HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-05-26, Page 2PAGE 2 Clinton NewsaR ecoid With which is Incorpctrated • TIIE NEW ERA Terms of Subscription—$2.00 per year in advance, to Canadian ad- dresses; $2,50 to the U.S. or oth- er foreign countries. No paper discontinued until all arrears • are paid unless at the eption of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid, is denoted on' the label. Advertising Rates—Transient adver- tising 12c per count line for first insertion. Se foe each subsequen'1 insertion. Heading counts 2 lines. Small advertisements, not to ex- eeed one inch, such as "Wanted", "Lost," `'Strayed," etc., inserted once for 35e, each subsequent in- sertion 15e. Rates for display ads vertising made known on app!ica- tign. Communications intendedfor pub- lication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. G. E. HALL, M, R. CLARK, • Proprietor. Editor. M. D. McTAGGART ' To finally wind up my business I have Moved my office to'my home, Corner Princess and Shipley Streets. Office hoot's 9 to 12 a.m. and at other tinter by appointment. Please use side entrance. Phone 99. H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer.. Financial, Real Estate and Fire In- surance Agent. Representing 14 fire Insurance Companies. Division Court Office. Clinton. Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie Successor to W. Brydone, K.C. Sloan Block -- - Clinton, Ont. CHARLES B. HALE Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner. etc. Office over J. E. Hovey's Drug Store CLINTON, ONT. V. T. FOLEY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Estate and General Practice in all Courts. Money to loan. New Bahk of Toronto Bldg., London, Ontario. Phone: Office Metcalf 1723; resi- •dence Metcalf 2172. 58-12. B. R. HIGGINS Notary Public, Conveyancer General Insurance, including Fire Wind, Sickness and Accident, Anta- mobile. Huron and Erie Mortgage Corporation and Canada Trust Bonds Box 127, Clinton, P.U. Telephone 57. DR. J. C. GANDIER Office Hours: -1.80 to 3.30 pan., 6.30 to 8.00 pan. Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 pm. Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence — Victoria St. DR. FRED G. THOMPSON Office and Residence: Ontario Street — Clinton, Ont, One door west of Anglican Church Phone 172 Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Itrapporawimprov THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD thread f which a word fropt Garcia would snap. And now, he would re- ' ceive as his reward for more danger- ons criminality than ever before, .not larger sums, nor even the sante, but simply the privilege of continuing to live as•Garcia's most despised :un- derling t ' tC THE stery A Thrilling, Story of the Old West BY MURRAY LET1v1STLR. BEGIN HERE TODAY 'SONNY EOLMAN, . believing he has been cheated out 'cf the Atzec. mine, takes to holding up the mine pe.yrolls, JANET LA•U'RIER, daugh- ter' of augh-ter'.of the man who holds legal title to the Aztec, comes to Moleville to, put a stop to H,olinan's' activities. TILFORD, the mine manager, tells her Sonny is aria at the bottom of numerous ore thefts, and she offers, a reward for Ilolman's capture. Janet is kidnapped by •GARCIA'S, gang, a bane of cutthroats. Sonny follows and rescues her. To his sur- prise, he learns that the girl thinks he is. in league with Garcia. Tilferd imports some urine guards. Two of then: kill JAKE HORNABY, a frien•cl. of Sonny's, in a Saloon. In the absence 'of the sheriff, Sonny, single-handed, - arrests them, then rides one rf town. He is visiting on a friends's ranch when news crmres of a depredation by cattle rustlers,. Sonny stispects Garcia and rides in pursuit. On the way he is fired on by two of Janet's mine guards, under instruction to rapture him alive. He escaits, but Guare wder. his Aimee. is shot, Un- der the name of JOHN DOE, Sonny runs for sheriff, cpl."using the candi- dacy of Tilford. NOW GO ON WITH TIIE STORY Tilfa.d :deemed and stared at the placard. It had been hastily printed. so ninth was evident; but it meant mere than a political announcement to Tilferd. Hoofs sounded behind him. Thomp- son, of the Circle Bar. and Jamison, of the Star Wheel. reined nn. Til, ford nrdded nervously.' "He11ta", "Hello," said Thompson grimly. "We,wanted to }alk to you." "Hell's 'bells. yosl' grunted Jamie- son, His gri" 'ell tnoistaehe seemed : to bristle. "What do blazes" hr reseed, "cl'y-u mean by trying to pass off a poor fake like that letter yon sect rue to the Circle Bar?" "I don't know what you mean," protested Tilford, "That letter," said Thrmuson grimly, "was supnesed to be from Garcia to Sonny Holman, asking him to help raid my herds." He regarded Tilferd steadily; "Tt's nn remedy thr same kind of upper the Aztec ?aline uses for its Ietterbeeds." he explain- ed softly. "It's spelled ten well — muc'1 better than a greaser like Ga*ria wrul.