HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-11-29, Page 5`I7'LIRSDAN, NOVEMBER 29,_ 945:; CLINTON 'DEWS-R-,IICORII ecor assifie The NEWS -RECORD'S new reduced rate schedule for: classified advertising is now in effect. • The new Tates apply I paid in cash NOT LATER THAN 9 P.N. ON SATURDAY FOLLOWING DATE OF ISSUE: 25CENTS ]EXTRA' IF 14,0T SO , PAW Rates are as follows: One. cent a word, cash, each insertion, (minimumcharge, char e, 25 cents); five insertions for the price of four; 10 cents extra when: replies are directed to the NEWS -RECORD OFFICE or to a box number. Adlets die accepted up e ted - to NINE O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY NIGHT. FOR SALE BEA.'CH. RIANGFJ WITH WATER - aroma Phone 111, p +CIRCULATING HEATER. APPLY Mrs.'H. G. Cowan, Rattenbury 7St., 'Clinton, p FOR SALE -FANCY GOLD FISH; Also mixed bird seed in bulk. Beevers Auto and Bicycle Supply, Goderich. 76-77-78-79-80p MODERN KITCHEN CABINET, with porcelain top, Can be seen at Mrs. Robert Webster's, Victoria St. 77-b ''IEN, POUNDS BE'AL GOOD ONION Seed to grow Dutch Sets; also nine small pigs ready to go. A.E. Leibold, IR.R, 2, Clinton, Phone 910r13. 71-p PIANO SPECIALS—TWO CHOICE :pianos of high grade makes, just the thing f`or your school or home. Apply at once to Jonathan Hugill, phone B 4.616, Clinton. 77-78-79-80-81-p ''KELVINATO'R ELECTRIC REFRIG- •crator, .Ruddy spun glass insulation, six cubic feet, finger-tip thermostat .•control, four ice trays, remote coin - pressor, iFs horse motor, can handle additional quick-freeze unit, if de- sired. $175. Phone 145J evenings, Dr. ,Gun's residence. 77-p FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRES GOOD CLAY LOAM, some bush, brick house, bank barn, 'henhouse, driveshed, good roofs and good water. Bargain to close estate. Many others also. William Pearce, Realtor; Exeter. 74-75-76-77-p WEDDINGS McI'LVEEN--ROBERTS A. wedding of interest in Auburn took place in St. -Mary's Church, Barnes; South Wales, when Kathleen 'Hazel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Roberts, was united in marriage to. Lieut. Glen Asquith (Bob) Mcllveen,' son of Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. alcllveen, Bowmanville, and nephew. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Asquith, Auburn. 'mi. PROPERTY FOR SALE SEVEN -ROOMED COTTAGE WITH bath. Immediate possession, Apply Box .63, Clinton. 77-p ONE -AND'- A- HALF' STOREY frame house, eight rooms, on Joseph Street. , Call 65 or write Box . 41, Clinton. 77-p 11OJiSE ,AND LOT FOR SALE. ON Fulton St., seven rooms, town water and electric lights, good garden and new garage. Apply to James Elliott, Dublin. 77-p WANTED CH'ILD'S COMMODE CHAIR. Apply Box 39T NEWS -RECORD. 77-p PAIR OFF' BOY'S SKATES, SIZE about 13, in good repair. Phone "218, Clinton. 77-b RAW FURS WANTED. HIGHEST prices paid. Norman East, fur buyer, R.R. 1, Clinton, 74-75-76-77-78-79-p WANTED TO BUY—OLD HORSES. for mink feed, humanely killed. Gor- don Cudmore or Elmer Trick, phone Clinton 907r12 or 907r5. 74-tfb WANTED T'0' BUY—OLD HORSES and dead cattle for mink peed. If dead, phone at once. Fred Gilbert, 908r22 or Jack Gilbert, 908r21. 58-tf • MISCELLANEOUS YOUR .SEWING MACHINE RE - conditioned to perfect sewing. Apply at NEWS-RE'C'ORD"Office. 76-77p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 'WELL-BRED SHORTHORN BULL, 18 months old. Apply W. 3. Miller, Clinton.• '. 77-p 'TEN YORKSHIRE PIGS, Six Weeks old, Aply Fred McCool, Londesboro. 77-b "TEN -DAY-OLD CALF !SUITABLE for vealing. Apply Bert Gibbings, 'phone 633r15. 77-p LOST AND FOUND 'STRAYED FROM LOT 19, CON. 5, Goderich Township, yearling Hereford heifer, around 450 pounds. Apply ,John Smith, R. • R. 1, Goderich, 77-p LOST AND FOUND STRAYED RED' TWO-YEAli..OLD heifer, from lot 20, concession 6, Hallett, marked with split dewlap. 'John Tighe, Phone 801x33 Clinton. 