HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-02-25, Page 4'WAGE 4 THE CLINTOI'+Y NEWS -RECORD COOPER'S. STORE NEWS. , • Thursday, rida ',.., and Saturday .1! J; J Feb. 25th, 26tha. .• �,��z�7t h d Days �oReal hare. e ',Your .. oe and ,Get SLE . I L F • PAR ; LARGI; I4 L S ORPARTICULARS The Store With the nstoolr. L ade!?st"Jrn`Lb P*ieeS, IT'S MUCH APPRECIATE ; ' 't iNT'S !Of'EATING FINP .T.13I IUS'S A REASON , Soaposar e iC« f 1 S TDE FSIES'I PI(ASCi ,Ol ` SOAP ON THE MARKET 1AT 4 L• arse Cakes for.. 25c • CLINTON, ONT. l mes; Limy t�ir�.FttNe. ' ' PIIONE.'.51i': 'THE CREATOR OF OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS By Fred • Williauts in The ]Mail and it came- to newspaper controversy . , r Empire.' ' Do' You' ;knew'`that yesterday was -rho fiftieth anniversary of the death 00 Feb. 19, 1.882, of the man to whom more than to anyone else, we owe the magnificent system of public schools, • Which is alike the pride of Ontario -and the basis of the school systems •of the western provinces? Egerton Ryerson (son of Joseph, a U.E. Loy- alist who came to Lipper Canada via New Brunswick), was•'born at Vittor- ia, in 1803. When 22 he entered the Methodist ministry and from that. time until his appointment as super- ' intendent . of education far Upper. Canada in 1844 fought day in and day' out for "the recognition of' his Church's claim to equality with the • Church of England both as regards religion and education. -Having e'stabr lisl;erl•r the l'1 Th istian Guardian:. ill 1829, he ooutmeneed his onslaughts upon Jahn Strachan, which made his name anathema to the Anglicans, but wan for. hint the plaudits of the# '"dissenters." Just a 'hundred years ago he was 'in England on a double 'mission, to confer,,Itvith. .`lie, officials of the Methodist Church there ' as to aid required by -their adherents in Up - Per 'Canada, and to put before the thee colonial secretary his opinions ns, to the political, issues then ..•dia turbingthis province, especially "'are{ to the eletini ' of, the Ghvreh et , angland to supreniaey as well es titre errand• of the Methodists that they e' ivert .' share th 1 o e. er £ c g a.; ;reserve ifunds; Naturally ' he'x'es cis ' lieformer, as "the • word was then inderttood and therefore, more or less allied with''''WWilliam Lyon Mac- kenzie and his •associates, but : both ' 1' 1882 and again 'on a second visit jlo lbitgland in •,1884 he disassociated himself from the radical wing. of the .iiarty' and Made it clear that,.,,a, true Loyalist, he was .convinced that;, ro- forms could he brought about by ianstitutional, means.. This,;brougliY tpon,,hisleead • eeveral mab,vlo.let a t S�ttats.3AY,�acken e rn the, C l.s a` 'Advocate, in one of, ,wlioh ,1tyers6l , -k'as described as the "Benediai Arabid 'of' • Canada,"' but" the e .M etbq dist leader� scant Nrton • tiq i0 1ttY,.sebt ,pr2ferntg tG dk attie'<v th r grstei ants oiis , , r- hoer ``holt t 11 t h Ire # es o f ... G t t �" the editor',of • the Guardian could "sling as wicked' a' pen" as, did- the editor of the Advocate, Ryer'srn had the advantage in •his battles with Strachan of having the aid of his two `brothers, George •and William, also ministers of the Metho- dist Church, the three forming an intelligenee corps which was of i;n mense value in the war for religious equality. It was not until 1842 that legal recognitionwas given to the rights of Methodists to hold ehurci, properly ,and, Victoria College hav- ing by that time been firmly estab- lished at Cebourg, Dr. Ryerson con• eluded that • he could