HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-12-06, Page 4PAGE FOUR 'CLINTON NieWs,•R1+1CORD TIT.UIi,SiDAY,DEC1lMAIBER. 0, 19'45 N CLITON 1I) D1ST610T 'MISS, FLORENCE. AIKEN PRESIDENT. Y. P. FEDERATION The regular meeting of the "Young g g People's Federation of Clinton and vicinity was ,. held in the United Church hall, Brueefield, on Thurs- day' night with over 75 attending. ' Due. to -the president receiving his discharge, the secretary, Florence Aiken, was appointed temporary president and will hold this office till the election at the first` of the year. Her place es secretary will be taken by Betty Cooke of St. Paul's Church, Clinton, Sgt, Bill Cottrell had already left so Florence Aiken presided for the meeting. A. sing=song 'of -Christmas carols opened the meeting with Mary Lane at • the piano. Words of welcome were given by 1'CFonnetta Henderson, president of .the Brucefield Y,PcU, The Ebenezer Y.P.U. was in charge of the worship period,' with the presi- dent of that group, Marianne Merrill in. charge. She read a poem and offered prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Margaret Lobb. Another poem was read by Shirley Jones and a story' was, told by Josephine Muir. The whole worship period was of a Christmas nature. A very pleasing feature of the evening was a vocal duet, sung by Mrs. Benson Sutter and Florence Aiken with Eileen Sut- ter accompanying on the piano. The main part of the evening was a quizz which was conducted by Mr. D. H. McInnes, Clinton. There were teams of five from the five different groups and the team from Wesley - Willis United Church was the winner. The teams were composed of: W esley- Willrs: Eileen Sutter'Mary Lane Than FinesHenry Caminha, and . Donald Jervis; Ontario, St.: Elwin Merrill, Edith Pepper, Florence RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar 46 to 67, butter 116 to 132, preserves 33 to 57 and P1 to P21, meat Ml to 5114. SHIELD RED SD NOTES 'The regularmeetin • of the R; S. g W. A. was held in the workrooms with 23 members present. The cap- tain took the devotional and the 'presi dent, Mrs, N. W. Trewartha, carried on the business. Shield are planning ' The Reil:, Shd 1 p g on holding their Chtistmas party' on Tuesday, Dec. 18. Every member is asked to 'be present, It will be, pot - Donations are gratefully received: $5 from the Glee Club; one land -knit eater, b Miss Maude Chambers. sw y The collection amounted to $2:55. The next meeting will be held in the Agri- cultural Board Room. Mrs.. Sloman. iti'rs. Castle and Mrs. MacDonald will serve. Aiken, Joyce Carter and Bob Miller; Ebenezer: Margaret Lobb, Jack Mer- rill, Ross Merrill, Helen Crich, and Aileen McCartney; .St. Paul's': McCartney, Marie Ellwood, Shirley Nickle,.-Murray Draper, and Gerald Elliott; Brucefield: Carlyle Cornish, Wesley Ham, George Mustard,. Blanche Zaphe and Hazel Dillon. Following the quizz, games were enjoyed under the direction of Edith! McClenaghan, and then the host group served delicious refreshments, A vote of thanks to all taking part and to Brucefield was moved by Mary Lane: A fellowship circle and the singing of "Sleep my Child," and "Taps" closed a most enjoyable evening. This was one o f the best crowds the Federation has had at any of its meetings since it was organized al- most a year ago. ozwg-tetsecteamettatstmei +eizeti acu wvrlewza a ztveocto +rte °c efi MAKE COOPER'S YOUR SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS * 'A A a ,. A SECOND FLOOR A Large 9election of Well -Selected Toys CHRISTMAS CARDS CHRISTMAS STATIONERY CHRISTMAS BOOKS Tn The Chinaware Gift D'epartment now at its best. I Practical Gifts from our Ready-to-wear Department are always acceptable. t° SPECIAL VALUES IN LADIES' WINTER COATS a Store open all day Wednesday, A. T. COOPER. In Business Since 1885 Store Hours: 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. c