77-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED SMALL HOUSE OR THREE OR four -room apartment by W.O. 1 Gill; 'Call Sergeants' Mess, B,C.S. Clinton. 76-77-p KELP WANTED A MAN TO CUT DOWN A COUPLE of trees. Wood given in return for labour. Please inquire at NEWS - RECORD Office. 77-n MALE KNITTER., EXPERIENCED on Power Flat Dubied machines. Steady job, good salary. Bell Knitting Mills, Toronto. Refer to order No. P107, National Employment Office. 77-78-b SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GA,RM- ents, individually designed. Aphra Steep, Ontario Street, Phone 288. '77-78-79-b TOP PRICES PAID FOR BRICK OR frame building to be wrecked. Apply to Ivan Lankin, 149 Langarth Street, London, Met. 8280w. -tf HAVING PURCHASED A FUR Dealer's License, I am now in a position to buy your raw furs. Mervyn Batkin, Princess St., Phone 2593. . 74-75-76-77-78-p ANYONE WISHING THE SNAPS, taken by E. Florien, of Labor Day Celebration, shown in Agricultural Office window, contact Miss Edna McDonald at Agricultural Office, 76-77-p MR. FARMER — WHAT BETTER Christmas present can you make to yourself and family than a purchase of an Clean Easy portable milking machine? No pipe lines to install. Can be used with hydro or gas motor auy place. Call Jonathan Hugill at once, phone 34-616, Clinton. 77-78-79-» AUBURN Mrs. Charles Nevins is visiting Mrs. Lloyd Raithby, London. Donald Ross, Galt, was a weekend visitor with his. mother, Mrs. Fred Rose. Mrs. Broughton, Monkton, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Ellis Little, and Mr. Little. Mr. and 'Mrs. John R. Weir, Lon don, spent the weekend with Dr. B. C. Weir and Josephine. Miss Frances Houston, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberton, Sea - forth, spent 'Sunday with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. William Roberton. Many Attend Dance AI large crowd attended the dance in the Foresters' Hall on Friday night. Music wasp supplied by " the CKNX R,aneh Boys. WOULD YOU LIKE 10 CENTS a dozen more for your eggs plus a premium. We pay a guaranteed price of 10 cents a dozen over price as quot- ed in Globe and Mail for Grade A Large ungraded eggs plus hatchibility premium on all eggs weighing 23 ounces and over per dozen. We cull and bioodtest your flock free of charge. If you are interested in mak- ing more money from your eggs and supplying hatching, eggs for the 1946 season write immediately for full de- tails. Weddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 73-74-75-76 77b iRfetEtt tfi3 et,C+met titettttelsor4t6tCt+CtMOICIMOV C etN4';C MAttCtMECtEtecOC C • :rt A Brand -New Service For Clinton and District If you want to go in comfort by automobile to LONDON, STRATFORD, HAMILTON, TORONTO just leave your name at our office We'll do the rest. Fully Equipped Sedans Careful Drivers Low Rates that will surprise you ARROW TAXI PHONE 182 Next McKenzie House CANADIAN, ATIONAL.RAILWAYS TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Toronto aitd,Goderich Division Going East, depart 6.43 a.m. Going East, depart 3.03 p.m. Going West, depart 12.04 p.m. Going West, depart 11.10 p.m. London and Clinton Division Coming North, arrive 11.20 a.m. Going South, leave 3.10 p.nr. Clinton 4 WliYtaL"u,`a"rdt�F�ta7^arui`�3Fat�tB'Atar2ir'3'r'o7ai'r3tiAsr2t2iat,�'a3° 191ryir'jY`r'r$.2i,Da4r$oot4m—Nrot$r NOTICE VOTERS' LIST 1945 Municipality of the Township of Hullett, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Vot- ers' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office in the Village of Londesboro, on the 2nd • day of. November, 1945, the list of all per- sons entitled to vote in the said municipality at the Municipal Elec- tions and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law. Dated at my office this and day of November, 1945. ,-.s s-�+eswK.vCt�„tEtEtttCtEt�rKtEtE'�4'�,t ortC'�tCt�tCtwtCt@tEtet+4'i�tt�tESCtgaCtQtitM�.S Rubber Footwear 'For All The Family Now In Stock Ladies' Plain Overs - Dome Rubbers — Rubber Galoshes and 0verboots — Fur .Trimmed Velvet Galoshes Children's Rubbers, Galoshes and -Overboots Men's and Boys' Rubbers and Galoshes . Men's Zipper Galoshes now in stock. RUBBER BOOTS — in both low and knee length. See us for your• footwear needs. Plumsceel Bros. Arrow Shirts Adam Hats ` Scott & Meddle Shoes for `.Men Agents Tip, Top Tailors i;'`vNaaereAresasareaatEareeteeeniaEra,eeez aeleaeina toiesea 9lmtatioaantereatieri.