devote the remainder of his life to the im- provement of common school °dues,' tion and accepted the . superinten- dency. After two ,years''travel, he returned to Toronto and prepared that series of reperts•upon °location lir •I3urepe and the•., United States ;which formed the basis of the ."Act.' for the Better Establishment and Maintenance of"Commo'n Schools in Upper Canada" passed in 1840,,which' is the magna eharta of our publict schools, it was amended by the mow, important -statute of 1850, and has since been further -amended many; times, but the.prinoipies then laid down . by E•gertdn : Ryerson , have• remained a monument •, ;to .his work first as a disciple•-ef• political•.equal- ity and '!then'• •as the'i alpable • adminis- tratbr' he was utttil •his' retirement in 1875. To -day •"the 'descendants of the Anglican Tories who followed attach- an in hist denunciations, are as proud; as are the'inembers of the other churches •of the man who did: more than any other tocreate the 'system of education that exists to -day in On `aria • • TRULY, A- WHOPPER On Monda fast 'the Soutit Ward matron who h'ad been 'taking upstierd's of one hundred liunipkin seeds' 'te destroy.' a huge tape,;worn which te; said to have iriayed smelt ,havoc nttl her digestive system «that ,she co-a,lil scarcely satisfy her- cravingss` for eats, 'conue "e the roti to r q S d he p ,which or being Measured was'lforind oo-have a$tarne en •t 1 altf 45 feel " which vi is tg say file least , a whopper• 1•"'jdr;'14-Wark6iiton'''Hrlaid•,'/Imes: ' I}ITTLC LOCAI:,S'`••' The annual ,;neeVng• of the Clinton' Hospital Association will be held, in, the (('(mail thdmbe on •Priday even -i i:Ig Mal.•. "4bh Mr„ N. -:W.. M.illcr has,,, rented„; ,a'' house in Isaac street; ,frGI Mi ,'A.. Cantelion:, is Mr. H. " S Tirir er+ is around and'' a-' about again after• imdcigpdng' a minor operation to his �airm " • • Major -,M. D, 1VLeTaggart, ha,a grsen 1 vi u r term thi'week . s a ft er his `recent illness. ,Iris friends trust: that : his' recovery now will be rapid rare tomplete... ?i Phe trial of young Wilson, charged 'with passing forged cheques' on the Goderich" and Clinton branches o'£! the Royal • Bank,` will take place in, Godel!'eh tomorrow. ' Ile ",elected tri ::be 'tried :by a judge, Miss 1YfeLean, ,advanceagent for. •:the Chautauqua, is -in teem : this weer`' „arranging • with •the fromtnitteec in, r & • .gard to:the series -'of entertainmen1tt;• ;;;to be ;put on: the fourth' retieek x)}' *.ares a.., Mext"Tuesday is;. the first2day of :'March. •Spring is "just:.around'thg ;Cornea," •• • YOUZ>iCxr:ANTA:TEU3t PLYEit The 'fallowing., despatch from Loi- rlon appeared ins Friday daily unl ,;refers to the elder son o'f Dr J. .and Mrs " Crandier:'• Joe lras"11ad'a 1Yit; 'of fun out of his glider,rjust ;workm`g' ::,away by hinrself.'.:1•Te:;M:talso:an atbt? Clete of note, havineti•mad'e a.•namefa# lrir e1u ns f a,highmer. s So far ah�. 1.. p .+ :rias not heard' anything official frolic the London Flying Oath: ;, "London, Ont:, Feb. 19•- Josepjii ; Gandier, a Chi—it'd:.. youth, yesterday*; ?;took ;leading plate 'in' the list o;fi rwestetn"(jut trio youths,,now engaged, in tine :rather .hazardous, recreation of `building. and fitting glider ,. `.; candler,: hearing .that Verna Mai -1 tin of 1 ••ndori township thad7 built I: at glider' Saon to be ,tested 'byes Hetrtizt- °sizer'`, •;r't?v4aled :..yestetician •that ' Bine°• `•September• he 'hat' 'diad -'' his: t•ante built,„coder• in operation. He has :Teethed • acer ediia 4 alti- tude of 125. feet, and