HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-03-31, Page 8PAGE THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. Thcre's no Aihllt.ioNal ylost! 'EXTRA PANTS FREE 'WITH EVERY SUIT ON TUESDAY, APRIL 5th DURING THE VISIT OF MR. '('ARK Head Office representative of Berger Tailoring Company an expert fitter who will be at this store on Tuesday, April5th, we ane authorized to give with every "Clothes of Quality" suit ordered AN EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS OF THE SAM 1VMATErRIA,,L AT NO EXTRA COST. This offer is lirnitod to the duration of the representative's visit. Don't miss. it! „ "Clothes •of Quality" tailored to measore are known all over 'Canada for their fine all -wool materials, their beautiful tailoring and their exceptionally good value, PLAN TO BUY YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT 011 TOP COAT DURING THIS VISIT BERGER "Clothes Of Quality" '$24.00 and up SUITS AND TOPCOATS, MADE -TU -MEASURE 'EXTRA PANTS WITHOITT EXTRA CHARGE Plumsteel Bros. Home-made Head -Cheese, 3 lbs. for 25c .Guaranteed Pure Schneider's Lard, lb. bulb 10e CALL AND SEE US FOR CHOICE QUALITY BEEF Veal Stews, per lb., only 12c Hone -made Sausage, 2 'lbs. for 25c Bacon, by piece, lb. 14e P' M. Cottage Rolls, per lb. 13c Smoked Cottage Rolls, per lb. 15c Hamburg Steak, 2 lbs. for 25c CONNELL & TYNDAL . " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street ij p O p _ WATCH OUR WINDOWS 0 0 WESTINGHOUSE PERFECTED Refrigeration HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW PERFECTED REFRIGERATOR? NO SERVICE NEEDED WITH THIS HERMETICALLY SEALED MOTOR INSURING TROUBLE FREE PERFORMANCE. WILL NOT ONLY STOP BUT STARTS UP AUTOMATICALLY. IT IS FINE LOOKING AND OFFERS SUCH CONVENIENCES AS WILL BE FOUND IN NO OTHER MACHINE WILL PAY LIBERAL DIVIDENDS IN FOOD SAVINGS AND LESSER OPERATION COSTS, SUTTER PEROUE & 1A1111101 Hardware Furniture Funeral Directol'6 Phone 147w Plumbing Eleetvie Wiring O R 0=01;========a3=03:3=10=0==.4 New Spring Suitings and Biltmore Hats NOW ON DISPLAY NOW IS THE TIME TO PICK OUT YOUR SUIT FOR EASTER PRICES PROM 1,30.00 TO $451.00 REGAL MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS AND*OVERCOATS, $22.50 CLEANING AND PRESSING AVIS HERMAN AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTH Notice to Business Men In Clinton and all surrounding community. When you want count- er sales books see us about them! We can supply you with all kinds of stitch books, and at reasonable prices, See samples and get prices before ordering, THE NEWS -RECORD CLINTON 63-2. HOLMESVILLE dv1rs, S. R. MacMath and daugh- ter, Helen, returned from Aylmer on Friday, the former having been with her sister, the late Mrs. Maude Campbell, for the past three months. TUCKERSMITH • The League of '' Turner's church met on Tuesday evening when Mr. Fletcher Whitmore gave the ,topic, "Sabbath Observance." The program next week will take the form of a debate: "Resolved: That Every 'Teen Age Boy and Girl Should have the Opportunity of a College Educa- tion." Colne out, all ye people, and encourage the young folk in their work. If you knew the price (before buy- ing thein you would be surprised to find them so good value. If, you learned the price after having them you would be astonished to find them so cheap. Big values and little mon-'' ey are close together in green glass Salt and Pepper Shaker at 15c per pair. A camel's back will stand a great deal but the proverbial last straw. breaks it, there is a limit to every-: thing. Economy in Window Shades is a good thing clown to a certain point, below that it is not 'economy as we see it after many years ex- perience. It is possible for us to sell .you a good ' shade, etoth' mounted on a dependable roller, size 86x6 for $1.35, or one the same size, not so good a cloth on an inferior roller for 90c. The higher priced one is the cheapest. WE know a few things too, about bridge, don't mistake us. We'd. prob- ably never get past the first robber, nevertheless, we do know that play- ers and hostesses delight in having good cards. We have them so good- looking we'd probably lose count of the outstanding hearts in admiration of them. You however, will concen- trate because they're so smooth and durable and nice to handle. We also mention smart tallies', personally we do not know why people want tally cards. We can keep our score in our head. But for those . whose bridge figures are unwieldly, our tallies are a success. Then there are prizes, to be considered, for not trumping your partners ace—a fine cup and saucer, for not discussing the ,Lenz—Oul-1 bertson match,a small framed picture of merit, for a grand or a little slant, or none at aII, a compact fancy ad- dress or telephone book, for not disc cussing, (or cussing) anything, a pack of Waddington cards, for keep- ing hands invulnerable, a recent nov- el, for winning the 957th rubber a piece of our new crystal glassware. 1110 W. D. Fair Co, Often the Cheapest—Always the Best ill aljl l!°1 O�Iil1111lei a Nn n I lip Iumitiil I llll r _.....nrarali: v.- .„,mini,r..,....:arll,rn-..=YeiiiII IIliI1X II'b Miss Alice Simon of Stratford was home over the Easter week -end. Mr. W. H. Ford of London spent Easter with his parents in town, Miss Hattie Turner of Toronto is home for the Easter vacation per.' rod. Mr. E. MreE. Paisley of Osgoode Hall is home for the Easter holi- days. Mr. W. H. Hutch of the Royal Bank, Hamilton, was home fpr the Eas- tertide, Mrs. James H. Johnston and chil- dren visited Stratford friends on Saturday. Mr. Ray Carter of Toronto is spend- ing the holiday period at his home in town. Miss nary Fry of Norwich was an taster guest at the home of Mrs. P. Veneer. Mr. and MI's. Farnham of Detroit visited the fornier's mother in town over Easter. Mr. Howard Verner of Norwich spent Easter at the home of his mother ht town, Mr. and Mrs. Nisbit Cook of Toronto visited their parents in town over the week -end. friss Evelyn Hall of the Toronto Unia \enmity w00 home over the holiday and week -end. Miss Nellie Rapson of Toronto spent Easter with her sister, Miss Eva Rapson of, town, Mr. William Hovey of Toronto visit- ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J, E, Hovey, at Easter. Miss Katherine Heaton of Harrow is spending the Easter vacation at her home in town. Misses Grace Veneer of Thornbury and Ruth of Bognor are hoarse for the Easter vacation, Miss Jessie O'Neil of London was a guest at her home in town over the holiday and week -end. Messrs. J. D. Buckrill and Geo. Mc, Callum of Leamington spent the Easter week -end with friends h1 town. Mrs. Fred Woman and little Masses Joan and Elizabeth of Capered spent the Eastertide with relatives in town. Miss Elizabeth Ford of Oshawa was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. S. Lawrence of town; during the holi- day period. Mrs. Chas. McKinnon and Miss Kath- leen have been visiting the form- er's mother, Mrs. John Johnston of Huron street. Mrs. W. Tanner and little daughter, Isa.bol, of VanKleek Hill