HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-05-26, Page 5'TRUES-, \MAY "26 99'32 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD I Ty 4ph /- 71".7.' ' `. PAGE 5 • OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME Sentorth's tax rate is forty-two mull Clinton's s and Clntns is f tt =ei'ht o and • y g one hall. Oh, well, it is worth the • alif Ceronce to live in Clinton. M Mrs., Putnam got over the A-@lantiy safely* ion her lone flight, but we'd be willing to bet a dollar to a dough- ,nut•that she would -have given mole real happiness to her family had she been, at home baking them a nice' mess of week -end pies and 'co.ohies. Tuesday was the 24th of May, 'Victoria Day. But the twenty-fourth isn't the great day it used to be, not by along shot. People hardly know now why it is kept. Of course, if you corner them up and snake them tell you most folk would say that it was the birthday of the late Queen Victoria, whose reign extended over sixty years and that after herdeath it was made a perpetual holiday, to be known as "Victoria Day." But -over a score of years has passed sine -that and it is now a holiday without • much significance, a generation of 'young folk having grown up in the •-rneautiene to whom Victoria is but a `figure in history. The News -Record 'has advocated for some years that. 'the twenty-fourth of May should be dropped from the list of public holi- days and that the bistiiday of the present sovereign, King George V, Jdne 3rd, he kept instead. The two -days come too close together for both to be observed and at present only 'banks and civic offices keep the "King's birthday. ' Then when , the Prince of Wales 'comes -to the throne it would be an easy matter to change over to his • 'birthday, June 2Gth, which comes -'near our own national holiday, July 1st. But we can cross that bridge -when we come to it. In the mean- time June 3rd is an ideal date for the first summer holiday and -we should be celebrating it. There is no 'danger of the Empire forgetting Good Queen Victoria but there is ne par, ` ticuiar reason wiry we should con- tinue celebrating her birthday to the • end of time. HAYFIELD Amongst those who were at their cottages over the weak -end and Vic- ' three Day were: Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Chapman and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Manness, Armand and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Will, Agnes and - Bob, Mlr. and Mrs. Templeman and family, Ms and Ma's. R. E. Ashton and family, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Ham- ' ilton, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Granger and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rob- ' insert and family, all of. London; Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Orr and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Peter and family, Mars. Lawson, Harry and Florence, of Stratfcrd; Mr. end Mrs. Thornton Mustard and family, Toronto; Dr. `and Mrs. M. Flock and two children Windsor; Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Atkin- -son and two daughters, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Relit, Clark, Cleve- ' land, Mr..and Mrs. Erie York and ••daughter. Beverly, Toronto, Miss Agnes Kerr, Port Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Berry, Mr. and Mrs. 'Marry Baker and babe of London were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker over the week -end. Mrs. Macdonald and Mr. B. Mac- donald of Sarnia were with Dr. and Mrs, Newton -Brady on Victoria Day. Mr. P. Maser and family of Kit- chener spent Victoria Day at one of the Heard cottages which they. have ' taken for the Summer months, Mr. and Mits. Robert Heard and Stanley Heard of London have been spending a few days at their cot- . *age Mr. and Mrs. A. Ford: King and ' Master Douglas of Toronto spent the week -end with the former's parents, ' Mir. and Mrs. George King. Mrs. -Ring who had been visiting in To- • ronto came home with them on Sat, urday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Ferguson of 'London spent the week -end and Vic- ` toria Day with the former's mother, Mrs. 1M. Ferguson. Miss Norah Ferguson returned home on 'Saturday after having spent -the winter months in London. Mr. David Dewar, Jr,, of Toronto spent the week -end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Colbert 'and family .