HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-02-25, Page 5,THUR'; FEB 25,'4932.numwaiminoimmisr ,OF INTEREST TO. YOU AND 'NIB 'Wander if Japan, can read all those -notes•being sent her fi on the League .(if Nations, it` is not like, the usually .courteous Japanese to ,ignore polite- ly ,expressed ,requests. I Ali lair grants are to be the same as usual this year•,,.aecording to._lat est .announcements from the minis- ' ter of agriculture,, But it would be -well for such associations to make ready for the cutting down of grants,. as 'it;'is almost hound to come. 'Wade Valera settle down to dig- -•nified public service now that he has became head' of the Irish • Free State, •or will odic 'Continue • his impossible • struggle for a republic? It is hard to say; there is nothing like respon, sibility,torid a man of silly notions. A ne iilioo1 ,for use in schools, has -been 'issued. This little' book' deals -witli the subject of Canada's ni'ode of government and explains' 'hi simple 'terms just. how the .government is LONDESBOR0. • it 'des oro i tt • la Lon b TTie Conunnt y •I , was completely destroyed by fire', Which • broke' out about 5 p.m. Mont' day. ;As Londeshoro has no fire fight ing equipment an alarm was 'sent to Blyth as, soon as the fire was'dis- covered and the 'Blyth brigade res- ponded immne'diately.. -.They made re, Cord time, but the entire roof - was aflame when they reached tie scene. Hose were laid from a creek in the village in readiness' should any acl- joining buildings be endangered, but t'he' bucket brigade which were then covering a house and 'barn close by were able to prevent,any flying ems berg from starting further fires.. The building, erected at •a cost of about' $10;000, • was insured for $7,000. • The fire bad evidentally been burn- ing for sometime before being dis- covered and made such rapid head- way that nothing whatever • of the contents could be saved, there being quite a high wind at the time blow- ing east,put the parsonage in great -tarried fn.( This. .ought,. to be of .danger but the many willing "hands with ails etc ke i „pouring water on the ;roof of,,,bgblt `the parsonage and garage. The fire is supposed to have started from an overheated furnace This hall will be greatly' missed by all the community as it was used.for the holding, of all sorts of gather- ings, PI, was , Ibuilt only ten, ;year's ago and, w ii a credit tocoin- •great assistance to teachers in their p pt effortd to snake intelligent , citizens of theiitutpils passing through their: r t • • Nearly three and a half bons, of .catalogues ,from. a. Toronto mail .order 'house yvere, sent out faun,, Clinton 'postoffice:rastweek to syrreunding points,;, this being a• distributing of, Tice. These books are sent here by,; freight, then mailed out to :the different. points within a radius' of ' twenty 'miles thus taking advtintage of the, haw postage rate. Lt /thaw +thu ' the big firm in ,the big 'city whioj reaps a very large part ef,,the,,,lieni' -eflejfrom all those facilittes l such • as a. Iow posial,raie, free nlatl deliv- ery, parcel ,post and . the rlike ,That it, pays thhs firm to send out• its coVlogues,,twice,,a year, er, oftener; • -there, . is, not a ,doubt Otherwise, they' would not be sent. And. every dollar ; sent :to the city for . ordinary• -•merchandize se'veq to . enrich the city • • and to impoverish the rural cemmun-' ' ity, from which it is sent. ,,. , a e * s 'With' all the different -sorts of. -"weeks" We ',cerebrate froth 'time- to time, •why '' not 'have an••"Apple: Week'?" It'would ' be 'hard. to find' fuer aitples:'than are' grown in Ito-; ;r,n- ounty•and wo'il•wager that. there .are folk in this town who haven't eaten an apple all winter. You can • go up street any day in the week ant see foreig'n-grown fruit displayed in • all the grocers' windows, but never an apple to be seen. We asked a lo- cal grocer ::why,.,,aples •, were no,. • sometimes displayed. The answer 'wast'"No sale. Nobody wants apples or if,thcy do.tliey have thein in the • echoer But we are Bob so sure. If apples such us the writer saw in T. ' H'.'Cook's storage pletee' a few weeks ago were put on display .and adver- • tised a bit many people Who do hot eat them would be induced to do so. Tire sight i ': thepriwould Alf 'Thom, in most Qaseb: Of oai%se, apples can - 'not be' displayed in Warn rooms and • set in:the' sun for any.1ength.6f time without losing their flavor, but if one quarter the. effort were made to "putt over" the sale of ' pies, Ontario's best :hone -grown fruit, as has been made to' popularize• some other lines of 'foreign -grown fruits, the results might lie a surprise. Every family of growing children timid' do away with a barrel.or so.of apples .each ' winter and be all the better' for it.. • They are cheap and • wholesome, they should be lit the -•daily diet of almost every man, wo- man and `child in the province. Let's •;eat more apples! (Wish w,e,had one 'this minute.) HOLMESVILLE . " 'Mr. Chas. Orawforid has been, re- moved to the Clinton Hospital with slight hopes of his recovery. 