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Clinton News Record, 1945-12-27, Page 5
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1945. News -Record CLIFTON NEWS -RECORD Classified ets Erin PAGE Pi i,E uick, Results One cent a .word, cash, each insertion " (minimum 25 cents) ; fie insertions, for price, of ,four;. 10 cents extras when replie s directed to s. r NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box n1- mb accepted up to 9 pan, Wednesday. following date of Cash rates apply up to 9 p.m. Saturday, publication; 25 cents extra if not so paid. FOR SALE 90 LITTLE PEGS, SIX. WEEKS OLD. .Apply to EdgarRathwell, phone8 9'091-4, Clinton. p GENERAL Eizorri iLiG IRDNING machine: Practically •new. Phone 6191-14, Clinton. Ar FEW CHOICE MILIC-FED Dressed Turkeys for New Year's, if ordered by Friday, a December 28, 1945: Bert Irwin, phonenClinton 616x32, 81-p a ' i•OTS — 'DANVERS HALF - Long variety, sweet, tender, and ;good flavour. Also, Detroit dark red beets, Robert W. Cole, Phone 906r2 78-79-80-81-1P. PIANO; SPECIALS --TWO CHOICE ,pianos of high; grade makes, just the thing for your school or hot 11 Apply at once to"Jonathan Hugill, phone S4-616, Clinton. 77-78.79-80-81-P WANTED A SMALL WARM ROOM WITH board by local business' man. Apply Box 39R, NEWS -RECORD. 81-tf WANTED TO BUY—SMALL GAS- oline engine suitable for pumping water. W. J. Miller, phone '46W81 p IN MEMORIAM WITS +TON—In memoriam of our dear parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weston, who passed away December 26, 1943. Treasured thoughts of many Years of those so dear, often bring a ' silent tear, Thoughts' return of things long passed. Time rolls on but sweet 11-winerieslast. ' —Their loving family. 81-b IN -MEMORIAM WESTON—In loving memory of our younger son and brother, W/O R. V. (Dick) 'Weston, who was killed one year ago in active service over Nuremberg• parting and call'. Then came the , the g p the pain, When lands alone had voice to say odbye, Now death has exampled down the golden grain, And all our palaces 'in ruin be. Oh, costly days that sacrifices have IN GUELPH GENERAL HOSPITAL,. pantry and dining room. girls. Good wages, • eight-hour day, Apply. to Superintendent. 81-1-2-11. WANTED TO BUY—OLD HORSES for mink feed, humanely killed. Gor- don Oudmore or Miner Trick, phone fe Clinton 907r12 or 907r5, WANTED TO BUY—OLD HORSES and dead cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone at 'once. Fred Gilbert, 908r22 or Jack Gilbert, 908r21. 58-tf orLSON EpE(ITRIC DELUXE LIVESTOCK' FOR SALE Christmas time for Chris 'n Washer, just r ' h , ] • h or New Year's. Scarcity y of materials, caused by strikes, makes delivery o these goods worse. Phone 616r34 •Clinton at once for delivery. Jonathan 110gi11. • 50 -S1 -p TABLE TURNIPS — WE HAVE, A choice lot of the finest• flavored turnips you ever tasted. They have food value' equal to potatoes, and; are -only t/s the price. We deliver then 'to your house at 60 cents per bushel. "of 50 pounds. Phone 34-616 Clinton, -Jonathan Kugi 1. 80-81-p MISCELLANEOUS FULLER PRODVTOrS, AGENT: Miss Winifred O'Neil, Clinton, Phone 751. 78-79-80-81-1-2-3=4-5-6-.b THREE YOUNG REGISTEREDTERED Holstein cowsdue to freshen middle of January. Priced to sell. Ben. Rathwell, R. R. 3,' Clinton, phone 906r16. .• W 81'1'=P PROPERTY FOIL SALE SEVEN ROOMED COTTAGE, WELL located. Newly decorated, immediate possession, priced right for quick &ale.. Apply to Post OfficeBox 63, Clinton. 80-81-p LOST AND FOUND FOUND — A .SUIVI OF MONEY: .Apply at Thompson s Groceteria8l 81-p 1 LOST—TWO BEAGLE HOUNDS, black with white legs and tan faces. Anybody seeing these dogs, phone .200x24, Clinton, George Mann, Reward. -of 85 for each' dog. 81-b-tf. TOP PRICES PAID .FOR BRICK OR .frame building to be:wrecked. Apply or the Board on or before to, Ivan Lankin',149'Langarti► Street, 12, 1946. State &alar r London, Met. 8280w. tf Jan.5 WOULD YOU LIRE' 10 CENTS A per year. Ask members of dozen more for • your eggs plus a • premium. We pay a guaranteed price of 10 cents a dozen over the price as quoted in the Globe and Mail for a de A Large ungraded eggs plus hatch- ability premium on all eggs weigh- ing 23 ounces and over per dozen, We cull and' bloodtest your flock free of charge. if yet are interested in, making more money from your eggs and supplying hatching eggs for the 1046 season write immediately for full details. Also wanted to purchase cockerels suitable for breeding — White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Harnpshires, Light Sussex, White Rocks, Sleek Australorps, Twaddle Chick ' Hatcheries Limited, `Fergus, Ontario. 