though h rias. utade.repeated flights he has uev-; r had even a minor ,accident. He never;•had.any inatruetion, illemliers' of the London Flying:•i Club are, 'eonsidering bringing the; youth .an<1, hij 'creation to, London; . airpri t < for , 'a public demonstra y: lien.” C;C L BASKET BALI; GAMES Two fast games of basketball were played, in the, Collegiate gym., on Friday evening, when !Stretford Col— legiate junior.and seiner players en-. raged the `seals in return games. The visitors though wnnnng the round an the niinib`et 9f 'iloints se:e - ed, "Wore: rl©i:oait'ed.,Xn .li`otl gameS''of the evening: The juni.oss were the first to take the • floor and the play was keen throiighout, resulting in a; win for the locals by 15 fo"''O points, The junior' line-ups were , . Stratford 14I,artin, Langan Tom- linson, Sylvester,. forwards; Staple item, ,centre;° Rankin;. Patterson,,. ler, guards. ' Clinton -Dale, •Moynes,, Q. Haines, Niiirphy, fartvards, . 1!;. Campbell, centre; 11. Johnson, II: 'Tyndall, R. McInnis, C. Johnson, guards. Rger,?e :Green, tjoderich, • Tri the senior engageinent the score at the finish vias' 20 to'18 in the loce;'ls' favor.:6, Btoth:teams scored the :greater nuntber'•of• points in the first Half of seta carne. The sanious lined up` as'follows; Stratford --- i1anlin Milltkm `for+ wards' Brenneman; •centre, Doxey, Byers, .Sylvester, guards, Clinton Gibbs, Cbok, llorwards Ross, centre;iJ Halmes,'iT.'Gaudier, guards; Weston, 'Tynda,110 pares. Referee, ---It ' H* Allem' Clintbn Afterthe `dries thi v §itbi S were ,'. entertained • o1ec , e 1.. C.C.I CONK.TANCE A, vary. happll. tib o was, spent last' Friday ,evenings, Feb 19th„-, at the home of;Air. and Mi::: Gegrge Riley,; itr-being the. forty-fourth,•(epniversaryr their o . m' f t rmarra e e g The ;.4e lebration was a quiet one, only the immediate family "being -present-us Mr; Riley' -does,not enjoy,• good health., Wo ex- tend 'our best wishes to the couple and Wee they 100 nisi { »roe ouch cele' rations, Mr. and M s . ae MacFarlane are staying for a'1iile "with the lady's parents; Mr.hand'Mrs: George Riley. Mr'••and' i!?t's, Harold Coleiough are visiting for =a few,•days at. the home of Mr. and Ws. Johii' Mann of near Clinton: Miss Viola +1Vl:mrison, spent the weekend , all• the” haute 'of Mr. and' Mtti.. Ephrianr Clarke. ?Xis: Jos. Riley returned home on, Sunday after 'visiting ' at the' Home, Of her sister, Mrs. Thos:"Riley, Clin-' ton. for -1 w'eel->:1" e . Theadane' Yield in' the Forester's Hall ea Friday evening was well at-; tended and everyone reports an excel-; lent time. Tilt? Prince .nf 1'Va1es. will attend the inaugural banquet of the Com.. party of Newspaper Makers 'at the Mansion House 'cn,tlte 26th inst. The Lord Mayor will he a guest, and many notable :persona who have been or - are connected with British newspap- era will .attepd. Printers' Register, INTERESTING LAST EDITION The other day we received from. The report of a rifle tournament. Mr. Robert Iiohnes, Toronto, a; had the names of the .following as' copy of The' Cliiito'n Moniter, dated' taking part: D, McTavish, • Ilugh• April 7th, 1874. This happened to be Scott, Major Murray, C. Graesiek; the last issue of the Monitor, which G: Gilchrist, P. Cavan and N. Rob was being taken over 'by the late lttr., son. E. liolines, and Mr. 