HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-05-05, Page 8PASTRY FLOUR 7 Ib. bags 17e 12 lb. bags 28e 24 lb. bags 49c LUX TOILET SOAP 3 cakes ,..19c PAGE 8 ineffiemedumpasamingssaummummosaugun THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS, MAY 5, 1932 I1YBiItGAINS FOR :TIR,RTFTY BUYERS MEN'S NEGLIGEE 'SHIRTS, ,a large range of 'Broadcloth iin plain •nor faney patterns, eotIar'attached •or separate .co.i- lar, good roomy fitters. Special ....... 89c NONE'S KHAKI DENIM 'PANTS, \5 'pockets belt loops and cuffs, a real bargain at .... $1.19 BLUE DENV'IM WORK PANTS, it pockets, and belt loops, !Mit to stand hard wear. ;Special $1.29 MEN'S ICED -BACK BLUE DENIM OVERALLS, good weight 5 pockets and elastic brace. Special 98c MEWS WOOL WORK SOX, a good heavy weight at a very light price . MEN'S FANCY SOX, a splendid assortment :at .,......• 25c MIEN'S WORK BOOTS of best quality Purchased direct from the Manufacturers and ?bellt to •give strtisfaetory Wear, Priced' at $2.39, $2.49, $2,79, $2.95 MEN'S FINE 'CALF LEATHER 'OXFORDS •$2.79, ;32..95,' $3.50, $3.95 See ;our Window Display of Ladies' Slippers and Pumps, new snappy up-to-date lines, purchased in qim 1iti'es direct from the Manufacturers at rock-boltto'm ;prices 'and' -passed on to you ;at the Special Price of .$1;:98. 25c Plumsteel Bros. '-=01:10 0 01===1I 85 01. 0 q 0 q 0 Chesterfield Sultes OUR NEW SPECIAL FOB THE SPRING SEASON IS NOW ON DISPLAY. BE SURE AND SEE IT, IT IS SOMETHING ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FROM WHAT YOU HAVE EVER SEEN WONDERFUL NEW COVERINGS WITH REVERSIBLE CUSHIONS Special SECOND HAND COOK STOVE WATCH OUR WINDOWS $15.0o SUTTER, PERDUE & wIBEA Hardwart, Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring o>=aor-----bra oncaaon�oi�,_. q 0 0 0 0 0 0 FRESH MEATS Goleman's 1 -Ib, Prints Lard, ll. .. c Schneider's bulk or prints Lard 10e Schneider's 20-1b. pails Lard...$2.00 Choice Veal Ohops, 1b., only , , 20e Sphneider's Weiners, per 1b. 15c Schnelxiyir'g Bblogne, Ib. 14c Bz'eekfgsj Bacon, whole or half side 13c r„+raked Pic. hams lie and 12c N...._ .. 14c Snick. Cctt ige Roue l". M.•1.Cottage Rolle 23v Boneless`Sm. Ilan s, piece, 19e Sliced Break Bacon, Ib. 18c Sliced Break Bacon Rini off, per lb. .... .,20e Sliced Cooked Ham, lb. 35c Roast Pork, Loin, Dressing 35c Sandwich Ham Loaf 30c Valencia Lcaf . 30e Cooked Corn Deaf 25c Head Cheese, 10e 14). 3 lbs25e Mac, & Cheese Loaf, Ib. 25e CONN ELtd & TtN ALL, " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street 1 11 FULL LINE OF SPRING TOP COATS ON BAND PRICED FROM $13.50 TO $20.00 RAIN COATS AND CRAVENETTE $5.00 TO $10.50 FULL LINES OF SPRING AND SUMMER UNDERWEAR, COMBINATION OR TWO-PIECE WEARWELL HOSE, 25c, 50c, 75c. Fine Ordered Tailoring DAVIS HERMAN AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTH PORTER'S HILL On Thursday evening No. 1 group of the Ladies Aid of Grace church gave a +social 'evening and entertain- ment in the church. Miss Courtice, missionary home from Japan on fur- lough, gave a very interesting -ada chess on her work and conditions in Japan. The musket part of the program consisted of quartettes by Mrs. Howard •Cox and bliss. Grace Evans and . Messrs: Whitely and Young; duets .by Rev. R, Mn., Gale and MMir.. Miss Gale, and by Rheic and Mrs. Howard Cox. Mrs. Gale occupied the chair. After the program the ladies served refresh- ments and all report a pleasant ev- ening. venin . On Friday evening the young peo- ple of the church entertained the • Y.P.S. of Union church, the visitors taking