HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-11-29, Page 6PAGE' SIX
THURSDAY,"' NOVEMBER 29,':'.1945,
John R. MacLeod left.' on Friday to
fishat Erieau.
spending Mrs, Charles Berry is sp gthis
week in London.
Mrs. J. p e p
A f tlbeck is -a ending this
week in Kitchener.
ng a
McEwen is spending Mns: ,.Fred. M p
few days 'this week in Clinton.
Miss Elizabeth Reid is visiting
friends in Toronto for a fortnight,
Pte. Ellen MacKay, CWAC, Lon-
don, was horne over. the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett left on
Tuesdpy,to spend the winter months
in Kitchener.
LeRoy Poth has taken a position
with an electrical firm in Kitchener
for the winter.
Mrs. William Howard and Mrs. M.
'Wallace, visited relatives in Toronto
over the weekend.
George Little returned last week
( from a hunting, trip to Pointe eu
Baril. He bagged a deer.
Clarence Larson and. Miss Jacque-
line Parker, London, spent the week-
end at their respective homes in the
' village.
Miss Donna Barber and Ronald
Burt, London, visited their grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker,
over the weekend.
Harold Scotchmer, Toronto, spent
a couple of days last week with his
father, Robert Scotchmer, while deer
hunting in the vicinity.
Glen Agssman and Stanley Thome,.'
son, Blenheim, were in the village
last week deer hunting in this local-
ity. The latter got his "bag."
Mrs. T. B. Mullen and Miss Anne
Drouin, Detroit, Mich., spent the Am-
erican Thanksgiving and weekend at
he latter's cottage in the village.
They were accompanied by Mrs, M.
Wallace, Detroit, who visited. with
her, mother, •, Mrs. William Howard,,
who is occupying Mrs. Adam Boyd s
cottage on. Keith Crescent.
Mr; ,and, Mrs.'Fred Ritchie came
on' Tuesday to visit the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George King. They
will return to their home in Elmvale
on, Saturday.
Pte. Stuart Allemang, (Essex ';Scot-
tish Regiment), returned to his home
at Bridgeport, on Monday after.
spending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon and family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Torranceenter-
tained over the weekend in honor of
their cousins, Mrs. W. Charles and
Mrs. W. Downing,. Vancouver, B.C.,
who have been visiting with them
and Miss Williams. •
Bagged (heir Deer
Hunters who bagged deer in this
locality towards the end of the week
included: Merton Merner, Dee Stanley
Heard, Lloyd Scotchmer, William
McDool, Ronald Burt, Harold Scotch -
mer, John Howard, Harry Baker,
Douglas Gemeinhardt.
Sings Church Solo
Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Rehn returned
to Detroit on Sunday, afte • having
spent the American Thanksgiving
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. David 'newel:. Mr. Rahn sang
"Open the Gates of the Temple,?'at
the service in St. Andrew's United
Church on Sunday morning.
Girls' Auxiliary Formed
Mrs. M. R. Tuckey, London, secre
tary of the Girls' Auxiliary for the
Diocese of Huron, on Friday evening,
November 23, visited at the Anglican
Church Rectory where she organized
the Bayfield -Middleton Girls' Auxil-
iary.« The following officers were
elected and plans were made for an
organization meeting in the form of
a social evening on Tuesday, Y,
ber 4: Directors, Mrs. R. Holmes, Miss
Phyllis Middleton; president, Miss
Betty Heard; vice-president, Miss
Lois Middleton; secretary, Miss
Milvena Sturgeon; treasurer, Miss
Audrey Sturgeon.
Congratulations are extended to
Ross 'Merrill, who• has recently been
taking a course a't Radio College of
Canada, Toronto, in passing his ex-
aminations with first class honors.
bring back those
The busy holiday season is
almost here bringing with it
additional demand.
They will be urgently needed
to enable us to maintain a
steady flow of supplies to the
Please return empties now. If
you can't bring them in 'phone
or write your nearest Brewers'
Retail Store.
• Miss Wanda Cluff pent the week-
end with her father, Robert Cluff,
Miss Helen Welsh, London, sent
the weekend •with her parents, Mr.,
and Mrs. Oliver Welsh.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wallis were,
guests on. Sunday of Mr. land Mrs.
Olive Allin, Colborne.
Jack McGuire attended the wedding
of his niece, Mies Anna Clark, in
St. Thomssi on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. John 'Ostrom and
family were guests on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rathwell.