•1 spell. The man who wrote it had lust heard of the raid It wasn't written until after T'd Owned in to town and asked for rid- ers." "T don't pet you" said Thio rc nervously. "I assure you—" "Yiib get us. all richt" growled Jamison. "Yuh faked that there letter t' get us against Sonny Hol- man. Us bein' Burned fools, yuh came near doin' it. But that there +gree: yu't realin', •favorin' Sohn Doe, that there's the result. An' we' gran' 1' put thrrnglt the stuff at the ^antihensenew t' make him a t'ee•'itr" nandirlate. Yoh got no more thence n' Mein' elected than a snowball it hell," "n—T've one In he R^ino." Ford Tilford nervously. Ile moved away with es much haute as he could, short of outright flight. He reached the mine enelesere. and a greasy halfbreed Mexit•ter Irungine •"efrve the office grinned ad hint. Tilford swallowed suddenly and sawed fihsrt. Then he waver- inely motioned the Metall to come with hint end led the way hito hi• private office. "Senor Garcia, 'e save." reigned the half, breed, "wa't t' hell you goln' de?" Tilford .gnawed at his firmer ends, He was . shaking all over. The ques- tion was clear enough to him. Gareie wanted to knew what he was roine to do about the guards who had cut off his ore stealing. flow was he going to square himself fax having DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence: Huron Street — Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 (Formerly occupied by'the late Dr C. W. Thompson) dEyes Examined and Glasses Fitted DR. H. A. MCINTYRE DENTIST EXTRACTION A SPECIALTY 'Office over Canadian National Ex- press, Clintat, Ont. Phone 21 D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist Masseur Office: Huron St. (Few doors west of Royal Bank), Hours—Tues., Thurs. and Sat,, all .day. Other hours by appointment Hensel] Office—Mon., Wed. and Fri forenoons. Seaforth Office—Men., 'Wed. and Friday afternoons. Phone' '207. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed. Auctioneer, for the County of Huron •Correspondence promptly answered. `Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record; 'Clinton, or by calling phone 103. `Charges' Moderate , and Satisfactior Guaranteed,, CANADIAN :NATIONAL. RAILWAYS TIME 'TABLE' Trains, will•arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Goderich Div. Going East, depart 6.58 am Going East depart 3.05 p.m, .Going West, depart 11.55 tern. " " 9.44 pen. London. Huron & Bruce Peeing South 3.08 p.m Going Nortb 11.58 "Don't you see, ,'Gunpowder " she asked, uncertainly. "My father is in, a terrible position. He hasn't been very nice to me sometimes, Gunpeeve, cltf—'lbut he is my father. If we etut'e. raise some money , somehow he'll. 1 have to go to prison. And this mine isall we own now. IIe's lost every- thing, else 'we rcwned. Maybe he de; served to, But I can't think of that, can 1, Gunpowder?" The big stallion nosed tentatively; at the pocket of her riding jacket. cirublecrossed Garcia? What induce - mint woul;i he offer' Garcia not to have him shot or knifed at the ear- liest opportunity? "Look here,"', he 'managed to say nervously, at last. "I'm going to be the next sheriff. I'1l split the county I with Garcia.. Tell him '11 give him a free hand a rustling, an now and then let him get away with' a payroll cf the inine,''and It L promise not to interfea'e with anything he chooses to do •among the Mli exico s,e "Si" queied the halfbreed. "Ydu let heem tet:, girls, hol' up stores, an' tip heem off when men chase heem?', "Yes," agreed Tilford uneasily. "He won't make it to raw, but we'll work together." The halfbreed celled a corn ]rusk cigarette and lighted it sprawling b•ut familiarly hi the ££ice chair leen' w'at else?" he c:en ni,ded insol- ently, "Garcia, 'e clon' like you so much now. You are buy n' your life hombre. .Pay high," knew he was buying his life. The system of tern e the ore in Garcia's movedoved its