HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-03-17, Page 8Sunlight Soap Special 10 bars for 49c Old Homestead Peas S tins for 25c 'Eagle Brand Milk For . 190 PAGE S Chthcs of Quality:. TAILORED TO YOUR ODDER BY The Berger Tailoring Co. NEW SPRING AND SUMiMER .SAMPLES are now ready for in- spection at new low pricey from ................ ..$1950 nP. SEE OUR SPECIAL RANGE, OF BEAUTIFUL NEW TWEEDS, WORSTED'S AND SERGES, about sixty patterns to choose from at a special price of $22.50 MADE TO YOUR MEASURE AND FULLY GUARANTEE)) MEN'S READY-TO-WEAR SUITS AND OVERCOATS at Bargain Prices from $5.00 up. BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS Front $2.95 up. MEWS AND BOYS' SWEATERS 98c and up. g MEN'S FINE• SHIRTS, 14 to 17, from 89c up. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS from 79e up. SPECIAL VALUES IN UNION FLANNEL SHIRTS IN GREY OR NAVY BARGAIN PRICES ON ALL LINES OP, RUBBER FOOTWEAR x Plurnsteel POS. DILL PICKLES, 3 for 5e P. MEALED COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. 13e SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. 15e HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. for 25q HOME -,MADE HEAD CHEESE, 3 lbs. for 25c BREAKFAST BACON, in piece, per lb. 15c BOLOGNA, per Ib. - 15c CHOICE VEAL FOR WEEK -END. ALSO EVERYTHING IN PORK. CHOICE BEEF ALWAYS ON HAND. THREE DIFFERENT KINDS OF LARD, ALSO DOMESTIC AND EASIFIRST SHORTENING. COA®NELL Sz. TY D.A.LL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 102 Albert Street 0 SUTTER11 PERDUE & tNI1IIER Entrdy Ii'AVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW NOVELTY TABLES WITH THE TILT TOPS? OR THE VERY NEWEST IN OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, WITH•I SMART TAPESTRY, MOHAIR OR FREIZR COVERINGS ALSO THE NEWEST IN AXMINSTER RUGS. WE ARE SHOWING TIIE NEWEST DESIGNS DIRECT THE FURNITURE SHOW WATCH OUR WINDOWS FROM 0 0 I 0 11 tS 0 flartvure Funeral D rectors Plumbing Furpilus0 Phone 147w Electric Wiring bratatotraftrattuarseas ew Spring Suitings and Biltmore Hats NOW ON DISPLAY NOW IS THE TIME TO PICK OUT YOUR SUIT FOR EASTER PRICES FROM 1;30.00 TO 54300 REGAL MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS .ANI) OVERCOATS, $22.50 CLEANING AND PRESSING DA ♦ IS HERMAN AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS Sc DYERS, SEAFORTH emaxeatextrusesmasesemeee The Vogue • The Ladies of Clinton and vicinity are cordially invited to come and, see our SPRING • FASHIONS which are now complete. Clarendon model hats exclusively 'styled, also Burbridge Street Hate, very natty. In our dress depart - tent we have a range of dresses di- rect from New York City. Also • a new line of Cortieelli- Silk Hosiery, full-fashioned Drench heel and cradle foot. 02-1. The Vogue Hard Time Social The women of Brucefield Association Just wish you to hear their PROCLAMATIOIN BOW ON MARCH 18 POR 10 AND 15 A Hard Time Social with tea Held in our . church, don't you For you and for me This fun is to be. But in old clothes and patches come dressed,. Or for fines yo't i • will surely be pressed. The time to be seen is- at 8.15, see. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD; The thoughts associated with Eas- ter bring visions of better, brighter days. From the dying winter to the new-bornspring-'tis fitting that this should find its exression in good will to men, the keynote of the sealtan is, gladness, and it has a place among the Sacred Seasons of the year al- most equal to that of Christmas. An established and pleasing custom per= taining to it, is the exchanging .of appropriate cards among friends, as an expression of joy. and gladness and typifying Easter in its true sense. We have an assortment we are hoping will be pleasing to you from which to select. TfE ,, D. Fair CO. Often. the Cheapest—Always the Best THURS., MARCH 17, 1932; 1' Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, 3 for Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. Spaghetti, 3 tins Soap Chips, 3 lbs. Broken Sodas, 3 lbs. Corn Starch, 3 pkgs. Shredded Wheait, 2 pkgs. Jelly Powder, 5 pkgs. Comfort Soap, 5 for . :.ek+kY.. •:1[vu:n.. ri ..4'i -F:. ry 'd.l..elt., 9W h. F. .S Red Rose Tea, Special ib. O'Neil's Coffee lb. LENTON FISH Red Spring Salmon, lb. Fresh Halibut, lb. NEW