Phones: 36W, 36J iRdMOID7itak2h`37.VIMP rZtO MIND' t.Dt-id RMS--tM-DardS"iNki2'ti3'trria:7i W410t17} t$t-7;47.: .80,1I .,,•- ,,Vie reteigis:WeVI :' r sat etCZY Meng -r .g4eeveveteteee3e t igt ee You will Enjoy GivingThe Best They Will Appreciate Receiving The Best FOR HIM FOR HER Adrienne Toiletries Evening in Paris Toiletries Mollinard Toildtries Hudnuts Toiletries All in Beautiful Sets or individ- ual pieces and Dressing Tables 'A. complete line of Cologne Dusting Powders Bath Salts Fine Soaps, 3 in box • Adrienne, Mollinard, Roger and Galet. Bachelor, Shaving Sets Buckingham Bowls t Astra Lighters Thorens Lighters Perkins Bill Folds Shaving Brushes Hair Brushes Auto -Strop Razors Shiek Razors Bridge Sets Flat 50 Cigarette's We have our Exclusive Line of CHRISTMAS' CARDS 12 for 50c — 12 for 25c — 18 for 49c, Plenty of HOT WATER BOTTES-69c, 89c, $1.00 New and Beautiful LUCITE HAIR BRUSHES We have .made purchasing easy for you—Look our stock "over— It's the best in years W. S. R. HOLIES, Phin S1ncu m !C16q ' 1J IIUIIpIIiIIIIIpIIIIIaile' II ' LIiIIIIIIIiiOL 111 IIIIIIIIIII!III VIII I. I u „ R. S. ,Atkey spent' the weekend in. Barrie and Cookstown. Mrs. Jean Greave, Detroit,Mich., has been renewing- acquaintnces icl, town. John R. Cook, Ingersoll, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs, Luella Cook:: Miss•, R. V. Irwin has moved into the Iroise reeently built by Gordon Howes. Mrs. M. E. McFadden, Cookstown, has been visiting her sister, Miss Z. Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. - T. N. Sheppard, Mobile, Alabama, are visiting in town for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Gregory, Cooks- town, spent the weekend at the home Of W.' A: Hellyar. Harry Tideswell left ,last week for Hespeler, where he has resumed his duties in the woollen mills. Miss Florence MaeCallum spent the weekend with friends in Toronto and attended the Gillespie-Gandier wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Cree Cook were in Toronto over the weekend visiting their sons, Lorne and Stewart, and attending the Gillespie-Gandier wed- ding in Deer Park United Church Chapel, Saturday evening. Mr. 'and Mrs. A. D. McCartney, have returned from Toronto, where they spent the weekend and attended the Chapman-Prefontaine wedding at the Chinch of the .Transfiguration, on Saturday, December L Miss Florence Rorke, who was en- gaged in industrial war service at Arvida, Que., for the past year has returned to Toronto. After attend- ing the wedding of Miss Harriet Gandier on Saturday, she accompan- ied her brother Capt. W. Kenneth Rorke to Clinton for a brief visit at their parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke. ONTARIO ST. Y. P. U. The Ontario St. Young People's Union will ,hold its regular meeting Monday night in the form of a social. Everyone is urged to be present. e' LUNCH SPECIALS Hot Chocolate +4 Sandwiches Pie and Ice Cream BARTLIF'F'S The Home of Good Eats PHONE 1 New Pastor in Charge Clinton Gospel Centre; Special Services Sunday 0. Cestnick_ this week assumed the pastorate of Clinton Gospel Centre, now located above Ilawkins' Hard- ware store, and will conduct special opening services next Sunday, Decem- ber 9. He sutceeds H. Kendrick, Exeter. Mr. lc C s tnic - graduated from Tor- onto „ onto Bible College in 1938, and since that time has been engaged in evan- gelistic . work in Toronto, . During the past year, he has been pastor of Bay St. Church. Mn. and Mrs. Cestnick are both accomplished mns>cfansthe former having • stuclied.in Europe And the lat- ter at Toronto Conservatory of Music. They and their two children, Paul and Angelo, arrived in Clinton this week : and are residing at the home of Miss Laura Jervis, Princess Street. 