Jack Stirling and friend, Miss Mary
Rollison, Toronto, and Kenny Bailey
of Amherstburg, are spending their
holidays with' Mr. and Mrs. James
R. Stirling.
Mrs. Bill McGuire who has been
laid up with quinsy,' is spending a
week with her another, Mrs. Frank
Jeffery, Goderich.
Returns From Hospital
Mrs. W. L. Stirling, Blue Water
Highway, who underwent a serious
operation in Clinton Public Hospital,
returned home this week.
Dance 'and'Presentation,
There will be a dance and presen-
tation at S. S'. No. 11 School House
Friday night. Everyone will be wel-
come. : Ladies please bring lunch.
No Fatalities
Well the barrage is over! Some
deer, some cattle were shot and al-
though there were some close calls
with residents, fortunately there were
no fatalities.
Takes Position in Stratford
Mr. and Mrs, F. J. Middleton, who
since their discharge from the RCAF,
have spent a few weeks at the home
of the former's parents, have left
to reside in Stratford where "Ted"
has taken a position in Waldie's
Celebrate Anniversary
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Welsh enter-
Jack Webster was with Grant
Snell on Sunday.
We, welcome Mr.. and Mrs. Will
Addison to the village this week.
Miss ,Phyllis Vaughan, spent the
weekend in Owen Sound, with her
L. Govier, Mrs-: Bradock and Miss
Beth Govier, Goderich, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Will Govier on Sunday.
„Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Oakes, God-
erich Township,' and Harry and
Isobel, spent Sunday with Mr. and
d1 s.
George McVittie..
Mr. and Mrs. M. Pipe, Elizabeth
and John, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. P.
Hall, Lueknow. were Stmday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fairservice.
-Jack Rieman and Miss Marion
Stewart, London, and Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Stewart and Malcolm, visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stew-
art on Sunday.
Mrs. Lansing, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Robertson and family, Aub-
urn; Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. Ball, Base
Line, were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Sidney Lansing.
Me. and: Mrs. , .Jack Sinclair, Ann
and Marie, JCipplen; Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Riley, Goderich; 'Miss Fern Wat-
son, London; and Mrs. Charles Wat-
son, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will
Manning on Sunday.
There will be a service in the Unit-
ed Church, Sunday evening, at 8.15
o'clock. Gone and enjoy singing the
good . old hymns. Rev. Arthur Pen-
man will have •a gospel message for
Presentation to Newlyweds
Friends and neighbours of conces-
sion ten, Hulled, gathered recently,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Yungblutt to honour Mr. and Mrs.
Russel Good and to congratulate
them on their recent marriage, Mrs.
Good being the former Miss Margaret
Yungblutt„ The evening was spent
in progressive euchre and social chat.
tained the immediate members of Following a tasty lunch. en ad -
their family on Friday evening, to I dress was read by Mrs,. Elgin Jos -
celebrate their 35th wedding anniver- Ping, and Donald Sprung and Leonard
eery. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Yungblutt presented the newlyweds
Fred Wallis and children; Mr. and with a walnut living -room table and
a. wooden sandwich tray and relish
dish. The address was signed by
Mrs. Gladys Josling and Mrs. Beth
Russel and Margaret expressed
their appreciation for the gifts. All
joined in singing, "For they are Jolly
Good Fellows;"
Mrs. E. J. Welsh, Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Welsh, .Mr. and Mrs. Merritt
Nediger, Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Savage, •Seaforth.. During the
evening. Mrs. E. J. Welsh read a
short address and Master Gerald Wal-
lis presented Mrs, Welsh with a
beautiful coral Chenille bedspread.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Potter Honored
A large group of relatives and
friends of Mr, and 'Mrs. William Pot-
ter, gathered at their home,' Huron
Road, last Wednesday evening to
spend a social hour with them before
their departure for their new home
in Lueknow.
During the evening an interesting
address was read by Mrs. Lorne
Jervis, and on behalf of the group,
J. Huller presented them with a
beautiful floor lamp.
The address referred to the fact
that they, have spent all their days
in the farming profession. living in
Stanley Township, Goderich Town-
ship; concession 14, and now plan to
reside in Lueknow.
Keen regret is felt at losing Mr.
and Mrs. Potter from our midst but
we know that our loss will be Luck-
now's gain. .
Red. Cross Meets
The November meeting of S. S. No.
4, Goderich Township Unit, of the
Red Cross was held at the home' of
Mrs. Fred Lobb. The president, Mrs.
F. Jones, presided at the meeting,
which was opened by repeating the
Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes
of the previous meeting were read
and adopted. The treasurer's report
was read.
It was agreed that the present
officers of the unit should remain in
office for the following year, as long
as Red Cross ,exists.
