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The Clinton News Record, 1932-03-24, Page 8
SMS. PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD "' """`°" If you knew the price !before' buy- ` iiig therm you would be surprised to find them so good value. If yot. learned the price after having them you would be astonished to find them so cheap. Big values and little mon, ey are close together in green gJa'se Salt and Pepper Shaker at:15c pez pair. , A. camel's back will stand a great deal but the proverbial last straw breaks it, there is a limit to every- thing. Economy in Window Shades is a good thing down to a certain joint, below that it is not economy as we see it after many years ex- perience. It is possible for us to sell you a' good shadecloth •mounted on a dependable roller, size 36x6 for 81.35; or one the same size, not so good a cloth 'on an inferior roller for 20c. The higher priced one is.the cheapest. WE know a few things too, about bridge, don't mistake us, 'We'd prob- ably never get past the first rubbers nevertheless, we do know that play ors and hostesses delight in having good cards. • We have them so good- looking we'd probably lose count of the outstanding hearts in admiration of them. 'You however, will concen- trate because they're so. smooth and durable and nice to handle. We also mention smart talli:esypersonally we do not know why people want tally cards. We can keep our score in our head. But for those whose bridge figures are tmwieldly, our tallies are a success. Then there are prizes, to be considered, for not trumping your partners ace—a fine cup and saucer. for not discussing the rLenz---Cul' bertson match,a small framed picture of merit, for a grand or a little slam, or none at all, a compact Fane, ad- dress or telephone book, for not dis, cussing. (or cussing) anything, a pack of Waddington cards, for keep- ing hands invulnerable, a recent nov- el, for winning the 957th rubber a piece of our new asystai glassware. archSi ccs YAMA CLOTH AND W,RAP'PER;LTTES, full yard wide' in fancy stripes, for Pyjamas, and darker colors for Quilt Linings. Regular Price 35c. 1Special Price `... -250 PILLOW SI/IPS, 42 ineb width, hemstitched, 5 doz. only at Special Price, each ... ...... 10c FANCY BA.TII TOWELS, 18x36, stripes and check patterns, Special Price of .100, or 35c per pair. M,EN'E OVERALLS, red -back, blu e demmn, elastic brace, rule pocket. Special Price 980. BOYS' BLOOMERS, clearin • lines, tweed bloomers. Special.. 82c SPECIAL CUT PRICES ON ALL LINES OF WINTER MERCHANDISE AND RUBBER FOOTWEAR. 1umsteej Bros. Sce th e FOR CHOICE CURED MEATS FOR EASTER SMOKED HAMS, Sliced or by the piece; BREAKFAST BACON; SCHNEIDER'S CHOICE BONELESS BACK BACON; P. MMEALED BACKS; SMOKED PICNIC HAMS. THESE WILL .AAL GO NICE WITH YOUR EASTER EGGS HOME-Iv1ADE +SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. for . 25c ROME -MADE HEAD' CHEESE, 3 lbs. for 25e LAMB FOFORWEEK{ END CONNEL ,r & TYNDALL✓ " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street ... IIRAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW, PERFECTED REFRIGERATOR? NO SERVICE NEEDED WITH THIS HERMETICALLY SEALED o MOTOR INSURING TROUBLE FREE PERFORMANCE. VI 0 WILL NOT ONLY STOP BUT STARTS UP AUTOMATICALLY'. IT IS FINE LOOKING AND OFFERS SUCH CONVENIENCES AS WILL BE FOUND IN NO OTHER MACHINE 0. WILL PAY LIBERAL DIVIDENDS IN FOOD SAVINGS AND ill LESSER OPERATION COSTS. 0 WESTINGHOUSE PERFECTED, ' . .; WATCH OUR WINDOWS SITTER PERE & WALKEfl Hardware Furniture Funeral Directors Plumbing Phone 147w Electric Wiring OIG401�..,�"TiOL"�O*.•�.'