• of London are occupying one of the cottages at The highlands•. • Mrs. J. .Castle and Master Jack spent the week=end and Victoria Day in Toronto. • Miss Eva ,Sturgeon' 'has returned ' home :aftex'having visited in Toren-, tc. . Jfr. and Mrs. E. H. Johns and Mas-' -ter Francis motored ;to Toronto on• '.Sunday;,:'returning home on Monday, evening. • Mr...and Mi . W. F. Buchan and Master Ewing of Dunnville were 'the i • guests of the foriner's slater, Mrs. N., W. Woods, on Monday. Mrs,'W. J. Ket. and 1Miss Joy 0' ' 13rrght of 'Walkerton, Mir. and `bLrs. `T Kellett and little 'daughter, Gwen-; ythd; aird Mas. II Lotrl of London; were the guests -of Mrs. J; DaSison on Sunday, , -{ Prof. Lloyd Hodgins of'Zotonto'is' spending a few days at' his cottage I Mr. and Mus. J.. L: Dixa i and Miss: Carrie'` Doom, Mits. • E.,'W'right and? Miss -Dorothy Wr'ight,- Miss es. C. anal H: Drew of Linidone were 'the . guests' of Rev, and Mrs. P. H. Paull , an Vic; toria Day. Mr. and Mrs. L. Roberts of Kit- chener, Mrs. N. MacKay of Gooier, loll Mr. George finer - ai ' M Chatham visited Mrs. John Davison on Mon- day. ATI,. and Mrs.' Fowlie, L. Foes- lieof London and Mr. and Mrs. G. Koehler of Zurich were with their sisters, Misses F. and E. Fowlle on. Tuesday. Miss- Grace Jowett of MacDonald Hall, Guelph, spent the week -end and Victoria Day with her parents, Mr. and Mss. W, R. Jowett. Mr. Kendall 'of Guelph was also their guest. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. ,Supnicic' and two daughters of Detroit spent the week- end with , Mrs. S. E. Holley, who has returned to her cottage for the sum- met. - Mr. and Mrs. W: S. Wightthan of Detroit have returned to spend the season at their home in • the village. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sander, Mas- ter Bobby Bauder, Miss Ruble Fish- er, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Erwin of Kitchener were the guests of 1Vrs. F. A. Edwards on Victoria Day. Mrs. Alfred Howe, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. H. Hinde, left on Monday to' spend a few days with her uncle in Exeter before return - ink to her home in Haliburton. Mr. and 1Mrs. Win. Brownlee, Thel- ma and Harold Brownlee of Oshawa spent the week -.end with the form- er's nephew, George Little. Colin Leslie of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Aa - tion Coates, Brampton, Mr. and, Mrs. Chas. Glees and two daughters, Olive and Madeline, of Clinton were also the guests of lir. and Mgrs. Little on Sunday. ''Mrs. F. H. Paull returned home en friday last after having spent a couple of weeks with her parents in London. The many friends of Mips Nina Beard regret that she is confined to bed suffering from rheumatic fever. At the meeting of the Girl's Aux- iliary of Trinity Church, held at the home of Mrs, N: :Woods on Sat- urday, Mis. F. H. Paull gave a most interesting report -of the Annual Meeting held in London last week. The first league game of the Hu- ron Soft Ball League was played on Victoria Day at Porter's Hill be- tween Bayfield and Porter's 11111, the score being 25-11 in favor of the former. N. Young of Goderich was base umpire and George Elliott of Clinton, Umpire. It was with deep regret that it was learned that an honored citizen of this village in the persons of John Tudor Gairdner had passed to his Eternal Home on Thursday evening, The deceased man was the third son of the late 14Ik. and Mrs. James Gairdner and was the only son who spent his entire life rn the village, He was widely and favorably known, having been Assistant Postmaster from the time of his father's death until December 193.7 when he