efficacy more than once. More than ora man hod disappeared very quiet- ty. Mere thous one case of "fever" rf arsenic to kelt. And lie man had »expectedly out of nre'h"re and singi ng unpleas- C tt i • rilfercl shndde`ed. He ie -Mg' that heti moa wale m driven decile aids high -grading, scheme had weed(' have Shawn traces if pains hail been taken t esrecdally- more than cr .for"id bullets plopping u aptly close to him, Tilford had ordered enough of these events to knnvv that his life was net worth much if Garcia chose to have him aseassina+eel. A courageous man, of course. -Would have talceu the chance. But Tilford was hardly a courageous man. "What else does Garcia want?" he asked ciismally. "He' can't drive pre too far!" The halfbreed grinned at him lied spoke 'no word. And Tilford licked suddenly cl•y lips and snit weakly. "All rieht. I'll arrange He ehnkecl suddenly. He could not speak nor mare. The halfbreed wee laughing when he went out. Meeting ,Janet on her way to the mine office. he leered an- ticipatorily at her as she passed. The horse elector insnneted the fore haat of a big black stallion and steed un with snore pride. "Now, you bole at that ma'am," he said proudly. "There ain't another pheesician in Gila County nor the state neither o uld had done that as neat as I did. Wu take nee o' these here dvercchis' physickin' hnss doctors an' he'd ha' used the iron on this animile an' ••eu'd 'a' had a lamed haws, good f^•r ncthin', But me. ma'am. in les- s'u a week I get him tts geed as ns•w if not better. That there Iege ma'am. is somethin' to be proud of." THE McRILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. President, J. Bennewies, Brodhag- en, vice-president, James Connelly, Godarieh. Sec. -treasurer, D. F. WIC - Gregor, Seaforth. Directors: Thomas Moylan, R. R. No. 5, Seaforth; James Shoaldice; Walton; ' 'Win. Knox, Londesboro; Robt. Ferris, Blyth; John Pepper, Brucefield; A. Broadfoot, Seaforth; G. R. McCartney, Seaforth. Agents: W. 3.• Yeo, R.R. No. 3. Clinton; Jedm Murray,' Seaforth; James Watt, Blyth; Ed. Pinchley. Seaforth. Any money to be paid may be paid to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank of Commerce, Seaforth, ,rya at Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Goderich. Patties desiring, 'to effect incur- anae or transact other business will be promptly attended to on 'applica, time to any of the above efficerp addressed to their respective post ot- ficebi Losses, inspected by the direc- tor who lives nearest the scene. "It's just that we must have money, Gunpowder. We must have a lot-- such a lot, iGunpowder, ter hell go. to prison. And your master has been taking so much froth the Aztec that the banker's say it hasn't been paying dividends for years. and• it 'can't be any good. They won't buy it and they won't even lend u$ any moray on it. Sb I've got ,ta make your: plaster leave the mine' alone. Hon- estly, Gunpowder, I'll give him a chance to get away, I .peomisel I'll tell him about your hoofs and I'll. promise bins that if he'll go away I won't let them chase hill." 'Gmnpawder lifted his head suddenly and gazed at the entrance to the stable. Tilford was coming in. He looked acutely nervous .and he was. fidgeting with his watch chain as he; carne toward' Janet. The stallion jerked his head away and moved a- side as the mine superintendent drew near. "I paid that vet. Miss Laurier" THURS., MAY 26, 1932 Rage swept over Tilford, while terror; invaded the very marrow of his bones_ He knew Garcia tee well: not to fear him. But even a coward Tula his courage if pushed' far enough. and the desperation only a coward- can feel was possessing Tilford just ncF; Ile went back to'hds. office, cast- ing• wildly about for plans. Prom the office window he watched- Janet ride out of li.!°oleville and toward the hills. 'He watched until she was out of sight, biting at his finger ends in an agony rof indecision. But when she had vanished he reached for the. telephone on his desk Hecalled for the Miele Bar, trying to make his voice steady as he did so. And be asked for Thompson, who a week before had shown his stern and distrust as plainly as it was possible for a mart to do. Janet roue slowly but steadily to- ward the hills until the first gentle' rises of the slopes were under Gem - powder's feet. Then she let the reins hang slack, though from time to time she urged the big stallion onward with her voice. He hesitated mere said Tilferd uneasily. `.