0 Council of Churches Meets at Londesboro Clinton Council of Churches held its December meeting in the Parson- age of Londesboro United Church yesterday morning with a good at- tendance. Rev. A. D. Penman, Londesboro, read an excellent paper on Millenial Dawnism, followed by a good discus- sion. . Arrangements for the Week of Prayer January 7-13 — were com pleted. Rev. F. G. Stotesbury, Bayfield, led in a .devntiotal interpretation of Ephesians L The meeting was presided over, by the chairman of the Council, Rev. C. C. Anderson, Clinton. The next meeting will be held January 16 at the home of Rev. Mr. Anderson. Engagement Announced Marriage Announced are.:serum Isaundercack, Londes- boro, wishes to announce the mar f rioagI Sae;of uherndercockson,, LICpItoM, iss JamesI(1hC1Ieenif- Oluhley, daughter of Mrs. Clubley and the late .Mr. Clubley, Beverly, East Yorkshire, England, which took place November 6, 1945, ON'TARIO STREET W.M.S. The W.M.S. of Ontario St. United Church will meet on Tuesday after- noon, at 3 p.m, in the ,School Room' of the Church. Election of officers will take place. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson, Bruce - field, announce the engagement of their daughter. Marian Pearl, to Douglas Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews, Clinton, the marriage to take place in December. 0 WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB' The December meeting of Wesley - Willis Girls' Club will be a Christmas party 'to be held in -the Church -Par- lour on Tuesday evening, December 1.1, at 8 o'clock. The committee in charge of the program is Miss E. Proctor, Mrs. C. Lobb and Mrs. A. Douglas. The group leaders are in charge of 'the lunch. BAPTIST LADIES' AID The monthly meeting of the Bap- tist Church Ladies Aid was held at the home of ' Mrs. IT. L. Tomlinson. on Tuesday evening, December 4. Mrs, C. 0. Anderson, p:erided and the pro- gram was in charge of Mrs. J. Ken- nedy. Plans were laid to sponsor a Mission Band. 0 JUNIOR INSTITUTE TO MEET Clinton Junior Institute will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tues- day evening, December 11,'R in the Agricultural Office. The meeting will be in, the form of a Christmas party. A joint meeting will be held with the Junior Farmers, following the regular meeting, .and lunch will be served. LADIES. LEGION AUXILIARY The regular meeting of the Ladies Legion Auxiliary will be held in the Legion Hall on Monday evening, December 10, at 8.15. .4M1.C1.0J s?Q6'''i .r 1 ANNUAL Christmas Carol SERVICE sponsored by Wesley Willis -in THE CHURCH AUDITORIUM Sunday Evening, Dec. 16 - SPECIAL FEATURE - Candlelighting Ceremony 78-b; CHURCH DIRECTORY Ontario Street United REV. G. G. BURTON, Minister Mrs. Edward Wendorf, Organist B. 3. Gibbings, Choir Leader ?SUNDAY, DEC. 9, 1945 11 A.M.—"C'ome: For all Things are now Ready" Near Noon—Sunday School, 2 P.M.—Service at Turner's Church 7 P.M.—"To Titus The True Child in One Faith." Clinton Gospel Centre O. CE'STNIOK, Pastor SUNDAY, DEG. 9, 1945 SPEICIAL OPENIING SERVICES 10 A.M.—Sunday School 11 A.M.--Morning Worship 8 P.M.—Evangelistic Servica, 9.15 P.M Slnspiration Hour Tuesday, 8 P.M.—Prayer and Praise Thursday, 2.30 P.M.—Ladies Prayer meeting 8 P.M.--Mid-week service If you cannot come to all the services, do not miss the Sinspiration Sun- day at 9.15 P.M. Special singing,. good music and up-to-date test- imonies. :, COMES and bring a friend Presbyterian REV.. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir, Leader SUNDAY, DEC. 9, 1945. 1,0 A.M.,-zSunday. School 11 AM.—Divine Worship; sermon subjeet: "Perceiving the Truth" 5.30 P.M.—Knox Church, Bayfield, service. Wesley. -Willis United REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, DEC. 9, 1945 Second ;Sunday in Advent 10.20 .A.M.—Session meetiing 11.00 A M.—Moaning Worship; White Gifts ren iv d: Advent ymns, Advent Message, 12,10 P.M.--Chmi'eh School 7.00, P.M.