HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-11-08, Page 4AGrI ,''OUR
'Ob1L�N'y ;1\d l!NiiRCN AFFAIRS IN •
Ak.ND UIB'1'Rlll'1'
Wesley -Willis W. A.
Holds November Meeting
Thevem b er
No b meeting. of the W.A.
of Wesley -Willis United Church was
held in the Church Hall on Thursday
afternoon, November" 1. The vice-
president, Mrs. W. A. Oakes, was in
the chair. Mrs. H. Charlesworth was
The opening hymn was "All hail
the power of Jesus' name." Prayer
was offered by Miss Margaret Davies,
and theScripture reading was givers'
by Mrs. Wilfred Jervis.
The secretary, Mrs, G. H. Jefferson,
and the treasurer, Mrs. Percy. Man-
ning, gave their reports, as did Mrs.
E. Adams', corresponding secretary.
Mrs. J. P. Manning reported on the
'Christmas ' gifts for boys and girls
.still in service overseas; Mrs. Pickard
-for the manse committee; Mrs. C.
Nelson for the. property committee;
Mrs. Reg. Shipley for .social under-
takings, and Mrs. A. T. Cooper for
theflower committee.
Mrs. E. Addison and Mrs. G. Van
Horne were appointed visitors for
A striking committee composed of
Mrs. leg. Shipley, Mrs. Wilfred Jer-
vis, and Mrs. Charles Nelson, will
-report at the December meeting.
Arrangements were made for. the
annual "Christmas Party" which will
be held on the afternoon of Decem-
ber 6.
A hymn, and the Mizpah benedic-
tion, brought the meeting to a close,
after which tea was served by Mrs.
Nelson's group.
WOAA Annual Tonight
'To Make Hockey Plans
The annual meeting of the West -
•est„ Ontario Athletic Association is
,being held tonight in Wingham, at
which plans of activities for the win-
' ter season will be made:
In its initial year the association
sponsored hockey throughout many
Western Ontario. centres .and will
.probably again do so. There is some
•discussion of uniting the a formery
A christening ceremony was •per-
for•med at the home of Flt. Lt. and
Mrs. C. C. Cleland on Thursday last,
by Rev. Andrew Lane, minister of.
Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton,
when Robert John, seven -months' -old
son of Flt. Lt. and Mrs, Cleland, had
his christening ceremony recorded for
posterity and the 18 guests present
were eachgiven an opportunity to
wish the infant, a happy future. Mrs.
C'lelancl's mother, Mrs. W. J. Tufts,
Belleville, was present for the oc-
Mrs. MacKinnon I p eaks
1 of Sp
At Sunday Fireside Hour
Following the evening service in
Wesley -Willis United Church Sunday,
the young people held their regular
fireside hour with a fair. attendance.
The meeting was iii cliarge of the
executive. The president, Benson Sutq
ter, presided and conducted a sing-
song period at the beginning of the
meeting with Mary Lane at the piano;
Clete Potter had charge of the wor-
ship period and gave a short medita-
tion. She also led in prayer. Henry
Caminha read the scripture lesson.
The guest speaker of the evening
was -Mrs. Mae Rance MacKinnon, who
gave a very interesting , talk on the
use of expression in our daily con-
vereation. Mrs. MacKinnon •is a well,
known elocutionist and also has
taught the use of the voice.
Lillian Garrett played a piano solo,'
which was very much enjoyed. Rev.
Andrew Lane closed the meeting with
Wesley -Willis Girls' Club will hold
its regular' meeting on Tuesday,
November 13, at 8 p.m. in the Church
Parlour. Miss Mary • Torrance will
be the speaker and 'Mrs. M. Steep's
group will be in .charge.
Western Ontario Hockey Association
with the W,O.A.A. M. I,. "Tory"
Gregg,; Wingham, is president of the
ew Stock
o +'
We invite you to visit I
our second floor to,,. see' •.
our selection.
Remembrance Day.
11 a,m.—Memorial Service; unveil
ing of tablet and dedication; Canadia
Legion, and detachment from RCAF
Signals Training School, Clinton, wil
attend in a body. ,
Rev. Andrew. Lane will preach.
7 p.m.—Tire minister.
10 a.m.—Sunday: School.'
11 a.m.—Divine Worship.'
2.30 .in. Ba fieldr
p y Service.Sermon
subject: "The Song of the'Redeemed."
