HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-11-08, Page 7' 'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8
,9455 •
Give Draft. of Proposed.
Hog Marketing Scheme
' i,IAl
Scheme County Groups
1. .This Scheme may be cited as 6. Producers of hogs in each of the
"The Ontario Hog Producers' Mark- counties herein mentioned shall form
• eting Scheme." a county group.
Local Board 'Committees'
2. There shall be a local board to 7. There shall be a district' cora
be known as "The Hog Producers' mittee which in each case shall' be
Marketing Board." 1 mown as "The District Hog Produce The local board shall consist' of ors' Committee,"
seven members. 8. Each county group shall on on or
First Members of Loral:Board before the 15th day of March in each
4. 'The first members of the local year elect a representative or rep,
board who shall hold office until not resentatives to The District Hog
later than the 31st day of March, Producers' Committee for the district
1946, or until their successors are in which the county is located on
- elected, shall be:- such basis as may be determined.
District 1—.Alva ,Rintoul, Carleton (Note --The basis for electing repxe-
Place; sentatives of District Committees to
District 2—William Ernest Tum- be determined at a later date.)
mon,, R.R, 1, Foxboro. Election of Local Board
District 3—George Wilkinson, R.R., 9. Each District- Hog Producers'
Distrriictston4—Wilfred Bishop, Nor- Committee shall annually prier -to the
wick, 31s1; day of March in each year elect
District 5—Norman McLeod, R,R. one member to the local board. •
7, Galt. Powers and Duties of Local Board
District 8—George Johnston, R.R. 10. The local board shall have pow -
3,' Owen Sound. er to control all marketing of hogs
District 7—Thomas Robson, Den- produced in Ontario and to regulate
field. , their sale in accordance with the pro -
Districts e" visions of The Farm Products Control
producers The of hogs shall be d thereunder.
divided into seven districts and 'the.
districts shall be comprised as fol-
lows:— '
District 1. consists of the counties
of Glengarry,' Stormont, Dundas, Rus-
sell, Prescott, Carleton, Larjark, Ren-
frew, Leeds and Grenville;
District 2 consists of the counties
of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington,.
Edward, Hastings,
he mo
u oft Y
shall be paid out ensile, Durham, Victoria' and Peter- red p
borough; raised by license fees under the regu-
District 3 shall consist of the coon• lations under The Farm Products
ties of York, Ontario, Simeoe, Halton Control Act for the marketing of
and Peel;hogs.
District 4 shall consist of the eoun- The Farm Products Control Act
ties of Oxford, Norfolk, Brant, Went-
worth, Haldimand, Lincoln and Wel-
District 5 shall consist of the coun-
ties of Perth, Waterloo, Wellington
and Dufferin; (a) "Buyers" shall mean original
District 6 shall consist of the coon urchaser of hogs either directly or
Act and regulations made March in the following year.
to the Theowersl 'band duties oard shall i vested n addition
n 9. The fee for a buyer's license
and imposed upon it by The Farm ' shall be $1.
engaged in the'production of hogs in
Ontario; '
(g) "Transporter" shall mean any
public or private carrier of hogs for
hire. -
Licenses .for Persons Engaged in
Processing Hogs
2. No peesons shall engage in On-
tario in the business of a processor'
of hogs except under the authority
of 'a processor's license granted by
the, Board:
3. Every application 'to the Board
for a processor's license shall "be
made in writing upon and according
to the form proscribed by the Board.
4, Such licenses shall be issued an-
nually for the period from the 1st
day of April in the year in which
the license is issued to the 31st day
of March in' the following year.
5. Subject to the. provisions of reg-
ulation 10 the fee for a processor's
license shall' be $1.
Licenses. for Buyers
6. No person shall purchase hogs
except under' the authority of a buy-
er's license issued by the Board. but
the Board may exempt any person
granted a processor's license from re-
quiring a buyer's license
7. Every application for a buyer's
license shall be made in writing upon
and according to the form prescribed
by the Board:
8. Buyer's' licenses shall. he issued
annually for the period' from the lst
day of April in the year in which the.
license is issued to the 31st day of
Dates Announced
11 Hog Meetings
In Huron County
At a recent meeting of the _Huron
County Hog Producers' Committee,
it was felt that, in addition to the
large County meetings, it would be
advisable to hold several smaller
meetings throughout the County.
