HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-01-28, Page 6TH1111 ;JA'N.;28, 1932` )IEP INTEREST TOr'IOU editor and publisher of ' a corm- , TO: YOU ME try town 'weekly h paper. But 1 got - started here, had this offer and that The days are becoming perceptibly offer of advancement and circum ,ager, stances just seemed to`hold me here. r « + • _ I never planned to spend my life and February has one more clay this rear my family in the.city. in fact,. ear, Monday, Feb,'•29th, until very recently I always looked forward to the time . when I should rs," everybody going to have' to pull out and go back'' to the country, se artificial ice the corning summer where I was born." -or perhaps we not ,need Circurnstances were too strong for him,'however, and while he hasinade good in the- city, as many another country boy does, he has riot ceased to feel that he missed •a lot by his failure to return to the countryside and the simpler life lived in the rural communities. than The old world, which our great- •randfathers thought so vast, is uz•ely shrinlcing when Halifax can peak over the -telephone to Van, ouver and Victoria. ;The editoa of a Clinton, I0., paper vas told .by a hold-up mean to hand ver $25,000, and didn't get it, The •obber would have ,fared no better said he inade the demand of the:edi- cr of the Clinton, Ont. paper. Next Tuesday is the day the bear :eines out of his winter hole to' take look around and decide how much ongerhe may snooze. But the trou- ,le is maybe that old bear never went to bed at all"this winter. 'Oh, dear, this mixing up of the seasons may reeult'in an awful confusapn be- fore another sumnmer•comes. around. We sincerely hope that with all the transference of 'months that next June doesn't get mixed up with this January: • a • 'It doesn't look as if there was any. shortage of money in Ontario when a"government loan of $25,000,000 was over-ubscribed a few hours af- ter' it was offered , to the public. Wonder how mush of it was taken by individual investors. In a case of 'this kind it might be well for the government to give the small, indi- vidual investor a chance to take up s much as possible before letting the .ig fellows at it. 5.9 per cent is good interest and such an offering would have been a :boon to the man or roman with a small income. Lt. -Col. G. A. Drew addressing a gatheringin Toronto during the past weep, expressed the opinion that re- solutions doing away with the ina1= iiia, .ceder: obeps—•"and all that sort of thing," had little er nothing too 'with the • big ; question of disarmam- ent. 'A printed report of one address is as- follows: "The question' •ef disarmament as we face it today," he pointed out, "is concerned mainly with an intolerable burden 'of armam- ents." This burden was largely responsible for the last war, and would, if not prevented,, force the world into another horrible con- flict. Colonel Drew admitted. the impracticability and impos- t sibility of, total disarmament at one gesture, but he felt that some start must be made toward a `progressive disarmament. This, he pointed out; could only be achieved when the Govern- ments were forced by the oeven ent of the League to take over control of all factories producing the primary equipment of war. "Private ownership of the pro- duction of the machinery of death," in Colonel Drew's opin- ion, would inevitably lead to a •world cataclysm, and must be stopped, through public opinion and through the action !of " the League. He described similar and terrifying pictures of a Bri- tish firm manufacturing the best tanks and fighting implements in the world, and exporting them to countries which may le pos- sible enemies, of 62 factories in Russia owned by German indi- viduals -manufacturing war ma- chinery which Germany is unable to make within her own boundar- ies. England. he remarked, last year exported nearly half of ;the world's fighting implements. "Russia .has given, no assur- ance of her love for the' British Empire," declared the speaker, "even in Toronto we have evid- ences of what it is trying to do to disrupt the Empire." Women's organizations, Col- onel Drew believed, could play a valuable part in rousing public !opinion to the tremendous im- portance -'of the disarmament question, and in this way help in