—Evening Worship; Ad- vent Hlynans, Advent Message. Conte Worship The Christ. • Baptist REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader SUNDAY, DEL. 9, 1945 2'.30 P.M. -Bible School 7 P.M.—Evening Worship, ,subject: "Why is Christianity. True." • .Wednesday, 'Dec. 12—Prayer meeting .in,the .vestry .at 8. St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, DEC. 9, 1945 11.00 A.M.--Morning Service 2.00.P.M.—:Sunday School 7.Q0 P.M.—Evening Service Tuesday, Dec. 11—W.A. annual meet= ing' and receivingof reports at Mrs. Bartli£f's, 3 p.m, Wednesday, Dec. 12 --Board of Man- agement in Memorial Hall at 8 WEDDINGS KERSLAKEOUL',CIS A pretty P tty autumn wedding was solemnized, at the home of the bride's. parents, Mr. and Mrs., Nelson Counts, on Saturday, November 24, when their younger daughter,Shirley Al- berta, became the bride of Harold Edwin Kerslake, eldest son of Mr, and 'Mrs. Arthur Kerslake, Exeter. Rev. W1lliaml Mair officiated!. Bridal music was 'played by Miss Phyllis Kerslake, sister of the grooms The bride was charming in a white satin and' net floor -length gown with sweetheart neck-line and long taper- ing sleeves, and finger-tip: veil and :carried. red roses and 'mums. Miss Isabelle Cooper as bridesmaid, wore a floor -length' blue sheer gown with blue floral headdress and carried bronze and yellow 'mums. TI'ie best man was Elwyn Kerslake; brother of the groom. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was held at the Central Hotel; Exeter. The bride's- mother received wearing a two-pjece black dress with corsage of pink carnations. The grooms. mother a'lsa wore black with corsage of pink carnations. The groom's grandmother wore black and white with white carnations. The groom's gift- to the bride was a tri light lamp, to. the bridesmaid; a mirror,. to the pianist, a crystal dish, to the best man a collar and' tie set. For travelling the bride changed to a two-piece dress of turquoise wool with fuchsia, shag coat and' black accessories. Theyleft bymotor on a honeymoon trip for Dresden, Chat- ' ham and Detroit. GILLESPIE-GANDIER' Deer . Park United r n ted Chu eh Chapel, Toronto, was the scene of an inter. esting ceremony Saturday evening, December 1, 1945, when the marriage took place of Miss Harriet Lumsden Gandier, daughter of Mrs. Gandier; Toronto, ,and the late Dr. Joseph Charles Gandier, Clinton,. to Robert George Gillespie, son of Mrs. Gillespie and. the late Prof. Peter Gillespie, Toronto. Dr. G. Stanley Russell and Dr, W. D. Noyes officiated:, and Mr. ' Weatherseed was at the organ. - Dr. J. G, Falconer gave his cousin in marriage. With her trained gown of white taffeta, the bride wore a finger-tip veil held with a white ostrich plume, and carried white roses and bouvardia. Mrs. G. F. M. Smith, Fredericton, N. B., and 1VIiss Beatrice Sharps formerly of Clinton, her attendants, ehose blue velvet suits with matching flower hats. The groomsman was- Mr. J. M. Gaudier, and the ushers,, Mr. Peter Gillespie and; Mr. Victor Curts. A reception followed at 88 Prince Arthur Ave., Toronto,and later the couple left on a wedding trip. They will live in Toronto. Guests at the• wedding from out-of- town included Mr: and Mrs. Cree Cook and Miss Florence MacCallum, Clinton: 0 Use "Coning Events" to advertise church socials,. bazaars, dances and other gatherings.. OBITUARY WILLIAM BROWN Following a funeral service at his home Tuesday afternoon, interment was held in Union Cemetery, Hullett, of the remains of William Brown, whose death took place on Saturday at his residence, lot 17, concession 12, Hullett. Rev. A. D. Penman officiated. Deceased had lived all his life on this farm, on which he was born. He was married in 1897 to Eliza Collin- son, who survives, along with one son, George Brown, Hullett, and three grandchildren, He is also survived by one sister, Mrs.. B. Quinn, Guelph. Two sisters, Mrs. Agnes Kelly and Mrs. Katie Stewart, predeceased him ADAM WESLEY GLAZIER A largely