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup
per will be observed in both churches
Bible School at 11 a.m. We are
growing. Come help us to help you,
Evening; worship at 7 p.m. The
subject will be: "The Polly of Excess
Prayer' meeting -Wednesday at
8 p.m. , o •
Remembrance Sunday
11 a.m.—°,Rehabilitation of th
Canadian So'dier and Adjustment t
Civilian Life."
2 p,nr.—Remembrance Day Servic
at Turner's Church. Reading' of th
Honor. Roll.
7 p.m.—Memorial Service. Relative
of 'those who paid the supreme sac
rifice are asked to be present. Veter
ans of both wars are welcome. Th
Last Post wil be sounded. Names on
Honour`Roll to be read. This is the
Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month
Monday, 8 p.m.—Y.P.U., Missionary
department in charge.
Wednesday, 8 p.m. — Fellowship
Service. -
P. A. O.• C.
Sunday -2 p..m. Sunday School; ' 3
p.m., Gospel . Message; 7.30 p.m.
Evangelistic Service.
Tuesday -8 p.rn., Prayer Service.
Thursday -8 p.m., Bible study, "The
joy of the Lord, is your strength.'
J -Jesus, 0 -Others, Y -Yourself.
Pastor—Rev. IL Kendrick.
LA S � N—
Central °:
Tabernacle, Hamilton,
- at a ceremony conducted by Rev:_ J.
u H. Blair, Margaret McCrory, dau-
e ghter of Mrs. Thomas McCrory, he -
carne' the bride of Sydney John Law -
seri, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S.
Lawson; Burlington,' formerly of Clin-
ton. Miss Sadie, Buchanan, the bride's
niece, presided at the organ, while
the soloist was Mrs. C. E, Elford, who
sang "0 Perfect Love" and "Because."
Thomas McCrory gave his sister in
marriage. ,She wore a turquoise -blue
sheer gown, with snatching headdress,
and carried a white Bible adorned
with gardenias. Miss Prudence Mc-
Crory attended her sister, andwas
gowned in Chinese cherry shade
sheer, with a Harmonizing headdress,
and carrying a. nosegay of yellow
rosebuds and cherry -red gladioli.
Ross Freelton was best man. Usher-
ing the guests were C. E. Elford, and
George Buchanan.
Fifty guests were present at the
reception afterward,, held at the home
of the bride's mother. Mrs. McCrory
was dressed in purple, with black
hat and accessories, and a corsage
bouquet of Briarcliff roses and steph-
anotis. Assisting, the mother of the
groom wore a navy ensemble, with
e roses' and stephanotis.
For a honeymoon trip to Halibur-
ton, the bride was attired in a tur-
s quois;,blue wool suit, with brown hat,
- accessories and, mink furs.
An interesting 'wedding .took place
at the home of the bride's parents,
when the marriage of Edith Viola
Roney, daughter • of Mr: • and • Mrs.
Alexander Rpney," Dublin; to John
Frazer Bell, son of Mr. and Ms's. J.
L. Bell, Hullett Township, was sol-
emnized at the •home of the bride's
parents by Rev. F. G. Risdon.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a floor -length gown of
, white frosted organza with sweet -
.heart • neckline and lily -pointed
sleeves. Her 'finger=tip veil was
caught with a , coronet of white
flowers • and she carried red- rosebuds,
tied with' white streamers.
.Miss Hazel Roney, sister of the
4bride, was bridesmaid, wearing `=a
floor -length gown of white sheer with
shoulder -length veil held in a' halo
of sky blue feathers. She. carried
a bouquet of pink mums. Oliver
Wright, Seaforth, was best man.
Miss Ethel ,Roney. sister' of the
bride played' te Bridal Chorus from
A wedding dinner was served at
the home of the 'bride. Mr. and Mrs.
Bell' left on a brief ,lioneyrnoon. For
traveling, 'thee bride chose a wool
dress in ft\chsia..shade with brown
wool coat trinmiejiywith light fox col-
lar and matchingm -acees"sor#es. They
tivrll°dreside in TIS'' lett Township. .
Clinton Women's Institute
Holds Successful. • Bazaar
With A'hpRealized
W t ut $ 85
While the .weatherman advocated
ool weather for Saturday, November
the enthusiasm of the members ofm
Clinton'Woen's Institute did not
orrespond, for the Agricultural
card Room was a hive of business
n that day for their ,amoral bazaar.
The president, Mrs. J. B. Lavis,
nd Mrs, Frank Glew, of the ;Rem);
ion. committee, received .,.the visitors
s they arrived.