getting as satisfactory results as possible from the Disarmam- •ent Conference, which opens in Geneva next month. He out- lined briefly the steps leading up to the present Conference, and told of the six years which had been spent in drawing up the draft convention to be discussed at the Conference. Blanks had been left for the amounts which the countries will disarm, and it. was in deciding the size of the figures to go into the blanks` that public opinion could be ef- fective, Colonel Drew pointed out. " The'Cemetery Act came into force on January 1st, and the County ouncil, meeting this week in Gode- deb, will no doubt appoint the two meinbers )of a commission which will :ee 'that rural cemeteries in Huron re ldoked after. .As a matter of Pict such a commission is not very nuich needed in this county, as near.* ly all rural cemeteries are already being looked after, local pride hav- ing taken on the work years ago of restdring to neatness and order sev- eral neglected cemeteries and :my laggaiel communities were goaded into' like action. Cotnpanies have been formed by those interested in Bayfield, Baird's, Ball's and other cemeteries and these .are being kept in very creditable fashion and ar- rangemonte made fot continuance of such care. It .may be that in some comities commissions are needed to look into these 'things, as the neglect of rural eemeteribi has been a crying shame in many localities for many ;rears. *. • 1 M For many years the trend has been towards the big cities and tura! villages have dwindled until §bine of them have almost reached the vanishing point, while the intro- duction of farm machinery has inade it possible to work a large farm with very much smaller staffs, and 'till the cities continue to grow. But, perhaps the trend 'back again has begun, some of us would fain hope so, and John A. Fisher, a for- mer Canadian Weekly Newspaper executive, thinks he is getting the better of the bargain to be in a small town. For years he scribbled far city newspapers aati he travelled lar and wide before returning to his home town' to edit the Picton, N.S., Advocate., And having re -establish- -cd himself in the town, here is what ho says: "Bless the small towns of the -world. Many who have answered the call of the big cities have been glad -to return to the friendliness and less strenuous pace of 'train street.' It is heart-warming to be greeted by sour first name by those''you meet, rather than with an impersonal glance. It is encouraging to count for something in community enter- prises without being a millionaire. It is stabilizing to live in a neigh- borhood where all the houses are -occupied by their owners. It is a .social asset to be able to .see your friends easily and frequently. It is goad to establish your children where your name means eemethin'g. It is sweet to be in your home town when the inevitable sorrow enters • your life, and when you u rexch the mountain of happiness." One of • the ehief reasons, of course, why .people flock -to the cities is because all :manufacturing plants seem to fleck there, too, and that "makes the labor which attracts the -workers. And this lack of name - factoring makes it diffieiilt, to 'keep the small town going. Some, too, who go to the city ex- elect to return sometime and take up life again, where they, left off. The 'edifier of a • •leading Toronto daily said to the • Writer only recently: "You know; 1 never intended to set, tl'e hi the city. I planned to work a while on the city papers, make sonic -money, then go out and 'bay a coun- try town weekly and settle down as• THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD CARD" OF THANKS , 50c MEMORIAL VERSE 1N 10e E L E . rR . i BIRTIS' Royal Oak, 11I to Mir. Wade, (formed daughter. —�In Clinton,tli A. Washington. �imieo, Agnes .F'aiconet art, formerly 136th year. Windscr, on J Brownlee, wife 0 Bayfield, in cher $ —.Tn ' Morris riesday, Janna bridge, agdd loin dToronto, Ross, wife acMillan, D.D W;AD,E•--In Mich., ,on January 26111,and Mrs. John 0. y 1Vliss Jenny Levis) a daughte D WASHINGTON one San. 27th, Elizabe BIGGART—At Ont., on Jan. 21st, , widow of John Bigg of Bay- field, in her LITTLE--AtJan. 