re- tired from the service a few months after the death of his sister who was Postmistress. Since that time he has lived quietly at the family re- sidence. Although he had not been in good health for some time, yet he was not taken seriously in until a couple of months ago. He is sur- vived by one brother. Dr, Thos. M. Gairdner of Waco. Nebraska, who was with him d.ur•ing the last week. The funeral took place from his late residence on :Monday afternoon when many were present to pay their last respects to the son of a promin- ent pioneer family, Interment was made in the family plot in Bayfield Cemetery. The service at the house and graveside was taken by Rev. F. H. Paull, rector of Trinity Church, who in his address made reference to the heavy sorrow of this house this being the third son who has been called to a Higher 'Service in a IittIe over a year's time—and then directed the thoughts of those pre- sent to the comfort of the Holy Trin- ity. The pallbearers were: Wm. J. Elliott, WM. Sturgeon, James Reid, E. A. Featherston, Thos. Snowden, Henry McClinchey. The sympathy of all, is with the bereaved ones. Gospel meetings -will be held in the Orange Hall, Bayfield, commencing May 30th. at 8 p.m,, during the week each night except :Saturday. Also an Lord's Day, June 5th at 7.30 p.m. Mr. John Reid of Vancouver, B.C., will be the Evangelist. HURON ROAD EAST Miss: Olive Glew of London spent the week -end and holiday at her home here. Mr, Roy •Bozell of London spent a few days last week as the guest oi' Mr. Stewart Ball. Mr, Harty Little of Bayfield was a holiday week -end guest at the home of his sister, Mrs. Chas. L. Glew. Mr. and. Mrs. Aaron Coates of Brantford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Glew :over the holiday. Mrs. George Monk visited a day in Goderich recently. Mr. and Mics. R. J. Gibbings of To- ronto visited, with their son, I*. Berl Gibbings, list week.," Mr.• Geo. Pickett ..of Detroit: ,spent a couple of days as the guest of gr. Melbourne Bail. Mr. and 'Mrs, ' Wesley Montt Godericli spent Sunday at the' 1.1W of the former' -g bratitor5 Mr l 'Geo. Monk. CARD OF ?THANKS .. 50c MEMORIAL VERSE PER LINE .. ....16c DEATHS PQTTEiR—In Goderich township, on May 22nd, Fanny Louisa Jervis, wife of Mr. Thomas J. Potter, aged 78 years. SWITZER—In Goderich Township, on May 23rd,. Lawrence Burton, son of Mr. Maurice Switzer, aged 13 years and 4 months. WESTON--In Goderich township, on May 22nd, John Weston, aged 87 years. GAIRDNER--In Bayfield, on May 19th, John Tudor Gairdner. SPEPPEB,D—At Nile, an May 18th, Catherine Sheppard, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Shep- perd, and cousin of 3. P. Sheppard Mrs. Osborne and Miss Kate Sheppard of Clinton. i SOFTBALL LEAGUE ANNOUNCES SEASON'S SCHEDULE The Huron -Softball League met in Seaforth with representatives pre, sent from Goderich, Bayfield, Por- ter's Hill, Clinton, Grand Bend and Seaforth. The election of officers resulted as follows: Honorary presidents, Judge J. M. Costello, Frank Sills, W. J. Duncan; president, Andrew Steep; vice president, Edward Strathmyer; secretary, A. C. McCauley, and treas- urer, C. R. Grigg. The representatives of the various Wi clubs are: Grand Bend, .M Powell, W. Desjerdine; Bayfield, E. W. Pat- chell, George Weston; Clinton, W. Fulford, N. Livermore; Porter's Hill, Fred Bell, Albert B. C'or, and, Sea - forth, G. Muir, A. C. McCauley. The scheduled games are as fol- lows: May 24—Bayfield at Porter's Hill. May 27—Seaforth at Porter's Hill. May 30—Clinton at Seaforth. June 3—Grand Bend at Seaferth. June 3—Bayfield at Clinton. June 3—Porter's Hill at Goderich. June 6—Bayfield at Seaforth. June 6—Clinton at Por'ter's Hill. June 8—Grand Bend at Goderich. June 9—Seaforth at Clinton. June 13—Grand; Bend 'at Porter's Hill, June 17—Porter's Hill at Clinton. June 17—Grand Bend at•Goderieh. June 17—Bayfield at Seaforth. June 20—Goderich at Clinton, June 20—Porter's Hill at Seaforth. June 22—Clinton at Porter's Hill. June 22--iSeaforth at Bayfield. June 