HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-11-29, Page 4The Presbyterian Church W.M.S. met at, the hone of Mrs. Malcolm McTaggart, The worship period was talon by Miss Shaw reading- the scripture. and' Mrs. J. R. Makins of- fering prayer. In the absence of Mrs. George Roberton, Mrs. Fox, vice-president, tock charge. She speke of the visit of Misses Macarthur and Matthews, whose helpful suggestions and demon- strations from the General Council, were worth acting upon. er The treasurer, Mrs. .1. Wilson, re- ported that the allocation had been exceeded, Mrs. Makins, Peace Thank•• 77.--b: offering treasurer, stated' that almost $23 had been received'. Mrs. Lane spoke on "The Women of The Bibl'e." ' The meeting closed with prayer. The hostess served refreshments. The Christmas meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. 81. Ward. e WOMEN,"'S INSTITUTE Clinton Women's Institute met for its regular monthly meeting in the Agricultural Board Rooms last Thursday, with an attendance of 23 members and three visitors , The president, Mrs. J B. Laois, presided and welcomed all present. The meeting opened with the sing. ing of our O'de, "0 Canada", and re peating the Lard'''s Prayer. The min- utes were read and approved and treasurer's report given. The roll call was responded to by Something for which we are thankful." The' Finance convenor gave a report of the successful W. I. bazaar. Wae work convener stated 30 articles had been completed. A committee, consisting of Mesdames Cudmore, Adams and Lobb, were elected to pack boxes to be sent to any member of the Forces • yet overseas, immed- iately connected with W. I. ' The flower and visiting committees nave arranged to remember sick and shut-ins at Christmas, Mrs. E, Adams gave a very inter- esting paper on "Social Welfare." Mrs. (Rev.) Bulteel sang a very pleasing solo, ,,accompanied by Mrs. Meanwell. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha gave a few pointers about inflation. Miss McAdains favored with two fine piano numbers. A vote of thanks was extended to all taking part in program.. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. Hostesses far the •day. were Mes dames Sturdy, W. ,S'. R. Holmes, Tyndall, Flynn, Crook:, Meohinchey. The December meeting will be held on Thursday, December 20, with a pot -luck lunch. Further notice will be given later. PRESBYTERIAN W. A. ' Clinton Presbyterian W. A. will meet on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. ,! 5, in the Sunday School Room. As ; this meeting calls for election of of- ficers, all members are asked to he 'present. A picnic lunch will be served. Cpl. M. 11. `Billie" Stewart Honored by Colleagues Prior to Her Discharge Corporal , M, H: "Billie" Stewart, RCAF, Ottawa, who has been : secre- tary to L. M. McKechnie, Director of Public Relations (Air), and : who is receiving her discharge, was honored at a gathering Thursday night by her colleagues in the Directorate. Miss Stewart, whose home is on R. R. 5, Clinton, has been in the, RCAF more than three years. A presenta- tion frain hes; friends was made by Mr. McIiechnie. Among g th ore present were: Don Brown, Veronica Robitaille, Claire Normand, Margot Martin, F/0 Har- old Brisebois, Sgt. Charles Raizenne, Sgt. Ruby Jackson, Corporal Violet Ristock, K. Jean Evans, Ruby Deni- son, F/0 Max Morrow, Sgt. Pat Holden, LAC Larry Daugherty, Mary McCutcheon, Helen Crispin, Bunny Jenkins, S/O Marion Rowe, Sgt. Eric Dale, F/L Bill Shields, 5/L Norman Campbell, Sgt. Murray McCutcheon and Mr. and Mrs. McKechnie. c TUCKERSMITH LADIES' CLUB The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Erlin Whitmore, on Wednes- day, December 5. The roll call will be "Suggestions for making candy," RATION COUPON DUE DATES Foodcoupons now valid are sugar 46 to 67, butter 116 to 121, preserves 33 to 57 and P1 to P21, meat 1411 to N1t3. Mothers' Study Group Of Wesley -Willis Meets The November meeting of the Mother's Study group of Wesley Willis United. Church was held at the home of Mrs. James 1VIeLaren with Mrs, Howard Currie in charge. The