+ti,notei ra 4 GEORGE W. COWAN, Clerk. '75-76-7'7-b BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents Ethel Thompson BIRTHS SMALEIn Chilton Public Hospital; on Wednesday,. November 28. 1945,. to Mr. and Mrs. ,Howard Smale, Hensall, a son. TROOP --, To Barry, (nee Combe), wife of F. W. Troop, Toronto, on Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1945, at Pri- vate Patients' Pavilion, Toronto General, Hospital, a son.. DEATHS ATKINSO'N--+At his home, 43 Alma St., London, Ontario, on Tuesday, November 27, 1945, David John Atkinson, (formerly partner in At- kinson, Ball and 2Gapfe, Clinton),`ln his 78th year. Private funeral ser- vice from his late residence, Friday, November 30, •at 2.30 p.m. Inter- ment in Woodland Cemetery, Lon- don. COOPER—At his home, R.R. 2, Sea- forth, on Saturday, November 24, 1946, Christopher' Cooper, son of Harry Cooper and the late Mrs. Cooper. Interment Maitland Bank Cemetery, Seaforth, November .27. JOHNSTON—At .,.her late residence, Stanley Township, on Sunday, November 25, 1945, Luella Coleiiaan, beloved, wife of 'George II. John- ston. in her 54th year. Interment Bayfield Cemetery, November 27. NAFTEL—At his late residence, God- erich Township, on Saturday, Nov. 24, 1945, Percy T. E. C. Naftel, in his 68th year. Interment Mait- land Cemetery, Goderich, Nov. 26, Princess St. East., Phone 588 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKS FLORIST Phone: 66w and eel PLASTER REPAIRING A. French Plastering Contractor Specialist in Cornice. Work & Decorative Plastering Plaster repairs promptly And neatly done Box 23 or Phone 187 Wingham 64-tf MARRIAGES LEAMAN-TRICKETT -- In the Church of the Epiphany, London, on Saturday, Nov. 24, 1945, by Rev. P, H. Streeter, Kathleen Grace, only daughter of Frank Trickett, , London, to John Walter Leaman, son of 'Mrs. E. Willis, Goderich, formerly of Auburn. GRIEVE-IOLLIOTT—At St. John's Anglican Church, Varna, by Rev. R. C. Holmes, Lillian Elliott, sec- ond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Elliott, to Francis Grieve, only son 'o£ Mrs. Grieve and the late James Grieve, Seaforth. HENSALL Marks 83rd Birthday Mrs. Catherine Baker, Hensel', celebrated her 83rd birthday quietly Sunday, November 25, . at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff, Hensall. Mrs. Baker is a native of Kitchener and during her lifetime has resided in Cranbrook, Goderich, Exeter and HensaII. She is active for her years, has a keen intellect and her favorite pastime is braiding mats. She en - Joys helping with the housework. She has two sons, William, Goderich, and Leo, Windsor; a daughter, Mrs. 3. Pfaff, Hensall. There are 18 grandchildren and 12 great-grand- children. Batkins Locker Storage SALMON STEAKS per ib. 30e SALMON FILLETS . per lb. 50e COD FILLETS per ib. 35c HADDOCK FILLETS per lb. 35c SMOKED FILLETS . , , . 