HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-02-11, Page 8l�� FISH Irresh Salmon ..17c Herring, 3 lb. .25e Fr. Filletts ....18e i Sm. Filletts ...18c1 TAQE:S CLINTON'S LEADING JEW'ELERY-STORE GOOD NEWS! COMMUNITY PLATE at. •.. NEW EDUCED 'PRICES TE'ASPOONS; Set sof Six Were $4.25, Now $3.75 26 -Piece Set, Service for Six with Deluxe Stainless Knives a5 low as $30.25 Come in and make your selection of Noblesse, Deauville, Grosvenor or. Adam designs at new low prices R. R. JOHNSON, Graduate of Toronto College 'of Optometry Next Hovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician Clothes ot QQuality TAILORED TO YOUR ORDER BY Thr Berger Tailoring Co. NEW SPRING AND SUMIMRR SAMIP• LE0S are now ready for .in- spection at new low prices from $19.50 up. SEE OUR SPECIAL. RANGE •OF BEAUTIFUL NEW TW3'E'S, WORSTEDS AND SERGES, about sixty patterns to choose from at a special price of . $22.50 MADE TO YOUR MEASURE AND FULLY GUARANTEED MOAN'S READY-TO-WEAR, SUITS AND OVERCOATS •at Bargain Prices from wee up. BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS Froin $2.95 up.. MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATERS 98c and°up. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS, 14 to 17, from 89c up. MEN'S WiOIUC SHIRTS from 79c up. • SPECIAL VALUES IN UNION FLANNEL SHIRTS IN GREY OR NIAVY BARGAIN PRICES ON ALL LINES OF RUBBER FOOTWEAR g lumsteel Bros. COLEMAN'S LARD, per ib. 8c SOHNBIDER'S PURE LARD, per lb. 105 80 HALT' DRESSED HOG, per lb. only HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. for . 25e HOME-MADE HEAD CHEESE, 3 lbs. for 25c JELLITD VEAL, per lb.. ,,, 20c WE SPECIALIZE IN CHOICE YOUNG BEEF OP OUR. ` .�, 11/ OWN KILLING CHOICE CHICIfENS ON HAND NOW AT A RIGHT PRICE CLINTON'S LEADING CONNELL T'YN J� ALL 'MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street A11.111.1=11:•••0.1.0%[....11900•3•121.4..... Ele A LIMITED NUMBER OF ashing THE 'CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Sant Va1c!l Inc's Day You may dodge dangerous auto - •mobiles, spilling the salt, breaking a Mirror, 'nimbly hop around ladders, 0 , but there still remains the added in- cident of Cupid's unerring aim. It, is not likely'that the good Bish- op Valentine, whose memory* is cher- ished by so many; ever .visioned so extensivea celebration as once .a year exists. (it was; estimated that 150,000 Valentines were mailed in Toronto alone last year.) There will be parties, dances, friends to be re- membered if hot by gifts by cards.' We are ready for the occasion with cards in, price from le to 10c, some for children, cute and amusing, some' expressing sweet sentimental- ity, some with mature phrasing for the elder folks, some saucy and pi- quant, some for sister, brother, sweetheart dad and mother, Valen- tines for everybody. Then napkins, out -outs, streamers, playing cards for the parties. The W . D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best S nllilln!) X11111 Min imltl^!11➢I p� THURS., FEB. 11, 19, esessumisemasamos What fou Can ny For Or 7 Articles f Never before have we had e,cAttractive Prices to Otter All our Croceteria Specially Marked for this Sale, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Corn, Peas, and Tomatoes, 2 cans Large Pink Salmon, Golden Cheese, spray Aylmers' Spinach, Golden Wax Beans, Macaroni, 2 lbs. Best Rice, 2 lbs. Best Tapioca, 2 lbs. Vanilla, 2 bottles Marsh Mallow Biscuits, Comfort Soap, 3 for Gold Soap, 3 for Jelly Powders, 3 for Rolled Oats, 4 lbs. Icing Sugar, 2 lbs. Peanuts, (shell) 12 lbs. Salted Peanuts, Ib., 1Se 15c 15c 15c' 15c 15c 15c 15c. 15c 1Sc 15c 15c 1Sc 15c 15c 15c 15c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Vif. T. FRIGIDAIRE AND FRUIT Pineapple, each Lard, 2 lbs. Breakfast Bacon, lb. Weiners, lb. Bologna, lb. Smoked Hams, lb. Smoked Fillets. lb. Grape Fruit, 3 for Aylmer Catsup, Heinz Tomato Juice, Forest City Baking Powder, Box Cube Sugar. Spaghetti 2 for Cookies, 3 pkgs. Chocolates, 7 bars for (For Soda Biscuits, Ib. lusessmseemsemmuutatme 'NEI 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c 15c Valentine) 15c 15c CLINTON'S SIG CORNER GROCETERIA: Phone 48 Miss Gertrude Brant is visiting