`ITe's on his' than once. uneasy at the lack of quid- a.nce. Each time he halted she spoke way back to Leftover. When cba You for bine to move on. And presently intend to start?" be seemeri to make up his mind what "In about an hour," replied Janet was wanted and walked steadily for- "I'll get the men and dogs cue at wart] He ilcund what seemed to be once, then," said Tilford. "We're I a trail, though no sign was visible going to use liver and aniseed bail- to Janet, and he followed its ramie. ed together," he aunt^unced. "Any., lusts here and there, picking his way dog in the world will follow that : as if he knew just where he was o scent anywhere, just as a cat will iltg. Once, indeed, of this own voli- follow catnip, You wont be in any tion he broke into a trot. danger, Miss Laurier." •I "I'm not afraid" said Janet slrev- Iv. "Somehow I don't think Mr. Holman would harm Inc." "You forget" Tilford interposed harshly, "that he has been robbing your mine, and in company with Garcia," "I wonder if he is really helping Garoie," said Janet uncertainly. Tilferd mleved uneasily, "There can't be any doubt about that. Your Ict' napping-=" "Ile saved the then," Janet ahiv- eree a little. Tilferd w'tved his hand impatient- liouid. Deeps would fall from that ly. "That was jealousy" he said with sufficient regularity to leave a brutally. "I have a small pistol fax you. You can hide it eomewhere, in ease of need." "I'11 take it" Janet reached 'gulf absently to touch Gunnnwder. "But T don't think I'll need it. I'll get read,'," She stroked Gunpowder's muzzle again almost apologetically, and wen' slowly cut of the stable. Tilf"•d watched her go and when' she had disappeared his expression changed, Ile drew a handkerchief from his pocket and monped his forehead. Ile began to tremble. A grinning halfbreed appeared from nowhere and regarciecl him in- sclently, with his harms in his Pnt kets. 'Buena, hombre," be said amiably, "but w'y you geev' 'er -n peestal?" "It—it won't shoot," said Tiifod harrassedly, "Good Gncl! What a thing you've made ole do!" The halfbreed laughed, '"There ees pare," he said pleasantly, "The Sem er Garcia, 'e is vairy angree. So asks one more theeng, tut' then 'c weel be frien'a teeth you again." Tillfo'.d shuddered. "It's not too late to slop now," he said suddenly. in weak desperation. "I warn you you can clrive me tco far. T can tell Bliss Laurier everything." The halfbreed grinned once more, "W'at. deed yo fin' in your desk this morneeng?" Tilford clenched and unclenched his fists, "A rattler," he groaned', "A rattlesnake—dead," "Si!" The halfbreed nodded anti gt'innecl. "Bet was shedding eets skin. too, Teelford. Eef eel had been put in there alive?" The ;flare of desperation that had made Citron! seem about to issue a fierce defiance evaporated. lie shies: creta, but strove to keep up a pre tense of resistance, "Well, what more does he want?" "The ilex' ore sheepment," said the halfbreed calmly. Tilford clenched his hands. Then he said, "And what is my split?" The halfbreed, grinned. "You?" His air was insolence undiluted, "Whey hombre, you leevet" Ile swaggered to the door of the stablev, swept off his sonwbr'ena with ironic politeness, and was gone. Tilford shuddered and gr°nttncl his teeth at the same' instant. This wee a clear: enough indication of Garica'r :future intentions, He, Pittard, would be leis, than a tool front now on. Now ha was retuned to the status of a servant. Tho `'ore stealing hath• been Pili!oa'd'a idea 'from the start. He had promoted Gai'e:u, 'from the lowly way al' borsethlef to the nobler estate of urine robber, The rise of Galicia to Powe l' and even his safety up to this pr esoirt time was due solely to Tile ford's assistance and advice. And now Gareta hail turned the tables 'Scilly. The siic guards Tit- ;deed bad hired With Janet's fund's' would not pretest liidri against such' tricks ins half -blind rattlesnakes -in his, desk. Tilfo.rd's life hung by .Tanet, her under lin caught be- neath her teeth, nodded absently, "Can he be ridden new?" she asked. "Well. Ma'am." said the vet judd- tieusly, "if it was a ordinary Koss. T'tl any we ma'am. But this here is se epeeriter! animile. Keep blur .e'ad•iocl much longer en' he'll get to frettin'. It ain't as if he'd -lost a 'Jetta blartl. That bullet jest ahnn' nicked hie