HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1932-01-21, Page 8rennelnillellEnallellake01111111111111110111111131919Weria.11111aMneen �. �% .�i ' } �P b#� �i� iGRI its,. '• PGE 8 eseasnmanniessaiernaminneviamanists CLINBON'S LEADING JEWELER, X STORE BUY A pruner Master-Bilt THE WATCH THAT ABSORBS :SHOCKS\ and say "FAREWELL' to Repair Hills :cod 'HELLO" to Watch Satisfaction. R. H. -JOHNSON Graduate of Tos nto College 'of Optometry Next Hovey's Drug store. Jeweller and Optician ""'"'.—==101020 0 010 xtra gid rdinar y 'slues HOLIDAY 'SEASON IS 'OVER "AND 'OUR STORE IS .BARGAINS IN ALL OUR LINES McCLARY'S RANGES, ]HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES BOTH AT MID -WINTER BARGAIN PRICES COOKING UTENSILS—AT A SACRIFICE - 0 WATCH OUR WINDOWS BUTTER & PERDUE E.. Hardware Furniture Funeral Directors Phone 147w oi=ior====o=or=====to Metalling Electric Wiring 11 11 Come i11 on Saturday See Us in Our New Stand, between Lobb's Grocery and Jackson's Shoe stars Albert street, on Saturday and after SAMA TEI-. P ONT;1 111-14.11!xpe 162 CONNE 11L, et A A NDALL " CLINTON'S TREADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street ter leaning Lees $15.00 to $18.00 LINES FOR $25.00 LINES FOR $35.00 LINES FOR 59.95 $14.95 $19.95 MEN'S FLANNEL SKIRTS - $1.29 and $1.39 BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS, Reg, to $14.00, to Clear at , . , , . , ,,$2,95 W;OMEN'S GALOSHES, broken lines to clear at 98e r ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR TO CLEAR AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES SEE OUR TABLES OF CLEARING LINES OT SHOES 7 AT' 49c, 98c AND $1,19 YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO INVESTIGATE THESE PRICKS alialsOmosa Plumsteel Bos. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. OFFICE MEN ATTENTION Now 'that the'. • yeer 1932 A.D. (after depression) is well under way office man -endeavour ' to get thein business •in order for ._ the coming year.' Our north 'Window doutains eveuy- thing the up -to -elate business man and mer•elr'ant .should have to con- duct 'his -transactions properly. We have a filing cabinet with drawer tliat will prove a• very useful article. It Lis .attractively bound t<ith a dark marble paper that is very servicea`ie. These are strong.,. ly made in 3 sizes, 3%"&%x15" at 30c, 4 1 -2"x01 -2"x15 at 36e and' 51=2 x8 1-2"x16" ' ar 40c each, 'The-follocijng suggestions may 'help the busy rnerchans to fill his needs at reasonable prices: TILING CASES BOARD FILES INDEX BOOBS DAY 'BOOKS ACCOUNT BOOTIE,' IOURNALS MINUTE BOOKS LEDGERS LOOSELEAF BOOKS WASTE PATER BASKETS SPONGE CUPS 7.ETTER & STAMP MOISTENERS PIN RACKS RUBBEIe STAMPS PERFORATORS • d Wie also have Wlaterman's and Car- tea's Tn'k in $ oz., 16 oz., and 32 oz. i battles made for use in offices. no WA. D. Fair Go. Often the Cheapest --Always the Best P ��II�...—.. „PEJJQ?N le L •:„lul,.„,t• ...� Mrs. Kyle spent a few days last week visiting her son at- Tappan, Mrs. J. Hunter• left on Saturday to spend rr couple of months with her self. at Alton, ill. Mils Hattie Baker •of Mitchell was the week -end guest of Miss Flor- ence Cuningharne. Miss Sadie Carter of Auburn visited over the week -end with leer aunt, Mrs. W. Cochrane, Mr. C. E. Bois returned last week after a lengthy visit with rela- tives in New York City. Misses Isabel and Alice Beattie of the Vogue left last Friday morn- ing for a visit at their 'home at Watford, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Manning and *Airs. A. J. 3ferrish spent a few days at the beginning of the 1 wstt!t will Tor'oii il'i£'±rd.6• Miss Zetta Eaw:len was in Blytli yesterday, attending the funeral of the late J. G. Etnigh, an old family friend, which took place yesterday. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Oriels of Pon- tiac, Mich., have been here this week; coming over to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Melvin Crich, which took place yesterday, Mr. James Jackson and Miss Rena Bradwin of Toronto, who were in Blyth attending the funeral of their grandfather, the Iate J. G.