80-81-113, BIRTHS IiE'NT--In Clinton:- Public Hospital, on Wednesday, December 26, 1945, to Cpl. • and Mrs. E. W. Tient, a daughter, Judith Anne. MacDONALD — 'In Clinton Public Hospital,' on Monday, December 24, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Dick MacDonald, Clinton, a daughter, Nina Vivian. • SCOTCGH•MER, — In Toronto, on December 16, 1945, to MT. and Mrs. Harold D. Scotchnie, a daughter, (Linda Ant). MARRIAGES WALPEB-TAYLOR- .At the home of ,Mr. and Mrs, Harry Taylor, Bruce- field, by Rev. G. F. N. Atkinson; Melba Irene, second eldest Baugh - ter of "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor, Brucefield, to Harry William Wel- per, eldest son of Mrs. Wainer and the late Jacob Walper Dashwood. LONDESBORO. The throne is empty, we have lost•; our son, He shall not grow old as we who are left grow old,• . Age shall not weary him, the year's condemn, At the going down of .the sun and c in th , morning we shall re- memon him. Sadly missed by Mum, Dad and, brothers, Clayton and Grafton. Ahplicat'on for the position of Secretary -Treasurer of the Township School Board of Goderich Township will be received byanymember, HELP WANTED HELP WANTED—MALE AN OPPORTUNITY—ANE OF THE Nation's leading'companies, catering principally to farmers needs, is ready -to place a valuable contract which should mean complete independence -for a man fortunate enough to have the following qualifications . char- acter record that will withstand in- vestigation ,and ' proven ability to 'efficiently manage both himself and his own business. Financial status not extremely important but a travel outfit is necessary. Write The J. R. Watkins Company. Dept. 0-0-16, '2177 Masson St,, Montreal. • OBITUARY WILLIAM. JOHNSTON (By our• Hehsail Correspondent) ' Miss Margaret Johnston, Hensall, received a wire on Thursday, -advising her of the death el ' her only brother, William Johnston, at ' Canora,' .Sask., following a lengthy illness. Mr. Johnston, who was unmarried, 'was born one -mile -and -a -half west of Hensall, attended school at S.S,.14, 'Hay, and.attended Clinton High School •and Stratford Business COI - lege. Some years ago he went to Hainrota,':Man;, and from there took up residence at Genera, Stier., where he conducted a flour mill • .and elevators.: He was a member of the Masonic • A` great number attended the Order, and; a Masonic funeral was Christmas eoncert which was held on held for hint from his late residence, December 18, in the Church basement. Saturday, December 22. The -teacher, Miss Phyllis Ginn,' and Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. A. the children, deserve credit for. the T. Douglas, Hyde Park, and.' Miss' good program. Margaret Johnston, Hensen. (Additional Itcnss on Page Seven) • HOLMESVILLE the Board•' for particular's and duties. The many friends of Miss Acheson are sorry to bear of her accident. 'We are glad to know she is making satis- factory progress. Donald Palmer, Toronto, is aspend- ing the :Ohristmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Panner. Miss, Gertrude Bond, Goderich, and Miss Helen Bond, London, are,spend- ing the Christmas holidays at the home of their parents, Mr: and Mrs. A, Bond. Ohl Peterson -1S .visiting at his home in .New Brunswick. Fine Christmas Concert CANADIAN,,NATIONAL"' MLWAYS Mrs. R. Townsend Was in Tnronto last week. in • St. i keitvisited Miss Patsy P c „ Thomas last week. We are glad to.:know that Mrs. Albert Vanstone left last week to Ewen is improving. - spend the Christmas . season with Mrs. Haigh,h, Tu rease, visited her members ofhis family in London. AF tem- • RC • i rke •1 Pa > parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Penman. LAIC- Charles , Miss Edith' Brown, Brantford, and William, Brown, St: Catharines, spent Christmas with their aunt, Miss L. Young. Mr, and Mrs. Mel. •Brundson, Lon- don„ were with the forrner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Brundson. , Mrs. Laura'Sundercock and Bobby spent Christmas.' with friends • in Winghain. Mr, _ and Mrs. ;Ray, Fisher, Galt,. were' with the latter'& parents, Mr. and Mrs. .T. Snell. ' Miss Fern ` Watson, London, Miss Dorothy Little, Mist 011ie Moon, Tor- onto, ere, home for 'the holidays. Misses Esther and Mary Jamieson, Toronto, visited their parents; Mr. and Mrs. A. Jamieson. Miss Eileen Miller, Clinton, was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Miller. Miss Marjorie. • 1VIeMatir, Toronto, visited with Mrs. William Lyon Friday+. Ir. and Mrs. Stevens" and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Roberton and family, Seaforth, spent' :Christmas with: Mr, and Mrs. J. Nott. • , Misses Beth Govier, Goderich, and Elva Govier, London, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Govier. We are glad to report that Jean Adams and Barry Pipe are improving ROXY THEATRE " CLINTON Now Playing "- Donald ,O'Connor and Peggy Ryan in "Patrick the Great" Mon. Tues and Wed. Ida Lupine, Sydney Greenstreet and William Prince The sunny side of the housrnf shortage, as modern as to -morrow's kitchen, and 'brimming over with humour. "Pillow to Post" Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Tom Conway, Barbara Hale and yVeda"Ann Borg Murder; mingled ' with glamour and grease -paint, as the screen's most debonair detective stalks a killer. • 'The Falcon in Hollywood' Coming -George Sanders in "UNCLE HARRY" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing- `CHRISTMAS IN CONNECTICUT' with Barbara Stanwyck • Mon. Tues. Wed. —Starting at 7 P.M.— F'RHAPSODY IN BLUE" The jubilant story of George •Ger•shwin' comes to the Capital screen as one of the greatest musicals you ever will see. Robert Alda Joan Leslie Alexis Smith Thurs. Fri. and. Sat. Fred MacMurray- Lynn Bari and ;Charles Bickford Incredibly thrilling!' Amazingly true! The life and adventures of aviation's most colorful pioneer. "CAPTAIN EDDIE" Corning — ":CME` INCENDIARY $LONDE" with Betty Hutton REGENT' THEATRE' `SEAFORTH. Now Playing -- "A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS" In dazzling Technicolor Mon. Tues and Wed. Irene Dunne —, Alexander Knox and', Charles Coburn In the appealing story of two people who used a sense of humor. to combat adversity. ".OVER 21" Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Tom Conway Barbara Hale • and John Abbott Murder and mystery on, the busy movie sets' of California 'The Falcon in Hollywood' Coming—"LADY ON A TRAIN" Deanna Durbin BAYFIELD. TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: ' Toronto and Goderich Division Going East, depart 6.43 a.rn. Going East, depart 3.03 p.m. Going West, depart 12.04 p.m. Going West, depart , .. ,11.10 p.m. London and Clinton Division Coming North, arrive 11.200 a.m. Going South, leale A Brand -New Se :ice That Is Going .Over: `'Big" Ifyou want to go in comfort by automobile to LON;ON, STRATFORD, HAMILTON, TORONTO just leave your name`at our office and we • shall advise' 'you when the trip will be made. Fully Equipped Sedans Careful Drivers Low Rates that will surprise you A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL ARROW TAXI PHONE 182 ;; Next McKenzie House ':' Clinton. BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents Ethel Thompson Princess - St. East., , Phone588 59-tf T '1946RIGHT!: • STIP Replace that overcoat 'wliicb, is getting shabby with; a new up=to-the• minute Style cost. 'Oar ,prices are Still fairly' tomlete-= • • the prices right; WIEN'S SUITS We are expecting two or.three' new shipments of Men's Suits during the next couple of weeks. Come in 'find look them oyer, Special , in' 1©1.eii's .!ri�l•I s --Chiefly Small Sizes ' 34 to 37 — at Clearing Prices' ` • •• 'AL'SO SOME. BOY'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS TO d;,LEAR AT LOW PRICES, • Pluf steel- Bros. 