25th, Annie E. Bro t Henry Little of Ba 1st year. BEMB•RIDGETown- ship, on T January 25th, Charles •Bem 80 years. MACMILLAN e, 382 Spa�dina. Road, on Jan, 221st, Winnie of Rev. Alexander M D.D. IN. MEMORIAM COLCLOUGH Iii loving memory of Phebe, (beloved daughter of 1VIr. and 1VTrs. Ws J. Colclough of Wood- stock, formerly of Varna, who pas- sed away five years ago, Jan. 25th, 1921. . "Tis a tribute of love and rement.- ' brance To one we will never forget. Her absence to us is a sorrow, iter loss we shall always regret. 'Tis lonesome here • without you, Phebe There is such a vacant place, Where we never hear your footsteps Nor see your smiling face, As we loved you so we miss you, In our memory you are dear, Loved, remembered, longed for al- ways. Bringing many a silent tear. —Sadly missed by father and mother. Somewhere beyond the shadows Dwells a dear sweet sister of mine, Whom I looked on as a treasure, Whom I cherished as divine. But God called the one I loved a- way, Forget you, dear Plebe, no, I never will, As years roll on I miss you still. —Sister and Brother. Acccrding to Col. Drew, the greed of Hien may again plunge the world into a devastating war, even as the greed of roan in all ages has made. so difficult the task of helping the world into a better, way of living.' It is the greed of men which has made it difficult" in the past and makes it so difficult now to enact and enforce lands for the curtailment of the licuor traffic; it was the greed of ;nen which in the past made it difficult to enforce laws prohibiting the keeping •of slaves and the label: of little children; it is the greed of men which Makes possible the piling up of millions by some while others •cnly earn a barn 'pittance. Our soc- ial problems are called by many names but take out of them this maj- or cause, "GREED," and the others would be much easier of solution: PAGE S'. Clinton's New -Laid Egg Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Assoc ration,: Floral Designs Cut Flowers For All; Occasions SPECIAL; ATTENTION TO OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS Oar Greenhouse is as near as your phone. Chas. V. Cooke FL C iii I S T Phones: 66w and 06j Rido Cafe This • Cafe, recently remodelled and now under efficient management, is. a good place to get an appetizing meal, Come in and Try one and Prove it. Also Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Oho- colates, Etc. friend, Mr. and Mrs. Horner of Zurich are visiting with their son, Albert for a few days. Mrs. Albert I•Iorner has been on the sick list for a couple of weeks but we hope she will soon be around again. Mr. Fred MoClymont is wearing a pleasant smile these days as his wife presented him with a (baby girl. Miss Margaret Muter is spending the week with her sister in London. Mumps is the order of the day a- round Varna now. A number of the young people of the village attended the Library Euchre and Dance in Bayfield last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rider of Michi- gan are visiting with Me. Ed. Steph- enson of the Babylon line. We are sorry to report that Mrs. John McAsh, who has been under the weather for some time, is not improving as rapidly as her many friends would like. But eve hope she will son begin to mend. VARNA Mrs. W. J. Colclough and sons, sGlenn,of ood tock, Thompson and s p formerly of Varna, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. R.obt. Col- clough, coming up to see their hus- band and father, who has been here with his father for sone time and who is 'not enjoying good health and carne up to he near his doctor. 2/2r. Colclough 'has had a great deal of illness in his family the past few years. It is Mr. Colclough's inten- tion to move back here in the spring, he !having taken over the farm at the edge . of the village. again. •I'Tis friends :hope it will, be a good move r.` fo' him and will welcome the family to the village. Rev. Ilio'. Pointer, Mrs. Poulte:r and George motored to Detroit on Sat- urday to attend the funeral of .a Charlie Koo Proprietor. 