HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-12-27, Page 4P,AGICI FOUR
Vomen's "Institute Molds
Its Christmas Meeting
Clinton Women's Institute 'met
December 20 for its Christmas meet-
ing at 2,30 p.m. in the Agricultural
Board Rooms, with the president, Mrs.
J. B. Levis, in the chair and Mrs. E.
Mains at the piano.
The p
meeting : opened with Ode and
Lord's Prayer. The minutes were read
end approved, and treasurer's report
given. There' were 24 present.
The flower convenor reported 27
shut-ins had been taken a Christmas
eard•''and called on. Donations were
voted given to the "Princess Alice
'Foundation F'uird for the 'training
of youth leaders, and also to the
:Navy: League.
• The Roll Call wasanswered by "A
Christmas Greeting.", The war work.
convenor stated 37 articles, had been
completed. .A short sing -song of
`Christmas carols was enjoyed.
The- president introduced the guest
sneerer, Mrs, (Rev.) D. J. Lane, who
;:gave an inspiring address on "The
'First, Christmas Tree" by VanDyke.
• The audience then was favored with
several. musical numbers, and songs
by Flight Lieut. Gordon Waugh with
his el'e'ctric guitar. These were much:
enjoyed by all. A vote of thanks
Was extended to those taking part in
the program. A picnic lunch was
served by some of the ladies,
Presbyterian W. M. S.
The Christmas meeting of the
W. M. S. of Clinton "Presbyterian
Church met at the home of Mrs. E.
Ward with elle president, Mrs. George
Roberton in the chair. The Scripture
was read by Mrs,. Malcolm McTag-
gart who gave a meditation. on Joy
ending with a beautiful poem written
by her neice. -Prayer was offered
by Mrs. Fred Axon.
The election of officers resulted as
follows: President, Mrs, George Rob-
erton; secretary, Mrs. John 'Snider;,
treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Wilson; Glad'
Tidings secretary, Miss Stirling;
Peace Thankoffering treasurer, Mrs.
James Makins; pianist, Mrs: G. W.
Mrs. Fox' told the story of the
hymn, "Silent Night, Holy Night."
Carols were sung, Mrs, Lane acting
as' accompanist. Plans were made to
serve dinner to the Presbyterial Ex-
ecutive on January 9, with Mrs. Wil-
liam Shaddiek, convenor. Refresh-
ments were served by the hostess and
all were delighted to _.see that she
had made such a good recovery from
her illness. '
>t s. P. Hearn President
Of Wesley -Willis W.M.S.
The W. M. S. of Wesley -Willis
'United Church met in the Churc
Parlour on Thursdayevening,..Deceni-
ber 13. The president, Mrs. Fingland,
presided, with Mrs.. Ida ,Chowen and
Mrs. A. T. Cooper as .pianists.- The
meeting was opened with hymn •148,
followed by the Lord's Prayer.
After the reports were given, the
Striking committee's report was pre•
rented and adopted as read: Past
president, Mrs. F. Fingland; presi-
dent, Mrs. P. Hearn; first,vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. J. Addison; second vice-
president, Mrs. James McGill; third
Vice-president, Mrs. J. A. Sutter; re-
winter wedding pretty:; w r was
solemnized at the Brucefield Manse
on Saturday, December 16, 1945. at
1.30 p•m.,. ,when Rev. G F. N. Atkin-
son united in marriage. Marian` Pearl,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wil-
son Tuckersmith; and Douglas Fred-
erick Andrews,son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Andrews, Clinton, •
The bride was becomingly gowned'
in a lime green crepe • dress and wore, iKinnon, spoke briefly . of her happy
a corsage of Briarcliffe Loses. She associations with the W. A. of St.
was attended by her sister, Miss Ethel' ,Pau]'s",'and the hope that she' might
Wilson, frocked' in cerise crepe with still be identified with the organize -
corsage of carnations. .'.tion in a less active capacity.
Theg room was , attended. by ,his: The reports from the various de -
brother, Homer Andrews: partments showed, -that St. Paul's W.
