HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-11-08, Page 5I [TICSDAY, `NOVEMBER, a, 1945 CANTON NEWS -RECORD' rNews-Record PAGE T9[V'E` Classified Adlets The '`NEWS -RECORD'S new reduced rate schedule for 'classified advertising is now in effect, The new rates apply if paidin cash -= NOT LATER THAN 9 P.M. ON SATURDAY FOLLOWING DATE OF 'ISSUE: 25 CENTS EXTRA. IF NOT SO PAID. Rates are as follows: One cent a word, cash, each, insertion, (minimum charge,' 25 cents); five insertions for the price of four; 10 petits' extra when replies are directed to the NEWS -,RECORD OFFFICE. or a bdx number: . • , Adlets are accepted up to NINE O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY NIGHT. FOR SALE HELP WANTED MIXED' WOOD, PHONEr 194, Clinton,' ,3-74-p ANNEX - IN 'GOOD CONDITION. Phone 216. 74-p KITCHEN RANGE, IN GOOD CON- dition. Apply Jellies Lockwood, Orange street. 74-p DeFOREST OROSLE1' CABINET' Electric Radio. Apply Fred Mulhol- land, Clinton, Phone 910x31, 14-p GOOD' COOICINGTURNLP'S. Put in your winter sepply,a1,75 pounds for $1.00' delivered. W, J. Forbes, Phone 90401, Clinton. 74=75-b MAN'S BICYCLE, ROAD MASTER, excellent tires, perfect running order, complete with carrier, ,Price $25.00. Apply NEWS -RECORD. 73-tf-b `BOYS BROWN PONY LEATHER Coat, beaver lamb collar, heavy.wool- len lining, size 14'years, in excellent -condition; sells 'at half original price. Apply NEWS -RECORD. ' FARMS' FOR' SALE 100 -ACRE FARM, GOOD GLEAN soil, well built, never -failing supply of water, bush, hydro available if desired. Apply at NEWS -RECORD. 73 -"r4 -75p 100 ACRES GOOD CLAY LOAM, some hush, brick house, bank barn, henhouse, driveshedl good .roofs and good water. Bargain to close estate. Many others also. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. "74-75-76-77-p ' PROPERTY FM SALE BRICI{ HOUSE, EIGHT ROOMS, all conveniences, well bleated. Apply P. Fingland, Clinton. 74-75-76b' TWO STOREY, SOLID BRICK, seven -room house, three-piece bath room, full basement, furnace, . good lot with .a quantityof, fruit trees, email barn, and garage. Possession. can be arranged soon. 11.'0. Lawson, Realtor, Clinton, Phone 251w, • AUTOMOBILES FOR SAVE 1932 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, Serial 'number .9309278, • two spare tires Appy F. Keelan, • 33 Princess Street, Clinton, Monday from 2'to 8 `p.m.' 74-p LOST AND FOUND LOST--4HAND SAW ON MAIN `ST., Clinton. Finder please leave at Police' Office. 74-p PURE BLACK HEIFER STRAYED 'to farm of A. T. Hebden, concession 16, Goderich Township about October 1. Owner may have same by proving -property and paying expenses. 7.4.12 STRAYED' 'WHITE FACED BLACK STEER, about 800 pounds, from lot22,: con- cession 3, Hullett. Anyone 'knowing • its whereabouts please communicate -with Roy Tyndall, phone 9d7r3 Olin- ' ton. .78-tf-»p 'POULTRY FOR SALE 150 LEGHORN PULLETS, LA'Y'ING. - Apply L. Etue, five miles south of Hayfield. • _ 74-p CAPABLE GIRL OR WOMAN 170R general housework and care for small child. Apply NEWS -RECORD. 74-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTEDTO BUY OR LEASE- in 'Clinton, modern medium-sized house in good location. Box A, NEWS -RECORD, 73-x LIVESTOCK FOR SALE GENUINE JERSEY COWS,' due to freshen in December, and bred to registered Jersey sire. Apply T. Leppington, Spencer St. 74-p WANTED WANTED - HEREFORD STEERS, 800-850 pounds. Apply James Mair, R.R.. 8, Clinton. Phone 910131: 74-p RAW FURS WANTED. -HIGHEST prices paid. Norman East, fur buyer, R.R. 1, Clinton. 