The Clinton News Record, 1932-01-21, Page 2AE` 2
Clinton • News=Record
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Proprietor. Editor.
TIIYTIpdS., JAN,,, 21, 1932
rill ?,,.
,,.,,..�.=01:2O=— OgaO�OC[r) foot the verdict (one particle if you Antigua had Fir New
�OC9lOf%l�0t f L*
{ two 'came ant And have the dimtai•
THE youshould have eaten two -or three
: should v
World Slum
O hrnns abo.
'`h C
r i
e Y
t ' Da ud Orme_1�'. �li��� ..,"Phehti(;•arll'beuy.ol v 1Ul
+' as he walked firmly to the witness' 177th Century. , Columbus,
STORY OF A MISSING 'ACTRESS chair had its immediate effect en the Savages, New' Stamps
WITS TO EXPLAIN HER FATE.courtroom.. Despite the commonplace
or Modern dress and surroundings,
W •his free might ' have served as model Historical echoes of a'<depressio•n'
® lox painting of.a tortured god- which "hit" .the little oval, island of.
h BY NANCY BARR MAVITY t the, aint'
Orpheus torn by the nymphs ,or Pro -
0=0====0=0)... -------(0=01===0=0)
SYNOPSIS ted from Jealousy,ange.,
A general Banking Business
transacted. Notes Discount-
ecl• Drafts Issued. Interest
Allowed on Deposits: Sale
Notes Purchased.
H. T. RANCE . '
Notary Public, Conveyancer
Financial, Real Estate and Fire In-
surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire
Insurance Companies.
Division Court Office. Clinton.
fear or nnetheus drained to rock.
greed. And yet:tlhere was the woman;
took a.haamnrer to her husband
e e did not want her .to go to
a bridge: party. A. patient not long
ago oamne' to me suffering from what
ee, call a oompulson neur-csiis. He
tokill his wife because -tor
Piper a IIerald reporter. years tshe shad sipped hen coffee and- newspaper men in their .numbered'
When WA's. Kane, Sheila's maid; is illy frioni a,spgoln Perhaps if one seats to inconsequence, even.taweiri
arrested she 'admits that Ellsworth of us .had had too listen to that sound ness• Whatever else he might,be,
married Sheila under threat of preach for 20 years,. we'd be in dined to call
The carved imnobiity with which
D E1lsworth's wife, f�cnmeu'.;v ac- write be had sat day after day beside the.
tress Slieila,O'Shay, disappears, Er.
h 'sheriff had •given place to.a controlled
Cavanaugh, criminal psychologist, r- but vibrating tension. That face,
dentifies a charmed body 'found in.
with its "'hollowed temples and•'sunken •
the tule marsh as that of Sheila.
Barbara, his 'daughter,- faints when
eyes, scartehow relegated .the juror{s;,
s corer -sed by •the homicidal im-
the gdtoupof coart officials in their
him tell this to Peter ulse 20 nailed emellosure ;and the rows of
she heairep
Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
,Suecesser to W. Brydono, K.C.
Sloan Block — Clinton, Ont.
Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Commissioner, etc.
David Or+ine was not a sordid erimin,
ort . 'promise. A the tening 'note it justifiable atomics le.
" a].
sigvrti+d "David Orme" e" . found in, the Before he had opened his lips ex -
murdered trails "At any rate," 'Graham interau;pt-: vur • an opened
it inaudible:
murdered asresi's safe.<i . teattmou eept to -m urn
Orme and arrests shim. Ferber- sees erl irritably, today s y i response. to the oath, the ream was
Barbara destroy a jewelled repro of Uataugiut out a perfectly good, reclag attuned to strangeness. A Shiver cif
Sheila's and when she refuses to talk sizable motive—two of them, in fact
othin n d,.
ex g
"1 Mrs. E
Orme to kill r Or
an realizes she is protecting e� for not seen,`bu4 felt Hulce bhe blowing .of
one, At Orme's triad Mrs. Kane It might have been jealousy, 'ancl it i o wind --ripped across the press
states that Orme is •Slreala's real lrrrs- • might have been revenchopage: Yse, aww i The and women in th'e
band, as he had not been divorced. nay call shim a. psyehopathie caret' jury box mensed they legs, ceased
Dr. Cavanaugh reviews the ease. doctor, but these are goring to loo !fiddling
with hand -bags,. and Weaned
like mighty sane :human motives to fiddli y .foiwvard.
the Jury.' U Grarisin viewed his witness with
«Pealchopathic or not," Dr. Cavan- some trepidation, he concealed his
augthasserited. "Oteue is not the , unassiness under a manner of firm
and eonfiillsmt friendliness.