A pleasing feature of the 'afternoon
as a presentation of a pairof book-
ends from the W. I. to an honored
member, Mrs. J. McKinley, who re-
cntly moved to Zurich. The bazaar
vas officially opened in a novel way.
n alarm clock set for' three p.m.,
was placed whore . all could see and
ear. Promptly at three p.m., the
lams sounded and business got under
The novelty booth held a splendid
ariety of articles, which were taste
fully arranged, 'and , which, found
eady buyers. Mrs. • Venner, Mrs.
anley and Mrs, A. Holmes were in'
Those in charge of the Home-
eking booth certainly were kept
In Business Since 1885
Store Hours: 8.30 aan. to 6 p.m. Phones: 36W, 36J I
»I i3«t»:4.44: 41»:«o+:« ee-00e.e Beret :»ae: ««:»eteere tteeo 2w»S »:4« 2»k
hinder Auspices of Baptist Church
at 2.30 in
• ;Salad Plate and Jelly
White and Brown Bread
Cake Tea
30c 72-73-74b
underthe auspices of
Wesley -Willis Girls' Club
'Saturday, November 17
• 3 p.m. •
Baking, Fancy Work, Aprons
Nos elties
`.Salad Plate Bread and Butter
I '
Coupons now valid are sugar
46 to 65, butter '115 to 1.28,
preserves 33 to 57 and P1 to P19,
meat M1 to MM.
The Home of Good Eats.
NOW " is 'the time to have your
Suminer 'Clothes ' Cleaned'" before
putting away for winter;. moths
thrive on 'dirt.
Special Spot Cleaning Service,
or thorough dry cleaning.
We call for and deliver.
l LLAi ltl 10 4 to 5 -Day - Service - Phone 115
busy, with eager customers on hand
to purchase the tasty food, displayed
for sale. Mesdames R. Holmes, Cud -
more, •Ginn, W. S. R. Holrnes and
Fairservice, were in charge.
A guessing contest—guessing the
number of beans in a jar—was an
interesting feature, considering the
fact that a nice -plump chicken await-
ed the winner 'who was Mrs. Frances
•Steepe, Clinton. Mrs. E. Eups, Mrs.
Nay were in charge of this table.
The tea room was kept busy. Those
in charge of tables were Mesdames
Adams, Kyle, Batkin, Groves, Tyn-
dall, H. Jesikins and Miss Brigham.
In connection with the tearoom Mrs.
Johnson took charge of teacup read-
The kitchen staff, who so readily
prepared the tempting and tasty
plates for the tea room, were Mes-
dames . Crich, Layton, Ross, Rozell,
Cox, VanHorne,• Falconer, Nelson and
Miss Chambers.
The finance committee under the
capable leadership of Mrs. Sturdy,
who was also general convenor of
bazaar, wish to thank all who helped
in any way to make this bazaar
a success. Approximately $85 was
realized. •
On display in Agricultural Office
window will be seen three dainty
crib quilts Which are for sale, having
been made by Lrstitute members.
Please note the , change of date for
W. I. card party in Agricultural
Board Room—Thursday. November
15 at 8 p.m. instead of Tuesday p.m.
---0--- .
Sunday School's Value
Extolled by Minister.
.Tribute 'to;the value of the Sunday
School as an .organization was paid
in a sermon by Rev. R. A. Brook,
Hensall, at Wesley -Willis United,
Church, Sunday, morning. A large
congregation attended.
Rev. Mr. Brook gave a very fine
message pertaining o the value ,of
the Sunday School and its great work
in the training of children. The choir,
under the direction of the, organist,
Mrs: M. J. Agnew, rendered a suitable
anthem and a quintette composed, of
Catherine Fingland;, Matgaret Hol-
land, Jean Nediger, Audrey Jervis
and Isobel Chowen sang a number.
An added feature was when four
young men of the Sunday School,
Frank Fingland,YJr., Donald Jervis,
Donald Miller; ' and William Hearn,
togk up the offering._
In Ontario Street United Church,
Clinton, on: Wednesday, November '7;
1945, at 2: p.m., the marriage was
solemnized by Rev. G. G. Burton, of
'Mildred Anne, daughter :of Mr. ancl'
Mrs. J. L. Heard, Clinton, and Robert
Donavon, son of Mr, and Mrs. I. A.I.