Amid showers of :confetti and,good A. had 'a'very successful •year. The
cording secretary, Mrs. A. T. Cooper;
corresponding secretary, Mrs. P. Man-
ning; press secretary, Mrs. A. Haddy;
treasurer, Mrs. Fingland; community
friendship, 'Mrs. W. Pickard; supply
secretary; :Mrs. VanHorne; Mission-
ary Monthly secretary, Miss R. Ir-
win; Christian .Stewardship secretary,
Miss Stone; associate member secre-
tary, Mrs. Chowen; pianist, Mrs. Ad•
ams; Baby Band leader, Mrs. Wilfred
Jervis; ..Evening Auxiliary, Helen
Mrs. McGill then took charge of a
Candlelight •Service by the singing of
Christmas Carols, prayers offered by.
Mrs. A, T. Cooper, Miss Rudd and
Mrs. McGill; scripture readings by
Mrs. Trewartha,. Mrs. Chowen. Mrs.
Sutter, Kay Britton, Mrs. McGill and
Miss Rudd.. ' A pleasing solo was
rendered by Kay Britton"
The meeting was clesedby the sing-
ing of a Christmas Carol. A. social
hour was then spent, Mrs. McGill's
group serving lunch.
• •
If you visit our store during the next few days
you may secure bargain on broken
lines and left -overs.
The Sale of
will continue until sold.
In Business 'Since 1885
Store Hours: 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phones: 36W, 36J
Mrs. R, M. Bulteel T{gads
St. Paul's W.A. for 1946;
Annual Reports
The regular December
and annual
meetings of St. Paul's Church W. A.
were held` on Tuesday afternoon, De-
cember 11, at the home, of Mrs. H.
Bartliff. Mrs. Is M. McKinnon pre -
aided over the regular meeting and
led in the opening devotional period.
Mrs. May MacKinnon read several
passages of scripture associated with
this season of the' year.
iannual meeting, the
Open ng the m rg,
retiring president, Mrs. L. M. • Mc-
wishes, the young couple left on the
afternoon train from Clinton for a
honeinoon in Toronto and other
Eastern points. On their return they
will take up residence in .Clinton. •
A. very pretty wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Harry
Taylor, when their second 'daughter,
Melba Irene, was'
united in marriage
to Harry William Waiper, eldest son
of Mrs. Waiper and the late Jacob
Walper, Dashwood. Rev. G. F. N.
Atkinson officiated. The • wedding,
music was . played • by Mrs. Lloyd
Stibbins, Ailsa Craig:
Given in marriage by her 'father.
the bride'wore•a floor -length gown of
white sheer crepe, V -neckline, trim -
Med with silver sequins, shirred
treasurer, Mrs ;Clifford Epps, report-
ed a Surplus''aftei ' all pledges had
been met. The,•surplus funds were,
apportioned between The Diocese of:
the Arctic, The Columbia Coast Mis-'
sion and the Guild's ,flower mission..
Mrs. George McLay, superintendent
f • the Juniors, reported that they,
were meeting ''regularly and at the
meetings had made a study of , the
Diocese of the•. Arctic. During the
year they made many handicraft ar='
tides; which were either sold at the
bazaar or sent in their bale, After
meeting their financial,piedges' they
devoted their surplus funds towards
the Diocese of the. Arctic. •
Mrs, George Walker; superintend-
ent of the Little Helpers,. reported
that during theyear many dalls.were
made on : the mothers . and children.
Their annual service and party were
held in the summer. At the service
waist with full skirt. Her finger-tip the children presented the contents of
tulle veil was caught by a cornet of their finite box'es. After the service
a— Illlllms„
guests,please Telephone
1fe- you havep
Miss Mildred Lobb, London, spent
Mrs. NHd MRjSD'
The December meeting of the
Happy War Workers was held at the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kemp, Holly
home of "Mrs. Albert ; Glazier. The Lake, Mich., two former well known
meeting opened by, singing "Silent residents of Clinton,. celebrated their
Night." ,.The Club Creed' was re- golden' wedding .anniversary at their
nested followed by the Lord's Prayer. home Christmas Dap' with" -open
Thesecretary's report was given, fol- house" when many friends gathered
lowed by a letter of thanks from to congratulate them and wish them
Dick Noble. m
many ore years of happy married
Officers for the following year life.
The couple were married. at Clinton.
Christmas at her home in town. were chosen as 'follows: President,
Mrs. R. S. Atkey, Cookstown, is Mrs. Noble Holland; vice-president,
spending t'he Christinas vacation in Mrs.. Aylmer Dale;' secretary, Mrs.