"Will you just tel the jury in your
awn way the circumsttance% m. which
you first became -acquainted with the
lady known as Sheila O'Shay. ,
"I was a member of the orchestra,
in the theatre where Sheila Ives danc-
ing." There was not the slightest
c.omeession to the fnrmaulity of a court
proceeding -in Ormeis manner. His
veiee was nc;t raised in the conscious-
ness -c•" addressing an audience,
than that. They've almost got into neithe'• did it sink to the embarrassed
bhe habit of ,believing use." mus:ole of stage flight. It was low,
"You've examined him, - doctorr but carried wtith, perfect clearness to
the farthe:.tearner of the courtroom
What ;d'd you. eel •out :of him? Peter's
Antigua,as early as the 17th century
are heard in the British colony's re-
cital of plans to celebrate in the
Office over J. E. Hovey's Drug Stere
CHAPTEP. XLII-(Cont'cl•.)
"That gives you a certain rather
impressive .sincerity," -Dr. Cavanaugh
said blandly, "but it may not weigh type of personality to be moved' pow-
Iseavily with, the jury. Juries are enfully by either of those two par-
likelly to have a general idea that tleular emotions. If he did kill her,
lawyers sea an unscrupulous lcit. It'•s t it was for 'some other reason."
partly, because legal procedure 1 "Well, just try to convince the, jury
scams to thein a very elaborate game ghat; regardless of motive and .c�ppor•,
whose rules are too complicated for 1 tunity, he simply 'hasn't the'Tight
lhoin to understand—and 'human na- I kind of fa,:e ti ir it'" Graham snort -
tore has a way of being suspicious of ed.-
what is beyond its comprehension. I rI will. mw 1od. I will." Dr, Davao_
"Whatever makes people 111 at ease: augh said c:heerfuliy. "I've cony -Inc -
is likely to make them hostile. The ed juries of much queerer things
average man would assume you to be
an honest'person, my dear Graham.
You have an open countenance, if I
may say so—not at all the sent of
KNEW HIS. MEN , knowledge the aid of the foreign
press associations and foreign eorr•e+
loco :were digging a ditch in a wet,
sticky soil that was in danger of
Young Foreman (shouting) —("All
The men were out of the ditch like
o flash,
ii'ocem.'an '(Isbouting-)—"Alli in!"
The inen tumbled ibach into the
ditch, thinking that the call had been f
sponclients in London' in distribution
of information about Britain. Ile al-
so said he lioped'the 'volume of Bri
tish news to South America would be
Though all .of the British West
a false .alarm, out!"
Indies colonies are very English in
Foreman- (shouting)— A811 `oi>t• their laws,, Trinidad and the oo rain -
Out tumbled tho men: ental colony of British Guiana sur -
Foreman (shouting)—` All .in?" prise many arrivals by the Oriental
And they disappeared onceagainin elements which are to be found
autumn of 1932 the three hundredth the ,ditch, grumbling a little.there
t - •this business the • workmen became ' service from
of the is.and what National Steamships
angry and asked. the fo.em:an Halifax and Boston was even dream -
The Aniiguan slump of about 1640 he meant by it. legislators decided that'immi-
lestthere ed of,
was due to roiuetensron r One Workman .'(dexnan ng) = gration-from East India would be a
an ,over production of tobacco, the ,
growth of which had just become a
flourishing industry. Tobacco grow-
ing died ignominiously as a result.
Sidelights of 1 Antigua's history,
bringing the reader up to the pre-
sent day of fine Canadian National
liners and'freighters which visit the
island, are full of interest.Far in-
stance, Columbus, far from being. a Yulo'd think a yuan who was rich
lone explorer, had with him 1,500 enough to quit work at 3 o'clock and 1 be found in Trinidad. It has the
settle when lie made his second cruise .play -golf all afternoon would be hap form of a tiny temple of Buddhism.
to the West Indies and discovered py, but golf seems to' take all the joy
half -a -d zea. repetitions of
Columbus's discovery After o p Lon before
the resent
aiinveisary of Cg b p
What's the game? There's no wa and thing for these colonies, To
ter coming and there's no sign of a his day the Eastern peoples -have
cavein." • l retained their . individuality, while
Foreman (smiiling)—"I know there' mingling with native colored people
isn't, but I find that you fellows take I and the dominating element of Bri-
out more dint on your boots than you
do on•your shovels.
tish whites.
