HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-12-20, Page 3fiRU•It.SDAY, DEO1*M 3BR 20, 946, IQ b of Our Saviour By' "PEG" • Qnee more we have entered'.the Christmas season. It is a good thing that it coulee to us once a year. Two thousand years ago Caesar Augustus sent forth the decree that all the world should be taxed, On account of ' the fear of rabbets the people from each district went in groups.- In one of these we find Joseph, a carpenter of Nazareth in Galilee, and his wife Mary, who was very soon to become the Mother of the Saviour of the world: Previous to this time the angel had come to her and had announced the fact that Me had foundfavour with God and would by the power of : the Holy 'Ghost bear a Son, who would be called Jesus, the Son o£ God. We can: imagine Joseph and Mary. journeying,: along with the others hoping that they would be able to reach Bethlehem, the city of David, where they were to be taxed. (They were of the house and lineage of David). ' •The journey, was not easy; for Mary,. bit she went bravely on. on. Here the days were accomplished when May was to be delivered. Joseph and Mary had gone to the Inn hoping that they would find ac- commodation there but the inn keeper turned them away. A story is told of the 'inn keeper which carries its own message. When Joseph and the Mother .of the coming Babe spoke to :him, he said that he just had 'one room left arid in spite of Mary's condition he refused to let them Have .it, giving as his reason that he expected a Prince to come as his guest. Thus, Josephand•Mary, weary and tired, went on, their way. Finding no other place, they were finally forced to take shelter in u stable. The shadows cast on the walls were those of oxen feeding: The story goes on to tell of the thoughts of the inn keeper when he later learned that he bad turned some- one away, who was much more am - portant than the earthly prince for whom he was holding the room. From that first Christmas Day, the civilized world reckons its time. Every newspaper or cheque or letter which has been sent out during the past year bore the date 1945. As we write that date, has it any meaning for us? Do we give the Saviour of the' world any place at all in our lives? Christ was born in a very humble way, for which we should all be thankful. He came to save the poor as well as the rich. No place in Qod's Word is there any distinction made between the rich and the poor as far as Salvation is concerned. There was no room for Jesus in the Inn. We can compare ourselves to the Inn of so many years ago. As we read that story we think of how cruel .it was of the Inn Keeper to refuse to in some way make room for Joseph and Mary, but we forget that we today are forcing the same Jesus out of our lives. We will not allow Him to be born into our hearts and strange to say, we, many of us, belong to that crowd who stood around the cross thirty-three years later and we join with the mob who eried "Crucify Him." Our hearts are filled with other things than the love of Jesus. At this time we receive so much joy from thinkingofthe shepherds as they cared for their flocks. They were just attending to their usual work when the angels sang "Glory to God in the highest." We do not need to go away from our duty to listen for the call of God. He has already given that call, but many of us have not answered it. We will hear Him as we try to make peace on Earth; as we go about our house-• work; as we go to the office er the shop; as we drive our motor car; as we try to give comfort ,to someone or as we go to church, Sunday School or prayer meeting. The more faith- ful we are to our duty the better we will be fitted to hear God's call. This Christmas many of our boys and girls who . have been fighting aur battle overseas are home. Those who corresponded with these brave souls will understand just how anx- ious they were to be back to their own -fireside with