HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-04-28, Page 8Le :i ons per ,d zen 19c, Electric Light Bulbs Is the Ti t e to Buy Y ur Supply 'for Spring Cleaning tams 'Serer Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 25c Breakfast Food, 5 lbs. for 25c Prunes, 2 lbs. for Cream Cheese, 2 for ..19c 25c Spreading Cheese, Golden Spray, 2 for 25c Our Own Tea, per lb. - 39c Our Own Tea, 3 lbs. for $1.00 Favorite Coffee, per Ib. 39-c Green Pea Soup, 2 for 19c Kraft Cheese, per lb. 27c New Cheese, per lb. 18e Nature's Best Peas, 3 for 29c cam:. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Bananas, per dozen 29c Oranges, per dozen 25c to 39c Tomatoes 2 lbs. for 35c Carrots, per tin . 10c Lettuce, per bunch 10c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails 19c. Tomatoes, 3 tins (No. 2) for 25c Prunes, 2 lbs. for 19c Sodas, per lb. - 15c Home -Made Fudge, per lb. , 19c Castile Hard Water Soap, 4 for 25c Free (1 Tea Strainer) with 11b. Crisco 27c Free, (2 P. & G. Soap) with 6 Ivory Guest 27e Free (2 P. & G. Soap) with 3 Ivory large 27c Dutch Cleanser, 2 for 23c - Fancy Cookies, per lb. 15c Bowes' Baking Powder 25c FRIGIDAIRE Round Ham, (Cooked) per lb. 30c Peameal Backs, per lb. 39-c 15c per Ib. 12c 15c B. Bacon, ib. Beef for Boiling Veal Roll, per lb,. CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 PAGE 8 s THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., APRIL 28, 1932' ECIALS YAMA CLOTH AND WRAPPEiRETTEIS, full yard wide in fancy stripes, for Pyjamas, and darker colors for Quilt Linings. Regular Price '850. Special Price, ..... 25e PILLOW SLIPS, 42 inch width, hemstitched, 5 dui only at Special Trice, each .... .. . '19e FANCY ATH TOWIELS, 18X30, stripes and cheek patterns.. Special Price of :. , • • • • . . iPe or 35e per pair. MEN'S OVERALLS, red -back, Blue denuny elastic brace, rule pocket. Special Price . . ' . 98c BOYS' BLOOMERS, clearing lines, tweed bloomers. Special 89e ' SPECIAL CUT 'PRICES ON ALL 'LINES 'O1" WINTER MERCHANDISE AND 'RUBBER FOOTWEAR Plurnsteel Bros. BRISKET BOILS„ per lb., only BIB BOILS, per lb., only. How Do You Figure WALLPAPER By Cents or 'Satisfaction or .Economy? The awed for cepa ;and uplaeop .on any piece of property is ,a constant one, and the wisdom of .doing the lit- tle as it is 'needed, rather than the much which this little soon becoine,s is the subject of that age-old :adage, "A stitch in Eine saves nine." Note the speed with which a deserted house deteriorates.. It is a laudiblc pride to attend to the upkeep of .our houses, even as we do our personal appearance, failure to Ado so makes fox real depreciation and intrudes static into contentment. Wall Pa- per will give you a keen sense of artistic satisfaction wken intelligent- ly used in the decoration of your home. Wle appreciate the fact that the desire of many is to keep a close watch on expenditure, still you may profitably remember that interesting effects can be achieved by the use of Wall Paper at low cost. It's an inev- pensive way of making one's sur- anounclings 'bright and cheery. Out Sunworthy 'assortment, some priced as low as 25c per roll and our clear- ance of some previous years designs at Sc, 7e and Sc have justly met pub- lic approval. Between and above these prices are attractive hangings Sc and good values. 10c NECK BOILS, per lb,. only 10e and llc •••.•. ... ... .;•.,12c SHOULDER ROASTS, per lb., only 13c RIB ROASTS, per lb., only .... . ..... ,14o HAMBURG STEAK, 2 'lbs. for 25c SHOULDER ROAST OF PORK, per lb. 110 PORK CHOPS, 2 lbs. for -25e CHUCK ROASTS, per lb., only DILL PICIIiJ,E;;, :3 for Etc CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street Something New in Window Displays GOOD FOR YOUNG OR OLD ALIKE They are Interesting, So Be Sure and See Them ti 1E11 Ilardwurc ' Funeral Drectoifl Plumbing 1 Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring FULL LINE OF S,PRING TOP COATS ON HAND PRICED FROM $13.50 TO $20.00 RAIN COATS AND CRAVENETTE $5,00 TO $10.50 FULL LINES OF, SPRING AND, SUMMER UNDERWEAR, COMBINATION OR TWO-PIECE WEARWELL HOSE, 25c, 50c, 75c. Fine Ordered Tailoring DAVIS HERMAN AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTH . 11011111. TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. John Layton and family of London were visiting at the home of M1. and Mrs. Fred Pep- per over the week -end. Only for the presence of mind and quick action of Carman, the nine- year-old son of Mr.. and Mrs. Sam Whitmore, his father's barn would probably have been burned to the ground, Caused by a gasoline engine. Mr. John Mitchell of Clinton was visiting in the community over the week -end. • • Mrs. Howard Johns is in bed with the "flu" at the present time. 