Sewn. Cliff • Glazier; assistant secretary,
Miss M. J. Rudd spent the week- l Jamieson; ,
Mrs, Arnq cl J mu
end and Christmas with her nephew Mrs. George 'Glazier; cutter, Mrs.
in Toronto. Cliff Glazier; buyer, Mrs. Will Glaz-
,Miss - Margaret Ballaehey, C.C.I. ier• flower. committee, Mrs. Albert
staff, is holidayingat her home in Glazier; pianist, Miss Marie Holland;
assistant pianist, Mrs. Arnold Jamie-
son; putting quilts together, Mrs.
Raymond Jamieson.
The lucky ticket during the after-
noon was won by Mrs. Raymond
Jamieson. The next meeting is to
be held at the home of Mrs. Noble
white roses, and she carried a bouquet
of pink and white mums, baby -breath.
and ferns. . Her only ornament was
a string of pearls, the gift of the
groom. '
The bride was attended by- Miss
Hilda Walper, London, sister. of 'the
groom,, wearing a floor -length gown
of white sheer over taffeta with
cornet of shirred tulle edged in. pink,
and shoulder -length veil. 'She carried
a bouquet •of golden chrysanthemums'
and ferns.
Delbert Taylor, brother of the bride, ported•that two'quilts were made and
was best man. ' •' sent to -St. Paul's School "at .Cardston
and sent
• n gift to the best.guilts were
Thegroom's i sandtwo s
was a billfold. • The bride presented to the Mohawk •Institute. •
the bridesmaid" with a gold necklace. Rev. R. M. P.' Bulteel presided dur-
ing the election of officers for 1940,
The striking committee presented a
slate of officers, were accepted un-
aniniously, as,' follows: Honorary
president, Mrs. • L M. McKinnon;
president, Mrs. (Rev.) R. M. Bulteel;
first vice-president, Mrs., W. H. Rob-
insbn; second vice-president, Mrs.
Fred Hudie: secretary. Miss Mary
Greeting ',you - with Nappy Thoughts
And Wishes most 'Sincere,
For a lot of Joy and Gladness
Through the Coming Year:
Take your
every day. ,
The best way to keep colds away
100 CAPSULES $1.50
both the: children and their mothers
enjoyed a social time., The. Dorcas
secretary, Mrs.. R. G. Thompson, re-
ported on the active 'work of the
W.A. Instead of sending the uniform
to St. Paul's. School, Cardston, Al-
berta, the local branch had sent a
sum of money. A. bale of used and
new clothing was sent to the Bishop's
Messengers at Endeavor, Sask. A
parcel of. 'stockings was sent to the
Indian School at Whitefish Lake.
Mrs. Fred Hudie, quilt convenor, -re -
Miss Lorna Piumsteel, Toronto,
spent the Christmas holiday at her
home in town.' '
Miss Helen Brown, of the .0. C. I.
staff, is spending the vacation at her
hone in London.
Following the ceremony, a buffet
supper was served to the immediate
Amidst showers of confetti and best
wishes, the bride and groom, left
for a short honeymoon, the' bride
travelling in a blue crepe dress, blue
coat with black accessories. •
Miss Marny MacKinnon
Directs Nurses' Choir
Mrs. May Ranee MacKinnon has
returned from Toronto where she
heard the Christmas Choral Concert
at the Toronto General, Hospital,
given by a nurses' choir of over 50
voices directed by' her daughter,
Marnv MacKirmou, who is a nurse -
in -training there The Iatter also
sang a solo.
The auditorium. was filled to cap-
acity with an enthusiastic audience,
and, many complimentary remarks
were heard orf all sides' as to the
high standard of the programme, 'the
tonal quality and intepretation of
the various numbers such as, Jests
Bambino, Jesus 'Joy of Man's Desir-
1111111111111111111111111pV1111111111111111I1111111111111111111111,11111111llllll1111 l�
�IIIllllll�ll�lllllllllllllllllllllllIIIl I
M1 rte'
BAIT, LF - r.
incr. Poverty, Rockine and .Bring a
Torch Jeanette Isabella:
Mrs. •Ronald front, formerly Mary
MacKinnon, was also. in ;the pity for serves 33 ,to, 57 and P1 to P25,
the program. meat 1 to' 17. ,
Miss Ruth 'Tilt, Preston, spent the Holland.. The meeting closed by sing-
weekend with her sister, Mrs. Allan ing "God Save the Ring" after which
Maxwell, Joseph Street. a dainty lunch was served by group
Miss FAeanor P]mnsteel, Ridgetown, two.
is spending the Christmas vacation •o
at her home in town.