charge of the program, which was an excellent one. After the program and some games the Grace church young folk •served refresh. rnents. At the regular meeting of the Men's Club last week Mr,' Gordon Cuninghame of Clinton ga e a talk on a trip to Cuba, which 1 s both interesting and educational. Read- ings were given, by, IVfessrs. E. Pat- erson and Lorne Elliott. At the next meeting, Tuesday, May 10th, the program 'caann.dttee is putting on an evening's entertainment, one .of the principal features of which will be a mock trial. The public is in- vited to this meeting. L.O.Y. No. 145 intend givin ga dance in their hall on Friday even ing, r I. J e Open the Doors to New Joy at Small Cott BRIGHTEN Your Home with WALL. PAPER It is an inexpensive way of mak- ing one's ,surroundings bright end. cheery. 'Because they are so inex- pensive it is possible we fall to note their beauty., artistic •creation and the wholesome joy produced through a change in the home atmosphere, The growing appreciation of eelour, as in everything, is reflected in the new papers. From cold plain walls they have 'been transformed into liv- able morns where cheerfulness and happy renovation are at home to en- rich the settings of the fixtures and furniture. More Wall Paper renov- ating will help drive these megrims from our midst, which. of late are evident. , A Day You Must Not Overlook Mother's Day, May 8th There's only cue mother to you, and only one day in the year set a- part exclusively as Her Day. Send her a Greeting Card to symbolize the continuity of your affection and thought of her throughout the whole 365. days of the year. It's not merely' "a card", back of the card is the sender, its a message, a token, a fit symbol of a loving thought of moth- er. The W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best N �IiIII�IUII wpn� �� ��ImuRop�ium JVlll ilal� bIr. C. J. Wallis is on a 'business trip to New Brunswick. Miss Isabel Draper of Brantford spent the week -end at her home in town. Mr. J, Taylor of Toronto spent a couple of days in Clinton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hardy of Toron- to will be the week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hall and fam- ily of Cayuga visited with Clint, ton relatives over the week -end. .hiss Margaret Plumeteel of Western Iipltra iity spent a few days at her home je tenter during the past week, r. Frank L. Hishon of Stratford spent the week -end as a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Dawkins. - Mrs. Hugh Miller, who has been sperrri_,,g some time with her sons in New York City, has returned to town. Miss K. R. Parke of Toronto visited her sisters i%frs. John Ctuff of town and Mrs. Elliott of Goderich township, the past week Mrs. Fred Wallis and little daughter. Ann, of New York are visiting with her husband's relatives here and with her parents in Stanley town- ship, Mrs J. W, Hill, who has spent the. past couple of years with her slaughter, Mrs, W. J. Plumsteel. leaves Monday for her home at Oxbow, Sask. iitrs. J. T. Watts, 'Who was called home owing to the illness of het mother, the late hies. R. Tennison leaves on 1Vionclay for her home at Carroll, Man. Bishop Rennisen of Athaltasea was the guest of Rev. Capt. ICIVIeGoun anti Mrs. McGoun at St. Paul's Rec- tory on Monday, giving an address in St. Paul's church that evening. Rev. Kenneth Beaton of the United Church Mission Board, Toronto, was the guest of his mother in town over the week -end, when he came np to conduct Sunday ser- vices in Ontario street church