The County Hog Committee and
the Huron County. Federation of Agri-
culture will do everything possible to.
further the success of these meetings
and provide speakers, if'asked to
Products Control Act and any re- License Fees
gulations passed thereunder have 10. (1) For the purpose of defray;
authority to stimulate, increase and ing the expenses of the local board
improve the marketing of Ontario for services rendered in the market -
hogs by appointing such persons and ing of hogs produced in Ontario and
doing such acts as, it deems advisable for carrying out the duties of the
provided that expenses thereby incur- local board every producer and buyer
shall pay annually to the o
for each hog delivered to a processor
and processed by the processor r
fees at the rate of 2c per hog.
(2) The license fees payable by a
producer or buyer shall be deducted
Proposed Regulations by the .Processor from the sum of
Interpretation money owing, if an", to the producer
1.or buyer.
d In these ion or d and in any (3) The amount of the license fees
Order, direction or determination provided for in subsection (1) shall
made by the Board or the local board:• be forwarded by every processor to
the local board at the end of each
three months period.
11. (1) There shall be a Negotiat-
ing Committee for the Sale of Hogs
do so.
Meetings Scheduled
Two County meetings, where out-
side. speakers will attend, will be.
Other meetings will be held accord-
ing to the following schedule, all at.
8 p.m.:
F. K. B. Stewart, Agricultural Rep-
resentative for Huron County, will
have the ballot box at each of these
meetings, and every one will be given
an opportunity to register and vote
at each meeting. These meetings
necessarily will have to be held be-
tween November 13 and 23. e "
ties of Huron, Bruce and Grey;
District 7 shall consist of the coun-
ties of Essex, Kent, Lambton, Middle-
sex and Elgin.
8 p.m.
Charles Coultes, Belgrave, will
•speak on the proposed Hog Market-
ing Scheme.
F. K. B. Stewart, Agricultural
Representative for Huron County,
will register voters and take the vote.
indirectly f or processing or resale and
shall include commission agents and
drove s,
(b) "Hogs'{ shall mean hogs pro-
duced in Ontario and sold directly or called the Negotiating Committee
indirectly for processing purposes; which shall be elected annually and
(c) "Local Board" shall mean The
Hog Producers' Marketing Board
established by Order of The Farm
Products Control Board;
(d) "Process" shall include the pro-
cessing of hogs by any means what- shall: annually appoint three -members
feho and shall include slaughtering to' such Negotiating Committee from
of hogs;
(e)"Processor" shallamong themselves,
include every The Negotiating Committee is
person engaged in the .business of (2)
processing or slaughtering hogs in hereby
dand fix agree -
Ontario who processes or slaughters (a) to negotiate
at least an average- of 25 hbgs per different dieets fferentials, premiums nd discounts
week;" •
(f) "Producer" shall mean a person that shall be paid for the grades and
be constituted as follows:—,Subject
to the approval of the Board the local
board shall annually appoint three
members to such Negotiating Com-
mittee, and the licensed processors
Mrs. Kenneth Langford, Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baird, Miss
;spent the weekend with her parents. Shirley Walff, and friend, 'visited
Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Trewartha. their sister, Mrs. Robert Varley, Port
Mrs. Talbot, Bayfield, is spending Dalhousie, for a few days this week.
a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Miss Tena Baird gave' her home for
Harris. Many friends will be glad the meeting of the Stanley Ladies'
to hear she is improving. Community Club on November 1.
Sacrament Sunday Eighteen ladies answered the roll call.
Next Sunday . is Remembrance Day There were five visitors, also several
and the Sacrament will be administ- children.
• ered in Holmesville United Church, Mrs. John McGregor, the president,
;Service is at 10.30 a.m. opened the meeting by asking all to
Purchases Property
The property of Miss Proctor ,has
been purchased by Ninian Heard,
'Clinton. We welcome Mr. and Mrs,
Heard to our community.
Township Council Meets
Goderich Township Council held its
regular November meeting at Miss
"S. Acheeon's house, Holmesville, Mon-
-day afternoon.
rise and repeat the Lord's Prayer.
Hullett Township Federation of
Agriculture held a very successful
gathering in the Community Hall,
Londesboro, Thursday evening last
when Harvey Johnston, Walton, show-
ed several ,very interesting motion
pictures „provided by the National
Film Board: The hall was well filled
for the event: '
Bert Irwin, piesident of the Branch,
acted as chairman and extended :a
hearty welcome, W. V. Roy, secretary
of Huron County Federation of Agri-
culture, announced that a meeting in
the interests of the proposed hog
marketing scheme would be held in
the Hall on Friday evening, Novem-
ber 23, at eight o'clock.
Motion pictures shown included
"Early Start", "Hollywood Victory
Caravan," "Valiant Company," "Life
on the 'Western Marshes," and one
illustrating Quebec farming.