'Miss Jessie Dale of Iiullett is waiting on hell The Sunday School ser"vice at Tur- ner's church will be withdrawn on Sunday, May -1&t, owing to anniver- sary services of Ontario Street - Sun, day School, Clinton. Mr. and MTs. Clarence Ball and Mr, and Mrs. Norman H,abkirk ,of Grosse Isle are visiting at the par- ental ?hone of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ball. ' The program at the meeting of the Young Peoples' League of Turner's church on Tuesday evening will take the form of a debate "Resolved: Thai The Government Should Have Con trol of the Telegraph, Telephone and Radio.. Systems." The affirmative will be upheld by Erlin Whitmore and Will Pepper, the negative by Ed. Johns and Harold Crich. Every- one welcome to come and hear . the young men; who are practised debat- ers, show what they can do. TSO W. D. Fair Ca. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 11111111011 Onpm I 1111111 19 II j .elle..—...,..mtl -_ _ -, �ali. •. ri�dIIIiI Mrs. K. McGoun has been visiting her mother at Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. E. Paterson spent the week -end at Lion's Head, Mrs, A, L. Cartwright visited last week y,'itlt London friends, Mr, and Mrs, A. T. Cooper motored to Toronto early this week and spent It few days, Mrs. D. E. Foster returned last week after .a visit at the home of iter parents in Trenton. Mrs. Fulton of Sarnia. has been vis- iting her sisters in town, the Mis) ses Thompson, Isaac street. Mr. and Mrs• 0. Blanchard of Detroit are the guests of the lady's anoth- er, Mrs. Margaret Pickett. Jilss Margaret Ross of Londesboro spent the week -end as the guest of Miss Jean Neilans of town. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cools of Sarnia have been visiting with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Schoen, hals of town. Rev. Dr. Dcugan has been in Brant- ford this week attending the meeting, of the Synod of London and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Routley, Masters Billy and Jinn and Miss Margaret of Bright spent the week -end with Clinton relatives. Mr. and Ibis. H. A. Steven and Major Stoddart of Toronto visited the lady's mother, Mrs. C. H Bartliff, one day last week. htrs. Margaret Cook, who has been • spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. G. E. Routley of Bright, .has returned to Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. F. Match, Frank Match Mrs. W. Cochrane and Mr. W. H. Mutch motored over to Detroit on Friday and spent the week -end there. Mr. A. Seeley was in Detroit for a few days last week, being called there by the serious illness of his sister-in-law, Mrs. J. Seeley, form- erly of Clinton, who still contin- ues, quite ill. Mr. and Mrs• 3. Howson, who have been in Clinton most of the .win- ter, coming down last fall owing to the illness of the former's bro- ther, left Saturday for their ihan'ie in Vancouver, B.C. They will prob- ably return in the course of a few weeks. Mrs, Baker, Mrs. Welsh and M'rs. MacGregor of - Toronto and Mr. Alex. Baker of Detroit attended the funeral of Mr, Mason Stirling of ' Goderich township, whose sud- den death shocked the community on Monday, and whose funeral tool, place to Clinton cemetery yester- day, HURON ROAD EAST Mr, and Mrs. Allen Dale of Owen Sound are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dale, Miss Jessie Ball of Detroit is spending a week's holidays withher. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ball. Nir, and Mrs. John Blair of Gode rich spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook's Mrs. Albert Vanderburgh and babt Marion are visiting ,with M`rs. Chris topher Dale and Mrs. Geo. Vander - burgh. 11011110•1r LONDESBORO The regular meeting of the Wo - Men's Institute will be held in the United church basement on Thurs- day, May 5th. Roll Call will be answered by paying the fee. Elec- tion of officers will take place as this is the last meeting of the year, and the drive for new members will be closed. Any members not in- tending to join this year are asked to send In their names, Readings, Mrs. S. Carter; duet, Mrs. H. Sundercock, Mrs., J. Crawford; hostesses: Mrs, Fred Johnston, Mrs. W. Griffith, Mrs. N. Ball, Mrs. R. Caldwell, Mrs. W. Mair, Mrs. Geo, Pollard Mrs. Dodds of Chicago is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs, Wnta, l3rulnly, who has been ill, She is improving at present, we are pleased to say. Miss Mary Wood of London spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wood. ' Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Elsley moved to a farm near Wingharn on Monday Mr. L. Bell did the trucking. They will be missed from this community. The funeral of the late Geo. Mil- lan was held from his late home on the 13th concession on 'Monday af- ternoon, Rev. J. W. Johnson conduct- ing the service, The late 31ir. Mil- lan was a quiet, unasunning man and lived most of his life on the farm on which be died. He never married, Four sisters are left: Mrs. Jos. Gar- rett, Misses Selena and Cassie all at home, and Mrs. Annis of Niagara Valls, Ont. 