• During the afternoon, a quilt was
quilted, the materials being donated
by Mrs. M. Jones and Mrs. D. Easom.
A gift donated by Mrs. L. Pearson
was sold by tickets; with Mrs. S.
Farquhar holding the lucky ticket,
Guilt patches and other sewing were
distributed, also yarn for knitting.
The meeting was closed by repeating
the Mizpah benediction, There were
thirteen members present.
The next meeting' will be held at
the home of Mrs. iStewart Farquhar.
Summerhill Red Cross
Itirs, Bill Blacker held the Red Cross
meeting of the Summerhill ladies at
her hone, November 21. The vice-
president, Mrs. G. Smith, took the
chair in the absence. of the president.
The meeting opened by singing "God
Save the King," followed by the
Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the
last meeting were react and adopted,
and the roll call answered by 16 mem-
bers and three visitors. The various
reports were given and business mat-
tersi attended to.
During the afternoon a quilt was
quilted and patches sewn. A box of
soap was, raffled which brought 75c.
This was donated by Mrs.. Blacker
and won by Mrs N East The meet
Successful house'„ Warming
Mr. and Mrs. Warren GiSbings
entertained on Friday evening at their
new home in Tuckersmith. More
than 100 of their friends who, the
previous week, had entertained then
in Summerhill Hall, were present.
Euchre comprised the former part
of the evening, which was followed
by a dance to Welsh drollest= with
Mel Crich as floor manager..
Winners at euchre were: Ladies'
high, Mrs. G. Neal; ladies' low, Mrs.
L Medd; men's high. Murray Roy;
men's low, .Douglas Farquhar.
Mrs. Austin Harris and baby, Janet
Ilene, Game 'hone Sunday from 'Clin-
ton Public Hospital.
Fractures Wrist
Allen Betties had the misfortune
to "fall while' in Clinton Friday,
fracturing a bone in his wrist. Dr.
J. A. A4dilon put the wrist in a cast.
'W. A. Annual
The W. A. annual meeting will be
held at Mrs. John Torrance's , on
Thursday, December 13. An invita-
tion is extended to all the ladies of
the church to attend,
Red Cross Meets
November Redi' Cr•o -
The N ss meeting
was held at the home, of Mrs. Reed
Torrance last Monday. A quilt was
quilted and knitting and sewing given
out. A. gift donated by Mrs. George
Greenslade, was , won by Margaret
The December meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Ernie Townsend
on Monday, December 17.
Purchase Farms
Mr. and MTS. Stewart Schoenhale
and two children will move shortly
to 'the farm which they bought from
Alvin Cox.
Maurice Frame has bought the
Thomas Elliott farm on concession 4.
Maurice expects his English bride in
the spring when he will take over,
We«are delighted to have both these
young couples remaining with us at
Porter's Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cox Honored
A goodly number of friends and
neighbors from P'orter's Hill gather-
ed at the home of Mi, and Mrs. Alvin
Cox on Friday evening to spend a
social evening with them ere they
left for their new home in Clinton.
The evening was spent in cards
and social chat, after which Alvin
and Edna were asked to come for-
ward. Mrs. Bert Harris read an ad-
dress, and Bert Harris and . Murray
McDougal presented them with a
lovely pair of wool blankets and
several smaller gifts. Alvin thanked
all, inviting them to see them in their
new home. A dainty lunch was
The Woman's Association will meet
on Tuesday next. A good attendance
is requested.
The Young People's Federation
will meet in Brucefield Church to-
night at eight o'clock.
A/B George A. Mustard and A/B
Wesley Hain, are spending their leave
from the Navy at their homes here.
The children and teachers of the
neighboring schools are busy prepar-
ing for 'the annual 'Christmas trees.
Miss Mary Reid Ill
We are sorry that Miss Mary Reid
is ill at the home of J. W. Elliott
in the village. All are hoping that
she will soon be well again
Returns Front Hospital
Mrs. Dawson's many friends will
be glad to know she has returned
from Seaforth Memorial Hospital,
and hope for a speedy recovery from
her recent illness.
Returns From England
Nis. and Mrs. F. Schell and son,
Detroit, Mich., 'spent the American
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Austin and
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Elliott return-
ed to Windsor on Tuesday whereathey,
intend spending the winter, They
were accompanied by Mrs. Mossop.
Federation Annual
Stanley Township Federation of
Agriculture annual meeting was held
in ` the Township Hall, Varna, Tues-
day evening, with a good attendance.
Officers were elected and motion
pictures were shown, A full report
is published elsewhere in this issue.