Mrs. J. G. McLay, Clinton, favoured
the audience with several humorous
and entertaining readings,,
The Lobb quartette, Clinton, sang
several old favorites, the group con-
sisting of Clifford Lobb, Orval Lobb,
Glenn Lockhart, and W. L. Jervis,
with Mrs. Clifford Lobb at the piano.
Bobby Irwin, eon of the president,
rendered two clever piano selections.
weights of live or dressed hogs by
processors and other persons
(b) to enquire into and establish
the best means of preventing injury
to and bruising of hogs between the
time they leave the ,producers' prem-
ises until they reacthe processors'
killing floors and to fix responsibility
for all bruising;
(c) to enquire into 'the present de
ductions for condemnation insurance
and to negotiate such adjustments as
may be deemed expedient;
(d) to negotiate. such other matters
respecting the marketing of hogs as
the Board may determine;
(e) and in each case to make such
recommendations to the Board as
may be deemed advisable.
19. In the event that the'Negotiate
ing Committee fails to. arrive at an
agreement the matter in dispute shall
be referred to a Board of •Arbitration.
18. (1) The Board of Arbitration
shall be elected and constituted as
follows:—One member shall be ap-
pointed by the three'producer mem-
bers of the Negotiating Committee,
another member shall be appointed by
the three licensed processor members
of the Negotiating Committee,, and
the third member shall be appointed
by the first two mentioned members
of such Board of Arbitration, and in
the event that the first two members
of such Board of Arbitration shall
fail to agree on the appointment of
the third .member the Board shall
Appoint such third member.
(2) The Board of Arbitration is
hereby: empowered to negotiate and
fix agreements respecting any mat-
ter referred to it.
14. (1) Any agreements approved
by the Negotiating Committee or the
Board of Arbitration shall be submit-
ted to the Board with a request for
the' Board's approval.
(2) The Board may appove in whole
or in part subject to : any changes
it may make or may refuse to ap-
prove any agreement submitted to it,
(3) When the Board has approved
any agreement submitted to it the
Board, may by Order declare - the
agreement to be in force in the Pro-
vince of Ontario or any district or
part` thereof.
Mrs. William Stewart,. Fergus, is
staying for a time with her: sister-
in-law, Mrs. Les Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harrison and
family attended anniversary services
at Grand Bend on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Morell, Londesboro,
spent' a couple days last week with
their daughter, Mrs. Jack Snaith.
Miss Helen McGregor, London, Mr.
and Mrs. McGregor. Londesboro, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Arlie Lockhart.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lockhart and
This was followed by the secretary s children, Gunton; Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
and treasurer's report. Collection was Rowdee, Lois and Muriel, Holmes -
then taken and amounted' to $8.60. ville, spent Sunday at James Lock -
Mrs. Alex McLwan suggested the hart's.
dub make a donation of clothing or Hallowe'en Parry
household goods of any kind to the The elnildren` of S. S. No. 5 staged
family who lost their "all". by fire a successful Hallowe'en party on
in the North Country. The club also Wednesday' afternoon last,
was asked to bring donations to fill Rstutts From Hospital
with Reeve Geortge Christmas boxes for those in military Mrs. Les Ccs able:. l come
Ginn presiding. The statutory year- service, A vote was taken -and show, home from Clinton was eblie Ho ital
end meeting before nominations will to give a special on a from It will bei Ho
p ed everyone willing
be held on Thursday next, November collection at the December meeting oSa the cast can ll removed.Sol
15, to raise. money instead of the usual Taken To He rem
Mission Band Meets sale of baking.
The Mission Band held its regular : A short program; consisting of two Mrs. Williams Townsend a was Mond
'Monthly meeting, in the school, Fri- contests by Mrs. Norman Baird and to Clinton Public .Hose
day, with a large attendance. It was a humorous reading by Mrs. John where X-raysfere to en andean trust
•decided to have lantern slides!on A. NlcEwan, were then enjoyed. , Thi cistron was per
Africa and a program by the mission was followed by; a sing song and The she will soon be well enough to come
band members on Monday evening. 'King." A very substantial lunch was home.
rs..T'avener and Mrs. Norman are then served by the group,
'the leaders. 1 Next meetine'will be held at 1h•,, NAMED TEMPORARY HEAD
Holmesville Red Cross home of Mrs. Walter Moffat. The roll W. R. Reek, Ontario Deputy Min-
The regular monthly meeting of call will be answered by naming what ister of 'Agriculture, has been named
Holmesville Red Cross was held 'rues- you would like to ask Santa Claus temporary administrator of Ontario
•'day afternoon at the home of Mrs. to bring. Agricultural College, .Guelph. Mr.
