HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-05-05, Page 4iioyI's iiivestinentSecurities Bonds Industrial Securities We recommend the purchase of Continental Gas Corporation stock for a turn on the market. We also have a block of Goderich Elevator and Transit Com- pany stock for sale to yield approximately eight per cent, this is a very good investment. BUY NOW price upon application. Phone 246, ,Goderich, Ont. 65-8. PAGE THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., MAY 5, 1932 See Large Bills and Windows for Details I tsb g S onium hthcs I c iv is It 4 lar 40 el. vcasseustagazaaargener ATTENTION CHICKEN RAISERS USE OU fr GERMICIDE AND YOU CAN RAISE 100% OF YOUR CHICKENS 35c and 60c TWO SPECIA,LS 4 CAKES OF ROSARIE SOAP FOR 25e 3 LARGE CAKES LEMON SOAP, FOR 19c W.S.R. Holrnes, Phm.B CLINTON, ONT. `.Lia d Stara PHONE 51 6-i. per cent NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY GOVERNMENT BONGS DOMINION, PROVINCIAL, MUNICIPAL BONDS BOUGHT SOLD EXCHANGED H. B. Manning RANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING, CLINTON, ONTARIO TELEPHONES: Office 29; Residence, 97 69-1. LIODICINIEVEZMIT argain Fares T TO Saturday, May 14 $250 Return • SPECIAL TRAIN—Eastern Standard Time Leave Clinton Train Ne,. 28-6.58 axn,. Leave Stratford (Special Train) 9.00 a.iu. Arrive Toronto (Special Train) 11.36 a.m. RETURNING: Specialtrain leaves Toronto 7.16 p.m. (18.S,T..)-Sunday, May. 15th. Tickets good in coaches only, no baggage checked. Children 5 years and under 12—half fare. 'Tickets goodGOING Special. Train •only. - Returning on Train No. 29, from Toronto, Monday, May 16th. SECURE TICKETS EARLY FROM DE- POT TICKET OFFICE. � Cauadian GODERICH TOWNSHIP ; A quiet marriage was s'olemnize'd on Monday, May 2nd, at the home of the bride's parents, when Alice May, eldest daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Ad- am Steep became the bride of Mr. Wm. H. Lobb, Rev. J. W: Herbert of Holmesville United church, offi- ciating. Miss Connie Cluff is home from ecdlegiate with an attack of the chickenpox. Miss Norma Welsh spent a few days last week as the guest of Miss Eva Boyes of Brucefield. Mrs. Robt. Cole returned to Lon- don with her sons, who had attend+ ed the funeral of their uncle, the late Mason Stirling, and remained in the city until Saturday . Master George Colclough has been confined to his bed with flu. Miss Gladys Way of Kippen hats resigned her duties as teacher at S. S. No. 10, Goderich township, the resignation to` take effect June 30th. Following is the report of S. S. No, 9 for the month of April: Perfect attendance: Muriel Miller, Donald Harris, Eugene Cole, Daphne Colclough, Bernice Grigg, Betty Har- ris, Guendolyn Miller. Jr. 4th—•Muriel Miller, 84; Violet Cole, '75; Donald Harris, 73; Eugene Cole, 71; Fern Beacom, 67. Sr. 3rd—,Daphne Colclough, 85; Howard McCullough, 61; Bernice Grigg, 52. Sr. 2nd—Betty Harris, 77; Donald Colclough, 67. Jr. 2nd—Kenneth Steepe, 50. 1st ---Possible Marks -356— Guen. delyn Miller, 316; Edna McCullough, 244; Gordon Gilbert, 141; Ruth I•Iar- 1•is, 117. Beginners in order of merit—Mur- iel `Wise, Jessie McCullough, Reta Yeo, Edward Wise, —Isabel Johnston, teacher. The following is the April report of S. S. No. 8: Sr. 4th—Harrold Johnston. 74: IIPr- ry Lcwden, 71; Elizabeth Thiel, 69; Lillian Picot. 58. Sr. 3rd—Jean Johnston, 67; Sylvia Lrwden 66. J1 3rd—Irene Leitch. 62; Gren`.i Ftithne, 57; Betty Stirling: 54 El- mer Johnston, 47; Gladys Clark, 46; Thelma Johnston, 38. 2nd—Bruce Ryan, 62. 1st—Elsie Leitch, 73; Douglas Stirling, 55; Kenneth Stirling, 32. Pr.