53-c. ARRIVING SOON CAR OF( SHFi,LMAKER_ The great substitute for Oyster Shell` and . Grit. A MONEY SAVFoR PRICE OF CAR: By the Ton . $17:00 500 lb. lots, pee cwt. 90c By- the cwt. $1.00 TRY MOLASSINE MEAL English Make, For Stock We Handle OLD HICKORY SMOKED SALT • for curing H. W. Charlesworth. Flour and Feed. 54-tf CARD OF THANKS Mr. Melvin Crich and family wish to extend their sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for the kindness shown ,during Mrs. Crich's illness, in sending flowers, etc. Also to the superintendent and nursing staff at the Clinton Public Hospital, and to all who extended kindness and sympathy to them in their be- reavement. $50.00 Reward For the Gillette, Probak, or Velvet Edge blade that jiffy instructions fail to sharpen. They cost ,only 500 and last 'a lifetime. I had only one new package ,of blades last year. A Fleming, 54 Blantyre Ave., Toronto. 50-2. Position Wanted Young man wants position on fain or other work. Inquire at this office. 54-2-p. Agent For,'Mallotte Cream Separator and Separator Supplies, old machines any make, taken in exchange. F. H. Powell, R. R. No. 8, phone 607r4, Clinton.• 42-12. WANTED to BORROW $2000.00, Best security highest rate of interest APPLY DRAWER B Clinton And Poultry House • Eggs bought according to Derain - ion Government Egg . Regulations. Inquire for our prices of eggs. You will always find our prices par- allel with the city markets. ,Fat hens and well -finished chicks' always wanted—Prices good. Always pholte, our office for prices before marketing produce. N. W. Trewartha 55-2: S1 Valentine Supper Will be held in Wesley -Willis church hall, under auspices of the Girl's Club, on Tuesday evening, Feb. 16th. Supper from 5 to 7, Ad? mission, 40e. Man Want! Board' Board and room wanted by man who would appreciate a hone, Apply to Postoffiee box 276, 'Clinton, 55-1-p. MORTGAGE SALE 'OF FARM O PR PERTY (Subject to areserve bid) d ) At the Rattenbury Hotel, ;Clinton, on Wednesday, February 10th, 1932, at 2.00 p.m., the following land: The south half of Lot 29 in the Eighth Concession of the Township of Goderich, County of Huron, con- taining 40 acres more or less. This farm is all cleared clay, loam. soil, fences in goad condition, water- ed by good well. On the land 'issaid to 'be situate a frame cottage and frame barn. For further particulars and ton- clitions of sale apply to :George EI- I•ielt, Auctioneer, Clinton, or to F. 0, Betts, -Vendor's Solicitor, Huron & :Die Bldg., London, Ont. 55,2. Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w New Guitars For Sale New guitars, prices ranging from $8, up. Cases from $3.50 up. One lesson free with each guitar sold. Also new electric Stewart -Warner radios, $55.00 and up. H. A. Hovey, Clinton. - 55-tf. The Holiday Season Is over now and there is no need for hurry and rushing. You have plenty of leisure time to get that portrait or family group taken. Our work satisfies. Burgess Studio, Clinton and Mitchell. DONALD L. MACPHERSON ESTATE The residence of the above-named deceased, on Rattenbury Street," in the Town of Clinton, and being Lots E. and! F. Methodist Church Survey of Town Lots Numbers, 219, 220, 260 and 261, in the said Town is offered for sale by. tender, subject to cer- tain conditions, The tenders must be in the hands of W. Coats, elcecutor, Gcderich, On, tario, or the undersigned Solicitor on or before the 15th day of `Feb- ruary, A.D., 1932. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars and con- ditions apply to F. FINGLAND, Solicitor for the above Estate. 55-3. CAPI rA LTHEATRE Goderich, Phone 47 Northern Electric Sound System t Now Playing: Nancy Carroll in "PERSONAL MAID" MON.and TUES. CHIC SALE "The Specialist" heads a great cast in a dramatic sensation Walter Huston and Frances Stare are among the favorites in STAR WITNESS WED. and THURS. the show you have waited for! MARIE DRESSLER With WALLACE BEERY in the picture which won for her the photoplay gold medal •MIN and BILL" FRI. and SAT. '- Once in a while comes a truly great picture, such a picture as. Waterloo Bridge "Wherelonesome ladies stroll" Mae Clarke and Kent Douglas Coming: "Merely Mary Ann.." Mat. Mon, Wed., Sat., 3 p.m. Sawmill Will Run in Spring I will operate niy sawmill as usual the coming spring, doing custom sawing. J. Hutton, Londesboro. MORTGAGE • SALE Of Valuable Farm Property Under and by virtue of the pow- ers of eale contained. in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offer- ed for sale by public auction, sub- ject to a reserve • bid and other .condi- tions of sale; on Moi day, 15th day of February, A.D., 1032, at the hour of 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon at House) sham iT Din limon I n G ) The, •C Clinton, On'Eariro,ethe following pro, party, namely, Lot 26, Concession 1, Huron Road Survey, Township of Tuelcersmith., __ 54-2. • For Sale Cedar posts, end posts, telegraph and'hydro poles, also some dry hard- wood. Brown Stewart, Bayfield. Phone 6061.5, Clinton central. 