Peptide, with quilting+the chief attrac- .�,e."`•• Reek will act in the absence of Dr.
tion. A short business meeting with " G. I. Christie, president of O.A.C.,
who is in hospital. Hospital
the resident Mrs. Walter, in charge,. VARNA. Saturday that Dr. Christie's
p ides said .Sat y
author -
took place. The president urged every- -- condition . was "slightly improved."
g or sewing,
one to take knitting • L.O.L.No. 1035 held their . annual
Telephone MeetingFridayharvest.
I er i the hall' last. their bean corn' and potato
Goderich Township Municipal:Tele- :fowl. supp n
hone System held its regular meet- night: t Remembraillee Service
1' y Mrs: M. G. Beatty and Miss Mos- Ort Sunday,morning, November 11,
ing in Miss S. Acheson's residence, sop visited with friends 10 Cromarty
one dayeast week. Armistice service will be in the Unit-
Holmesville. on Monday afternoon, an and Mr. J. Hagan; ed Church at ten o'clock. Service . in
with a good 'attendance. Miss E.Log
1VIr. and Mrs Elmer Potter and Hensel', renewing acquaintances St. John's Church will be withdrawn.
family,and Mr. and Mrs John Pot- Monday. Health Improving
Goderich Township Plans
Hog Meeting November 15
Under the auspices 'of Goderich
Township Federation of Agriculture,
a meeting in the interests of the
proposed hog marketing scheme will
be held in Holmesville School at 8
p.m., on Thursday next, November 15.
Bel v
• e Coultes,gr i
hail s
cuss the plan in detail and
questions. F. K. B. Stewart, Clinton,
Agricultural Representative for Hur-
on on County, deputy returning offs
for taking the vote, will be present
to register voters and take the vote.
Junior Farmers, Institute,,
To Meet November 13
Linton Junior Farmers and Junior
Institute will hold their regular'
monthly meeting on Tuesday evening,
November 13. Lunch will be served
by the Junior Institute.
ensa , were m revin
ter snt Sunday with Mr. and `Mrs, in the village JohnSmithJr. and The many Health
of A. McConnell
"McDonald, Teeswater.RainiP and Mrs. Joh
ei's 11 moved to their farm in Port- will nedPto his bomcomucl improved,
Bazaar Raises $JL00 Wednesday lest•
et s Hi,l on o 'have been after spending some time in Clinton
A successful bazaar, under. the Mr, and•Mrs. Ione, wh
auspices of Holmesville W. A. and our the Moffatt farm for thepazt ten Public hospital. o—
VJ. M. S. was held in the Town Hall, yew's, havemoved to neve quarters
Clinton. The proceeds amounted to Miss Logan, Hensel]. and Miss WHEAT BOARD
The origin of the present Canadian
around $100.. + Micklevittie. Collin�•wnod, were true tr.
Miss Gertrude Bond spent the at the home of Mrs M. G. Beaty Wheat Board can be traced back to
Weekend in London visiting her sister, and Miss Mossop, Sunday. the Board of Grain Supervisors estab-
'Miss Helen Bond. ' Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs- fished be Order in Council 'on Estimated production of cheese in
Mr. and Mrs. Ii, J. Trewartha Ings were: Mr. and Mrs.. Gierhart June 11, 1917: This Board was set, Officials said Ontario. was able to Canada to 1945.is expected to be
=spent last Tuesday in London. Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs.: Wrieht�, up when it became evident that the ship 711 carloads of potatoes 1;0
n 0 Niletmvn; also Mrs. Horner and dao- open. market could no longer func- United States markets last year. This about 10 million pounds more than
r: Mrs. Krieger, Zurich. ' tion satisfactorily in view of the year's crop'•Was 25 per cent smaller the objective set• at the time of the
Huron 31 Vince ' Victory ghte , g p'p -Y Dominion -Provincial Agricultural
quotaperg ng growing im orta�iee of centralized. than last year's, due,. primer all to
Loan is31 cent l her Harvest Progressing of f{Conference held at Ottawa in Decem-
" than last time. Everyone will have With the past weels of fine weather wheat buying on the part of allied bad growing weather; and insect bet 1944.
'to `work that
Marketing Agency
15, (1) Subject to the approval of
W. McMillan Heads
McKillop Federation
Robert W. McMillan was elected
president, and Sam Scott, vice-pr"esi-
dent, of McKillop. Township Federa-
'tion•' of Agriculture at the annual
meeting in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth,
last week.
The 1945 officers will `carry on for
the rest of 1945, when the various
school sections will each name a
director and secretary. •
Paul Fisher, Burlington, was guest
speaker at the meeting. Bain ,Stew-
art, Agricultural Representative at
Clinton, spoke. A program, present-
ed by CKNX concert company, Wing -
ham, followed the meeting.