74.75-76-77-78-79-p WANTED TO BUY -OLD HORSES for mink feed, humanely.kiiled. Gor •don Cudmore or Elmer Trick, phone Clinton 907r12 or 907r5, 74-tfb WANTED TO BUY -OLD HORSES and dead cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone at once. Fred Gilbert, 908r22 or Jack Gilbert, 908r21, 58-tf MISCELLANEOUS TOP PRICES PAID FOR BRICK OR frame building to he wrecked. Apply to Ivan Lankin, 149 Langarth Street, London, Met. 8280w. -tf HAVING PURCHASED A. FUR Dealer's, License, I am now in a position to buy your raw furs. Mervyn Batkin, Princess St., Phone 3593, 74-75-76-77-78-p BEATTY WASHER SERVICE, Goderich. New wringer roll replace- ment. Have, your washer checked now. Phone Hawkins Hardware. 71-5-p WILL .THOSE WHO TOOK NEW Zinc tub from Mrs A. Morris, Bal- lowe'en, please return same. "Now boys be manly about it. I really want nay tub.." Small reward. 74-p QUALITY FULLER BRUSHES. A limited number of Nylon and Bristle- combe:Hair Brushes for Christmas. Inquire 'for other products from Winnifred O'Neil, Phone 75j,• Clinton. Home Wednesdays and Saturdays to receive orders. 72-73-74-75-76p WOULD YOU LIKE 10 CENTS e dozen more for your eggs plus a premium. We pal a guaranteed price of 10 cents a dozen over price as quot- ed in Globe •and Mail for Grade A Large rngraded eggs plus hatchability premium on all eggs weighing 23 ounces and over per dozen. We cull and bloodtest' you dock free of charge. If you are interested in mak- ing more money from your eggs and supplying hatching eggs for the 1946 season write immediately for full de- tails.. • Tweddte Chick Ilateheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 73-74-75-76 '7Th It's Time to Winterize Your Car with White Rose Specialized Lubrication, ONE USED CAli RADIO FOR SAILE Murphy Bros. Garage Phone 465 Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Batteries Distributors Allowed Increase Cream Content Milk distributors are now allowed to sell ten per cent more butterfat in the form of cream, according to W. ILarold'M'cPhillips, prices and sup- ply representative for Western On- taiio on . the .Wartime Prices and Trade Board. This increase will provide for the greater population owingto returned service personnel, but will keep the per capita consumption at about dist year's level. However, Mr. McPhillips pointed out that the increased allowance is no indication of a better supplycon- dition, but is granted because of the problems' of distribution arising from the increased population. TOWN BUYS BONDS GODEBICH--Town . Council. `auth- orized purchase of $21,000 in Ninth Victory Loan bonds from trust funds of the town, FRAME! ROUSE, SHINGLED, FIVE rooms and three-piece bath, good cel- lar and asphalt roof, Immediate pos- session after Nov. 15. Apply Rapson, 75 Joseph 'St, 74-p BUSH LAND FOR SALE. Tenders will be received by the undersigned to the 28th November, 1945, for the sate' of 5 acres, more or less,, bush lands, being North' 10 rods of Lot 5, Fourth Concession, Eastern Division, Township of Col- borne. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.. Lands offered for sale to close an Estate. •" DATED this 6th day of November, A.D., 1945. F. FINGLAND, K.C. Clinton, Ontario. 74-75-76-b BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo' „Manicure Finger Waves Permanents Ethel Thompson Frincess St. East., , Phone 585 59 -ti' CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOK FLORIST Phones: 66w and, 662 PLASTER REPAIRING A. French Plastering Contractor Specialist in Cornice Work &. Decorative Plastering Plaster repairs promptly And neatly done Box 23 or Phone 187 Wingham Morgan Felt Hats: The New Fall and: Winter Veit Hats fox' men are now in stock, New styles and most wanted shades, At same old prices, A11 sizes 6• to J'• Have you bought your Winter Overcoat yet? If not---Bu3: it clow ---while we have a good assortment to choose from. The supply of clothing this year is decidedly limited and; phere will be few, if any, replacements, There has been no advance in prices .aria.!browns and greys still have the preference. lumsteel Brs. Arrow Shirts Achim lfats'-- Scdtt '$c McHale Shoes for Men Areats 'lip Top Tailors Cabbages