attended funeral service was held in Ball and Zapfe's Funeral Parlours, Clinton, Sunday afternoon for Ad'ain Wesley Glazier, Frederick St,, Clinton, who passed. away at his home, after a short illness, as a result of a stroke, about 5 pan. Thursday last, in his 85th year. Rev. G. G. Burton, minister of Ontario St. United Church, officiated. Pallbearers were six nephews, and flower bearers were six great nephews. Friends were present from St. Catharines, Oshawa, London, Biu,sels, Stratford and the surrodnd-I ing district, Deceased was born near Brampton in 1861, son of the late John Glazier and Annie Cook. He farmed' for several years in Hullett Township, and was engaged in Bridge and Build- ing Department of the C.N.R. He had resided in Clinton for the Past 25 years and had been living retired for the past 15 years. He was a memb'v of Ontario St. United Church and independent Order of Foresters. Mr. Glazier was married on Decem- ber 29, 1886, to Sarah Cole, who sur- vives together with four sons: Her - bei t, Stratford; Alfred, Oshawa. Wil- liam, Clinton, and Harold, with the Canadian Army overseas; also two daughters, Mrs. Robert Dayman, Kippen; and Mrs, C. E. Pickard, Clin- ton. There are 1.6 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. A daughter, Mae, predeceased hint nine years ago. Thee half brothers and one half sister also surv've: Albert, and Peter, Clinton: Joseph, London; Mrs, J. Parks, London. MORLEY CECIL JORDAN' Coming as a great shock to the community, the death occurred very suddenly about ten o'clock Thursday evening last of Morley Cecil Jordan, well-known and highly esteemed Post Office employee and snail carrier for R.R. 1, Clinton, in his 53rd ,year. 117r. Jordan had been chatting• with some friends who were in for the evening and ryas stricken with a heart seizure. He died before medical aid could be reached. He had previously suffered from heart trouble. Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, rector of St. Paul's Anglican Church, conducted' a largely attended funeral service at, Beattie Funeral home, Clinton, Sunday afternoon, followed' by inter- ment in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbear ers,were Wilbur Crich, Edward Welsh, Frank Lobb, Gordon Lawson, Harvey MoBrien and'Russell Holmes. Friend's were present. from Belgrave, Hamil- ton, Toronto, Exeter, 'Guelph and London.. Many floral tributes showed the high esteem in which he was held in the town and district; among then was a wreath from the Post Office workers with whom he had been as- sociated for 22 years. Deceased was born in Perth County, near Ilarriston, on July 23, 1893, a son of the late ;Samuel Jordan and Martha Davidson. For some years he 'conducted a grocery business. For 30 years he had been a rural mail courier, 22 years around Clinton and for eight years around Belgrave. Mr. Jordan came here 22 years ago and prior to that had dived at different .points in Perth County; Brussels, Belgrave and. Vancouver. Mr. Jordan was a member of Clinton. Lodge, No. 84, A.F. and A.M. In.' religion ,he was Presbyterian. Ire Februagry,•1928, he married -Mary Walton, who survives along with one daughter, d'oan, at home. Also sur- viving are one brother, George, Bel- ; grave, and two sisters (Gladys) Mrs., Arthur Groves, Clinton; and (Jennie) Children's ' Pure Wool Cardigans ' And Pullovers Sizes 2 to 6 years Shades: Royal, Navy, Brown, Green and Red - This is one of our exclusive lines of Quality Merchandise. .904 Women's Cashmere Hosier, Sizes 9 to 1O1/2 in Sand' or Black Priced at 55c, 89c, $1, $1.25 and $..50 R. V. IRWIN - For Quality Merchandise zweat ereaterdcmacre rgeoma &tmoocommemmetc vet j n9 Bedroom Slippers For Father :Mother 1 The And All Children In a variety of colours—Red, Blue, White, Pink— Fur-trimmed and Plain Children's Slippers for $1, to $1.5U Thomas 'Churchill RELIABLE FOOTWEAR CLINTON