meeting opened with a poem by 'Mrs. Currie, followed' by a Hymn and' ail- ent prayer. The minutes were read and offering taken. During the business session it was decided to hold the December meet- ing in the afternoon of December 27 at the church, each mother to bring her children. Mrs. Archie Douglas gave two in- teresting land amusing readings. Mrs. John Nediger read the Bible story of Abraham and Isaac, ,and Mrs. Jervis and Mrs. Griffiths gave the corresponding story of Sarah, .the mother of Isaac, from the study- book. Articles for discussion were given by Mrs. Currie, Mrs. Murch, Mrs. uglas, Mrs. Braithwaite and Mrs. Ross: Hymn 402 was sung and the repeating in unison of Hymn 364 cies- ed the meeting. •,A: social hour • of contests and Iunch was enjoyed; by all. WESLEYY-WILLIS W. A.. The W. A. of Wesley -Willis United Church will meet in the Church Hall on Thursday, December 6, at 3 p.m. Mrs. Frank Andrews' group will have charge. This is to be a Christmas, party. o—a NEWS -RECORD subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. Your address label shows due date. Gift Novelties to the Fore Supplementing our Stock of Unavailable Merchandise, we are showing New Lines of Attractive, Gifts. LINEN TEATOWELLING AND, TOWELS .are greatly in demand, and we suggest your early purchase of your requirements in these Iines as the quantities are limited. , Never before has the necessity for Early Christmas Shopping been so urgent, aS Decem- ber quotas will be quickly disposed of., Watch olu' 'inflows from day to day for displays of quality merchandise. R. V. IRPIIN PAGEsFOUR Be-OpeningServices At Baptist Church Are Well Attended Re -opening : cervices were well attended on Sunday, whenservices- were resumed after Clinton Baptist Church auditorium hadbeen coo pletely renovated, Rev. EA. Grigg, retired mission ary- to Boma, was the speaker. at both services. Rev. Mr. Grigg had served in Burma for forty- five years and since retirement has travelled extensively in the United States speaking on misisonary work. He was born in; Exeter, Ontario, and ' since his retirement has taken up residence there. Rev. C. C. Anderson conducted the services. Speaking at the morning service, Rev. Mr. Grigg' took as his text "Come ;[into Me .and I' Will Give You Rest, and stated that it is a standing in- vitation from Christ to all mankind. At one time in Burma hebaptized a woman one hundred years old who had never heard of Jesus Christ until she was ninety-nine • years old. Fay Aikenhead and Joanne.- Tomlinson sang a duet, "This Is My Father's Land." At the evening service a guest guartette composed of Cliff and Orval Lobb, Glenn Lockhart and Bill Jervis, sang "The Light of the World is Jesus" and "Coming to the Cross," accompanied by Mrs. Cliff Lobb, Its his remarks ,Rev. Mr. Grigg stated that when we have Christ we have all there is to be had and that the majority of people give Him a casual glance and fail to see :the value that lies behind the outward appearance. He further stated that we should share our great treasure with others and not .be satisfied until everyone we know has learned about Jesus and His saving grace. 9S L AND CLINTON I Ew ,R lCORD Mr. and Mrs. D.'Bisback. Honoured After Marriage Mr. and .Mrs, Lorne, )lurch, Clinton, entertained between 30 and 35 guests Friday night in honour of the newly. weds, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bisback (nee Helen Sturgeon). The evening was spent in progressive euchre, after which an appropriate address was read to the young couple by Mrs; Jack Murch. They, were then presented with a beautiful oak parlour table and other gifts. Dennis then expressed his thanks and •appreciation, in his usual cheerful manner on behalf of his wife, Helen. A very enjoyable lunch' was served by Mrs. Bill Murch, Mrs. Swan and Mrs. Wes •Shobbrook. After lunch Mr. Shobbrook, Mr. Blake and the bride, rendered selec• tions on the 'haronmica which were enjoyed by everyone.A sing -song followed. The evening was brought to a close by singing, "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows," and "Good Night, Ladies." c , RED SHIELD NOTES The regular meeting of the R, S. W. A was held in the work rooms with 21 members present. The Lieutenant took the devotional. The president then carried on the business. Mrs, " N. W. Trewartha gave a very interesting reading on `Youth.' Donations are gratefully received: $2 team a friend; Second hand stock- ings from Mrs. M. A. Holland; three pairs of socks from the Stanley Club. The collection amounted to $1.66. The next •meeting will be held in the form of a pot -luck. VeitiesevEMSZeilietelCeteeeeteracetreeitelleakeetereteieteKtetategkeeseigiCitteteititelieslisSe SHOP NOW FOR BES'( CHOICE MAKE COOPER'S YOUR g SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS SECOND FLOOR A Large (Selection of Well -Selected Toys CHRISTMAS CARDS CHRISTMAS STATIONERY CHRISTMAS BOOKS 41+bftlr r 061 6 io The Chinaware Gift Department now at it's best. Practical Gifts from our Ready-to-wear Dlepart'lnent are always acceptable. SPECIAL VALUES IN LADIES' WINTER COATS Store open all day Wednesday A. T. COOPER. In Business Since 1885 Store Hours: 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phones: 36W, 36J a lee rrarar r rserekernsererpes fMet aaSzeieiMeoili 3 ervatariail maAvieset Moral': ' Vatic t 't¢ cie-tMiseater eeseiCreletetctei.-WOMVet6 atz o024eteE'eMere You will Enjoy Giving The Best They Will Appreciate Receiving The Best FOR HIM Bachelor Shaving Sets Buckingham. Bowls Astra Lighters 0,Thorens Fighters Perkins Bill Folds Shaving Brushes Hair Brushes Auto -Strop Razoru Shiek Razors Bridge Sets Flat 50 Cigarettes FOR HER Adrienne Toiletries Evening in Paris Toiletries Mollinard Toiletries Hudnuts Toiletries All in Beautiful Sets or individ- nal pieces and Dressing Tables A complete line of Cologne Dusting Powders Bath Salts Fine Soaps, 3 in box Adrienne, Mollinard, Roger ' and Galet. We have our Exclusive Line of CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 for 50c 12 for 25c — 18 for 49c Plenty of HOT WATER BOTTES-69c, 89e, $1.00 New and Beautiful LUCITE HAIR BRUSHES We have made purchasing easy for you—Look our stock over— It's the best in years Wo. S. R. HOLMES, Phil B. 'Batu iatF Sow. • PHONE 51 — CLINTON', ONTARIO A ou slp"I1Ipummtiuuw�uuw otgniomii_iiill II •, '::', ... .,�.en nue mll�l.4�, Mr, and' Mrs, Mervin Nott, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with their parents. Rev. John Hutton, Pine River, visited Mr. and Mrs. E, ,G, Howes on Sunday, Mss. Fred 'and c s1dyet isi t- ed with the former's parents in God- erich, over the weekend. ' Mrs. Gordon R. Ross and son, John Shaw. spent the past weekend with friends and relatives in London. Ross Merrill bas passed his exam- inations at Radio College of Canada, Toronto, with first class honours: Mrs, William Helms and family, Lueknow,, spent the weekend withlier parents, Dr. and Mrs.. J. S. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Thomson, Toronto, agent the weekend with Mrs. Themson's parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. Gardner. Miss Jean Cameron, member of the staff of St. Thomas Memorial Hospital, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cameron. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murch and children, Charles and Margaret Anne, Detroit, Mich., have returned home, after spending a week with the form er's mother, Mrs. Fred Mutch. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carnegie and little daughter, Carolyn, 'London, and Nursing Sister Gertrude Holmes of Crumlin, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes. Misses Kathleen and Helen McGill, London, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mc- Gill, 'Misnico, and Sgt. and Mrs. Glenn McGill, Hamilton, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. James McGill. Prior to their departure from the staff of Clinton Public Hospital, to assume private nursing practice, Misses M. E. Garniss and Betty Craig were the recipients of beautiful gifts from their colleagues. ;Rev. G. F. Smith, Strathroy, and Rev. H. U. Trinier, London, moderat- or of the Baptist Association, visited in Clinton this week, and addressed a meeting of Clinton Baptist con- gregation in the Baptist Church yest- erday 'afternoon and showed pictures of the bombed churches of Britain. Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Leibold and slaughter, Marion, and Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Lenpington, Clinton, and Miss Edith Leppington, London, at - LUNCH SPECIALS Hot Chocolate Sandwiches Pie and -' Ice Crcain BARTLIF'F'S The Home of Good Eats PHONE 1 ft. and Mrs. W. Conron, LAC Caminha,' Honoured Mr, and Mrs, W. M. Nediger ,open- ed their home Monday night to a delightful party in hopper of 'Sgt. and Mrs, William Conron and LAC Henry Caminha. - .Both airmen have received;,their discharges and this party was held to honour them be- fore their departure. _.H'osts were members. of the choir and the Young People's Union of . Wesley -Willis United Church. The early part of the evening was spent : in gains under the direction of Benson ,Sutter, Bill Conron led the group in -one of his usual fine sing -songs and was accompanied by Mary Lane at the piano. An address signed by Mrs. Bernice C. Hearn, president of the choir and R. Benson president of the Young Sutter,_ People's Union, was read by Eileen Sutter. Robert Irwin presented Bill and. Dorothy Conron with a nest of tables on behalf of the choir and the Young People's Union, and Donald Jervis presented Henry Caminha with a set of military brushes on behalf of the Young People's Union. All three made very fitting replies. The hostess served delicious re- freshments and a: very enjoyable half hour was enjoyed by all present. W.M.S. Evening Auxiliary Holds November Meeting The November meeting of W. M. S. Evening Auxiliary of Wesley -Willis United Church was held November 15, at the home of Mrs. Howard Currie. The'presidentwas.-unable to be pres- ent so the chair was taken by Mrs. Charles Nelson. . A short business part was held first. It was decided -to ask the same of- ficers to continue on in the new year. The meeting continued in the study of Angola with different members telling of different subjects: Florence Shipley told of the "Translation and use of the Bible in Angola"; AdeIe Jervis told of the need for "Litera- ture"; Jean Livermore told of the "Music Festivals and camp meetings in Angola"; and Ferrol Higgins told of the "Currie Home"—the first mis- sionaries there. The roll call was answered by some event or feature learned about Africa from the study book thus far. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. A social half hour was enjoyed by everyone following the meeting. tended the funeral of the late Chris- topher Cooper, son of Harry Cooper, and the late Mrs, Cooper, Huron Rd., Seaforth, to Maitland Bank Cemetery, Seaforth, Tuesday. 0 ONTARIO STREET W. A. The Ontario Street W. A. wilt meet on Wednesday, December 5, at 2.20 St. George's Ward will serve. Bazaar AUSPICES GIRLS' CLUB Presbyterian Church SATURDAY, DEC. 1 in the Church -3-6 P.M. BOOTHS:—Home-made Novelties Baking, AFTERNOON TEA Menu: Salad: Plate Bread and Butt Tarts and Tea. 300 CLINTON WDDNGS isDAM AN --TRICK ETT The marriage of John Walter Lea- man, formerly of Auburn, son of Mrs. E. Willis, to Kathleen Grace, only 'daughter of :Prank Trickett, London, was solemnized at Church of the Epiphany, London, on .Satur- day, Nov. 24, 1945, by ,Rev. P. H, Streeter, a -former rector of St. Mark's Anglican Chureh, Auburn, During the signing of the register, Mrs. Howard Ferguson sang "Be- cause." The bride,given in marria father, woro wby her g wn in all whhite, the bodice was of silk jersey with heart - shaped neckline and full skirt of double net. Her finger-tip veil was held in a flower bandeau and she carried an arm bouquet of red roses and wore her mother's .;pearls. As maid of honor Miss Doris Hus- ton was wearing a floor-Iength tur- quoise sheer with snatching cap and bouquet. of Joanna Hill roses. Murray Daer was best man and Gordon Mil- ler was an usher, Mrs, Williams Brock, wearing olive green with gold and black