8trs.• E. Bell •is quite' ill at present; and is confined to' her'room, her" many friends wish her -.a spbdy re. eovery , • Miss •'EE.Arnett, teacher:of S. .S.; No. 10, Hullett, is quite ill at the the home of Mrs. Harold Adams. A nurse - is in attendance. ' , • 'The Woman's Institute met in the .United Church ,basement•. ,on ,.Thurs- day, March 3rd, , at.:2.30 p.m, sharp. The program paper, "Hospitality,. the old and the new,", by, Mrs. D. Carter; cpmmunity singing, reading, Mrs. A. Allen. Itis not yet decided wheth- er there will be lunch served or not but that, will be decided later. The hostesses which were billed, to serve were: Mrs. R. Shaddick. Mrs. C. Rud-, dell, Miss Mary Scott, Miss E. Lyon, Mrs. A. Austin and Mrs, E. Adams. Owing -to the severe loss of equip- ment; 'Which was burnt 'in the ' com- munity --hall, it is hard for the W.I. to make ;'satisfactory arrangements as time of -writing. and Mrs. R. •Shaddick enter tained the young people at a pro- gressive euchre party and all report good time. Cecil Griffiths was taken suddenly 'ill and was rushed to Clinton Hos pital, where' he .was Operated',,on for appendicitis. He is doing as well as can be expected. , Mr. 1E. Crawford is improving in health since returning 'from the hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. H. l%toon entertained a number of friends to a fowl sup- per one night recently. A pleasant evening was spent by all. The executiveof the llohnesville `Cheese and Butter Company, not having received an offer which they liked to accept fey rent of,.the prop petty, have decided to run the to:- - tory again the coming section ' and are, advertising milk routes. As this is a • very fine• little plant,: with up-to-date equipment and, when patronized;;inade• well for its shareholdara, it is ,hoped that this will be the year of its -greatest success. Here is a'chiance for farmersto show„. what can be. done by cq-operation and the patron- ' izing of home industries : -avr. D. 1A. Elliott of ,Atwood is the cheesemaker ••erlgaged for the season. BRUCEFIELD The many friends of Mr.—and. John Watson will be glaal" to hear `that their little daughter, Anna, who was operated ,on,.,for appendicitis in' 'the Seafor•th Memorial hospital, was able to come hone last weekend is 'improving nicely. Mr. George- Knight has, taken a -,position m.IVI1 J . Muatatd's office. - in the village. Mrs Janet `Itoss visdtgd friend -London this'vieek ` :s "'-. Miss, A7rteysMustar:d" of Lond spending •r few yteelt5:;a't the hon her .mother r ra lSiax. 1Vit0star alis'-"ItdUsoii4V•f Iletiklit • visit the home of 'her niece, 113,rs. Berry, recentLyg s; in on is home.Qf,. d, visited at Bruce I 1 kiss Dorothy Broait:toot sang,a solo in the Unrte''t.- . 'illcli �,,Lsst' Sunday' maiming, .entitled' "have '1`,hine Own ". Way Lord,” which was much appre- -cigtetl�b'y #1 9,li b tiA.Y 4•,, �;,•„w •,0 • GODERICH TOWNSHIP Miss Betty M•iddlebon spent a few days last week with friends in •God- erich. THE CLINTON! NEWS=RECORD ; _ PAGE 5 CARD' OF 'THANKS..:: 50e MEMORIAL VERSE PR LINE E ..1oc .. i BIRTI'LS HOLLAND—In Clinton Public Ilos- vital, on Feb. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Holland, a son.` Temple Thurston; The Sea -Devil's. Fo'C'sle-Lowell Thomas; ,The Glor- ious Adventure—:1f. IIalibur•ton; In- dia, the Land of the Black Pagoda'L. Lowell Thomas; The Culture of Flow• ers-4Tenry Moore; Eternal Youth Mary Cramp; The Wind from Spain +Aspinwall, Boy Own Annual, Girls , Own 'Annual, . Humanity. Up- rooted—M• Hindus. Rev. and Mrs..Jas gale and little daughter of Moncton spent last Thursday with the formner's parents, Rev. and 'Mrs. R.' M. Gale'. Misis'E.;rCameron ieturne'd home on Tuesday after having visited her auht `in' Goderich '' '" ' Mr. George Bieck. and Mr. Kelly of Paris .called on Mr. W. J. Foster and Mas Foster on Saturday. ' • " The progressive euchre 'OR daiite held in the tdwit -hall ori 'Friday 'last under the auspices of LOFL. was much'enjoyed by the large' num- • bei in attendance; A large number of spectators gath- ered at the town hall en Thursday evening' of 'last. week