HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-12-20, Page 1WITH WHICH' IS
No. 6180. -67th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO., `DECEMBER 20, 1945. The Home Paper With The News
nton's Ofiieial
Exercises Are
Great Success
Large ' and interested audiences'
witnessed the performances at the
annual- Commencement Exercisesof
•Clinton Collegiate Institute Thursday
and Friday evenings last. The aud-
itorium was crowded to overflowing
on the last night, 'Principal E. A.
Fines, was chairman.
Athleticand shooting awards were
anade on Thursday evening, with.
Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, rector of St.
Paul's Anglican Church, making the
following athletic championship
Senior girls, Marion Peck; inter-
mediate girls, Grace Loirb; junior
girls, Evelyn MacDonald; Senior boys,
Ross Dilling, Fred Kirby and• John
MacDonald, beds. intermediate boys,
Charles Manly; junior boys, Donald
Miller; target shepting, Wet cup,
William Hearn.
Presentation of diplomas' wee( made
Priday evening by Rev. Andrew Lane
minister of Wesley -Willis .United
Church. Addressing the graduates he
said: "We have not attained a spirit -
nal or moral, level equal to our edu
seatjonal.:Standards," . he said.. ' W.a.
>, have' not, learned, how to use our op=
portunita. to advance ° out spiritual
and moral level. We hope' that you;
in your generation, will be a great
deal more successful!' •
Rev. Mr. Lane made the following
presentations: • •
Graduation' Diplomas—Robert; ,A1-
lan, Verna Bayley, ` Norah Bulteel,
Roes pilling, Harriett Fremlin, Ii'rank
Fingland. Mervin Glazier, Mary Lane,
Phylis • McBride,` Stuart McBride,
Aileen 'McCartney; "'Jean Meletyre,.
Beecher • Menzies, • Jiine Middleton,
Jtite 'lfilier, George Scribbins, Lis -
beth Montan, Eileen "Rutter, Margaret
Pamblyn, Helen Turner `.Lois Wiltse:
Honour Graduation Diplomas
Elisabeth Aaiun, Kenneth Arnistrbn ,
Joyce Carter, Gerald` Elliott, Harriett•
Fremlin, Ivan /Inborn, :Doris Me-
Ewen, John McIntyre, Donald Falmer,
Murray Roy, Margaret Shoebottom;
'Lisbeth Sidman, •' • •• •
Intermediate Dipolmas --- - Gwen
Chapman, Marie Glidden, Phyllis
(Continued on Page 8)
To the Women of Clinton 'Red Cross'
Society and its Units:-
Once again the chimes 'are .ringing
and we sing the same glad songs,
but this year possibly they mean
more to 11S than ever before 'because
on,• conflict -lias" ended, families are
being reunited, and we are rely
looking forward to Peace on Earth.'
To all or you, who have ,been so
faithful , to your sacred trust; and
have done a good job•nobly, :I send,
yen the warmest greetings and ap-
preciations of the season. You have
had a legitimate goal, and have not
laid down • your tools liefore you .saw
the job well and truly done.
TO those, who, ' during the past
year.. have parted with dear friends!
and loved' ones, may 1 offer profound
sympathy and love.
May we enter this year humbly,
and from our past experiences, bring
renewed effort to fill a larger place
in the doing of the worthwhile things
of life. Our work is humanitarian,
and ' we pledge ourselves for Peace
ea War, wherever help is needed, we,
will ;hot fail.
I:would like to remind you of the,
date of our annual ,meeting, to be
held in the Council Chamber . of the.
:.Yawn Ball, Friday. December 28; at
2.90 p.m,where wehope to meet
all those interested in;'odr work.
Siucereiy, ,,.
(Signed) (Mrs.) IS S{.
GAXES, President. r:, -,
IThe k•' �W r �'W e e e
,Dee. 13:. •1!
. : >r i1923a ,.A,few Wee s;afte%ward• an .
,.•Dae. 1f; t ;;,' 20 , 2 •:th . r
:,,r _ ., r>,.x ter 19� :. t e Jl`t+tive D .>A'.. .