hoof. an' 'twos the sho^ic that numbed the whole hock nto•e'n anythine else that reseed him en. Yes. meanie I reg'» yl^n ran lien. ' hint •T iwnldr;'t he goin' ten Inc, y' know, Tint I'd give him enomeli exercise to keen him gentled," ''They were in the stables of the Aztec. mine and amid the rustling thudding noises of stabled mules. Janet nodded am_„in. "New,” she coir. abruptly. "you'll be geeing back to Leftover. And you won't mention why' you came hne•e?" "No inseam" The veterinary sur ger» drew himself un to his Rall four feet nine: "I'll just any ma'am, that T was railed in as consulter.' phee,i- cien'on A eseure(eta Ammer the mine mules." He preened 'himself Then curiously overcame him. "Ma, enn..whri all rwns this animile? There ain't many like him." "T am tekinn' care of ham fee e friend," said JanetabruptI,.,• "Mr. Tilfo'd will pay you fox yon• trouble Anii tha.nlc you." The horse: (Inciter bower: nrnfrunrl. ly and elemarterl. thoro't with an, t", nreeein't in which 'cul, ells nesetds. read still di'nmered, Janet . stralree the big stallion's silky muzzle. "T hate to odor it Grm'now•der," elm said un', ieeint , "but: 'f hava 1't," • {rnnnrv'.riel• nnczled her ahnulder ttf fecti•oinately. , Janet: herself hall sun - revised his 'removal hem 1 ili•le f'anvon after he lied 'hewn ermndo down by a bullet from one of the mine guard's pistols, and he had "dden in in an nil wagon that had been, carefully ns'•c]cd. And fur' a week Janet had visited hint dnilyr., It -inging Junin sugar and 1idhit' demote the hcairt of a hnrsa, Taney nut her arm ,'ltrut.hhis ne:lc. Somehow 'she waS not yes hapjsyr, trail irrestible to a canine nose. The mine guards were waiting somewhere along the route, with" a motley of 1VI;oleviile'' dogs. They. would pick up the trail and follow it leisurely. When they judged the sign was fresh, the doge would be Muzzled and the pursuit would be more swift. And even Sonny Iiol- man would; be forced to surrender by such oveewielming force, Janet counted upon encrtrntering.' Sonny Illelman either at his heingori or, before it and she was resolved to 'give him ' his choice of flight, imine- diette and final, or combat with the 'six pursuers. She could not explain even to herself why she was willing for him ;to. escape punishment fox what she considered his crimes, She .assureci herself, without convictions that it was because she did not want to be the cause of a battle in which men might be killed and in which) Sonny would.. surely die. The way was long. Gunpowder had started out more than usually mettlesome from his week's confhne•s rent, but as Inc Mule his way up ward into the mountains the recur• rent shocks of his injured hoof strik- ing upon unyielding stone tended tc Blake him favor it a little. Perham: from pride, he wouldnot limp, but his pace was undeniably slower as he wound deeper and deeper into the bills, And this was just what Janet had expected and was daunting on. Know- ing the stallion's intelligence, she had believed that if he were released he would find his way to Sonny Hol - man's hangout, And the stallion's hoofs had been snaked in a mixture of boiled liver and aniseed which to a deg is as fascinating as catnip to a cat. Any dog will follow that scent anywhere. To make assurance rl• pi''ly sere, the bandage still about Gunpowder's forelock contained a sncna`e soaked in the sauce pungent The sun bad been little past the zenith when Janet set out, but it moved slowly onward and began tc decline toward the west, Shadows appeared and lengthened in the can- yons that had been places of a cur- ious tbalcing heat at midday, despite the thinness of the mountain air. A peculiar chill seemed to gather beneath the frowning .cliffs. Janet felt a momentary thrill of fear. But then .Gunpowder, with the air of a horse who knew exactly what he wee about, turned to follow a dried up stream bed that went where no horse would ever go unless bound for a definite destination, and the certi- tude of his action comforted' her. saw only the last two or three Id ahem and was frozen for a moment, "But. -but I guess they are our men," e:he .said uncertainly. "They. must be. Their:' hats looked very big—like sombreros, and . our men wear Stetsons. But it must be lour hien—Gunpowder, hurry. Hurry!" e,, (To be continued)" MRS. LEWIS AWARDED 38;000 FOR LOSS OF (HUSBAND KIL- LED LED BY EXPLOSION OF MANiHOLE IN