Miss Celestine Shanahan,' ,ondon,
spent 'Christmas with her parents, Mr:
and Mrs`. Charles Shanahan.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Kearns and
Misses Lois and Joyce Kearns, `spent
W.M.S. Evening Auxiliary
Elects New, Officers
• The Christmas -meeting of Wesley -
the holiday in Kincardine. Willis • W.M.S. • Keening ''Auxiliary
Miss Edna Elliott, on, the staff of was held at the home of the ,presi-
Havergal College, Toronto, spent the dent, Miss,33elen„Nediger, December
Christmas vacation at her home. 5, With a good attendance. The presi-
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Nott visited dent took charge of the business. A
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. new president was elected and a new
Arthur Groves, over the weekend. : •slate of officers presented. The Study
Mr: and Mrs. Orval Lobb spent part was • led by Jean -Currie. It hi -
Christmas with the latter's mother, eluded the. singing of many Christ
Mrs. James F. Thomson, Goderich. mas carols- and • a Christmas story
Miss Wilma Radford, London, spent by Miss Rudd.: The meeting closed
the weekend and Christmas with her with prayer . and a- social hour was
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Radford. much enjoyed.
R. S. Atkey spent Christmas with The following is the' slate of of -
his mother in Owen Sound. fivers for 1946: Honorary. President,
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Haughton and' -Miss M.' Rudd;, president, Effie
little son, 'Carnduff. Sask., are visit- Beattie; first vice-president, Mary
ing Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Haughton. Murch; ' second vice-president, Adel!
Miss Kathleen' Ross, Toronto, visit. -
ed over the holiday weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ross:
December 25'; 1895, at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs,:
James- Shepherd,' her maiden name
being Jessie Shepherd.. The groom
of 50 years ago was born in England,
77 year's ago, son of the late Mi. and
Mrs. Edward Kemp, and came to
Canada with his parents and family
in 1888, settling. in Clinton. He was
a carpenter by trade and assisted' hi
the erection of the Holmes'ville
Cheese Factory and Huron• County
Home, Clinton.
Mi. and Mrs. Keiniip resided , in
Clinton until about 30 years • ago,
and resided in London and Detroit,
Mich., before moving to their preheiit
home. Mr. Kemp has been working
steadily' in a munitions plant.
They have two sons: Anderson
Kemp, Texas; end • -Clinton Kemp,
Holly Lake, Mich., the latter. having
been named after the place of :his
birth. Mr. Kemp has two . brothers:
Samuel. Kemp, Clinton„ and Albert
Kemp, London, and .Mrs. Kemp 'has
two sisters:' Mrs. Jean Morris; Mrs.
Mary Mason and Mrs. Lucy Green -
sides, London.
Miss Bambara Brown, of C"C.i.
staff, is spending the holiday recess
at her home at Aultsville, near Corn
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter, •and
Miffs Joyce Carter spent Christmas
in Toronto with Mr, and Mrs. A. B.
Carter. 1°i i11�i
Miss Winnifred .Tames, nurse -in -
training at Victoria Hospital, London,
spent the weekend at her home in
G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn Hall
spent the weekend arid' Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall;
Holmes; treasurer, Mrs, Clifford Taranto.
Epps; Church boys leagae, Miss_ • W. QMS'. George .Knight$,, who has
Thompson„ ju,or W. A, .Mrs. George been stationed at -Camp Ipperwash,.
McLay;\Little Helpers, Mrs. George is spending Christmas leave at his
Walker; prayer partner, Mrss Alice home here.
Holmes; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. R. G. H J. Walder, Clinton Radio, and
Thompson; edueational secretary, Appliances, spent the 'weekend and'
Evelyn Hall; social service, Miss A. Christmas with hiswife and family
Holmes. Mrs. .$ Bartliff and' Mrs. at Dundas.
G. M. Counter; living message secre- Mr. and Mrs. E. W. M. Paisley,
tary, Mrs. G. M. Counter; Tepee- and two children, Ottawa, are spend-
sentative to 'the Board. df Manage- ing the Christmas vacation with Mr.
ment, Mrs. D' M. McKinnon; press and Mrs. O. L Paisley.
secretary, Bvolyn Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holmes and
o • Billy, Toronto, spent the weekend' and
• • ONTARIO', STREET W. As holiday at the home, of their parents,.