` Enrigh, yesterday afternoon, were guests .over night with Miss Zetta • Bawden, Miss Mary Irwin of Toronto, Mr. Suffield Irwin of Cabcurg, and Mr. Bert Murphy of Novtel Bay, who were here for the funeral of the late Mrs. John Irwin of Los Aire geles, Cal., on Friday last, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Stevensoe whiu'.e in town. Bread is Your Best Food EAT MORE 0h T'f • - VARIETY OF WHITE BREAD WITH A 'NEW — LA' %.1e. ALSO DELICIOUS.” WETO"L,7EP1',IiEATiiEai TRY . OUR TlItIPTI'NG PAST- lit Weri1 £ a'kero and 'O-si` eb4Ionerg Makers of "Whole V4'heat"'�o}.'t{Srud+flalle"gtd seeesseeeeneest • .0•41,•••• L »4DESBORO The W. M. S. of the United church met en Wednesday of Last week at the home of rip's, 3. Tante blyir with it cert attendance, The treastrr6, ill's. `C. Watson gave the finiialila,! report for the year past, Which was quite encouraging, their allocation being met with some to spare. Mrs. Watson spoke ofa let- ter she had received, from the Dis- trict treasurer, thanking this branch for sending in the rn.o!hey quarterly, which was appreciated. After the business' part was over, }yliich was. conducted +by tlia president, 1Vfrs, Johnson, .the meeting , 'was left in charge of Groupe1. A New Year hyinn Web sang and,NM'rs. J. C. Adams led -in prayerThe stevotional leaf- let Vas' road by Mrs. W. Brundson. fe. Johnsdh introduced the New Study Book. Mr•s. Tamblyn gave an inter;ctsting reading, "Missionary Mari",, 11irs. 3. Adams sang, "I W.oulci Not Live Without Thee If I Could," Mrs. Manning read a most interesting reading "Interpreting Malachi," several short prayers were offered' and the nreetidg• was closed with prayer by Mrs. Hoggart. Lunch was served by Group Ne. I and a few minutes was spent in social in- tercourse together. 14Ir. Vert Brundson and •.famil:v. have moved into the house formerly occupied by the Rate Mrs. Wim. Mc- TRURS., JAN. 21, 1992 du Dernos-fratjofl. Saturdaij, J Free Sampling of all Kinds of SOUPS, PORK AND BEANS, SPAGHETTI, COOKED MACARONI, ETC. DO NOT MISS THIS DEMONSTRATION Clinton Creamery Butter, lb. Pastry Flour Broken Sodas 2 lbs. 3 Clarkes' Pork and Beans, 3 Palmolive Soap, Aylmer Soup 3 for Rice, 3 lbs. - Saturday Tapioca, 2 pkgs. Princess Soap Flakes 24c 20c• 19c 25c 21c 25c 25c 25c 21c IMP dISINNI1119924111110111MEMENEINVESISIMMUIEZIMSDNIXIMer. DELIVERIES 9 and 11 a.ro. Where "SeIIs for Less" Price Prevails FRIGIDAIRE Salmon Trout, Filletts Finnan Haddie, Ib. Fresh Herring, doz. Fresh Picnic Hams, Smoked Hams, Ib. Fruit Basket Oranges, Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, each 25c 15c 15c 50c 12c 15c 55c 7c EtFour Lustre Cups and Saucers to the one with the Biggest ® Amount of Cash Coupons, starting Saturday for one week Lanus SPECIAL PRICE IN ALL HEINZ PRODUCTS DELIVERIES 2.30 and 5 p.m. W. T. 0' LCLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 *OW RI 41 I WWI I 0014011 WA I NO I I I "MO I 01 1041041 POW 011.40/1~40.061,4010~0.04 0410160 Cool. The Young People of the "Win Others" Sunday Schaal class ,of the United church met at the -home of Miss Alberta Snell recently when a very enjoyable time was spent 'in games after which the new offleers for the year were elected as follows: President: Miss Aberta SneIl. Vise; Harry Snell. Treasurer: Miss Gladys Mountain. Secretary: Miss 'Ruth Shaddiek, Mrs. Simpson McCall of near Brus- sels spent the' week -end with her sister, Mrs. Geo. McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. SfeVittie treat- ed about thirty of their friends to a goose supper last week. The W. I. are putting on a supper and concert in the eommunity Bali next Tuesday evening, January 26th. Mrs. (Rev.) .Forster hap returned from g two week's visit with Saville relatives, ' Mrs. Sampson McCall of near Brussels has returned after a plea- sant visit at the home ofMrs. -A. Vi"eel and Mrs. G. McCall. Mrs. Robert Well recently visited, the home of her mother, Mrs. Msrr- shah! near Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. John Melville spent last Tuesday in Seaforth. 