HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-03-03, Page 8PAGE 8 ,TILE CLINTON NEWS-RECORI'', AVINEMBSSUIRo CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE 1 GOOD NEWS! COMMUNITY PLATE at. NEW REDUCEri' PRICES TEASPOONS, Set of Six Were $425, Now $3.75 26 -Piece Set, Service for Six with Deluxe .Stainless Knives as low a`s $30.25 Come in and make, your selection of Noblesse, Deauyille, Grosvenor or Adam designs ;it ;new lore prices R. H. JOHNSON • Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and P There's absolutely no question a- bout it ec•oaremic conditions suggests (calls for) more home Tile, why0h means more home entertainment and what can play as large a part in it as reading and ' inusie_ relaxation and amusement, and surely books and magazines are the least expen- sive entertainment, giving pleasur- able anti instructive occupation for two or three days, purchasable at a price that would .ordinarily be paid for a few hours pleasure in some other .form, what se lasting and ben- eficial at so cheap a price, truly unusual in being at once a luxury and a neecssity, and them we have an important announcement toe -make `I in respect to music -you've asked for' it, and here it is, after three years of waiting—A, New Feist Dance Folio, containing a splendid variety of popular hits, . The price is 50c. Here are 10 of the 28 numbers in the Folio:' "A Faded Summer Love," "I Don't Know Why," "The Sleepy Town Ex- press," `.So Close To Me," "The Cut- est Kid in Town," "The 'Waltz You Saved For Me," , "You're Nay Only S4veetheartty" "iMlolotnlig;:ht: Saving Time," "Charlie Cadet," "Guilty." We have been delayed in being able to give you the news about some clean-out items in onr stock -- a a sort of Rummage sale, some dis- continued lines, some odd lots, •oth- ers are a special buy. Wle quote sorne shades in Silkine, 30 a ball, some in Rope Silk and Embroidery Floss, le a skein; a glass tooth-piek holder, 3c; a salt sifter in glass with aluminum screw top 3c, •a fancy clear glass plate, 10" diameter. We re- gard as specially good value for 25c now offered at 17e. A key container with hooks for six keys in purse style at 10c a heavy glass fruit bawl, 8" in diameter regularly sold at 20c now on sale at 13c each. •es t malty TAILORED TO YOUR–ORDER BY The B rger Tailoring Go. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER :SAMPLES are now ready for in- spection at new low prices from $19.50 up. SEE OUR SPECIAL RANGE OF BEAEUTIFUL NEW TWEEDS, WORSTEDS AND SERGES, about sixty patterns to hoose se from at a special price of' MADE TO YOUR MEASURE AND FULLY GUARANTEED MEN'S READY-TO-WEAR. SUITS AND OVERCOATS at Bargain Prices from $5.00 up; BOYS' BLOOMER STIITS From $2.95 up. MENS AND BOYS' ,SWEATERS 98c and up. g MEN'S FINE SHIRTS, 14 to 17, from ,89c up. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS from '790 up. SPECIAL VALUES IN UNION FLANNEL SHIRTS IN GREY OR NAVY BARGAIN PRICES ON ALL LINES OF RUBBER. FOOTWEAR • Plurnsteel Bros. BREAKFAST 'BACON, per lb. 150 tic 13c 15c SHOULDER ROAST OF VEAL, per lb. 150 HALF DRESSED HOG, per lb. Se SCHNEIDER'S GUARANTEED PURE LARD, 20 lb. pails ....$200 HOME-MADE LARD, per lb. 11c SOBIIEIDER'S BULK LARD, per lb. 1 4 10c 25e 25e 50 SMOKED PICNIC HAMS, per lb. P. M. COTTAGE ROLL, per lb. SMOKED COTTAGE ROLL, per ib. SAUSAGES, 2 lbs. for SAUE'R IK.RAUT, 3 lbs. for DILL PICKLES, 2 for - CONNEL . l YN`'I'ALL "CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert eels THURS., MARCID 3, 1932`; ceteria Specials Tile W. B. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best ` Ol=© O AoJ 0=I0 0=Cy:r Fr wing AT OUR STORE NEXT WEEK FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL SYNCHRONOUS ELECTRIC CLOCK , ($12.00 VALUE) , TO INTRODUCE A REVOLUTIONARY NEW PRODUCT Rogers One Hour ENAMEL 18 •Gloi'ibus Colors and Black and White. Use it for chairs, interior woodwork, breakfast sets, tables, the baby's crib, toys, metal ware, brie-a-brac, etc. • O �I COME IN. Get your free draw coupon and also full particulaga • about Rogers One Hour Enamel --that new wonder utility product for the home. WATCH OUR WINDOWS 0 Areessnasintrarestenoss 55c 25c 15c 15c 25c 8c 25c 35c 11c 25c 5c Salada and Red Rose, Tea lb. Fresh Oatmeal, 7 lbs. New Fresh Cheese, lb. Bulk Macaroni, 2 Ib. Breakfast Food, 5 lbs.