B �a
spas,* y
Murdered by ' Germans .`
Son of Mrs. Russell Wilson, Blyth,
and the late David Bowes, who was
one of the 134'. Canadian , soldiers
allegedly murdered by the Germans
while prisoners •of war at the time
of the invasion of Normandy in June,
1944, „ The • murder of these menis
one •of the charges faced by .Kurt
Meyer, tried at Amich, Germany,
)fFede t
• ra Yan
S et
ram the ler u
President of the. Clinton Council of Churebese.
From days of worry we pause to hear the .Angels'
Sang of:Peace. on Earth . Good -will towards Mali. Two
Scripture texts came to mind as helpful, "Thou shalt
remember all the way in which the Lord 'thy God hath
led thee"; Be .still ai;d know ththatI- am God."
lvlemory is a vital agent of human progress. Defeats-
and'• victories he in, the past. Forgetting .these we'•;cannot'
push into the future aright. We must be still. The still
hour• enables us to sift, the . false from the true. History
reveals no sadder. record than that Of the past, five years.
We see cruelty, deceit, defeat, lack: of parental antthority,
the• empty -church pew. We grow discouraged. Then we •
hear God saying -"Be still." That stillness brings, the long-
:• look.
We see the Babe of Bethlehem, the Child of Nazareth,
the Man of Galilee, the"Christ cif 'Calvary, the Ri :„Lord
and Saviour ol'' the world. - We Yieair again Let 'slot '"Aunt
c ;Hearts be trouble& ye believe in God believe also in me,"
Me' see 'twelve •'men sentout by `Jesus to found a blew . •
Chairmen and members of the s,Order. They we.At,es commanded into all the world. Ye..
various, committees for 11146 were'a.
chosen ata meeting of the directors, "q'Iho Te;, f2anaizg' look at the results. ' Phe twelve have,
of Huron County Federation of Agri-. I 'become mullions,
culture which: was held in the Board
Room, Ontario ,Department of Agri- In the: name of the Christ - who has made this
culture,: Thursday evening last •,,. 'possible, ehe•aClinton.Council of Churches calls upon' all•. to
Past President Harry L. .Sturdy,.
Auburn, took the chair, and after' lift their ryh,�e��a,rts and voices in gladaaCclaim aiid wish,•an
the minutes of the previous meeting a.merry Vrr'LLstsnaS and a H New Year..
had been read and adopted,, handed y►PY
the meeting.' over to the president-..: .o
elect,., Russell Bolton, Dublin. The AN EARLY' JUST AND ABIDING PEACE
latter, lea brief speech, asked for r • .
the support and cooperation of all • - By REV. S. J. McDONA,LD,
members. Pastor • of St. Joseph's Roman .Catholic Church, Clinton
Robert Mcl{ereher spoke of the find St. 'Michael's Churtch, 'Blyth
good leadership and devotion of the
past president, moved a hearty vote For the -firat time in"six years, Christmas will be
madeHo and that Harry 'Sturdy be celebrated :this year las :a world to which at least' some'
de Honorary' President: .Motion ,:'
carried unanimously Of.peace has returned. 'And 'however vague and
Several Motions' Adopted ' uneasythat '. nia be'. its return will,nevertheless,
A number of resolutions were le y. '
adonted a's •follows: • - cal3„forth 'sentiments of deep gratitude` from millions.. of
That we send four 'delegates 'tehearts: There :was always .something wrong and ine 'ng -
Short ,Course 'at '1•Vesteru University, `
on Rural Leadership sand. cooperation. mom, even :contradictory; about celebrating'iChristmmas iii:.
That we, send President as. director ;time of War; but with the ending of” World War II, there
to meetings • of Ontario Federation;
with Bert Lobb as alternative, • should be a sincerity in our observance :of Christrdas- this
That we send president and vice- '
president as voting delegates 'to • ; ,3'ear •u•nknown in past years.