rela- tives in Toronto this week. Mr. D. Cantelon has Ibsen in Toronto for a couple of days this week. .. Mrs. G. D. Roberton spent a few days this week with Seaforth friends, Miss Gladys Luker of Hensall was the guest of Miss Irene Layton on Saturday. Mrs. Cecil Ashton _of Stratford visit- ed hermother, Mrs. W. H. Cole, last week -end. Miss Ida Walkinshaw returned Tues- day after spending a long week- end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leonard left yes- ,terday to spend a few days with Woodstock friends. SILENT MOTOR, ALUMINUM TUB, HERCULES WRINGER, BUILT ON VERY STRONG STEEL BODY MARE WASH DAY EASY my 87. WATCH OUR WINDOWS SUTTER PEHOUE & WkLKEfl Hardware Furniture q 0 St. Valentine Supper in WESLEY-W.ILLIS CHURCH HALL Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Layton of Exeter on Sunday last. Mies Sadie Watkins has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Cousins 'of Flint, Mich.,' the past week or so. Mrs. W. Jenkins returned .Saturday after spending several weeks with her son and his family in Toronto. Miss Irene Layton spent last week with friends in Stratford and the week -end with relatives at Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pearson of Gode- rich township were the guests of Chief L. and Mrs. Stong on Tues- day. Mr. and 1VIrs..1. Fingland of Londes- born visited at the home of their son, Mr. Frank Fingland on Sunday last. Miss Madeline VanHorne returned home Friday after spending a fortnight in Toronto with her bro- ther. • o Mrs. A. McCool„of Londesboro is O spending a few days this week as the guest of Mrs. L. Honking of Mrs. Ben. Cole, who has been Clinton.. board. d - Tuesday, February 16 MENU. Dressed Pork, Escalloped Potatoes, Buttered Carrots and Peas, Rolls Salads, Jellies, Pickles Lennon Pie, Apple Pie, Tea, Coffee. Tea Served from 5 to 7 o'clock. Admission 405, 50-2. q 0 • 0 Funeral Directors Plumbing Phone 147w Electric Wiring 0 R 0 • Baking Specials NEW AND DELICIOUS PASTRY WITH SPECIALS EVERY DAY FOR LENT TREAT FRIDAY ONLY ORDER EARLY: OLD FASHIONED 'SPONGE TAFFY -A REAL HEALTH CANDY HAVE YOU TIRED OUR' NEW FLAVORED BREAD IT IS DIFFERENT. HOT CROSS BUNS 1 Il�a�C4'rg and �tldOrf S Confectionery Makers of "Whole Wheat” and "Snowflake" Bread 0«.;04. +rod ...""P;anrer+nev$ma DANCE in PASTIME CLUB ROOMS on the evening of Friday, February 12th Dancing from 10.30 Admission, Gents, 50e; Ladies, 25c. LUNCH SERVED 57-1. XOLMESVILLE The W.M,S. ana Ladies' Aid So- ciety of the United Church niet nn Tuesday afternoon at the 'home of Miss Susan Acheson. Mrs. Bert Tre- wartha and Mrs. William Glen were , hostesses. Mrs. Walter occupied ' the dhair for the W.IyLS. Papers on Korea were read by Mrs. Norman Mair, Mrs. A. Bond, Mrs. J. Potter and Mrs. Wm. Glen. A paper on temperance was given by Mrs. J. Mulholland. A prayer service was also held in connection with this meeting, Mrs. Fred Potter, Mrs. E. Yeo, Mrs. H. Trewartha, Mrs. Wal- ter and Mrs. W. J. Yeo, leading in prayer. The Ladies' Aid meeting was pre- sided over by Mrs. E. Yeo, the pre- sident, and -several items of business were dealt with! A letter of thanks and appreciation was read from the official board of the church for a contribution of $260 made to the ing the winter with relatives in Toronto, returned to her own home this week. Rev. G. W. 'Sherman and Mrs. Sher- nnan were at Athens for several days the past week owing to the death of the latter's father. Mrs. James Vincent of Hensall,, who is convalescing after her hospital treatment,, is now •staying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Castle. • Mrs. L. Annis, who has been spend- ing the past couple of weeks as the guest of Mrs. Southcombe and her brother, Mr. E. Washington, left yesterday for her home at Port ion. Mr. M. T. 