EASTER NOVELITIES NOW ON DISPLAY 25c Leads Lettuce, 3 for 25c • Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c Chilli Onions, 3 lbs. 25c Rolled Oats, 7 lbs. 25c Dates, 3 lbs. 25c Breakfast Food, 5 lbs. 25c Macaroni, 4 lbs. 25c Ingersoll Cheese, 2 pkgs. 25c Cold Soap, 5 bars, .,.CA, 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 51c SPECIAL HAMS AND MEATS FOR 39c EASTER Schneideir's Sausage, Schneider's Weiners, 15c Lamb Rolls, lb. 15c Swift's Breakfast Bacon, Piece Corn Beef, lb. tin Finnan Laddie, lb. Duff's Sliced Bacon, lb.' Morning Deliverand 11, 19c 15c 20c 15c 15c 15c 20c Afternoon 2,30 and 5 ' ;` + CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 IIIc jp, tutu In III II VIIIA Dr. J. C. Gandier was in Toronto re- cently. Rev. L. C. and Mrs. Harrison of Lu-, can were in town on Monday. ]sirs. Smith of Curries is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. 0. W. Potter. Mr. Charlie Cole of London visited his mother, Mrs. W. H. Cole over the week -end. Mrs, Kerwood White and family of Goderich were visiting their moth- er over the week -end, Mrs. W. H. Cole. Miss Hilda Booth, Reg. N., of Sim- coe was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Liv- ermore. Mr. Elton Rozell and son, Albert, raf Kitchener were in town this week, earning up on business and for a short visit with his old friends here. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Morrish and Mr. and Mrs. IL B. Manning were in Goderieh on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. James Connolly. Mrs. Wm. Clark and Mrs. Hower? Clark attended the funeral of the formers sister, Mrs. .Tames Con- nolly of Goderieh, on Tuesday af- ternoon. PORTER'S HILL At the regular meeting of the Goderich Township liien's Club on Tuesday evening the attendance was not so large as usual on account of the severe weather and the prevail- ing cold. The evening was passed in the playing of games. The pro- gram which was to have :been given or that evening will be given next meeting, The play, "George In a Tam," put an by the Y. P. S. of Grace United church on Friday evening last was presented in a manner very credit- able to the performers, each one re-, presenting his or her special charas, ter splendidly. Those taking part in the play were: Miss Belle Harri- son, Miss Bernice Elliott, Miss Evans, Miss Esther Harrison, Miss Elva El- liott, and Messrs. Ray Cox, Glen Lockhart, Maurice Frame, Joe Cum- ming and Lorne Elliott. The Hal, inesvilIe orchestra contributed to the pleasure of the program by sev- eral selections. The reeeipts amount- ed to $25.00. It is understood that the young people are being invited to give the play at other points. Mrs. J. Blair is progressing nicely after her, recent operation and it is hoped she will soon be folly recov- ered. Mr. Erlan Betties is in Goderieh this week, having undergone an op- eration for appendicitis. Although he won the decision in his wrestling bout at I3'amilton , Mon- day night, "Scotty" McDougal had little reason to feel elated, for he suffered a broken jaw. He will like- ly be out of the sport for some six weeks. ' "Scotty" is an oil Goderieh town- ship boy and is known to many here- abouts: BAYFIELD At St. Andrew's United church Manse, the marriage of Mr. Dolton Elwin Schultz and Miss Ellen Floop- er Harding was duly performed by Rev. R. M. Gale on March 12th, 1932 They were attended by Mr. Reg. Schultz and Mrs, David Stoddart, both of Goderieh, The young couple intend making their home in Bay- field for the present. Congratula- tions are extended to them. The Young People's Department of 5t. Andrew's United church met on Thursday evening. The Devotional period was followed by a discussion of business. Albert Woods and Mur- ray Grainger were selected as tho debaters to represent the Society. The topic, "What Can the Reading of Poetry do for Me," was given by Isabel Kirk. After a period of Com- munity Singing the meeting was closed with a hymn and the benedics tion. Mrs. Fred McEwen has returnee home atter having spent a week with her brother in London. Mfrs. Harry Moore received word this week that a brother in England had been killed hi a motor accident. Plans are being made to hold the Annual Masquerade Carnival in the %awn hall on Wednesday