'Arrow Shirts — Adam''rifts .Scott •$;•1Icliale,, Shoes fqr,', Men , Agents 'rip Top Tailors CUT - FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion porarily stationed• at Ottawa, and. Mrs. Parker, Trenton, spent the week- end and Christmas with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Parker. Jackie Murray and sister, Donna, Own Sound, came on Saturday to spend the Christmas vacation wititi their mother, Mr&. Hazel Murray, and sister,. Mrs. W. J. McLeod. Jack B. Sturgeon, who'has been fishing at Port Dover, returned home on Saturday. Mr: and Mrs. Harold Edwards, Lon- don, spent - the weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs.' T. C. Bailey, The Ritz Hotel. Mr. and Mrs: Dennis Bisbaek, Clin- ton, were with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs..Ed. J. Sturgeon, for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Middleton; Hen sail, spent Christmas and Boxing Day with Mrs. Middleton's• mother, Mrs. N. W. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. -King, Windsor, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ferguson for Christmas. Miss Lorna Westlake, Hespeier,,is mending the 'Christmas • and New Year's season -with her parents, , Mr. and Mrs.. Walter M. Westlake. Miss Jacqueline Parker, London, was home for Christmas. Fred Turner, Goderich, Went ithe Christmastide with his son, Grant, and we hope to see them out again 'and Mrs. Turner, • Miss Dawns Toms, Toronto, was soon. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mal- J. Heyman, and Miss latter'ster's coin Toms, for Christmas, par, London, visited with theSart.Y.P. U. conducts Service Mal - parents, . and Ms. Mrs. G.rt n, Auburn, A special service was held in St. spent' Christy esJ'ihith Roberton, du Mrs. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield, Sunday `evening with • the Young W. Mr.Mand Mrs. Jack 'Sinclair, Ann 's Union in charge. The sing - People and Marie, Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ing, le carols- and gospel hymns by Riley, Goderich, spent Christmas with the congregation and several 5bcal Mrs. C. Watson.. numbers by the Young People con - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Caldwell and tributed a note of Christmas joy to family, Port Colborne, and Miss Mary Caldwell, London, are home with their the worship. Two selections by a quartet: Mrs. John Keys, Clara Clark, parents for Christmas. Colin,Campbell and Murray Grainger, Mission Circle Meets were much enjoyed. as well as a The regular monthly meeting 02 vocal solo by Clara Clark and: a duet by Mrs. John. Keys and Clara Clark. the Aim -Well Mission Circle was held Murray Grainger. president of the at the home .of Miss esiI!inglund. Y,P•U. adsressing,the meeting, stres- December 11. The presiddent, . Ruth sed the inevitable ruin of nations and Pipe, presided. The meeting opened people who neglect God's salvation, with a Christmas poem read by Mrs, ,and.learned acainst the indifference Lansing. 'Following this,, hymn -7 s to spiritual things prevalent today. rendered. Sing a heSc f Bethlehem;' was (Additional Items on Page Six) The Scripture from Isaiah was read by Mrs. Lair Shobbrook Hymn• 60 was sung, followed by Scrip- ture reading by Mrs. H. Adams. "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" was sung, followed by Scl'ipture reading by Helen Radford.' "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night" was sung, followed bye Scripture reading by. Mary )ellen Prest. `Silent Night" ollowed' -tux e read - was sting, f by Sotr p ing. by, Mrs. Lansing, then hymn 65, "The First Noel." Mrs. Harold Adams read the follow- ing slate of officers: President, Mis. J. Pipe; vice,president Mrs,. Len. Shobbrook; secretary, Doreen • AMm- strong; assistant vice-president, Mrs. Harold • Adams; treasurer, Mrs. S. Lansing Christian Stewardship:;secre taffy, Mary 