to' witness `the Badminton " `'Tournament bet -Meer picked players "from the Goderich 'arid Bayfield Chiba. Bayfield' won ten sets and G_ oderich caiitured'two. The following as the result of th'e' play: Mixed' Doubles: Grace `Watson, 1VIr. Walker, 4-11 for Goderich Newton -Brady, "Dr. Newton -Brady, 15, 15, for Bayfield Mrs I': Taylor,'H Wililisms 13, 9,1 for Goderich;'Marion• Davison, Elton: Pateheh 18;'15, 'for Bayfield ' • Miss' 8 . Lee, M. Oliver, 4, 13; for Goderich; Helen' Seeds, Clayton WO - ton, 15, 15, for Hayfield.' • Misi Hays, Mr. Copeland, 1, 2, lel' Goderich; • Helen Seeds; Don. Mac- Kenzie, 15, 15, for Bayfield. ' Mrs -'Barnes, Mr. Carey; 3, 17, 9,1or` Goderich; Susie 'Westlake, Milton Pollock, 15, 15.'15, for Bayfield. Margaret Watson, Mr. Copeland,. 18, 15, for Goderich; Mrs. Wo West- lake, Jack Pease, 13, 7,"for• Bayfield. Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association •. Flowers;. and Floral Designs for all Occasions' DAFFODILS, TULIPS,. FREESIA.,:' NARCISSUS SWEET,' PEAS,' CARNATIONS: FLOWER/NG 'PLANTS A large assortment of choice cool grown steelcin our' Greenhduse - Now Chas. 11. Cooke FLORIST,..,.. Phonesr G6w 66J'' - Mr. Charles 8. -Middleton of the Bayfield Line had the misfortune to twist and break his ank18'while work- ing in the bush one day last week. His friends hope for a speedy recov- ery from the accident. Miss Norina Wlelsh is standing a few days as the guest of her grand- father, Mr. Alex. Welsh of Clinton. .Mrs. Alex. Murdock, who has been seriously ill in Clinton hospital, has returned to hor home on the ninth eoncession and is getting along nice-: ly. Ladies'. Doubles Miss G. Watson, ,Mrs. H. Taylor, 5, 11, for •Goderich; Mrs. Newton -Brady, Marion Davison, 15,,15, for Goderich. Miss M. Lee, Miss Hays, 8, 7, for Goderich; Helen Seeds, Marion Da- vison, 15, 15, for 'Bayfield. Mrs. Barnes, Miss M. Watson, 15, 11i, for Goderich;. Susie Westlake, Mrs. W. Westlake, 10, 7, for Bayfield. Men's Doubles Mr. Walker, H. Williams. 5, 4, for Goderich, Dr. Newton -Brady, Elton Patchell, 15, 15, for Bayfield. Mr. Oliver, Mr. Copeland, 4, 7, for Goderich; Clayton Weston, Donald MacKenzie, 15, 15, for Bayfieltl. Mr. Carey Mr. Copeland 8, 11, for Goderich; Milton Pollock, Leslie El- liott,. 15, 15, for 'Bayfield. The Goderich players were in good. form but they were at a disadvantage on the Bayfield court as it is several feet shorter than.the regulation court. During the evening dainty buffet refreshments were served on the platform. Mrs. F. H. Paull pour- ed the coffee. The .fishermen have commenced to cut and store ice. It is only about sir inches in thickness but as the season has been so mild and the usual' period for the harvest of ice is fast drawing to a close, they are afraid to wait until it is thicker in case they are left without any ice. Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Paull motor- ed to Landau on Monday returning• home on Tuesday evening, , ,tido Gare ItAVE.:YOU TRIED A MEAL, HERE? Ir, NOT Coin INj.„;ASND LET IJS SERVE YOU., Dinner fr,Qm, 1;1 a,ni. to 2, p.m..: , .; :Supper:,.5;to ,Lunches at, all- hours. Tobacco,• Cigars and,r�Gigarett;es , . Double Welt : Melted:,Milk Charlie 'Koo Proprietor. '•63=e. FuriS&{ ' A ' quantity of Cedaii' fence ' posts,' also a' number of'�teleplione posts 'for•, sale. • 'Appl'y to "Adanl •Steep, R. R.' NO. 3,"' Clinton, 'Telbphone," 606r12,. Clintorf' central: ”' ' 69 ` ELITE CAFE, ONTARIO STREET Special -Saturday .and :Sunday" 50c T,URKEY,ti':OIb. CHICKEN" .• • DINNER AND SUPPER—. • 12 to2and 5-,to6 •. BOTII. DAYS .•. Special attention given to orders for Banquets or .Partie-s. LUM SAM,• PROPRIETOR 58-2. PORTER'S HILL The Youitg,Peoples' Society of• G•race,tlnited church are preparing a' play to be given 'ori March 11th. The,Goderi0h• Township Men's Club met • on Tuesday evening last. Mr, Jefferson took charge of the meeting, in the absence of the president, Fred EIliott • BAYFIELD Mr. Gordon Peddel, who has been the student 'minister serving Knox Presbyterian church, Bayfield, . will die the preacher this coining Sunday. The following is'a list of the books ''which have .been 'recently added to the •Bayfi'eld"Public Library: The' Road, Warwick beeping; A Lady! tQuate ,Lost-r$rthyr Stringer; Shut-• ;ters�Olive Wladsley; Shadows on the Reek—Willa, Cather; The Trail of the King's Men—Mabel Dunham; The Silver Wedding—Ethel . M: Dell; l;tinch's il ortune—�Maza de Roche; Years of';Graee—Margaret Barnes; The .Silver Star -Gregory Jackson;' Father :i y Elizabeth; The -Island of• T erral -upper , ;; 'l he Rocit; and the ,P,etivr7 -Conno, TI'i'e Tangl4a ;Vireo- Illontgomery i Ma> Y Leiria=E nose Raymond—The°'Ce,cl"Contparikons — Priestley; Maid ,in,„Wa,,,?;ting — John (l'4e5iyelttlxv, Aidle'`I!lame, Margar- et Pedlar; The Treasure of Big Wet.. ars R T .well'CilIum "Tile Story of ;Julian � 5usan Fitz The . Jade of , Pal 1701• Skyscraper Destiny—Jeffrey Sky p *e. ,aeCi y of iezutifu ,,Ngngense—:. HALF LOAD TRUCK LAW EFFECTIVE ON MONDAY As. a. result of an oiler -in -council the "Half-Ioad" regulation for trucks on• roads outside cities and towns goes into effect next Monday instead of on March 1st as in previous years., Pollee have been given instructions ,to enforce this regulation for the" next two months. The Highway Traffic Act says.:that solid tired •.trucks and trailers shun be limited . to. half their regultar cal. pacity lead. Pneumatic tired truck and trailers with a carrying capacity' exceeding.. three tons and not more` than six .tons. shall be limited to a, three -ton. lead.; .Mtore than six-ton; capacity trucks with pneumatictires., shall be, limited to a half load. , The act provides for a fine or• int- prisotment or both for violations and the license may be suspended. Wanted ' Girl for dining room work, at once. Apply • at Clinton Inn,, . Albert , street, Clinton. 59-1-p. 6 Dike Clinton's NewI,aid.'Egg PoultryHouse And ' Eggs bought according to Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for. our pri'de's of eggs.. You will always find oar prices' par- allel with the city markets Fat hens . and well -finished chicks always wanted—Prices good,'' Always phone our office for prices before marketing produce • iNo Vol. Treyiiartba Phones—Office 214j'::Residence, 214w, The following Routes for the Haul- ing of milk to the IIolmesville Cheese Factory will be offered by' auction on Saturday, March 5th: Route No. • 1: Maitland and 16th. concession; Godeti'ch township. Route No. 2: Colborne, Maitland and Huron road west,' Gdderich town- ship. • Route No. '3:. Gbh 'acrd 7th Conces- sion and Cut Line, Goderich township. Route No. 4: 9th end .11th and Bay, field road. !' „ Route No. 5: Stanley, 16th con- cession and Huron Road East"of fee- tory. And other routes to be laid out at time of meeting. Every patron interested please at- tend. 59-1. Blood Tested Chicks Hatchery and flocks are both in- spected under the Dominion Depart.' nient of Agriculture's Hatchery Ap- proved Policy. The testing of the bl•ol' samples was done by the Capi- tal Laboratories Ottawa. The bred -to -lay qualities of our birds are kept up-to-date by the pur- chase of male birds from:high record R.O.P. hens, owned by sone of the •mrst•successful breeders in the coun- try. Wb expect to hatch about 1500 Barred Rocks, 250 White Rocks and 500 Leghorns per week. Please or, der about one month' - before you want the chicks if you can. Don't think too inueh about price, We will use you right. ,Colne and •see us or phone 97x4 Hensell. We will be glad to talk things Over with you. •Feed,, stoves and' other supplies • kept 'on hand.. . . J. BLAIN, ]4cKINL15Y •7ur'icll.• • '50-6. Have Yon Photoerap'hs ,of Your • Loved Ones? If anything. should. ,happen hive a Y LT .. L , you good„phetegraphs,ef your child ren.. or, mother and father. , WO will j make ayou•• good photographs ut a' reasonable price, Wedding .Ijhoi4 graphs' a, Specialty. Let us have• your, next, Roll Film to. develop,;and Rrtint• We awake Hak enlareements irosn : e your • choice nogatrves Picture ]+..ct,.,u•ri nl ra-, • ing: $uxrees. Portrait Stu Cres i ton anti Mitclieli. ' C OA.{J;''"C VLi t; .A VALENTINE THOUGHT': • $Ors TH8"HEART, or. THE. HOMS_- "-- HEAT I01 -K5 W Ul) ,,' ''u111V1,1?4JV'1"• Wled nit deal in theatre tic - acts. We don't run a cabaret. We don't sell anything that'. will sake the family away from home. a, ;a + But we do sell Cal, which will go a long' way toward making the home so pleasant and comfortable that nobody will want to leave it. ., Our 'phone: number is, 74. Try us with an order. Call the izuts ® Coal Co . ��t PHONE ' 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO" C. H, " VENNEP, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs' Irons, Fans and other Appliances ®Wiring and Repairs Phortel BABY CHICKS AND : CUSTOM HATCHING We are offering Blood -tested anal- ity Baby Chicks in six popular breeds. ` Barred' 'and White Rocks, Black Minorcas, White' Wyandottes and Jersey Black Giants. We have installed a new 30;000 'egg 'capacity incubator for custom 'Batch- ing only. Trays hold eleven dozen eggs each. Charge of two and one half cents per egg. Plant in charge of an experienced operator. Phone or -write your . reservation early. Depend on Hogarth to give you a good. hatch. TIIE HOG -ARTA BABY CRICK HATCHERY EXETER, ONTARIO Phone 184w • 58-12, Lost Did Anybody Seo•'My Cat? He is a grey Persian. Anyone knowing of his whereabouts please ,notify Rev. G. W.' Sherman, Phone 259. • 59-2-p. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Stephenson. Deceased NOTICE is „hereby, ,.given that persons having claims; against - .the estate.. of Mary Stephenson, late of the Township of Stanley in the Coun- ty of Huron, widow, deceased; who died on or about. the sixth day; :of January, A,D:,..1932,-,are ;required ,to delivee to ;,Albert lyIeCldnehey, ;Varna, Qnt., or Edward .Johnson, Goderich, Ont., the Executors,. of the said,, es- tate or F., I'ingjand, .,Solicitor, on of before the -,29th!: day of 1!ebruaryi A.D., 1932, a ,full statement of their claims together• ,with pertieularz thereof, and, the nature ,Of the secur- ities if held by them; all duly verified by affidavit, AND TAKE NOTICE that• after the: said ;last, mentioned date. the said Executors willp roceed to ; distribute the estate oflti.the:. aid deceaseda- mongst the;. Persons entitled thereto having regard pnlr,,tp. such ,claims, ps Shall 'have,.received , ;diie,ynoticc l;_ant] accordance therewith 1 ` timio • 11 s'. DATED at ',ClintonG . i�p February, 95 , Otiida of lobrusity, A.D- iJ,„.,, Y o F. �NGLAlV' ' . D •Clinton Ontario. Solicitor for the said estate. 57.3. „Custom Sawing Custom 'sawing will be done at Bayfield during the coining spring. McEwen Bros., Bayfield. Telephone 626r4, Clinton 'central. 59-tf. For Sale Cedar posts, end posts, telegraph and hydro poles, at'so some dry hard- wood. Brown Stewart, Bayfield. Phone 606r5, Clinton central. 53-tf. Shell ;loaf Aker fi ! RECEIVED ' A ;CARLOAD' SHELLMAKER PRICES `Per hundred 'wt. $1.00 ;600 lb..10ts.' .80 Castle Flour, per cwt. $2.65 FEEDS Molassine Meal English Make ' also Molasses by the barrel H W. Cbarlesworth`1 Wallpapering and 'Painting Anyone who has any papering o' painting to do it will be well worth your time to have me call with sam- ples or come out to new gas station at Summerhill and have a look throbgh my 1932 sample books. There are about 700 samples ranging from 7c to $1.50 per single roll. I also sell window shades, drapery and up- holstering goods, of which I have a- bout 100 samples. Come early as it is hard to get to -them all when the rush starts.” E. L. Johnston, 'R. 11, No. 1, Clinton; or phone No. 040r14, Clinton central. 58=3. For Rent A. small cottage, suitable for two, Convenient to post office. Apply to F. Fingland, Clinton. 50-tf.' BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM[-, HATCHING T.= prepared to take in any num- ber of eggs for hatching at 21/4..e per egg. White Leghorns and Barred Rocks Baby Ohicks at Reduced Prices. E. L. Mittell CLINTON. Only Pasteurized Milk is Safe A RECENT TEST OF OURS SHOWS VERY HIGH BUTTERFAT CONTENT. The Jersey Milk Does It DELI VERD A. W. GROVES PHONE 286 House To Rent Six -room house, with shed, Town- send street, Clinton. Water, elec, tris lights, cement cellar. Small garden. Apply to J. W. Bayley, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. 58-1f. Auction Sale Of Farrar, 'Stock -and- Implements. Mr. John. Johnston has instructed: the undersigned to sell by public auction at n.h. of Lot 31,Con. 6, Hul- lett, three-.quartersof a mile east of Summerhill, : on Friday, February 26th; commencing at 1 o'clock, the following: • , • HORSES: Good work ,team, Geld- ingrising 4. OATTL1 !Cow rising 8 - due in Sept.; Cow rising 5 due in May; .3 heifers' and steer calf, year old in spring. 90 Hens.. • • IMPLEMENTS , M. -H. Binder; M: H. mower, 1V1. -H. Cultivator; Mix- on .Seed :drill; 4 -,section harrows; hay rake; Quebec Riding plow; Oliver walking plow; , 2 scufflers; wagon, hay rack; roller, sleigh„ gravel box,.. cutting box, root pulper,;ePig crate, . mill, set double• i.ainning . , -harness. 'ar. ness. About,1. 0: bushels nixed • rain., A- bout Q g bout, 150 bags... Russet Rural known as .bugless potatoes! and others • artie-, les too numerous ta. mention: Fault will ha ° n rr6d at, 'tinte time.. of sale „with ,r,eser0 dbid• ,.r 'OF. SA,I4 E:. CASH' , . •;:lalrN •olrsTON.• Proprietor,. ti" neer. 8�2. I . Elliott,uc e 5 G. I , Regular Broadcast Smith Nurseries will broadcast an orchard and garden talk every Tales - day from 10.15 to 10.30 a.m., and each Friday from 12.45 to 1 o'clock p.rn., beginning Tuesday next. Lis- ten -in for these instructive talks. 