53 -tie The said property is ideally situat- ed on the Provincial`HighWay and erected thereon are first class farm buildings. TERMS: Tent.- per cent. • of the Purchase money to be paid down' at the time •of the sale and balance to he paid within thirty. days. 1Tlor.:further particulars and condi- tions cf sale apply tothe undersign- ed Solicitor, George H. Elliott, Auctioneer•, 1'. Fingland, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor Tor the Mortgagee. 55.8, COAL, COKE, W. ALL ABOARD SUNSHINE SPECIAL!U 00D, CEMENT, Special, The Sunhin' s a Sp r , our "crack" train, leaves these yards every day for :points south._ And the Heat Folks who eon the train, take all the respon- sibility for a pleasant journey, All you have to worry about is getting on board. An order for teal from the Heat Folks' yard pays all your expenses and puts you on the train: Let's go! Call the OrtfeeFS FOR GOOD, CLEAN COAL J.B. Thistard Coal 0 PHONE 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO Your Babies Are Growing Up ' ' They won't be little long. And there will be no regrets if you keep a picture record of their childhood.' You should have new photographs of them now. Come in early in the day. Burgess Studios, Clinton and Mitchell. For Sale Hay and Cedar Posts. Choice second -cut alfalfa hay, also cedar posts and poles. Apply to Ernest Townshend, Phone 606r28. 52-tf. For Rent A small cottage, suitable for two, Convenient to post office. Apply to F. Fingland, Clinton. 50-tf. CLINTON FLOUR MILLS GROUND WHEAT We have a few tons of ground wheat feed, with bran 'oft out, mak- ing it extra heavy and geed for fate toning. Just the thing to mix with light oats. $1.20 per -100 lbs. NORTH STAR FLOUR Made entirely from No. 1 Hard Manitoba Wheat, and every bag guar- anteed $2.70 per 98 Ib. bag. JOHN SCHOENHALS Clinton. Phone 8. 53-2. C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs Phone 7 LOGS WANTED We will buy hard maple logs on grade at $25 per. 1000' down, accord- ing to grade, soft maple at 522.00 per 1000' and down, delivered at the old 1V111 yards, Clinton, formerly used by McEwen •Bros. Will Seale logs as early in the spring as possible before May l.st. Will also do custom sawing in spring, John Keeso and Son, J. H. Keeso, Listowel, Ont. 53-8-p. For Sale House in Clinton, Beech street. Frame house covered with asphalt shingles, in good condition, fire- place, town water, garden and fruit trees. Price reasonable. Apply to E. Y. Watt, Clinton. 27-tf. House For Sale or Rent Comfortable 8 -room house in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply ea George Cantelon, Rattenbury street, Clinton. Phone 272. 35-tf. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Donald L. Macpherson, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all parsons having claims against the estate of Donald; L. Macpherson, late of the town of Clinton, in the County of Huron esquire, deceased, who died on .0* about the 18th day of August, k.D., 1931, are reguired to deliver to William Coats, Goderich, Ontartio, s the executor of rice said .estate or to F. Fingland, Solicitor, an or before the 1st day of February, A,D., 1932, a full statement .of their claims to- gether with' particulars theeeef, and the nature of the securities if held by olein all duly verified by affidav- it. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said. last mentioned date the said 'Executor wile proceed to distribute the estate of the laid deceased a- m:angst tate persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall, have received elle notice and in accordance therewith. .DA.TED at Clinton, Ontario, this 12th day °crf `January A.D., 1982. 1'. FINGLAND, Clintion, Ontario, Solaiotdr for the said estate. 