'biigg had a J. A. Nodes was clerk of theVil, leading editorial saying farewell, Iage;'of •C'lintoh. Thornes Fair, fats while Mr. Holmes also had'ii Word 'of ei• of W. D. Ftrir., was postmaster and greeting to itis new patrons. ,Bute gives a list of sixteen letters remain-' the following explanatory letter from, ing at the post office uncalled for on` My.. Holmes,will convey infortpe- April 1st. • Lien regardin' this paper even bet- The farmers' market seemed to be ter than we can do it: inbetter shape then than now: Wheat "My dear Editor , Newa-Record:: according to variety, is quoted at Herewith I am sending you. a copy of from $1.12 to $1,20; oats, 42c to 45e: the Clinton Monitan for April 7, 1874 barley 81.05 to'51.10;flour, 86.00; but- -(58 years ago), which has been ter 25e. 'eggs', 10e; potatoes, 40e; preserved by my sister, and unearth -.to 50c; beef 84.50 to 86.00. ed in housecleaning. I thought you The Dominion parliament was in; would be interested in it, and would: session and the paper contains a .like it returned' to me, after ,yeti get; aurnmary of proceedings from . the through with it. Mail.. In order that you may the better: . There is a re -paint from the,Orillia understand the leading editorial; Packet cola:mo ltingupon the appear - therein, I will give you here the local. once of Louis Reil in Ottawa to take `situation' as it existed at that time. his Oath as- member of parliament. ' The New Era had always been 00-1 Report, of village council reconds en)y•and strongly Liberal in its polit-",,that: . i01: views, and the Conservatives: re, "On 'motion ,; by Councillors Fair sented thisand decided to'start airs -i and Coats ;that the ..petition sof, H. per that would uphold their views., I'fale,, Esq., area 263 other rateyey-. :Ass, Clinton was only : a village at; en praying the council to use pine the time, a second :paper, meant ,cant plank instead of gravel for' snaking petition, and sooner than have. two sidewalks in the village, be eccepted• natters when there was only a bare' and complied with as far as the cir- livinm.for one, my .father offered • to 'canlstanoes of "tile Villagio Will per-. sell The: New ;Era to the Cnservatives mia" ' • which was accepted by them: ' St. Paul's chiir'ch had just been' in • Mo.' V. Grigg, 'an excellent print.; formed that th'e•"Rev. E. B. Kellog° er, who, haft' been on The New Era'', had "accepted the' incumbency of St.; staff, though'a Conservative; was'•put; Themes' ehuro'h'r St.t Thomas', ' 'and in charge: }te changed the; rime: '4ould preach, hie farowell sermon on' the 'paper to !The Clinton Moirrtor'v the 19th. • - ' and conducted' it on Conservative, C. Rideout wag lending money on' lines for about six months, but find- mortgagee; Thomas 'Cooper was is ing the financial returns less than,ltei •Suer'01 marriage licenses; H,"Hale expected, he resold it to my •fathor,; was' lending' •inbney' on mortgages' Who • re -named it The New•• hila •and i •James' fl'.owani •' was e;a'lieensed ;sue - took . nie into •aprtnership•" 'tlaneci•; and, strange as `it May see3 • Mr." Holmes, as is well known, cart Caverrin'thf$ $ty of women's se -called tinned The Naw Era until ;he sold out ;'t'anrltiiaipatrbn l.' Me -triage ' licetfscs, to VV: H. Tlerr'and S'on 10 the•firstde-; were also' '"issaed'by adthority,"' by;l code of this century and moved: te1•ii •woman, Miss I.,onisa' Van E'gmond,' Toronto. Mr. J. L. Kerr. 'cantinned tt• ,Mr. James Turnbull' was principal publishing it until November of 1924,i;' of• the 'Cltntoll High Sc'heol and the: when it was linrchased by Mei G F . trustee board consisted of Messrs. IZ Fall 'and;, amalgamated with'' The Hale, R.' •Coats,' A. S. Fisher; 'James Ne'w's -Regard. iTi a •News.Record 'had+ Iieeva: I6.D.; Rohr' Mcfsunig and A. been launched •-kor' years 'after; tiro a:•1: 1171;wthington, 112 D: b'eve transfer`•of dwilgtishipp the Con - Thera *fie it 'splendid lot of • lorhl r sei•'vattves:7rii doubt `beiil,r•still: oftihe 3'iadE%i•tlsiii'cr•e' ' frhin.'oiit§ide, °pinion, that ,they "needed ' g• inb'iith- ; " 3�ih't`h, Tlibi name§ ti lure° eerie. nieor, 1 .'