58-. The Holiday Season Is over now and there is no need for hurry'' and rushing. You have plenty of leisure time to get that portrait nor family group taken. Our Work satisfies. Burgess Studio,' Clinton and,. Mitchell. • V'.. T. I? OLEY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary-. Public. Estate and General- .' Practice: in all; Courts. Money be loan. Naw Bank., of Toronto Bldg., 'London, Ontario, Phone: Office Metcalf 1723; resi denee Metcalf Mg. 58-12. New • Guitars For Sale New guitars, prices ranging ,from $8, up. Cases from $3.50 up. One lesson free with each guitar sold. Also new electric Stewart -Warner radios, $55.00 and up. H. A. Hovey, Clinton. 55-tf., Agent , - For Marlette Cream Separator and Separatdr Supplies, old machines any make, taken in exchange. F Its Powell, R. R. No. 3, phone 607x4, Clinton. 42-tf. Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment • 2d 'Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w WAANTE. Fresh Eggs and Crea®' Highest Prices' for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped. regularly. Good Prices Paid, • A. E. FINCH Phone, 231:.; For Sale House in. Clinton; Beeph street. Frame house , covered with asphalt shingles, in 'good condition fire- place,' town Water, garden and fruit trees. ' `Price ''reasonable. 'Apply' 'tri E. Y. Watt; Ciktitdn.' 27'-tf. • ,House For Sato•or Rent: , :; ., ,Comfortable, 8 -room house in Brin- • seas,, street ,residence ,,of the.,late Pater Cantelon. I''pr ;particulars ap- t•enbur t` '` eor a Cantelon' `ila t v. s1 o G g tgeet,. ;Clinton, , Phbite., 272,-. 35-tf.' Farmers Attention! ARE YOU ALL READY FOR THE SPRING WORK?—SEE ME IJ7 IN NEED OF PARTS FOR ANY COCKSHUTT OR FROST & •WOOD MACHINES I ani also Agent for Allis-Chal- mers Tractors, and for Latta Cream Separators. JOHN V. DIEHL Queen Street, Clinton. 81.44. --'+ra • AGENT FOR '- MASSEY-HARRIS CO. SAWY`R AND MASSEY STABLE AND BARN EQUIPMENT BEATTY WASHERS DE LAVAL SEPARATORS WIRE FENCING Prompt Attention to Repairing Phone 15w or 15j J. H. BRUNSDON E. G. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures •Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 13-tf. Coal! Coke! &I Wood! Genuine "Lehigh (Valley Anthra- cite Coal" of all sizes, Alberta Goal. Hamilton -made Coke as well as Am- erican, also Bitimdnus coal at my sheds, Queen St. Prompt and careful delivery. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St. Phone 256 CLOTHES DRY Cleaned & Pressed LADIES' Suits .... $1.50, .Pleats extra Dresses . ...71.50.Pleats extra Suits, Pressed only 500 up, , Pleats extra GENTLEMEN'S Suits, 71.50 Pants 75e Top Coats $1.50' 0fer Coats'. 71,75 ' Clothes' cleaned, pressed and repaired "Woollen goods '' dry cleaned: Realms over beard's Barber` shop. `• .. a. o1L A. GO .. �W.. , Ii. no t open ork:ma be left. pQ 'W . y. t:. at Heard's Barber. Shop 'CAPIUALTHEATRE Northern 'Electric Sound System Goderich, ,! Phone 47 ' 1 Miller Now 1Slayng: 'Marilyn 1Vl in "Her. Majesty Love," ; MON. and TUES. . Kay Francis, Clive. Brook, Mir- :iam•Hopkins •and' Regis Toomey :• at.lifetitne of emotion in two . turns of the .clock -- . •,; :'.'TWENTY FOUR HOURS"., • WO: and THURS. , Norma (Talmadge, Conrad Nagel:and William Farman'; • in the Sam Taylor,_, great 'Rieduotion '}DU BARRY, , •WOMAN Or , , ;PASSION.'.', APPROVED f'11" ,A King bogged for favors, -her ,a every wish was a command FAI and SAT. James Cagney • and Loretta Young offer a Cheerful 'tale of a curbstone cavalier. ",TAXI„ Hop in and take a merry ride Mat., Mon., Wed., Sat. at 3 pm: COMING: "THE CHEAT." The following Routes for the Haul- ing of milk to the IIolmesville Cheese Factory will be offered by' auction on Saturday, March 5th: Route No. • 1: Maitland and 16th. concession; Godeti'ch township. Route No. 2: Colborne, Maitland and Huron road west,' Gdderich town- ship. • Route No. '3:. Gbh 'acrd 7th Conces- sion and Cut Line, Goderich township. Route No. 4: 9th end .11th and Bay, field road. !' „ Route No. 5: Stanley, 16th con- cession and Huron Road East"of fee- tory. And other routes to be laid out at time of meeting. Every patron interested please at- tend. 59-1. Blood Tested Chicks Hatchery and flocks are both in- spected under the Dominion Depart.' nient of Agriculture's Hatchery Ap- proved Policy. The testing of the bl•ol' samples was done by the Capi- tal Laboratories Ottawa. The bred -to -lay qualities of our birds are kept up-to-date by the pur- chase of male birds from:high record R.O.P. hens, owned by sone of the •mrst•successful breeders in the coun- try. Wb expect to hatch about 1500 Barred Rocks, 250 White Rocks and 500 Leghorns per week. Please or, der about one month' - before you want the chicks if you can. Don't think too inueh about price, We will use you right. ,Colne and •see us or phone 97x4 Hensell. We will be glad to talk things Over with you. •Feed,, stoves and' other supplies • kept 'on hand.. . . J. BLAIN, ]4cKINL15Y •7ur'icll.