Mar. 30th, under the auspices of the Hay- field Agricultural Society. The Committee in charge hope that there will be more than ever in costume this Year. Miss Mina Proctor of Toronto is the guest of her aunt, Mars. Geo'gc Icing. St. Patrick's Tea and Sale A SALE OF HOME COOKING, CANDY, ETC. will be ]veld in the Council Chamber ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON March 19th commencing at 2.30 under auspices of the W. A. of Wesley -Willis Church. AFTERNOON TEA SERVED 60-2. Baptist Church Supper at the hone of MRS. L. RATH, HURON STREET Tuesday, March 22nd Supper served from 5 to '7.30 p.m. MENUE: Cold Dressed Ham, Mash- ed Or Escalloped Potatoes, Car- rots, and Peas, Jellies, Salads,' Pickles, Rolls, Bread and But- ter. PIE: Raisin, Butter Scotch and Apple. TEA. ORCHESTRA;' IN ATTENDIANCR Price: 'Adults, 40e, Children .under 12, 15c. 60-2. f tt .;i*rl;N TUCKERSMITH (Turner's Ohurch Community) Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fear were at Blyth last week attending the funer- al of the former's mother, the late Mrs. Fear of Mimico. Owing to the epidemic of flu and colds the service and Sunday school of Turner's church was withdrawn on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Pepper visited in Clin- ton over the week -end. The choir of Turner's aura. are busy preparing an Easter cantata to be put on in the church Good Friday evening. %aster and f lcwero Easter is a time for Greetings. Try it with Plants or Cut Flow ers. Particular people will ap- preciate our Easter Stock. Fine Quality Lillios, Hydrangeas Cener'arias, Calceolarias, Be- gonias, Ferns, Etc. Roses, Carnations, Spring Flowers n 7 L GREENHOUSE PHONE n6 FL0WER5HOP PHONE31 ne Why Not Start 0 AND COLLECT THE NEW IVORY AND GREEN ENAMELWARE It will make a great improvement to your Kitchen. We have a good stock on hand now the right pride. Perhaps you just need a new .flour sifter or a paring knife. We have. some specials on hand that you'll find will be just the thing. Be sure and ;call in and see our goods before you buy. Renfrew Separator and Scales and Aladdin Lamps our Specialty. T. 1aw&his HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone244 of - ,' h • .r .•; • is i t nvr SO THE NEXT ORDER OF BUSINESS IS HOUSECLEANING —and as usual, we are ready with a large new stock of LINOLEUM, CONGOLEUM, OILCLOTH By the Yard and in Rugs ALSO CARPET RUGS OF ALL KINDS. --THEN FOR PRICE—WE WILL MEET MAIL ORDER COMPETITION You niay require a New Bed Spring and Mattress or a whole New Bedroom Suite; a Dining Room, Suite 'or a Chesterfield Suite, ---,well if you do, give us the opportunity to show you that we don't earn where you look we will save you money. IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT WE HAVE OUR NEW STOCK OF PAINTS UTILAC, the popular 4 -hour drying Paint; GARNLOTE ]MEDIUM GLOSS ENAMEL WALL FINISH OR ItURESCO IN ALL COLORS FLOOR MOPS, WALL BRUSHES, ALSO SAP BUCKETS AND SUPPLIES fl utrn ` ardware & Furrature Co. The Store With The Stock. Phone 195 Embalmers and Funeral Directors. Monument Dealers. N. BALL, J. D. ATKINSON, 3. J. ZAPFE, Phone 110 Phone 75, Phone 103. lawamantwayaseakutizmasammalitwioa'1esr+m. Lmr ^ u.e.s u. ells.^,rrP' esscsalossereasecasawelesseeeneee California Prunes 3 lbs. for 25c Electric Bulbs, 25, 40, 60 Watt, each ....19c Derby Loaf Cheese per Ib. 25 (EXTRA) QUICK QUAKER OA TS, plain, large plc. 20c (EXTRA) FISH Salmon, Fresh Per. ]b. ...17c Halibut ,Steak Per lb. ...19c Can Salmon red, large ..23c Sm., 2 for 29c ti Chocolate Bars, G for 25c Head Lettuce, 2 for 19c Chocolate Bars, 7 tor.' 15c Roy. York Coffee, Ib. 47e Many Flowers Soap 3 17c New Tomatoes, lb. ..20c Roy. York Coffee,l1:1b.25c Ch Eating Apples bst.25c MEATS Sausage, 1b. 18< Spare Ribs, .for 25, Bacon, piece For 16 Bacon, sliced 18( SPECIAI, EASTER DISPLAY NEST 'WEEK J®T .MCKM MGH 89 SON ('swv-sem r..o• '^'.oaa...,`P ,.0 . T t Always Fresh, Made Carefully, and of the very best.,quality SPECIALS THIS WEEK AGAIN FOR FRIDAY—DELICIOUS; HOT CROS$ BUNS CREAM CAKES—Order Early and Do Nat bo Disappointed. BEST QUALITY BUDS; per ilii 254 OLD FASHIONED SPONGE. CANDY, per -ib:, 25id • . 't1( 0 'f 9S = akerg and Canfectionern Make's of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake,' 'Bread