35e 1h. FARMER'S .ST'Y'LE SAUSAGE per Ib. 25e We Buy Hides • "Frozen Foods are Better Foods" BLYTH s iii AGFTREE Uici a t '. ttetateaatstateeta tatecane a staia�eara m OXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing: — Gail Russell and Diana ' Lynn in "OUR HEARTS WERE YOUNG AND GAY" Mon. Tues and Wed, 1 "Since You Went Away" One showing each. evening 8 p.m. A. human portrayal of life' on the home front by those who 'waited anxiously for war to end, Claudette colliar't'-Joseph Cotten and Jennifer Jones i Thurs., Fri. and Sat. f. Deanna Durbin — Ralph Bellamy i and Edward Everett Horton ". A. lovely lady with, a mystery mania and a train trip that ends in a murder chase. "LADY ON A TRAIN Coining: BRING ON THE GIRLS" In. Technicolor ii}YvihalsaarEaratitatrat CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICS Now Playing:—'Ida. Lupin- in. "PILLOW TO POST" 'Mon. Tues. Wed. One showing each night at 8 pan. "Since You Went Away" A heart-warming story of the home front and those who also served by waiting. Claudette Colbert -Jennifer Jones Joseph Cotten Shirley Temple Monty Woolley and Lionel Barrymore. Thurs. Fri. and Sat. "DUFFYIS TAVERN" Featuring Ed. Gardner in his orig- inal role as "Archie", comes one of the best shows in radio. Marjorie Reynolds, Barry Sullivan and Victor Moore 'Coming: Evelyn Keyes in "STRANGE AFFAIR" hratai€ OBITUARY PERCY T. E. C. NAFTEL Following a funeral service at his late residence, 'Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Beverley Farr, in- terment took place in Maitland Cem- etery, Goderich, of the remains of Percy T. E. C. Naftel, Bayfield Road, !Goderich Township, who died • sud- denly following a heart attack at his home on Saturday in his 68th year. Deceased was et son of the late Thomas and Mary Naftel, and was born and had lived all his life in his native township, with the excep- tion of 15 years spent in Goderich. He was a member of St. George's Anglican Church. His wife, formerly Marion Parsons, Goderich, predeceas- ed him by several years. He is survived by a daughter, Madeline; a brother, Wilfred C. Naftel, and a sister, Miss Florence E. Naftel, all of Goderich Township. Harold Vociden has purchased Mrs.. !Moody's property on Dursley St. Grover Clare, Toronto, has purchas- ed the Commercial Hotel from Ken- neth Poole. Mr. and Mrs. George Lawrence have moved to the house vacated by Mr Slorach, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slorach have ,,roved to the house they purchased from the Joseph Taman estate. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Turvey, Bel - grave, have moved to. James Scott's house on Coombs St. The Red Cross group of Hullett and East Waw.anosh boundary, met to quilt one large and one small quilt at the home of Mrs. Harry Gibbons.. New Mail Carrier James Davis, for 32 years mail carrier for Rural Route 2, has resign- ed and the new carrier is Wellington McNeil, who recently returned from service overseas. Mr. Davis was the first man to deliver ,nail on R.R. 2, and made his first trill. Oct. 1, 1313, when there were 72 boxes. Now there are 68. Mr. Davis was relieved for four years by George Meehan.' THOMAS GARVEY Thomas Garvey, one of the oldest residents and pioneers of Huron County, died at his home at Kings- bridge on Sunday, November 25. He was in his 89th year and last month had observed the 61st anniversary of his marriage to Margaret Donnelly, who survives. Besides his widow, he leaves one daughter, Sister Marie Therese, St. Joseph Community, Edmonton,. Alta., and six sons, James, Thomas and John, Kingsbridge; Joseph M., K.C., and Gerald, Toronto; and Father Ed- win C. Gainey, C.S.B., Ph.D., As- sumption College, Windsor. Two daughters, Mis William A. Dalton and Mary, R.N., and two sons, Dr. Leo R. and Father Wilfred Garvey, C,S,B., Ph.D., D.D., predeceased hint. .Also surviving are eight grand- children. Funeral mass was celebrated in St. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge, Wed- nesday morning, November 28. taleete REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing:—Maria Moeetez in "SUDON" A Technicolor Production Mon. Tues and Wed. George Raft — Joan Bennett and Vivian Blaine The tale of a Barbary Coast enter .tainer ho had to choose (between.. a social lass and• a girl of the coast. "NOB HILL" Thurs. Fri. and Sat. "Our Hearts Were Young and Gay" The romance and adventures of two young girls who toured Europe in the early twenties. Gail Russell — Diana Lynn and Charles Ruggles Coming: "A ROYAL SCANDAL" with Tallulah Bankhead iariaellaraterMatatai3tii91a'itaatf i'eee, ' ARE YOU TRULY SAVED? • If you are trusting in good works you ABLE NOT --Titus 3:5 ' If you are trusting in sinless life you ARE NOT—Rom. 3:23 If you are trusting in your own efforts you ARE NOT—Rom. 4:5 If you are trusting in church membership or ritual you ARE NOT— Acts 16:31 If you are trusting in another's efforts you ARE NOT—I Tim. 2:5 BUT if you are trusting in Christ's finished work YOU ARE SAVED —Eph, 2:8,9. TUNE IN: Pilgrim Hour 7-7.20 E:D.S.T. Sunday eVeniig -. LOCAL STATION CELW WINDSOR She was a member and active worker in Varna. United Church, being a former president of the Women's Missionary Society, and teacher of the Junior Bible Class, She also was vice-chairman of Varna Public Library Board. Surviving are her husband; on son, Gordon, at home; three sisters Mrs. Cecil Oke, Tuckersmith; Mrs Ephraim Clark, Hullett; Mrs. Myrtl Carnochan, Detroit, Mich.; tw brothers, 'Russell Coleman, Tucker smith; Frank Coleman, Hullett. MRS. GEORGE H. JOHNSTON Largely attended funeral services were held in Varna United Church Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. George II. Johnston, Parr Line, Stanley Township, who died suddenly at her home, south of Varna, about 11 a.m. Sunday, in her 54th year. She had been i11 with intestinal flu for about two weeks. but her end came quite unexpectedly. Rev. Reba Hern officiated. Inter- ment was in Bayfield Cemetery, Pall -bearers were Lorne Coleman, William R. Stephenson,.Wiliiam Hay- ter, Albert Horner, George Reid, and Russell Erratt, Flower bearers were Harold ,Connell, Lloyd Keys, Mervin Johnston, •Clare McBride, Ellwood Clark, Heave Coleman, and Anson Coleman. 13orn Luella Coleman in Tucker 'smith Township, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Coleman, she had re- sicced there and in Stanley Township. TOWN OF CLINTON Notice! Taxes The second installment of 1945 Taxes for Town of Clinton are due and payable on or before Dec. 14, which is last day for payment. After above date, according to by-law, penalty must be charged ac- cording to printed statement) on your tax notice. (Signed)—WESLEY VANDERBURGH, TAX COLLECTOR • 75-76.77-78 lcaelEtEereatiE',Ctelarrte`te:-leeetze-Ma'setlaiele.tialatatetatateiCe ceiraeiCiecerata4t aiGK e Is Your Car Ready For Winter? TRY OUR THREE-POINT PLAN 2. Ignition, Battery, Distributor, Generator, Starter, Wires, etc. Carburetor set for winter driving; Fuel Pump, Lines and Screens cleaned. 3. Complete Lubrication with WHITE ROSE LUBRICANTS. A ,special grease for every job. Murphy Bros. Garage Phone 465 Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Batteries Tenders For Snow Plowing Town Of Clinton Sealed tenders will be received by the under signed up to 5.30 o'clock p.m., MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1945, for the contract of supplying and operating truck with sufficient power to operate the pow plow,." top clean the snow from the streets. The lowest or any other tender not necessari accepted. Office of the Town Clerk Town of Clinton aa4t allat."eF'e;aa rel suer¢tei7'.2<S+etCtltMetaialatCia' Maleiet'k' alate'Ve3. tac E.a.E no io a R.1 ac See Our Stoves and Hecla Furnaces before buying. They are the Best — Prices Right Full Stock of Hand -made Pipes—All Sizes HUGH R. HAWKINS t Plumbing — Heating — Sheet Metal Work Agent for Recla Furnaces ppq PHONE 244 RESIDENCE 4 Leara1aiEateidiet`.iiia,vii'awareineeraketaikneieaeterzreti ateleacrasecalaiea7arar eterer`-`. orietetravaervateareacteatetateteleiveveveatervelateteteiveteicivelexeratetveze 1 Clinton Radio and Appliance " at the White Rose Garage HURON ST. CLINT( MODERN RADIO and REFRICERATIO SERVICE We pick up your machine, repair it and return to you when completed, usually within 48 hours,