• • '50-6. Have Yon Photoerap'hs ,of Your • Loved Ones? If anything. should. ,happen hive a Y LT .. L , you good„phetegraphs,ef your child ren.. or, mother and father. , WO will j make ayou•• good photographs ut a' reasonable price, Wedding .Ijhoi4 graphs' a, Specialty. Let us have• your, next, Roll Film to. develop,;and Rrtint• We awake Hak enlareements irosn : e your • choice nogatrves Picture ]+..ct,.,u•ri nl ra-, • ing: $uxrees. Portrait Stu Cres i ton anti Mitclieli. ' C OA.{J;''"C VLi t; .A VALENTINE THOUGHT': • $Ors TH8"HEART, or. THE. HOMS_- "-- HEAT I01 -K5 W Ul) ,,' ''u111V1,1?4JV'1"• Wled nit deal in theatre tic - acts. We don't run a cabaret. We don't sell anything that'. will sake the family away from home. a, ;a + But we do sell Cal, which will go a long' way toward making the home so pleasant and comfortable that nobody will want to leave it. ., Our 'phone: number is, 74. Try us with an order. Call the izuts ® Coal Co . ��t PHONE ' 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO" C. H, " VENNEP, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs' Irons, Fans and other Appliances ®Wiring and Repairs Phortel BABY CHICKS AND : CUSTOM HATCHING We are offering Blood -tested anal- ity Baby Chicks in six popular breeds. ` Barred' 'and White Rocks, Black Minorcas, White' Wyandottes and Jersey Black Giants. We have installed a new 30;000 'egg 'capacity incubator for custom 'Batch- ing only. Trays hold eleven dozen eggs each. Charge of two and one half cents per egg. Plant in charge of an experienced operator. Phone or -write your . reservation early. Depend on Hogarth to give you a good. hatch. TIIE HOG -ARTA BABY CRICK HATCHERY EXETER, ONTARIO Phone 184w • 58-12, Lost Did Anybody Seo•'My Cat? He is a grey Persian. Anyone knowing of his whereabouts please ,notify Rev. G. W.' Sherman, Phone 259. • 59-2-p. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Stephenson. Deceased NOTICE is „hereby, ,.given that persons having claims; against - .the estate.. of Mary Stephenson, late of the Township of Stanley in the Coun- ty of Huron, widow, deceased; who died on or about. the sixth day; :of January, A,D:,..1932,-,are ;required ,to delivee to ;,Albert lyIeCldnehey, ;Varna, Qnt., or Edward .Johnson, Goderich, Ont., the Executors,. of the said,, es- tate or F., I'ingjand, .,Solicitor, on of before the -,29th!: day of 1!ebruaryi A.D., 1932, a ,full statement of their claims together• ,with pertieularz thereof, and, the nature ,Of the secur- ities if held by them; all duly verified by affidavit, AND TAKE NOTICE that• after the: said ;last, mentioned date. the said Executors willp roceed to ; distribute the estate oflti.the:. aid deceaseda- mongst the;. Persons entitled thereto having regard pnlr,,tp. such ,claims, ps Shall 'have,.received , ;diie,ynoticc l;_ant] accordance therewith 1 ` timio • 11 s'. DATED at ',ClintonG . i�p February, 95 , Otiida of lobrusity, A.D- iJ,„.,, Y o F. �NGLAlV' ' . D •Clinton Ontario. Solicitor for the said estate. 57.3. „Custom Sawing Custom 'sawing will be done at Bayfield during the coining spring. McEwen Bros., Bayfield. Telephone 626r4, Clinton 'central. 59-tf. For Sale Cedar posts, end posts, telegraph and hydro poles, at'so some dry hard- wood. Brown Stewart, Bayfield. Phone 606r5, Clinton central. 53-tf. Shell ;loaf Aker fi ! RECEIVED ' A ;CARLOAD' SHELLMAKER PRICES `Per hundred 'wt. $1.00 ;600 lb..10ts.' .80 Castle Flour, per cwt. $2.65 FEEDS Molassine Meal English Make ' also Molasses by the barrel H W. Cbarlesworth`1 Wallpapering and 'Painting Anyone who has any papering o' painting to do it will be well worth your time to have me call with sam- ples or come out to new gas station at Summerhill and have a look throbgh my 1932 sample books. There are about 700 samples ranging from 7c to $1.50 per single roll. I also sell window shades, drapery and up- holstering goods, of which I have a- bout 100 samples. Come early as it is hard to get to -them all when the rush starts.” E. L. Johnston, 'R. 11, No. 1, Clinton; or phone No. 040r14, Clinton central. 58=3. For Rent A. small cottage, suitable for two, Convenient to post office. Apply to F. Fingland, Clinton. 50-tf.' BABY CHICKS AND CUSTOM[-, HATCHING T.