. s ' h Ire. •I ' :'.urin, Ohidley. N'arsw,orLlty ' C'.oliilie, ' Mc - " It et us to -look :over the ilii' Garva,:Cooper, ' ' e n ' � . •St ve son; T-I,o(igcn,. sheet, realizing that' it Was.pnblished and Pa Dobie Robson,'and' iron Y,Y here ;ger fa sae LhaG `bete is se.arcely others appear 11 r 0. eal i'ri the "heti' tr, $ sirs ' C a'0akne •which 'i5 `feaitili'ar to tlie'*tliwn columns. • ` ri:oty. TUCKERSIVIITH <' The regular n'ieetzng,, 4 the 'TX, of Turner's'ehurch was' held on. Tues day eveniiii,'`with a' t;'ood •n�ttendance present After, tlie;,rorship. period Mr, Garrett gave an ,interesting ad= dress osi ` '`Rural improvements," which was followed by a spirited dis- cussion on rural problems. , The ;meeting next,; week. will,be held.. on Monday evening and will take the form of a social. ' •Mrs Wm. Whitmore of Newton Brook is a guest at the home of her, brother, Mr. '§: H. Whitmore, having Come up to attend the funeral of their, mother, the late Mrs. •1Vf.• Whit- more, who passed away.. last week: The funeral took .place oh Saturday afternoon from the home• of Mr. and Mks. S. H. Whitmore; :interment tale - big place in IV 1;aitlanlbank' cemetery, Seaforth. NEWS"OF HAPPENINGS 'IN THE COUNTY ASD DISTRICT BRUSSELS,: The,'Seatorth hockey team played an exhibition ' game With the 'Brussels hockey team. listen- day evening the score resulting ' in it draw, three all. The zee was in apl'endid shape and 'a' gpodFcrowd witnessed• the contest. BLYTHI Mrs. J. B. Watson liad then, misfortune to fall ,down cellar On Monday morning' ,' Besides several bad brtitses wee found d on an X lay., examination 'that. the cap of the el-' bow was broken which will necessi•;i tate her..earrying'it in a sling for. six, weeks. _ ,. , DUNGANNON The, 'funeral of. Frank' awkins,, whose death eccurst red in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich; following. an,operation,, was. held; from :his late home,. Lake read, Ash-; field, Monday afternoogi.,. The_ high; esteem in which -he was ,held was esr. .inced by .the: large .number of rela-; tives, friends and neighbors at the. funeral* The deeeased,was,,a son of the late Mr.- aiui 1l rs: VViilialn Haw- kins, early ,pieneera , of the westeriii part of the township of Ashfield*! and was. born on the farm where he' had,. lived all his, life.. The , funeral, services ' were: his, by Rev.; William .Hall, rector of Christ Church` Port Albert interment' was made im Maitland Cemetery. Golderich, with: the 'fallowing acting as pallbearers,' Thomas Dougherty, Angus Gordon,' David 'Green,' Nelson Graham, Percy, Graham and James Young. • SEAFORTI•I: An old and highly; respected resident of Seaforth in the person of ''W'. W. Cowan,. died at his late residence. Market street, on Mon- day in his 90th -year, after an'ili- uess of • over three years, He was' born of Irish aud'Scoteh parentage in Huntingdon, Quebec, ' in 1843. His father died when he was but 12 years. of age and' three years Iater'tieeeas- ed made his way west settling i1'% Stratford, vihere some 'years later hs became founder of the Stratfort'' Bridge and Iron Works, at which:• business he worked until he retired to Seaforth about ' 17 years ago. Many of the steel bridges in this part of the