone 247r31. 75-1. Stray Steer A 2 -year-old red steer came to the premises of the undersigned about June first. Owner may have salve by proving property' and paying expenses. Lorne Jervis. Phone 610r33, Clinton central. 75-1. A THOU4IlT IN TIME M SAVES NINE. ORDS You', , COAL WOW AND FORGET ABOUT ]T FOR. A YEAR. 4,42fN,i01 i .w Did you ever wake up in the night trying to remember something you must do, And you puzzled ,and puzzled over it, and lost' boors of sleep?. Well, that's the way' you're going to feel all summer until eau get your next winter's sup- ply of coal ordered and 'deliver- ed. Save your time, worry and money by ordering it today, Calf the ki so PHONE 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO 11,V,CJ i:l.w' ,di41,5, ,*.:U.IId.Il,c ,Y ./ 0 ,9 .5i,r6A14, •..UYI!G"_,'21,i4.�" C. H. VENNEL, Eiectriciai Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 esesseesseseessessee ARRANGE NOW FOR YOUR Wedding Photographs A few moments of preparation now will insure a bridal photograph through all the coming years. WILL PLEASE YOU. Developing and Printing BURGESS' STUDIOS CLINTON AND MITCHELL HURONIA MALE CHORUS CONCERT COMPANY OF EXETER will present a two-hour Program in THE COMMUNITY HALL, VARNA on the evening of TUESDAY, JUNE 21st at 8' o'clock, sharp Under auspices of St. Johns Angli- can church, consisting of Scotch Comedian, Choruses, Readings, Quar- tettes, Solos, Instrumentals, a pro- gram no ole can afford to miss. Ad- mission: Alults, 25c, children, 15e. Geo. Beatty, H. Deihl, 'Wardens. 75-1, Auction Sale Of Household Goods, Dining Rooms and Kitchen Equipment, at Mack- lam's Restaurant, Seaforth, on Sat- urday, June 18th, at 1..30 p.ni. sharp Dining Rooni 3 dozen dining room chairs, 4 large tables, 4 small tables, 4 oak ice creast tables, 1 show case, 1 new Cash reg- ister, several small stands, 1 Quebec heater and pipes, a quantity of sil- verware, china and table linen. Kitchen 1 gasoline stove, 1 large coal range, 1 extension table, sideboard, 4 tables, 0 kitchen chairs, kitchen clock, refrigerator, 2 cupboards, clothes line and pulleys, 1 box stove and pipes, 1 single bed, mattress and springs, 1 dresser, 1 atepladder, quantity of cooling utensils, includ- ing dishes, pans, etc. Numerous other articles. Electric sign with word "Cafe." Smell sign with word `Seaforth." Terms—,Cash. P1RCY MACKLIN, Prop.; Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 75-1. Boarders Wanted Accommodation for several boar'd- er's, teachers preferred, All conven- iences, near High sehoo]. Inquire at The News -Record. 14-3. For Salo Good barn, .15'x65'. Itasy terms. Tnquire at Clinton News -Record. 73-3-p. House For Sale or Rent Comfortable 8 -room house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply be George Cantelan, Rattenbury street, Clinton, Phone 272. 35-tf. Wool For Sale Dry wood for sale, either at pile or delivered. Apply to Victor Fal- coner, R. R. No. 1, Brucefield. Phone 629r12, Clinton. 68-tf-100-p. For Rent A small cottage, conveniently sit- uated and comfortable. Apply to F. Fingland, Clinton, 50-tf. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Samuel Sloan Cooper, late of the Town of Clin- ton, 111 the County of Huron, Retir- ed Hotel Keeper, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the late SAMUEL SLOAN COOPER, who died on or a- bout tine 5th day of April, 1932, are hereby required on or (before the 201 day rot July, 1932 to send to the undersigned full particulars of their claims drily verified, as after that date the Estate will be distributed without , regard to the claims of which no nbtice has then been re- ceived. DATED at Godeieb this 31.st day of May, A.D., 1932. FRANK DOONNEILY, Goderieh, Ontario, Solicitor for Alexander J. Cooper and the Canada Trust Com- pany, Executors. I 73-3. Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTUR--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w For Sale or Rent Desirable house, Princess street, 3 minutes from the Collegiate, 10 min- utes from down town. 1-2 acre of land. Garden, fruit trees. Ideal home in good locality. Water, elec- tric light. Apply to E. M. Akam, or Dr. Shaw. 62-tf, For Salo House in Clinton, Beech street, Frain house covered with asphalt shingles, in good condition, fire- place, town water, garden and fruit trees. Price reasonable. Apply to E. Y. Watt, Clinton. 27-tf, P ASTUERIZED moil wholesome milk Cream, Whip. ping Cream, Buttermilk. A. W. GROVES (Delivered Daily.) Phone 286 House for Sale 8 -room house with modern conven. fences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 lots in garden, barn, woodshed, good cel. lar under house. Apply on premises to Hiram Hill. House to Rent 6 -room comfortable house, Victor - is street, Clinton. Electric Iights, town water, good cellar. Apply to Mrs. R. B. Carter, Victoria street. 70-tf. [ 1 WANTED Fresh Eggs 'and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid A. E. FINCH Phone 231. E. G. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repair Phone 53w. 13-tf. Coal? Bokeq Se Wood! Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthra- cite Coal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal. Hamilton -made Coke as well as Am- erican, also Bitiminus coal at my sheds, Queen St. Prompt and careful delivery. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St. Phone 256 All Cleaning and Pressing at Reduced Prices W. J. JAGO If not open work may be left at Heard's Barber Shop