their loved ones. May it be a day of thanksgiving and riot of revelry. Our prayer is that God will be present in homes where there is a vacant chair and where there is a white cross in the Can- adian cemeteries in far-off lands. Those whose sons and daughters have returned from the battle front can have no idea of the lonlness in the hearts of those who are looking in vain for their dear onus. The Babe, whose birthday we are about to cele- brate, brought the love and comfort to the world which is the only con- solation to' those who are sorrowing. When the shepherds heard the pro- nouncement of the angels they left their flocks in charge of some comp- etent guard and went to find the meaning cif the call. The angels rep resented God in heralding the glad tidings. We might call them eyang- elists.- ' have we' heard the call of God and have refused,, to answer it, In order to give Him a place in our hearts we must leave self . out of our lives, - We read that when the shepherds heard and saw the angels they were sore afraid. ' There are many tunes when we are troubled but the glad assurance thatthe angels gave to the shepherds is ours as well, "Be not afraid:. for behold.I bring you good tidings of great joy." , As the shep- herds were then : unafraid so Christ will take fear away from us ifwe just ask Hint to. The angel band brought 'the mes- sage, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace." Christ, in the beginning meant that we should have peace ,but in the chamber of our hearts in which peace should' have reigned we have put a "To Rent" sign and have rented it to the highest bidder which very often is hatred. Hatred brings a great deal of punish- ment. In this way me have lost the joy of the angel band. What at trial this last six years 'must have been to our Saviour who died that we might have peace! Many people have been led to Christ through the instrumentality of, a baby. Why should . we not . take the Babe, Jesus Christ into our hearts and allow Him to reign there?. There is,joy in the world that Jesus Christ came to us in human form. Had He come in any other form we would have felt that we could never be like Him. Everyday some child is bora who in later years will be a great leader either in religious or national affairs. A century or more ago while Napoleon was upsetting the world, Gladstone and Abraham Lin- coln were born. They both made their mark for good. Christ was of very lowly and humble birth and yet he was the greatest Man who ever lived: We know that there is a great mistake being made today. While we enjoy giving gifts and do not want to be by any means considered the "scrooge" of Charles Dicken's "Christmas Carol", yet at times we are allowing gift giving to take the place of our Saviour. We are so busy rushing about that we take no time to realize the fundamental meaning of Christmas. We forget Jesus Christ. We go about buying this one and that one and we neglect altogether the One to whom we should give our finest gift. John Newton in his declining years said, "My memory is nearly gone, .but II remember two things, that I am a great sinner and that Christ is a )great Saviour." The Saviour of the world • was born on Christmas Day and will be your Saviour and mine if we will Iet Him. The only gift which we can give to Jesus Christ is ourselves. Will we not accept Him right now. The only way to de this is to believe on Him and as we sit down to our Christmas dinner we can have the assurance that Ile is our Companion and Guest. As we think of Christmas for our- selves, let us consider others. In a. charity school after the blessing. "Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest and bless the food Thou hast provided," a little lad said, "Tell us, teacher, why the Lord Jesus never comes?" The teacher replied, "Dear child, only believe, and you may be sure that He will conte to us one of these tunes, for He always' -hears