Ontario annual. :•• May Christmas' '1945 be to us, as it was to .the
`; shepherds on the First Christmas Night, "news of great
joy"'; may it bring strength .and comfort to those bereaved •,
by the. war. May:. itslight dispel. the mists .oft ;error and
hatred',:and'place intheir stead' the.truth andiehanity of ;>•
Christ; May it teach mats, so' proud' and self-sufficient, his
own poverty and : misery, his need of Christ the.. Saviour
Of mankind. May he find, like the Three Wise ,Men; that
there is speart't'y and`(happiness only by following the" star
:which leads him back to the:weak and 'help'less Babe -;of,
Bethlehem. May.Christ; the Prince of Peace, grant ;us an
early, just and Abiding Peace..
That we send Mrs., Anderson:, to
Ontario Annual as 'Worm's: delegate..
That Bill Holland to. be 'delegate'
for `Junior' Farmers.
That president be official delegate
to National convention: in London.,,;
• Cointnittees Named
Harry' Sturdy spoke on striking
Committee's choice of the following
slate .of names, first mentioned, to be
chairman of each committee:
Executive—,R. Bolton. H. Sturdy;
B. Lobb. E. • Shapton,• E. B..•Goudie,.
R. McKercher, G. Kirkland, L. G.
Bryce, W. V. 'Roy.
Field. Da*B,. Bolton, H. Sturdy,
(Continued on page 8),
Members of Clinton Lions Club
entertained their sons and the mem-
bers of lst Clinton Wolf Cub Pack at
an enjoyable dinner in St. Paul's
Parish Hall, Thursday evening last.
The Hall was well filled for the
affair, President X. A. Sutter was
chairman. •
Dr. J.• Aex 'Ad'dieen was formally
initiated into the Club, the •Code of
'Ethics being read by.. Dr. P. G
Thompson, and the Lions'°emblem lie-
ing pinned on his lapel and certificate
presented by Dr. W. A.. Oakes. The
new member was greeted with "For
He's a Jolly Geed Fellow."
C, D. Connell, chairman of the
Sight Conservation ' Committee, in
eharge of the program,' presided for
the'rest of the meeting. Misses Lola
Jervis and Gloria Palmer, Holmes-
ville, sang two duets, accompanied by
Mist "Eileen .Glidden at the piano
Lion Newton (Davis sang a solo,
aecompanied "byy Miss Eileen Sutter
II.' L. Tomlinson, Clinton, presented
a very interesting entertainment of
sleight-of-hand tricks, much to the
wonderment of the younger people
present. Flt. Lieut. Gordon .Waugh
R. arid O. 'S., Clinton, played' a num-
ber of 'enjoyable"hill-billy" and other
songs oh his"electric guitar.
•-V D. Falconer, 'in behalfofe the
7.ton' Clirexpressed
s 'h, tttank-5.`t'o all
those who , had taken part' ancl' also
to Cubniilater A. E. Douglas, -who: re-
plied suitably_ in behalf of the Wolf
Cab Paek,
Fit. Lieut. Waugh made the draw
which was won, by Stephen Brown,
young son of Lion Lorne Brown. •
Seven New Members
Initiated into- Legion,
Seven new members were initiated
as members of Clinton'•Btairch Nd.
140, Canadian Legion, at the monthly
meeting in • the Legion .Hall Thurs-
day evening last, The ceremony» was
conducted by' President P. G. Sorib-
Big ]'unction' Planned
By, Mayor and Council
xl. rl LDWlhtii:LE"-_
20, sort `'of Mr. and 11Irs: Henry Aad•
wincklo; Varna, who. has beel,named
one of Ontario's two Rhodes Scholars
far 1946. A clever graduate' in 1939
• of Clinton 'Collegiate Institute,Robert
• :Morrison •Aldwinekle, a student • in
engineering physics at the University
of Toronto, was discharged from the
RCAF 'la§t•' May and' won the Dis-
tinguished Flying Cross. and men -
.tion in despatches while on service•
Rhodes" Scholar.