—Harold Warner, Keith Stir- ling. M'ildre'd, Westlake was absent during the month. Elsie Leitch had least mistakes in spelling for the month, Nurnber on roll, 19; aver- age attendance, 17,35.Board of Governors. Mfrs Chambers had given the district (luring the —M. -Douglas, teacher. was a graduate of the training schnoi ,term •cf office. Toast to the King; three years ago. She assumed her community singing; quartette, Mrs; new duties this weep, MissNIa.bhe• G. M. Drysdale, Mrs. W. A. Mae- s., the fernier night supervisor, Laren, W. O. Goodwin, W. A. Mao; Laren; tras,t to Grand Lodge, pro, has been appointed assistant sup-; rrintendent. Miss Mb0oricinclalo iq posed by W. Bro. Thomas Chapman, the superintendent and there are ten response by Rt. W. •Baro. L. Russel pupil nurses on the staff. There Coles, Rt. W. Bro, Gordon Young, were fourteen applications for the Rt, W. Bro. John A. Morris; High - position of night supervisor. I land Miss Margaret Bell, ac+ companied on the bagpipes by Mr, e Match and son, of Clinton; toast to GOD'ERIC•H: Net profits ref the the Craft, proposed by Bro. Rev. Ar Goderich Elevator and Transit Conn thur Sinclair, response, by W. Bro. patty, Limited, for the year ending , Archdeacon W .J Doherty. of Lon - March 31, 1932, were $119,136.28, as don, solo, Mrs. James Bonthron; shown in the 31st annual statement toast to the Visitors, proposed by mailed to shareholders. The annual W. Bro. GeorgeSutherland; re- sponse. by Rt. Wor. Bet. Rath, Lon The Store with the Stock Leaders in Low Prices HOLMESVILLE By a unanimous vtoe it was •shown to be the wish of the congregation of the Holmesville United church that an evening service be held in the church in future. The evening service was withdrawn a few years ago and is being resumed now be- cause of the closing of 'Sharon Uni. ted church. The I•iolmesville circuit now consists of only the local church and Ebenezer United church. Ser- vice will be held on Sunday evening. Miss Reta MacDonald spent the week -end at her home at Teeswater. Mr. J. 13. MacMath made a business trip to Toronto the beginning of the week. • NEWS OF HAPPENINGS IN THE COUNTY AND DISTRICT LUCAN: The local branch of the Canadian Bank of •Ccnnneree will be closed after May 14, and the ac counts transferred to the branch o the Bank of Montreal. total 84,000 of 90,000 authorized, val- ued at $933,400. The statement is signed by Clarkson,Gordon, Gil - worth, Guilfoyle & Nash of Toronto; BLYTH: At noon Thursday fire was discovered in the garage of William, Johnston, just off Queen St. There had been a grass fire in the forenoon which was supposed to be left, safe but had evidently worked its way under the garage. Forton- rtely it was noticed before it made much headway and was soon extin- guished. At 7.30 p.m. the fire alarm was again sounded when it was dis- covered that the wool -pulling plant ' operated by Frank Rainton and his Iuncle, Frank Bainton, was on fire. A drying kiln was used in drying wool which became overheated and SOMI ignited the roof. The building was formerly the old electric plant I with the saw mill adjoining. The t firemen succeeded in confining the fire to the plant and fortunately the wird was in their favor. Damage - was net se serious to the stock oth- f er than by water bur: at 12.30 pan. it shcvecl the i.urldrng and the entire STEPHEN: Of the 160,538 of col-' stcc1:. notable taxes in Stephen township,• the amount has all been paid ex- cept 34 per cent. Considering that HENSAI,L: Friday evening was part of the unpaid amount is for a "red letter night" with the mem- lots in Grand Bend, this is con- bets of Zurich Lodge No. 224 of A. sidered a good record in view of F. and A. M. at Hensall, it being the present conditions, occasion of the official visit of the i Rt. Wil: 1).D.G.M. in the person GODERICH: The trail of two! of R. L. Coles, of Hensall. At an 16 -year-old Toronto youths, Charles i early hour the streets were lined Mumford and 1i,obert. Grieve, was with ears of members coming from temporarily lost here Tuesday when' far and near and when Lodge open - the former's parents, Mc. and M. I ed the spacious room was lined with Randolph Mumford, 17 ' McAlpine 111C1{V TOWS of chairs in addition to street, Toronto, arrived by entente 