us." Then, re- plied the lad, "I will set a chair for Him," and he placed one at the table. Are we as ready to make a• place for Jesus in our lives? Let us do it before it is too late. No Room No moat for the Baby at Bethlehem's Inn -only a cattle shed, No home on this earth for the dear Son of God -nowhere to, lay His head. Only a cross did they give to our Lord -only a borrowed tomb, Today He is seeking a place in your heart -will you still say to Him, "no room?" "Cr Lord, in my heart there's a wel- come for Thee -gladly I now would say: "Coyne in, blessed Saviour; my heart and my life henceforth would own Thy sway. Long hast Thou waited and long knocked in 'gain .outside my heart's closed door; 0 eleance me from sin, then, dear Lord, enter in and dwell there for evermore!" "PEG" e Congratulations! Her Father: "What? She's con- sented to marry you Young man, you're the second happiest man in the world!" PROCLAMATION BOXING DAY adopted by In accordance with a resolution the Town Council,•I hereby proclaim Wednesda, Dec. .26,1945 A Civic Holiday M. J. AGNEW, Mayor GOD SAVE TRE KING LIN'TON, N&` VS-REOO1i St. Paul's Anglican REV.. It, M. P, BULTFEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Frerelin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, DEC. 23 2.00 P.M. -Children's Service 7.00 P.M. --Carol Service Monday, Dec: 24, 11.30- p.m. -Choral Comrnunion Christmas Day, Dee. 25, 10.00 Holy Communion. Clinton Gospel Centre O 'CESTNIC'K, Pastor CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, DEC. 23 10 A.M.-Sunday Scheel 11 A:M.-Morning Worship;. speaker, Mr. K. Reid. 8 P.M. -Christmas Message, "Hone ing Shortage", the Pastor. 9.15 P.M.--:Sinspiration, service of appropriate .carols, instrumental numbers on violin, piano, piano accordion, in addition to vocal solos and duets. COME and bring a'friend Ontario St. United CRIUSTMAS SUNDAY, DEC. 23 10.45 A.M. -- Chimes (Christmas Carols) from the tower. 11.00 A.M. - Prelude, organ and piano, Mrs. Ed. Wended and Miss Elva Wiltse; "He Shall Feed His Flocks", Handel. Congregation and choir -:"Joy to the World", 55. ' Invocation -The Pastor. + Hymn -"Hark the Herald Angels Sing", 59. Magnificat-St. Luke 1:46,,747. National Anthem. Scripture --St, Matt. 2:1-12. Prayer -Pastor -Lord's Prayer. Anthem -"Be Joyful 0' 'Earth." Offertory"Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring". Bach. Solo -"The Lord is My Light," Miss A. L. Thompson. Hymn -"Away in 'a Manger", 598. Sermon -"The Stars Looked Down" Rev. G. G. Burton. Hymn -"Angels from the Realms of Glory," 64. Benediction. Postlude-Christmas Fantasia. Evening: • 7.00 P.M. -Cantata -"The Incar- nation" by George B. Nevin; thirty pages of music; solos, clioiuses, duets and Quartet. Prelude -Organ and Piano; Past- oral by Matthe•(vs; Nazareth (Gounod), Doxology -- Invocation-.: liyn at-,J'While Shepherds Watched their FIocks by Night", 62. Scripture -St. Luke 2:8-20. Prayer -Pastor. Offertory: Nocturne by Mendel- ssohn. Cantata -"The tlncarnationi" by ,George 13. Nevin. Closing Hymn -"Silent Night," 53. Benediction. Postlude-"Hallelujah Chorus," and "The Glory of the Lord," Messiah, Handel, Christmas Bells from the tower. 2.00 P.M. -Turner's Church; special Christmas Music, Presbyterian REV, D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes,r Organist and Choir Leader CliRISPMAS SUNDAY, DEC. 23 10 A.M.-Sundriy School 11 A.M.--A brief Christmas Message. 