country are the product of his skill and this •was not confined to Ontario alone, but ex- tended into Western Canada, Quebec and some of the Eastern States. He was the oldest member of Avon Lodge, Stratford, having been an Old Fellow for alnmost 70 years. In re- ligion deceased was a Presbyterian He was twice married and m survive(' by his widow. fgrmerly Miss Jennie Vivian, of Stratford, to whom he was married in 1913. The funeral takes place 1 his late residence this, Thursday, afternoon, after which his remains will be laid to rest in. Avon- dale Cemetery, Stratford. GODERIOH; Jacob McGee, a resi- dent at Gedet•ich for the past few years, coming' here from Port Albert, aril earlier from ruckersnith Tp.,: dropped dead on Sunday, week, last about 7.30 on returning to, his home. on Wolfe street after having supper' with -his son, Reginald'. He was in his 77th year. His wife died about• 10 years ago, and of a family af, 12'. all but one (Mfrs. Robert Wilson)mw living. They are: Reginald and Jack,' of tenon; Jadob:'of: Windsor; Thomas,' of Sandwich; Albert; of Port Albeit; and ioribe,• of Anilierstburg. The• daughters are: Mss. Aberhardt, of, 'Seaforth Mrs: Garfield' McMichael of 'Bennriller ; Mrs. William Boyer, • of Sandwich; &itis. Albert Planting, of A,mherstburg, and Mrs. Claude Gold- berg, of" Detroit: The funeral was' held on Wednesday.to'Clinton °eine-. tery, PLAY. 'AT CRAUTAUQUA • "Bought and Paid For"- -oite of the? Most successful of modern plays, Will:; be produced .at Chautauqua on the; first night 'i11{Clinton,'Mlarch '22,' by the Peerless'' Players. This play 'deals with•'elnost'nicldetih' prebiem, in "a2 tiros` e°n8iinBing way -a problems' Which `"occnr'21'_ 1n the lives' of malty: mt. yyoungarzrieri.:,,peopie:n � The 'happj*,„ priietical solutidn of :this tingle ap- peals to audiences ever;where'.'''The' eitpatiirris which arise' -bring` many!. lnighs, bull',the plFl` s o Y Which, e ler'eti n as the to 11'.:. g • p t unfnII ' be'i Vividly '114i:eaaedaOrr the Oeds , ` of .all. d Dogs seem to be ' more dangerous in the north and west than 'wolves. A young Toronto art teacher was attacked by dogs, and badly wounded while driving in an open sleigh, with. her father ernorth up' theother day,. and a six -year -Drill boy, living or: the east shore of Lake Winnipeg,was attacked and badly wounded by 'b s- kies and was rushed across the lake, by his father in search • of medical+ assistance, Mrs. , J. S. Jenkins. • -of Chaxlotte- town, P.E.I., made a record flight from Mlontreal to ^Charlottetown, the other day, making the distance, 550 miles, in 4 hours and 8 minutes. •:... President W. T Cosgrave, who has leaded the government of the Irish Free 3State for the past nine years, conceded the election of his eppon- ent, Eanaonn tae Valera',, leader of the Republican forces, and'the latter on Tuesday expressed himself as willing to form a government, Hon. Peter Veniot, `former post master -general, charged in' the Reuse of Commons on Tuesday' that funds far the 'relief of the jobless were used to win the election in Brune - wick. , A young British actress, Jean Col -- in, has taken on a role as a doll, keeping's fixed stare for tato hours' nightly, and has insured her •.eyes for $100,000 an account of the strain, ou them.. Prime Minister Ramsay MacDon aid is to go 'en a •holiday, the destin- ation' ef'whieh'is' being kept 'a secret: to ensure' a complete rest. 