'te regular sealing capacity. Thei bile, only to learn that the hander- i ledge register showed some 190 cr I again broke out and completely de - In One Direction for over 60 years 1869 THE record of Canada is like the course of a mighty river ' —interrupted at times by twists and turns of difficulty, but making across the map of ' the last 60 years a line of progress so strong 3.nd sure that its direction is unmistakable. The Royal Bank of Canada is typical of this progress. Starting as a small local bank in Halifax, it has moved steadily forward through booms and de- pressions since 1869. With 881 branch offices, it is today one of the great banking institu- tions of the world. The Royal atilt of Canada CAPITAL AND RESERVES $74,155,106 TOTAL ASSETS OVER $750,000.000 lust -struck lads bed shipped Monday 200 h'Iasens among whom were as seamen on the grain freighter many active D.D.G.M's and Past D. , Hagerty, bound for the head of the D•G•M.'s as well as a host of Pesti lakes. Mr. Mumford sent a telegram Masters, officers and members of the to the Soo to confirm the report, he craft. Splendid addresses were giv- rnin to their Ta- en by eminent Masons both in the Tonto home to await developments, lodge roan and in the town hall be which they repaired at the close of t lodge meeting there a fine GODE:RICH: Good progress is he cdg and o being made by William Birmingham banquet was served to the members and Sons on the pier concrete super- catered to by the ladies' of Carmel structure, and will give employment Pion'nyterien church. After the to fifty local ate„. The work ,.f banquet a splendid program was reconstruction of the north and south carried cut in a most able and pleas - piers is 'under the inconpleted eon- ing manner with W'or. Master Robert tract of last year. I D. Bali, very nicely presiding as toast master. The Rt. Wor. District am- !Deputy Grand Master received many expressions of •pralige from both and his wife rete g GODERICH: Miss Minnie Ch bers, Reg. N., has been appointepcl night supervisor of Alexandra Mar- visiting and local brethren for his lane and General Hospitaldry the fine address and for the servides he BRUCEFIELD Mrs. W. Stevens returned to her home in the village last week after spending the winter months at the home of her daughters in Mt, For- rest, Listowel and Stanley township. Messrs. John and Earl Kaiser of Detroit visited friends in the village last week. Miss Moir of Ilensael spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moodie. Miss Marks has returned to her home • in the village after spending a few months with friends in Stan- meeting will be held at Goderich on ley. May 11. The statement presented by Large congregations assembled in the United •Church last Sunday, May 1st, the occasion being the Young Peoples' anniversary. Rev. Keith Love of St. Thomas was the preacher for the day and delivered two excellent sermons. MT. Love is a young mon of great prom- ise and will snake his mark in the world. Special music . was rendered by• the young peoples' choir under the leadership of -Miss Jean Mur- doch, Mother's Day and Go-to-Sunday- School-Day o-to-SundaySchool-Day will be observed next Sunday, May Sth. The scholars of the Sunday school will occupy the centre pews in the auditorium at the morning service. There will he a Father's and Mother's Choir. Everybody. loves a lover, but:.hates to buy wedding presents. President G. L. Parsons cioinments that grain receipts were somewhat heavier than in the. preceding year but profits did not commence to aceumulate until July. Storage revenue thereafter was quite produc- tive. The present season is started with four times the amount .of grain in storage than ohe year ago. The total revenue of the company as s'h'own in the profit and loss account was $267,597.47, andtotal expenses $160.040.05. The amount of $117,- 608.40 was paid out in ;dividends, and a further. $24,402.10 in