Artificial Insemination
Successful in Ontario
Several Centres Report
Seed Potatoes next week.
Nye strongly recommend you to put away your spring:
requirements of seed now.
Next spring may be too late.
Clinton, Ontario
The fourth recognized artificial
insemination unit to be launched in
Ontario, and the third within the last
two years, is now being organized
in Oxford County, by Oxford County
Holstein Breeders'. Club. Member-
ship in this club. is confined to owners
of purebred Holstein herds ,and. the
unit will be financed entirely by the
membership fees. •
The first large-scale experiment
made in Ontario was in' the Waterloo
County unit which met some initial
discouragements before making urns-.
the Board the local board is hereby cess• Last year some 500 Holstein
empowered to appoint the marketing
agency or agencies through whieh the
hogs produced in Ontario or any p
thereof shall be marketed.
(2) When a marketing agency or
agencies has been appointed for On-
tario or any part thereof every hog
Marketed within Ontario or such part
thereof as the marketing agency oar
agencies, has been appointed shall be Producers' Association. Both m
sold 'through the medium of or the. Waterloo and Leeds the crop of calves
direction of the agency or agencies.
cows and 200 Jersey cows were' bred
artificially, and conception was
around 85' per cent in all cases at-
tempted, a figure somewhat higher
than the average experience with
natural breeding.
The Leeds County unit has been
developed as a'co-operative project
between the'. Ontario Department of
Agriculture and the Ontario Cheese
1.6, The Board may exempt any per-
son or class of persons from the pro-
visions of these regulations or any
portion thereof.
New Freshman Course
To Benefit Service Men
A fresh first-year course at Guelph
Ontario Agricultural College for the
benefit of: servicemen who returned
too late to begin studies at the reg-
ular class opening in September will
start January 2, Hon. T. L. Kennedy,
Ontario minister of- agriculture has
announced. approximately
Col. Kennedy said pp .thy
100 men.will. be admitted •to
extra course, which will lead to the
usual degree after four years of
° Potato Crop
U. S. Heavy P p
Helps Canadian Situation
Ontario's 1945 potato crop is. the
poorest in years but bumper yields
on United States fauns will assure
an ample supply for the housewife
here, it was' reported, by the' Ontario
Department of Agriculture.
in the 'first year of operation was
exceptionally high.
Si,. York County the unit brought
into existence by the Maple Cattle
Breeders' Association as a self-sup-
porting venture, is now making rapid
progress. This project was organized
and financed' entirely by the farmers
of the district, with only technical
assistance and advice from the -de-
Ontario Agricultural College at
Guelph, where considerable artificial
insemination work has been done, is
giving valuable, assistance in the
training of technicians by providing
special two -weeks' courses , for vet-
erinaries and others who are interest-
ed in learning the technique of arti-
ficial insemination. All of the tech-
nicians now employed in the various
units, have been trained in these
Artificial breeding is still in its in-
fancy in Ontario, but the success al-
ready achieved will give impetus to
its spread' to other areas hi Ontario
where there is a sufficient concentra-
tion of cattle to make it feasible.
On general principles, eows within a
ten -mile radius from headquarters of
the unit are accepted for artificial
much .har'dei, the farmers are .catching' up with governments.
TOOr ■
IN ►
t r
IN � Y
• ales the pr
Eliminates Labor
Hand Labs.
Why do by hand, work that
can be done quicker, easier
and cheaper by machine?
Why put up.with the.:
drudgery and the time- and
money -wasting disadvan-
tages .of hand milking,
when you can enjoy the con-
venience and proflt-making
advantages of,doing this
wearisome daily task by
simply installing the Massey -
Harris Rite Way Milker' in
your barn? Ask your local
dealer for particulars.
SWITCH NOW to the Easy Way
M�°A 5
Rolling - Chopping Mining
Your Local SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE MILL offers you triple
service Custom Mixing of livestock feeds.
Home-grown grain rolled or chopped to your requirements and
mixed with SHUR-GAIN concentrates makes the freshest feed
possible to obtain.
Custom nixed feed, fortified with SHUR•GAIN Concentrates, makes
an economical feed that grows big, lusty livestock, and puts them
in top condition for heavy, sustained production.
Custom mixed feedplus lus SHUR-G'AIN Concentrates makes a Balanced
Feed :for full utilization of all the feed value of.your grain.
For most satisfactory feeding results, SHUR-GAIN Concentrates,
Complete Feeds, and Custom Mixed feeds, give you the utmost in
value for the least outlay of money.
Shur -Gain Concentrates, Complete Feeds,
and Custom Mixing.