' The Woman's Association of On M+•. and •Mrs. W. 5: R. Ftohnes.
tario' Street 17nited Church, Clinton,
will meat on Wednesday, January 2, Mr. and MM: 'K. W. Thomson, St.
art 2.30 p in, A picnic lunch will be Thomas, and :Miss Barbara Thomson,
served. Washington, D.O., spent the .weekend
a and Christmas with Mrs. Martha
Members of the Young People's
Unions of Ontario -St. -United and
Wesley -Willis United Church serenad-
ed various "shut-ins” after the regular
church seryices Sunday "evening.,with
the singing of Christmas carols. They
enjolyed.soup and crackers' afterwards
in 'Ontario St. Church School Room.
corresponding secretary. . Dorothy
Muteh; press secretary, Helen Nedi-
ger; eormnunity friendship, Grace
Addison; temperance secretary, Viola
Nelson. supply secretary, Miss Mae
Jervis; third vice-president, Florence Davis; treasurer, Ferrol Higgins;
Shipley; recording secretary and pianist, Jean Livermore.
Coupons now valid .'ire sugar maw, Matheson of tiirj staff
46 to 67, butter 11.6 to 136, Pie C:C,I, rs
."spending the Christmas
vacation at the homeof her parents,
Mr. end Mrs: William Matheson,
Chesley. •
Mr. and. Mrs., A. E; Garrioch and
Sandra. Elaine, of Windsor, and Miss
Leola •Nott, Toronto,' spent the hall
day 'with -their parents, Mr: and Mrs.
G. W. Nott;.
Mi•. and Mrs. Wallace Floody, W. E
Floody. and Miss Catherine Floody,
Toronto; spent the weekend with Mrs.
W.. E.,.,Floody, at the Home of Mr. and
Mrs, J. A. Sutter: •
Sgt. Jack Meanwell, RCAF,
Ontario Street. United
REV. G. G: BURTON, Minister
Mrs.. Edward . Wendorf, Organist.
B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader ,
SUNDAY, DEC. 30; 1945
11 A.M.—"The Word and The World"
Near neon,Sunday School.
2 P.M. -Turner's Church Service and
Sunday School.
7 PM.—"Ring out the Thousand
Wars of Old, Pring inthe,Thouss;
and .Years of Peace. (Terinbson')
Special 'music --Chimes. ; .:"
Jan, 4—Official Board Meeting
Jan. 'i --'Sacrament of the 1,I.ord s:
REV D. J. •LANE;• Minister
MTs. Bert Boyes, Organist ' and
Choie Leader
S'3NDAY;' DEC.. 30,- 194.5•: '
10 , Sund» School
11 A.M.---Closing message of the
2.30 P M Kiaoax Church, Bayfield,
service.' "
, Baptist ...
R.EV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister
Mrs. Ernest, Adams, Organist.
J. R. Butler, Choir Leader
-SUNDAY, DEC. 30, 1945
2.30 P.M. --Bible School,
End the old year right and. come.
with the children.
7 P.M.—Evening Worship,
subject: "How to Trsvel the Un-
known Road."
8 P.M. Wednesday, J.an. 2—Prayer
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M, P. BULTEEL, `Rector
Mrs.` Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs. J. G MacKinnon, Choir Leader
SUNDAY, ,DE4 30 1945
11.00 A.M.—Morning Service
2.00 P.M,—Sunday School
7.00 P.M, ---Evening Service
Thursday January 3 — The anneal
meeting of' the Ladies.' Guild will
he 'heldat the rectory at 3 o'clock.
Vtiesley _Willis United
'Mrs.. M J' Agnew, Organist and
Choir Leader,
:SUNDAY, DEC. 30, 1,945
`&ing eitt the old ring in t14 new"
in worship. •
Sermon aubjeets
11 A..M.—"Up uished,Bpsiness"
'7 P.M."Necessary for the New
; Spei.tal New Year's. music.
',Clinton Gospel Centre
0 , CEStrNIOK, Pastor
SUNDAY DEC 30, 1945
10' Nall Sunday School
11 A.M.—,Morning• , Worship; • the
8 P.M Evening ' 'Worship.: "It's
ever too olcl to learn."