11lr. and Mr's, Ben. Tyerman re- cently visited the home of Mrs. J, Tamblyn, Mrs. George McCall has returned after spending some time at the home of her father near Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, E. Adams were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Brigham last Sunday, • ';o r,- riyr JJciil Purpore ' E FROM "CONGRATULATIONS" TO "REGRETS" AND FROM "HELLOES" TO "GOOD- BYES" YOU CAN NOW FIN SEASON TULIPS, DAFFODILS AND VIOLETS Lame e • 51or-zst ,44R N110USE PHONEt7G` FLgWER.SHOP PHOME3i WAS A PIONEER IN SOCIAL SERVICE Dr. Peter H, Bryce, who died re- cently at sea, founded the Ontario Department of 'Health and was for many years chief medical officer of the Indian affairs department at Ottawa. He was ,one of the best known medical nen of his day and slid much for the developenient -of health in Canada. He was also deeply interested in all that was for the general good of the eomnron peo- ple. His name at the head of any committee appointed to enquire into socia,l conditions ensured than hu - inane rofernrs would be recommended. TIGHTENING UP ON OLD AGE PENSIONS Abases of Act Being Reduced To Nltninrum, Says W. G. Martin TORONTO, Jan, 10. --"Tightening up of the Old Age Pensions Act has been suggested to the Dominion Government by the Ontario depart - anent of public welfare," said Hon. W. G. Martin, minister of the depart - Ment, in an address here tonight. "Abuses -of the Pensions Act are rapidly being reduced to a minimum," said Mr. Martin. "We have canceled Pensions where we have found the 'recipients well able to get along without aid from the province . . The Mothers' Allowance Act is working smoothly and if there is a general tightening up of the Old Age Pensions Act I am sure it will resuc'.t in an equal smoothness of opera- tion and be the means of saving huge sums of money. Establishment of welfare units in the various counties of Ontario will be undertaken as soon an county wardens ere elected," he said. BUY Aladdin Lamps a 10 per cent Discount during Janurry 1 Electric Washer for Sale Cheap Easy Terms T llawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING. Phone 244 These Paces Will Convince You of Our Slogan WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIALS JANUARY 21st, 22nd AND 23rd. special, 8 lbs. for ..25e suuaa Suntoe0 og3 aoJ 'ski g lineectS wuta0 quo% oeZ ,Send ,tact nun' uuums Inter. Toilet Paper, 3 Tells 25c Benson Corn Stara, pkg. .120 Silver Glass Sternh, pkg. ..13c McCormiek Fig Biscuit, lb, 17e Mille, the aluminum cleaner, 2 for 25e Beehive Corn Syrup, 2's .,17c Beehive Com Syrup, 6's —36e 36e Royal York Tea, 1-2 lb. 2$c Royal York Tea, lb. 55c FRUITS AND Oranges, per doz. ..290 & 39e Grape Fruit, 6 for 26e Bananas, per dozen 36c 'Infant Delight Soap per cake . ...... ,..5c Clark's Pork. and Beans 3 this ler 21c', Easifirst Shortening 2 lbs. for 23e MEAT SPECIALS Fresh Pincie Hams, ib, .. Fresh Sausage, per lb. ....19c Weiners, per lb, 19e Breakfast Bacon, lb. 19e FISH Fresh Salmon, per Ib. ..,.16c Smoked Filletts, lb. 18e Smelted Middle, Ib16e VEGETABLES Celery, per bunch 25e Head Lettuce, Tomatoes Parsnips and Carrots J. T .MCKN IGHT & SON Re t We are offering some very unusual values In Men's Tailored Suits in all the latest weaves and Workmanship_ Guaranteed. The mark of quality is evident in our suits, and the prices are astoundingly low. Values such as have not been offered in Real Tailored Suits before. DAVIS & HERMAN AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAPORTS( 'Music Hath Charm" Hear the Huronia Male Chorus In their programme of Vocal and Instrumental Music in Clinton Presbyterian Church Thursday, January -25 at 8 p.m. under auspices of Ladies' Auxiliary Adults, 35c,' Children, 12 yrs. and under, 16e. COM ALL 63 2= Pec 11 .Roll FOR AFTERNOON TEA, MIDNIGHT LUNCHES OR (BREAKFAST THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL. Chocolate Dream Something naw in the Cneain:Lino.. Try us' when you want candy, -for your next Bridge Party. We.• carry a ihig assortment. Made by BARTLIFF & CRIC I Makers of Dainty -Maid Bread an -Cakes. Phone, 1. Clinton