For . Sale Now is'•the time to order your supply for winter storage. Order a bushel now.. F. W. ANDREWS CLINTON PHONE 33 William's Delivery Service Merchant deliveries a specialty Speedy and Courteous Service at all times Rates reasonable ` Phone 29 CHARLES W. WILLIAMS Batkins Locker Storage + ill SALMON STEAKS . per:lb. 30c . ,SALMON. FILLETS' „ per lb. 50c' COD PALLETS per Ib. 35c HADDOCK FILLETS per lb.' 35c + FARMER'S; STYLE SAUSAGE Per Ib. 25e' 'We Buy Hides "I'i°zee Foods are Better Foods", BIRTHS CARTER -4n Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, November 3, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Carter, Lon- clesboro, a daughter (1Catlileen Grace.) RAU-In Clinton Public Hospital, -on Monday, November 5, 1945, to. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred San, Goderich; a daughter (Judith Amne Marie.) MARRIAGES COOP'ER:-;HEiARD-4n Ontario St. United Church; Clinton, on Wednes- day, November 7, 1945, Mildred Anne Heard, daughter of Mr; and Mrs. J. L. Heard, Clinton,•to Robert Donavon Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. L A. I, Cooper, Haifax, N,S. FERRIN=LOBE In Ontario St. Unit- ed Church, Clinton, on Saturday, November 3, 1945, Donna Maxine Lobb, daughter •of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lobb, Clinton, to Technical Sgt. Derrald P. Perrin, USA/LP., son of Mr. anal Mrs. Frank Perrin, Council Bluffs, Iowa. DEATHS CHURCHILL -=On Friday, October 26, 1945, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, Williaii4 Thomas Lavern Churchill, beloved husband of Norma May Nobbs• father'of Barbara Norma,and David Arthur Lavern Ohurchill.' Interment Park Lawn Cemetery, :Toronto. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. William Mcelinehey wishes to thank the many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown during the recent sad bereavement' and for thebeautiful. floral tributes, with special . thax ks to :the Rev. Mr. Bulteel and to those who so kindly loaned their cars. . 74-p CARD- OF: THANKS Goderich Township, South. End Com- munity and Goderich Township Council: ,We feel that our thanks on Thurs- day evening were inadequate to ex- press our feeling of gratitude for the lovely gifts you gave us. A community that has done so much' deserves the highest commendation. It is a grand feeling coming back to a community that is bound so well together, and can get a job done when the occasion arises. If a spirit like that could reign through the world, a lasting peace would be assur- ed. :Thanks again from three grate- ful veterans. (Signed) H. B. McCullough, W. A. Craig, F. J. Middleton. 74-p CLEARING AUCTION 'SALE of FARM, FARM STOLrK, IMPLEMMENTS and FEED at Lot No. 17, Iltlton, Huron Road, 2 miles,west of Mutton, og.Righi)-ay No. 8, at 'die Mine of W. T. Potter on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 at 1 p.m, sharpy consisting of: HORSES -Black' mare, aged; bay mare, aged; bay horse, aged. CATTLE -Hereford heifer, 3 years old, du, a Dec, 28; Holstein heifer, 4 years old, due April 22; Poll Angus heifer, 4 years dld, due April 30; Poll Angus heifer, 4 years old, milk- ing; Jersey heifer, 3 years old, calf at foot;• Poll Angus cow, 8 years old, due Jan. 15; Poll Angus cow, 10 'years old, due Feb. 10; Holstein cow, 10 years old, due Jan; 29; heifer, 2 years old;'2 steers, 2 years old; 3 heifer calves; 2 steer calves: PIGS -Young sow, bred: 4 chunks. POULTRY 25 ,RockXLeghorii year-old hens. IMPLEMENTS Massey -Harris binder, 7 foot cut; • McCormick Deer- ing mower, 5 foot eat; Frost & Wood spring -tooth cultivator; Frost' & Wood bean scalier and puller; Frost &' Wood 10 foot hay rake; Frost & Wood' 3 -drum steel roller; riding plow; 2-furrow'gang -plowv; 2 walking Plows; 3 -section harrows; farm wag- on; flat rack; truck wagon; buggy; 'sleighs; cutter; cutting