dividends pros vided for, payable April 1, 1932, talc,, ing five dividends from the year in- stead of the usual four. The balance sheet shows the •company'. in a very strong position, with 'reserves of $31,962.21 after every eontingeney has been provided. • for. The de- preciated assets of the e.ompany are given 'as 81,410,413.64. Shares issued don; District; Rt, Won•. Bro., Russel R. Lee, London District; reading, Mrs. S. L Peppier; •duet, Mrs. L. Redden, lnd Mrs. :George Tess; toast to 'Junior Wiarden. The . ac- companist for the evening was Prof. Anderton of Clinton. TICKLE THOSE FLAGGING APPETITES It is .Spring! All nature seems to have new life. Wihy should we Esit back and be limited in our activities because we don't feel like eating and cense- ' quently haven't very. Hauch ambi- tion? A: sluggish system does nitwit to dull the appetite. It gives a tired I feeling and a low resistance anti• in this condition we. care very little about eating and .grow increasingly mer•e uninterested in food. As water Wilson departed and a week later is one of the best cleansers in the world, indulge in it. Drink six to eight glasses a day and see how much better you feel. Good Food -Sources of Cellulose or Fiber Parsnips Turnips Brocoli Cabbage Lima Beans Celery Dates Figs Prunes Bran Oatmeal Carrots Cauliflower Beets Lentils Asparagus Onions Lettuce Kale ' Raisins Chard Whole Wheat Bread The first listed is bran. If you have one of those families, the members of which are finicky about vegetables,:remember )(hat by ad- ding bran to their diets, you will be adding fiber much like that which is found in vegetbles. Bran also contains minerals and vitamins. It is a good source of Vi. tamin $ and the minerals, iron, cops per and maganese. Ono ounce of All -Bran contains as much Vitamin B as one large apple, one large ban- ana or five ounces of orange juice. It also contains twice as much iron as one ounce of liver. This cereal is, therefore, ,an excellent food for awakening the appetite and keeping the body fit in general. It may seem. ironical that an appe- tite for food may be stimulated through food, but it is true. If, by an adequate diet, you regulate body processes and increase health, you will find your appetite returning. At first it may be difficult to eat even if you know food is what you need— but after a while you will need no coaxing, Your appetite will reflect a sound body.—Barbara Brooks, But He Made Connections Wilson, the •commercial traveller. looked at the long list of calls and Hist of trains he had to catch during the week's trip. "I don't mind getting_ up early in' the morning," he ventured, "but you've deft very little time for me to have my meads." "You .caneat on the trains," re- plied his employer: "You can't waste much time with all those calls to make.' . CLFAUJAY NG 41 KEEPING WELL DRESSED Being well dressed is ni,ore thein a matter of buying good clothes —it means keeping your clothes good-looking. If you entrust your suits to us when they nee(' dry cleaning, we'll turn then back spotless! Our Delivery ser- vice will pick up and return your clothes—just phone. SPECIAL MATS AND SMALL RUGS, 50c EAMES The' Cleaner Phone 194, CLINTON he returned to the office. "Well," asked his employer, "got a good bunch of orders?" Wilson hesitated for a moment and then said, cheerfully: "Well, I haven't got any orders, sfr, but I caught all those blooming trains." MOTHERS Others weary of the noise, Mothers play with girls and boys., Others scold! because wefell, Mothers"kiss and inako it well.". Others work with patient will, Mothers labor later .still. Others'• -love is more or less, Mothers love with steadfastness. Others pardon, hating yet, Mothers pardon and forget. Others keep the ancient score, . Mothers never -shut the door. Others , grow incredulous., 'Mothers still ;believe 1n us. Others throw their faith away, Mothers pray and pray and. pray. Amos R. WielIs,