This: Year With
Nev ' members sine S." V, ' •Correa, (�n
D. W. Cornish, Robert Irwin, William VV� Surplus
tch, CW.' J..•Rieh1, ,Blyth; 5,:
A, Lightfoot, and P. B. Hail. '
The • December statutory • meeting
of Clinton Town Council was held in
the Council Chamber at 7 p.m Sat-
urday with all members • present , ex=
sept. Conn. Ernest Brown. Mayor
Agnew presided.
The Mayor called on, the treasurer
to read the statement of receipte
and expenditures for •the twelve
months, — December; 15, 1944,.'to pe dmng overboard,
December 16, .94S.
The statement showed a balance of explosions which followed.
at the latter date of $6,966.27, and.
With the exeeiit'ive committee still
to he completed and. to include ;repre-
sentatives from Brucefield, Bayfield
and Blyth, officers of 'the Branch,
for • 1946 are as, follows; 7,'rgsident,
T. G. Seribbins; first vice-president,
George Wilson; second vice-president,
Dr. R. A, McIntyre; secretary, M. J.
Schoenhala; treasurer, J. R. Butler';
sergeant-irt-arms, Sam E, Castle.
Cpl.. William N. Ball
Returns rrom Overseas
Cpl. Willi&tit Nelson Ball, `son of
Mrs: Nelson •Ball, ; Clinton, who serv-
ed. overseas with the Queen's Own
Rifles 'of ' Canada," arrived home in
Clinton Motxday evening; "glad to be
back." He was met at Stratford by'
his brother, D'ouglas; his wife•and
William Mutoh, • and motored to Clin-
ton, . He is on leave until' the end
of January,
Cpl: ;Ball enlisted three -and -a -half
years ago and went.' overseas more
than a year ago. He'served in Hol-
land. :j3e arrived at Halifax. N.S. on
the liner 'cMonarch of Bermuda". on
"Victory” 99 notc>xor Plowin Match In Co
Likely Held October,15=-18, 1946
Tentative dates for:. the 'big titter-'
national • "Viotoy"' • Irlowingr .Match;
which will be, staged. at Port Albert,
Huron County :the first since 1941—
will be' Tuesday -Friday, Oetoben•16,18,
1946, it was reeommended,at a,joint
Meeting' of the executiveOnt
of, Maur, In,
-Plowmen's' Association and . Ivrpn
County': Committee • in the Council_
Chanter, , Cirnton, Thursday after;
noon last.
IiagR..R.4, Goderish
elrarrmair, presided with Cdtunty
'Preasurer. A! I.I. Exalt*, Goderiehldas'
:.secretary `in the. absence of F rt B,a
Stewart, Clinton:` he
,Ross Megrater, : reviousl atatded
,. g p Y
chairman' of Billeting'; • riakedt tliati iia,
new ' ch'airntart . b'e x appnitited'r ,•aiIdi
s''lated lie.would act en' the committee.;
Features `;Outlined. a
(Hugh! Hill outlined featuressIM
R. G. Thompson Completes
34; Years'' Fine Service'
R: •4G, Thompson ..>:.the ei#icient
and: +highly..:.esteemed Clerk, ,: olr;::
God'erieb Township,. sit Saturday_
light's 1945 wind-up,: • Coupeil
Meeting, completed :34 years ae
a 1 of "cio
municipal � ii al in t at t wn
shi�pp. '
Mrs: Thomaston in ' 1912 ",,was
ppointed . Fax • Collector, a'
.ositl'on twhlich,llie .occupied with
ih : death" o Inc'f .mer'
erke Adam ,Cantejop,.hlre became
wn�htir .Oie k: ,-15 p,, mbei '•T,,'
• hitt, r.11ry se, T�'ooing.
ec. „1$ 12 g Mvl., Lin �. „••
.,. s
nectioriwith the •yar sdo a t en ir i : is -Io en_ e of. ,of-" Try dancingo the fii ncw;.floo.dent, Elmer ar Roberko
n�Gotie t
:„ a. ' :Local Daywould be: or R ro ,. 'fice,"• Mess om sen_,has.. served Dancing9.30 LOO. 4dl i o :50e1 tecond vree re .tient 'alum Betties,
Bel w. Zero. . .<._., . f ,. , u} _t! T'l}.•., P, ,... , , . _, OQ A, , efii,n � � . ,s ,�
Snowfall for week --6% inches, (Continued en Page 8) ' well the'ratepayers. ,:,,79 -deb (cantrrtued .e-h,1rage 8) •
,r.: , ,.., i ...