24—Bayfield at Goderich. June 24—Grand Bend at Seaforth June 26—Grand Bend at Goderich.. June 27—Bayfield at Clinton. June 28—Goderich at Porter's Hill. June 29 --Bayfield at Grand Bend. June 29—Clinton at Goderich. July 1 --Clinton at Grand'Bend. July 1—•Seaforth at Bayfield, p.m. July 1—Seaforth rut Goderich, a.in. Jttly 1—,Porter's hill at Goderich, p.m. — July 4-1Bayfield at Grand Bend. July 4--Seaforth at Clinton. July 6—Porter's Hill at Seaforth. July 7—,Grand Bend at Clinton. July 8—Porter's Hill at Grand Bend, July 8—Clinton at Bayfield. July 8—Seaforth at Goderich. July 11—Goderich at Seaforth. July 11—Porter's hill at Bayfield. July 13—Bayfield at Porter's Hill, July 13 -Clinton at 'Goderich. July 15—Grand Bend at Bayfield. July 15—Grand Bend at Clinton. July 18—Seaforth at Grand Bend. July 18—Goderich at Bayfield. July 38 --Porter's Hill at Clinton. July 20—Clinton at Seaforth. July 30—Goderich at Grand Bend. .Tuly 22—Clinton at Grand Bend. July 22- -Seaforth at Porter's Hill. July 25—Goderich at Porter's Hill. July 25—,Grand Bend at Bayfield. July 27—Clinton at Bayfield. July 27—Seaforth at Goderich. July 29—Goderich at Seaforth. August 1—.Seaforth at Grand Bend .August 1—Goderich at Clinton. August 3—Porter's Hili at Bayfield August 5—Bayfield at Clinton. August 8—Bayfield at Seaforth, August 8—(Clinton at Grand Bend. Auguet 10—Porter's Hill at Grand Bend, August 10—,Goderich at Seaforth. August 12—Bayfield at Grand Bend. August 1Z—Seaforth at Clinton. August 13—Goderich at Bayfield. August 15 --Bayfield at Goderich. August. 17—Clinton at Bayfield. August 17—Goderich at Grand Bend. August 19—Grand Bend at .Clinton. August 22—Clinton at Seaforth. August . 22—Goderich at Grand Bend. August 24--iGrancl Bend at Bay- field. August 24—Goderich at Clinton. August 26—Seaforth at Bayfield, August 29—Grand Bend 'at Sea-, forth, - August 30--Elinton ai: Goderich. August 31—Goderich at Bayfield. August 31--Seaforth at Grand Bend.. - A. gaine.wor owants two- points. A game tied counts one point. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE' The, Huron Football- Association made its bow to soccer -fans on Wed. nesday, May 25, with. Winthrop play - Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association v r anon Flowers and Floral Designs fat all Occasions eirrale ROCK GARDEN 'PLANTS 20 Varieties all Hardy PLANT NOW C as. V. Cooke FLO "' IS T Phones: 66w and 66j Rtdk Cafe Girl Wanted to Wait on Table Charlie Koo Proprietor. 53-e. ing at Brussels in the opening game. A win counts two points. The three highest teams at the donclusion of the league schedule will play off for the possession of the Stephenson Thophy. May 25—Winthrop at 'Brussels. May 27—Clinton at St. Columban. May 31—tEgmondville at Walton. Jane 2—Exeter at Clinton.• June 3—Whlton at Winthrop. June 4—St. Columban at Egmond- vine. Juno 7—;Clinton at Exeter. June 8—Egmondville at Brussels. June 10—Winthrop at St. Colmnban. June 13—Brussels at Clinton. June 14---Egmondville at Winthrof. June 16—Clinton at Walton. June 17 -Exeter at St. Colunibait.. June 20—.Egmondville at Exeter. June 21—St. Columban at Clinton. June 22—Walton at Brussels. June 23—Exeter at Winthrop. June 25—Brussels at Walton. June 27—.Winthrop at Clinton. June 28—Egmondville at St. Colum, ban. June 28—Brussels at Exeter. June 30—Winthrop at Wealton. July 4—Clinton at Brussels. July 5—Exeter at Egmondville. July 0—Wlalton at St. Columban, July 7—Egmondville at Clinton. July 7 -Winthrop at Exeter. July 11—St. Columban at 'Brussels. July I4 --••Walton at Egmondville. July 15—Clinton at Winthrop. July 18—,St. Columban 'at Exeter. July 18—Walton at Clinton. July 19—Brussels at Winthrop. July 22—Exeter at Brussels. July 23—Winthrop at Egmondville. July 25—Brussels at St. Columban. July 25—•Waltion at Exeter. July 26 --Clinton at Egmondville. July 28—St. tColuinban at Winthrop. July 20—Exeter at Walton. July 30—Brussels at Egmondville. Aug.2--lSt. Columban at Walton. Wedding Photographs Fer Wedding Photographs of the bride and bridal party ar- range with us for your appoint- ment. The bride wants good photographs and they will tell the story for many years. BURGESS' STUDIOS CLINTON AND MITCHELL PETUNIAS We have the five BEST varieties. They make, for a small outlay, a most gorgeous display, either in beds, borders, hanging baskets or porch boxes. They can be set out now, will start blooming in a week or two, and continue to bloom long after hard frosts. Our Giant Pansies and Giant Snapdragons are unsurpassed. STEWART BROS., Benmiller Nurseries Phone Carlow 235. R. R. 4, Goderich. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Albert Lovett and family de- sire to express their appreciation of the kindness and sympathy extended to them in their recent bereavement, to express thanks for flowers sent, cars loaned for the funeral and all kindnesses shown, CARD OF THANKS Tlie family of the Iate 1Vr.. Joseph Riley wishes to express thanks for the kindness shown during the ill- ness of their husband and father, for all courtesies extended to them, especially' to the doctor and staff of the Soott Memorial hospital, Sea forth, for the cars loaned and flow- ers sent. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Thos. J. Potter and family wish to express their, heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation for the kind - nese shown them at the, sudden death of their beloved, wife and mother„ also their•. sincerest , thanks and ap- preciation .to all -those who showed sympathy ,by their beautiful. ,floral offerings. • , Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry House Eggs bought according toDentin- ion omi -ion Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for our prices of eggs. You will always find our prices par- allel with the city markets. Fat hens and well -finished chicks always wanted -Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketingproduee. N. W. Trewartbaa Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w TRY OUR RAISIN BROWN BREAD AND TEA BISCUITS THEY ARE DELICIOUS BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty -Maid Bread and Cakes, Phone 1, Clinton, Wednesday Half Holiday We the undersigned llferchants of Clinton, are desirious of the W'Vl+dnes- day half holiday during June, July and August, as has been 'the custom during the past summer months: J. T. McKnight & Son. H. L. Murch. C. J. Lovett. W. T. O'Neil Estate. R. H. Johnson A. McDonald. Est. of R. J. Cluff. Plumsteel Bros. H. W. Charlesworth. 3, P. Sheppard and Co. Ball & Zapfe. S. G. Castle. J. G. Mecld. J. E. Hovey. W. S. R, Holmes. Harry Fitzsimons. A. T. Cooper. R. V. Irwin. Geo McLennan. Connell & Tyndall. Sutter, Perdue & Walker. W. H. Hellyar (July and August). Davis & Herman. W. M. Aiken. W. C. Brown. The Vogue. Safety and Comfort for Night Drivers No more eye strain... .No snore' tensed nerves! Plenty of light a- head .. , flooding the highway; from fence to fence ... and clear- ly defining every curve, road sign; obstacle and bump. This is available to Motorists who wisely equip their cars with STOP - GLARE Reflectors ... silver-plat- ed metal, light condensers, whioh control the light beams, causing the Tight to be projected, where you need it most, in low, flat, pen-; etrating and unstreaked rays undercut fog and mist. STOP•'GtLARE. Reflectors elimin- ate the sight menacing "dazzle" created by glare, and reduce glare; to a minimum , ..'they are easily and quickly attached to the light bulbs of your headlamps ... Guar- anteed for the life of your ear. Manufactured by • .STOP -GLARE REFLECTORS, LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONT, Por Sale By • ,.K. C. Elliott „CLINTON, ONT. , PHONE -157. ASK POI D,EMiONSTRATION ICZEKVIMMMOSZIftEMISOMEIZENEffataisMismutis COAL, COKE, WOOD, CEMENT .tO7H®YoTu1S 1ff / II I It I Ii. SPRING FEVE.R. GET THE HEAT FOLKS TO HELP HER 0 Ygts Lver bed e •� in tile Y lay spring time, Evert this queen of the kit- chen! And because we feel a little languid ourselves, we can't be as hard on her as we might be. Help your 'icitohen machinery to run ;smoothly this spring with a good supply of Heat Folks Coa;•. It will lighten tasks and shorten the hours which must be spent in the kit- chen. CaII the ins! ci 'VitAT Mtn PHONE 74 ' CLINTON, ONTARIO C. H. VENNE I' , Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 }louse For Sale 8 -roam frame house, Mary street, Clinton. Electric lights, good fur- nace, cellar under whole house. StnaIl barn on premises. Apply to 0.