Copper. Halifax, N.S. The groom
was discharged .recently from the
RCAF, after four=and-a-half years,
the greater part spent in Africa.
. Given in marriage by • her father,
the beide looked lovely in a lime green
wool street -length dress,. with snatch-
ing hat and black accessories. Her
corsage' was of red roses,
'Miss Florence Aiken, who attended
as bridesmaid, wore- a blue gray wool
dress with black accessories, and cos
sage of pink roses.•
Douglas Lucas, an, was grooms-
A• reception was held et the hone
of the bride's parents for the im-
mediate The bride's mother
ne 'ate relatives.
received, wearing ,a light green crepe
dress with Meek accessories and cor-
sage of yellow roses.. "A. wedding
breakfast was se,ved by Misses Lois
and Joyce Kearns.
The groom's gift to the bride was
a gold necklace apd bracelet.
• The happy couple left on a trip to
Toronto, Montreal and Halifax. For
travelling the bride wore a two-piece
red cherry crepe, dress with black
trimming, green coat with fur -trim-
med tuxedo front and black aeces-
series. They wilt reside at 11/2 Mur-
ray Place, Halifax.
Several telegrams of congratula-
tion were received from relatives in
ialifax and Bele-nude.
The b'room's parents were unable
to attend the ceremony.
A double ring ceremony w s solem-
nized in Danforth lve.: United
Church, Toronto, on Saturday, Octob-
er 27, for the marriage of Anna
Jessie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Bagler. to Tpr. Robert Wil-
liam Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Bennett, Port Arthur.
The church was decorated with yel-
low, and bronze 'mums. Mr. Morris
was at the organ, and accompanied
Mrs. Frank Gill, soloist.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a gown of ivory
satin, with lace yoke and full skirt.
Her fingertip veil fell from a coronet,
headdress, and she carried a cascade
;bouquet of red sroses .arid -bouvardia.
Her attendants were Miss Kay.
Furber, as maid'ofhonor, and Miss
Ethel Bagler, sister of the bride, as
bridesmaid. They wore matching
gowns of turquoise and 'rose crepe,
with sequin headdress, and carried
'bouquets of lavender 'mums.
I i Tpr. Howard Stewart' was grooms
xjian,: and Durwood Bennett, cousin of
the groom, and Bruce Johnston, were.
ushers. '' "
I ! A. reception was held in the church
parlors, where the bride's' mother re--;
ceived, wearing a dress of Queen's.
blue; with black aceessoeies and cor-
sage of pinochio roses.
For theire wedding trip to Detroit,
Mich., the bride ,wore a blue dress-
maker suit, with blue chesterfield top
lnllllllllumiionw imi�il oILI�991 I
�J..-•-�� JJilllll
�I Ill 11 1111 l lll�y 11
Mr•. and rMks. James Livermore
spent the weekend in London.
' Mrs. R. S. Atkey, Cookstown, spen
the weekend in town.
F. K. B. Stewart was a weekend
visitor with his. brother at Lochalsh.
Rev. Frank Herman, Markham, re-
turned home today, after visiting
relatives'' in town.
Wilbur Ford, London, was a visitor
with his mother, Mr's Jaynes Ford,
over the weekend.
Mr. and'Mrs. Howard Williams, St.
Catharines, were in Clinton' over the
weekend attending the Ferrin-Lobb
Rev. Harvey •C'olclough, Oshawa,
left ;today after spending a few days
with his sister, Mrs. William Pickett,
Mr. and hire. H. R. Tomlinson, Bar-
rie, Ont.; visited for a few days this
week with. their son, H. L. Tomlinson
and family. '
Joseph Yesbec, who was recently.
discharged from the army, hasbeen
visiting Mr. and Mita. John W.
Nediger, Jr.
Miss Nellie Kemp, principal of the
Continuation School, Becton, spent
the weekend with her father, Samuel.
Kemp, Ontario St.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston.ancl
son, Douglas, St. Catharines, were in
Clinton over the weekend attending
the Ferrin-Lobb wedding.
W. M. Adams, Toronto, spent the
weekend at the home of A. E. Prem -
lin. Mrs. Adams and babe returned
with him on Monday.
Miss Catherine Jefferson, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph S: Devereux, London, and
Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson visited Mr.
and ' Mrs. George Jefferson over the
Major. J. Ross. Carter, who returned
two weeits ago from overseas, and his
little daughter, Elizabeth, are visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Carter, Ontario -St.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 'E. Paterson, Wier -
ton, formerly of Clinton, have been
spending the past few days with Mr.
and Mrs.,...George Beattie, Ratten-
bury St.,' and' Mr. and ' Mrs. W. T.