have been visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker. Miss Edna Turner of the research department of the Toronto Univer- sity visited relatives and friends in town and vicinity over the Eas- ter week -end. Misses Eleanor Plumsteel of the Seafarth Collegiate staff, Jean of the Elora High school staff and ;Margaret of the Western Univer, sity, London came home to spend the Eastertide with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel. TIIURS9, MARCH 31,, 193;'' > April ®S i ` ringing LAS Showers lwI Bar alas 1'oecries, tarthig F p si- WEEK -END BARGAINS Sugar, 'Granulated 10 lbs. New Cheese, Ib. Prunes, 2 lbs. Peanut Butter, Bulk 2 lbs. Good Rice, 4 lbs. Fresh Rolled Oats, 7 lbs. Breakfast Food, 5 lbs. Red Rose Tea, Ib. Salada Tea. lb. Lipton's Tea, ib. Our Own Tea, lb. Favorite Coffee, lb. Jelly Powders, 5 for Salmon, 2 tins Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, 3 for Where "Sells for Less” Price Prevails NO APRIL FOOL HERE 52c 15c 19c 25c 19c 25c 25c 51c 55c 55c 39c' 39c 25c 25c 25c NIINCINEMICREEMIMMEMESEINIM HOUSE CLEANING SUPPLIES Soaps, 5 Comfort and Surprise Star Ammonia, 4 pkgs. Soap Chips, 2 lbs. Bon -Ami, 2 pkgs. Big Five, 5 for Floor Wax, lb. English Floor Wax and Pad Brooms 25c 25c 19c 25c 25c 25c 65c 29c --39c FRUITS AND FRIGIDAIRE Head Lettuce, 3 for Fresh Tomatoes, lb. Spanish Onions, 3 lb. Lemons, per doz. Grape Fruit, 4 for W. T. O'NEIL env 25c 20c 25c 23c 25c CLINTON'S- BIG CORNER GROCETERI.A Phone 48 k°.ilr r.lY LONDESBORO Easter visitors were: Miss 0. Brigham of Windsor with"'her fath- er, Wm. Brigham; Miss E. Jamieson, of Toronto with her parents; Mr. and Mx.s. A. Jamieson; Mr. J. W. Tam- blyn and family of Toronto, with his mother, Mrs. J, Tamblyn; Mr. and 1Vfrs. Il`: ' D, Morris of Toronto with their aunt, Mrs, M. Manning; Mrs, Thrope and Miss Jean Mains of Chieage with their mother; Mrs, M. Mains; Miss Mary Wood. of London at her home, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wood; Ifiss Verde Watson of Goderich with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. Wat- son; Ilarold Snell and Earl with their brother, Don Snell; Mr. Art, Lyon and Miss Ruth of Kitchener with their parents, Mr. and firs. W. Lyon; Mr. Eph. Gray and Mr. Bert Gray with their parents, Wm. Gray. We are pleased to see Mr, Carl Radford able to be out again after his severe sickness. Miss E. Arnott has returned from the Goderich hospital with health somewhat improved. There are still many on the sick list but most are slowly improving. Miss S. Barr has returned having spent the past three weeks with her sister at Bayfield. Mr. Robt. McCrae has been quite sick with the flu, but is slowly gain- ing strength. Mrs. James Howatt of Auburn is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Percy I Manning. The regular meeting of the Wo- man's Institute will be held on Fri, day, April 8th, in the basement of the United Church. This is the girls day and a splendid program is being prepared by thein. Roll call will be ahewered by paying the fee for the coining year. A dainty lunch will'Ibe served by the girls and most enjoyable time is anticipated. Please note the change of date. STANLEY Mr. and 1Mrs. Albert Batt of Stouf- villa are spending a few weeks with the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John McCowan. Mr. Duncan 1VIcKenzie and Mr. Ar- thur Chapman attended the funeral of the late Mr. Chapman at Attwood last week. The following is 'a report of the Easter examinations held at S. 8, No. 4, North Stanley; 5th—John Watson, 58; Beatrice Houston,*. Sr. 4th—'Keith Westlake, 58*. Jr. 4th --Stuart Watson, 73; Bert Greer, 72; Antionette Rau, 66; Jean Dunn, 65*. Jr. 3rd --Jennie Hunking, 63; Char, lie Hunking, 51. Sr. 2nd—Billy Armstrong, 85; Mel- vin Greer, 79; Ethel Watson, 68) Wilfred Rau, 56; Madge Houston, 't;,. Gordon Westlake, *. 