'Ms, Vanley Garrett was a nephew. He was a member o'' the former Methodist Church and a regular attender when able. ST. HELENS Miss Laura Martin is spending a few days with her grandfather, Mr. Wim. Woods. Messrs. Wm, and Chester Taylor spent Sunday visiting friends in Blyth. Mr. Lorne Woods spent Monday al Clinton. - Mr. Peter Newell of England, who has-been attending the O.A.G., at Guelph, spent a day with his friend, Mr. Wilson Woods. Mr. and Mrs. John Swan and fam- ily have moved into Mr. Joynt'si house. We - welcome them to our neighborhood. Mrs. Jas. Ramage and son Cuyler went to Toronto ' last week, where Cuyler is taking hospital treatment. We hope he will soon be restored to health again. V.e are sorry to report that Mrs, Chester Taylor is under a doctor's care at present. • Messrs. Lorne Webb and Wilson Woods have finished their course for this year at Guelph 0.A.C., and are at present at their respective homes, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martini. visit- ed at the home of Mr. Wan. Woods one day last week. The advertisements are printed for your convenience.' They inform and save your trine, energy and money. .e.v:. �.r i.;cr, r iYj'y4Y{. r'k+,w "The Haunted Range 9! A Tont Mix picture of cowboy life, gripping and interesting. Also Char- lie Chaplain in " "BEHIND THE SCREEN" under auspices of Clinton Boy Scouts WESLEY-WILLIS S. S. ROOM THURSDAY EVE., MAY 5th at 8.15 Give the Scouts your support so that they can go to camp this year. Ad- mnission; adults, 25c. Children, 15c 68-1. FLOWERS! ,41631, Ove COMING MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 8, 1932 WANT TO TELEGRAPH A LOVING MESSAGE? "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" C[ st 1) GREEN HOUSE PHONE176 It FLOWERSHOP PHONE3I Member Florist Tel. Del. Assn. le USE Martin-Senour Paint TO DO YOUR PAINTING AND SECURE A FIRST CLASS JOB ALL COLORS SPECIAL PRICES ON VARN•ISHESS flawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 Announcement Tho Business Carried on in Clinton for the past ten years under the name of THE CLINTON HARDWARE AND FURNITURE COMPANY has been reorganized and Mr. D. J. Atkinson has withdrawn. In future this business will be conducted by Messrs. Ball and Zapfe, under the firm name of BALL AND ZAPFE The old firm wish to take this opportunity of extending thanks for the liberal patronage vouchsafed them during a decade, while the new firm express the hope that this patronage wilL,bo continued to them. As in the past the needs of their patrons will have the inter- ested attention of both the ,heads of the firm and its staff. BALL & ZAPFE Hardware Funeral Directors. Furniture. Monument Dealers. SPECIAL SAVINGS APRIL 28, 29, 30 YOUR ORDER DELIVERED AT NO EXTRA COST Chipso, red special large pkg. ,,,..,,.18c Tomatoes, large size 3 tins for 25c Brunswick Sardines 5 for 2c r Cloth. Pins, 3 d.10c Cloth. Line, 30tt.19c Keens Blue 7e Drilla, 2 pkgs. .25c Bon Ansi, Cake or powder . —14c Choice Eating or Seed Potatoes, per bag •,39c Heinz Ketchup, large 21e Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. for 52( SPECIAL Sherrlff's JI- Pwdr. 3 pkgs. and 5 5 -cent Lead Pencils ALL FOR 25c MEATS Breakfast Bacon, piece .. , .10c Breakfast Bacon, sliced ,.,.iSc Cooked Hann, lb. 35c Weiners, per Ib. 1.8e Smoked Picnic Hams 15e Back Bacon, piece, - 29c Sliced . 33c S. Mix. Pick. lg. 29c R.C. Macaro. 2,15c Rob. Rapid Oats 23e Cas. Salmon, 2, 25c Shoe Polish - 2-1 Nugget, tin 12c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES e•i Fresh Pineapples, 20e and 25c Bananas, Oranges, Grapefruit, Leaf Lettuce, 10c; Carrots' 10c New Beets, 2 bells, . , • • , 25c Celery Hearts, bunch 25c Buy your tbnilk garden seeds here. J.T. Mc NKIHT & SON PAE" OUR DELICIOUS BAKING WITH HOME COOKING—AND BE SURPRISED HOW GOOD A QUALITY WE ARE OFFERING. EVERY CARE AND CONSIDERATION IS GIVEN TO RAVE YOU "CALL AGAIN"' AND "RF‘MEMBER" OUR NEW FLAVOR BREAD WHICH' IS" VERY MUCH "HOMEMADE." "A LOAD" FOR. EVERY NEED"' ICE CREAM PARLOR ALWAYS' OPEN—,W�TTH NEW DRINKS AND FANCY: DISHES' 111 ' Bakery and 1�1► e1N1uO�° ' Confectioner"; Makers of "Whole Wheat?" and "Snowflake"' Bread "i 7 ' 'G. �} Irvi r".;l' a'nF" •� t4i,'t*PR 1,Y"iy y`;, ,^�: 7 Fi