Through pressure, on space in this
Special Christmas Issue, a number ,of
news 'stories, including church trews,
were unavoidably; held ,over •until
next week.
3c a -.'word •
Minimum Charge
New Year's` Eve Dance,'Town•
'Clinton, Monday, Dee. 31, sponsored
by Huron"Fish and Game Club.: Ad-
mission '75 cents. • 80-81-x
Ceremony.: of presentation _to„•re
turned' service personnel fronle;iclin',
ton, Town- }Hall, Clinton, Thursdays,
Dec. 27,, at, 8' p.m., Returned 'men
and families invited. .•
Da7ce+in Cardno's Hall,' Seaforth
Bert Worth and his •CI�1V,Ii Am
baseadors on Thursday, December ,201
• The Town of Clinton ; vti11 officially
welcome haaae its own sons and.
daughters, who have returned from
overseas, at a big party in the Town
Hid], Thursday, Dec. 27, at 8 p.m.
Invitations are being mailed this
week to about 160 personnel. inviting
them and their families to be pre$at
as guests of the Mayor and Council.
Relatives are requested to get in
touch with their''ioved one at once
so that they•may be in attendance;
Ceremony of Presentation
There will be a: snappy Program,
and 'entertainment with the ceremony,
of ,presentation being the chief feat-
ure. A dance to music provided by a
first-classorchestra, and refresh-
ments; will follow.
Dr. 3. lir. Shaw, ' one of Clinton's
leading . citizens, will act as chair-
man and master of ceremonies.
The program will include' a brief
address. of 'welcome; selections .by
Clinton. Legion Band under the lead-
ership of Mayor •M. J: Agnew), is
pi1er; instrumentals; , and eloeutioa-
If the returned' .personnei • are un-
able to be present, their, next»of-lcia
will be askedto accept the persen-
r' Ort of the hall. •-be- •ed�.'
"or'r'e£uineT'3nba artd'•ttherr'iaitiilte
A special .invitation ,is extended to
ex -servicemen residing, in Clinton,
AB, -Benson. G Dick,.. RCNVIr,
whose mothers, Mrs., L. Dick, •resides
at. Hensall; is. now presumed •deael •as •
a .caulk• of: a, series of explosions,; and
fire. amorig a flotilla: of • British and
Canadian, motor torpedo beats' 'at •
Ostend .iast': February; in which 90
Canadians including an , officer, lost
their. lives•„and 19 were •injured.
Maya :Headquarters .at. Ottawa
Said butt 12: boats, five of which
belonged to the 29th. Canadian Motor
Torpedo. Boat Flotilla commanded by.
Lt. Cmdr. C. A. Law, D,S'.C., Quebec,'
*ere destroyed. Others were shining -
ed in the. blast and the spreading fire
which followed,? No cause was given
for the explosion.
'The boats were moored in a passage
inside 'Ostend harbor known as the
Grique and within two minutes of the
explosion, moat were afire. It /was
impossible to move the inside craft
to safety and though some men
escaped bydeiting many
*ere trapped on board in the series
all loans from the bank and accounts.
due to. date paid. in full. Surplus at u •�
the end of the yea expected Hr' ise Hugh h R. Hawkins
ed to r
be about. $5,000. .L o Be
The list of 1945 taxes collected to
date ($33,'(14.45), and arrears - : ' For Commis8i01 s,
($S2,546;63), were read and approved,'.