box; fanning, mill; DeLaval cream separator, 600 lb. capacity; team harness; single. harness; horse collars; slings; hay fork; cable and pulleys; forks, shovels and tools. ' FURNITURE -Quantity of house- hold furniture 'including Quebec cook stove, and heater, and other articles too numerous to mention. FEED and WOOD) - 590 bushels mixed grain; 16 tons mixed hay; 800 bushel mangles; mow of cut straw; ,quantity of cedar. PROPERTY -At the same time and place, there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, the property, being part of Lot No. 9, Huron Road Survey, consisting of 50 acres of land; more or less. On said property is a 9 -room frame cottage; •bank barn, 82'x50'; and cement silo, 12'x30'; driv- ing shed, 18'x80'; hen house, 18'x40'; and garage, and a never-failieg sup- ply of water. TERMS -On Chattels -Cash. . TERMS on Property made known on day of sale. W. T. POTTER, 'Proprietor. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. • 74-751 • 41100,1•ti ARROW TAXI 24 -Hour Service OFFICE PHONE: 182 Residence phones Reg Shipley ., 229 Cliff Ashton • 372j Harold Crittenden 173 1, MAY; THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRE SEAPORTH Now Playing: -.Alan Ladd and Loretta Young in "And Now To -Morrow" Now Playing: --.Phil Harris in I Love a Band -Leader" Nnw Playing: "Rainbow Island ' with' DorothyLamour' Mon. Tues and Wed. ac so "Bowery y; to Broadway The rise from rags to riches of two showmen who started out as bitter rivals but later became partners op•,Broadway. Maria Jack Oakie and Susanna Poster Mon. Tues. Wed. Veronica :Lake, Sonny Tufts and Eddie Bxacken Filled with music and laughter, a fast -paced medley of breezy entertainment, as ,, Being On the G1rTS Mon. Tues and Wed. Susanna Poster, . Donald' O'Connor and Turhan: Bey With a supporting cast of popular fun -makers in a riotous musical comedy. tOBOlVery to Broadway" y Thurs. Fri. and Sat.' Bud ABBOTT & .LouJoan L COSTELLO " with' Alan Curtis and Rita Johnson Join the fun .seekers on' a Mississippi showboat in, The Naughty Nineties"' Thurs. F2 r. and Sat. Fontaine George Brent . g end Demur O'Keefe:. In a story you will remember atu story that will pleasurably exercise your thoughts. "The Affairs of Susan" Thurs. Fri. and Sat BingCrosby, Y, Betty Hutton and Sonny Tufts In' l roleobounding gBan plays a dual : while Bing and Sonny `t minstrels. " "Here Here Come The Waves Coming: "NOB HILL" In Technicolor Coming: "THE ENCHANTED COTTAGE,,, with Dorothy . McGuire Coming: -- "TILL WE MEET AGAIN" with Ray Milland Matinees - Sat. and Hol. at 2.30 IN MEMORIAM LEPPI+NGTON--Jn loving memory of our . dear brother, Thomas Henry, who passed away, three years, ago on November 8, 1942, When all is still and silent And sleep forsakes my eyes, My thoughts are in the silent grave, Where my dear brother lies. -Lovingly remembered by sister and nd son-in-law Albert Liebold, ' IN MEMORIAM LEPPINGTON-In loving memory of William Thomas Edgar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leppington, Clinton, Ontario, who passed away at Galt, November 8, 1942. We lost our boy with a heart of gold, Who was more to us than wealth luntold; We have lost, but God has gained, One of the best this world contains.+ -Dearly beloved and sadly missed by his parents, sisters and brothers. AUCTION SALE of FURNITURE at Charles Lockwood's residence, Orange Street, Clinton, on' SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 at 1.30 pun. sharp, consisting of: ' three-piece Cheste5:field • suite, (nearly new); • Axminster rug, 6'x9'; rug, 6'x9'; felt rug pad; China cab- inet; • bi-cut oak rocking chair; r/. -cut oak arm chair; rocking chair; ext'en- s'ion table; six kitchen chairs, two large bevel plated mirrors; 2 beds; springs and' mattresses; Simmon's inner -coil spring mattress; three dressers; two wash stands; day