HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-12-27, Page 8AGE CLINTON NEWS RECORD THDRSD!4Y, motkiitit,', 27, 9 45 To our many FRIENDS and PATRONS we extend to, you BEST WISHES and A VERY. PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR McI:WANf S OFTEN THE CHEAPEST—ALWAYS THE BEST a/ SHOP at SHEARING'S for your HOLIDAY FOODS SEASO'N'S GREETINGS TO THOSE CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE GLVENUS THEIR LOYAL PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST YEAR,. WE''EXTE'ND OUR THANKS AND OUR SINCERE AND HEIARTY WISHES; FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TOMATOES CELERY LETTUCE RADISHES LEMONS YAMS TEXAS SEEDLESS 112's GRAPEFRUIT 4 - 25c CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES doz. 35c -75c GRAPES TURNIPS CARROTS PARSNIPS CABBAGE GREEN BEANS SHEARING'S FOR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY Phone 48, Free Delivery Clinton For The Sportsman - Shotgun Shells Hoppe's No. 9's Hoppe's Gun Cleaning Packs Game Bird Calls , Wrist Compasses Ski Waxes, Harness, Poles and Accessories Snow Shoes Pack Sacks. Outboard Motors Badminton Racquets Photopaks (modern snapshot album) Radio Batteries Bicycle Accessories Heatabs with Vest Pocket Stove Sportsmen's Books WISHING ALL OUR CUSTOMERS THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON EPPS SPORT SHOP Headquarters For All Sporting Goods DAVIS iSc HERMAN CUSTOM TAILORS - Be Measured by a Tailor BROW AL -MO Say you saw it in The CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. r * Ltems' of a personalnature are appreciated by The NEWS-RECORDi: phone 4. Clinton'Lodge. A.F. and A.I.rTo: 84 is holding a ;regular 'Meeting, on St. John's Night tonight. • Clinton Post''Office remained clos- ed all day Christmas Day, and: also' will be closed all day New Year's, The ° best acid cheapest Salesman anyone could employ is • a •NEWS- REGOftD Classified •Adlet; one cent a word, or 25 -cent minimum charge. * 5 5 Friday last, December 21, was the shortest day of the year. From now on, the days will gradually get longer and the nights shorter until June 21 is reached. * * :k Under the direction of Mrs. May Rance MacKinnon, children of the Public School sang' Christina's carols in front of the Post Office Monday afternoon, * :* * Clinton Collegiate Institute ' and, Public School close'," for; the Christ- mas vacation on Friday wird will re- open January 3. The Public School concert will be held sometime in. January. • * S :1, The 'Christmas issue of "The Broad- caster," by the Students' Council of Clinton Collegiate Institute, was a very creditable number. Miss Marg- aret C'olquhoun being the Editor. It was published by CLINTON NEWS - RECORD. A jolly .pre -Christmas dance was held in the Town Hall Friday even- ing last when Bert Worth and his GKNX Ambassadors supplied the music, with vocals by Betty Duquette a feature. There was a good attend- ance despite the unfavourable weath- er conditions. The Management and Staff (desire to express our sincere, thanks and appreciation for the kind consideration ex-, itended to us during the past )rear and to extend our Best Wishes for Health and Pros- perity during the coming year. FLETCHER TOWNSEND, ELWIN MERRILL ORVAL LOBB Orval Lebb 'RUCKERSMITH • URGES, dOUNTY TAKE OVEE R. AND,C.- S.' TIOSPIT4.L T'uckel;sinith Townships •Council held its,flnal'meeting for 1945 in the Town Hall; Seaforth, on Saturday, Decent - . at 2 p.m., with all members Present and 'the, Reeve presiding. Dr. E. A. McMaster, Seaforth, was appointed permanently' Iby by-law to the . office of Medical Officer of Health for the Township. John Earle. Was ` appointed Sanitay'y'Inspector and Truant Officer for' 1946. and Alex. Bellies was employed` to snow plow township roads -at the 'rate of-$4'per 'hour. W. S:"Broadfbot, weed inspec- tor, presented his report which was adopted as read and his salary and mileage of. $40.20 was paid. Tuckersmith . one Tele hwas paid Telephone $5,695.59, telephone assessments and long distance tolls collected, and :Ntc Killop Telephone ',System was paid $88 assessments. A grant of $10 was given to Brnce- field Library, and by-law No. 19 in regard to authorization . of street lighting in the- Village of Brucefield, was given its: first and second read- ings. In this eonnection a meeting will be arranged in Brucefield in the. near future at which. ratepayers with- in the area described for lighting, will be given the opportunity to with- draw or add,;their names to the pet- ition for said lighting. Seaforth Lions Club was given 'a grant of $25, and the Town of Sea - forth was ,paid •$30 rent of Council fees, Room and, $25 for Division Court The clerk was instructed to for- ward a letter to the County recom- mending