A striking; and remarkable ex-
afhple of the survival of the East
transplanted in the New World is to
person who would mirapresent - e(
value of stack, for example, cm cheat I chair was 'owe again peised at it's <q played--" his lips twisted sar-
at a bridge game. And yet, because 1 precarious angle. d io coily as if forced to admit the
you are a lawyer, they will suspect "As to the actual events, no more point of a rather cruel praeticell joke
ytau of working a magic haws -Peens than you already know. You are in —"1 played the sandpaper. Rubbed
to try to throw dust in their eyes, 0.5 good position bo judge as I am. sheets 'of sandpaper together you
even if you know your elienl•t to be
The three risen were gathered for
en evening conference in the office
of the defence attorney, at Graham's
request. The young lawyer's round,
cherubic face seemed to have kat
sone of its roseate clvubbhiess• There
were puffy circles cf fatigue under
hs eyes, and his mouth sagged in a
discouraged droop. Peter's long face
looked even longer than usual„ and
his check -hones stood out sharply..
His brows were drawn together in
an anxious frown, that frown' had be -
aline so habitual cif irate that it had
etched two lines lin parallel groves
Office Hours: -'1.30 to 3.30 p.m., above his eyes:
3.30 to 8.00 p.m. Sundays, 12:30 to
1.80 pm.
Other hours by appointment only.
Office and Residence - Victoria St,
Antigua. Lack of water there thwar- out of life for mos nren.
ted a later attempt on the part of
one d'Esnauibuc, French privateer
captain to 'settle the island. Eng-
lishmen later teak root there under .
Captain Edward Warner, in 1632.
Savages abducted the wife and chit'.-
dren of an early Antiguan Governor.
Antigua's area is only 108 square
miles and her population only 30,000.
The island. is of volcanic, sedimentary
and coral origin, which is an unusual
.Ncavv andstriking postage stamps
will nark the •Tercentenary and give
interest to philatelists everywhere.
One stamp will show Admiral Nel-
son's cld dockyard; another will de-
pict the very old Antigu Government
House; another Nelson's ship at
anchor; another designed by a wo-
man- shows the ship of Sir Thomas
Warner and another the Arches of
Notary Public, Conveyancer
General Insurance, including Fire
`Hind, Sickness and Accident, Arta
mobile. Huron and Erie Mortgage
Corporation and Canada Trust Bonds
Box 127, Clinton, P.O. Telephone 57.
Office and Residence:
Ontario Street — Clinton, Ont,
One door west of Anglican Church
Phone 172
eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted
Office and Residence:
Huron Street — Clinton, Ont.
Phone 60 •
(Formerly occupied by the late Dr
C. W. Thompson)
Eyes Examined.. and Glasses Fitted
Office over Canadian National , Ex-
press, Clintgn, Ont.
Phone 21
ai d'a van think?"1 t called n jazz
I .t
"Maud doesn't impress me as a
woman who would die fora cause."
know. It was w'ra is "No. but there is nia doubt about
11rchewtra. I may be allowed
No natter how bad you aim, when
you throw bouquets at a man they al
ways bit the right spot.
"I 'hcme itPy don't know, Peter o
curd slowly. ``I've seen a good many ..____ - ... • . _ ..
nsurderens, but I've never seen one concert violinist. I was what is —
•like him. Circumstantially, it's al, sotnetiines called an infant prodigy—
raving case; but circumstances take -(To bee .ontinued .
funny quirks, sometimes."
h wngnesst to' dye' for effect"
1 to explain ibat I was trained to be a ,
In a recent address before the
Travel Association the Prince of
Welles urged the nation to tell the
world that Great Britain "is still a-
live" and able to take advantage of
the most modern methods of adver-
"Too little is known abroad of
what Britain and Ireland have to
offer," he prince said, "while there
is too much talk of financial and
industrial difficulties which we in
common with every other country,
are suffering."
"If we always stay at home and
try to eke out a livelihood by taking
in each other's washing, I ant afraid
it will be a precarious livelihood for
the whole world."
The Prince said he desired to ac -
Joseph Fei;ber, who was sentenced
to ten months in Lethbridge jail on a
Charge of being a member of an un-
lawful assembly, in connection with
a disturbanee in Calgary, Tune 29
last, is on his way back to England.
He served less than a month in jail.