�P.'F�©�O�d01� �. H O 11 rie W. D. Fair en ■ Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mr, and Mrs, E. A. Cross of Toronto were in town over the week -end. Miss Freda Wallis of London is spending a holiday at her home in town. Mrs. D. Johnston and daughter have been visiting the lady's sister, Mrs. E. 'W. Morrison. Mrs. N. W. Tr•ewartha attended the funeral of the late Mrs, M. Maude .Campbell at Aylmer on Monday last. Mrs. Bert Langford has just return- ed from a two weeks' vacation in Detroit, visiting Mrs. C. J. And- rews, and her daughter, Miss Lar- ene Langford. CONSTANCE Ittiss `IVinnifrod Riley and Mr. Clifford Riley of Brussels spent Sun - 0 day at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimold- by. Mrs. Wm. b3oore of Toronto is at the 'home of her son, Mr. Wm. Moore having been called Isere on account of the serious illness and subsequent death of her father, Mr. James Mann, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Mann of Wal- ton visited the lady's brother, Mr. Duncan Tudor, on Sunday. Mrs. Jack Busby of Chatham is visiting at the lions of her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson, being called hence to nurse 'her mother, who we are sorry to hear, is confin- ed to her room through illness. We wish her a speedy recovery. We are sorry to hear of the illness of ItIr. Robt. Jamieson, who has been confined to his bed for a couple of weeks with the flu and an attack of bronchitis. Wo wish hint a speedy and complete recovery. Mrs. George Giles of Windsor spent the week -end at the home of her aunt and uncle, 1ifk. and Mss. .Adam Nich- olson, having conte to attend the fun- eral of her grandfather, the late Mr, James Mann. A pioneer was called by death on Friday, March 18th, at noon in the Seaforth Memorial Hospital in the person of Mr. James Mann, Sr., at the ripe old age of eighty-six years. Mr. Mann for the last leer or so had been a great and patient suffer- er and for the past twenty-three weeks had been confined to the Sea - forth hospital. Mr. Mann was one of the oldest pioneers of Mullett township and 'the last of. his family and had lived around here, the great- est part of his life. He -retained all his faculties until almost the end and was •always a bright and cheery own, panion to converse with. ,Mr. Mann was twice married. His first wife having•.predeeeased him in November 1920 and the second in September, 1926, also two sons, and two daughters. Ile is survived 'b' four daughters (Martha) Mrs. Witn, Moore of Toronto; _Mary) 10s, Ad- am Nicholson of Constance; '.(Chari lotto) Mrs.- McArthur of Goderich and (Anniii) Mrs. Fred Anderson of Heath. Besides 22 grandchildren, 11' il 11 1M:tl],i.V+.e SM1NiM.S*4y., ,9Ca as'i,gw,.p ir•M.'ti.ot asesrlea,o: New Seri= g SuWtings and lilt r, ore Hats NOW ON DISPLAY NOW IS THE TIME TO PICK OUT YOUR SUIT FOR EASTER PRICES FROM 1:30.00 TO 648400 REGAL MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS AND OVERCOATS, $22.50 - CLEANING AND PRESSING ' DAVISE M AGENTS FOR GTLLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTH ZINICIUMIXeSESAGMEMIStr No tice` to Business Men In Clinton and : alI surrounding • connnuni'ty. ' When you want count- 'er sales books see us about them Ws can supply you with all kinds of such hooks, and at reasonable prices, See samples and get prices before •=;'ordering. k Annual Masquerade Carnival and Dance • under the auspices of -the Bayfield Agricultural Society will be held in TOWN HALL, HAYFIELD Wednesday, March 30 Prizes .Given as Fo lows: 1 Lady's Fancy. Costume, Gentle- man's Fancy; Lady's' eamic, Gentle- man's comic -1st and second prize in each' case. .Best couple, Boys' cos- tume, Girls' Costume, one prize in each case. GRAND MARCH AT 9 O'CLOCK THE NEWS -RECORD