bed; enamel front McOlary's range (nearly new); Quebec heater (nearly new); Eurea electric washing machine, (nearly new); writing desk; small tables'; "wheel' harrow;: ", numerous" other articles. TERMS -CASH CHARLES'LOCKWOOD, Proprietor G. M. LAWSON, Clerk EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 74-75-13 CLEARING , AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK - IMPLEMENTS:. FEED and FURNITURE at Lot No, 28, Goderich Township, Concession 7, Cut Line, 2 miles west, and 1/3 mile south of Holmesville on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 at 1 p.m. sharp, consisting of: HORSES:: Bay mare, five year„s. old; brown gelding, three years old; aged team. CATTLE - Hereford cow, four years old, due Dec. 2; Hereford cow, four years old, due Jan. 3; Durham cow, six years old, .due Jan. 12; Holstein cow, four years old, due Jan 20; Ayrshire heifer, three years old, due .Feb. 2; Black cow, five years old. due Jan. 23; Black cow, four years old, due Dec. 4; Black heifer, three years od, due Jan. 21; Farrow cow, seven years ; old, milking; three. heifers, two years old; one steer, two years old; seven heifers, one and one- half yars old; three steers, one and one-half years old; seven yearling heifers; two yearling steers; two heifer calves. PIGS -Sow, due to farrow Jan 2. POULTRY -125 year-old • hens, (Rocks X Leghorns); 240 pullets, laying, (Rocks X Leghorns). IMPLEMENTS -McCormick Deer- ing binder, seven foot cut; Massey Harris mower, six foot cut; Massey - Harris ten foot rake; 'Massey -Harris hay loader; Massey -Harris spring - tooth eultivetor; Massey -Harris thir- teen -hoe drill; Massey -Harris 14 plate out -throw disc; Massey -Harris electric cream separator, 590 ib. cap- acity (nearly new); Stewart No. 51. electric cattle clipper; Beatty 10" feed grinder; four -section harrows; a4-. horse power electric motor; walking plow; snifter; fanning mil; wagon; sliding flat rack„+ sleighs; cutter; forge (nearly new) anvil; steel vice; electric brooder; ' Colony house, 10'x10'; set of breeching harness; set of team harness; set of single har- ness horse collars and tops; pair of horse blankets (new); 50 cedar posts; 75 feet 3d" galvanized piping (new); 40 sap pails; sap pan and spiles; hay fork, slings and 150 foot hay rope (new) forks; shovels; logging chains; .whiffle trees; neck yokes; two rain shelters; two 80 -lb. milk cans; five steel pig troughs. FEED -100 bushel oats; 300 bushel mixed grain; 125 bushel wheat. PURNLTURE! - Oherry five piece parlor; suite Cherry drop-leaf table; two axnunster; „rugs, 10a/a'x12'; day bed, two bediogm, suites; springs and mattresses; kitchen cupboard; kitchen chairs; linoleums and numerous other articles. ' No reserve as proprietor has' sold his farm. TERMS -•CASH ALVIN 'COC, Proprietor. C. M. LAWSON, Clerk.'. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT,. Auctioneer ARE YOU TRULY SAVED? If you are trusting in good works you ARE NOT -Titus 3:5 If you are trusting in sinless life you ARE NOT -Rom, 3:23 If you are trusting in your own efforts you ARE NOT -Rom. 4:5 If you are trusting in church membership or ritual you ARE NOT-- Acts OT-Acts 16:31 If you are trusting in another's efforts you ARE NOT -I Tim. 2:5 BUT if you are trusting in Christ's finished work YOU SAVEI) -Eph.AREI 2:8,; 9. TUNE IN: Pilgrim Hour 7-7.30 81.11.S.T. Sunday evening LOCAL STATION OELW WINDSOR 11111.1.016. Huron -Perth Riding CCF. Matters of interest pertaining to the Represented at Meeting A largely attended CCP meeting of zone 9 was held in Kitchener on Wed- nesday evening, October 24. All five ridings in the zone were represented: Huron -Perth, Perth, North and South Waterloo and South Wellington. The president of the zone; Grieve Robinson, . Galt, was in the chair. • - AUCTION; SALE• of. PROPERTY, FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS at Joseph Aliauson's residence, corner of Victoria Terrace and Matilda St., Clinton; on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 at 1.30 p.m. sharp, consisting of: HORSES --Grey horse, aged; bay horse, aged. CATTLE; - Durham heifer, four years old, freshened; Holstein heifer, three years old, freshened; Blue Dur- ham heifer, four years old, freshened; Durham cow, six years old, due tome of sale; Durham cow, etght years old, due April 28; Durham heifer, four 'Years old, due March 17; Hereford cow, seven years old, due April 18; Black cow, six years old, due May 3; Black cow, six years old, due Feb. 10; Black heifer, four years old, due May 20; Durham bull, four years old; three heifer calves; one steer calf, IIVIPLEMENTS--Spring-tooth cul- tivator; Massey -Harris 13 -hoe drill; Massey -Harris binder, six foot cut; farm wagon. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to re- serve bid, the property consisting of Lots No, 108 to 105 and lots No. 94 to 101, of 7% acres of land, more or less. On said lots is seven -room frame cottage, insul-bricked; a bank barn, 30'x50'; garage; electric lights and town water. Also the property, lots No. 330 to 387, will be offered for sale, subject toreserve bid. Everything to be. sold as proprietor has purchased a farm, TERMS -CASH JOSEPH ALLANSON, Proprietor G. M. LAWSON, Clerk EDWARD W.ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 74-75-b provincial convention were discussed. At the conclusion of this very interyr esting meeting, the members of the Kitchener club served refreshments. The zone council will meet on Wed. nesday, December 5, with the Guelph unit in Guelph. TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF GODERICII ' • Tenders will be receive& ,by' •`the undersigned until November 21, for supplying power and • operating the Township snow plow at a price ppr hour. Lowest or any tender not necese sarily accepted. 11. G. THOMPSON, Cerk, R. R 2; Clinton. ,•, 74-754) Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Clare Holland,' Deceased Aril persons haying claiess agar gt the Estate of ClaraeHolland late .f the Town of Clinton,.iii the'County of Enron, Married Woman, who died Sp the 18th day of April( 1943, are re- quired to file proof thereof with the undersigned on or before November 17th, 1945, 'after which date such Estate will be distributed having r-- gard only to claims then received... Dated this 30th day of Octobei', 1945. McGONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for Administrator with Will annexed. .; 73-74-75-. CANADIAN i ATIONAL RAILWAYS TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart. ,. from Clinton as follows: Toronto and Goderich Division Going Past, depart 6.43 a.nii Going 'East, depart ... , , . 3.03 p.m. Going West, depart 12.04 p.m, Going West, depart 11.10 p.m. London and Clinton Division Coming North, arrive _.. 11::20 a.m. Going South, leave 320 p.m. See Our Stoves and Hecla Furnaces before buying. They are the Best , Prices Right FuIl Stock of Hand -made Pipes -All Sizes HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing - Beating - Sheet Metal Work Agent for Hecla Furnaces RESIDENCE 470 PHONE 244 NOMINATION MEETING Township of Goderich A meeting of the ratepayers of the Township of Goderich will be held in Council (limber of .the Towna.� . .oof CIyn#on Friday,November 23, at 1p.m. to nominate a Reeve ,arid four'Councillors.; also to nominate five Trustees for the school area. The election if any will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, at the following places: Ward 1, Orange Hall, C'on.• 4; Ward.2, house of Cliff Sturdy; Ward 3, house of George Hopson, Con. 4; Ward 4, house of Arnold Rathwell; Ward 5, house of H. McCartney; Ward G, house of R. Rowden. R. G. TH'OMPSON, Returning Officer ,acid Clerk 74-75-b