'E., Prest; Temperance secretary, Helot.' Radford; pianist; Mrs. A. Shnddick. The Januarymeeting is to 11e held at Helen Bedford's;, programme eon- lmittee, Mrs. If.' Adains: and Mrs. I,. Shobbrook. , • Slides on Africa were shown by ,Mrs. Clarke, and Mrs. A. Shaddielc. Doreen Armstrong sand a solo, fol- lowed by prayer„by Miss Kirk: Hymn 58; '"It Chyme pon the Midnight •Clear" Was sung, and,.,benedictiom Thirty-two were .present. The hostess served a dainty'lnnch. WHY WILL YOU SPEND ETERNITY IN HELL? "He that believeth on the SON hath ever lasting life; and he that believeth not the - SON shall not see life; but. the wrath of 6 Leh .3. i e on him."—John 3 God ab d th • f TUNE IN; Pilgrina;Hour 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evening • LOCAL STATION GKLW WINDSOR GODERICH TOWNSHIP Christmas Entertainment,. ' ..A very successful Christmas con- cert was held in S. S. No, 4 'School. A splendid program of songs,. dia- logues, recitations, a monologue, a Christmas candle drill, etc., -was giv- en. One outstanding number on the program •was "Bouncing Balls" to music. Much credit is due the pupils and teacher, Miss. Helen Crich, and the music : instrustress, Mrs. N. Wen-' dorf. The young people of the eommun- ity presented a play untitled, "The Winning .of Wining." Following the program, the nicely' decorated Christmas tree was stripped of its gifts. Irvine Tebbutt: acted as chairman, and the entertainment was closed by the singing of the National Anthem. Weather permitting there will be a dance in S. S. 11, Goderich.Township, Friday evening, December 28. Ladies please bring lunch. Snowplow Busy The township snowplow has been '1 . V. „COOKS FLORIST phones: 66w and am . rovononoihresev PLASTER 'REPAIRING • . A. French •` in •'Contractor Plaster g. in Cornice ..Specialist , `Work & Decorative Plastering • , ' Plaster repairs promptly And neatly dobe. Box 23 ;or Phone•:1,87 •Winghaln 04-tf ,thlatkins Locker Storage- t\'e Buy 'Fides "Frozen Foods are Better Foods" CONST M nu busy on the township roads for the last few days, and have made the roads passable for motorcars. Red Cross Unit Meets The S. S. No.' 4 Unit of the Red Gross met at the home of Mrs. Stew- art Farquhar for the December meet- ing,*,The president presided at the. irreetrng which was opened by re- peating the Lord's Prayer in unison The minutes .of the previous meeting were read and approved. Following. the business 'session of the meeting, a quilt was , quilted, and the meeting was closed'ivith the National Anthem. A cushion -top was sold by tickets and was won by Mrs. W. Churchill. The materials for the quilt were donated by Mrs. W. Biggin and Mrs. F. Jones, There were ten members present. The January meeting will be held at the home 'of Mrs. W. Churchill. S. S. No. 11 Concert Mrs. Lorne Lawson on Christmas Day were: Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bushy and Shirley, Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson and Andrew, Bruce - field; Mr. and Mrs:' Roy Lawson and, Marion, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Clarke and Ellwood, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dohnage, Wayne and Eileen, Mrs. Annie Davidson ,and Miss Helen Davidson, Toronto. Lorne Lawson was lin Auburn one day last week servicing radios. Mr, and Mrs, Walter R. Scott spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Scott, Seaforth. Mr, and Mrs. George Addison and Betty, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Tebbutt. Miss Doiralde Adams, Clinton, is holidaying at home with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams. ' .Miss Doris Lawson, Chatham, Spent the h�liday weekend with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Earl Lawson. • :Miss, Ethel Dexter, 'Kitchener. h.. &lending the holidays with per par. opts, Mr. and Mrs, Austin Dexter. Mrs. Kingswell,• Goderich; is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. George' Me- Ilwain and Mr. Mellwain and family. Mr. William Britton spent Christ- mas with Mr. and' Mrs. Andy ;Reekie and femi'y.,' London, also