and to lecture on 'Monday evening. Rev. A. A..and Mrs. Holmes, whc have been spending the winter in Toronto returned to their home in town on Thursday last, Mr. W. J. Nediger-matordng down for them. Miss Nel Holmes accompanied them 'home, returning to the city on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Annis of Port Un- ion spent the week -end with Mrs. J. SoutheomIbe and her brother, IVIr. E. Washington, of town. On their return to Port Union on Monday. M'r. Washington and Mrs. ISeutheombe accompanied, them for the summer. Mrs. Fred Cook, who was called home owing to the illness of, her mother, the late Mrs. Bagler, left Tuesday at 'Wyandotte, for her home Mich. She was accompanied by her sis- ter„ Mn.sGrieve, who had been •staying withher another ler the past six years. Mrs, Grieve's friends are sorry to seep her Jeanne. town but wish '(her. •gao5:3 fortune wherever she makes her dome. } 5 0,;r -_`Yes Dear! But Daddy won't bring them -we'll buy .73adclyisgoirtJ 4611 theth at O'Neil's and be sure of having enough." Wild we -have 74% s6t to -morrow? lartlartedatKaaalts }y, ODE ,Aaw' ANY Our Re -decorated and Thoroughly Equipped Groceteria and Self Service Jeparlinen WITH MANY SPECIALS 4 Comfort Soap, 5 for Soap Chips, 2 lbs, Corn, Peas and Toit atoes, 3 for Prunes, 2 lbs. Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. S Bars P. & G. SOAP for 25c. (with Is Now Open for Your Inspection' CALL AND INSPECT THESE DEPARTMENTS 25c 19c 29c 19c 19c $1.00 worth groceries for cash) FRUIT Large Pineapples, each Tomatoes, 2 lbs. Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce; Head New Carrots, Beets, Radishes, Dates, 3 lbs. Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. Lemons, per. dozen Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails 25c 35c 10c 15c Strawberries 25c 25c 19c Mother and Daughter or Mother or Daughter BANQUET Auspices of the W.M.S. in ONTARIO STREET CHURCH Tuesday, May 10th at 6.30 Tcast List and Musical Program following banquet, at which Miss Sybil Courtice will be chief speaker, Tickets, 40e, or 2 for 75c. 60-1. PEOPLE YOU KNOW 1VIr. Percy Ladd of Monrovia, Calif., has been visiting in town the past week, Mrs. Taylor of Lethbridge, Alta., is the guest of her sister-in-law, ars. A. D. Beaton. Mrs. Burks of Toronto is spending a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ford. Judge 3. A. Barron of Stratford spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hawkins. Mrs. George Shipley and her son, Mr. Charlie Shipley, left on Tuesday on r1 motor trip to Petenbero,,Ottawa and Montreal. Miss li'arriot Hawkins, Reg. N. of Stratford is nursing her father, Mr. W. T. Hawkins, who under- went an .operation in Clinton Pub - lie Hospital on Tuesday Limitations "Madam," said the young man who had called at the back door on May Day, "I have the pleasure of intro- ducing to you our new automatic house-cleaning machine—a ' simple little thing which does the whole work ,ef housecleaning, leaving you to merely do the general supervision." "Does it all, hey?" demanded the woman of the house. "Will it wash the outside of the up -stair windows?" "Wihy no, madam, but--" "Will it take down, wash, stretch to dry, iron and hang up the parlor curtains?" "Well, of course, this machine-" "Will it gild the chandeliers, paint the kitchen, make my daughter help with the dishes, persuade may husband to'be contented with cold dinners, get out the screens and patch them up?" "0 madam, this machine—+" "Will it take down the parlcr stove and set up the