Refreshments served. Good Orchestra in Attendance. CLINTON 63-2. Admission, Gentlemen: 50e; , Ladies and 'Children, 25c. 63-1. AIN THURS:; MARCH 24; 1932' AnatiffilieNIVIIRAIMATIMACIIIMIMASUSAMMEMMUSIKAINIFIMINSS FOR Your ' Filday Cocktail Tomato Juice, 10c and 15c, 5 Grape Fruit,.25c do Oran es g 29C--39c--49c Duff's Breakfast Bacon, sliced 2 lb. 10c, piece 15c Swift's Small Sausage, lb. 19c Swift's Smoked Hams, lb. 15c es® 1- r�#xI' +�r •ij�Ir' Sirt ,� is les fttl ,z; � � � �,." Nay1 �.. '',4 txit tl; t«h ,. ; x ' It # { "? New Carrots, 2 bunches 25c, Fresh Spinach, 2 lbs. 25c, Radishes, bunch Sc Head Lettuce, 3 for 25c Peas, Corn and Tomatoes, 3 for - 25c Bakng :Powder (with Jack) 15c Lard, 3 lbs. for 30c Fancy Biscuits, per pkg- 25c Soda Biscuits, (Sucker) 9e Apricots, per ib. 25c Peaches, perk Ib. 20c Prunes,' 2 lbs. for 19c Baking Figs, 2 lbs. for 25c Sweet Peas (No. 3) 2 19c . Large Bottle Catsup 15e Large Bottle Heinz Catsup 21c Lemons (for the fashionable cold) doz. 23c Nice To atoes, lb. 20c aiSiSeMazzimanmazommin HOUSE CLEANING SPECIALS 5 Bars Gold and, Comfort Soap for 25c Big Five Cleaner 2 for Ammonia, 4 for 25c Floor Wax (special) 25c Macaroni; 4 lbs. for 25c Rolled Oats, 7 lbs. for 25c Pink Salmon, lb. 15c Red Salmon, per Ib. 25c Halibut, per lb. 20c Fresh Filletts, per ib. 20c sec, ALL OUR EASTER EGGS TO CLEAR SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE Thursday Evening Only--mDuff's Peaaneal Back Bacon 19c a lb. Where • "Sells for Less" Price Prevails great grandchildren and three great- great grandchildren. Mr. Mann had the distinction of being ,head of five generations. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon from the home of his niece, Miss Jennie Mann of Clinton, who had carefully nursed him and with w1totu he had made his hone for the last four years. Rev, Mr. FarriIl of Ontario Street . church, Clinton, con- ducted the services at the house and graveside. Interment was made in the family plot in the Constance cem- etery., The pallbearers were; Messrs. George IYfann, John Riley, Charles Dolmage, Austin Dolntago, Jammer Dale and Joseph Mann. Much sym- pathy is extended to those who are left to mourn. Mr. and Ma's. L. McKay of Detroit and Mrs. G. Giles of Windsor, grand- daughters of the deceased, .attended the funeral. Death removed another pioneer of Mullett on Saturday morning in the person of Noble Adams. 81r. Adams had of late made his home at that of his son, Mr. Miller Adams, and had been enjoying good health until he contracted the cold which resulted in his death. Mr. Adams was possessed of a genial nature and it was a'pleas- ure to converse with hint. He livel1 and reared his family on the farm now occupied by hiss on, Ernest Ad - anis, 11/2 mules west of the village. Then he moved and Jived retired in BIyth until the death of his wife several years 'ago. Since then he had made his hone amongst his fain- ily. He was in his eighty-seventh year, celebrating his birthday a week or so ago. He leaves to mourn bis loss three sons, Miller, Ernest and TI$9nas, ri11 of Hullett and three daughters, Mrs. Wm. Ross, Mrs. Charles Parsons, of Hallett, and 1VV4•s. Jas. Cook who lives in the west, besides several grand- children. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon from the home or his sen, Miller Adams, to the place of interment in the family plot in the Maitlandbank cemetery, Seaforth. We extend sympathy to the bereaved ones, 1 • GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. Fred Middleton and Mr. Ro. bent Chuff attended the funeral of the late Mrs. James Connelly of Goderieh. 6Dss Betty 'Ciuff ' is at present slightly ill with a light attack of chickenpox. 