HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-04-07, Page 8'PAGE 8 9 a'./�MMIIdMYWesPO IAL'S CLOTH ANDWRAPPERETTEIS, full yard wide in fancy stripes., for Pyjamas, and darker colors for Quilt Linings. Regular Price 85c. Special Price; 25e PILLOW 'SLIPS, 42 inch width, hemstitched, 5 doz. '•only at Special Price, each 19e FANCY BATH TOWELS, 18x36, stripes and check patterns. Special Price of . ... ........pc or. 35c per pair. MEN'S OVERALLS; rein. back, blue denum, elastic brace, rule pocket. Special Price '9:8c BOY'S' BLOOMERS, clearing lines, tweed bloomers. Special 8'9c SPECIAL CUT PRICES ON ALL LINES OF WINTER MERCHANDISE AND RUBBER FOOTWEAR Plurnsteel Bros. SCHNEIDER'S BULK LARD, per lb. ... ..........10c COLEMAN'S 1 -Ib. PRINTS LARD, per 1b. 8c HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. for 25e FRESH SIDE PORK, in piece, per lb. 10c CHOICE RIB ROASTS OF BEEF, per lb. 13c DILL PICKLES, 3 for ..... , , .., 5e P. NL COTTAGE ROLLS, per ib., only 13e SMOKED .COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb., only .... , , ; „,.... ,, 15e SHORT MANNED SMOKED PICNICS, per lb. ....18e KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY MORNING DELIVERIES WHEN POSSIBLE CO ELL Se A YNDALL, ",CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street ''' WESTINGHOUSE PERFECTED O O Refriteration O H HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW PERFECTED REFRIGERATOR? NO SERVICE NEEDED WITH TRIS HERMETICALLY SEALED MOTOR INSURING TROUBLE FREE PERFORMANCE. WILL NOT ONLY STOP BUT STARTS UP AUTOMATICALLY. IT IS FINE LOOKING AND OFFERS SUCK GQ1yVENIENCES 1S WTLA, Bk, Follyn :IN NC) f9!ER MACHIi�'I� WILL I'AY LIBERAL DIVIDENDS ITS FOOD SAVINGS AND 0 LESSER OPERATION COSTS. p O a O WATCH OUR WINDOWS SUTTER PERJJUE & WARE Hardware Funeral D rectors Plumbing Furniture Pho ie 147w Electric Wiring Suit m COME IN AND SEE O1JIe Extra Tieo lflier at $19.50 REGAL MADE -TO -MEASURE SUIT OR OVERCOAT, 822.50 SWEAT SHIRTS $10.50 WEARWELL SOCKS, 25e. 50c, 75c, PRESS SHIRTS. 51.00 TO X3.75 niiY CLEANING AND PRESSING FINE' ORDERED TAILORING EXCLUSIVELY DAVIS ERMAN AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTH ennialaeleellINOMENNIESZIallales THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TIIURS APRIL 7, 1932 Ilere we are again in April -each day bringing new beauty. We an- ticipate and appreciate -leaf and blossom outdoors and it suggests new wall paper beauty indoors. For •the coming season we believe the buying public expects better values and lower prices. We have tried to 'build our stock to meet these de- . mands. On a few remainders of stock we have made the' price 5e and 7c regardless of former price and sub- stantially reduced the price of 'oth- ers. Our claim is that our sample hooks represent a comprehensive as- sortment at advantageous prices such as will surely enable you to save wisely and spend well. There exists no need to warn you against extravagance nor do we do so against sensible spending, the two things 'have no connection. Our collection of Sunworthy Wall Hangings at 25c we suggest as a thrifty purchase, their beauty lasts and the price fits perfectly into the current mood to- wards economy, home owners are growing increasingly appreciative, of then. Our sale of stamped floor mats, size 22x40 at 25e was, thank - you, a deserved success. The W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best Week FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ---SEE OUR SOUTH WINDOW' Lettuce, 3 heads Grape Fruit, large 4 for Oranges, per doz, New Carrots, 2 bunches Spinach, 2 lb. Tomataes, lb. Bananas per doz. Pineapples, each Peameal Backs, lb. Fresh Sausage, lb. Bacon, in the piece lb. 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 2®c 29c 25c McCornaicks' Butter Rings, per 1b. Floor Wax, lb. Ingersoll Cream Cheese, 2 for Sweet Pickles Salmon large 2 cans Big Five, each Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. Breakfast Food, 5 lbs. Fancy Assorted Cakes, 1b. 25c 25c 25c 10c - 25c 5c 25c 25c. 15c IGII G A II =r: E 19c 15c 16c Filletts, fresh lb. Duffs' Bacon, sliced lb. 20c 20c Wes' aka owder a or stratlon on Thursday rir nth YOU CAN SAVE MONEY, BY BUYING, ONE OF OUR COUPON BOOKS AIEEEMemcommiaisimmingm Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Mr. H. B. Manning spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Thomas Beattie of Seaforth was the week -end guest