- L. Paisley, Clinton. Phone 92. '78-3-p. STOP 15,000 BABY CHICKS S. S. WHITE LEGHORNS, BARRED ROCKS, WHITE ROCKS We are now booking orders for baby chicks for June delivery, all our chicks are produced from Gov- ernment Approved Stock, ElectriealIy Hatched, from Eggs that weigh over 24 and average 251,' ounces per doz., Leghorns, 57.00, Barred Rocks, 58.00, White Rocks, 510.00 per 100 in lots of 100 or over, order from this as our supply is limited, and orders will be filled in the order received. Write or Phone to -day ta: THE HURON POULTRY FARMS Brussels, Ont. Phone 5x or 65-16. 71-3. MORTGAGE SALE Of' Valuable Farm Property Under and by virtue of the pow- ers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will he offer- ed for sale by 'public auction, subjecl to a reserve bid, on Monday, the 6th day of June, A.D., 1932, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at Lot 12 ,Concession 8, Hullett Town- ship, the following property, name- ly, Lot 12, in the eighth Concession of the Township of Hallett. Upon the property there are erect- ed first class farm buildings, with plentiful water supply. TERMMS: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of the sale and balance to be paid within thirty days. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to the under- signed solicitor. DATED at Clinton, this 18th day of May A.D., 1932. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, F. Fingland, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. 71-3, For Sale or Rent Desirable house, Princess street, 3 minutes from the Collegiate, 10 min- utes from down town. 1-2 acre of land. Garden, fruit trees. Ideal home in good locality. Water, elec- tric light. Apply to E. M. Akan, or Dr. Shaw. 02-tf, For Salo House in Clinton, Beech street. Frame house covered with asphalt shingles, in good condition, fire- place, town water, garden and fruit trees. Price reasonable. Apply to E. Y. Watt, -Clinton. 27-tf. • House For Sale or Rent Comfortable 8 -room house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply iso George Cantelon, Rattenbury street, Clinton.' Phone 272. 35-tf. Rouse and Baby's Buggy For Sale Five room house, corner James and Matilda streets, 1-4 acre of land lights, water, barn en premises. Al- so cream wicker baby's buggy. Ap- ply on premises to Joe Carter. 69-tf. Wood For Sale Dry wood for sale, either at pile or delivered. Apply to Victor Fal- coner, R. R. No. 1, Brueefield. Phone 629r12, Clinton. For Rent A small cottage, suitable for two, Convenient to post office. Apply *to F. Fingland, Clinton. 50-tf, House for Sale 8 -room house with modern convert" fences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 tots in garden, barn, woodshed, good cel- lar under house: Apply on premises to Hiram Hill. 66-tf. -1--,douse to Rent 6 -room comfortable house, - Victor- ia street,, Clinton, Electric. lights, town water, good cellar. Apply to 11<Iis. R. B. Carter, Vieto'}ia street. t 70-tf. Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SLITTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w PASTUERIZED Rich wholesome milk Cream, Whip- ping Cream, Buttermilk. A. W. GROVES (Delivered Daily.) Phone 286 WANTED Fresh Eggs :and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid. '£ E. FINCH Phone 231. BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCHING I am prepared to take in any num- ber of eggs for hatching at 2t,5c per egg, White Leghorns and Barred Rocks Baby Chicks at Reduced Prices. E. L. Mittel' CLINTON. Farmers Attention! ARE YOU ALL READY FOR TEE SPRING WORK? -SEE ME IF IN NERD OF PARTS FOR ANY COCKSHUTT OR FR')ST & WOOD MACHINES I am also Agent for Allis-Chal- mers Tractors, and for Latta Cream Separators. JOHN V. DIEHL' Queen street, Clinton, 81.1, E. G. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 13-t1. Coal! Coke! &41 Wood! Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthra- cite Coal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal. Hamilton -made Coke as well as Am- erican, also Bitiminus coal at my sheds, Queen St. Prompt and careful delivery. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St. Phone 256 All Cleaning and Pressing at Reduced Prices W. J. JAGO If not open work may be left at Heard's Barber Shop CAP! EAILTHEATRE Goderich, Phone 47 Now Playing: "Union Depot," a grand picture. MON., TUES., WED. Frederic March and Miriam Hopkins are unforgettable in a great melodrama. It will thrill you and astound you as you never were before. "DOCTOR JECKYL AND MR. HYDE THUR., FRT., SAT. Norma 'Shearer and Eclbert Montgomery offer a picture of priceless dialogue and extreme sophistication. You will thor- oughly enjoy this ane "PRIVATE LIVES" Coining: "Shanghai Express." Matinees: Wed., Sat., at 3 p.m. TRY OUR RAISIN BROWN BREAD AND TEA BISCUITS THEY ARE DELICIOUS BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty -Maid Bread and Cakes, Phone 1, Clinton, Wednesday Half Holiday We the undersigned llferchants of Clinton, are desirious of the W'Vl+dnes- day half holiday during June, July and August, as has been 'the custom during the past summer months: J. T. McKnight & Son. H. L. Murch. C. J. Lovett. W. T. O'Neil Estate. R. H. Johnson A. McDonald. Est. of R. J. Cluff. Plumsteel Bros. H. W. Charlesworth. 3, P. Sheppard and Co. Ball & Zapfe. S. G. Castle. J. G. Mecld. J. E. Hovey. W. S. R, Holmes. Harry Fitzsimons. A. T. Cooper. R. V. Irwin. Geo McLennan. Connell & Tyndall. Sutter, Perdue & Walker. W. H. Hellyar (July and August). Davis & Herman. W. M. Aiken. W. C. Brown. The Vogue. Safety and Comfort for Night Drivers No more eye strain... .No snore' tensed nerves! Plenty of light a- head .. , flooding the highway; from fence to fence ... and clear- ly defining every curve, road sign; obstacle and bump. This is available to Motorists who wisely equip their cars with STOP - GLARE Reflectors ... silver-plat- ed metal, light condensers, whioh control the light beams, causing the Tight to be projected, where you need it most, in low, flat, pen-; etrating and unstreaked rays undercut fog and mist. STOP•'GtLARE. Reflectors elimin- ate the sight menacing "dazzle" created by glare, and reduce glare; to a minimum , ..'they are easily and quickly attached to the light bulbs of your headlamps ... Guar- anteed for the life of your ear. Manufactured by • .STOP -GLARE REFLECTORS, LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONT, Por Sale By • ,.K. C. Elliott „CLINTON, ONT. , PHONE -157. ASK POI D,EMiONSTRATION ICZEKVIMMMOSZIftEMISOMEIZENEffataisMismutis COAL, COKE, WOOD, CEMENT .tO7H®YoTu1S 1ff / II I It I Ii. SPRING FEVE.R. GET THE HEAT FOLKS TO HELP HER 0 Ygts Lver bed e •� in tile Y lay spring time, Evert this queen of the kit- chen! And because we feel a little languid ourselves, we can't be as hard on her as we might be. Help your 'icitohen machinery to run ;smoothly this spring with a good supply of Heat Folks Coa;•. It will lighten tasks and shorten the hours which must be spent in the kit- chen. CaII the ins! ci 'VitAT Mtn PHONE 74 ' CLINTON, ONTARIO C. H. VENNE I' , Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 }louse For Sale 8 -roam frame house, Mary street, Clinton. Electric lights, good fur- nace, cellar under whole house. StnaIl barn on premises. Apply to 0.