'Sweepstakes as a means of raising money for relief were condemned by' representatives of forty-six miinici-: Polities who gathered in Hamilton, the other day to discuss'. unemploy- ment and other questions. A curtailment in the number of. suriimer courses is announced by the; 1 I UILS•, "E1 '25,'4932 (lnta'rio Departm'4nt, o5a EtIttee'tion lit keeping with 'the governmental °con- emy plans 0 Hill S. Wilson, farmer of 1Vfilton, found guilty'- of two charges ''of•'the theft of harness. For one theft.he received a fine 'of 550 and casts''' and :for the other, Cale week in jail and a fine'` of 575 and eoetis`'and 'to pay $6 for parts of harness not..i•eturnr. ed. London, Feb.. 24.—A •etandard price of 10 shillings per hundred- weight (or about 51.25 per bushel at par) for. domestic grown wheat, is fixed:' in, the Government's- wheat quota bill, the long waited. text,,;af which was made public today. r ,. ,,;,, Eddie Shore, Beaten Bruinsr tier tional hdcltey,ioague team defoiiea- man, was suspended for, one game Yesterday. ,and:fined $100 for striking Referee, Cgoper •S'meaton.,in Chicago • Mat, Sunday,... , LONDON ROAD, " The' detodi bridge just soatlt rof Clinton Was 'taken apart and ''this 'n1Yeek was taken to Tillsonburg where itt'fl3t'. be re-esintructed and'used fora de- tour bridge there. M'I'. ;Horace Wdltse betroieithiitifsi his brothers on Saturday: st Mr.' and Mrs. Arnold' me ': 5tt d a , W g ham spent s eStuirda h lr y With Mr: ang TVTiafi W 'Swinbank: Mrs .tried Nott has beers eorlf,inerl to bed fer thepast week "vi*ith riileit= tack' of the flu but her many frieidds will 'be glad to 'know she 'ie recover- ing ' The • February meeting of `Elie Cerernun ty Club 'was :held on Wed" nesday''la'st • at the Mune` Of Mrs: W. Moffatt: ' ltihe roll call was reepoiid- ed to by everyone presenting' a cue ren£ event. Several items of'•busi= nes were dealt •with and it 'wai'de- cided to' hold the annual social °veer`- big 'belay in :March During thiallif- ternoon a quilt was quilted: Tlte'Ms- ing side took this opportunity te'pay their debt by serving " a' Vaienthie supper to their opponents and both losers, ankl winners had a very„en- joya'ble ,time and .a very iieai•ty ,vote of thanks• was , given the 'hostesses. The 'Mardi .meeting: will: be ,held At the Kama. of Mrs. W. Stanllury. 1 66 I • tin Cunt all mint itis+ way.” e as a IR:. I`r:it Chevrolet drivers sow" 'acq!1 re: jT'S one of the biggest thrills of modern motoring to get behind the wheel of the new Chevrolet and actually �r y know the advantages of a 60 -horsepower, six -cylinder motor, silent Syncro-Mesh shifting, free -wheeling and down -draft carburetion. Acceleration/ 'When the light flashes green step on the cas—then glide swiftly away ahead of the traffic! The new Chevrolet gives you matchless "pick -up" -lithe power that responds to every need. Keep your foot down; watch the speedometer spin up to forty—or forty -five“ -,- or more! Then slip the lever into high 'without even a idler`..• That's Syncro-Mesh for you. .And you can shift back to second just as easily, If .you're "in" free -wheeling, you needn't touch the clutch! Once you try the new Chevrolet Six, you'll never be satisfied to, drive anything less! Ask about the GMAC, General Motors' awn deferred pay- I ' ment plan, The bread inclusive General Motors" Owner Service Policy assures lasting satisfaction. PRODUCED IN CANADA •'a 3 •h1. •%1r: / NEW cf-ICITROLET 4ill4 ,rollers$ Sec®+n+l S ion cr o-li7 ®m is car d .SRmiplilied Free- ' rPOr�mlo8ingr.: ' -:'. 3.3! . fidY &; 4.i a Clg nt t 4 t I e , ,J isten'G•GenesT fors,_:baroedvasts of a12 Maple Teal ,1ocheY Team's ahgaae 'froth _• r 9lit 'C.I' CsA•• 9 • tilt ii c142f