= prepared to take in any num- ber of eggs for hatching at 21/4..e per egg. White Leghorns and Barred Rocks Baby Ohicks at Reduced Prices. E. L. Mittell CLINTON. Only Pasteurized Milk is Safe A RECENT TEST OF OURS SHOWS VERY HIGH BUTTERFAT CONTENT. The Jersey Milk Does It DELI VERD A. W. GROVES PHONE 286 House To Rent Six -room house, with shed, Town- send street, Clinton. Water, elec, tris lights, cement cellar. Small garden. Apply to J. W. Bayley, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. 58-1f. Auction Sale Of Farrar, 'Stock -and- Implements. Mr. John. Johnston has instructed: the undersigned to sell by public auction at n.h. of Lot 31,Con. 6, Hul- lett, three-.quartersof a mile east of Summerhill, : on Friday, February 26th; commencing at 1 o'clock, the following: • , • HORSES: Good work ,team, Geld- ingrising 4. OATTL1 !Cow rising 8 - due in Sept.; Cow rising 5 due in May; .3 heifers' and steer calf, year old in spring. 90 Hens.. • • IMPLEMENTS , M. -H. Binder; M: H. mower, 1V1. -H. Cultivator; Mix- on .Seed :drill; 4 -,section harrows; hay rake; Quebec Riding plow; Oliver walking plow; , 2 scufflers; wagon, hay rack; roller, sleigh„ gravel box,.. cutting box, root pulper,;ePig crate, . mill, set double• i.ainning . , -harness. 'ar. ness. About,1. 0: bushels nixed • rain., A- bout Q g bout, 150 bags... Russet Rural known as .bugless potatoes! and others • artie-, les too numerous ta. mention: Fault will ha ° n rr6d at, 'tinte time.. of sale „with ,r,eser0 dbid• ,.r 'OF. SA,I4 E:. CASH' , . •;:lalrN •olrsTON.• Proprietor,. ti" neer. 8�2. I . Elliott,uc e 5 G. I , Regular Broadcast Smith Nurseries will broadcast an orchard and garden talk every Tales - day from 10.15 to 10.30 a.m., and each Friday from 12.45 to 1 o'clock p.rn., beginning Tuesday next. Lis- ten -in for these instructive talks. 58-. The Holiday Season Is over now and there is no need for hurry'' and rushing. You have plenty of leisure time to get that portrait nor family group taken. Our Work satisfies. Burgess Studio,' Clinton and,. Mitchell. • V'.. T. I? OLEY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary-. Public. Estate and General- .' Practice: in all; Courts. Money be loan. Naw Bank., of Toronto Bldg., 'London, Ontario, Phone: Office Metcalf 1723; resi denee Metcalf Mg. 58-12. New • Guitars For Sale New guitars, prices ranging ,from $8, up. Cases from $3.50 up. One lesson free with each guitar sold. Also new electric Stewart -Warner radios, $55.00 and up. H. A. Hovey, Clinton. 55-tf., Agent , - For Marlette Cream Separator and Separatdr Supplies, old machines any make, taken in exchange. F Its Powell, R. R. No. 3, phone 607x4, Clinton. 42-tf. Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment • 2d 'Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w WAANTE. Fresh Eggs and Crea®' Highest Prices' for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped. regularly. Good Prices Paid, • A. E. FINCH Phone, 231:.; For Sale House in. Clinton; Beeph street. Frame house , covered with asphalt shingles, in 'good condition fire- place,' town Water, garden and fruit trees. ' `Price ''reasonable. 'Apply' 'tri E. Y. Watt; Ciktitdn.' 27'-tf. • ,House For Sato•or Rent: , :; ., ,Comfortable, 8 -room house in Brin- • seas,, street ,residence ,,of the.,late Pater Cantelon. I''pr ;particulars ap- t•enbur t` '` eor a Cantelon' `ila t v. s1 o G g tgeet,. ;Clinton, , Phbite., 272,-. 35-tf.' Farmers Attention! ARE YOU ALL READY FOR THE SPRING WORK?—SEE ME IJ7 IN NEED OF PARTS FOR ANY COCKSHUTT OR FROST & •WOOD MACHINES I ani also Agent for Allis-Chal- mers Tractors, and for Latta Cream Separators. JOHN V. DIEHL Queen Street, Clinton. 81.44. --'+ra • AGENT FOR '- MASSEY-HARRIS CO. SAWY`R AND MASSEY STABLE AND BARN EQUIPMENT BEATTY WASHERS DE LAVAL SEPARATORS WIRE FENCING Prompt Attention to Repairing Phone 15w or 15j J. H. BRUNSDON E. G. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures •Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 13-tf. Coal! Coke! &I Wood! Genuine "Lehigh (Valley Anthra- cite Coal" of all sizes, Alberta Goal. Hamilton -made Coke as well as Am- erican, also Bitimdnus coal at my sheds, Queen St. Prompt and careful delivery. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St. Phone 256 CLOTHES DRY Cleaned & Pressed LADIES' Suits .... $1.50, .Pleats extra Dresses . ...71.50.Pleats extra Suits, Pressed only 500 up, , Pleats extra GENTLEMEN'S Suits, 71.50 Pants 75e Top Coats $1.50' 0fer Coats'. 71,75 ' Clothes' cleaned, pressed and repaired "Woollen goods '' dry cleaned: Realms over beard's Barber` shop. `• .. a. o1L A. GO .. �W.. , Ii. no t open ork:ma be left. pQ 'W . y. t:. at Heard's Barber. Shop