that Clinton Radar and Communications School Hospital School Hospital be secured, if pos- sible, as a convalescent hospital for` the County, Dr. E. A. McMVlaster presented his report as Medical Officer of Health which was adopted as read, and he was paid his salary of $100 and in- oculation expenses of $36.81. -.The clerk also was instructed to forward a letter of sympathy to Mrs. Matthew Clark, Dashwood, on the death of her husband who was a Councillor in the Township of Tuckersmith for a num- ber of years. A by-law setting time and place for nomination was given its required readings and passed. County of Huron: was paid County rates for L945 . amounting to $16,157.02. Other accountspassed were as follows: Rebate dog tax er- rors, $18; postage . and telephone, $28.60; births, marriages and deaths registration, $8.25; stationery and printing, $42.44; Voters' Lists, print- ing; $85; roads account, $495.87; schools, 89,189,31. After. the meeting, Council and of - Ri1eg's GROCERY Where 'Qualify Sells & Service Tells 1 St afon$ Preeting NCI RILEY'S GROCERY PHONE 39 Season's greetings FROM MERRILL Radio and Electric Radio and Electrical Appliance' Repairing KING ST. CLINTON BITU PFIELI HULLETT COUNCIL AT FINAL MEETING Mr. and lii•s. T. N. Forsyth PASSE S°'A CCOUNTS Hark Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs.Cecil Dilling, Miss Alice Mustard, Margaret Aikenhead, Inc and Ella May Scott, Olive Har- rison, • Margaret - Henry, London;; Louise ,Allan, Hamilton;' Miss Marg' aret McGregor, 'Toronto; Miss Kate McGregor; Winghan; have been visit- ing at their friends around Brucefield for the 'Christmas holiday,' Miss Betty Allan, Stratford Normal School,'iS visiting with her parents, Mr. and, Mrs, 'Robert Allan; and will be engaged 'in' practice .teaching at S S. No; 2 Tuckersrnith','after the holidaq 1 . Concert Well Attended 1,` Concert at Nos 10 Stan- ley,, was well attended, the school house being well filled. The concert was a,very fine one, and great credit is due Miss MVleOlenaghan, the child- ren, and the music teacher, Mrs. E. Wendell for their splendid "perfor- mance, The Sunday School concert was also well attended and a voluntary collec- tion of over $60 was received. The officers were very grateful forthe gracious response to their appeal for funds. The superintendent, Mr. Wat- son, requested very earnestly more help as teachers are badly needed. Interest in. Election In view of the coming municipal election and the inauguration of a larger school area, much interest is being manifested by the ratepayers of this district. Christmas Services The Sunday services at the United Church were well attended and were both of a very high order. Rev. 0. F. N. Atkinson gave a splendid ad- dress in the morning on the topic, "No Room in the Lrn." The choir pro- vided very fine special music at the morning service and in the evening they gave a splendid cantatta under the leadership of Mrs. John Murdock, and the younger boys and girls as- sisted. STANLEY Miss Barbara Graham, Waterloo, spent Christmas at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pepper, Niagara Falls, visited over the week-, end at the home of Mr. John E. Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Taylor and two children, and Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Taylor, visited their mother, Mrs. J. Tayldr at Forest on Sunday. HENSALL 1111.1. Phones From'England Mrs. Harry Horton ,Hensall, receiv- ed a real present on Christmas Day, when her brother, J. W. Page, Heston, Middlesed, England, whom she has not seen for 26 years, telephoned her from England. L. O. L. Elects Officers Members of L.O.L. 733, Hensall, held its regular annual meeting and elected the following officers for the coming year: W.M., Earl Campbell; ?7epu.ty, M. Nelson Pfaff; Chaplain, John Henderson; financial secretary, Len Purdy; , treasurer, James Petty; Marshall, Ross Green; lecturers, Louis •Clark Sr., Albert Geddes; committee, William Green, Wilbur Dilling, Nor- man Ferguson, Bruce Armstrong, William Welsh, James Parkins. ficials were entertained to a banquet at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, by Reeve Arthur Nicholson. A short pro- gram was enjoyed which included musical numbers and recitations by Walker Hart, Seaforth; .speeches by Councillors and officials. Earl Van- E'gmond acted as pianist for the even- ing. Season's Greetings The. regular meeting : of ; Hullett Township Council was held Saturday, December 15, in the Community Hall. Londesboro, the Reeve and all mem- bers of,Council being present. A letter was read from the . Clerk Fofiled. Petrolia, re taxation for veterans. A request from Clarence Crawford for permission to erect "Cattle Cros- sing" signs on the 13th concession was