Herman,' Kirk, St. •
Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Later/mil re-
turned to St. ThomasSunday after-
noon, after •attending the funeral of
the Tatter's brother,.Col. H. B. Combe,
and spending .a few days with Mrs.
Combe at "The Q,edsrzs," Rattenbury
Street, . • -
coat, and ' Week accessories, and
French -knot- corsages .:'Upon their re-
turn they will reside' in Toronto.
The bride is a'.granddaughter of
Mrs. A. Buxton, formerly of Seaforth,
who attended the wedelj rg, and of the
late Mr. and Mrs. 13. Hagler, Clinton.
Mrs. E. Cook, Detroit, attended the
wed ling..
Ontario Street. United Church,
Clinton, was the scene of a pretty
wedding, on Saturday, November 3,
when Donna Maxine, elder daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. • Lobb,
Clinton, was united in marriage to
Technical' Sergeant: Derrald F. Per.
run, IISAAF, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Perrin, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
The church was effectively decorat-
ed with yellow 'mums and a back-
ground of hemlock and ferns. Rev.
0. D..Cox, Bervie, uncle of the bride,
:performed the ceremony, with Rev.
G. G. Burton assisting.
The bride, • given in 'marriage bee
her father, looked very lovely in her
floor -length gown of ivory satin and.
swiss net,' with fitted bodice and
sweetheart neckline. Sleeves were
shirred and three-quarter length, Her
finger-tip veil was of illusion net,
caught up into a coronet of satin and
orange blossoms and she carried Bet-
ter Time roses. Her only ornament
was a double strand of pearls, gift
of the groom.
Her sister, Miss Mildred Lobb, Lon-
don, was maid of honor, and wore a
floor -length gown of net over ice blue
taffeta, with sweetheart neckline and
cap • sleeves. Her headdress was a
shoulder -length veil caught up into a
coronet of 'blue satin. She carried
Talisman roses. '
Little Betty Sturdy, Auburn, cousin
of the- bride, wearing a floor -length
dress of net over pink taffeta with
matching headdress, made a charming
flower girl. She carried a nosegay of
baby 'mums and rose.
The groom was attended by Corp-
oral B. W. Young, Toronto, recently
returned from overseas. The ushers
were Alvin Lobb, London, and Doug-
las •Johnston, St. Catharines.
During' the signing of the register,
"Till the End of Time"- was played
by the organist, Mrs. E. Wended,
with chimes accompaniment.
Following the ceremony, a reception
was held at the' hone of the bride's
parents. The bride was assisted in
receiving by her, mother; who wore
a black crepe dress with touches of
white, and black accessories and' e
corsage of Hollywood roses.
A buffet luncheon was served by
Misses Norma Streets, Vera Wild,
Marie Ellwood and Mrs. Gordon
Hildebrand to about forty ` guests.
Miss Dorothy Streets poured tea.,
Foye travelling, the bride donned a
black dress, pale blue gabardine.' coat,
with black accessories. They plan our
travelling through the States , and
visiting the groom's parents, followed
by 'which the groom will take
up his duties in the army in.
Guests were` present from` St.
Catharines, Woodstock, Toronto, and
The bride was honoured with two
showers, one from friends . at the
home, 'of. Mrs. Jer. Addison and: one
from the neighbours at the home of
Mrs.. Ernie Ellwood.
Group From Stratford Engagement Announced
Conducts Services Here
A group .from Stratford=all mem-
bers of Ontario .St.` Baptist Church
there— -took charge of. Baptist ser,
vices in this district on S nda . .
The trio consisted of ,Arthur Cham-
bers, who delivered the address; Fred
Bryant, who conducted the service
and Asolos.lbert Harrison, who contributed
The group were in charge of a
morning service at Huron County
Home; eu afternoon service at Aub-
urn; acid an evening sere& in Clin-
ton, the .basement pf Clinton Presby-
terian Church having been loaned for
the occasion. •
London Road Ladies
Granted $10 to. Hospital
The London Road Club held its
October meeting at Mrs. Roy Plum -
steers home, The president was in
the chair, and opened the meeting by
singing "Juanita," and repeating the
creedin unison.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and declared correct. Two
"thank -you" letters were read. The
treasurer gave the report and all bills
were handed in •to be paid. It was.
decided to give $r1O to the Hospital
for Sick Children, Toronto.