- L. Paisley, Clinton. Phone 92. '78-3-p. STOP 15,000 BABY CHICKS S. S. WHITE LEGHORNS, BARRED ROCKS, WHITE ROCKS We are now booking orders for baby chicks for June delivery, all our chicks are produced from Gov- ernment Approved Stock, ElectriealIy Hatched, from Eggs that weigh over 24 and average 251,' ounces per doz., Leghorns, 57.00, Barred Rocks, 58.00, White Rocks, 510.00 per 100 in lots of 100 or over, order from this as our supply is limited, and orders will be filled in the order received. Write or Phone to -day ta: THE HURON POULTRY FARMS Brussels, Ont. Phone 5x or 65-16. 71-3. MORTGAGE SALE Of' Valuable Farm Property Under and by virtue of the pow- ers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will he offer- ed for sale by 'public auction, subjecl to a reserve bid, on Monday, the 6th day of June, A.D., 1932, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at Lot 12 ,Concession 8, Hullett Town- ship, the following property, name- ly, Lot 12, in the eighth Concession of the Township of Hallett. Upon the property there are erect- ed first class farm buildings, with plentiful water supply. TERMMS: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of the sale and balance to be paid within thirty days. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to the under- signed solicitor. DATED at Clinton, this 18th day of May A.D., 1932. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, F. Fingland, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. 71-3, For Sale or Rent Desirable house, Princess street, 3 minutes from the Collegiate, 10 min- utes from down town. 1-2 acre of land. Garden, fruit trees. Ideal home in good locality. Water, elec- tric light. Apply to E. M. Akan, or Dr. Shaw. 02-tf, For Salo House in Clinton, Beech street. Frame house covered with asphalt shingles, in good condition, fire- place, town water, garden and fruit trees. Price reasonable. Apply to E. Y. Watt, -Clinton. 27-tf. • House For Sale or Rent Comfortable 8 -room house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply iso George Cantelon, Rattenbury street, Clinton.' Phone 272. 35-tf. Rouse and Baby's Buggy For Sale Five room house, corner James and Matilda streets, 1-4 acre of land lights, water, barn en premises. Al- so cream wicker baby's buggy. Ap- ply on premises to Joe Carter. 69-tf. Wood For Sale Dry wood for sale, either at pile or delivered. Apply to Victor Fal- coner, R. R. No. 1, Brueefield. Phone 629r12, Clinton. For Rent A small cottage, suitable for two, Convenient to post office. Apply *to F. Fingland, Clinton. 50-tf, House for Sale 8 -room house with modern convert" fences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 tots in garden, barn, woodshed, good cel- lar under house: Apply on premises to Hiram Hill. 66-tf. -1--,douse to Rent 6 -room comfortable house, - Victor- ia street,, Clinton, Electric. lights, town water, good cellar. Apply to 11<Iis. R. B. Carter, Vieto'}ia street. t 70-tf. Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SLITTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w PASTUERIZED Rich wholesome milk Cream, Whip- ping Cream, Buttermilk. A. W. GROVES (Delivered Daily.) Phone 286 WANTED Fresh Eggs :and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid. '£ E. FINCH Phone 231. BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM HATCHING I am prepared to take in any num- ber of eggs for hatching at 2t,5c per egg, White Leghorns and Barred Rocks Baby Chicks at Reduced Prices. E. L. Mittel' CLINTON. Farmers Attention! ARE YOU ALL READY FOR TEE SPRING WORK? -SEE ME IF IN NERD OF PARTS FOR ANY COCKSHUTT OR FR')ST & WOOD MACHINES I am also Agent for Allis-Chal- mers Tractors, and for Latta Cream Separators. JOHN V. DIEHL' Queen street, Clinton, 81.1, E. G. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 13-t1. Coal! Coke! &41 Wood! Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthra- cite Coal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal. Hamilton -made Coke as well as Am- erican, also Bitiminus coal at my sheds, Queen St. Prompt and careful delivery. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St. Phone 256 All Cleaning and Pressing at Reduced Prices W. J. JAGO If not open work may be left at Heard's Barber Shop