of Mrs. Ben. Cole. Miss Mary Matheson of Goderich was in town one day last week visiting friends. Miss Helen Howlett .of Ypsilanti, Mich., visited her aunt, Mrs. Ben. Cole, last week. Mr. Beecher Streets spent the Eas- ter Holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eawden in Hamilton. Mrs. J. Hunter went to Hamilton on Saturday to attend the wedding of her son, Robert G. Hunter. Mr. Fred Bartlett and little son of Toronto were guests last week at the hone of their uncle, Mr. W. H. Hellyar. Mr. Di Cartwright,Brussels, spent the week -end at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and 14Trs. A. L. Cart, Wright. Miss Frances Mossop spent the week -end with Miss Helen Man- ning at Whitney Hall, Toronto 'University. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Leonard of El- mira were week -end guests at th• honte of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leonard. Mrs. R. 'Marshall, who has been spending the winter with rela- tives at Kingston, returned to her home in town on Monday, Mr. John Iieilyar and his 'sister, Miss Hellyar of Bowman -411e visited last * week at the hoihd et their brother, 11 I Fi) TUCKERSMITH Mr. W.. M. Doig and his son, Jolin C. Doig, Detroitlawyer, spent a short time here on Monday on their return from -Toronto where.tney spent Eas- ter with relatives and friends. An Oxford ewe on the farm of W. M. Doig, recently gave birth to twin lambs, and twelve days afterwards gave birth :t another a othe ,lamb, all three are alive, strong and doing well, Mr. and Mrs. Seaman ,are visiting at ,the home sof Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor, Mrs. R. McDonald has returned home after visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Green, Mr. W. M. Doig of this township has been appeinted a justice of the Peace for this township, and re- ceived his Commission on Sat- urday and subscribed to the oath of office before Crown Attorney Dudley E. Hohnes of Goderieh. (Turner's Community) Messrs.' Melbourne and Hugh Ball of the Huron Road are sick with the chicken pox. Miss Reta Fear is in St. Marys at- tending t- ter nn •aunt g a n Who is sick. ' Mr. Walter Pepper is this week showing his General Purpose team at the Spring Shows in Seaforth and Clinton. We wish him success. Mr. Fletcher Townsend had a ewe which gave birth to four Iambs last week. A few of the farmers of this community have tapped trees but so far the season has not been good, Mr. W. II. I-Ie]I,yar of town. Mrs. (Dr.) McCallum of Kingston is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' J. Wiseman of. town. Mrs. Wise- man has not been at all well late- ly, Mrs, drank McIlwain and little daughter have returned to their ]come at Gelert after a visit with the lady's mother, Mrs. Carrie Jer- vis. Mrs. Fred Slornan and family re- turned last week to their hone at Capered after spenuing the Eas- ter holiday period with relatives here. Mr. Howard 'Venner of the Norwich branch of the Royal Bank is en- joying a three.weeks' holiday and is at the home of his mother, Mrs. F. Venner of town, Miss Clete Ford, after spending. the Easter vacation at her home in town, returned :this week' to re- sume her duties on the staff of Alma College, St. Thomas, Mrs. J. T. Watts of Carroll, Man., came home to visit her parents, being called hither by the illness of her mother, Mrs. R. Jennison, who passed away on Saturday ev, ining. Mr. S. Thompson, who brought a load of horses from the west last week, disposing of them around St. Marys, visited relatives in Clinton and vicinity this week. He reports things very quiet in the west. Mr. and Mrs, A. Sinclair spent the week -end with the lady's sisters, Miss Ruinball and Mrs. W. Pick- ard, 'Me'. Sinclair returned to Stratford Monday morning bat Mrs. Sinclair remained ter a few clays. "Sound Your Horn" a farce -comedy in 3 acts will be presented in TOWN HALL, BAYFIELD Friday, April 15 at 8.15 sharp by The Young People of Trinity Church Admission: Adults, 35; Children, 20e DON'T MISS AN EVENING OF LAUGHTER: 65-2. Firemen's Annual • Card Party and Dance in the FIREMEN'S HALL, CLINTON Thursday, April 21 commencing at 8 o'clock CARDS, LUNCII, DANCE Admission 36e and 25c. 65-2• PEOPLE YOU KNOW Mr. Froward Clark has returned from his business trip to the northern part of the province. Mr. and Mrs, Dean Courtice and Miss Betty of Hamilton and Alrs, McKercher of McKillop were week- end guests