9N.15 P M.—$inspiration service of
appropriate carols•; in:Arumental
ntrmbens, on violin: piano, piano
accor' an;'' in addition ,to vocal
'solos arid,;duetr
COME and' bring a friend
Gives Talk to Junior Y
The meeting of the. Wesley -Willis
Junior 2' was held in the church hall
with 26 present The first part, of the
meeting took the feria of a sung -song, :«le0:"1+t:.+ata!?; nalei w+."».». `r::!:',`!4a,.r�•o ww.ki!T ` Stael+,''3kt;+:terataes !•eM!044.44
A shoat practice of Christmas. Carols
followed in preparation for the Carol
Service which seas to be presented
the following- Sunde-Y.
Jean Nediger, the culture convenor,
was in charge of the worship service.
She was assisted by Catherine and
FrankFingland,-Don Miller and Aud-
•ey Jervis.
Jean introduced the guest#speaker
of. the evening, Sgt. Jack "1Cf`eanwell,
RCAF, who spoke on "Art- and its
Relationship to .A7lvertising'." He
dealt firstly with the essentials which
constitute a good picture or painting
--=the idea behind it, the composition,
and the representation. With re-
productions of both old and contemp-
orary paintings, he showed the ef-
fectiveness of thesethree main es-
sentials, Then lie' explained Why -dif-
ferent types of lettering were used !ti
in advertisements and the suitability '
of the composition or subject :matter.
The , -appeal to the eye guides public .
action rn advertising. He demon-
strated 'the '•types ' of representation
showing examples of literal,'eonven •i
tional and abstract,;art,
Sgt. Meanwell sHrged that more
interest be taken in paintings by
artists of our %day.Too frequently
people regard pietg es as something
to fill up wall, space• In conclusion
he • stated that One did not necessarily
have to be a painter, to be an artist --
an artist' is one who can , express
beauty in any form.
Joan Fines -moved, a vete of thanks
to Sgt. Meanwell for his interesting
and. enlightening talk. The president,
Miss Mary Lane, conducted 'the busi-
ness, then games, were played and
refreshments served,
A Shipment of
Brownn Snow Boots
Beaverine trim, and tan Elk Snow Boots, White
Sheep Collar trim, Fleecy Lining, Thick Raw
Cord Rubber Soles; also Whith Shearling
Slippers and White with Red trim platform
ThOfflaS ChurChill
We like to think of Our Customers as
Friends, and we wish to express our Friendship
by the old wish that grows richer through the
years. To all:—
NOTE—Thevery heavy business during the
past weeks has so depleted our stock
throughout the store, we have decided
to remain closed from Christmas until
January 2nd, when our shelves will be
replenished with seasonable merchan-
I .
meeting took the feria of a sung -song, :«le0:"1+t:.+ata!?; nalei w+."».». `r::!:',`!4a,.r�•o ww.ki!T ` Stael+,''3kt;+:terataes !•eM!044.44
A shoat practice of Christmas. Carols
followed in preparation for the Carol
Service which seas to be presented
the following- Sunde-Y.
Jean Nediger, the culture convenor,
was in charge of the worship service.
She was assisted by Catherine and
FrankFingland,-Don Miller and Aud-
•ey Jervis.
Jean introduced the guest#speaker
of. the evening, Sgt. Jack "1Cf`eanwell,
RCAF, who spoke on "Art- and its
Relationship to .A7lvertising'." He
dealt firstly with the essentials which
constitute a good picture or painting
--=the idea behind it, the composition,
and the representation. With re-
productions of both old and contemp-
orary paintings, he showed the ef-
fectiveness of thesethree main es-
sentials, Then lie' explained Why -dif-
ferent types of lettering were used !ti
in advertisements and the suitability '
of the composition or subject :matter.
The , -appeal to the eye guides public .
action rn advertising. He demon-
strated 'the '•types ' of representation
showing examples of literal,'eonven •i
tional and abstract,;art,
Sgt. Meanwell sHrged that more
interest be taken in paintings by
artists of our %day.Too frequently
people regard pietg es as something
to fill up wall, space• In conclusion
he • stated that One did not necessarily
have to be a painter, to be an artist --
an artist' is one who can , express
beauty in any form.
Joan Fines -moved, a vete of thanks
to Sgt. Meanwell for his interesting
and. enlightening talk. The president,
Miss Mary Lane, conducted 'the busi-
ness, then games, were played and
refreshments served,
A Shipment of
Brownn Snow Boots
Beaverine trim, and tan Elk Snow Boots, White
Sheep Collar trim, Fleecy Lining, Thick Raw
Cord Rubber Soles; also Whith Shearling
Slippers and White with Red trim platform
ThOfflaS ChurChill