HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-12-27, Page 6INES LIMITED (No 'ersonal' Lability i SALM ITA COURAGEOUS LAKE NORTUWEST MINES LTD COURAGEOUS MAC KAY LAKE AREA Map showing location and general geology of mining claims from' Lat 64°OO to 64°20' and Long 111°00 to 111°30' ` North West Territories,, covering_ Sheet No 76D 3 SCALE MILES The information hereon het been °blamed from Geologists. Engineer'. and Prospectors and. ,s belelved to be r.liable,but is not guerenteed by. CL Group 24,9 45 FORFO lommav 008 leo EDMONTON - ALBERTA LdkeV,ki 1 .. o Tor Group Co 'o- v \r..'». . MSN Groi,! (11 u+ a JLS Group L.si°h Lek. 0 00. N.slar take 1 -,e4eos• . 00o0oo0p000000060,50 August Lake D B Group Mad Group^ - docile L 0d i MACKAY LAKE 64°O9. 1 L= -J L_ J L-� ,•,,'1 LEGEND Granite-yranodlonte & allied rocks Gabbro dyke Greywacke-slate 'Sediments Andesite- tuffs Volcanics Faults & Shea- Zones Geological boundary assumed Eskers ENGINEERS' RICHARD E. PARKES, M.E. EDMONTON, ALBERTA (August 21, 1945) • "The main Shear outcrops for a total distance of 300 feet and was 25 feet in width dipping steeply under the Tundra. Neither walls were exposed in 'a trench blasted into and across. the outcrop. A cross section of the trench East of the outcrop showed the following: 12 feet of highly' mineralized sheared and schisted Volcanic rocks; S'/, feet` of high-tem- perature blue Quartz well mineralized; needles of Tourmaline disseminated throughout the Quartz. In numerous places across the broken face of the,vein very fine visible free gold was noticed. The balance of the outcrop exposed was made up of well mineralized Chlorite Schists. The main sulphides in this Zone are Arsenopyrite and Pyrite and they are known. to have a high gold content. "After carefully examining the Salerno Claims (Salmita) the writer is of the opinion that the two outstanding discoveries Made in the main Shear Zone can be developed into commercial orebodies. It is, therefore, recommended that preparations be undertaken immediately to put into effect a prospecting and drilling program to prove up these Zones. "This property definitely warrants the expenditure outlined above and the writer is confident that the results of the fore- going program will be such that the next step in development Will be the sinking of a shaft and the bringing of this property into production." Jena No ) AND GEOLOGIST'S W. B. AIRTH, B.Sc. TORONTO, ONTARIO (September 11, 1945) "The property (Salmita) is underlain by rocks of, both sed- imentary and volcanic origin, the contact between which strikes in a northwesterly direction traversing the long axis of the property across nine claims. The contact zone is marked by intensive shearing, within which mineralized quartz is noted to occur. "Showing No. 1 occurs near the south end of the property. Total width of quartz exposed, and uncovered by scraping moray the moss, is 0'0". A few shallow pop holes were blasted into the quartz which allowed the taking of two chip samples. "Sample No. 628 was cut across 2'6" of blue quartz well mineralized with arsenopyrite-this assayed 0.93 oz. Gold ($355.34). "At a point 27'0" along the strike to the northwest, a second sample, No. 829, was chipped across 6'8" of similarly well mineralized quartz which ran 0,27 oz. Gold ($105). This section of quartz adjoins to the west a line projected. from the 26" section sampled by No, 628, which gives a total width of 0'0" of quartz Rhyolite, which, forms the west wall of the quartz, is well sehisted and shows evidence of mineralization by rusty oxidation of its surface." OFFICIAL ASSAYS J. W. N. Bell, B.Sc., Telephone 107A, P.O. Box 183, Assayer & Analytical Chemist Haileybury, Ont., November 2nd, 1945. HAILEYBURY ASSAY OFFICES • Certificate of Analysis No. 23564 We have assayed Twenty-nine samples of Rock Received September 27th, and submitted by Dr. A. F. Bonfield, Toronto, with the following results: Sample Oz. Gold Oz. Silver Sample Oz. Gold No. ton ton No. 1 .06 - 16 2 .10 .10 17, 3 :49 .13 18 4 .13 .08 19 5 .01 - 20 6 .01 - 21 7 .01 - 22 8 .18 .09 .23 9 .01 24 10 .005 - 25 1.1 .70 .16 26 12 .96 .27 27 13 .54 .46' 28 14 .01 - 29 15 .04 - ton .32 .96 .15 .53 .12 .01 .66 .06 .58 2.26 .72 .26. .88 .02 Oz. Silver ton .34 Trace .23 .05 CORNELL & COMPANY 73 ADELAIDE STREET • WEST TORONTO, CANADA (FORMERLY 68 KING STREET EAST) PHONE ELgin. 8207 Members of Ontario Security Dealers' Asscocia,tion _.44 .10 .56 .15 .08 .31 REPORTS A. F. BANFIELD, Phd. THURS)7A.Y, DECEMBER 27, 104 someimismisisentonessimisibmaute NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative: DHSS Li7CY R. WOODS Phone OLINTON 631r31, Miss Juen' Brandon, Henson, is home for the' Christmas vacation. Miss Elizabeth Remi returned home last week after having,visited in Tor- onto and Soaforth. )Mrs. Fred McEwen left last' week to spend the winter with Mrs. James Ford in Clinton. Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, Mich., is with her mother, Mrs. W. F. Met- calf, for the Christmas season. `Rte. Ellen MacKay, CWAC, Lon- don, spent her' five-day Christmas leave at her home in the village. Miss Beverley York, who is attend- ing Clinton Collegiate Institute, is home for the Christmas) vacation, E. A. Featherston, London, spent the weekend ;and Christmas with his wife at their home in the village. Clarence Larson, London, came on Saturday to spend Christmas. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Larson. Miss Elva Dewar, Toronto, is spending the Christmas vacation -with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewar. J. H. Bates, principal of Bayfield Public School, is spending the Christ- mas vacation at his home in Brussels. Ronald Burt, London, came on Sat- urday; to spend Christmas with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, F. W. Baker., Miss Lolo Elliott, Detroit, Mich., came on Friday to spend the Christ- mastide with her mother, Mrs. Marie Elliott. Craig Kerr, who has been a patient at Queen Alexandra Sanatorium, is home to spend the Christmas season with his wife. NORANDA, QUEBEC (October 31, 1945) "The writer considers the Salmita property an extremely prom- ising mining venture. For the amount of work done the results have been very encouraging. One vein has been opened up for a length of seventy feet which averaged 0.814 oz. Au over 38.3 inches. At $38.50 gold, this value is $31.34 per ton. Which is definitely ore grade. Both ends of the vein are open, with excellent values at each end, and the vein looks very strong in both places. The vein lies in a strong shear zone which has been mapped for a distance of four miles and has a known length of twenty-two miles and along which gold has been found in numerous places. Eight thousand feet south-east of the South showing is a vein on an adjoining property that is at least seven hundred feet long, twenty-eight ,feet of which channelled 0.60 oz. Au. over a width of six feet and with visible gold showings on it that have never been trenched, This auriferous shear traverses the Salmita property for a distance of 14,000 feet, and the entire length of it should be investigated. The strength and persistency of this controlling geological stroeture, plus the fact that vein widths ore of mining width, make the property Very attractive from an economic viewpoint because it opens up, not only the possibilities that fairly targe tonnages may be developed, but also that the search for ore is confined to a well defined structure. "In conclusion, 1 would like to state again that I have no hesitation in saying that the Salmita property is one of excep- tional merit. For the amount of work done, it is the best showing I have ever examined, and is we]1 worth the expen- ditures outlined," ASSAY REPORTS ON THE SALMITA NORTHWEST PROPERTIES IN THE COURAGEOUS-MaeliAY LAKE AREA NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Label Sample Gold Oz. Gold Value Date Assayer No. No. per ton per ton $35 July 26, 1945. F. W. Huggins, 19913 1 4.36 152.60 Assayers 19914 Rouyn, Quebec 19915 Toronto Testing 4660 Lab. Limited, 4660 73 Adelaide St. W. 4660 Prov. Assay 17140 Office, Dept. . of Mines J. C. Jensen 444 1 0.17 Assay Office 444 2 33.00 Bourlama.gne, Qne., 444 3 0.09 NOW SOC SHARE August 17, 1945 August 16, 1945 October, 6, 1945 2 3 Al A2 A3 A4 1.13 39.55 0.24 8.40 1.93 67.20 1.46 51.10 9.13 319.55 3.70 129.50 6.54 1270.50 3.46 BUY "SALMITA" THROUGH YOUR OWN BROKER OFFERING PRICE SUBJECT TO ADVANCE WITHOUT NOTICE Cornell & Company, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Gentlemen: I hereby purchase front yore ., shares of, • SALMITA NORTHWEST MINES LIMITED ('No Personal Liability) at 50c per shiire, apd enclose herewith a total of $..::. , , , in full payment of same. Name .. . . . . , : .. , . . . (Please Print or Write Plainly) Adores (Intended for last week) School Concert Success There was a large attendance' a't Bayfield Town Hall on Friday even- ing for the annual school concert,: which was in charge of J. Bates, . principal and music master, assisted by Mrs. William Parker. John Parker was chairman. He ex- pressed appreciation of the large at- tendance- and paid tribute to the splendid program which was; as fol lows: Singing "Silent Night;" followed by (a) unison song: "Ten Little Indians", (b) three-part song: "John:: B%own's Body"; chairman's address; singing game: Skip to my Lou; play: "Bringing up Junior"; two-part songs; (a) Drink to me only with Thule Eyes, (b) Shubert's "Cradle Song"; Minstrel show ,(In the musical part of this number, solos were taken, by Ethel Blair, Ronald Castle, Milvena Sturgeon, Gerald Sturgeon); skit: "The old Ford Car"; song• dramatiza- tion: "Chickery Chick"; Christmas pageant: "The Nativity" including several Christmas Carols and closing with "Silent Night." Santa Claus dis- tributed gifts from the Christmas tree. (Charles Gemeinhardt). Mrs. W. Sturgeon assisted behind the scenes. Leslie Elliott had charge of the colored spot lights which play- ed on the different scenes, and Rev. R. C. Holmes was at the door. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Lea, Charlotte- town, P'.E'.L, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie A. Armstrong, Bronson Line, Stanley Township. Mr. and Mrs- Oliver Yallop, Tor- onto. were with the latter's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Scotchmer, Bronson Line, over the Christmas- tide. George Howard, Regina, Basic.. came recently to spend Christmas with relatives in the village. He. is the guest of his sister, Mrs. F. W. Baker. Phillip Carr -Harris, Toronto, and Stephen CarreHarris, Kingston, are spending the Christmas vacation with their step -mother, Mrs. G. Carr - Harris. Miss Margaret Ferguson, student at the University of Toronto, is spend- ing the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ferguson. John R. MacLeod, who' 'has been fishing at Erieau, and John Sturgeon, Sr., who was at Port Stanley and Port Dover, returned to the village on Saturday). Mr. and Mrs, John Armstrong and daughter have moved to the farm on the Bronson Line, Stanley Town- ship, which they purchased from Keith Westlake. Mrs. R. C. Holmes and baby, went to St. Catharines last week to visit her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Holmes. Mr. Holmes' joined them on Christmas Day Mrs. H. Elsdon, who has been staying with her daughter, Mrs, R. C. Holmes, The Rectory, Left last week to spend Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. Wilkinson, near Wat- ford. ' John Toms, who has been fishing at Port Dover. returned home on Sat- urday. 'We regret to report that his mother.. 1lirs. Eliza Toms is not in good health. 'We wish her a. 'speedy recovery. Move to Village. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Scotchmer moved from Goderich Township to their home on Clan Gregor Square on Wednesday of last week. We wel- come them to the village. KIPPEN W. M. S. Officers Elected .At the annual meeting of the Women's Missionary Society and Woman's Association of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, the following officers were appointed: President„ Mrs. E. Chipcase; vice-presidents, Mrs. Allan Johnston, Mrs'. Hyde, Mrs. W. W. Cooper and Mrs. J. Henderson; secretary, Mrs. A. McMurtrie; treas- urer, Mrs. W. Mellis; "Missionary Monthly" secretary, Mrs. E. Sproat; Mission Band superintendent, Mrs, A. Gackstetter; Baby Band secretary, Mas. Harold Jones; strangers' secre- tary, Mrs. W. Alexanders Christian stewardship secretary, Mrs. Monteith; supply secretary, Mrs. Herbert Jones.- supply ones;supply committee, Mrs. J. W. -McLean, Mrs. D. Darvine, Mrs. N. Long, Mrs. W. Horney. Officers for the Woman's Associa- tion are: President, Mrs. E. McBride; vice-president, Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs. C. Watson, Mrs. W. Cooper and Mrs. H. Jones; treasurer, Mrs, T. Work- man; secretary, Mirs. R. Dayman; Rev. A. Hinton, minister, installed the new officers, NNW VARNA. (Intended for last week) Hold L.O.L. Annual The annual meeting of L.O.L. 1.035, Varna, with election of officers, was held on Thursday, December 6. Wor, Past County Master, J. B. Rathwell, conducted the election and installa- tion: W.' M., Russell C'onsitt; 'D. M., Lorne Coleman: Chap., Charles C, Pilgrim; Recording secretary, Robert Taylor; financial secretary, Ralph Turner; treasurer, John Ostrom; D. of C., Murray Hohner• lst lecturer. Frank Smith; 2nd lecturer, Lloyd Johnston; r. G., Thomas Stinson; O.G.,. 0. F. Pilgrim; lst con., George Clarke, Carl Diehl, Charles Stephenson, Har- vey Coleman, Thomas Stinson. 'After lodge closed, lunch was serv- ed and a seeial hour was spent. CHESTERFIELD SUITE Just Arrived Manufactured by Fry and ,Blackhall In read good velour Lamp Tables Table Lamps Coffee Tables Boudoir Lamps Pin-up Lamps BALL 8 ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Directors Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL - JOHN J. ZAPF. Phone 110 Phone 103