Death of Mrs. G. Johnston
The sudden and, unexpected news
Sunday morning of the death of the
late Mis. George Johnston came as
a great shock to the community.
Mrs. Johnston had been confined to
her bed for a short time but appar-
ently was no worse than usual.
The funeral .which was largely at-
tended was held on Tuesday from.
Varna United Church of which she,
was a valued member. Rev. Reba
Hern was in charge of the service.
The sympathy of the community is
extended to the bereaved husband
and son, Gordon. An obituary account
is published elsewhere in this issue.
Miss Margaret McQueen visited
friends in London last week,
, ,Tack Graham spent a day last week
at Walkerton Christmas Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex H. McGillivary,
Tiverton; who went to Toronto to
meet their son, Ernest, who spent
three years overseas, visited on Mon-
day at the home of John McGregor.
Home From Overseas
Pte. Hubert E. Taylor, Essex Scot-
tish, arrived home .last Wednesday
from overseas after nearly two years.
mg was ended with lunch, the col- Lieut. Hazel Usser, who has just
lection bringing $2.40. I returned from England, is staying at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Haugh, in the village. We
are all glad to welcome Hazel home
Thankoffering Services
Rev, Reba hlern, Varna, conducted
the Women's Thankoffering Services
Sunday, morning and gave an inter-
esting discourse. Rev. G. F. N. At-
kinson took the services in Varna
United Church.
Many Attend Concert
There was a good attendance at the
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Earl Blake and the
hostesses will be Mrs. Blake, Mrs. C.
Farquhar, 'Mrs. Wes. Hoggart, and
Mrs. Fred Vodden.
Bayfield and Community
Honour Returned Veterans
VOSA -k: I Apkv'vl'bMOWAVOtriMMAt'ke } k Mk
Clinton News-Reco.rd
from Now Until the End of 1946
(In Canada and Great Britain)
Start now to read "The Home Paper with the News,"
or send it to a friend for Christmas-
ri an ideal gift!
(Continued from Page 1)
wealth in Navy, Army and Air Force.
"All of us gathered here, join in
the hope that your services will long
be remembered and honored. Indeed
it is earnestly to be hoped that all
across this country and throughout
the world at, large, the cause for
which you fought will remain vivid in
the consciousness of the people.
"On this evening the thoughts of
all of us travel to those of you, who
are still across the seas or elsewhere
in Canada and whom we would like to
have with us. Especially must we
pause for a moment to remember
those who will never come back and
to the memory of those, who inane
the greatest sacrifice that can be
made, we pay our tribute in all
humility and reverence, and you will
agree that it is most, fitting that on
this day we remember those Bayfield
men who fought in a similar cause
a qua•ter of a century eve; with a
special thought to those of that for-
mer war who gave uu their lives for
the preservation of liberty.
"This day you can look to the past
with the satisfaction of having done
a great job well and we hope that
you can also look to the future with
full expectation of great things to
come. To everyone of you who are
now returning, we extend a most
hearty `Welcome Home,' and we also
give you our wishes for every happi-
ness in all good fortune in every-
thing that you undertake in the years
that stretch ahead of you."
..Mrs. Ferguson,. Mrs. D. Prentice
and Mrs. Walter Westlake, Bayfield;
Mrs. Len Talbot, Blue Water High-
way; Mrs. .Roy Scotchmer, Bronson
Line: representing the committee of
the ^Bayifeld and •Community Active
Service Fund, presented each with a
leather hill fold containing a five
dollar bill.
Thanks Btpressed
Those who expressed thanks and
appreciation on behalf of themselves
and comrades, not only for the gifts
presented to them that night, but
also for the parcels, cigarettes, sent;
to ahem, and letters 'written by the
correspondnig secretary, were: LAC
Stuart Watson, LAC Fred Weston.
Cpl:. frown ,' Higgins, RCAF, and
Q.M.Sgt. Alfred Scotchmer.
Rev. F. G. Stotesbury led' in the
singing of "For. They Are Jolly Good
Fellows." John I3ates inlayed for
community .singing. Mrs. Brown Hig-
gins delighted all present with two
Mr. and Mrs. Will Potter have
moved to their new home in Lucknow.
Mrs. McDonald, Teeswater, has
been visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Potter.
Elected Trustee
Edward Grigg has been elected
trustee on the school area board.
Holmesville Red Cross
Holmesville Red Cross will meet
Tuesday, December 4, at the home
of Mrs. Stock. Mrs. MacMath's group
will serve.
Those visiting with LeBeau broth-
ers last week were P. Gignae, G.
Craig, L Cadieux, Windsor; and Jack.