TORONTO In ,a ;judgment handed down by Justice Kelly, iii, Supreme Court, Mrs. Jean L. Lewis, widow of Nor- elan Lewis, killed in a manhole ex- plosion in frontad the Union Station, Toronto, on Fobc-uary 22, 1931, is awarded the sum of 38,000. The GOO- ; smell's Gas Company, bf Toronto; the Bell Telephone Company of Can- ; ada and' the Toronto. Terminals Rail- way •C'ompany were the defendants in the suit, launched by the public trustee an behalf of M'rs. Lewis, nave an inmate in a provincial institution. The settlement' for 38,000 is in full of all claims, inpluding costs, the judgment sets out. The defendant companies and each of them are dis- charged of and from all liability une der the Fatal Accidents Act. The accident in which the late Neaman Lewis Dost his life is one of the strangest tragedies on record. Walking over a manhole toward a drop letter box in front of the Tinion station, Tocconto, an explosion slide denly shot him into the air and over the parapet. Ile°was killed almost instantaneously. He was about a post a letter to his wife, telling of the condition 'of his father, the late Judge Lewis, who died a few hours after his son 'was killed and -without knowledge of the fatal accident. For the reason that his son predeceased his father by a few hours, the widow 'nf the son. a beneficiary in his fath- rr's will, slid net share in Judge Lows - is' estate. Norman Lewis had no children. Tie picked his way among the boulders and scrambled up what must have been a rushing cascade in the spring thaws, and came out sudden, ly upon a shoulder of reek that gav a limited but clear view for a long way back along the trail he had fel- lowed. Janet looped back Anil clown and saw the last of a cavalcade of hcrsenen just disappearing behind an intervening uprearing of rock. She How German Treatment Stops Constipation Acting• on BOTH unner and lower bowel, the German eemedy Adlerika stops constipation. Tt brings out the nelsons which cause rear bloating and bad sleep. 3. E. Hovey Druggist. �1. IT ar ry Dis bedient Pers Do you protest, and say that you're not a very disobedient per- son? Be patient, for a moment, and we shall see. Look at the advertisements which you see in this newspaper, and in other newspapers, Most of them bid you do something some- thing which, if done, would, be advantageous to you, as well as being profitable to the advertiser. But clo you always obey these adver- tisers? You do net! And what is your excuse? Talce your teeth, by way of example? Are you doing what you cats to prevent or delay their decay and loss. If you are like most persons you are not. Yet you aro being Grged by advertisements to use regularly a product which, if used regularly, would keep your' . mouth and teeth in a really good health condition; and would enable you to keep your teeth sound and keep away toothache. It isn't the price of the product iidsieh keeps you from using it it's just .plain inertia and procrastination. Then there's an electric or other kind of washer—this by way of example—able to be purdhased on the instal,nient plan, The advertisements bid you buy it, and give you good reasons why you should use this labor-saving, life -prolonging mechanism. Has every man and every woman known to you obeyed the dommands of the advertisements of this washer? They have not. And their resistance cannot be put down to disbelief. The explan- ation is: Most of us are shameless pooerastinators—putting off, putting off, putting off all the time. When you read advertisements, see in then: the untiring effort of manufacturers and institutions to cause you to dt, right things. Talce,the life insurance companies, by way of example: Their advertisements urge all of us to insure our lives, Yet how stub- born most of us are! We resist the biddings of the advertisements and the canvasses of the salesmen of life insurance. We defer Be- ing the obviously right thing, often for gears! So when you see and read advertisements, and when you feel inclined to say, "What a •shoekieg lot of money is spent by aclver- tisers"1, S•eflect on this' idea: It is the stuliburn disobedience of mon and women that is to be condemned. We should be grateful to those advertisers who pursue us all our life„ bidding us do things, whicheif done, -Would be advan- tageous to ius. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECO COMMERCIAL PRINTING DBPARTIVIENT PHONE 4