refrige'rator,. wash the winter bedding and put it away, lay down the furs with moth balls, paper the hall, bedroom, wash the paper in the bathroom, wash, fold, starch and • iron and. put away the family clothes,darn, patch and sew en buttons, wash dishes, set three meals a ,day, and pacify the house. held?" '"No, madam, you have misunder- this ma- i s e limitations of stood th 1 to chine• " "Limitations?" demanded the wc- Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs. Ginger Snaps, lb. Fancy Biscuits, lb. New Cheese, Ib. Gran. Sugar, 10 lbs. Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. 29c 10c 15c 1Sc 51c 25c FRIGIDAIRE. Veal Roll, lb. Beef Chuck, lb. Picnic Hams, lb. Duff's Bacon, sliced lb, Clinton Creamery Butter, lb. Fresh, Fish on Friday Breakfast Bacon, piece lb. Cooked Ham, lb. man of the house. "I guess it has limitations: It will be a long time yet before any man will get up a machine that will do all a woman has to do in housecleaning time." She took a fresh mouthful of teats and went back to the dining room carpet, and the agent faded sadly a= way. There's something in the adver- t tisenients today to interest you. Read them. IF YOU'D MARE GLAD A MOTHER'S HEART FOR MOTHER'S DAY MAY 8th, 1932 halm '� .9 -he �' lorlsi- ` ' GREEWhOUSE PHONE176 — FLOWiiRSHOP PHONE31 FLOWERS COST LESS! Member Florist Tel. Del. Assn. Paint Gran USE Martin-Senour Paint TO DO YOUR PAINTING AND SECURE A FIRST CLASS JOB, ALL- COLORS SPECIAL PRICES ON VARNISHES T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 15c 12c 10c 20c 22c 15c 30c CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 TO CALL IN AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF ANYTHING YOU MAY NEED FOR YOUR SPRING HOUSE-CLEANING IN THE HARDWARE DEPT. Wie have a large. assortment of ell tile- best brands of paints tor both inside and outsicle use. A nice assortment of Lawn Mowers, Lawn and Garden Tools of ! all kinds; Floor Mops and W011 Brushes. Some swell New Electric Rangettes and Plates, IN THE FURNITURE DEPT. Wb are offering a very special price on Beds, Springs and Mattresses in -ail the hest makes and styles. A wonderful stock of Linoleum, Congoleum, Oilcloth by the yard and in Rugs, also a great selection of Carpet Rugs and our prices are pleasing everybody. So let us make you happy too. Better have a new Cedar Chest to store your heavy winter apparel and rest Oontented. BALL & ZAPFE "Store With the Stock" Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, MVionuntent Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. rtarnaastnerstaaastasseezuervaistemsaut OUTSTANDING VALUES, MAY 5, 6, 7th IT WILL PAY YOU TO SHOP THE SUPERIOR WAY emaawatamasuaremarta- GOLDEN WAX BEANS 2 tins ...25e aserreata STANDARD WHITE CORN 3 tins . ,25c BEAVER BRAND BLUEBERRIES 2 tins ..25c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Young Carrots, bunch 10c Celery Hearts 25. New Cabbage, lb. lOc Asparagus, bunch 10c Green Cucumbers .. ,10c New Tomatoes, 20c & 18c Oranges, dos, 19c, 29e, 39c New Pineapples, Special Mminomtmommwslentommemil Pricy For Week -end RED PLUM FOR MOTHER'S DAY JAM CHOCOLATES 'f 40 oz. ....23c FRAY BENTOS CORNED BEEF 2 tins ..,..25o Fancy Box . 490 Family Blend Tea and Coffee, per lb. 39e Pickles, large jar 39e Gran. Sugar, Special 10 lbs. for 51c COLUMBIA. MATCHES 3 boxes ...25c J. T. T & SON ettiasnalneDMVIIMIFI PHONE 111. 1 Sunday, May 8th Mother's Day Mother Still Likes Candy WE WILL ALSO HAVE SPECIAL CAKES Vendorf's bakern and Gonfeciioneru Makers of "Whole Wheat"' and "Snowflake" Bread