made. On motion of J. Ira Rap - 'I son and George C. Brown, Clarence Crawford was granted permission to erect "Cattle Grossing" signs on con- cessions 12 and 13. lot 30. Rapson-Dale—,That : the accounts'. be paid. Carried. Rapson -Jewitt— That we do now adjourn. n Carried.' Accounts—;George Radford, Pollard drain,, $2,500;• Ken. Whitmore, en- velopes and statements, $60; Blyth Telephone •System, $2,930.50; Brus- sels, Morris and Grey Telephone System, $10; Tuckersmith Telephone System, $335.13; McKillop Telephone System, $11902.60; County of Huron, County Tax, $17,556.84; Bert Irwin, S.S. No 1, $1,333.52; Frank J. Tyndall, No. 2; $1,339.59; Verne Dale, S.S. No. 3, $1,298.91; Victor Roy, S.S. No. 4, $798.90; F. M. Peckitt, S.S. No. 5, $1,361.37; Leo. Watt, S.S. No. 6, $1,405.74; Kelland McVittie, S.S. No. 7, $1,096.60; Stanley Lyon, S.S. No. 8, $951.53; William Govier, 1.5.5. No. 10, $382.75; William Ham- ilton, S.S. No. 1.1„ $1,160.32; Clarence Ball, 'U.S.S. No. 12,$674.37;' :Mrs.' John Hallam, S.S. No. 9, 31,004,04; C'. H. Wade, U.SS. No. 11, $577.10; 'Raymond Griffiths, U.S.S. No. 12, $384; Frank Raithby, U.S.S. No. 5, $497.71; Thomas Flynn, Separate School, $800; Dr. B: C. Weir, M. 0. Health, $90; Kelland McVittie, Board o£ Healthe, George McVittie, Board of Halth$6;, $6; John Armstrong, Board of Health, $6; George W. Cow- an, Board of Health, $6; George W. Cowan, long: ;distance -telephone' calls, $2.53; George W. Cowan, part salary, $175; M. 'Ross, Township Constable. I wish to take this oppor- tunity to thank my many, ;friends and customers for. their loyal support during the past year. We are clos. ing 1945 with the largest volume of business in our history. It will be our en- deavor to serve you better in 1946. WISHING YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR T. R. Thompson (Continued from Page 1) forth Mrs. Andrew Bell, Tucker - smith; Mrs. • Linda Cooper, Peterboro; ., Mss'. Els%e;E j7eye71, Toronto;• Mrs.' Etta !Jones, , Hastings. One 'brother` is deceased. " .Honored by Villagers Mi•. and Mrs. T. N. Forsyth, highly esteemed residents of Kippen, onr Christmas day quietly observed their 50th wedding anniversary at their home, the, day quietly spent owing to Mrs. Forsyth being in poor health. Residents of the village of Kipppen presented them with a lovely electric lamp and gold fruit dish, 1VIrs. Elston Howson and Miss Mabel Whiteman making the presentation on .behalf of the villagers. Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth have been very active mem- bers of that community and both :valued members of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church, Kippe'n. For many years Mr. Forsyth was on the Session Board and a Sunday School teacher and for 20 years taught school on the second concession of Tuckersmith. Ile also farmed successfully on his farm' ad- joining his' school, two -and -a -half miles from his present hone, known as the McLean home, retiring to .Zip - pen a few years ago.. John Armstrong, selecting jurors, 33.10; George Carter, selecting Jurors. $3:40; George W. Cowan, selecting Jurors, $3; Dr. B. C, Weir, Hullett Township, Clinic, 355; Kelland McVittie, sanitary inspector, $3.80; Borden Brown, Kinburn street lights, $12.65; William Carter, road superintendent, 88.10; Williaan Car- ter, postage and . stationery, $1:20; Township of Hullett, postage and ' stationeryt $9.40; Glenn 'Carter, ditch- ing, $3.60; Hugh Miller, ditching, 35.20; William ' P'ollard, ditching, 33.60; N. Watson, brushing, $10; Thomas. Fairservice, weeds, 12.40; Harold Adams, brushing, $320;• Arthur Weymouth, grader operator, $49.50; John Armstrong, long distanee • telephone calls, $5.90; George Carter, assessor, $150; Leo. Stephenson, Truant Officer. $18; County of Huron snow plowing, $52.50: County of 325; Alex Wells, grader storage, $25; Huron, Hospitalization, 328.10. We extend to all our • Customers and Patrons A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR MAY WE, EXPRESS OUR, SINCERE'. VA APPY THANKS FOR YOUR C'OOPERA- ION IN THE PAST AND TRUST THAT IT WILL CON- TINUE' IN THE FUTURE. \401s1(E:412, W. L. JOHNSON E SON Quality Groceries WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST YEAR. MAY THE NEW YEAR BE A PROSPEROUS ONE SUTTER &3 PERDUE PHONE 147w CLINTON, ONT. Brownie's Service CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH SALES and SERVICE Extends We thank you for your patronage on resuming business after serving W2 years with the Navy. LORNE J. BROWN William, Ross Oscar Priestap ROSS' TAXI Day Phone 178 `" Night Phone 347R "iche /ggerq ihoppe" Operated by G. Edighoffer & Son, Mitchell A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS • PH;ONE 324 THE TOGGERY SHOPPE. Beecher. Streets, ;ilt charge, CLINTON