of the Misses Courtice of town. Miss Elizabeth Ford returned to Osh- awa on Friday to :be ready for her school duties this week, after spending the Easter vacation with her aunt, Mrs. S. Lawrence of town, Air. and Mrs. G. E. Ball and Miss Evelyn spent the week -end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Hall of Cayuga, returning Sunday evening. Miss Evelyn returned to Toronto Monday Morning to re- sume her studies at the Univer- sity. 1 Final Census Figures Of Dominion 'Are 'Announced Ottawa, April 4. Canada's population in 1981 was placed at 10,374,196, according to the final census report of the Do- minion Bureau of' Statistics. Ten years ago the population was 8,787,, 949. British Columbia had the high. est percentage of increase in the de- cade, 32.85, followed by Alberta with 24.38, Quebec, 21.76 and Saskatche- wan, 21.69. Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia and _the Northwest Ter- ritories were the only divisions to register decreased sedpopulations in the decade. The 1931 provincial populations wereas follows: Prince Edward Is- land, 88,038; Nova Scotia, 512,846; New Brunswick, 408,219; Qtyeeo, 2,874,255; Ontario, 3,481,683; Mani- toba, 700,139; Saskatchewan, 921,- 785; Alberta, 731,605; British Co- lumbia, 694,268; Yukon, 4,230; North west Territories, 7,183. As A Women Thinketh A Comedy -Drama in Three Aets Will be presented by the Young Peoples' Department of St. Andrew's church, Bayfield on the evening of Friday, April 8th in the 'TOWN HALL, BAYFIELD Admission 25c and 15c. 64-2. SACCO The Now Plant Food a ' CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 1:/s Complete balanced plant food for Ferns, House Plants, Flower beds and Porch boxes. Clean, odorless. easy to use. See our window dis- play: 1 lb. can, 15e; 5 lb. bag, 500 ROSES SPECIAL THIS WEEK QREENHOLSE PHONEI76 F11V' FLOWER 5110P PH0NE31 Why Not Start 9 AND COLLECT THE NEW IVORY AND GREEN ENAMELWARE It Will make a great improvement to your Kitchen. We have a good stock on hand now the right price, Perhaps you just need a new flour sifter or a paring knife. We have some specials on hand that you'll find will be just the thing. Be sure and call in and see our goods before you buy. Renfrew Separator and Scales. and Aladdin Lamps our Specialty, . Ilawldns HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phoria 244 Grasp This Opportunity TO WIN A GIBBARD SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE OR A DINGING ROOM SUITE, TEA WAGON, SMOKER OR A MARTHA WASHINGTON SEWING CABINET During March, April and May we are working in conjunction with the Famous Gibbard Furniture Shops to put over ane of the most attractive contests they ever attempted. So if you are thinking of a Bedroom or Dining Room Suite, it certainly will pay you to call and let us give you the information of this Limerick contest in which you may win a Suite absolutely FREE We are ready for Spring with a large stock of Linoleums, Con- golemns, Rugs and and Floor Coverings of all kinds. As to prices— We will meet nail order competition. Some Great Bargains in Steel Beds, Springs and Mattresses, so it will pay you to make your selections early. Embalmers and Funeral Directors. Monument Dealers. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. The Store With The Stock. Phone 195 N. BALL, J. D. ATKINSON, J. J. ZAPFE, Phone s}10. Phone 75. Phone 103. "LOW PRICES" Finest "QUALITY GOODS", "REAL SERVICE" EXTRA SPECIAL SAVINGS—APRIL 7th, 8th and 9th Corned Beef, tin ....15c Durham Corn Starch 09e Lilly Brand C. Haddie 15c Heinz Poric and Beans med, 2, 25c Ileinz Spaghetti med., 2 tins. 25c Raspberry Jam, 40 oz. 20c Oxydol, Ige. pkg. ....18c Bon Ami, cake or pdwe., 2 for 25c • PASTRY FLOUR 7 lb. Bags let 25 Ib. Bags ..,55c VEGETABLES Fresh Lettuce Fresh Spinach Fresh Tomatoes Fresh Cucumbers Fresh Cabbage Fresh Carrotts Cr. Cheese, 2, .25c Sup. Bak. Pwde 8 oz. 15c, 16 oz. 23c Mc. Jel. Pwde 4, 25c Break. Bacon, piece 15c, sliced 18c Cook. Hain, sl. 35c Sausage, 2 lbs. 25c Unicorn Salmon red 1,6's, 2, 29c, l's 25c Royal York Tea 35 lb. 2Sc, 1 lb. 55c FRUIT Oranges, doz. 29c, 89e, 49c. Lesions, doz. , 231 Grapefruit 4 for 25c New Pineapples 25c J. T. McKNIGHT & S N For a Week End Special Try Our r VISIT OUR ICE CREAM PARLOR. YOU'LL FIND ALL SORTS OF NOVELTIES, HERE Wendor 9� '`a kers and Conlfectioner! Makers of "Whole Wheat?' ' and. "Snowflake"' Bi•ead •r.ari.aaav,v�avwiS �'