1st—Ilene Greer, 85; Andrew Rau, 64; George flunking, 59. Pr.—(Anthony Rau. Best speller for whiter term: Ilene Greer.—Vina Herbert, teacher.' Look over the advertitements in this paper. As A Women Thinketh A Comedy -Drama in Three Acts Wilt be presented by the Young Peoples' Department of St. Andrew's church, Bayfield on the evening of Friday. April 8th in the TOWN HALL, HAYFIELD Admission 25c and 15c. 64-2. FLOWERS! WILL YOU TAKE A WISE BIRD'S ADVICE? i Try our FIowers as a Real Tonic for your friends !who have the flu. SO ningtre J ZStt` 4a, GREENHOUSE PHONE176 FLOWERSHOP PHONE3I FLOWERS COST LESS a. Why Not Start AND COLLECT THE NEW IVORY AND GREEN ENAMELWARE It will snake a great improvement to your Kitchen. We have a good stock on hand now the right price. Perhaps you just need a new flour sifter or a paring knife. We have seine specials on hand that you'll find will be just the thing. Be sure and call in and see our goods before you buy. Eenfrew Separator and Scales and Aladdin Lamps our Specialty. T. Hawkins IRMAVORMEIRINIVIIONV HARDWARE and, PLUMBING Pon 244 Grasp This Opportunity TO WIN A GIBBARD SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE OR A DINGING ROOM SUITE, TEA WAGON, SMOKER Olt A MARTHA WASHINGTON SEWING CABINET During March, April and ittay we are working in conjunction with the Famous Gibbard Furniture Shops to put over one of the most attractive contests they ever attempted. So if you are thinking of a Bedroom or Dining Room Suite, it certainly will pay you to call and let us give you the information of this Limerick contest in which you niay win a Suite absolutely FREE We are ready for Spring with a large stock of Linoleums, Con- golemns, Rugs and and Floor Coverings of all kinds. As to prices— We will meet mail order competition. Some Great Bargains in Steel Beds, Springs and Mattresses, so it will pay you to snake your selections early. Embalmers and Funeral Directors. Monument Dealers. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. The Store With Tho Stock. Phone 195 N. BALL, J. D. ATKINSON, • J. J. ZAPFE, I Phone 110. Phone 75. Phone 103. arafgrnT SPECIALS March 31, April 1-2 S. Crown Corn Syrup 2's ..14e; 5's ..29c Robinhood China Oats large pkg. 31c Cascade Salmon small, OOc, large 12c Fain. bl, tea, lb. 39c " Coffee, lb. 39c Lifebuoy Soap 3 23e Old Dutch Cleanser per tin . 09c Crisco 1 Ib. tint 29c Swansdown Cake Flour . 29e SPECIAL BRUNSWICK SARDINES Per Tin 05c MEATS Sausage, 2 for .26e Bacon, piece .,.1Gc Bacon, sliced —18c ,Cottage Roll ...19c Weiners 18c Calif. Prunes, 3, 25c Calif Prones, 2 25c Loose Cocoa, 2; 35c Chateau Cheese 17c FRUITS, & VEG. SEE OUR Head Lettuce, Cel - r, HAND BILL ery, Leaf Lettuce, Oranges, Grape FOR COMPLETE Fruit, Bananas, ADVERTISEMENT Rhubarb, etc., etc. 43110111M a a a PCS UM Yana �aT .McKNIGHT 8 SON Not fi Foss n s FILLED WITH RICH NEW FRUIT, NUTS, AND CHERRIES SPECIAL DELIVERY THURSDAY' NIGHT ORDER NOW AND ENJOY THIS SPECIAL TREAT MEET MR. AND MRS:. RABBIT AND AN UNUSUAL ASSORTMENT OV EASTER' NOVELTIES WITHOUT DOUBT .THE FINEST EVER SHOWN IN CLINTON Wendorf'sBakery and Confectionery Makers of "Whole Wheat". and "Snowflake" Bread lea z