accents, received at the home of the bride, where a reception was held. . For traveling the bride chose a blue tailored suit with a black top- coat collared in silver fox. Tlsey will reside in Goderich. GRIEVE—J3LLIOTT At St. John's Church, Varna, Lil- Iian Elliott, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Elliott, became the bride of Francis Grieve, only son of .Mrs. Grieve and the late James Grieve, Seaforth. Rev. R. C. Holmes officiated at the ceremony and Mrs. Edith Long of London played the nuptial music. The bride Iooked charming in a street -length dress of aqua -coloured crepe, with a black sequit, 'hat and accessories. She wore a corsage of Johanna Hill roses. Her only orna- ment was as string of pearls, the gift of the groom. The bride was attended by her sister-in-law. Mrs. Alvin Elliott, Brantford, dressed in a coral wool grey with matching accessories. She wore: a corsage of red roses. The groom was attended' by Alvin Elliott, brother of the bride. During the signing of the register, Fred Willis, Seaforth. brother-in-law of the groom, sang, "Because." The guests were ushered by. Roy Elliott. • Innmediately following the cere- mony, a reception and dinner was hell at "The Little Inn," Bayfield. The guests were received' by the brides mother, in a black crepe dress with snatching accessories, and a shoulder corsage of pink roses, and Mrs. Grieve, mother of the groom, in grey with matching aecessories, she wore a corsage of pink roses. For travelling. the bride changed to a gold wool dressmaker suit, with brown accessories and a top coat of gold colour with brown beaver col- lar and cuffs. Gusts were present from Rielt- mopd' Hill. Oakville, Sudbury. Brant- ford. Kitchener, Stratford; Seaferth and London. 0 A1) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29+ 1945 Presbyterian W. M. S. Holds November Meeting CHURCH DIRECTORY St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTL,EL, Reetor Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader ADVENT SUNDAY, DEC. 2, 1946 11.00 A.M.—Holy Communion 2.00 P.M.—Sunday School 7.00 P.M.—Evening Service Friday, Nov. 30—Sit. Andrew's Day, Holy•Communion--10 A.M. 3 P.M.—Tuesday, Dec. 4 —' Ladies' Guild will meet at home of Mrs. Bert }ludic. Wesley -Willis United REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, DEC. 2, 1945 First Sunday in Advent 11 A.M.—Morning Worship; sermon subject: "The Church" 12.10 P.M.—Church School 7 P.M.—Evening Worship; sermon subject: "The Spirit", Baptist REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader SUNDAY, DEC. 2, 1945 2.30 P.M—Bible .School 7 P.M.—Evening Worship, subject: "The One Sufficient Refuge" Monthly Communion Service at the close of evening worship. ' Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyer, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, DEC. 2, 1645 l0 A.1ML—Sunday School 11 A.M.—Divine Worship; sermon Gl suobjrect:y." "Jesus Manifesting' His The Minister 2.30 serP.Mvice.,—Knox Church, Bayfield, EVERYBODY WELCOME Ontario Street United REV. G. G. BURTON, Minister Mrs. Edward Wendorf, Organist B. 3. Gibbings, Choir Leader SUNDAY, DEC. 2, 1945 A.M.—"Anxious Thoughts" Near Noon—Sunday School, P.M.—Turner's Church P.M.—(1)• "Paul's Impressive Ap- peal for Unity"—Avoid disputes and dissensions. • (2) "Go Tell it on the Mountain" —Dorothy Maynor (Christmas Spiritual) 11 2 7 Instead of one sugar coupon and two preserves coupors becoming valid during Decenther, four. , preserves coupons' will be declared valid, ac- cording to the regional ration office of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. This means that P22, P23, P24, and P25 will become valid Thursday, December 20. These may be used for eithei,,peesetves. or ;sugar. Each "P" coupon entitles you to one-half pound of sugar. 1'retG 4ete=C-t2t6r'� 4"t se-MMetesese;kleieteserrglele tit teie1M Bedroom Slippers For Father Mother And Ali The Children In a variety of colours—Red, Blue, White, Pink— Fur-trimmed and Plain Children's Slippers for $1 to $1.50 4410 Thomas Churchill RELIABLE FOOTWEAR CLINTON r7s�r;as