1Mr. Harry J. Thompson spent • the week -end in London, his son Mr. Jahn R. Thompson, having been tak- en to Victoria Hospital suffering with . scarlet fever. John is gaining slowly, owing to ear trouble that has been giving a lot of pain. Flu and severe colds seem to be very prevalent in this community just now. There was no meeting of the Smiles 'n 'Chuckles Club on Friday evening, owing to the fact that those ho were well were busy waiting on hose who were sick. This week those who were sick are busy wait, ing on those who are. Ah, well, 'tis hoped everybody soon will be. , Easter Social j.5 IN S`1'. JOSEPH'S HALL, CLINTON an the evening of Tuesday, March 29th TONY FARR'S ORCHESTRA Admission 50c and 25c, 63-1. 'easter and iYleweri`c Easter is a time for Greetings. Try it with Plants or Cut F ow ars. Particular people will 's, P l preeiate our Easter Stock. Fine Quality Lillies, Hydrangeas, Cenerarias, Calceolarias, Be- gonias, Ferns, Etc. Roses, Carnations, Spring Flowers ninyhaine GREENHOUSE PHONE176 FLOWERSHQP PHONE3I by Not Start v AND COLLECT TEE NEW IVORY AND GREEN ENAMELWARE It will hake a great improvement to your Hitchen. We have a good stook on hand now the right price. Perhaps you just need a new flour sifter or a paring knife. We have some specials on hand that you'll find will be just the thing. Be sure and call in and see our goods ,before you buy. Renfrew Separator and Scales' and Aladdin Lamps our Specialty. dins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 1 CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 Grasp This Opportunity 7'O WIN A GIBBARD SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE O1Z A DINGING ROOM .SUITE, TEA WAGON, SMOKER OR 'A' MARTHA WASHINGTON SEWING CABINET' During March, April and May we are working in conjunction with the' Famous Gibbard Furniture Shops to put over •one of the most attractive contests they ever attempted, So if you are 'thinking of a Bedroom or Dining Room Suite, it eertainly will pay you to call and let us give you the information of this Limerick contest in which you may win a Suite absolutely FREE We are ready for Spring with a large stock of Linoleums,• Con- goleums, Rugs and and Floor Coverings of all kinds. As to prices— We will meet mail order competition. 'Some Great Bargains in Steel Beds, Springs and Mattresses, so it will pay you to make your selections early. Embalmers and Funeral Directors, Monument 'Dealers. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. The Store With The Stock. Phone 195 N. BALL, J. D. AT'IIINSON, J. J. ZAPFE, Phone 110. Phone 75. Phone 103. ANIGNACEZZOSMIIIISAININEESZEZI March 23rd, 24th, 26th Fresh Rolled Oats 7 lbs. for 25c Lux Toilet Soap 3 cakes for 2 i c Kellogg's Cent Flakes 2.pkgc for toe MEATS 130. Bacon, lb. Ise 1 Weiners, Ib. .18c Sausage, 2 lb 25e Sewage, lb. 18c Spare Ribs, 2 25o Meat Loaf ,.25c Cooked Ilam 36c Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 tins for 15c Tomatoes, 2's,, qt. 4 tins for ........25o Pure Lard 1 ib. prints 09c Head Le Ince, L for .iSe , ,� FISH New Val bilge, per Ib. 1Ot Salmon . ....17e Oranges, 29o, 32c, 411c Halibut 19c Filletts .16c Lemons, per doz. ..,.27c Crape Fruit, 5 for ...25c ;,11I. L. Salmon 19c C: L. Stimon 15c See Our Hand Bills For r Cascade " 100 Easter Specials t " large 14c, cKN JGHT & SON ot Oross Buas FILLED WITH RICH' NEW FRUIT, NUTS AND 'CHERRIES SPECIAL DELIVERY THURSDAY NIGHT ORDER NOW AND ENJOY THIS SPECIAL TREAT MEET MR. AND MRS. RABBIT AND AN UNUSUAL ASSORTMENrT 01 EASTER NOVELTIES WITHOUT DOUBT THE FINEST EVER SHOWN :IN CLINTON Wr Bakery aex�do f S Cand Onfectfoner Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread 6•i