He was deported under the conditions
of an order made two years ago in
Ontari4o for communist activities, and
left Canadian shores Dec. 28, six days
after having been reproved from
Lethbridge jail. It is be'.ieved that
other prominent communist agitators
may follow soon. — , Wetaskiwin
(Alta.) Times.
"Well, T -don't believe • he did itl"
Graham a abbed at the blotter so vi-
t'iously that the pen stood erect and
quivering. "A guilty 10013 would
either try to get out of it or throw up
the game. But that's no evidence.
re it weren't for that :belief, I'd never
have kept on with 'tth.e case. not even
n rt you, Peter. He's obs' 1utely no
help. He's adopted an attitude of—
r.f passive non-eo-operation. And if
you'd ever had to client' like that. T
guess you'd get a few homicide im-
pu`ses yourself.
:Since .the adjournment of curt at
half past five, Peter bad gone back
to the office and written his lead fry:•
the next morning's city edition and
bads topped only for a cup of coffee
en his way to the lawyer's 'office.
"You're wearing yourself out to no
Purpose," Dr. Cavanaugh's calm auth-
ority had its effect. Graham pluck -
Gr Own hail cense directly from the I ed the pen out of the blotter and
i:ourthouse; the calfbound books loaned hook in hischair: "You leave
marked with slips of blue paper which ; the evidence to me. That's what I'in
e rowed the desk, and the pyramid of here foe,"
ashes in the brass bowl at his elbow 1 "Is Orme going to take t?te stand?"
indicated that he had taken no time Peter inquired, '
for dinner. Dr: Cavanaugh had
stopped down town for an early and
leisurely repast. Of the three, he a-
Dcne showed no sign of perturbation.
"You know." Peter brought the
front legs of his chair to the floanr'with
o thump," I believe Ellsworth and
the Kiane wtconan• were telling the ab-
solute truth, queer as their stories
Electra Therapist Masseur
Office: Huron St, (Few' doors west
of Royal Bank),
Hours—Tues., Thurs. and Sat., . al
day. Other hours 'ey appointment
Reneall Office—Mon., Wed. and Fri
forenoons. Seaforth Office --Mon.,
Wed.' and Friday afternoons. Phone
!Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron
Correspondence promptly answered.
Immediate arrangements canbe made
for Sales Date at The News -Record.
Clinton, or by calling phone 103.
Charges Moderate , and Satisfactior.
Doings the Scout
First place among 250 competitors
for 20 air service apprenticeships
was won liy a 15 year old Scout, a
Patrol Leader, of Coventry, England.
"He stays he is, and I t'ap'e very
well stop him. But I haven't a
ghost of an idea what he's going to
ray. "That's a pleasant position for
a man's lawyer to be in isn't ,it? I
suppose if he's as cracked as Dr.
Oavanaugh says he is, ho nright -say
almost anything."
"I didn't gray he was -as 'cracked' as
"Their testimony was a good deal all that," Dry. Cavanaugh corrected
worse than queer," Graham said mildly. "I haven't a notion in the
gloomily; "it was deva sting.' A•nd world but that he'll tell. the truth.
yet, when you Igo ever it in sold Perhaps that's what he's afraid you'll
blrold, dislike. cf publicity and fear argue him out of, if he letsyou
o- eoandall—especially somebody know about beforehand."
else's sca.ndai—+sound like mighty "Look here, doctors" Graham half
feeble motives for trying to cover up rose; his face flushing angrily. •
the facets of a murder."Just a moment;' the -doter waved
"That's the trouble with motives." thin hack with a placating gesture.
The &oter .examined his cigar with
"Osseo may have the idea that the'
Scouts Thanked in Parliament
The Boy Scouts of England were
thanked in the House of Commons by
the Secretary for the Dominions, the
Han; J, H. Thomas, for valuable ser-
vice rendered in oomieetion with the
"Buy British" campaign of the Eon.
pire Marketing Board.
Trains will' arrive at and depart from
Clinton as follows:
Buffalo and Goderich Div.
Going Eas-t„depart 6.58 ams
Going East depart 8.05 p.m
Going West, depart 11.55 ii.m.
« ” " 9.44 pan,
Loudon, Huron & Bruce
lining South. 3.08 P.M
Going North 11,58 a n'.
calm detachment before lighting it.
"The strangest ofthere so often 'dio.
seem feeble --Ito . the other fellow.