53-3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Alexander R. Mitchell, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having «aims against the estate of Alexander R. Mitchell, late of the town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, esquire, deceased; who died on or about the sixth day of December, A.D., 1931, are required to deliver to Albert R. Mitchell, the Executer of the said estate or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or before the 30th clay of January, A.D., 1932, a full statement • of their claims to, gather with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities if held by them ale duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said • last mentioned date the said Executor will proceed to distri- bute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereta having regard only to such claims as shall have received nue notice and in accordance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this lith day of January, A.D., 1932. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate. 53-3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ida Matilda Tebbutt, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the es- tate of Ida Matilde, Tebbutt; late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, spinster, .deceased, who died on or about the 17111 day of September A.D., 1981, are required to deliver to David Hood McNaugh- ton, one of the executors 02 bbe said estate or F. Fingtand, solicitor, an or.before the lst day of February, A.D., 1932, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the secur- ities if held by them ai 1 duly veri- fied by addidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the :exe- cutors will proceed to distribute the estate 'of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have received due notice and in ac- cordance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario. this 1211h day of January, A.D., 1932. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate. 53-3. Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w WANTED Fresh Eggs ;and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid. A. E. FINCH Phone 231. Implement Agent I handle Cockshutt implement' .and create separators, Frost •and Wood Implements and carry parte and repairs for same. I am also agent for Allis -Chat. mers Tractgrs. Those wishing to inquire abonil any of the above kindly call at ram residence. JOHN V. DIEHL Queen :Street, Clinton. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Raglan Rowland; Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Raglan Rowland, late of the town of •Clinton, in the .County of Huron, gentleman, deceased, who idled 01i or about the 22nd day of Novem- ber, A.D., 1931, are required to de- liver to W. H. Hellyar and Robert Welsh the executors of the , said es- tate, rettor, on or F. ]and �Sa. Pin gland, ri , t to pox , ag before the 8th • day of February A,D. 1932, a full -statement of their claims together with particulars thereof and the nature of the securities if held by them all duly verified by af- fidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned elate the said Executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased am- ongst the. persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith, DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 15th day of January, A.D., 1932.' F• FINGLAND, 'Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor, for the said estate. 54-3. AGENT FOR 81 -ti, ••••••,y MASSEY-HARRIS CO. SAWY'R AND MASSEY STABLE] AND BARN EQUIPMENT BEATTY WASHERS DE LAVAL SEPARATORS WIRE FENCINIG Prompt Attention to Repairing Phone 15w or 15e J. H. BRUNSDON E. G. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances I also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 5$w. 13-tf. Coal! Coke! &AI Wood! Genuine "Lehigh (Valley Anthra- cite Coal' of all sizes. Alberta Coal. Hamilton -made Coke as well as Am- erican, also Bitimlinus coal at my sheds, Queen St. Prompt and careful delivery. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer, Clinton, Queen St. Phone 256 CLOTHES DRY Cleaned & Pressed LADIES' Suits $1.50, Pleats extra extra Pleats Dresses —51.50 1 Suits, Pressed only 50c pui • , Pleats extra GENTLEMEN'S Suits, $1.50 Pants 750 Top Coats , . $1.50 Over Coats • . $1 75 Clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. W. J. JAGO If not open work may be left at Heatd's Barber Shop Ataummittemareimawatinaitsonsimosim