'Corless was at Waterloo 'on Mondaynday and Tuesday attending a -conference of the Ontario Equit, •able Life'Insurance Co. Ile was on 'the train of which the engine broke down Tuesday evening delay- ing the train for some hours while a new engine was brought imp. Messrs. E, Paterson, N. W. Trewar- tba, G. H. Elliott, W. E. Perdue, C. Draper, F. Fingland, H. E. Rorke and Dr. Thompson were at Poster's Hill an Tuesday evening attending a meeting of the Gode- rich Township Men's Club.. A couple of the above are• members of the exeeutivo of the Club and the others made up a degree team, which initiated and installed' the As has been his custom for some time past, Rev. J. W. Herbert gave a splendid address to the pupils of the S. S. on Sunday. The title of his address might have been "The Way to the Land of Heart's Desire," and he stressed the fact that there was only one way to the land of. heart's desire, .over the '.Mount of En- deavour. officers with secret and stern rites. The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of the United Church are preparing for a Valentine social and chicken pie supper in the schoolroom of the church ,on Friday evening of this. week. , Mrs. W. J. Yeo and Mrs. E. Yeo were hostesses at a ela.ss party given at the home of Mrs. E. Yeo on Friday evening, when members of the Live Wire class and of the Pollyanna class of the Holmesville United church Sunday Scheel, with their teachers and assistants, were enter- tained. Rev. IA'. Herbert is the teacher ;of the :girls and Mrs. L. Jervis of the boys. The boys putt on the program, in 'recognition of the fact that is it Leap Year, and also did the .serving of refreshments. A very happy time was spent. Before the gathering broke up -'a hearty Vote of thanks was passed to the. •hostesses, on motion •of Mr. Norman Trewartha and Muss Norma Potter. Miss Iielenl Mec11'Iath -spent . the week -e ed in Aylmer WOULD YOU BE HER VALENTINE? FLOWERS ARE NATURE'S VALENTINE MESSAGES, SO TULIPS, DAFFODILS, VIOLETS MARIGOLDS, ROSES AND CARNATIONS /2111Y ,7he 5LoTLSt GREENHOUSE PHONE176 FLOWER,SHOP PHONE3I Why Not Start AND COLLECT tl THE NEW IVORY AND GREE: ENAMELWARE 1t will make a great improveinent �onr Kitchen. We have a good stock •on hand no the right price. Perhaps you just need a new fro sifter or a paring knife. We ha' some specials on hand that you find will be just the thing. Be sure and call .in and see o goods before you buy. Renfrew Separator and Scales a Aladdin Lamps. our Specialty. Uaw1dn HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 net ''s`:'° 4';thoqltp;k111 "' • SPECIAL SAVINGS IN GROCERIISS, THURS., FRI., SAT., FEB. 11, 12, 13 Robinhood Oats with Chinaware . , 33c 01d Homestead Peas 3 tins for .........25c, Royal York Tea 54.1 11).25e 'I Ib. for 49c Chase, & Sanborn's ee, n/3 lb. 27c 1 CoffIb. for 610 Taylor's Peanut Butter, C. Jars. 25c Shortening, 2 Ib 23c Singapore Sliced Pine- apple, per tin ....11e Jiff Soap Flakes, large pkg. 17c MeLaren's Jelly Powder Free Mould, 4 pkgs. 25c Try Our New BREAD 7c Fresh Each Saturday Only Head Lettuce, 2 19c Celery Hearts .25c Oranges dz. 29c, 49c Grapefruit, 5 25e Past, •Flour,7Ib.19e 24 lb. bag for 59c N. Star, cwt. $2.70 Peerless " " $2.65 Red Eagle ...$2.35 MEATS Br. Bacon, sl. 180 • in piece . .....16c Spare Ribs, 2, 25c Fr. Hanes, lb...12c --���10iet TE' Wide LLT Jkic N IGH`T" tee SON 1 NBOEStriMZEMBECIZ Yrr ni d SUITS PRICE MADE THE MARKET EXCLUSIVELY BO BE.I♦' �rail . .. AND TOP COATS ONLY 5 , {',�• -TO -MEASURE SUIT BY MADE -T0 -MEASURE ONE l BEST AND CHEAPEST ON HANDLED r.: 1` for to AV or se '11 ur nd . AVIS & AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS HERMAN & DYERS, SEAFORTH SUMMERHILL The following is the report of 'U. S. S. No. 1.2, Hullett and Goderich the month of January: Sr. 4th: Cleta Ellis, 69; Hazel Rapson; 67; Allan Neal, 50. Jr. 4th—Marion Morrell, 67. Gr. 3rd—Wella Jervis, 77; Madeloi Mason, 70; Leona Rapson, 65; Thel- Ina Hoggart, 56. Jr. 3rd—Ivan Hoggart, 60; Gordon Rapson; 57; Frieda Ellis, 52. Jr. 2nd—Marion Morrell, 50. • lst Class -Clayton .Ellis, 82; P•hyl- lis Ball, 80. ' Pr. A.—Gertrude Tyner, Rlwyne Blake, Maxwell '"Carter, 'Pr. 'B. Ross Hoggart, Lois Rap- sou. • Bent' speller: Creta Ellis. Total. enrolment, 19. Average attendance, 18.6. TIRY Rowntrees PLAIN OR PEANUT Chocolate Bar. IT'S GOOD'., THE. BIGGEST MILIC.calocOLA BAR ON THE MA;RKE IN 5c AND 25u CAKES SATiJRDAY SPECIAL Good i0I{1.Fasliibned. Ginger Bre •-^MiADE'. BY—,, BARTLIFF'& CRICI Makers of Mint-ea/aid' Bread . Calces: nn....,,,, M , nisi An.,i --���10iet TE' Wide