The buying committee had bought
13 yards of flannelette and three
babies' jackets and five babies'
dresses were given to members to
The roll ca11, something to be
thankful for, or a gift for a layette,
was answered by 13 members, and
one visitor.
The next meeting will be held at
Mrs. Swinbank's home, November 15.
The roll call will be a Christmas gift
The meeting closed with a prayer.
Lunch was then served by the hostess,
and a social half 'hour was spent.
Red Shield
The regular meeting of the R., S.
W. A. was held in' the work rooms
with 17 members present. The col-
lection amounted to $1.35. It was
"pot -luck," and 'a most delightful
lunch was served.
Will the families who have boys
overseas, please let Mrs. Leppington
know the change of address by 'Sat-
urday at the latest?
Ladies to serve next week are:
Mrs. Habkirk, Mrs. Miller, Mrs.
Articles brought in by the Happy
War Workers: nine pairs socks, five
tea towels, six boys shirts, one layette
with mother's night gown, one pair
girl's shoes, one child's pyjamas,
slid six, 'one woman's pants, size
large, two quilts.
Mrs. G. R. McBrien, Detroit, Mich.,
arid son, 2nd Lieut. W. A. McBrien,
who has just returned home after
spending 38 months in •the Pacific
Theatre of War, spent last week in.
town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hanly.
Mr. and Mrs
T. M. Snowden, R:IL,
2, Zurich, wish to announce , the en-
gagement of their younger 'daughter,
Mary 0, to John A. Keys, son of
Mr. and Mr's. A. P. Keys, Varna, the
wedding to take place quietly the
middle of november.
The members of the Ladies' Legion
Auxiliary will assemble at the Tower
Hall on Sunday, November 11, at
10.40 a.m. to parade to Wesley -Willis
United Church.
The regular meeting of the Ladies'
Legion. Auxiliary will be held in the
12Legi,at on•H8,15al,l on Monday evening, Nov.
I Mrs. E. Kennedy, Mrs. M. T. Cor-
less and Mrs. H. Fitzsimons, Clinton,
received word on Thursday last that
their brother, Dr. R. I. Colquhoun,
had passed away in Glendale, Cali-
, Dr. Colquhoun had been ill for some
time and his : death was not unex-
Cemetery, Clandeboye.
ted Wed -
red Ang-
A. Hod-
Lavern Churchill died in St. Jos-
eph's Hospital, Toronto, on Friday,
October 26, 1945, due to a serious'
heart condition, complicated by
The only son of Mrs. Churchill and
th'e late David Churchill, he was born
in Goderich Township, attended Clin-
ton' Collegiate Institute, and was a
graduate of University ,of Western
Ontario, London, and Osgoode Hall,
Toronto. For. the past 20 years he
practised law in Toronto.
''Surviving are his mother; -wife, and
two children, 'Barbara' 'and David
Four sisters 'also survive:
Mrs. Zerelda Massey, Goderich; Mrs.
R. E. :Shaddick (Pgpr1), Hensall;
Mrs. George Lavelle, (Ruby), Palmer-
ston; and Elvers, Toronto.
The funeral was held from the
Chapel Of Turner and Porter, on Mon-
day, October 29. 'Interment was in
Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto.
Funeral rites were condue
nesday afternoon, October 31, for
Rev. Kenneth McGoun, rets
lican minister who died at St.
Hospital, London. Before his retire-
ment six years ago, Rev. Mr, McGoun
had served parishes at Lucan,Clinton,
Huntingford and Dutton.
The service at St. Luke's Anglican
Church, Broughdale, was conducted
by the rector, Rev. M. B. Parker. '
Honorary pallbearers were William
Howe, Erle Richardson, Warner Mil-
ler, Leslie Holmes, W. Winder and
M. Herbert. Active bearers were
James Wilson, Steve Irwin, Robert
Marsdon, R. B. Thompson, T.
gins. and U. F. Stanley.
Interment. was in St. James'
A collection of winter
coats, lavishly 'Fur -
Trimmed with Per-
sian Lamb, Mouton,
Brown • Squirrel,
Silver, Red or Brown
In Misses', Women's
and -Half Sizes,
DUCEI t for Quick
i •
• ,
Fur Coats
Be comfortable this winter in a. smart Fur
p at a minimum price. We have
them from $135.00 to $230.00. Sizes 14 to 20,
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