2.30 Peet -Knox Church, Bayfield, service. EVERYBODY WELCOA$E Wesley -Willis United REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. •M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, DEC. 23 nme. subject, "The Innkeeper of • Bethlehem." • 12.10 P.M. -Church School 7.00 P.M. -Evening message: Some interesting information about the cards sung. St. Joseph's Roman` Catholic CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, DEC 23 The observance of Christmas, at St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, will be featured by the singing of Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. Celebrant of the Mass will be Rev. S. J. Mc- Donald, pastor of St. Joseph's Church. Additional Masses will ibe said on Christmas Day at 8.30 and 9.00 a.m. Prior to the Midnight Mass, a program of recorded Christmas Carols will be presented from 11.15- 12 o'clock. The Proper and Common of the Mass will be sung by the Men's Choir. Solo parts will the taken by Gerald Brown, Anthony Garon and Francis Evans. Miss Florence Evans will preside at the organ. At the Communion, the Adeste Fideles will be sung, with Francis Denomme as boy soloist. Following the Maes, the children of the congregation will make their visit to the Crib, followed by the adult members of the parish. The public is cordially invited. T 4 e Wesley -Willis United' CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, DEC. 23 Morning Musie Organ Prelude --Celtic Pastorale; Pastoral Symphony. Soto -"The Birthday of the Icing", William: Conran. Offertory-Jesu. Joy of Man's De- siring. Anthem -Gloria In Excelsis Deo. ' Organ Postlude - March of The Magi. Morning Message -"The )nnkeeper of Bethlehem." Evening Music Organ Prelude -Angels Serenade. Anthem -,Al Heavenly Song (Swiss Sacred Polk Song). Solo -Shepherds in the Hush of Night -Mrs. B. C. Hearn. Carol Singing. Offertory -.Adoration. Organ Postlude-And the Glory of the Lord. Evening Message -"Some ,interest- ing information about the carols sung." HUNTING ON SUNDAY WINGHAM-Hunting- on Sunday and not having a gun license proved costly to several offenders for infrac- tions of the Game and Fis'he-ties Aet, each paying $10 and costs at. $1.75. Convicted were Clayton Taber, r-. EVtiqtYBODY L. G. WINTER Business will be closed Christmas Day GLID(DON'S PRESS SHOP ,Phone .115 rIMOINOMONIINIMIN PA.QE TtUR,E1 MARK GOWEN WEDDING GODZJR,TCH+-Mt. and Mrs, Byron Warren, Godersi h who observed their 60th .wedding anniversary, Sunday, went to London for the occasion to visit' the latter'S sister, Miss Gwen Ware, and brother, bank Ware. A reception : in their honor was given Monday afternoon and evening.' Mrs. Wilson, formerly Miss Cora 'Ware,, was born in London, and her husband was born in Colborne Township: They • were married 50 years ago in London by Rev. Benson Clement, The'make' Peet of their married life has been spent in Goderich. Ontario Street United REV. G. G, BPRTON, Minli ter Mrs. Edward Wender!, Organist B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, DEC. 23 11 A.M. The Stars Looked Down", Rev, G, G. Burton. 7 P.M. --Special Christmas Music Cantata, "The Incarnation" --by George B. Nevin. i' Baptist REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister: Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler,' Choir Leader CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, DEC. 23 The pastor will bring a Christmas message and the choir will ren- der special music. The Baptist church believes in Sane Evangelism and invites you to all. its srevices. 7 P.M. -Evening Worship, subject: "Why I ant a Modernist" 8 P.M. Thursday, Dee. 20 --Christmas Entertainment,. St. Paul's Anglican CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, DEC. 23 11 A.M.-Morning Service 2 P.M. --Children's Service, • 7 P.M. --Carol Servicer • Processional "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night". Carols --,'Noel" and "Good , Christ- ianmen, Rejoice!" Psalm -19. Carols "Good King Wenceslaus." Scripture lesson. . .Carols• -."Whence, 0 Shepherd Maiden?" and "In the Bleak Mid- winter." Hymn -"It Came upon the Mid- night Clear." Creed and Prayers. Carols -"Wo Three Kings of Orient are," soloists: J. Silcock, Col. H. T. Rance, J. Cook; "'T was hi the Bleak Midwinter," "Infant Holy." Sermon, Anthem -"First Christmas Morn," S. C. Cooke; soloist, C. Wilson. Benediction Vesper -"Sleep, Infant Divine." Recessional -'to Little Town of Bethlehem." Monday, Dee. 24, 11.30 P.M. -Choral Communion Processional -"Hark, the Herald Angels Sing." Christmas sentences. Hymn -"G Come, A1I Ye Faithful." Anthem -"Glory to God," Ernest Newton. Hymn -"While Shepherds Watched their Flock* by Night." Recessional -"Christians, Awake!" Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 10 A.M. Holy Communion * A * 'Presbyterian CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, DEC. 23 Organ Prelude -Prelude in D Minor. Hymns• -"O Come All Ye Faihful," "Holy Night, Peaceful Night," lark, The Herald Angels Sing," "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear," "Joy to the World the Lord is Come." Anthems ' "Christians Awake, Salute the Happy Morn," Maunder; "Hallelujah, to the King" by Gabriel. Offertory -"Memories of Twilight" by Hopkins. Postlude-"Post udiunr" by Arm- strong. Sermon --A brief Christmas mes- Trowbridge; Clayton Johnston, R.R. 2, Listowel; Earl Tucker, R. R. 2, Listowel, and Ronald Woods, R. R. 2, Listowel. Pleading guilty to hunting without a gun license, Ray Loutitt, • Wroxeter, also paid el() and costa. Prosecutions were made by Provincial Game and Fisheries Overseer W. H. Cantelon, Wingbam, and Overseer 'W. H. Flynn, Mount Forest. Proclamation Municipal Elections TOWN NOMINATIONS Monday, Dec. 31 1945 OF CLINTON `ELECTION Monday, Jan. 7 1946 NOTICE Is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors for the Nomination of Candidates for the positions of Mayor, Reeve, Councillors, . Publie Utilities Commissioner, and members of the Board of Education, for the ensuing term, will be hold in the Town Hall, Clinton Monday, December. 31, 1945 Between the hours of half past seven and half past eight in the evening M. T. CORLESS, Returning Officer and if necessary, the election to fill the above named positions, or any of them, will be held on Monday, January 7, 1946 at the following places, and by the following nau%ed persons, that is to say, in ST. ANDREW'S WARD At the Town Hall, J. W. Manning, Deputy Returning Officer. ST. JAMES' WARD-- . At 13. Glidden s Shop, Victoria St.,'R. B. Fitzsimons, D.R.O. ST. JOHN'S WAIt17- At Ed. Munro'a Barber Shop, W. Wallis, D.R.O. ST. GEORGE'S WARD•-» ' - . At Russel Jervis' •Office, Albert Street, ChM. Manning. D.R.O. commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing ;until the hour offive o'clockin the afternoon and the resuits, will be publicly declared in .the Town Hall, 'orY"' Tuesday, `the 8th day; of January, 1946, at 12 o'clock noon: M. T. C,ORLE$S, Clerk and Returning Officer towettoftwieltotiemetecweeitioevomettootect .ut Gifts Of Distinction For Her DRESSER SETS HAIR BRUSHES (Nylon Bristles Plastic Handles) PARKER PENS & PENCILS PERFUMES COLOGNES DUSTING POWDERS FANCY SOAP (in boxes BUBBLE BATH BATH OIL YARDLEY'S CREAMS MANICURE SETS REVLON PEGGY SAGE ' CUTEX TOILETRIES VITA -RAY VALSE DE FLF tJRS SKYLARK EVENING IN PARIS PETAL TONE THREE FLOWERS GEMEY YANKY CLOVER )VIOLET SEC LOUIS PHILLIPPE DON JUAN WOODBURY'S 'CASHMERE BOUQUET MOLINARD FRENCHEE HOUSE OF WESTMOREI ELIZABETH KANE FOR BABY BRUSH and COMB SETS Pink and Blue SETS BY MENNEN'S - JOHNSON'S - BABY'S OWN F. B. PENNEBAKER. MISOLI •brDOMMX1tableattp d0604,1002r3tleab1tkfr 9•.btDVaa CONNELL & TYNDALL CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET We Wish All A MERRY CHRISTMAS Choice Milk -Fed Chickens Nice Grain -Fed Ducks for Christmas earearaetateakeeleteaarmeemeadateamemseeamettattereer ,AMStntgt HtDd: Are you satisfied with your pres- ent System of Bookkeeping? Ifnot try Triple - 0 - Very popular Very successful AUDITING ' AND INCOME TAX A SPECIALTY R. BENSON SUTTER Phone 325 New Year's Eve DA mommeomaleoreamarmemordel TOWN HALL, CLINTON Monday, Dec. 31 Sponsored by HURON FISH and GAME CLUB Music by Ken Wilbee Orchestra NOVELTIES -• NOISEMAKERSSTREAMERS - ETC.FOR EVERY -ONE -Start the New'Year right by enjoying yourself -- 'ADMISSION: 75e