with Mrs. Britton ,•` Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Riley: and :family spent Christmas with *T. and ,Mrs, Thomas Riley, Clinton,; Grace remaining for. a few days. - ; • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson, Reg. and Doris, and Mrand Mrs. Verne -Dale, istmas Murray <mcl Muriel, spent Cl ii Day with Mrs Taylor, Seaforth. SUMMERHILL The many friends of Mrs:'Britton were pleased',to know that she was able toWive -'St. Josephs Hospital, 141r, ,and Mrs. Thomas Gainniage London.'hast Tuesday and -is spending and Ronald, visited over the h and. Mr. and Mrs: Amos .h estoit Some time with her daughter,. oliday' Andy Reekie. • with Mr. and Mrs, "I#obert Smith. Visitors at the home of Mr. and The pupils of 'S'., S. No. 11, under the direction of their teacher, Mrs. R. Ball, presented an excellent con- cert on' Thursday night last. Al- though it was a very stormy night, the schoolhouse was filled. Besides the program given by the pupils of the school, Beverley Boyes sang n solo, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Bert Reyes. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Welsh gave a violin and piano selec- tion. Bert Boyes, accompanied by Mrs. Boyes on the piano, played a violin solo. These musical number's 'were very much enjoyed by everyone. After the concert Santa Claus (Joe Potter) distributed the gifts. (Additional Items on Page Seven) TO Ai L OUR CUSTOMERS ;AND FRIEND'S WE WISH TO EXPRESS OUR THANKS FO'R PAST -FAVOURS HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing — Heating — Sheet Metal Work .Agent for He Primates RESIDENCE 476 PHONE 244 To Ali our Patrons and Friends we desire to.• express Ualr thanks for past favours and to extend our Very Best Wishes for A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS I\TT W YEAR Murphy Bros. Garage' Phone 465 GoOd ich Tires, Tubes and Batteries •NOTICE BY-LAW NO. 17 for 1945 A By -Law 'to establish 'a -Board of Park Management , WHEREAS a petition has been presented by certain electors of the Town of Clinton praying for the adoption of The Public Parks Act; AND WHEREAS the Council is desirous of giving effect to the said petition. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Corporation of The Town of Clinton: 1. The parks of the Town of Clinton shall be controlled and i managed by a Board to be called "The Board of Park Management"' and the provisions of The Public Parks Act are 'hereby adopted with relation thereto. 2. The said Board shall have the general management, regulation and control of all existing parks in the Town of Clinton and'of'Such other lands, parks, avenues, boulevard& and drives which niay hereafter be acquired and established - 'tinder the provisions of The Public Parks Act. , 3. This By-law shall come into effect upon receiving the assent of the electors qualified to vote at Municipal elections, ;and upon its final passing after receiving such assent. First reading—November 5th, 1945, Second reading November 5th, 1945, Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By -Law of the Corporation of .the Town of Clinton to be submitted to the votes of the electors the 7th day of January A.D. 1946 between the hours kf:itine o'clock in the -forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon at the several, polling places established for the taking of votes for the annual Municipal Elections. And that if the'assent of the electors is obtained to the proposed B3 -Law it will be taken into consideration by the Council of the said Corporation at a meeting therein to. be held after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of the notice and that said first publication was made on the 6th day of December And that the Mayos will attend at the office of the Town Clerk, et 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon' on the 31st day of December, ' A.D.0945, for the purpose of appointing persons to attend at the polling places and at the first summing up of the votes by the Clerk. Dated this 6th day of December A.D., 1945. - 11 . T. CORLESS, Clerk