• Campbell's Soup, Tomato Dates, Prunes and Figs, 3 lbs. Cocoa, 2 lbs. Beans, 4 lbs. Stars Ammonia, 4 pkgs. Brunswick Sardines, Soap Chips, 2 lbs. 19c Frankfords Peas No. 39(Not Damaged) 3 for 25c Tomatoes, 2k, 3 for 25c Pail Lard, 5 lbs. 50c Chase and Sandborns Coffee, ib.' 49c zazzarosessoraotzlikswaffilmosurss- FISH AND FRUITS Seedless Grape Fruit, 5 for Lemons, per dozen Tomatoes, lb. Lettuce, 2 for B. C. Salmon, Ib. Filletts, Fresh lb. Breakfast Bacon, Ib. Veal Roll, lb. Schneider's Weiners, lb. Pea Meal 'Bacon, Ib. 25c 23c 15c 19c 25c 20c 15c 20c 15c 20c Watch for Our Representative Who Will Call on You With Our Special Coupon Program tiF�r''_.fl`; ®Wrier es Free Premiums Given Away, Listen in C.K.G.W. every Mon., Wed. and Fri. at 10.45 a.m° 25c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails nossarszoestercessiszezurzur CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 mII1011111PI41lilllllllllnoi ningnan,:: inanl II)U� 11111WYmw:,,nu:�_.: �,n: ml lupi Mr. G. H. Elliott was in Toronto last week. Mrs. Craig has been visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. J. E. Rands. Miss Ida Walkinshaw was with Blyth friends over the week -end. Miss Ruby Irwin visited her sister in St. Mary's during the week -end. Miss Dorothy Bartliff visited over O nit the week -end with Miss Doris Durnin of Goderich. Mr. Bert Kemp of London was in town yesterday visiting his bro- ther, Mr. S. Kemp. Miss Harriet Hawkins, Reg. N., of Stratford visited at her home in town over the week -end. Misses Shepherd and Clement srf Goderich visited Misses Ward and Stone over the week -end. Miss Jean Sheero of Exeter visited at the home of her cousin, Mrs. T. J. McNeil, over the week -end. Mrs. Cole of St. Thomas w•am a week, end guest at the home of her par- ' enls, Mr. and Mrs. W. Robinson. Miss Mary Matheson of Goderich was the guest over the week -end of Mir. and Mrs. R. E. Manning of town. Mr. C. H. Verner was in Hamilton last week attending a meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Royal Arch Masons. Miss Jean Hobbs •af St. Thomas was in town en Saturday, coming up to attend, the funeral of the late Mr. Chowen, Miss Jean Mutch, nurse -in -training at the Stratford General Hospital, spent a few days over the week- end at :her home in town, Mrs. G. Farquhar has returned from Goderich, where she bad been as- sisting in nursing her brother, the made candy was passed and apleas- late George Straugilan, who died ant social half hour spent. on Friday. Mr. J. A. McKenzie of Regina, who Was on a business trip to Montreal and Toronto, spent the week -end with his mother and sister, Mrs. T. McKenzie and Miss Eleanor, ,of town. Mrs. A. D. Beaton and son Holmes returned last week -end after spending several weeks in Toronto with the formor's ,daughters. Miss Louise motored her, mother and brother home. Mr. Howard Clark has :been up in Northern Ontario in the interests of the company of whish he is a- gent, a c'omrpany formed to handle a certain china olay \found in the northern part of the province. Mrs. D. Massey and two children re- turned to their home at Port Car- ling last week after having spent some weeks with the lady's par- ents, Cbuneillor and Mrs. Chun, chill of town.. Mm. Massey motor- ed up for his family. Clinton Public School p O q EER 0 TPRUIIE Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring O=i0Or300>�00=0= New Spring Sutings and Biltmore Hats NOW ON DISPLAY NOW IS THE TIME TO PICK OUT YOUR SUIT FOR EASTER PRICES 1 OM 1)30.00 TO 4481.00 ItEGA1i MADE-TO-MEA'SUR`E 'SUITS AND OVERCOATS, $22.50 CLEAAISTRE AND PRESSING AVIS TIVRIWAN AGENTS FOR GILLEST5IES CLEANERS. Si DYERS, SEAFORTR C Beret TOWN HALL March 10 and 11 at 7.30 o'clock. DRILLS JAPANESE OPERETTA FOLK DANCES CHORUSES Badminton Euchre and Dance A euchre and dance, under the auspices of the Bayfield Badminton Club, will be held in the t5'tvn hall, Bayfield, on Friday, Mar. 4th. Cards at 8.30, sharp. Prizes Good Music for Dancing. Admission fee: Gents 50c, Ladies, 25e Miss Laura Jervis. After the open- ing hymn, a number of sentence prayers weer offered and minutes of the last meeting were read and ap- proved. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Marjorie Gliddon and a commentary on it was given by Miss Cora Trewartha. C. Proctor and William J. Yeo contributed a duet and the orchestra gave a couple of well -rendered selections, after which Mr. E. Paterson, manager of the Royal Bank, Clinton, gave a splendid and interesting address on astronomy. By means of colored charts and the blackboard, he ex- plained the movements of the larger planets. The address was very in- teresting and instruotive. A vete of thanks to the speaker was later moved by Miss Alt:alind McCartney and seconded by Miss RetO. MacDon- ald. After another selection from the orchestra, Rev. Mr. Herbert pronounc- ed the benlmiction and iathr homne- SUMIVIERH.ILL Mr. T. E. Mason is, spending this week visiting his sisters, Mss. Josling and Mks. Cotton in Detroit. Mr. John Johnston of ;the 6th con- eession1had a' very successful sale last week. He intends moving to his new home in . Summerhill next week. Mir. Albert Neal has returned home after spending a week with 'his bro- ther in Toronto. Bad roads are the order of the day Cont, this way. HOLIVIEIVILLE The young people put on their pageant atEbenezer on Wednesday evening last, had a good audience and everything passed off very Pleasantly.' The young people's meeting of the United Church on Friday was in charge 'of the fourth vice-president, U N' 0.1;k„ FLOWERS WOULD YOU ADD TO HER EVENING'S ENJOYMENT? A Fine Choice of Roses, Carna- tions, Tulips, Daffodils, Freesias and Violets. FLOWERS COST LESS! 51ghe OTL.51- GREENHOUSE PHONEI76 FLOWERSHOP PHONE3I ST. HELENS (Too late for last week) Mrs. Hyde, 'Harold 'and Mrs. Cran- ston spent the week -end with friends at Strathroy. Mr. Wilson Woods and Mu. Ed. MJtchels0n of Guelph, O.A.C., spent the week -end at the' feromer',s home here. - Miss Lyon of Lend'esbore is, vis- iting with her . sister, Mrs. Earl Gaunt. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gaunt enter- tained a few of_ their • friends ori. Tuesday evening; `'Nissl Lula Weatherhead has been engaged as teacher; ,of a school near Parkhill and conimencecl duties last Monday. Why Not Start 9 Swing is I the lir. SO THE NEXT ORDER OF BUSINESS IS HOUSECLEANING —and as usual, we are ready with a large new stock of LINOLEUM, CONGOLEUM, OILCLOTH By the Yard and Ir Rugs ALSO CARPET RUGS OF ALL KINDS. —THEN FOR PRICE—WE WILL MEET MAIL ORDER COMPETITION You may require a New Bed Spring and Mattress or a whole New Bedroom Suite; a Dining Room Suite for a Chesterfield Suite, --well if you do, give ns the opportunity to show you that we' don't care where you look—we will save you money. iN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT WE HAVE OUR NEW STOCK OF PAINTS UTILAC, the popular 4 -hour drying Paint; CAR111l0TE M1EDIUM GLOSS ENAMEL WALL FINISH OR MURE:SCO IN ALL COLORS FLOOR MOPS, WALL BRUSHES, ALSO SAP BUCKETS AND SUPPLIES Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. Phone 105 Monument Dealers. J. 3. ZAPFE, Phone 103. The Store With The Stock. Embalmers and Funeral Directors. N. BALL, J. D. ATKINSON, Phone 110. Phone 75. AND CO.LLECT THE NEW IVORY AND GREEN ENAMELWARE It will make a great improvement to your Kitchen. We have a good stock on hand now the right price. Perhaps you just need a new flour •sifter or a paring •knife. We have some specials on hand that you'll find will be just the thing. Be sure and call in and see our goods before you buy. Renfrew Separator and Scales and Aladdin Lamps our Specialty. T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING, Phone 244 ..CANADA FIRST SALE—AYLMER CANNED GOODS Aylmer Ch. Peaches, 2 2 tins . . 25c Aylmer Strawberry Jam 40 ozs. 26c Aylmer Choice Tomatoes 2 sq., 4 tins 25c PEAS, CORN. TOMATOES, :3 LARGE TINS FOR 25 • Kel. C. Flakes, 2 19e Aylmer Jumbo Peas per tin . 15e Aylmer Golden Bantam Coro, 2 tins . 10c Aylmer Soups; except chicken, 6 tins .. • . 47c and Coupons Chat• Cheese ?t 17, BRUNSWICK Castile Soap 8 at 250 ,SARDINES Coley Soap, 3 at 10c Salt Shaker, for 030 MEATS ' Head Lettuce, 2 100 Spare Ribs, lb. 10c Bacon, sliced ..18c Bacon piece .16c per tine 5c New Spinach, 3 25c Celery Hearts ..25c Tomatoes, lb. ..1Sc R. Y. Coffee ala 25c R. Y. Coffee 1 Ib.40c Macaroni, 2 lbs. 15c LUX BLUE BOWL 5 LUX ALL FOR ..70e r r J.11 A0,/KNIGHT 82 SON Always Freeh,` Made Carefully, and of the very best quality,; SPECIALS THIS WEEK AGAIN FOR FRIDAY—DELICIOUS" HOT CROSS BUNS . CREAM CAKES—Order Early and Do Not be Disappointed:' BEST QUALITY BUDS; per 1b. 25c OLD FASFIIO•NED SPONGE CANDY' per` 1b: • 26d V�iendorf9s �akerg and Confec1iOnerlI , Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread=l