This statement 'compared veryfav-
ourably with former yeas and it
Hugh R.Hawkins has announced
was moved by Coin. N. 'W. Tie- that he will be a candidate fur' o
uvartha, seconded by
Conn.. G. 'i • office of Public Utilities Commission -
Nott, that the. report of the treasurer• er for .a two-year term at' Clinton ' .
be appro. civic election on January7.
Dueread• to ElectionvedDay £ailing 0» The retiring member, who also is
January 7, 1946, the last meeting • expected to seek re-election, is Wil -
of the 1945 Council be held Tuesday Ilam E. Perdue, who defeated air.•
evening, January 8, 1946, at 8 p,nt. Hawkins 366-268, at the election two
years ago while the latter was`serving
Harry Strang, Iensall, Elected
Crop Improvement President
Harry ,Strang, Hensall, was elected C,N.R. Afternoon Trains
president of:'the newly -organized .
}Brion' County, .,Crop tlmprovement RIIn;LateY G'lirigtlna'r, I} �r
Alstociation at a meeting of the 'dir-
eetors in the A.gricuhturai' Board • •
'R'oom,.'Clinton, Friday afternoon, last, - ltopr M. ` Sperling, local; egsnt,�
fol the. purpose Of. completing. the or-:, Cenattian ,National Railways, an-
ganraatioa» selecting • an; executive notinces changes in the 'train:.
;and coitrmitteee serticc from Clinton on''.Christ-:•+
Iohn' Vl!, 'Armstrong; 'Londesboro, nnts;Day, Tuesday, December 25,•:i
chairmari e r
of th A t•icutt. re Co mit-
g a'
Tit o. 3
n N Ges �' d
a tboun will
tee, Huron County Couno.I, was ep-. , will leave Clinton at 515 pm., ; ,
;pointed” chairman' and hd"' reviewed of •8,03;•p•m.; ;Stratford,.6,36 p,m
briefly the rcireumstances loading UP tnete4d::. of . 4.40 p.m,, ;and 'win
to the: formation Df the Association. arrive; at Toronto ,Union. Station '
ar ems rte"` z
. Jt n. t, s of the�bi+gam atigr meet-' at 10 p.m. 'instead "of' 8,20 p;ifr:
ing were -,read "and adopted' 'r 1:t0yrain ^ N.o.:: 004 southbound'
Ele do e . - ., ,,..
c n, of. , ftee'rs �he took place. wtll'-.lr3ave Gilnto •at�..16 .m
as' followq .. e a .P. esident '3'ohn"W:
fi lirstesdt>'o'f :3.10, .nr: , an arrive .
..4..oi+ � - r�... ,,"Presidents P .. ..-d., ..rrt a ,.
crest •on
A i de oro
g, .:in i;ondon• at � 30
�h 7. m: •.instead- .
Harry Strang lie isall `vice press-.' 'oil 525 .ni. P
No'chatiges'are •'oe tentplated.•'.
• }in`-Weat5ttti id.:or- are
.trains,t. .
Cfri'istmss Dav»
t. 1s 26'
1 L• Y i1r S't,,^Ct 1 t7 I F* if•
.�,�t( .a.<x. �v y. h: vA.rr�r.°• �'F�t �, ����'•�.,��a.�s ,,.y.'
in the Canadian Army.
It -is anticipated 'there will' be -art
election for the,'offices of Mayor, .
Reeve, Councillors, andViSchool
Nominations are being held in the
Town Hall on Monday, December' 31,'': .
between 130 and 820 p.m., with elec-
tion' one week' latex' on Monday„
January. 7, •1946: I l
,u •:
H Yon .
Co}lirty Home;. Clinton,='wi)1'.
be visited on Sunday'by Members 'tri
Seaforth : ?:,ions Club.: Arranger tents
are in chargesif Dr, :E' A. 'McMaster:
and James. A. Stewart; :•
' Eil`II Ili
"I .thick the `.slue of pe'finnelas.
as e. to et�i`n a. manis-ntln-
g g
sense,"',said the :first business •'girl.
"So ilio ' I, ".'replied the other,
"Havel It I 'tries; everything on : ;the
Market •,frons twp dollars en ounce