Arlien and Roy Matthews, St. Thomas
London Road Club Meets
The October meetingof London
Road Club was held" at thhome of
Mrs. W. Swinbank, The vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Swinbank, opened the
meeting with singing of. "0 Canada"
and repeating theCreed in unison.
The roll call, "4 Cluistrnas .Sug--
gestion," was answered by eleven
members and one visitor, The min-
utes of the last meeting were read
and deplared correct. The treasurer
gave the report, showing a nice sum
of money on hand at the end of the
year. The sewing committee report-
ed 12 babies dresses cut out and gave
them out to members to cake home
and make up.
The meeting closed with God Save
the King. A pot -luck supper was
served and a social half hour spent.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Milton Wiltse, Dec.
13. The roll call will be a gift made
out of a flour bag, to be sold among
the members.
SEAFORTH — Seaforth Athletic
Association, which held its annual
meeting in the Town Hall, Monday
night, is preparing to enter a hockey
team, to be known as the "Seaforth
Bosharts," in intermediate B hockey.
Officers are: President, George R.
Johnston; vice-president, Enos Bosh -
art; secretary, K. J. McLean; treas-
urer, R. R. Henderson; committee,
McFadden, James E. Willis,'
Lorne Dale, Beverly
Paint Your Trees With
Keeps mice and rabbits from
young trees. Has been tried
out in this district and has
given good results.
CEL -d -GLASS now in stock
for windows.
Sold by
.�R !erMeeeeE ;t etetOeiRRsttC'.l:Seille !Eit6lte4 iek-iktei> to teeteeemaeiemes.
A Few Suggestions
We are showing a large assortment of Chenille Bed
Spreads, Mirrors, End Tables, Coffee Tables, Bathroom
Hampers, Wardrobes and Unfinished Chests of Drawers.
In the Hardware Dept.
Colentan Lamps — Aluminum and Pyrex Ware
Dealers in Hardware and Furniture
Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Directors
Store Phone 195
Phone 110 Phone 1113
� ••••,•,••. �gi,•�,asya;bati;trma`�i�,aisiba"••,�"."S.�rlt�i3:7:S9k,9tYS1`N�Iis�
concert held in the church last Friday
night. It consisted entirely of local
talent. Everyone enjoyed the musical
numbers', both vocal and instrumental,
Atkinson acted as chairman.
me's Orchestra played for the danc-
ing which followed.
Dr. Thompson Speaks
Dr. F. G. Thompson, Clinton, who
was to have spoken early in the
evening, but who was delayed for
several hours when his car skidded
on the treacherous ice at the foot
of the long hill and went into the
ditch, arrived at lunch time. He was
introduced by William L. Ferguson.
After extending greetings and intro-
ductory remarks on his subject, "Re
habilitation," Dr. Thompson asked all
to rise and a minute's silence was
observed in memory of those com-
rades who would not return.
Briefly, he touched on the obstacles
and problems which servicemen and
women would meet in returning; to
civilian life. He strongly advised
them to take full opportunity of the
wide educational program laid out for
them. He warned: "You will have
to learn to stand 00 your own two
feet." Touching on the labour
troubles of today, he advised his
hearers to use a sane judgment ir.
all things; to side neither with cap-
italistic monopolies, nor yet adhere
to strike forces which if they gain
power will make • for inflation and
suffering in the future. He asked
ex -servicemen• to loin the Canadian
Legion and play their parts in that
great organization.
Telegram Received
The following telegram was re-
ceived ` too late to be read at the
Lake Geneva, Wis..
Nov. 23, 1945
Bayfield Soldiers Celebration
Bayfield. Ont,,
"I wish that it were possible, I
wish there were some way,
That I could tie in Bayfield for this
special soldier's day.
But since that just can't be arranged,
you surely know it's true,
That on this celebration night, I'lf be
there in thought with you."
—Gertrude Gaylard Gairdner..
It was due to Mrs. Gaiedner's ef-
forts in arranging a concert that the
first money far the Bayfield and
Community Active Service Fund was
AV ,pa ,,.q vocal numleers, "I want r+ Doggie"
��g.le�:/ c�Ri'J �a e and "A Bi Brown Bear." Denonr•
To keep step with farm progress and to
extend service to more farm families,
the telephone industry is working on
important new devices and methods.
Plans are already under way for
resuming the rural telephone expaii,
sion program suspended in 1940, when
equipment and material became ur-
gently needed for the armed forces.
Surveys are being made to determine
the needs and to provide the facts for
carrying out plans to expand farm
telephone service.
The goal is to bring the telephone
to the greatest possible number of
farm. families.