There's the familiar notion, for in-
stance, that all murders are commit -
Fire Insurance . Company
Bead Office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, 1. Bennewies, Brodhag••
en, vice-president, James Connelly,,
Goderich. See. -treasurer, D. F. Mc-
c Gregor, Seaforth.
Directors: .James Evans Beech-
wood; James Shouldiee, Walton; Wnt•
Knox, Londesborq; loin. Ferris, I-Tul-
lett; John Pepper, Brucefield; A
l roadfoot, Seaforth; 0. F. McCart—
ney, Seafotth.
Agents: W. J. Yeo, R.R. `No. 4
Clinton; Jahn *array, .Seaforth;
James- Watt, Blyth; Ed. Finchley.
Any money to he paid may be paid
to the Royal Bank. Clinton; Batik of
Commerce, Seaforth, nr at Calvin;
Cutt's Grocery, Goderich,
Parties desiring to effect instar-
Mice 10 transacts•other bnainesC hill
be promptly ' attended to ' on applies
tiic,n to any :of the above officers
addressed to their respective post of-
fices. Losses inspected by the'direc-
tor who livesnearest the scene;
Flags For 8tli Jerusalem Scout Group
A gift •af Scout flags was sent by
the 4th Melton Scout Group of Leic-
estershire, to the 8th Jerusalem
Group. Several Canadian Scouting
units !have exchanged gifts of flags
With Scout mutes in other countries.
truth will mot sound convincing.
And since it is your job to be eon-
vincing you might not took ver y•:t1av-
orrably upon than particular brand of
truth. It might need a gonddeal of
vaa'nishing It is. just passible that
Ormeis h`i'ding with all,10, stye ng
orf will tie his purpose of telling exact-
ly what rbe ]claws•—and tbi"F• he is
afraid ho night weaken under our
combined ,per's'uasion if he gave its the
,$rance to argue with him 14Tind you.
I know no More about it than von dor
But there is ,nothing more stubborn
than •an 'unstable peiresonality, set on
combatting its own instability.".
"Well,. I've done my, best to keep
him 'off .the stand," Graham. said
wearily. "You remain our one white
hope, doctor. I was .afraid even Yarn
would slide out -from under, after to-
day's testroMy."
"Neither Ellsworth nor Mrs. Kane'
could possibly after the facts relative
to David Orme", D•o. awl:v.0are'h said
"I am willing to stake my profession-
al, reputation on that. In tact, I am
hereby• wagering a nickel"—•and he.
r^'ocluced the coin and balanced it on
the tip of his: finger; "that I •stha,ll ao-
More Scouts Down Under
Sir Kelso Kung, Chairman of the
New South Wales branch of the
Boy Sdctuts Association, attributes a
very substantial increase in the
number of Australian Scouts during
1931 to the visit .of Lord and Lady
Broden -Powell.
A Major First Aid Test
- A mode; ;cycle accident at a coun-
try erossroeds in which two girls
suffered broken legs brought an un-
identified' English 'Bay Scout a major
test of this training. He acted inaned-
lately and gave effective first aid
with improvised splints and ban-
Famous Admiral le Boy's Work
A dnnral of the Elect. . Sir Roger
Keyes, famous for ids services daring
the Great War, especdally inConnec-
tion with the. operations against'
Zeebrugge on St. George's Day, 1918,
has become Assistant County Com-
missioner for Sea Semite 1rt Buck-
A Sleigh Drve In August
A sleighdrive in August, for . the.
enjoyment of Empress Maria Ther-
esa, mother of the unfoobauo'ate Mar-'
ie Antoinette, is one of the historic
incidents related in connection.
with the estate :at Gcliollo, Tlun-.
c'.gryrti `site 'of .the next year's 5th
World Boy Scout Jamboree, The.
quit David Orme. And it won't ef- now area salt.
Rev, F. W. Schaffter, rector of the
Anglican church at Wingham, has
been appointed to the rectorship of
St. Jude's Anglican church, Brant-
ford, succeeding Rev. Canon C. E.
Deakins, who has heel named rector
of the church of St. John the Evan-
belist, London.
The Clinton News -Record
Should be a regular visitor in the
homes of, not only Clinton,
but of all the surround-
ing community.
It carries the news of Clinton and
community as no other can
If only one paper is taken, The
News -Record is the one to have
if a daily is taken, The News -
Record is also needed tor
Local News .
$2.00 will bring this paper to
your home -
52 Tunes During the Year
Call or send in your subscription
price. We'll do the rest.
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